Im Looking for something like the app of the ipad2, Photo Booth...
Im refering to this:
Do you know where i can find something like that?
Is there any chance to port it to the xoom?
There is no "porting" of iphone apps to android. The only way to get one over is to rewrite it from scratch. But there are several camera apps in the market that apply different filters and such to photos.
Anyone know how to change the location of pictures taken with the camera? I'd personally like to save them in /sdcard/Pictures/Camera.
I don't believe you can (at least from the in-app menus supplied with HTC's Camera app). You can always search the market for an alternative camera app. I know it's probably not ideal (I prefer to keep things as stock as possible), but it may be the only option until a dev can edit the APK.
Hi Everyone,
I have a problem since so long, tried to find a really working solution for that, but I've failed many times, and that thing always went to parking space at my to-do list.
So let me ask a question. What is the best app for syncing your contact list pictures with facebook? And I know, there are a lot of apps doing that, what really concerns me, is the quality of them. For ex, many phone apk-s seem to support bigger pictures, but everyone of it displays pictures like it was magnified from a freakin thumbnal, and looks.... really bad.
Anyone has a solution for that? Tips?! I'd really appreciate it, and thanks in advance
i am not really following you...what about facebook official application ?
i think he's talking about google changing the quality of contact-pictures. doesn't matter how hq they are on your phone, as soon as you sync your contacts with your google-account, quality is degraded. this is happening on all platforms (android, ios, winmo...) - go complain to google. (not that they listened in the past 2 years... ^^)
only "solution" until they change that on server:
don't sync your contacts with your google-account.
Have you tried full screen caller I'd from the market? Lots of options. Not sure how well it works as its $5+
yeah, FSCI was used on my galaxy spica though, it had a lot of bugs, errorous facebook messages, missed calls by application fc-s. Havent tried on nexus yet, but that didn't seemed to be a stable working solution by then.
Anyway, I'm sorry to hear that, in fact I hoped there is a way to solve it, I thought that its quality is bad because of the google cached pictures.. :\
It's kinda makes me wonder, that on ICS the caller pic is way bigger (ok, sdk port, but kinda looks like the phone app will not get a complete revamp till the release), so maybe they tend to do something with this problem... or at least I hope so
Syncmypics has always done okay but never gets them all.
I just picked up a nexus s 4g and it is syncing Facebook photos.
Is there a way to disable the "sharpening" filter/effect that the stock gallery app seems to put on every single photo? I've seen a few related articles on this subject, but none of them really seem to solve the issue. If it means having to download a new application, I'm perfectly OK with that, but I'd like some recommendations if possible; I've tried a few others, but I really like the way the stock application handles organisation and display styles...
If there is already a thread on this that I missed while searching, let me know and I'll request this to be deleted.
Do you have any apps that you really enjoy using that not many people know about? Please share
I'm always on the hunt for possible new apps to use.