Hello all,
I have an idea and I would like to ask someone to prove or confute it.
Given a Desire S out of box, full stock. What if we downgrade it to the oldest RUU, and S-OFF with the Revolutionary way. install engineering HBOOT, and tries to restore its stock status (standard HBOOT, S-ON, unrooted etc). The question is: what if we upgrade it to the latest (2.3.5 w/ Sense 3.0) RUU? What will be seen in the bootloader's header? LOCKED or RELOCKED? Because if you unlock your phone via, the new software version (or how to call it) will record this somewhere, but downgrading to an older version this can't be seen (but we know it is there). So if it is only because of the behaviour of the latest software, can we circumvent it with a downgrade?
In other words (just to clear thing up):
known to void warranty: HBOOT 2.00.0002 --> unlock via --> fastboot oem lock --> bootloader shows RELOCKED (downgrading makes this disappeared, but comes back after upgrading to current version)
method in question: HBOOT 2.00.0002 --> downgrade to 0.98.000x --> unlock/S-OFF via Revolutionary --> relock/S-ON --> upgrade to HBOOT 2.00.0002 --> bootloader shows ???
Unfortunately I don't own a DS personally, but one of my friends do, but he doesn't want to put a custom ROM on his phone until he is sure it is possible to keep the warranty this way.
Any answer is appreciated, and of course thanks in advance.
Already reported by several people on the forum. Will show RELOCKED. As you said yourself, the status bits don't change with downgrade, and when upgrading back - the new bootloader reads just what there was before the downgrade.
Thank you, but what really interests me is the oldest RUU. Is this bit set by this also? 'cause I understand what you wrote, this bit is there whether you are using the 1.28.401.1 or the 2.10.401.9, but is this bit set by both and read only by the latter? In this case it is a no go for my friend without void the warranty
So I'm curious does 1.28.401.1 also set this bit to "tampered"?
craftman said:
Thank you, but what really interests me is the oldest RUU. Is this bit set by this also? 'cause I understand what you wrote, this bit is there whether you are using the 1.28.401.1 or the 2.10.401.9, but is this bit set by both and read only by the latter? In this case it is a no go for my friend without void the warranty
So I'm curious does 1.28.401.1 also set this bit to "tampered"?
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This "feature" was implemented in Sense 3 update after the launch of It is present on previous versions like 1.28.401.1, therefore nothing is read by the bootloader. But the flag is there and nobody managed to find and change it so far.
Sent from my HTC Desire S
That's a pity. Then he has to wait for the offical ICS with Sense 3.6 which is not so far (hopefully).
Thanks for both of you for helping out a newbie.
Hi guys, so after having some trouble with my phone randomly rebooting while running ViperXL, I've decided to relock my bootloader, reload the RUU 1.85 firmware, and then re-unlock my bootloader. However, I'm not really sure how to go about doing this.
I've had my phone since it came out on AT&T, and I *think* I was on the 1.85 firmware back when I rooted it. I only recently unlocked the bootloader and installed the ViperXL ROM, so now I'm not too sure as to what RUU I was on before.
So, I have a couple of questions I was hoping somebody would be able to answer:
I looked through the indexed compilation, and I didn't seem to find anything that would help me relock the bootloader. Could someone help lead me in the right direction?
Additionally, on the Stock RUU 1.85 for Cingular forum page, there's a notice saying that it "breaks the current root exploit". I'm not too sure what to make of that, considering that it was last updated in May. However, my phone was rooted back in June-ish, so I'm not sure if that root exploit is the same exploit that they are alluding to. Would i possibly have to re-root my phone afterward?
Lastly, after getting the stock RUU installed, is there a different process that I need to go through to re-unlock the bootloader considering that I was already unlocked before? Or do I need to follow the same exact procedure I did the first time?
Thanks for the help, and I apologize for the length of this forum post.
crazylilazn said:
Hi guys, so after having some trouble with my phone randomly rebooting while running ViperXL, I've decided to relock my bootloader, reload the RUU 1.85 firmware, and then re-unlock my bootloader. However, I'm not really sure how to go about doing this.
I've had my phone since it came out on AT&T, and I *think* I was on the 1.85 firmware back when I rooted it. I only recently unlocked the bootloader and installed the ViperXL ROM, so now I'm not too sure as to what RUU I was on before.
So, I have a couple of questions I was hoping somebody would be able to answer:
I looked through the indexed compilation, and I didn't seem to find anything that would help me relock the bootloader. Could someone help lead me in the right direction?
Additionally, on the Stock RUU 1.85 for Cingular forum page, there's a notice saying that it "breaks the current root exploit". I'm not too sure what to make of that, considering that it was last updated in May. However, my phone was rooted back in June-ish, so I'm not sure if that root exploit is the same exploit that they are alluding to. Would i possibly have to re-root my phone afterward?
Lastly, after getting the stock RUU installed, is there a different process that I need to go through to re-unlock the bootloader considering that I was already unlocked before? Or do I need to follow the same exact procedure I did the first time?
Thanks for the help, and I apologize for the length of this forum post.
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Your CID should be 11111111, so you can unlock your bootloader again using the same unlock token from your first unlock. You will need HTC drivers installed.
to relock your bootloader,
Fastboot files
download and extract to desktop
open cmd and type cd Desktop
then cd foldername (the folder where fastboot is)
Boot into fast boot on your phone
then type fastboot oem lock
crazylilazn said:
Hi guys, so after having some trouble with my phone randomly rebooting while running ViperXL, I've decided to relock my bootloader, reload the RUU 1.85 firmware, and then re-unlock my bootloader. However, I'm not really sure how to go about doing this.
I've had my phone since it came out on AT&T, and I *think* I was on the 1.85 firmware back when I rooted it. I only recently unlocked the bootloader and installed the ViperXL ROM, so now I'm not too sure as to what RUU I was on before.
So, I have a couple of questions I was hoping somebody would be able to answer:
I looked through the indexed compilation, and I didn't seem to find anything that would help me relock the bootloader. Could someone help lead me in the right direction?
Additionally, on the Stock RUU 1.85 for Cingular forum page, there's a notice saying that it "breaks the current root exploit". I'm not too sure what to make of that, considering that it was last updated in May. However, my phone was rooted back in June-ish, so I'm not sure if that root exploit is the same exploit that they are alluding to. Would i possibly have to re-root my phone afterward?
Lastly, after getting the stock RUU installed, is there a different process that I need to go through to re-unlock the bootloader considering that I was already unlocked before? Or do I need to follow the same exact procedure I did the first time?
Thanks for the help, and I apologize for the length of this forum post.
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It will break root, but you can get that back with one of the original ways since you will still be on 1.85.
Sent from a slithery smooth phone!
Just flash another rom or wipe and reflash. Ruu will probably not help a random reboot.
Yeah same, I'd try a different ROM without going back to stock just to come to custom ROMs again.
Sent from my One X
crazylilazn said:
Hi guys, so after having some trouble with my phone randomly rebooting while running ViperXL, I've decided to relock my bootloader, reload the RUU 1.85 firmware, and then re-unlock my bootloader. However, I'm not really sure how to go about doing this.
I've had my phone since it came out on AT&T, and I *think* I was on the 1.85 firmware back when I rooted it. I only recently unlocked the bootloader and installed the ViperXL ROM, so now I'm not too sure as to what RUU I was on before.
So, I have a couple of questions I was hoping somebody would be able to answer:
I looked through the indexed compilation, and I didn't seem to find anything that would help me relock the bootloader. Could someone help lead me in the right direction?
Additionally, on the Stock RUU 1.85 for Cingular forum page, there's a notice saying that it "breaks the current root exploit". I'm not too sure what to make of that, considering that it was last updated in May. However, my phone was rooted back in June-ish, so I'm not sure if that root exploit is the same exploit that they are alluding to. Would i possibly have to re-root my phone afterward?
Lastly, after getting the stock RUU installed, is there a different process that I need to go through to re-unlock the bootloader considering that I was already unlocked before? Or do I need to follow the same exact procedure I did the first time?
Thanks for the help, and I apologize for the length of this forum post.
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this has answers to all your questions
enjoy the read...
Hello everyone.
I am new to this part of the forum for i just received a somewhat non working AT&T HTC ONE XL from a friend.
I presume he did not read much into his issue at the time and messed up this phone one way or the other.
Basically the phone works, just not as a phone.
So i will take my time to explain the whole situation with as much detail as possible.
I am personally familiar with rooting, setting up recovery and installing custom roms on android phones (just not on this model yet).
The phone details in its current state are:
- android version 4.0.4
- htc sense version 4.0
- software number cleanrom 4.5 beta2
- htc extension version htcextension_403_1_ga_20
- kernel 3.0.8-01564-gdc95f45
- baseband
As soon as i received the phone, i contacted at&t to ask for an unlocking code, they gladly oblige.
I insert the new SIM card (non AT&T) and the phone asks me to insert the code. After correctly inserting it, the phone accepts the code and proceeds to reboot. After the reboot i get the phone locked screen again and asks me for the code one more time.
At this point i start searching online for the official firmware from htc for this specific model and find the 4.2.2 version and proceed to install it according to their requirements and steps (in manual mode from a desktop pc since the rom installed doesn't have the update feature).
The process gets locked at a point and cannot proceed further.
Phone boots normally again and i decide to do a factory reset. This i when i notice a teamwin custom recovery was installed which is what is blocking the official rom installation.
So at this point i am open for ideas.
I'm positive the issue is not very hard to solve but i also know that i am missing the original recovery. I can only guess no official updates were installed so the phone was running the original 4.0.4 version.
Meanwhile i will be scouting this forum on how this phone exactly works for i understood that there were two forms of recoveries for it (one full and one partial).
I still don't know the recovery version, if it's good, how to access it (different combinations of volume and power pressing didn't work for me).
Finally your opinion on how to make the phone unlocking code work, as in would i need to go back to official, or would a custom different rom work as a solution.
Wish you guys a good day and awaiting your feedback.
Need more info. Boot into bootloader by holding down both the volume down rocker and the power button. After the power button is held for a few seconds, you should see the capacitive buttons flash a few times, and the phone will reboot. Let go of the power button, but DO NOT let go of the volume down rocker until the while hboot screen comes up. When you see the hboot screen, tell us what it says.
In particular, we need to know if it says s-off or s-on, if it says CID 11111111, and hboot version. Also, if it says LOCKED, UNLOCKED, or RELOCKED.
Official RUU will not run if the bootloader is UNLOCKED (needs to be RELOCKED or LOCKED). But be aware, if the phone is superCID and s-on, running a Jellybean RUU or OTA will brick the phone. Which is one of the reasons we need the bootloader info.
RUU does not need to have stock recovery to run, only OTA does. My guess is your bootloader is unlocked, or its the wrong RUU. Any error message when the RUU fails (if so, what does it say)?
Hi, thank you for your quick reply.
I'm going to write down all that is written in the recovery for i still don't understand what locked or unlocked means, s-on or s-off.
anyway, here goes:
evita pvt ship s-on rl
i can't find anything related to cid and i'm still not used to this recovery just yet. wouldn't want to press anything just yet.
i hope i gave enough info and i guess it doesn't look too good just yet.
thank you again for your help.
you should remind me to reduce the use of "just yet".
i'm doing some more reading about superCID and S-on or S-off.
I understand there's a utility from this thread that could determine the supercid status.
again i'd like to point out i have no clue what has been done to this phone so i am trying to handle it with as much care as possible in order not to brick it.
in case superCID is 1111111 and naturally i don't have the original CID, where would that leave me?
As i am understanding slowly how this phone works, if the previous user managed to install a custom rom and a custom recovery on it, would only make sense to assume the superCID has been modified? (i'll be running the tool shortly unless someone jumps and says NOOOOOOOOO don't do it!!!)
I also noticed the teamwin recovery installed is
next is understanding what s-on and s-off are all about.
i have a feeling my chances of reverting to stock firmware are slimming. this is quite a complicated phone, nice challenge.
i'm going to point out again what my main problem is: i can't unlock the sim using the code provided by at&t since as soon as the phone reboots it asks me again. so i don't mind whichever route to take, whether custom or stock, as long as i can unlock the sim the simple way.
srasiroslayer said:
At this point i start searching online for the official firmware from htc for this specific model and find the 4.2.2 version and proceed to install it according to their requirements and steps (in manual mode from a desktop pc since the rom installed doesn't have the update feature).
The process gets locked at a point and cannot proceed further.
Phone boots normally again and i decide to do a factory reset. This i when i notice a teamwin custom recovery was installed which is what is blocking the official rom installation.
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This is not correct (the text I've bold faced above). OTA requires stock recovery, but RUU does not.
What stopped the RUU from working, is that you bootloader is unlocked (as indicated by the "unlocked" text in hboot). But in your case, you are lucky, since if you were trying to run the 3.18 Jellybean RUU, if it had gotten past the bootloader lock check, it would have bricked the phone (known bug) if you have SuperCID (which is pretty likely).
To reiterate: DO NOT try to relock the bootloader and run the 3.18 RUU, as with S-on and SuperCID, this will brick your phone.
If you have a working adb/fastboot environment, you can easily check CID with the command: fastboot getvar all
---------- Post added at 10:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:23 AM ----------
srasiroslayer said:
i have a feeling my chances of reverting to stock firmware are slimming.
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That is far form the truth. Getting back to stock is not that hard.
But if you only want to SIM unlock, I'm not sure that going stock will necessarily help you. You are on CleanROM now, which is pretty close to stock, and I don't think there have been many issues getting SIM unlock on CleanROM.
redpoint73 said:
This is not correct (the text I've bold faced above). OTA requires stock recovery, but RUU does not.
What stopped the RUU from working, is that you bootloader is unlocked (as indicated by the "unlocked" text in hboot). But in your case, you are lucky, since if you were trying to run the 3.18 Jellybean RUU, if it had gotten past the bootloader lock check, it would have bricked the phone (known bug) if you have SuperCID (which is pretty likely).
To reiterate: DO NOT try to relock the bootloader and run the 3.18 RUU, as with S-on and SuperCID, this will brick your phone.
If you have a working adb/fastboot environment, you can easily check CID with the command: fastboot getvar all
---------- Post added at 10:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:23 AM ----------
That is far form the truth. Getting back to stock is not that hard.
But if you only want to SIM unlock, I'm not sure that going stock will necessarily help you. You are on CleanROM now, which is pretty close to stock, and I don't think there have been many issues getting SIM unlock on CleanROM.
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Thank you again for clarifying things up.
I've been taking this time to read more about this phone on this thread:
So i am starting to understand how it works.
i have to admit that i should consider myself lucky for if the phone had a locked bootloader, it would've been bricked.
i've been reading a bit about superCID and i don't have a working linux environment (other than virutal) running right now.
but i'll figure out how to check if it's superCID or not (more likely yes).
now that i've figured out one way or the other that the simlock has nothing to do with the firmwares or recovery........... what could cause it?
again i just want it to work and then i'll take the time to play with the custom roms.
I have the correct unlocking code from AT&T since it wouldn't have accepted it to reboot the phone if it was wrong.
so what could be messing it up?
srasiroslayer said:
i've been reading a bit about superCID and i don't have a working linux environment (other than virutal) running right now.
but i'll figure out how to check if it's superCID or not (more likely yes).
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You don't need a Linux environment to get fastboot/adb working. And you will need them if you want to get s-off or change the CID (which would be the solutions to your problem of running the RUU).
To get fastboot/adb going, I'd suggest you start here:
There are some apps what will read the phone's state including CID. Others here have mentioned the name of one (or more) such app, but I can't recall, and I don't use it. I'm used to using fastboot.
srasiroslayer said:
now that i've figured out one way or the other that the simlock has nothing to do with the firmwares or recovery........... what could cause it?
again i just want it to work and then i'll take the time to play with the custom roms.
I have the correct unlocking code from AT&T since it wouldn't have accepted it to reboot the phone if it was wrong.
so what could be messing it up?
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Not sure. Going back to stock might help. Its all I can think of. But don't be disappointed if it still doesn't work.
So i figured out my CIDnum is 1111111111 using fastboot.
I understand there's a tool that can revert that.
I should also switch to s-off next.
Then at the end lock the bootloader using the adb commands.
Am i on the right track?
At this point i'll try running the RUU and cross my fingers.
My question is, shouldn't i have the original CID number?
and another off topic point, i have no clue what s-on or s-off are.
i'll get into that reading mode again in a bit.
Thank you again, i feel i'm on the right track now and confident.
P.S.: do you need me to post the "fastboot getvar all" results? or only thing missing to be sure of was the CID?
Hang on, you're s-on and SuperCID, don't run the RUU or you'll brick your phone. You need to do some reading and research all this before you try these things.
Sent from my Evita
Guys I am Vivek Rajput, from India. I have AT&T HTC oneX. Anything related to internet is not working except whatsapp. Every app is showing network error msg. Showing some data here which i got after reading here. Assume me complete novice about software/cellphones.
Jun 11 2012,14:36:28
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Have you checked your APNs?
Sent from my Evita
srasiroslayer said:
So i figured out my CIDnum is 1111111111 using fastboot.
I understand there's a tool that can revert that.
I should also switch to s-off next.
Then at the end lock the bootloader using the adb commands.
Am i on the right track?
At this point i'll try running the RUU and cross my fingers.
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If you are going to s-off, you DO NOT want to change the CID. SuperCID (11111111) is needed to s-off.
As mentioned, make sure you s-off before RUU, or you will brick.
Once you are s-off, it shouldn't matter whether you lock the bootloader or not. S-off means all security checks are bypassed, including the check for bootloader lock.
srasiroslayer said:
and another off topic point, i have no clue what s-on or s-off are.
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s-off, as mentioned above means all security checks are off. There are good and bad points to this.
The good, is that you will be safe of the SuperCID + RUU brick condition. Custom ROMs will also be easier to flash, if you are interested in doing that (do not need to flash boot.img separately).
The bad of s-off, is that because all security checks are off, there are no safety checks to prevent you from flashing the wrong things. You have to be very careful you don't flash something that is not intended for the device, as it may brick the phone.
Are you are okay with that, then proceed with s-off. If not, the alternate solution is to change the CID back to the proper AT&T CID (cws__001). This will also prevent the SuperCID + RUU brick condition. But may make the phone harder to s-off in the future, if you later choose that route.
It looks like then that the s-off route is the one to take, since i will definitely in the future be interested in flashing custom roms.
And it looks relatively easy as per:
After doing some reading, it also looks safe to achieve s-off on custom roms such as my case.
I'm still reading if s-off will work on my bootloader version or if there are any specific versions to run it at. (so far no mention so good)
I'm guessing i will run s-off today and if everything works out as it should will post my results here.
Only then will i proceed to run the RUU which i downloaded from htc for the at&t model specifically (no chance i could go wrong with that).
Thank you for all the help, i honestly don't think i would've found my way around easily without guidance.
Yes, the s-off method is easy, and it should work on any hboot version.
Good luck.
Could just having S-off fix my sim locked issue?
In any case new questions arise in my head such as since my model number is PJ8310000 and that with s-off i will be installing, will that affect running the RUU later on?
srasiroslayer said:
Could just having S-off fix my sim locked issue?
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I doubt it. SIM lock and s-off are not related, to my knowledge.
srasiroslayer said:
In any case new questions arise in my head such as since my model number is PJ8310000 and that with s-off i will be installing, will that affect running the RUU later on?
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Once you are s-off, all security and safety checks are off by definition. As long as you are running an RUU meant for EVITA, you will be safe, and it should run properly.
Looks like i got the 99 error thing.
at first i had the error 92 and all was working good but after the final reboot didn't get s-off
the second try i'm getting error 99.
I'm going to read more into it.
I'm still s-on so.......
So here are the current updates.
As i mentioned in the previous post, running it the first time resulted in error 92 which is normal, followed instructions and didn't get s-off.
second time i had error 99. still no s-off.
I turn off the device and power it back on, run the script all over again with a real good attention and precision (i usually don't f*ck things up).
This time i get the error 92 again and still no success at the end. (did this over 4 times now and no s-off).
would i be logical for me to assume that once the rom is booted it's messed up somewhere? hence the last part of the script not working and also hence sim unlock not working?
what's a good custom rom that would i could install using recovery and not brick my phone?
maybe just installing one would solve all my issues.
What ROM are you attempting s-off on?
PS. Asking for a suggested/best/favourite ROM isn't allowed here.
Sent from my Evita
timmaaa said:
What ROM are you attempting s-off on?
PS. Asking for a suggested/best/favourite ROM isn't allowed here.
Sent from my Evita
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I'm trying it on CleanROM 4.5 beta2.
And by best rom in my case was asking one that would be compatible with my situation, as in hboot 1.0.9, teamwin recovery, supercid, unlocked, s-on.
so i managed to solve my recovery problem. i finally got twrp 2712 onto my device.
bootloader is unlocked
recovery on
superuser on..
hboot 2.15 s-on
i dont remember dealing with supercid when i rooted my old htc incredible.. from what im reading it allows us to use other carrier roms on the device?? im on tmobile and comfortable with that.. is modifying the CID actually necessary? im not planning on receiving any ota's n such.. just want the ability to flash radio's if need be and roms.. If i can skip CId and go to s-off that'd be fine with me, unless its needed for something else.. Will Ibe able to s-off without CID modified? cracking this ****er has been a little bit more difficult the past few phones ive had to do.. thanks much for the help..
As a noob, I installed CM 11 in February without s-off or super-cid (was too afraid to brick my phone). CM works great without s-off, but you need to flash boot.IMG on every update via fastboot.
I did s-off with rumrunner recently without Super-CID. Read my post here:<br/>
so in moonshine i was getting nowhere.. i had no inclination that the Yes/No were case sensitive to be executed....
Currently in test 3, mhy 7th row of **********..
[Q&A] [Firmware][Jan 17]User-Friendly Firmware 1.17/3.12/3.24/3.30/3.32/3.33 Univers
Q&A for [Firmware][Jan 17]User-Friendly Firmware 1.17/3.12/3.24/3.30/3.32/3.33 Universal
Some developers prefer that questions remain separate from their main development thread to help keep things organized. Placing your question within this thread will increase its chances of being answered by a member of the community or by the developer.
Before posting, please use the forum search and read through the discussion thread for [Firmware][Jan 17]User-Friendly Firmware 1.17/3.12/3.24/3.30/3.32/3.33 Universal. If you can't find an answer, post it here, being sure to give as much information as possible (firmware version, steps to reproduce, logcat if available) so that you can get help.
Thanks for understanding and for helping to keep XDA neat and tidy!
I was going to downgrade my sensation HBOOT to be S-OFF it,but then I saw" 0. Make sure you are S-OFF (These won't work if you aren't)"
CMD! said:
I was going to downgrade my sensation HBOOT to be S-OFF it,but then I saw" 0. Make sure you are S-OFF (These won't work if you aren't)"
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what is your hboot version?
and your bootloader is locked or unlocked?
Should be pretty easy to get around
rzr86 said:
what is your hboot version?
and your bootloader is locked or unlocked?
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somehow I managed to s-off my device,big thanks for all the people who wrote about it,my problem was my ROM,I downloaded stock one,then everything worked.I appreciate I'm trying to figure out how to unlock my device carrier.I can use some help
CMD! said:
somehow I managed to s-off my device,big thanks for all the people who wrote about it,my problem was my ROM,I downloaded stock one,then everything worked.I appreciate I'm trying to figure out how to unlock my device carrier.I can use some help
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Needy to know..
Hey guys. I'm new here and I'm also new to this smartphone world. One thing for sure I'm at the best place here.
So I got an HTC Sensation 4g phone with stock ICS rom. It is still locked and S-ON with 3.32 firmware and T-Mobile branded (it was only brought to phone store to SIM unlock since I got it from US). It misbehaves badly like (can't get some sms messages, after pressing home button when leaving an app it lags a lot and show white screen with HTC logo and then loading, low on RAM while just 10 apps installed (not including ones that existed just got updated), when making some app your default it still pops up to choose other options while it shouldn't and much more just to name a few. So I wanted to re-install the ROM (like on windows: fully formating and making a clean install) on my phone.
I would like to install the latest firmware and ROM but I'm pretty confused.
As far as I found out steps I need to take would be:
1. HTCdev unlock hboot=bootloader unlock.
2. S-OFF.
3. Kernel (firmware) update to 3.33 from 3.32.
4. Super CID to 11111111.
5. Installing Custom Recovery.
6. Custom ROM.
Am I correct? I just want to be fully informed and prepared before making all the steps. Hoping for responses and advices.
Help and tips are very very welcome.
weedmaan said:
1. HTCdev unlock hboot=bootloader unlock.
2. S-OFF.
3. Kernel (firmware) update to 3.33 from 3.32.
4. Super CID to 11111111.
5. Installing Custom Recovery.
6. Custom ROM.
Am I correct? I just want to be fully informed and prepared before making all the steps. Hoping for responses and advices.
Help and tips are very very welcome.
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you can avoid the first is unecessary
use this guide for S-OFF
i will send the files via pm
or you can use this guide for S-OFF
it doesn't require the wire trick