What are the ports? - Xoom Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Went to Best Buy last night to play with the Xoom and some other tablets. Made some notes, but now they don't make sense.
What ports does the xoom have? There was also a piece of plastic on the top of the case about the size of a SD Card that when I poped it off it was looking at the board. What is that?

the slot on the top is for the micro sd card
the two ports on the bottom, one for hdmi, one for the mini usb (connecting to pc, camera kit, etc.) the charging port is also down there.

thebrenda said:
Went to Best Buy last night to play with the Xoom and some other tablets. Made some notes, but now they don't make sense.
What ports does the xoom have? There was also a piece of plastic on the top of the case about the size of a SD Card that when I poped it off it was looking at the board. What is that?
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If it was a wi-fi-only Xoom, you were looking at the slot for the micro sdcard. There is a small slot within that larger space to slip the card into. Additionally, for a 3G model, that space contains a placeholder for a 4G PCI something or another.
On the bottom of the unit you have your micro usb port and your mini hdmi post as well as power socket and the gold contacts for the charging dock.


Small downside to Touch Pro

MICROSD is UNDER the battery cover...how lame..almost like they are reverting back to oldschool smartphones aka htc tornado and such lol
on the other hand, as it's supposed to be a business phone, maybe it's designed to prevent spies from swapping cards too easily (to upload a virus or copy your contact data without you noticing) or avoid SDs from falling out in case of earthquakes, tornadoes, plane crashes...
Those HTC guys, they think of everything !!!
Yes. lol almost every phone has a downside that HTC makes. Otherwise, well, HTC wouldn't be HTC. I'd be surprised if HTC makes a phone that everyone likes. I want a iPhone with WM running on it. Now that would be kick-ass. Someone godly pro should get a ridiculous amout of money for doing that so he gets some motivation. I know someone can do it. And just to say, if the iPhone gets a hardware keyboard/externa memory version. We can all say bye bye to the WM market :[
but wait im SURE people are gonna make aftermarket back covers that have a hole/slot so you dont have to hack it to pieces with a razor to get the ease of access lol
i am slightly concerned for the touch pro's music prowess.
I really like it that the microSD is now beneath the battery cover. I currently own a TyTN and here the microSD can be accessed from the outside and is easily ejected just by putting some pressure on it.
Sometimes it already happened, that I ejected the SD just by accident when I put it out of my pocket.
I do not swap my microSD very often because you can easy access it through ActiveSync, and for the few times I load a huge bunch of data to it, it's not a big deal just to remove the cover and put it out.
So my conclusion: Putting the microSD beneath the backcover, brings more protection to the microSD and more style to the phone. (the slot would "break" the stylish surface)
I agree. I have the same problem with my Tytn, it sometimes accidently comes out and on top of that a lot of dirt can get in the slot. And i'm not so fond of those fiddly little sd slot covers they put on other phones. They tend to break or loosen. So thumbs up for HTC that they put their sd card slot on the inside!
when does it come out??? i wanna sell my tytn ii for it. that wouldnt be much of a hastle . i usually bluetooth files to my phone aniways.
i presume there still isnt a 3.5mm jack on the touch pro?
No, there's not. Headphone/Headset is connected through the USB mini connector.
No 3.5mm jack!
That's the only down side I see with the touch pro.
But I do like that the Micro SD slot is hidden because I do not want my SD card popping out and me losing my music and files.
I don't think that's a downside at all. Like some people said, it is a lot safer there.
And think on the bright side, it could be under the battery itself, like it is on my phone, which really really sucks.
frustin said:
i presume there still isnt a 3.5mm jack on the touch pro?
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Despite what play.com syas Im sure the audio out is via the usual ext_usb socket, as is video out (with the correct adapter).
Even then I really think that to access the memory card one have to take the batt cover, is a downside, not big but a valid one.
I wonder with time if the cover will not get a bit loosely ...
"I want a iPhone with WM running on it. Now that would be kick-ass."
hehe that would solve the fact that one had to take out the batt to change sdcard pretty sufficiently
"I do not want my SD card popping out and me losing my music and files."
hhmm if you pop it back in they'd be back though
The only thing I am concerned about is the fact when I will actually be able to put a 16GB MircoSD card in the pro...
Announced in January, these "babies" are yet not available...
But HTC certainly wants us to use 16GB cards ... so where are those
Jorlin said:
Announced in January, these "babies" are yet not available...
But HTC certainly wants us to use 16GB cards ... so where are those
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Sandisk had orginally said they would be out in June but we have kinda missed that already. There a few pics on the net of Symbian phones with the a test 16GB card in and these have been around for ages.
I spoke to their customer service a couple of weeks ago.
SanDisk Technical Support said:
As of the moment we do not have any updates as to when is the exact or estimate date when this card will be release. You may check our website www.sandisk.com for updates or press release from time to time.
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jwhitham said:
Sandisk had orginally said they would be out in June but we have kinda missed that already. There a few pics on the net of Symbian phones with the a test 16GB card in and these have been around for ages.
I spoke to their customer service a couple of weeks ago.
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Very dissapointing...
The last thing you want is a spring-loaded micro-SD ejecting across a crowded pub... they're *tiny* and real buggers to find if they escape. Sounds like a flaw, but maybe not. I'll put an 8Gb card in, then probably never swap it until I get a bigger card. Lack of a 3.5mm jack is a bigger pain, but I survive now with the stupid 2.5mm jack on my Prophet.

Some dev ideas...

Got my Touch Pro coming in a couple of days and was just thinking over things.
First thing that came to mind... Since the whole back cover comes off for battery and card access, any possibilities of replacement, uniform backs... I'm not overly fussed on the faceted style and would much prefer a flat, rubber textured back. Any vacuum formers out there...?
Second thing. Does anything like this exist... Imagine if you will a standard micro SD card but instead of having memory inside it is basically a plug. From the back of it comes a flexible ribbon cable that attaches to a slim hub that in turn takes at least 2 micro SD cards (3 or 4 would be even better). Is such a thing possible? Just thinking since 16GB cards are expensive whereas 8GB seem quite cheap, the ability to plug in multiple cards but the controller card presenting them as a single storage device or possibly virtual directories within a single device would be great.
Also, putting the two ideas together, since the Touch Pro back is a whole unit and could effectively be made deeper (if someone decided to make a custom case back) then, since the Touch Pro micro SD card is beneath this cover then such a micro SD hub could mount underneath it...
Ho hum, all this waiting...
Why not go the whole hod and have a replacement back that is a normal SD card reader?
Assuming microSD cards are the same as SD cards, that means there is a chip select (CS) line which needs to be held active when reading and writing to the chip, this is used to select the memory card, knowing this means it would not be possible to have multiple cards as you couldn't switch between them without an extra IO port available on the microprocessor (and I'm sure HTC aren't releasing the schematics any time soon).
Was just thinking aloud...
With regards the multiple cards, was thinking that the electronics in the 'plug' would take care of mouting the individual cards and presenting them alltogether as one to the device, i.e. the device wouldn't be aware of anything.

SD to MICRO SD Converter Mod

Hi Everyone,
As it is taking so long to get real 32GB Micro SD's on the market I was wondering if anyone would be interested in buying a SD to MICRO SD converters.
This converters will not be just some wires solder together...but a converter that is nicely packaged.
Provide me with some feedback on the idea.
umm, how could that possibly work? you can't convert something so its smaller
Well maybe I did not state it correctly...
I mean a converter that will allow you to use a standard SD card into a micro sd slot...it will most likely be made of an external connector for the standard SD card then wire it down to a micro sd slot..
I work for an electronics manufacturing company and I may be able to convince my boss to do a test line of a couple...
But before I ask I wanted to see if there is any interest???
I have a Nexus one and really do not want to keep waiting for the 32GB Micro SD...then I do not want to pay $200.00 for it.
So i am thinking if people are interested a converter that can hold a standard SD that is no more that 4MM thick then you can shop around for a 32GB standard SD card for about $75.00 and have 32GB of storage for your nexus or other device...
Again just checking for input...
I'd would be interested, but I don't think there is going to be enough room to fit it and still put the back on!
tomfreay said:
I'd would be interested, but I don't think there is going to be enough room to fit it and still put the back on!
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Hi tomfreay I was was thinking about that...it may have to be something that mounts on the outside of the back cover...if it can be made to be flush against the back cover...I envision a small "bump" on the back...
I use a clear silicone case for my phone so I do not think it will look to bad....
Or I can buy a Seidio extended battery and case..this should allow me to hide the converter inside...but I think it may look worse than just having a little standard SD size bump on the back of the phone...
I will ask my boss to explore one then take pictures of the finished product and post...
Someone has done this already with one of the convertors already available
Kman Gymrat said:
Someone has done this already with one of the converters already available
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OK...so where can I buy one? And how much?
32GB Micro SD cards are available and have been for a month or two at least - check out http://www.google.co.uk/products?q=...esult_group&ct=title&resnum=3&ved=0CDgQrQQwAg
Can't see any kind of converter fitting well with the phone and still looking good. Also it would probably reduce transfer speeds to/from the card.
At this stage I can't say I'd recommend getting a 32GB Micro SD card for that matter. Better to stick with one that has a smaller capacity/higher data transfer speed if you don't want to slow down gallery/music apps etc - something between 4GB and 16GB.
See this post...
joeearl13 said:
32GB Micro SD cards are available and have been for a month or two at least - check out http://www.google.co.uk/products?q=...esult_group&ct=title&resnum=3&ved=0CDgQrQQwAg
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All 32 gig cards in the link you provided are out of stock.
Ya, if you don't know what you're talking about...
joeearl13 said:
32GB Micro SD cards are available and have been for a month or two at least - check out http://www.google.co.uk/products?q=...esult_group&ct=title&resnum=3&ved=0CDgQrQQwAg
Can't see any kind of converter fitting well with the phone and still looking good. Also it would probably reduce transfer speeds to/from the card.
At this stage I can't say I'd recommend getting a 32GB Micro SD card for that matter. Better to stick with one that has a smaller capacity/higher data transfer speed if you don't want to slow down gallery/music apps etc - something between 4GB and 16GB.
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DUDE. Seriously. How many times do people have to be told that a PHONE will not be able to saturate a Class 2 (which has a MINIMUM of 2MB/s NOT MAXIMUM) MicroSD card. Classes, DO NOT MATTER when the phone can only access the card as fast as the chipset can. I had a Class 6 with Apps2SD and a Class 2 16GB with Apps2SD and there was NO DIFFERENCE even with the biggest movie file I could play.
Why the crap would you think that less than 1 inch of copper would slow down the transfer rate to anything you can see?? GIVE. ME. A. BREAK. I have 2 METERS of USB cord AND a 2 inch USB cord hooked up to a portable harddrive, and they have IDENTICAL speeds with the same hardware, why would you be able to tell the difference on a phone where that is not even close to being a bottleneck.
Listen, this is important: SD Card Class will NEVER be a bottleneck for any media on our Nexus Ones.
Ya, true; my converter looks terrible, but it fits under a very nice looking Casemate Vroom Case perfectly I would totally recommend one if you're going to get a MicroSD to SD.
Hi Everyone,
I have posted some pictures of my SD to MicroSD Converter and how it looks once it is installed.
Not bad, would be tempted by it if I needed a lot of storage.
well, if we gonna make our n1 bigger.. is that possible to make raid of two 32GB SDHC cards?
reddog said:
Hi Everyone,
I have posted some pictures of my SD to MicroSD Converter and how it looks once it is installed.
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Nice Job. DocRambone was going to try this with the 3200mAH battery and cover but I dont know if he was successful.
The custom back-cover that comes with it should have room for this.
ps: Can you post the pics in the OP so its easy to find, thanks.
britoso said:
Nice Job. DocRambone was going to try this with the 3200mAH battery and cover but I dont know if he was successful.
The custom back-cover that comes with it should have room for this.
ps: Can you post the pics in the OP so its easy to find, thanks.
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Hi Britoso..I was think about putting out the money for the 3200mAH battery...but then I found the case for it was too big...
The mod that I did is something that I think a lot of people can live with..its not ugly..the crystal case fits...and the grip of the phone has changed a little..I find it feels a little better.
Forgive my ignorance I have been on this site for several years now and still do not know everything...what do you mean by "OP"..set me straight and I will place the pictures there..
To All...
Again with this mod the cover slides off like it should...I put a small slit in the cover for the flex cable...and placed protective tape on both sides of the flex cable to prevent damage.
So at the most I just have to buy a new back cover and return the phone to OEM condition.
Oh I did shaved the battery a little by the MicroSD slot area...
If anyone is really interested in this converter let me know...like I said...$200.00+ for a 32GB Mirco SD card...I have seen them selling for $395.00..no way I say.
This mod ran me $82.00 for the 32GB standard class 10 card and $35.00 in parts.. Grand total of $117.00 for massive storage...I say the little bump on the back is worth it..phone can quickly be restored to OEM..
Maybe in 1.5 years from now when 32GB MicroSD cards come down to earth....I will get one..then I will just use my 32GB Class 10 Standard SD in a HD camcorder...
If it fits inside the battery cover it will be safer from movement, dust, drops etc.
OP= Original Post, the first post
You can also Add "Mod" to the title, need to go into the advanced edit mode for that.
britoso said:
If it fits inside the battery cover it will be safer from movement, dust, drops etc.
OP= Original Post, the first post
You can also Add "Mod" to the title, need to go into the advanced edit mode for that.
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OK..its done..thanks for the lesson..
andjohn said:
DUDE. Seriously. How many times do people have to be told that a PHONE will not be able to saturate a Class 2 (which has a MINIMUM of 2MB/s NOT MAXIMUM) MicroSD card. Classes, DO NOT MATTER when the phone can only access the card as fast as the chipset can. I had a Class 6 with Apps2SD and a Class 2 16GB with Apps2SD and there was NO DIFFERENCE even with the biggest movie file I could play.
Why the crap would you think that less than 1 inch of copper would slow down the transfer rate to anything you can see?? GIVE. ME. A. BREAK. I have 2 METERS of USB cord AND a 2 inch USB cord hooked up to a portable harddrive, and they have IDENTICAL speeds with the same hardware, why would you be able to tell the difference on a phone where that is not even close to being a bottleneck.
Listen, this is important: SD Card Class will NEVER be a bottleneck for any media on our Nexus Ones.
Ya, true; my converter looks terrible, but it fits under a very nice looking Casemate Vroom Case perfectly I would totally recommend one if you're going to get a MicroSD to SD.
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If this rant is true, you make me feel a lot better for buying a class 2 16gig card.
andjohn said:
DUDE. Seriously. How many times do people have to be told that a PHONE will not be able to saturate a Class 2 (which has a MINIMUM of 2MB/s NOT MAXIMUM) MicroSD card. Classes, DO NOT MATTER when the phone can only access the card as fast as the chipset can. I had a Class 6 with Apps2SD and a Class 2 16GB with Apps2SD and there was NO DIFFERENCE even with the biggest movie file I could play...
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BTW, "class" on a (micro)sd card is for measuring _write_ speed only. Hence playing a video will test precisely nothing relating to it's class rating.
And yes, the N1 can saturate the write speed on a Class 2 card _very_ easily.
Anyone still looking for an adapter. I found this:
They sell this directly for around $24 + shipping.

Little Basic Help

I apologize, but I live 300 miles from any town with electronic stores to seek these answers, I also would be reluctant to trust a sales person anyway. I am a smart phone aholic and get tremendous amounts of good Intel on this site, so I came here.
I really need to update my laptop and am thinking of getting the new Surface. The way I understand it is you can buy a case with a hard keyboard, so you can use it like a laptop, and also take that off and make it a tablet. How do you install new software? Does it have a DVD, or do you connect to external? Is there any drawback to this device? Thanks
Sent from my VS980 4G using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
If it's a Surface RT the only way to install software is through the Windows 8 app store. If it's a Surface Pro you can install any software you would on a PC including apps from theb Windows 8 app store. I'm pretty sure you could hook up an external DVD drive to it...
big70tom said:
I live 300 miles from any town with electronic stores
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I'm convinced you could only be living under a rock or a cave in the middle of nowhere. :laugh:
big70tom said:
Is there any drawback to this device?
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A Microsoft Surface is not a replacement for an actual laptop despite what anyone says. The answers to all of your questions is "Yes", however, you are still making a compromise. I love my Windows 8.1 Pro tablet, I use it daily, however you aren't going to be as "productive" as you would be getting an actual laptop?
The Surface (Pro) is a really good buy for the fun factor.
The thing you're thinking of buying is the Type Cover (the second generation one has backlit keys and is a bit thinner, but the first-gen one is cheaper and works fine). It's a full-size keyboard (that is, the keys are full-sized and at the usual spacing; it obviously doesn't have room for the full 104-ish keys of a desktop keyboard) plus a trackpad. It is not a case in any traditional sense, although it does work as a screen protector when "closed". It connects magnetically; removing it and reconnecting it is literally a snap (or perhaps "clack!") The magnets are strong enough you can fold the cover behind the tablet (although with the type cover this feels weird because the keys can move beneath your fingers, but at least they turn off automatically) or even dangle the tablet from the cover (not recommended but a cool trick anyhow).
Installing software is done the same way you would on any recent PC; you download it. The tablet has WiFi built in. There's a built-in store that can install and update "modern" apps, but you can also just download programs off the web/FTP servers/whatever. If you need to install off of an actual optical disk (CD or DVD) rather than a disk image (which Win8 can mount as a virtual drive), you will need an external optical drive that connects to the tablet using USB (there's a full-size USB3 port on the side of the Surface Pro). If you really need a wired network connection for some reason, you can get a USB Ethernet adaptor (they're only a few dollars) but that will take up the tablet's USB port. You can also use (USB) external hard disks or flashdrives with the tablet, as a way to transfer files including installers. I recommend getting a USB hub (ideally, one that can handle USB3) if you're going to use a lot of USB devices.
As for drawbacks, the biggest one is arguably that it's small. It's thick for a (modern) tablet, but at only 10.8" (about 28cm) diagonally, the screen is on the small size for a laptop. The case also doesn't have room for a lot of ports. You've got the aforementioned USB3 port, a miniDisplayPort, a headset (headphones+mic, like for a smartphone) port, a microSD card slot, the magnetic power connector (which is also where the stylus rests), and the magnetic cover port (which is how the covers send keyboard and mouse input to the tablet). No VGA (you can get a converter for the miniDP port, though), no surround sound output (the built-in speakers are ok for a tablet but nothing special), no serial or parallel ports (you can use a USB adaptor), no PS/2 port (USB adaptor), no wired Ethernet ports (USB adaptor), no card-reader for anything bigger than microSD (USB adaptor), nowhere to install additional storage or an optical drive (USB...), and only one USB port (hence the recommended USB hub). The Type (or Touch) covers offer very usably-sized keyboards, but a lot of keys are missing or require you to hold the Fn key at the same time. The next-biggest drawback is probably the price-to-specs ratio; while very attractive compared to other "ultrabooks" and high-end x86_64 tablets, you can get a more powerful actual laptop for half the price. The first-gen Pro also has a pretty mediocre battery life (5-ish hours) and a kickstand which only opens to one angle (which some people find to be not the correct angle for them). None of the internal components (battery, CPU, RAM, Flash storage, etc.) are removable/replaceable/upgradable, and the max specs of the original Pro (5GB of RAM, 128GB of internal Flash storage) aren't very impressive. There's also no dedicated graphics processor; the integrated Intel graphics are OK for light-to-moderate gaming, but not for serious gamers or any task requiring much GPU acceleration.
With all that said, it's a very nice, compact, lightweight 64-bit Windows computer with an excellent display (for the size), excellent stylus and touchscreen, very durable body (even without cover, though you really should get one anyhow), and good manufacturer support. It's usable as either a tablet or a laptop, and while it can't be said to be ideal for either, it's pretty good.
To give you any more advice on whether it's suitable would require knowing a lot more about why you're thinking of buying one and what you'd be doing with it.
Which I had read and understood a review like yours before I made a compulsive purchase on Christmas night! I purchased an RT 64GB version, not realising that it is not very well supported on the available app front.....no Google chrome and very few other apps that I have become to consider standard with my Samsung Android tablet. I think note in hind sight I should have purchased the pro version but the price difference from Tesco was GBP 400 vs GBP 950 for the pro. I agree that you should definitely get the cover keyboard and the old version (mk I) is on special offer at GBP 45 vs GBP 99 for the mkII with back light keys.
Oh and there is no onboard GPS receiver so forget navigation!
Sent with desire from My One

Most discreet storage accessory?

As you know, the Google Pixel 3a does not have a microUSB slot, or any other on-board way to upgrade storage. I didn't realize this before I bought the phone, and I definitely need more storage than my phone offers.
I'm thinking about getting one of these tiny USB flash drives, along with one of these tiny USB-C adapters that slide into the larger USB jack. This would give my phone an attachment about the side of a dime.
I have not seen any low-profile flash drives like this that are designed to work with USB-C, but maybe they exist and I just haven't found them yet. Or, maybe there's a way to put some kind of low-profile card reader behind your phone case and feed a cable into the USB-C port. I'm not sure, but I'm sure some of you have at least pondered this, so I thought I'd get your ideas. Thanks.
Doesn't give the speed rating, it's a ringer... don't fall for it! Google's greedy MS like force the user to rely on cloud storage sucks. It degrades the usefulness and redundancy of their phones severely.
I use Samsung N10+'s as dual drive devices; all critical data goes on the 1tb SD card, only apps, the download and dcim folders are on the internal memory. The Samsung Extreme card is V30 rated, fast enough the record or stream HD movies. That's the way you do it.
Your only alternative is to use OTG flashsticks but bandwidth will be an issue especially the cheap ones. On a fast one you'll get 2gb/min maybe better or worse. On the Sandisk Extreme SD card I get over 4gb/min. The big Google lie about SD cards being irrelevant does the consumer a huge disservice. I can do a full reload and restore from my SD card, nothing else needed even store installable copies of all my apps there.
I use these OTG flashsticks for "dirty" backups on my N10+'s https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1658082-REG/sandisk_sdddc3_512g_a46_512gb_usb_c_a_plastic.html/?ap=y&lsft=BI:514&smp=y
Quality could be better but many of the others are trash in comparison to these. Get a .5tb one.
Lol, my data drive size is now 1tb so I use 2 .5tb flashsticks.
If the flashstick's price seems too good to be true that's because it is. Use large name brand flash memory only bought through reputable venders only. It will save you time, trouble and data loss...

