ok i just checked the att website for the new tilt 2 but it isnt out til oct 18. but i seen the the fuze is no longer on there. ive had my fuze sense nov 10. and i was wondering if i say i lost my fuze around lets say oct 20 will they send me a tilt 2. im saying this because i used my insurance a while back on my old phone and they didnt have that phone anymore so they sent me a phone that was the same value.. do u think it will work??
I posted a thread on this in the Rhodium as well. I have insurance too and had my fuze for about 6 months now and bummed i couldnt of held out for the tilt 2 and i dont have the money to pay 500 bucks for a no contract tilt 2. I wish a carrier would have a exchange program or something instead of this 2 year upgrade. I burn through phones within a year
Anyways what people replied to me was they probably have a lot of refurb fuzes
I recently lost my Tilt to a horrible accident involving a puddle and concrete... so I got a Fuze for replacement... and it was refurbished and had the burn-in issue on the screen... I got another refurb Fuze to replace that one... this one is having the same issue - so I am going to keep requesting Fuze's till I get one person to acknowledge my request to get a NEW phone and not a refurb...
That might be a way to get your Tilt 2 if you receive a bad refurb and raise enough cane!
Well, truth be told they likely will have a large backstock of refurb fuzes for a while. If you are a person who's had chronic problems with your phone and it's under warrenty, if you make a fuss about the problems over multiple phones, they may bump you up.
lafastfords said:
ok i just checked the att website for the new tilt 2 but it isnt out til oct 18. but i seen the the fuze is no longer on there. ive had my fuze sense nov 10. and i was wondering if i say i lost my fuze around lets say oct 20 will they send me a tilt 2. im saying this because i used my insurance a while back on my old phone and they didnt have that phone anymore so they sent me a phone that was the same value.. do u think it will work??
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Aside from the moral issue of insurance fraud, it should work. Just hope you don't get caught.
ya know - I've about had it with people doing crap like this. Look - if you want a new phone then buy one. If you don't want to pay full price for it then sell the phone you have or wait a few months for the price to come down.
It's creeps that commit fraud like this that cause the detuctibles on these devices to end up being 125 bucks for all the honest people.
I just swap out the phone before the 1 year warranty ends and sell it on ebay. Use the money for your new phone.
Mine has a busted flux capacitor anway.
They will have a large supply of Fuze's laying around, they know people will try to do this, I'd love to do it, I think they still even had a stock of the first Tilts around for quite a long time. Just to let you know a couple months back I still had the ability to buy a Tilt through the premier store even though they didn't have them on the regular site. Right now I still see the Fuze on their premiere site. So they most likely have a stock. However, from what I understand how these places work is there's a stock for sale and a stock for warranty, they don't come from one giant stock pile. So if they run out of their warranty stock, maybe you'd be able to pull it off, but who knows, maybe they'd just siphon a couple off the sale stock into the warranty stock (most likely they'd do this so the ones they sell have a backup incase something goes wrong). Thought I'd just through that out there.
well i upgraded to a fuze from the tilt... i broke my tilt and had to use the insurance... they replaced it with a refurb tilt but i kept having problems... it took at&t 4 tilt phones before they upgraded me to a fuze and then i still kept having problems... it took them to send me 3 fuzes until they finally got it right... it wasnt a scam just they kept sending me crappy phones and if i must keep up my end of the bargin and pay ontime then they must step up to the plate and send me a phone that works as well as a new phone.. which they did...
... and everybody is complaining why insurance is so freaking expensive!!!
Beside the fraud fact (DISGUSTING) sell it on eBay, craigslist or one of the other common suspect pages, bunk the money and BUY the TP2 or whatever you want.
I did that with my last two phone which was always a 50% to 75% "off" in terms of the purchasing price of the new phone.
jayhue said:
well i upgraded to a fuze from the tilt... i broke my tilt and had to use the insurance... they replaced it with a refurb tilt but i kept having problems... it took at&t 4 tilt phones before they upgraded me to a fuze and then i still kept having problems... it took them to send me 3 fuzes until they finally got it right... it wasnt a scam just they kept sending me crappy phones and if i must keep up my end of the bargin and pay ontime then they must step up to the plate and send me a phone that works as well as a new phone.. which they did...
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Before anyone starts dissin anybody, it is a fact that sometimes they just can't get it right. I had a problem with my original fuze and it took them 4 times to send a "decent" one, and by decent I meant a unit without:
-broken/recessed hardware key
-earpiece that's breaking up
-speaker that's breaking up like it's been used for a rock concert
so the last Fuze that they sent, which I'm using now, has a slightly recessed Answer key and crappy speaker. I decided to use it because I don't wanna go through the endless cycle of crappy replacement.
The moral of the story is, they do send out crappy replacements.
tyguy said:
... and everybody is complaining why insurance is so freaking expensive!!!
Beside the fraud fact (DISGUSTING) sell it on eBay, craigslist or one of the other common suspect pages, bunk the money and BUY the TP2 or whatever you want.
I did that with my last two phone which was always a 50% to 75% "off" in terms of the purchasing price of the new phone.
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not fraud u dumb ass.. i have that burn in screen and the plastic is coming off the hard keys.. just like everyother fuze
lafastfords said:
not fraud u dumb ass.. i have that burn in screen and the plastic is coming off the hard keys.. just like everyother fuze
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Careful who you talk to and what language you use my friend!
i was wondering if i say i lost my fuze around lets say oct 20 will they send me a tilt 2. im saying this because i used my insurance a while back on my old phone and they didnt have that phone anymore so they
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Can one who agrees with me notify the admin that this BS thread gets closed? Topics like this were discussed numerous times and answers like lafuckfords - or what his name is - simply don't belong here.
baymon said:
Before anyone starts dissin anybody, it is a fact that sometimes they just can't get it right. I had a problem with my original fuze and it took them 4 times to send a "decent" one, and by decent I meant a unit without:
-broken/recessed hardware key
-earpiece that's breaking up
-speaker that's breaking up like it's been used for a rock concert
so the last Fuze that they sent, which I'm using now, has a slightly recessed Answer key and crappy speaker. I decided to use it because I don't wanna go through the endless cycle of crappy replacement.
The moral of the story is, they do send out crappy replacements.
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Basically what happened to mine. I was getting Screen burn in and while I dealt with it for a while, I knew my warranty was about due. I called and asked for a replacement 3 times. Each one was defective.
-The half of the touchpad buttons didn't work on the first one (depressed).
-The second one had a broken slider track so it dragged opening the keyboard.
-The third one the speaker was screwed.
When they wanted to do a phone swap, I thought I'd ask for a Samsung Jack for my wife since her line is eligible for an upgrade. I figured I would "downgrade" to the Jack and use her line to buy a Pure or TP2. The lady said they wouldn't let me downgrade to a lesser phone?! So if I can't go down, perhaps they'd let me go up... so I asked and it worked.
Kinda scared about not having a Dpad on the Pure.
I think its stupid they wouldn't let me "downgrade" to the Jack. I woulda just turned around and signed another 2-year contract and plopped down $350 for the TP2.
my 2 cents in this situation is just save money and then buy it just like what that guy said, best and safe way to get a new device without the risk of violating any terms or law
AT&T exchange policy
well the truth is that, att has a policy that if you exchange a phone 3 times during the year of warranty, at that time you can change model. I did this twice, first with a Palm Treo650 changed it to a palm treo 700, then with the Tilt I was able to change to the brand new released(back then) Fuze, completly free only S&H.
Ok so heres my situation... I bought the inspire from best buy about 20 days ago on an upgrade, I decided to not get their black tie plan because I did not cause any physical damage to my old captivate so I thought I would be alright to pass on it this time. Until today that is... I had the phone in my back pocket and when I sat down I must have applied some extra pressure to the front and in result the screen in mostly shattered.
So I have decided to come to you guys in search for a few solutions. I noticed that you can add the black tie on up to 30 days from the purchase of your phone but I am doubting whether or not I could convince them to put it on my phone even though the phone is already broken but I was wondering if anyone here has ever had any luck getting this plan on after the damage had been done?
I would hate to think the best buy would really be so ignorant as to make me keep a phone with a shattered screen for the remaining 2 years that is on my contract (granted it is my fault it broke), I would like to think they would help someone in my position out to keep me happy and wanting to return back to their stores.
If there is no chance for this, then what would you guys recommend I do to get this fixed for as little cost as possible.
I just took a captivate that wouldn't turn on and they replaced it with an inspire. So I think they're pretty good about exchanging phones. Unless I just got lucky haha
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA Premium App
The way these employees can be,especially at bestbuy,seems unlikely. But give it a shot hello y not
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
Neathawk49 said:
Ok so heres my situation... I bought the inspire from best buy about 20 days ago on an upgrade, I decided to not get their black tie plan because I did not cause any physical damage to my old captivate so I thought I would be alright to pass on it this time. Until today that is... I had the phone in my back pocket and when I sat down I must have applied some extra pressure to the front and in result the screen in mostly shattered.
So I have decided to come to you guys in search for a few solutions. I noticed that you can add the black tie on up to 30 days from the purchase of your phone but I am doubting whether or not I could convince them to put it on my phone even though the phone is already broken but I was wondering if anyone here has ever had any luck getting this plan on after the damage had been done?
I would hate to think the best buy would really be so ignorant as to make me keep a phone with a shattered screen for the remaining 2 years that is on my contract (granted it is my fault it broke), I would like to think they would help someone in my position out to keep me happy and wanting to return back to their stores.
If there is no chance for this, then what would you guys recommend I do to get this fixed for as little cost as possible.
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With a phone that unquestionably has suffered physical damage, I don't think it's reasonable to expect them to go that far in wanting to keep their customers happy.
Unless this "black tie" thing pretty much effectively says "sure, throw your phone off a cliff, drive over it with a semi, we want you happy, so we'll keep giving you phones," then I wouldn't get your hopes up.
But like Matt said, you got nothin' to lose and everything to gain at this point...
You never know what they will do. In December I upgraded to an Aria for $0.01, I did get the black tie coverage. There was a slight issue with the earspeaker and I took it somewhere local so I wouldn't be without my phone for a matter of weeks. Needles to say, that was a mistake. The repair place screwed it up. I took it to best buy and long story short, after sending it off for repair 4 times they have me an Inspire.
I think it is a very good thing to get to know the ppl that work in mobile and not be one of those customers they hate to see come into the store. They all knew me by my first They have me my choice of phones and I chose the Inspire and have never looked back!
BB its usually quite eager to please the customer, they know if you are happy with their mobile dept. you may buy your next tv there also.
Sent from my stock HTC Inspire 4G
Perseids said:
You never know what they will do. In December I upgraded to an Aria for $0.01, I did get the black tie coverage. There was a slight issue with the earspeaker and I took it somewhere local so I wouldn't be without my phone for a matter of weeks. Needles to say, that was a mistake. The repair place screwed it up. I took it to best buy and long story short, after sending it off for repair 4 times they have me an Inspire.
I think it is a very good thing to get to know the ppl that work in mobile and not be one of those customers they hate to see come into the store. They all knew me by my first They have me my choice of phones and I chose the Inspire and have never looked back!
BB its usually quite eager to please the customer, they know if you are happy with their mobile dept. you may buy your next tv there also.
Sent from my stock HTC Inspire 4G
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Well, there's a teeny tiny bit of difference between a bad ear speaker and a "mostly shattered" screen, but, who knows...
brick it ..... That is the only solution O.O. I remember while back best buy told me if I bought their protection plan, I could walk out side drive my car over my phone bring it back in and get a new one/ fixed, never tested it though.
Obviously don't buy the Black Tie plan and then immediately whip the phone out of your pocket.... If it was me, I'd take the receipt in and say that I decided to go with the black tie plan after all. Then I'd take it in the next day, or the day after that. It might still look suspicious, but not as.
I took the black tie protection for my laptop and TV. Laptop got its hdd replaced twice, without a question. He opened it, took the old one out, put in the new one, and gave the old one back to me.
In my opinion, its worth the trouble/hassle for 3 years.
Thanks for your help and suggestions guys, I will hopefully go up there tomorrow and basiclly beg thats what I get for not adding it on when I got the phone, just my luck. Btw, I wasnt trying to say that they owed it to anyone to replace it, I was just saying would be a kind gesture to someone,who messed up. All they would have to do is change the screen then sell it refurbished for about 50dollars less than a new one.
Also, why do they allow you to add the black tie within the first 30 days but your excluded if you have already broken it then your not allowed to have it anymore. Just my thoughts on it, please pardon my ramblings..
Thanks again for taking the time to respond though!
mudknot2005 said:
brick it ..... That is the only solution O.O. I remember while back best buy told me if I bought their protection plan, I could walk out side drive my car over my phone bring it back in and get a new one/ fixed, never tested it though.
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Well that's actually encouraging for the op, then. Unless of course they were exaggerating for purposes of selling the program.
I guess the only thing that would concern me is the amount of time the op takes between signing up for the program, and "cashing" in on it, so to speak.
I also don't know if they would require physical inspection of the phone when signing up, if done after the initial sale, when of course the brand new phone is there in front of them...
Just a quick update, I took it in today and they were very kind and helping and because I had the protection plan on my old phone they said they could add it back and and say that the person who sold me the new phone had forgotten to transfer the plan to the new phone.
They told me to wait 2-3 before I bring it back in for repairs because they are usually not allowed to do this to an already broken phone but the manager gave the approval.
Just thought that I would poke back so anyone in this situation in the future will have a bit of hope. And that this is another reason why I continue to get my phones at best buy... great customer service (most of the time) and a protection plan that is too good to pass up.
Neathawk49 said:
Just a quick update, I took it in today and they were very kind and helping and because I had the protection plan on my old phone they said they could add it back and and say that the person who sold me the new phone had forgotten to transfer the plan to the new phone.
They told me to wait 2-3 before I bring it back in for repairs because they are usually not allowed to do this to an already broken phone but the manager gave the approval.
Just thought that I would poke back so anyone in this situation in the future will have a bit of hope. And that this is another reason why I continue to get my phones at best buy... great customer service (most of the time) and a protection plan that is too good to pass up.
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Congrats. Great news for you.
Try not to shatter the screen on the next one, will ya?
And thanks for posting back. It's always good to hear how these things play out.
Put it this way its like buying a car with out "protection" and just that one day after the 30 days you run into a wall.. Take the car back and say hey I would like to get the protection plan. 99.99% they will ask let me see the car. Just as in example. Its a business. But I have the Black tie and the buy back on my phone because just in case I do drop it its cover, I had it on my last phone they sent it out for a repair go it back in like a week brand new could not even tell. Rather then going through att paying 5$s on it if it get stolen and having to pay a delectable. Heck I even got water on my phone and it was covered. So its worth it to me. On the phones think about its your MOBILE phone you have it on you all the time rather it be in your pocket in case or in case on a belt clip you always have that chance of missing your pocket and your phone slips. and BOOM broken screen. And then your like AHH!! FML! lol
I would like to post one last time just to say Fallout 3/New Vegas FTW (i know off topic but had to give a shout out to a fellow vault dweller!)
Neathawk49 said:
I would like to post one last time just to say Fallout 3/New Vegas FTW (i know off topic but had to give a shout out to a fellow vault dweller!)
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Hell yeah man Im thanking you for just that my friend.. FTW man! PC/Console
sorry of topic I think Ill start a game thread about something like this if its not already start.. thanks your way
I work at Best Buy. The plan is accidental coverage. I walked into a freaking lazy river at Six Flags with my old iPhone and it was replaced rapidly.
tribestros said:
I work at Best Buy. The plan is accidental coverage. I walked into a freaking lazy river at Six Flags with my old iPhone and it was replaced rapidly.
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I dont know about rapidly, but they have always been good about replacing my damaged phones. I went through 2 captivates (both took a swim) and they replaced them both, but the process took over 2 weeks. And on my last captivate they let me switch to the Inspire since the Captivate was out of stock.
Here is my update, I took it in a few days after I got the plan added and the guy who helped was very nice. They said that they were doing to do a rapid exchange (still not quite sure what that means but I think it is something along the lines of receiving a refurbished phone) and that they would get my "new" phone in within the next few days which is better than the 27 days I waited to receive my Captivate from being fixed a while back.
What sucks is that I am using my miserably slow iphone 3g until I get the new phone in.
One last question, if I am on the best buy reward zone silver level, does the extended 45 day return policy apply to cell phones? And if so, would I be able to exchange the refurbished inspire for the infuse and pay the difference even though they would have technically given me a refurbished phone?
Alright so here it goes I bought a Nexus S4g by Samsung from sprint about a year ago and my first phone had a gorilla screen but see It accidentally flew out the window of my car when i took it out of my right pocket i lost grip of it so it go run over by a car. I was forced to replace it because it had internal damage, so i did. So i got my new phone but it felt very light it arrived the next day i had thought that maybe the insurance company sprint is under was cheating because see i was at work 4 weeks after i just got this new phone it fell out of the pen pocket of my t shirt when i kneeled down to pick something up the floor, the floor was tile it was only less than foot off the ground and knowing that the previous phone had it worse when it would fall 5 feet it never broke so easily so i was surprised to see that when it landed on the floor it broke my screen. I wasn't very worried because i knew my insurance covered it from what they had told me back in Los Angeles last year they told me that if your screen of phone ever has any damages or glitches say like my screen is broken ect.. you can get it replaced, but now I'm out here in Lowell Massachusetts and they're telling me it's not fixable that i have to buy another again for 100$ so i got extremely mad because when i went over the day my first phone got run over they told me they could fix it if only it wasn't damaged internally I so wasn't going to waste another 100$ just for a broken screen that is so fixable so i was "(WTF) they're lying to me" so It's very unfair and I am going to take all my paperwork so they can see everything and what i signed up for because its (BS) i mean who tells you they could fix it and then tell you they cant a month later ???? so thats why i wanted to ask for your help is anyone would understand the situation better than i on the reason why it is that out of the blue it's suddenly impossible.
Why post two identical threads on this?
Either you have insurance or you don't. You imply that your first Nexus S 4G was replaced by insurance. So if in fact you do still have insurance coverage (aka TEP) on your Sprint line that the Nexus S 4G is on, all you have to do is go to to file a claim and pay your $100 deductible. You can file up to 3 insurance claims in a 12 month period.
Is your complaint over the fact that a store in another state would charge you $100 to replace the phone? What are you complaining about? That's the cost of the insurance deductible. Were you expecting to have your broken screen replaced for free?
Little pissed right now. Why on earth did Samsung think that giving the GS3 the friction coefficient of ice was a good idea? I've never handled anything that was this slippery. I just got the darn thing Friday and I ordered the Ballistic Maxx case for it last week but of course I dropped it before it arrived.
The phone still works, I can hear everything, its just the screen is black except for the menu and back buttons at the bottom. I took the back cover off and saw that none of the screws have that VOID sticker on them... can I take this apart to see if its just a loose connection?
The phone is rooted so I can't return it and I can't see anything to revert it back to stock.
I cancelled insurance last year after I got the GNex when the Verizon guy told me the price increased to $15/mo, I would still have to pay $150 to replace the phone and I would get a refurbished phone, not a new one. That's not insurance, that's a scam.
Any ideas? I swear I watched video after video of torture tests for this thing. Threw it, dropped it, froze it in a freezer. Not one problem. They put it in a friggin washing machine for crying out loud. I drop it first time and the thing is screwed... its not even a WEEK old.
calaski8123 said:
Little pissed right now. Why on earth did Samsung think that giving the GS3 the friction coefficient of ice was a good idea? I've never handled anything that was this slippery. I just got the darn thing Friday and I ordered the Ballistic Maxx case for it last week but of course I dropped it before it arrived.
The phone still works, I can hear everything, its just the screen is black except for the menu and back buttons at the bottom. I took the back cover off and saw that none of the screws have that VOID sticker on them... can I take this apart to see if its just a loose connection?
The phone is rooted so I can't return it and I can't see anything to revert it back to stock.
I cancelled insurance last year after I got the GNex when the Verizon guy told me the price increased to $15/mo, I would still have to pay $150 to replace the phone and I would get a refurbished phone, not a new one. That's not insurance, that's a scam.
Any ideas? I swear I watched video after video of torture tests for this thing. Threw it, dropped it, froze it in a freezer. Not one problem. They put it in a friggin washing machine for crying out loud. I drop it first time and the thing is screwed... its not even a WEEK old.
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Still could Odin it back to stock if the only thing that's broken is the screen no?... Just bring it in, most people wouldn't know what rooted means.
That's why you keep the insurance. Its usally worth it. And the "friction coefficient" makes it look damn sexy. But since you don't hsve insurance. You may as well t ake it a part if you know how to safley do so.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda premium
droidx2.3.3 said:
That's why you keep the insurance. Its usally worth it. And the "friction coefficient" makes it look damn sexy. But since you don't hsve insurance. You may as well t ake it a part if you know how to safley do so.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda premium
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Having the phone look sexy and then putting it in a Ballistic case is like dating a super model and only ever seeing her in a Burka! I'd rather date Albert Einstein's sister at this point. Ugh.
I took it apart and there was nothing loose. I swear... @#$*&&#@*$#@&*$#@*$&#@$*#@!$&[email protected]#$*
Well I guess I gambled and lost. Although I have saved over $200 on insurance since I cancelled, I guess that savings is gone. I might be better off with a Jitterbug.
You can send it to Samsung for repair. They will make you pay for repairs but they shouldn't care if it's rooted since your paying for the fix. Should cost less than $200 I would think?
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda premium
I'll try Samsung... but I hope there's nothing else wrong.
i dropped mine once when my father grabbed something out my hand i had my phone in, i was lucky enough to have only a small scratch across the screen and some minor damaging to the bezel
Ryno77 said:
You can send it to Samsung for repair. They will make you pay for repairs but they shouldn't care if it's rooted since your paying for the fix. Should cost less than $200 I would think?
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda premium
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if they have to replace the entire digitizer, it could cost well over 200 bucks since ordering just a digitizer and the glass, even through 3rd parties, still costs over 200 bucks, and that doesn't count their time to actually replace it
doesn't hurt to try though
That sucks. :-/ when you dropped it it must have hit at just the perfect angle to do that.
I don't have a case on mine but I'm super careful, I do worry about this happening though.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
Believe Samsung charges $178. They make the screen so no markup. I pay $6.99/month for insurance from Verizon. Sounds like you got yours from Best Buy.
prdog1 said:
Believe Samsung charges $178. They make the screen so no markup. I pay $6.99/month for insurance from Verizon. Sounds like you got yours from Best Buy.
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Was just going to post and say the same thing, although I thought it was $168 or something.
Samsung won't give two ****s that you're rooted. Call them. Seriously. Best bet.
Obviously, I wouldn't volunteer the information on the phone. Just tell them what happened and ask how much. Boom.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
Thats just pathetic, don't blame Samsung for your mistake. You're the one that dropped the GS3 and it's not Samsung fault.
Thanks for the helpful replies. I got it through Verizon but was told the insurance increased on the higher end smartphones. Maybe it had something to do with my wife having an iPhone and all the phones had to have the same level insurance? I don't know. I used to pay $6.99 with my Dinc and then when I went to the GNex and my wife got the iPhone they told us it was more. Moot point now... but I'll ask again once I get this sorted.
As for blaming Samsung... I don't recall doing that. I simply questioned why they thought it was a good idea to make it so slippery... I've never handled anything like it. I'm well aware I dropped it.
Quick question on ODIN... All the instructions I have found about using ODIN require me to use the screen on the phone. Is it possible to use it completely from the PC end?
Odin doesn't really require the phone screen being used. I mean, you need to be in download mode but all that requires is pressing volume (up or down, can't remember, I think it's up) home button and power. Then wait like 30 seconds and press volume up to indicate you want to enter download mode.
And if you got it into download mode, you'll know because Odin will tell you that it recognizes the phone.
In the development section there's a "how to root and more" guide. Section 6 tells all about how to Odin. You can do it without being able to see the screen.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
calaski8123 said:
Little pissed right now. Why on earth did Samsung think that giving the GS3 the friction coefficient of ice was a good idea? I've never handled anything that was this slippery. I just got the darn thing Friday and I ordered the Ballistic Maxx case for it last week but of course I dropped it before it arrived.
The phone still works, I can hear everything, its just the screen is black except for the menu and back buttons at the bottom. I took the back cover off and saw that none of the screws have that VOID sticker on them... can I take this apart to see if its just a loose connection?
The phone is rooted so I can't return it and I can't see anything to revert it back to stock.
I cancelled insurance last year after I got the GNex when the Verizon guy told me the price increased to $15/mo, I would still have to pay $150 to replace the phone and I would get a refurbished phone, not a new one. That's not insurance, that's a scam.
Any ideas? I swear I watched video after video of torture tests for this thing. Threw it, dropped it, froze it in a freezer. Not one problem. They put it in a friggin washing machine for crying out loud. I drop it first time and the thing is screwed... its not even a WEEK old.
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I just did the same ****ing thing man... Dropped that sumbitch and the screen is black.
I did take it apart.. I had hoped just a connector had popped off or something but no, it was broke. Didn't crack the glass, just broke the LCD.
They're super simple to take apart.
See if you can request the old parts if you return it to Samsung. Might be nice having the outside glass panel as a backup. Or resell?
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk 2
My insurance is $7/mo
I have a $100 deductible.
Maybe u had bad info
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
Thanks for the info guys... I think I'll try Samsung see what they say. Oh and I checked with my local Verizon guy today he did say that the insurance was only $7 with the deductible. I don't know if the last guy was giving out bad info or maybe was trying to get me to sign up for some other insurance... who knows. I added the insurance back on it today.
I took the back off but I didn't see any loose connectors. I didn't venture any further to take the LCD apart. How do you know the LCD is cracked? Can you see it? My glass looks fine and the insides look OK... the screen is just black.
I was wondering what would your opinion be on this for the SIII, its my first time with a contract, before i just traded phones, but i bought insurance just incase something happens and the duductible isnt all that bad! just wondering if they are a good company all together and worth it for my S3 incase it breaks!
Yes well worth it
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda premium
Might as well get it if phone is brand new
Sent from that young galaxy.
God bless the American people.
For me I personally do not believe in the whole insurance/warranty services. Examples being Asurion (Insurance) and SquareTrade (Warranty). Also to me carrier warranties are also bull.
Asurion $7/month $99 Deductible
Covers damage/lost device
SquareTrade $7/month ($125 2 years) $99 Deductible
Only covers repairs not lost device.
Manufacturers Warranty
12 Months FREE covers any manufacturers defects
For me why would I pay $125-175 + $99 if anything happens to my phone. So I am looking at $2-300 dollars if anything breaks or I lose my device. For that price I will take the risk. If my screen breaks I will use $50 to replace myself or pay a shop $80 or a $99 deductible. Mechanical problems with antennae/physical buttons I will pay a shop $120 to fix it or a $99 deductible. Did I lose my phone on the beach? Guess I will have to buy a generation behind, and get a used device on craigslist for $2-300 or a $99 Deductible.
Either way you are paying 2 years of insurance, and a deductible. You are better off just saving your money, and buying a decent slim case like a UAG. Unless you plan on regularly losing your device, and running it over repeatedly (to which I would assume they limit) then do not fall for the scam of insurance for your cell phone.
The way I see it if it does not fail within the first year the manufacturer made it just fine, and with normal use my phone will last me just fine. I would rather keep my $300 on hand in worst case scenario than give my money to another company.
Yeah if you're a pro that works for the usually rookie to android's world it wouldn't. Not everyone can do it all like you and I. That's why I recommend coverage . I've already replaced mine three times and haven't spent a penny... If you brick it on purpose they won't charge you anything... Just saying
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda premium
2 replacements a year
i believe assurion limits you to 2 replacements in a 12 month period...
I go with best buy and never had a problem . Yes I know I'm paying 10 bucks a month, but to me that's better than paying some shaddy phone repair shop. I already have used them one time since I got the phone because I some how bent one of the usb pens. The repair process was fast and easy only had to drop the phone off and pick it up .
daavy said:
i believe assurion limits you to 2 replacements in a 12 month period...
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Asurion limits you to 2 replacements for physical damage/theft/lost although you can get unlimited warranty replacements. IMO it's worth it for the warranty portion alone. If you're not worried about losing it or physically damaging it, just pay the $1.99 per month for the extended warranty. If something goes wrong with your phone after 12 months you're SOL whereas if you at least have the $1.99 you can get a cert-replacement.
I usually tell people to use either insurance or extended warranty for 20 months, after that you can drop it off your plan since at that point you'll be eligible for renewal.
I hard bricked my phone. Told asurion it was lost. Paid $99. Not rooting the replacement. If you play with ROMS it's worth the money.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda premium
If you're messing around with your phone a lot and somewhat of butterfingers like me , get insurance!
I cover all my electronics with SquareTrade; reliable and cheaper.
Personally I have signed up for the insurance, and have gotten good use of it as well. Yes, you can find a used on on CL or ebay, but you dont know the condition of it.
Plus they overnight you a new phone as soon as you make the claim, and are not tied to finding the best "deal" in short notice. Once you are out of contract and IF you keep your phone (dont upgrade right away), I might consider getting rid of the coverage.
How about the replacement phones? what are the chances of getting a new device? and chances of choosing a different device? and customer service
I had my phone a month. It was rooted with another rom in it. I got drunk at my birthday party and had the phone in my swimming trunks pocket all day. I forgot it was there and I jumped in my pool that evening. After about 5-10 min I realized what I'd done. I used rice to help dry it out over a couple days. It would power up but the screen would not come up. I was able to Odin it back to stock and sent it in to Assurion. No questions asked what so ever on the replacement.
djteotancolis said:
How about the replacement phones? what are the chances of getting a new device? and chances of choosing a different device? and customer service
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I had to file a claim this past November and was sent a new in box S3! I doubt that is typical though.
My kid did a number on my wifes phone the casing was cracked all the way around, took about 5 minutes online at 7pm last Friday night, by 1245pm the next day, Saturday. Brand new phone, SIM, and battery. It was well worth it.
djteotancolis said:
I was wondering what would your opinion be on this for the SIII, its my first time with a contract, before i just traded phones, but i bought insurance just incase something happens and the duductible isnt all that bad! just wondering if they are a good company all together and worth it for my S3 incase it breaks!
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Assurion sucks!! Takes 3 days to arrive, ALWAYS REFURBISHED! Covers everything but cheaper alternatives exist. If your not prone to losing your phone, get a zagg, otter box and don't waste your 7 bucks a month PLUS 130 dollar deductible.
Sent from a Shaftamle Galaxy S3
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---------- Post added at 08:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:13 PM ----------
djteotancolis said:
How about the replacement phones? what are the chances of getting a new device? and chances of choosing a different device? and customer service
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Zero chance of getting a new device and not a chance of picking a new one. I used to work for them.
Sent from a Shaftamle Galaxy S3
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Asurion is absolutely amazing. Their customer service is great and they're fast, easy, and helpful. I was visiting my friend who goes to a different college a few hours away and i lost my phone at some party. i waited a couple days in case it was found....which it wasnt. I called up Asurion and told them everything that happened, I filed for a claim and the next morning they said they would be able to send out a new phone and all I had to pay was the deductible. I got the phone within 48 hours, so I DEFINITELY recommend Asurion, they literally cover ANTYHING, whether it's water damage, broken, or even if you lost it.
and i know many people are thinking that they could just CLAIM that it's lost and get a new one by paying just the deductible. noooo that is not possible (at least i dont think...), because you have to provide your imei number, so they can block it from being used
I've had nothing but good experiences. I have 5 lines and have used them for insurance for at least 5 years. I've had to make at least 2 claims a year (well I've never had to but for the other 4 lines) and I've always had great customer support, overnight delivery and a new phone. The only time I've had a "problem" is when they didn't have a Inc2 in stock and they sent my wife a DROID RAZR.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
I had a bad experience with them just a couple months ago and posted a thread about it here you could search for. They basically said it would be a week or two before they could send me ANY replacement at all - they gave me zero options to choose from after telling me they were out of the S3. After a few calls and couple hours of threatening them, they finally offered to reimburse me if I went out and bought a brand new one. Decent result, but really had to fight for it and took a lot of hassle (and I definitely started off politely asking for any options aside simply waiting for a couple weeks without a phone).
Key word: Refurbished.
Sent from a Shaftamle Galaxy S3
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