Hey guys just a quick question and i know look before you ask but most threads pertaining to this subject seem to be rather dead. so.
im looking for the files to downgrade from 2.16 back to 2.15 at which i have not been able to find a still functioning link for any of them
im S-OFF / unlocked / T-Mo
running PA Hboot2.16 unofficial TWRP 2.7.01
wanting to downgrade simply because right now primary rom development is still under 2.15
could one of y'all lend me a hand?
Is it a wrong way to simply relock and flash-zip any files at AndroidRUU?
Either RUU or firmware.zip from inside OTA.zip(less questions asked)
so i managed to solve my recovery problem. i finally got twrp 2712 onto my device.
bootloader is unlocked
recovery on
superuser on..
hboot 2.15 s-on
i dont remember dealing with supercid when i rooted my old htc incredible.. from what im reading it allows us to use other carrier roms on the device?? im on tmobile and comfortable with that.. is modifying the CID actually necessary? im not planning on receiving any ota's n such.. just want the ability to flash radio's if need be and roms.. If i can skip CId and go to s-off that'd be fine with me, unless its needed for something else.. Will Ibe able to s-off without CID modified? cracking this ****er has been a little bit more difficult the past few phones ive had to do.. thanks much for the help..
As a noob, I installed CM 11 in February without s-off or super-cid (was too afraid to brick my phone). CM works great without s-off, but you need to flash boot.IMG on every update via fastboot.
I did s-off with rumrunner recently without Super-CID. Read my post here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=56185478<br/>
so in moonshine i was getting nowhere.. i had no inclination that the Yes/No were case sensitive to be executed....
Currently in test 3, mhy 7th row of **********..
So I'm a first time flasher and i've done my thorough reading and research.
I have an at&t HTC one X, but i'm using it in India.
I was flashing it to CM11 Snapshot, for which i have unlocked bootloader from HTCdev, i already had S-Off and CID-11111111 (no idea why... and can someone explain what is supercid btw ?)
Also installed twrp and its inbuilt supersu. I verified full root access with root checker.
Right when i was ready to finally flash the CM11, i get an error message saying that i have hboot 1.14 and that i need a higher one (1.19 i think... dont remember)
Ive checked for the solution, it seems that i need to install the 3.18 RUU to update hboot to 2.14. However, its not available on the following link, So i guess i shud get the next available RUU, which is 5.18.
I also read that i cant root 5.18, unless im already rooted. So i dont have to worry about this right ? (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1952038&page=58)
2 questions here,
Will it matter if i get 5.18 instead of 3.18 ? Plus, the 5.18 ruu is an exe file, not zip... is the flashing procedure different ?
I dont want to update the entire RUU, i just want to update my hboot. Is it possible ? If yes, how ?
I read that rooting is different for 3.18 than my current 2.20 firmware. I dont understand that either :/
( http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1671237 )
And i need to toggle my bootlock ?
( http://forum.cyanogenmod.org/topic/74576-only-support-214-hboot/ )
Thats probably a lot of questions. But im really trying to understand this right. Basically what i wanna know is, what exactly do i do next to simply update my hboot safely, and then cm11.
zain910128 said:
So I'm a first time flasher and i've done my thorough reading and research.
I have an at&t HTC one X, but i'm using it in India.
I was flashing it to CM11 Snapshot, for which i have unlocked bootloader from HTCdev, i already had S-Off and CID-11111111 (no idea why... and can someone explain what is supercid btw ?)
Also installed twrp and its inbuilt supersu. I verified full root access with root checker.
Right when i was ready to finally flash the CM11, i get an error message saying that i have hboot 1.14 and that i need a higher one (1.19 i think... dont remember)
Ive checked for the solution, it seems that i need to install the 3.18 RUU to update hboot to 2.14. However, its not available on the following link, So i guess i shud get the next available RUU, which is 5.18.
I also read that i cant root 5.18, unless im already rooted. So i dont have to worry about this right ? (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1952038&page=58)
2 questions here,
Will it matter if i get 5.18 instead of 3.18 ? Plus, the 5.18 ruu is an exe file, not zip... is the flashing procedure different ?
I dont want to update the entire RUU, i just want to update my hboot. Is it possible ? If yes, how ?
I read that rooting is different for 3.18 than my current 2.20 firmware. I dont understand that either :/
( http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1671237 )
And i need to toggle my bootlock ?
( http://forum.cyanogenmod.org/topic/74576-only-support-214-hboot/ )
Thats probably a lot of questions. But im really trying to understand this right. Basically what i wanna know is, what exactly do i do next to simply update my hboot safely, and then cm11.
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First of all, I'm not familiar with your device.
As you found already the specific forum for your device, please ask in the AT&T, Rogers HTC One X, Telstra One XL > One X Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting > [Q&A]{Evita/One XL} Noob Friendly Q&A + General Help - Ask Any Question! thread.
There you will surely get quick and proper help.
Thread closed and thank you.
Hello everyone! Sorry for my bad English
I've got a HTC One S (HTC__017) with unlocked bootloader, S-ON, HBOOT 1.06.0000 and Radio and recently, i'm a little motivated to give a try for a Custom ROM (Obviously, there's more work to do with the S-ON) but i want to prevent a big accident in the process and i need the correct RUU File for my phone, I've been looking on my own the file but I couldn't find it
Now, someone knows which RUU file can I use? I'm novice with HTC Phones and this is new for me
Thanks in advance
Auraburst said:
Hello everyone! Sorry for my bad English
I've got a HTC One S (HTC__017) with unlocked bootloader, S-ON, HBOOT 1.06.0000 and Radio and recently, i'm a little motivated to give a try for a Custom ROM (Obviously, there's more work to do with the S-ON) but i want to prevent a big accident in the process and i need the correct RUU File for my phone, I've been looking on my own the file but I couldn't find it
Now, someone knows which RUU file can I use? I'm novice with HTC Phones and this is new for me
Thanks in advance
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It's easier to find the correct one if you know your firmware version/build number. If you're still using stock rom you can find it in settings>about>software information>more. If you already deleted the stock system on your phone you need to use
fastboot getvar all
in fastboot mode (look at the line beginning with "version-main"). Since you already unlocked your phone I assume you know how to use fastboot with the windows cmd.
RUUs can be found here for example. Just use the search function of your browser and be sure that you download a RUU and not an OTA. Since there are two versions of the One S you need to be careful not to use VilleC2 (Snapdragon S3 with 1.7 gHZ) files on a Ville (Snapdragon S4 with 1.5 gHz) and vice versa (this rule applies on roms, kernels, etc., too). If I remember correctly your hboot is Ville specific but if you want to be sure you can find the answer in the getvar all output (look at the line beginning with "product").
Thank you so much man, i understand a little more but i have another problem: i can't find a proper version of the RUU File (My build number is 3.14.422.11) and there's only one similar (3.14.422.9) and matches with my radio version ( but i'm not sure if it works with my One S (It's a Snapdragon S4 and in the "product" line says "vle" btw)
Auraburst said:
Thank you so much man, i understand a little more but i have another problem: i can't find a proper version of the RUU File (My build number is 3.14.422.11) and there's only one similar (3.14.422.9) and matches with my radio version ( but i'm not sure if it works with my One S (It's a Snapdragon S4 and in the "product" line says "vle" btw)
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The problem is that the only file with the 422 SKU is an OTA and not a RUU. If your phone was S-OFF you wouldn't need to use corresponding RUUs because you were able to flash any you want. It's a vicious circle in your case since you wanted the correct RUU before you start flashing. On the other side if you carefully follow the instructions of the S-OFF guides there shouldn't be any risk of bricking. Simply don't try to use any short cuts if any step doesn't not work the way the instructions tell you. Since I'm not living in the states I'm not completely sure but Cincinnati Bell is part of Bell Mobile, right? If that's correct I would change the CID to SuperCID (depending on the S-OFF method you use you may need to get the SCID anyway) and try to run one of the "BM" RUUs on AndroidRUU. Since all of them are older than you actual firmware your phone will be downgraded then but you can update it by using the OTA function in settings>about.
Btw.: With that output you can be sure it's the Ville and not the VilleC2.
Okay, so, in simple words, what can I do with SuperCID (S-OFF) is:
-Restore my phone with any RUU regardless of my version of Radio, and without any risk
-Safe downgrade to upgrade my version of HBOOT (Because I want to try a custom ROM and most require HBOOT 2.15)
If not so, tell me in what I am wrong, btw, there's any custom ROM that you can recommend? I want to try Cyanogenmod 12.1 or MaximusHD, both look great but I'm a little undecided and would listen to someone more experienced with this phone
Auraburst said:
Okay, so, in simple words, what can I do with SuperCID (S-OFF) is:
-Restore my phone with any RUU regardless of my version of Radio, and without any risk
-Safe downgrade to upgrade my version of HBOOT (Because I want to try a custom ROM and most require HBOOT 2.15)
If not so, tell me in what I am wrong, btw, there's any custom ROM that you can recommend? I want to try Cyanogenmod 12.1 or MaximusHD, both look great but I'm a little undecided and would listen to someone more experienced with this phone
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Actually your radio doesn't matter at all in regard of RUUs. Flashing a RUU is never risky as long as it's a signed/official one and you do not turn off the phone during the flashing process or disconnect it from your pc. If you are not S-OFF and your CID and/or firmware version doesn't match (SCID always matches) official RUUs will simply abort the flashing process.
After you achieved S-OFF and got the SCID you simply need to relock your bootloader, boot into fastboot mode, connect the phone to your pc and run the RUU.exe. (As far as I remember relocking was needed for being able to install OTAs afterwards but I'm not completely sure. I just remember that I always did when I downgraded. Maybe someone else can confirm this.)
I personally do not like Cyanogenmod on this phone. Since there never was a GPE of the One S (the first HTC GPE that ever existed was the HTC One M7 GPE which is actually younger than this phone) there are no AOSP drivers for this phone and you can notice this problem for example in a worse camera quality on roms that are not based on sense (there are other problems but that's the most prominent one I can remember).
MaxximusHD is based on the leaked but never officially published android 4.2.2 firmware of the One S. If you want to use it without memory problems (the leaked firmware changes the way the phone interacts with it's memory) you need to flash the hboot 2.16. Instructions can be found in the Maxximus thread for example. I personally prefer hboot 2.16 because of its reorganized memory but the radio 1.20 that gets flashed with that firmware has some problems with the incall voice quality.
To sum it up, every custom rom has its pros and cons and every user has his/her own preferences so it's hard to tell others which rom to use. The best way is to look which ones fullfil your needs and to test them out by yourself.
Edit: Downgrading isn't needed if you just want to start flashing. I just wanted to point out what happens if you run a RUU that is older than your actual firmware.
Edit2: Nevertheless here is a chronological list of the roms I liked and used longer than a week on this phone: Viper 2.2 (hboot 2.15), MaxximusHD (hboot 2.16), Viper 3.2.1 (hboot 2.16).
I have an AT&T HOX running the original stock ICS 4.0.2 The phone is rooted, bootloader unlocked and has Supercid.
I would like to install one of the new Cyanogenmod ROMs that require HBoot version to be 2.14 or newer, but I'm having problems. I can't use an RUU to upgrade to 4.2.2 or whatever, because I'm supercid and will probably brick the phone. Facepalm/Rumrunner/Firewater/moonshine etc, S-Off tools do not work with this particular kernel for whatever reason, and I just get the "Please install an 'unsecure kernel" advice at the end of the attempt.
So, basically, I can't get S-Off because none of the tools work with my OS version, and I can't update my OS via the normal channels because of having supercid, and I can't upgrade my firmware because I'm not S-Off. Kind of a catch 22-22-22 situation.
I'm not even sure what question to ask at this point, so I'm open to any advice you guys are willing to offer in regard to upgrading to HBoot 2.14 to meet the requirements to install CM 11 on my phone. My current HBoot version is 1.14
**Edit** Current firmware - 2.20
Thanks in advance.
Maybe a solution
Well, I finally found a thread by someone with a similar situation. It looks like the procedures outlined by Heisenberg in his replies did the trick for that particular person, so I'm gonna give that a try I guess. I'm not sure how I missed that thread after all the searching I've done before now, but for anyone who might be interested:
Try to flash Kickdroid 5.0 as outlined in the other thread, then you should be able to get s-off.
Would somebody please advise me about the pro's and cons of changing my HBOOT version.
I can successfully root my phone via The Revolutionary method after downgrading using an earlier RUU etc.
What I am not clear about is whether I then need to flash an ENG HBOOT after this process .... which version.... why I should do this ?
If I have the "wrong" HBOOT installed will that prevent certain ROMs from running correctly ?
Do I need a specific "level" of HBOOT for a GB based ROM to run and another for an ICS based ROM
Choosing your HBOOT Version
I don't know absolutely everything about this, but since you've waited over a month with no replies, I'll tell you what I know. It should be enough to answer your question, if you're looking for something more advanced then you may need to keep looking!
The original HBOOT version is 0.98.00000, this is the HBOOT version that you need if you want to S-OFF your phone as the later version, 2.000.00002, blocks the vulnerability that allows the Revolutionary exploit to work. S-OFF unlocks root level access to the phone permanently, allowing you to flash new ROMs directly from the SD card without having to use ADB and USB Debugging to flash the boot image every time.
Basically, if you want S-OFF you may need to downgrade your HBOOT to 0.98.0000 if that's not the version you already have.
The phone originally shipped with Android Gingerbread 2.3, this can be upgraded to a certain point, beyond which, the newer version of HBOOT is required. I don't know which version is the crossover point but I'm sure a quick search of the forums will provide the answer, I'll leave that up to you (I think the main reason you haven't had any replies is that ALL this info is already available in the various guides in the forum, so people think you're being lazy not looking for it!).
Unless you're trying to do something out of the ordinary, the most common approach is a follows;
Unlock bootloader on HTCDev.
Downgrade to HBOOT 0.98.00000 (f necessary).
Use Revolutionary to gain S-OFF.
Upgrade to HBOOT 2.000.00002 (not necessary for Android 2.3 but later versions require this)
Download and flash new ROMs directly from the SD card using custom recovery, such as TWRP or Clockworkmod.
I hope this helps, I do understand that it's not always easy piecing things together from multiple forum threads to learn about something new, but ALL the info you needed IS already available on here.
There are some excellent guides and tutorials here on XDA Developers, both official and unofficial. I would say if you don't already have a bit of knowledge then stick to the official guides and you can't go wrong.
Hint: Try searching the forum for [Guide]