[Q] Help with partial screen scramble - Eee Pad Transformer Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I've had the Transformer for about a month now and this is the first hiccup.
On the main homescreen there's a vertical bar on the far right with the five icons/shortcuts anchored there. The background under those icons is scrambled- the rest of the homescreen is fine, as are all of the other homesscreens. Rebooting doesn't help, changing the wallpaper doesn't either. I'm using Wallpaper Wizardrii, have been since I got the device, so I don't think that caused the problem either.
Any idea what I could do to fix it? Thanks!

I have never seen this issue. I would uninstall the 3rd party wall paper and see if it helps. Don't forget to power cycle the unit.

Ok- I'll try that now. Thanks.
No luck. Before I unlock the screen the [stock] background image completely fills the screen and there's no scramble. When I unlock the screen the image squeezes over to the left a little to make room for the vertical taskbar and the scramble appears (under the 5 icons). So something weird is happening when the image resizes.
I just remembered that even when I was using one of my photos as wallpaper it was not scrambled until the screen was unlocked. In Android's version of screensaver mode the pictures fill the screen and there's no scramble.

Using Multipicture Live now but problem still there. It's not a big deal (still love this tablet!) but I would like to know what's going on and how to fix it.

Anybody else experience this partial-scramble? I got a random reboot yesterday- first time. All I'd done since I started this thread is uninstall the wallpaper wizardrii program, reboot/power cycle a few times, and then download and install the new wallpaper (multipicture live) program.
Still hoping for help with this


[Q] SPB Shell 3D Issues [SOLVED]

Anyone else running SPB Shell 3D? I like it, and it runs pretty well, but I have two issues with it:
1. When I wake the phone from sleep, I see my home screen widgets but the home screen apps and wallpaper take a good 5 seconds to appear. Nothing fancy going on with apps or wallpaper that would cause this.
2. When I rotate the carousel with my finger (not with the slider), choosing a panel does not open that panel - the app instead opens the most recently opened panel. So, the only way to switch panels with the carousel is the slider. Is this the way it is supposed to work?
UPDATE: Reboot seems to have fixed #2, but #1 remains unresolved.
UPDATE #2: Solved. Turning the screen off with Screen Off And Lock was the culprit. Using the power button or an alternative widget (Widgetsoid) eliminates the home launcher redraw problem and the carousel problem.
i have it as well and i get a frezze every once in awile but nothing to drastick
I also have it, and was experiencing an issue where I had to keep defining SPB as the default shell. I contacted SPB support, and they have determined it is a device specific issue.
I then flashed to the Android Revolution ROM, and no longer experience the problem.

[Q] Help! Wallpaper blackout

I'm having with my brand new transformer where like half the screen appears black when I set up a background for it. It works perfectly fine when I'm using a live wallpaper but any other wallpaper even one of the ones that came with it doesn't work. I just started having this problem today. I've done a couple regular resets and they didn't do anything. Would prefer not to do a hard reset as I just set everything up the way that I wanted it. Any and all help is appreciated.
p.s I'm not rooted or anything. This is a completely stock Transformer running android 3.2. I've only had it for like 3 days.
I had that same issue when I used Perfect Viewer (comics app) and told it to set my background from a screen capture in the program. After that all new backgrounds I tried were cut off.
Solution for me was to uninstall perfect viewer but found out later that there is a scaling and cropping check box in the app that causes this to happen when checked. Maybe that's your issue?
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using xda premium

[Q] Wallpaper display problem

I'm using the latest stock rom and am perplexed. My wallpaper displays strangely in landscape mode. I see 75% of it and the rest of the screen is black.
All apps display properly, the portrait mode looks fine. The lock screen is affected in the same way.
In the wallpaper selection sizing screen an odd size frame is active. The inactive sizing frames that show 'under' are the correct ones I think.
Anyone have any ideas on how to return the display sizing to normal (without a "nuke & pave")?
All apps display properly and no problem in portrait mode.
After watching a couple of videos the problem has sorted itself out.
Strange, the video app (MX Video Player) must have tickled it back somehow.
Go figure.
Thanks to all who checked out this post.
OK, still have the problem, after a reboot. It's the YouTube app that fixes it.
Go figure.
My work-around is to use the Asus 'My Wallpaper' Live Wallpaper and set it to one picture/static.
(I really don't want to nuke & pave and am hoping the next update will fix it for good)
Ive had same problem.
Its caused by appkiller or startup manager.
One system app should not be stoped, dont know wich one.
Good luck!

Wallpaper slow to load after unlocking?

Had my Z3 for a week now and absolutely love it, one thing that has been slightly annoying me though is that when I unlock the phone it will sometimes take half a second or so for the wallpaper to load, and it appear black before then. The video below probably demonstrates this better! I have tried different launchers, making sure the picture was in internal storage, using lower resolution pictures etc.
Has anyone else been experiencing this, or have any idea what it is? It looks like the nav buttons along the bottom also appear after a brief delay.
I also get a pop up saying "Ending Session" occasionally when I use Stamina mode, any ideas what this is?
The video looks normal to me, and looks like mine. If it's loading slower than that, then i'd be concerned.
The ending session bit I can't help with
---------- Post added at 10:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:46 AM ----------
After turning off animation in dev settings, the background does indeed take time to load and leaves a black screen for a split second.
I guess the animation is there to hide it.
Same thing here! I'm using nova prime.
Did it happen with all the other launcher you've tried as well?
Yeah it isn't too bad, you know what it is like when you get a new phone though,everything makes you worried that something is wrong!
It is incredibly smooth with the default Xperia live wallpaper, but it is like it is in the video using anything else.
Some people worry about the smallest things. Just look at the bigger pitcture and stop nitpicking issues.
Its happening on mine aa well. But i actually think this ia done on purpose. Doesnt annoy me as much as it used to though.
If u put the animations on 1x (instead of off) it seems to rectify the problem.
Same here on a Z1. That's actually pretty interesting, I'll follow this thread.
alexwolf47 said:
Had my Z3 for a week now and absolutely love it, one thing that has been slightly annoying me though is that when I unlock the phone it will sometimes take half a second or so for the wallpaper to load, and it appear black before then. The video below probably demonstrates this better! I have tried different launchers, making sure the picture was in internal storage, using lower resolution pictures etc.
Has anyone else been experiencing this, or have any idea what it is? It looks like the nav buttons along the bottom also appear after a brief delay.
I also get a pop up saying "Ending Session" occasionally when I use Stamina mode, any ideas what this is?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I think that the delay (black screen for a fraction of sec) is due to those glittery things when you swipe the screen to unlock as they also keep on going on the homescreen once the lockscreen is out of the way...you can see that if you use the xperia wallpapesr that come with the phone, if you use a different wallpaper the glitters don't overlay on the homescreen (ie the black screen)...
I have the delay as well just like yours, same using a 3rd party unlocker (I used widgetlocker, but it doesn't really stick as it's better using it with root) and with a 3rd party locker the black screen is on the locker as well as soon as you push the power button....if you use a 3rd party unlocker, go to settings/security/screen lock and set it to none....then you won't have the lag anymore!
On another note, you're using the stock locker right?! How did you set a live wallpaper as a background (or is that a static pic, the video is a bit short on your youtube link to be able to tell), I can't find a setting for it, also is it possible to add widget on the stock lockscreen?
I always root my xperia's phone right away usually (but since it's not possible at the moment without unlocking the bootloader and losing the DRM keys) and never use the stock home and lockscreen, always change them right away so I haven't found settings for the stock lockscreen (the only option that I have is to change the background wallpaper, not live wallpaper option though and no widget option either), I can see the clock is clickable on the lockscreen but no action that I can see...am I missing something here?!
Now that I think about it the best way to not have the lag would be to build a theme with the included wallpaper of your choice, I'll look into that, just got the phone, so still checking things up and not having root is making things a bit strange at the moment

HTC ONE M7 Display Fault

I've searched but can't find my problem anywhere so I'm hoping someone can help.
The phone was my daughters and had a cracked screen, the phone still functioned and had no other faults.
I've fitted a complete shell including screen and everything was fine for a couple of days then the problem started. When I have a brightly coloured background the titles under the screen icons distorts, the brighter colour the more the screen distorts and shimmers. If I change to a dark coloured or B&W background everything stabilises again. It might be a coincidence but about the same time as the fault started the phone did and update to 5.0.2 from 4.x.x. The rest of the phone works ok unless a bright colourful image is on screen. I've tried all the obvious suggested tests, reducing brightness etc but nothing makes a difference. Any help is much appreciated.
I've tried to attach a photo but it crashes safari on my iPad.
When looking at the HTC wallpapers the problem is worse if I scroll down the choices it is worse on the centre and right images which I think are rain and grass, 2nd row from last/bottom, the dandelion is ok though. Would this be the screen itself, software or hardware?
I really like this phone but will probably have to go back to using my old iPhone if this is android.

