[Q] Help! Wallpaper blackout - Eee Pad Transformer Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I'm having with my brand new transformer where like half the screen appears black when I set up a background for it. It works perfectly fine when I'm using a live wallpaper but any other wallpaper even one of the ones that came with it doesn't work. I just started having this problem today. I've done a couple regular resets and they didn't do anything. Would prefer not to do a hard reset as I just set everything up the way that I wanted it. Any and all help is appreciated.
p.s I'm not rooted or anything. This is a completely stock Transformer running android 3.2. I've only had it for like 3 days.

I had that same issue when I used Perfect Viewer (comics app) and told it to set my background from a screen capture in the program. After that all new backgrounds I tried were cut off.
Solution for me was to uninstall perfect viewer but found out later that there is a scaling and cropping check box in the app that causes this to happen when checked. Maybe that's your issue?
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using xda premium


[Q] Help with partial screen scramble

I've had the Transformer for about a month now and this is the first hiccup.
On the main homescreen there's a vertical bar on the far right with the five icons/shortcuts anchored there. The background under those icons is scrambled- the rest of the homescreen is fine, as are all of the other homesscreens. Rebooting doesn't help, changing the wallpaper doesn't either. I'm using Wallpaper Wizardrii, have been since I got the device, so I don't think that caused the problem either.
Any idea what I could do to fix it? Thanks!
I have never seen this issue. I would uninstall the 3rd party wall paper and see if it helps. Don't forget to power cycle the unit.
Ok- I'll try that now. Thanks.
No luck. Before I unlock the screen the [stock] background image completely fills the screen and there's no scramble. When I unlock the screen the image squeezes over to the left a little to make room for the vertical taskbar and the scramble appears (under the 5 icons). So something weird is happening when the image resizes.
I just remembered that even when I was using one of my photos as wallpaper it was not scrambled until the screen was unlocked. In Android's version of screensaver mode the pictures fill the screen and there's no scramble.
Using Multipicture Live now but problem still there. It's not a big deal (still love this tablet!) but I would like to know what's going on and how to fix it.
Anybody else experience this partial-scramble? I got a random reboot yesterday- first time. All I'd done since I started this thread is uninstall the wallpaper wizardrii program, reboot/power cycle a few times, and then download and install the new wallpaper (multipicture live) program.
Still hoping for help with this

[Q] Screen Rotation P6810

I've a possible problem with the P6810. When rotating the screen from portrait to landscape or vice versa while in an application such as youtube or web browsing, what ever is being presented on the screen is reset.
What I mean is this; say you are streaming something from youtube, as soon as you rotate the screen, the video restarts from the beginning. Same with audio or websites. If I'm browsing, a rotation in screen orientation will cause the web page to refresh. It becomes quite annoying.
This is not behavior I'm familiar with on other devices so I need to know from others with the Tab 7.7 whether or not this is normal as I don't think it is. I've reset the tablet and I've used several different launchers with no change. I'm starting to believe I may have a hardware problem.
I too have this screen rotation problem when browsing
I too am having this screen rotation problem and have not yet found a solution. In all broswers that I have used (stock, Firefox beta, Dolphin HD, Opera Mobile), when I rotate the screen while browsing, it resets. The page I was browsing goes away (actually all pages loaded up on the tabs go away as well) and it returns me to home screen.
Any insights into fixing this are appreciated.
I too have noticed this with YouTube and also noticed it with wallpapers. It is very annoying when the wallpaper has to be refreshed everytime the screen rotates
Fogot to mention that my tab is the P6800 not the wifi version
Sent from my GT-P6800 using xda premium
So three not working properly... anyone have one which doesn't exhibit this behavior?
I have not seen this occur on several phones including my current galaxy nexus or on previous ASUS tablets. I see it as a potential defect unless anyone can show otherwise.
Sent from my GT-P6810 using xda premium
+1 for "not working"
I haven't seen this as a defect as much as a bug. I'm guessing we're all on the same build and Samsung just need to fix it (hopefully with ICS and soon plz!)
I'm on the LA2 build myself, imported from Panamoz, built in Taiwan.
I like my homescreen to stay in portrait, and so this bug also immediately crashes some full screen games that are landscape only when I load them from my homescreen. I have to load an auto-rotate app (like the browser), switch to landscape, then multi-task into the game...its a pain.
I hope it's something in their implementation of HC but since I've not seen a device act like this on any previous incarnations of Android on multiple hardware platforms it has me a bit worried. Wonder if someone with a legit device can put a call into Samsung to see what's up or even if US support knows what the device is since Verizon is now selling them.
Sent from my GT-P6810 using xda premium
Turn off animation and it will be ok.
Sent from my GT-P6810 using XDA Premium HD app
ysabxe said:
Turn off animation and it will be ok.
Sent from my GT-P6810 using XDA Premium HD app
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks. Seemed to help with the browser behavior but not YouTube.....
Sent from my GT-P6810 using xda premium
didn't help for me, Animations turned off, if I change orientation in Opera during page load it just crashes opera completely.... very annoyed by this
Very strange thing, I turn on animation, and everithing is work fine :-| I update Youtube and Opera (new versions was on market ), may be you should do that to, plus reboot your device.
Sent from my GT-P6810 using XDA Premium HD app
ysabxe said:
Very strange thing, I turn on animation, and everithing is work fine :-| I update Youtube and Opera (new versions was on market ), may be you should do that to, plus reboot your device.
Youtube in a browser works as expected now that the browser is not refreshing, however what I'm talking about is video streaming from within the youtube app. Everything is up to date and I did a reboot after changing the setting.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
My Youtube app work well and streaming dont stops anymore, try to go Manage aplications - Youtube- Restore defoult setings, clear cash (some thing like that)
Sent from my GT-P6810 using XDA Premium HD app
Screen not rotating on SGT7.7
I work at verizon and today this issue was driving me crazy for 22mins. After power cycling the device (twice) and checking the rotate box then unchecking it several times to no avail, I was left with two options: 1.Hard Reset, which i wasn't going to do, or 2. Calling samsung, the sammy rep instructed me to hard reset. Man she was really no help at all so i tried one last thing I horizontally re-calibrated the device and it worked just fine so far only resolution.

Random crashing with instagram

I got my tablet on Wednesday. Its completely stock. No root. Nothing. And in the last 24 hours. It crashed twice. It only crashed when I opened Instagram.. the tab would go to rotate. Give a blank white screen with one black line in it. Freeze for like A minute. Then reboot. Any one have /the same issue
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using xda premium
random crashes
I also get random crashes similar to what you describe, but in other apps. (It's a solid color screen with just a line below it. It's usually white, but once in a while it's near-black or a solid color.) It seems to be just a few apps that are causing it... and if I avoid those, I can use the tablet for hours on end without really any problems.
I'm guessing it's a video driver issue. (Hopefully it's fixed in Jelly Bean? JB does come with a new kernel and new video driver, so the problem *might* just disappear.)

[Q] Galaxy tab 7.7 screen temporarily goes black

I have the Galaxy Tab 7.7 wifi-only version (P6810) running ICS and when I read my manga in bed (using Mangawatcher)
the screen sometimes goes black for a few seconds and then comes back.
I also use gesturecontrol for fullscreen reading and a screen dimming app called "screen filter".
So maybe it is the screen dimming app that causes it? Has anyone else had a similar problem or a solution?
It just started doing this a few weeks ago. It is not a big deal but maybe someone has a solution?
Thanks in advance
Uh unheard of, I use Voodoo display filter and komik and no screen issues, only issue I have is display filter gets restarted by android after some hours.. might be a restart of screen filter, have you tried using one at a time, to isolate wich app might do this ?
Get a catlog app to se what android is doing behind the scenes..
biopsin said:
Uh unheard of, I use Voodoo display filter and komik and no screen issues, only issue I have is display filter gets restarted by android after some hours.. might be a restart of screen filter, have you tried using one at a time, to isolate wich app might do this ?
Get a catlog app to se what android is doing behind the scenes..
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks for answering :highfive:
I will try to find the one app that is causing it by using one at a time and see if I find out more. It just seems a bit strange since it didn't happen before. Thanks

[Q] Wallpaper display problem

I'm using the latest stock rom and am perplexed. My wallpaper displays strangely in landscape mode. I see 75% of it and the rest of the screen is black.
All apps display properly, the portrait mode looks fine. The lock screen is affected in the same way.
In the wallpaper selection sizing screen an odd size frame is active. The inactive sizing frames that show 'under' are the correct ones I think.
Anyone have any ideas on how to return the display sizing to normal (without a "nuke & pave")?
All apps display properly and no problem in portrait mode.
After watching a couple of videos the problem has sorted itself out.
Strange, the video app (MX Video Player) must have tickled it back somehow.
Go figure.
Thanks to all who checked out this post.
OK, still have the problem, after a reboot. It's the YouTube app that fixes it.
Go figure.
My work-around is to use the Asus 'My Wallpaper' Live Wallpaper and set it to one picture/static.
(I really don't want to nuke & pave and am hoping the next update will fix it for good)
Ive had same problem.
Its caused by appkiller or startup manager.
One system app should not be stoped, dont know wich one.
Good luck!

