Random crashing with instagram - Asus Transformer TF700

I got my tablet on Wednesday. Its completely stock. No root. Nothing. And in the last 24 hours. It crashed twice. It only crashed when I opened Instagram.. the tab would go to rotate. Give a blank white screen with one black line in it. Freeze for like A minute. Then reboot. Any one have /the same issue
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using xda premium

random crashes
I also get random crashes similar to what you describe, but in other apps. (It's a solid color screen with just a line below it. It's usually white, but once in a while it's near-black or a solid color.) It seems to be just a few apps that are causing it... and if I avoid those, I can use the tablet for hours on end without really any problems.
I'm guessing it's a video driver issue. (Hopefully it's fixed in Jelly Bean? JB does come with a new kernel and new video driver, so the problem *might* just disappear.)


[Q] Help! Wallpaper blackout

I'm having with my brand new transformer where like half the screen appears black when I set up a background for it. It works perfectly fine when I'm using a live wallpaper but any other wallpaper even one of the ones that came with it doesn't work. I just started having this problem today. I've done a couple regular resets and they didn't do anything. Would prefer not to do a hard reset as I just set everything up the way that I wanted it. Any and all help is appreciated.
p.s I'm not rooted or anything. This is a completely stock Transformer running android 3.2. I've only had it for like 3 days.
I had that same issue when I used Perfect Viewer (comics app) and told it to set my background from a screen capture in the program. After that all new backgrounds I tried were cut off.
Solution for me was to uninstall perfect viewer but found out later that there is a scaling and cropping check box in the app that causes this to happen when checked. Maybe that's your issue?
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using xda premium

Screen tearing in launcher on ics ota?

I'm on t mobile nexus with the ota 4.0.3 update running. My install process was wipe, install 2.3.6, wipe, install the ota from one of the guides on xda, reflash recovery, flash su app. I keep getting screen tearing at the bottom of my launcher, and whenever a part of the screen is supposed to get dim (eg when a popup window comes onscreen) the fade animation acts really weird (it will kind of flash/distort). Any advice? Is this a common occurrence? Should I reflash from stock or would flashing a kernel later on solve this? I kind of don't want to have to reconfigure everything again.
Made a youtube video of the problem:
The launcher will (seemingly at random) get really choppy and start to tear at the bottom of the screen. I know it's hard to make out in the video (I couldn't get my camera to focus properly) but it is tearing. It's easiest to see between 0:05 and 0:10.
bump 10char
I can't be the only one to have noticed this. I see it on both my and my friend's nexus s's.
At least you're getting it in certain situations only. I get screen tearing in the lower left corner of the display in every app that uses hardware acceleration.
Using an I9023 running stock 4.0.3.
Sent from my Nexus S

Acer A510 help

Hi All,
I recently got the acer A510 overall i am happy with it except i have a few problems and wanted to know if anyone else is having the same.
I noticed a fair few apps are unstable. The store shows the apps are compatable etc but they crash a fair bit.
While i am not too fussed by it 1 does really annoy me.
It happens in both the built in web browser and on chrome.
Basically i can be on 1 tab and go back to another tab, but then it can't remember and starts to reload the tab (this is all in a matter of minutes)
Then after doing this a few times it stops loading. if i exit out and go back in all i get is a messed up black screen with bits of the app showing.
I have to reboot to resolve.
I have tried factory resetting and it's the same issue, all i did was sign up gmail and only download chrome. They both do the same thing.
Any comments on being a common issue or what i should try would be great.
Other than that the tab runs great plays movies great and is smooth very smooth.
I have the AUS version updated and theres only the 1 firmware. BTW acer are pretty useless in tech support area lol
Hi malos1984,
I have also issues with Chrome. Sometimes Chrome just freezes from time to time and the tab reboots. More often the page gets white and blinks (seems it tries to refresh but i gets white again). In this case I am able the restart Chrome.
It was so annoying – so now I am using Dolphin and I am quite happy. No freeze no reboots. Everything works fine.
It seems that more people have the same issue with Chrome on the A510. At least if you go through some of the play store comments…
Perhaps there will be a fix coming. Not sure if this needs to be fixed on the Acer side or on the Chrome side.
I tried Chrome, didn't like it and just switched back to stock. That browser has all my needs in it.
But I totally agree with the OP, Acer doesn't have the sharpest tech support. lol.
salisbury_steak said:
I tried Chrome, didn't like it and just switched back to stock. That browser has all my needs in it.
But I totally agree with the OP, Acer doesn't have the sharpest tech support. lol.
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Lol no they do not they don't even have an email contact here in aus pretty bad for a tech company.
Back on topic.
The strange thing is the default one is buggy too very similar issue.
On top of that embedded YouTube videos on sites and forums show the videos overlapping each other in the top left hand of page in both orientations and a black box where they should be displaying on the page.
I hope we get 4.0.4 and jelly bean later on as a update.
Another question I had is why doesn't shadow gun work I stupidly paid for it but its delayed in responsiveness.
I.e. i press a menu button and about a minute later the menu opens, then in game I tell it to do something and it takes about 3 secs to do that.
malos1984 said:
Lol no they do not they don't even have an email contact here in aus pretty bad for a tech company.
Back on topic.
The strange thing is the default one is buggy too very similar issue.
On top of that embedded YouTube videos on sites and forums show the videos overlapping each other in the top left hand of page in both orientations and a black box where they should be displaying on the page.
I hope we get 4.0.4 and jelly bean later on as a update.
Another question I had is why doesn't shadow gun work I stupidly paid for it but its delayed in responsiveness.
I.e. i press a menu button and about a minute later the menu opens, then in game I tell it to do something and it takes about 3 secs to do that.
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Ya I hope we get JB soon. I could use with the tab being a little slicker. Overall things are very smooth compared to HC but pale in comparison to the iPad.
Btw, SHadowgun on the A510 sucks. See a threa here in Madfinger's forum. Lotsa people facing it yet they're not gonna do anything about it. That sucks! Link: http://www.madfingergames.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=525
I agree with the stock browser stability.. It seems to refresh whenever I change tab n back to the previous tab.. and sometimes when I am multi tasking, switching back to browser gives me a white blank page. I have to scroll back to the top then the page shows back.. WEIRD.
himmatsj said:
Ya I hope we get JB soon. I could use with the tab being a little slicker. Overall things are very smooth compared to HC but pale in comparison to the iPad.
Btw, SHadowgun on the A510 sucks. See a threa here in Madfinger's forum. Lotsa people facing it yet they're not gonna do anything about it. That sucks! Link: http://www.madfingergames.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=525
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I faced the same issue on my tab playing shadowgun. however, after switching from 1.044 to 1.073, the problem have disappeared, but now I'm facing with problem of screen responsiveness while putting it on a table. they said its grounding issue and can be fixed from the settings, which have to be done every restart.(which I did not face it on 1.044).
azreen91 said:
I faced the same issue on my tab playing shadowgun. however, after switching from 1.044 to 1.073, the problem have disappeared, but now I'm facing with problem of screen responsiveness while putting it on a table. they said its grounding issue and can be fixed from the settings, which have to be done every restart.(which I did not face it on 1.044).
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Ok, I'm a noob at this but what's 1.044 and 1.073? I'm unrooted btw. Anyways, yeah the tab has got pretty bad responsiveness all around and you're right, when you put it on a table (flat surface) its totally unusable. Why is this so?
Chrome Problem
elendiir said:
Hi malos1984,
I have also issues with Chrome. Sometimes Chrome just freezes from time to time and the tab reboots. More often the page gets white and blinks (seems it tries to refresh but i gets white again). In this case I am able the restart Chrome.
It was so annoying – so now I am using Dolphin and I am quite happy. No freeze no reboots. Everything works fine.
It seems that more people have the same issue with Chrome on the A510. At least if you go through some of the play store comments…
Perhaps there will be a fix coming. Not sure if this needs to be fixed on the Acer side or on the Chrome side.
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I do have problems with Chrome on the A510....I will probably try dolphin to see how it goes.. I hope acer releases an update soon cause I hate having that bloatware, including the AcerNidus app, which is supposed to collect information about bugs....well what for if they don't release updates to fix them?
himmatsj said:
Ok, I'm a noob at this but what's 1.044 and 1.073? I'm unrooted btw. Anyways, yeah the tab has got pretty bad responsiveness all around and you're right, when you put it on a table (flat surface) its totally unusable. Why is this so?
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If you go to about tablet, you should see a "software version" field. 1.073 is the latest.
I actually have my tablet sent back to warranty service since the gyroscope is miscalibrated. I'm supposed to get it back after a week.
As for the non-responsiveness, it is a bug that was introduced in the latest firmware updated. To fix it, you'll need to go to display >> screen responsiveness >> toggle it to low/medium, then high again. You need to do this right after every restart.

[Q] Have anyone experienced game crashes and reboot to make them start ?

Hi i'm a new Asus transformer infinity user . I've noticed that sometimes (not so often) when i run games they crash after loading and i need to restart the device to get them working. When i first noticed it was when i started Dark Meadow to show the graphics to my friends it just came up a white screen that started flashing rly fast. Next time was when i started gta 3. It just crashed every time it had loaded fully. It's not a big problem And it's not overheat either. It's more like coldstart ^^. More like a graphical problem.
haverdaden said:
Hi i'm a new Asus transformer infinity user . I've noticed that sometimes (not so often) when i run games they crash after loading and i need to restart the device to get them working. When i first noticed it was when i started Dark Meadow to show the graphics to my friends it just came up a white screen that started flashing rly fast. Next time was when i started gta 3. It just crashed every time it had loaded fully. It's not a big problem And it's not overheat either. It's more like coldstart ^^. More like a graphical problem.
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I've had Final Fantasy 3 crash a number of times.. just pops me back to home screen. Don't usually lose much progress in the game, but still annoying. Does the same thing if you dock or undock during the game

[Q] New Youtube (5.0) issues: Screen blinking

Since the updated Youtube was out, I started having issues with my TF101, I use Revolver rom (which is stock based), and when I use youtube, the screen starts blinking black, especially when the video ends and get in the lower right corner.
I went back to v4.11 but it keeps updating to 5, which I want to use but it is very annoying.
Anybody knows a solution for the blinking?
I would go back to the older version of youtube and turn off auto update for google play. I would also upgrade your rom since I am unfamiliar with revolvers issues. Go Katkiss and you will not look back.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk

