[Q] Need to S off again after updating t new Hboot ? - HTC Desire S

I recently updated to the new hboot 2.00.2002 and was wondering if i need to s off my device again since it shows that the device is now s on after updating to the new hboot.
Sorry for noob question.

You only need to post your question ONCE.


Note on rooting Desire S 2.3.5 Sense3.0 HBOOT 2.00.0002

OOPS .. my bad but it did not seem to work for me after all. So ignore this post please...
Major apologies from this side of the screen.
I wanted to post this as an addition to an already existing post. However as a newbie I cannot (yet) do that.
So here it is anyway, hope it helps and maybe this can be added to that specific post?
This post is based on the : {GUIDE} Root Desire S hboot 2.00.0002 android 2.3.5 the easy way
> I downloaded the mentioned v2.2 off the application, but it got stuck after restarting the so called ADB server
> Then I tried the HTC DEV way, but they couldn't be bothered to register me
> So I looked for the original webpage of SuperOneClick ) and downloaded the latest version of the application.
Now to find a way to get S-OFF + finally get that CM7 on my phone.
HTC Desire S (of course)
Android 2.3.5
Sense 3.0 (updated in November 2011)
HBOOT 2.00.0002
If I understood your question correctly and you need to S-OFF your phone - this is your method. I used it - works flawlessly and no info about voiding your warranty is sent to HTC (which happens when you unlock the bootloader at htcdev.com)
I am truly sorry, but (being a newbie) I did not check properly and the method did not work for me.
Stupid me, huh?
It seems that my upgrade is too new (november 2011) and then this does not seem to work .. for me at least it doesnt
Now thinking of trying the HTCDEV method.

[Q] What happens with my phone when downgrading Hboot?

I have recently looked everywhere on the internet to see what happens when I downgrade my hboot, but I can't find what im looking for.
I have an HTC desire s with hboot 2.00.0002, and want to downgrade because i want to s-off it.
So im now asking you all: What does happen with my phone when I downgrade the hboot?

[Q] firmware turning S-Off to S-On

First of all, I do sincerely apologize if this question have been answered already. Now to my question:
I want to reflash my device (HTC 3D) and since I've already done it, I've turned off my S-On (so I have S-Off now). I want to flash this rom but I need to have their firmware. It is quite a long time since I've done the flashing (like a year or so) and I'm not sure whether that firmware will turn my S-Off back to S-On. Is it safe for me to flash the firmware?
Thank you for any answers.
And, once again, I will answer my own question - no, it won't do anything to my S-Off... That's just for the newbies like I am who would search for similar answer.

[Q] assistance in finding HBOOT 2.15 files.

Hey guys just a quick question and i know look before you ask but most threads pertaining to this subject seem to be rather dead. so.
im looking for the files to downgrade from 2.16 back to 2.15 at which i have not been able to find a still functioning link for any of them
im S-OFF / unlocked / T-Mo
running PA Hboot2.16 unofficial TWRP 2.7.01
wanting to downgrade simply because right now primary rom development is still under 2.15
could one of y'all lend me a hand?
Is it a wrong way to simply relock and flash-zip any files at AndroidRUU?
Either RUU or firmware.zip from inside OTA.zip(less questions asked)

[Completed] [Q] A little help upgrading hboot - HOX

So I'm a first time flasher and i've done my thorough reading and research.
I have an at&t HTC one X, but i'm using it in India.
I was flashing it to CM11 Snapshot, for which i have unlocked bootloader from HTCdev, i already had S-Off and CID-11111111 (no idea why... and can someone explain what is supercid btw ?)
Also installed twrp and its inbuilt supersu. I verified full root access with root checker.
Right when i was ready to finally flash the CM11, i get an error message saying that i have hboot 1.14 and that i need a higher one (1.19 i think... dont remember)
Ive checked for the solution, it seems that i need to install the 3.18 RUU to update hboot to 2.14. However, its not available on the following link, So i guess i shud get the next available RUU, which is 5.18.
I also read that i cant root 5.18, unless im already rooted. So i dont have to worry about this right ? (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1952038&page=58)
2 questions here,
Will it matter if i get 5.18 instead of 3.18 ? Plus, the 5.18 ruu is an exe file, not zip... is the flashing procedure different ?
I dont want to update the entire RUU, i just want to update my hboot. Is it possible ? If yes, how ?
I read that rooting is different for 3.18 than my current 2.20 firmware. I dont understand that either :/
( http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1671237 )
And i need to toggle my bootlock ?
( http://forum.cyanogenmod.org/topic/74576-only-support-214-hboot/ )
Thats probably a lot of questions. But im really trying to understand this right. Basically what i wanna know is, what exactly do i do next to simply update my hboot safely, and then cm11.
zain910128 said:
So I'm a first time flasher and i've done my thorough reading and research.
I have an at&t HTC one X, but i'm using it in India.
I was flashing it to CM11 Snapshot, for which i have unlocked bootloader from HTCdev, i already had S-Off and CID-11111111 (no idea why... and can someone explain what is supercid btw ?)
Also installed twrp and its inbuilt supersu. I verified full root access with root checker.
Right when i was ready to finally flash the CM11, i get an error message saying that i have hboot 1.14 and that i need a higher one (1.19 i think... dont remember)
Ive checked for the solution, it seems that i need to install the 3.18 RUU to update hboot to 2.14. However, its not available on the following link, So i guess i shud get the next available RUU, which is 5.18.
I also read that i cant root 5.18, unless im already rooted. So i dont have to worry about this right ? (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1952038&page=58)
2 questions here,
Will it matter if i get 5.18 instead of 3.18 ? Plus, the 5.18 ruu is an exe file, not zip... is the flashing procedure different ?
I dont want to update the entire RUU, i just want to update my hboot. Is it possible ? If yes, how ?
I read that rooting is different for 3.18 than my current 2.20 firmware. I dont understand that either :/
( http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1671237 )
And i need to toggle my bootlock ?
( http://forum.cyanogenmod.org/topic/74576-only-support-214-hboot/ )
Thats probably a lot of questions. But im really trying to understand this right. Basically what i wanna know is, what exactly do i do next to simply update my hboot safely, and then cm11.
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First of all, I'm not familiar with your device.
As you found already the specific forum for your device, please ask in the AT&T, Rogers HTC One X, Telstra One XL > One X Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting > [Q&A]{Evita/One XL} Noob Friendly Q&A + General Help - Ask Any Question! thread.
There you will surely get quick and proper help.
Thread closed and thank you.

