[Q] Skype killer ? - General Questions and Answers

Installed Skype, because I use it ocasionally. Added it to some task killer to prevent it to start at boot time. I reboot, it's on. I take an other task killer, kill it. Still on.
I go in Skype, logout; I try relogin, it asks me for password.
How to make it behave like on my computer ? have it run only when I need it, have it off when I don't need it, and make it NOT ask me password when I login ?
Where is the "quit" button ? quit without forgetting the password !
Short WA: rename the package in /data/app, and reboot. But ... really, isn't there a nicer solution ?

I don't have any problems. Go to Skype settings and change the go offline time.

Have you tried the market for stop skype type apps? I used to use stop skype but apparently this doesn't work with the latest version. There are other out there though...

Unless it's actually using battery, there's no reason to kill it. You're just wasting more battery and resources by using a task killer. Android does a decent job of managing memory on its own, so let it.
If it bothers you THAT much, or if it's eating through battery, freeze it with Titanium Backup. I believe you'll need the Pro key to freeze apps. With the free version you can make a backup of it (this will save your password) and uninstall it when you're not using it. Just restore your backup when you need to use it. Freezing is a lot easier, though.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk

Skype has a lot of hooks for when it starts, so if you took it out of startup then it might be in connection changed or something like that.
Sent from my MIUI SCH-i500

plainjane it's not draining my battery, it's draining my data plan !!! and when on data plan, since Skype is banned by my phone provider, my friends see me go online-offline every 20s ... I keep blinking and ennoying them. I want Skype to run only when I am on Wifi, and disable it when on GSM. All other apps have options in Prefs ... Skype doesn't. Skype just sux. So, the easy fix would have been to do like other naighty apps: use Tasker to ask it to kill Skype when no wifi is available, and Skype restarts itself ...
You all guided me to something I had not found yesterday; changed the conf, will see tomorow.
TB is a good idea; did not pay yet, but I may pay for pro, for other reasons. But I have other things to test before that.
Thanks for chat.

A recent update seems to have ruined Skype TBH. I switched to Viber but you could also try Fring.
Skype now behaves more like a virus than an app for me.

I didn't think about the data thing, I'm used to having unlimited data & I'm usually on wifi anyway.
If it's a data thing, try using Droidwall. In Droidwall you can deny connectivity over mobile data or wifi. Just deny it over mobile data & allow it over wifi. The app may still run, but it won't be able to connect. Be sure to select menu > apply rules, just checking the box won't do anything. Also ensure that the firewall is enabled, and enable the log as well so you can check to see that it's being blocked. The app is free and works well, I use it for other things.
It's not a permanent solution, but it will keep it from eating your data until you find a way to stop it.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk

plainjane i have found how to tell Skype to never connect anymore; I will still install droidwall for other reasons.
I don't mind that much about data plan cost; but my friends complained I was blinking, and boring them
Fring is not an alternative; Fring no longer supports Skype (Skype complained to Fring, and frorced Fring to remove their internal skype-compatibility-plugin); I am not asking for free voice calls; I need Skype specifically, for their uniq services (Skype Out to call foreign number at low cost, and Skype-only contacts ... friends who are too lame to use anything else than Skype ... ).
I could WA my provider limitations and disconnecting issue by activating my tunnel (tunnels will ensure quality service, prevent discos, and re-establish connexions transparently when my providers shut's down the link; transparent for app, and fast enough to "not see any disconnexion at application level", just some lag ).
But my root issue was to get Skype not start at boot, and shut-up when i am bored. And if the next Skype update removes the options you helped me to discover, I will activate DroidWall which looks very nice
Thanks, issue fixed.


g2x: Wifi and 4g on at same time!??

Just got my g2x today and i love it. However, when I'm connected to wifi, 4G is on at the same time! When i'm downloading an app, i see the arrows light up which mean its using my 4G data. Anyone have problem with this? I turned it off to prevent using my data for now.
Working Solution:
Okay what I was experiencing was Wifi and 4g on at the same time. Also, the wifi doesnt work.
It is due to My Account, however, you cannot delete it.
You must download "Bloat Freezer" Its a buck.
Freeze My Account. Easy to do. I had two My Account installed for some reason so i froze both.
Wifi off, 4g Turns on. Wifi on, 4g turns off.
Ya I had the same issue except I was on 2g. I noticed it was very slow so I disabled and re-enabled wi-fi and it worked fine after that.
Sigh.. now wifi doesn't work. Happened twice already. Works on my Nexus. Its happening to a few people on the T-Mobile forum. Becareful when you buy. Hopefully its software problem... ****ing lg
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA App
When I turn WIFI on and connect to my router, my 4g turns off.
Try turning on WIFI wait for it to connect and then open a browser session.
Works here.
I had this same issue and I found out the cause. First off, if you skip the initial setup and set it up later, you will never fix the issue. Particularly when downloading from the Market. You need to go to Settings/Privacy and do a factory reset and make sure you set up your Google account on the initial setup screen.
Second, make sure that your phone is not using any data before turning wifi on. If it is, let it stabilize for a few moments.
If this does not work, turn on wifi calling. Its better voice quality anyway and you don't get dropped calls.
This is obviously just a software bug that needs a patch to fix. I've seen far worse problems out of the gate with phones than software bugs as small as this.
I did set up my account at initial setup. Internet works on nexus s perfectly. I'm using 4g right now to type this. Lame....
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA App
I have actually seen this same problem on my Nexus One many times so I'm not sure this isn't just an Android issue, not a G2x issue.
My cellular data connection disappears when I'm on wifi. I use wifi often and never seen both active. My N1 was the same way.
When I disconnect from wifi, the data has to reconnect. Saves battery I guess.
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA Premium App
Working Solution:
Okay what I was experiencing was Wifi and 4g on at the same time. Then the wifi doesnt work.
It is due to My Account, however, you cannot delete it.
You must download "Bloat Freezer" Its a buck.
Freeze My Account. Easy to do. I had two My Account installed for some reason so i froze both.
Wifi off, 4g Turns on. Wifi on, 4g turns off.
I have two My Account running also. I'll try to root and freeze it.
Wow the 4G/2G goes off right away after I endtasked My Account, leaving Wifi icon only instead of both. So, it is really the My Account app. Thanks tony.
i second the "my account" advice. i used titanium backup to remove it (i had 2 instances) and wifi seems to be working fine now.
My Account doesn't fix for me. I think it is the Market app. Whenever I have both Wifi/4G, I endtask the Market and the 4G icon disappears right away. 4G icon comes back when I open up Market again.
tonyizhurr said:
Just got my g2x today and i love it. However, when I'm connected to wifi, 4G is on at the same time! When i'm downloading an app, i see the arrows light up which mean its using my 4G data. Anyone have problem with this? I turned it off to prevent using my data for now.
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delete pleaseeeee
nraudigy2 said:
My Account doesn't fix for me. I think it is the Market app. Whenever I have both Wifi/4G, I endtask the Market and the 4G icon disappears right away. 4G icon comes back when I open up Market again.
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Market did the same to me, but it stopped after I turned off mobile data and turned it back on. I think the MAIN problem is 'My Account'
tonyizhurr said:
Market did the same to me, but it stopped after I turned off mobile data and turned it back on. I think the MAIN problem is 'My Account'
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I completely removed the My Account through Titanium Backup and still have problem.
EtherealRemnant said:
I had this same issue and I found out the cause. First off, if you skip the initial setup and set it up later, you will never fix the issue. Particularly when downloading from the Market. You need to go to Settings/Privacy and do a factory reset and make sure you set up your Google account on the initial setup screen.
Second, make sure that your phone is not using any data before turning wifi on. If it is, let it stabilize for a few moments.
If this does not work, turn on wifi calling. Its better voice quality anyway and you don't get dropped calls.
This is obviously just a software bug that needs a patch to fix. I've seen far worse problems out of the gate with phones than software bugs as small as this.
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Exact same thing happened to me. I exchanged my G2X in-store and powered it up, skipping the setup to make sure everything was working real quick and the Wi-Fi was being wonky until I did a factory reset on it and did the setup.
"My Account" is still running
tonyizhurr said:
Okay what I was experiencing was Wifi and 4g on at the same time. Then the wifi doesn't work.
It is due to My Account, however, you cannot delete it.
You must download "Bloat Freezer" Its a buck.
Freeze My Account. Easy to do. I had two My Account installed for some reason so i froze both.
Wifi off, 4g Turns on. Wifi on, 4g turns off.
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the reason this does not work for some people is BECAUSE "My Account" (version 1.0)
is still running
even if you Freeze it with Titanium Backup it still runs
"Advanced Task Killer" does not list it so can not be killed with that
and can not be killed in the default android task manager
Bloat Freezer MAY be able to truly Freeze this program but i can not get the program to find out :-(
I'm overdrawn on my bank account right now buying this damn phone
Titanium Backup says it's frozen BUT if you reboot and go into your default task manager you'll see it started up and is running again.. with no way to kill it.
look if you don't believe me
Default task manager:
Settings>Applications>Manage Applications> "click running at the top" >scroll down to "My Account"
see it's running (and you thought TB froze it)
so my question is HOW to fracken kill this program with out paying a dollar. so Titanium Backup can freeze it properly
OR Just kill it
i don't mind killing it every boot if Titanium Backup can not freeze it properly
i just need a way to kill it
My work around solution is to turn on WiFi calling
BUT i don't want to do this
i paid 500+ dollars for this damn phone
i should not have to turn WiFi calling on JUST to run the Market and the web on WiFi
(sometimes it effects web surfing)
a1yet said:
the reason this does not work for some people is BECAUSE "My Account" (version 1.0)
is still running
even if you Freeze it with Titanium Backup it still runs
"Advanced Task Killer" does not list it so can not be killed with that
and can not be killed in the default android task manager
Bloat Freezer MAY be able to truly Freeze this program but i can not get the program to find out :-(
I'm overdrawn on my bank account right now buying this damn phone
Titanium Backup says it's frozen BUT if you reboot and go into your default task manager you'll see it started up and is running again.. with no way to kill it.
look if you don't believe me
Default task manager:
Settings>Applications>Manage Applications> "click running at the top" >scroll down to "My Account"
see it's running (and you thought TB froze it)
so my question is HOW to fracken kill this program with out paying a dollar. so Titanium Backup can freeze it properly
OR Just kill it
i don't mind killing it every boot if Titanium Backup can not freeze it properly
i just need a way to kill it
My work around solution is to turn on WiFi calling
BUT i don't want to do this
i paid 500+ dollars for this damn phone
i should not have to turn WiFi calling on JUST to run the Market and the web on WiFi
(sometimes it effects web surfing)
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Bloat Freezer will work FORSURE. It cost a buck though haha. Maybe you can find another app that will work like bloat freezer
tonyizhurr said:
Bloat Freezer will work FORSURE. It cost a buck though haha. Maybe you can find another app that will work like bloat freezer
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did you check your running apps ?
I'm just wondering if it is listed there

I think I found a fix for the WIFI DNS problem! You guys are gonna like this!

There is hope!
First off let me start with this my very first G2X had the reboot issue... got another one, NO MORE REBOOT!
But, I still get the DNS issue, where its connected to WIFI but it would load pages, unless u type its ip adress VS the w w w version.
While I was messing with the phone over the WE i started customizing the phone, dled go launcher and some other app to make the phone pretty...
Came across this... WIDGETSOID.
At first look you wouldn't think that this app would do anything, but it basicaly let you custimize trays, kinda like the power setting one.
Are you guys ready? WIDGETSOID has one option that you can incorporate with the tray, its called DATA SYNC NOW, not data sync, with data sync now it forces the sync AND GET YOU INTERNET!!!!!
Hope that helps!
Well I use WiFi all the time. I use it at work where there is no cell service and at home where I have 4G. I don't disable the cell radio but no issues. I'm on CM7.
I guess you are running stock where Tmo tries to force data over their network. Nice find.
I'm still on the stock ROM, the only time I've had any issues with wifi connectivity is immediately after switching over from T-Mo's data. Like when I come home and my wifi is already switched on and I try to use data just as I walk in the door before its fully switched or before I see the wifi calling icon show up. If I give it a few minutes it will correct itself everytime. On my phone, if the the wifi calling icon is on the task bar then both calling and data are working over wifi.
I have found that the stupid little USA Today app will re-establish data one way or another. When my browser is just spinning it's wheels I can fire up USA Today and a few seconds later the browser will respond again.
Hummm i am still on the stock rom as there is no custom rom stable enough yet...
And I have no data plan...
I hope that this little trick will help ppl with DNS issues =)
Screw Tmo and their data requirement!
set dns from the market does the same thing
Force Sync was a workaround for the Wifi DNS issue but it doesn't work on all phones and it isn't a consistent fix. The only known true resolution is to root (I used SuperOneClick 1.9) and then use either Titanium Backup or Bloat Freezer (I use Bloat Freezer) and freeze the My Account apps. In Bloat Freezer, My Account has 3 entries.
TheBigSaxon said:
Force Sync was a workaround for the Wifi DNS issue but it doesn't work on all phones and it isn't a consistent fix. The only known true resolution is to root (I used SuperOneClick 1.9) and then use either Titanium Backup or Bloat Freezer (I use Bloat Freezer) and freeze the My Account apps. In Bloat Freezer, My Account has 3 entries.
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I do have a rooted phone, I uninstalled my account instead of freezing them, but I only had 2 entries and not three... What is the third one?!
I only have 2 as well.
TheBigSaxon said:
Force Sync was a workaround for the Wifi DNS issue but it doesn't work on all phones and it isn't a consistent fix. The only known true resolution is to root (I used SuperOneClick 1.9) and then use either Titanium Backup or Bloat Freezer (I use Bloat Freezer) and freeze the My Account apps. In Bloat Freezer, My Account has 3 entries.
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Doesn't work for everybody. I've tried the stock rom, rooted and froze them and deleted them. Tried froyo roms, same problem. The only rom that made a difference was the GB leak. I haven't tried cm7 yet.
I think the difference is boat freezer. I first tried titanium backup when the issue hit my phone and it didn't work. Then I used bloat freezer where I saw the third entry. I froze that and all of the other tmo bloat and my phone is now perfect. I do remember reading that you also had to freeze the car app along with my account to get the fix to work.
Unfortunately I don't know what the actual cause is this is just what I have done. I will say that when it comes to tech I'm not a noob. I'm an enterprise architect for a 250k seat shop and I'm an ios dev. But this issue is really unique because for the most part nobody has been able to establish a true root cause.
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA Premium App

[Tutorial] Quick Wi-Fi Fix

Hey guys,
I've been following XDA-developers for a long time, and would like to return something for all the help the community has provided. I traded my iPhone 4 for a G2X today only to find out that my BB data plan is incompatible -_-. Unwilling to wait until Memorial Day was over (611 closed), I decided to turn on Wi-Fi and tinker with it.
Unfortunately I fell victim to the phone's Wi-Fi's problems. It worked for seconds at startup, then simply stopped. Frustrated, I decided to take manners in my own hands. The evil culprit is T-Mobile's My Account program. Here is how to fix it (root and a $3.99 Market purchase required, no piracy!!)
First follow the directions in this tutorial to root your phone. Its pretty simple. ADVANCED: unrooting method.
Make sure Wi-Fi calling is turned on, as well as 3G/4G (from Mobile networks settings page)
Do a battery pull AFTER you enable the above ^. Wait 1 minute before rebooting your phone.
Wi-Fi should work on its own (although buggy) with these two enabled. If you have 3G/4G, you do not need to do this: for Wi-Fi only users, continue to reboot until you have somewhat of a stable Wi-Fi connection. It's very intermittent but eventually it will work for enough time to download Root Explorer from the market!
Go to the Market and install Root Explorer (purchase required, there may be free ways but I do not know of them and I do not advocate piracy)
Open this app. A popup from Superuser will ask you for permission. Grant it with "Allow"
From Root Explorer, navigate to /system/apps
At the top of the list box click the "Mount R/W" button
Scroll down and look for the following: MyAccount.apk and com.nuance.nmc.sihome (the latter may be named differently but it has a My Account icon)
A box will come up telling you that com.nuance.nmc.sihome has encountered an error. This box will refuse to go away. Simply do a battery pull.
YOUR WI-FI WOES SHOULD BE GONE, and your phone's stability should have improved. Enjoy!
You can download the latest version of My Account from Market now and cease to have problems.
Other safe-to-remove T-Mobile stuff:
EA Games (EAPK)
Zinio (does anyone use this?)
Need for Speed
Polaris Office
LMIRescue (an app T-Mobile can use to potentially remotely command your phone?)
yaldak said:
Hey guys,
I've been following XDA-developers for a long time, and would like to return something for all the help the community has provided. I traded my iPhone 4 for a G2X today only to find out that my BB data plan is incompatible -_-. Unwilling to wait until Memorial Day was over (611 closed), I decided to turn on Wi-Fi and tinker with it.
Unfortunately I fell victim to the phone's Wi-Fi's problems. It worked for seconds at startup, then simply stopped. Frustrated, I decided to take manners in my own hands. The evil culprit is T-Mobile's My Account program. Here is how to fix it (root and a $3.99 Market purchase required, no piracy!!)
First follow the directions in this tutorial to root your phone. Its pretty simple. ADVANCED: unrooting method.
Make sure Wi-Fi calling is turned on, as well as 3G/4G (from Mobile networks settings page)
Do a battery pull AFTER you enable the above ^. Wait 1 minute before rebooting your phone.
Wi-Fi should work on its own (although buggy) with these two enabled. If you have 3G/4G, you do not need to do this: for Wi-Fi only users, continue to reboot until you have somewhat of a stable Wi-Fi connection. It's very intermittent but eventually it will work for enough time to download Root Explorer from the market!
Go to the Market and install Root Explorer (purchase required, there may be free ways but I do not know of them and I do not advocate piracy)
Open this app. A popup from Superuser will ask you for permission. Grant it with "Allow"
From Root Explorer, navigate to /system/apps
At the top of the list box click the "Mount R/W" button
Scroll down and look for the following: MyAccount.apk and com.nuance.nmc.sihome (the latter may be named differently but it has a My Account icon)
A box will come up telling you that com.nuance.nmc.sihome has encountered an error. This box will refuse to go away. Simply do a battery pull.
YOUR WI-FI WOES SHOULD BE GONE, and your phone's stability should have improved. Enjoy!
You can download the latest version of My Account from Market now and cease to have problems.
Other safe-to-remove T-Mobile stuff:
EA Games (EAPK)
Zinio (does anyone use this?)
Need for Speed
Polaris Office
LMIRescue (an app T-Mobile can use to potentially remotely command your phone?)
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You don't need to do any of this noob stuff if your wifi doesn't connect to your home router or any router for that matter. It's unneccesary and time consuming, not to mention risky since you could "brick" your phone. All you have to do is reboot the phone, simplest way is hold power button and volume up simultaneously, then it should connect, assuming you entered the correct password if router has secure connection.
I just turn wifi off then back on. Works for me.
And stop with the noob stuff the guy just wrote he came from an iPhone to a g2x.
He will figure it out as he goes.
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA Premium App
mr.orange303 said:
He will figure it out as he goes.
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I see two band-aid solutions, a reboot, and a restart...gosh that is advanced.
Verse a solution to fully resolve the problem, and keep it gone. More importantly a possible isolation of the cause.
These super duper pro android interlopers are unapproachable on their savvy solutions. Ummm no
Since the OP says its linked to My account program, and I know on first run it says a newer copy is available, I am going to wonder that many users don't touch it.
So since I am already freshly on a complete reset of everything (erase all date, or hold down volume and power) I am going to try.
1. Full erase reset
2. First thing upadate new version of My Account.
3 Hard restart.
4. See how it reacts
My wifi is decent except sometimes it does clog up and I have to clear buffers and shut down programs to get it to kick up. Start and stop wifi solves nothing on mine.
Anyways its about 10 minutes of time to do, since my phone already is in near out of the box setup.
Sorry but I'm not here to post "noob" stuff. Of course restarting the phone or its wifi radio were part of my first efforts. But the phone's stock software has a bug in which the default My Account program a) causes a DNS issue and b) displays itself twice in Manage Applications. Things work great if you have a working data connection from tmo but if not you will notice that wifi refuses to work on its own. I'm not dumb and by no means am I a noob. I've been following XDA since the days of the Wizard. By the way rooting and deleting useless carrier garbage like the buggy and persistent MyAccount.apk will not brick your phone unless you are careless.
"My Account" from tmo has been nothing but a pain in the ass for me. I froze it using Antek App Manager (a free app). I used the same software to freeze the other garbage that came installed by tmo, and battery and booting issues have greatly improved. Just my 2 cents.
Other stuff I froze include: Car Home, ea games, Zinio reader, AppPack, T-Mobile TV, and wifi calling.
Of course some are big fans of wifi calling but I don't need or use it.
yaldak said:
Sorry but I'm not here to post "noon" stuff. Of course restarting the phone or its wifi radio were part of my first efforts. But the phone's stock software has a bug in which the default My Account program a) causes a DNS issue and b) displays itself twice in Manage Applications. Things work great if you have a working data connection from tmo but if not you will notice that wifi refuses to work on its own. I'm not dumb and by no means am I a noob. I've been following XDA since the days of the Wizard. By the way rooting and deleting useless carrier garbage like the buggy and persistent MyAccount.apk will not brick your phone unless you are careless.
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News flash....The MyAccount app isn't causing the DNS issue. Do some fact checking before posting.
LOL... man u guys are harsh
LG is sending out a fix. What does that tell you? Only can manage till then.
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA Premium App
prettyboy85712 said:
News flash....The MyAccount app isn't causing the DNS issue. Do some fact checking before posting.
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Okay sorry, it causes the HSPA / Wi-Fi switching issue. Could you be any more polite about correcting me? FYI I haven't found any SOLID proof of this. Immediately after removing MyAccount and all of its derivatives from the phone DNS requests worked flawlessly; It's been 9 hours of constant wi-fi only use without issues (NO radio turned on). Prior to removing the app, only IP addresses would be resolved by the browser.
LOL... man u guys are harsh
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Seriously are, I was only trying to make a helpful post to those users or viewers who are not very tech-literate but possess the ability to root a phone and forget about it to fix an irritating issue with the phone.
dude dont worry about it....good job
Thanks for trying to help with this problem. Its threads like this that help to get to the bottom of these things.
Seems some people here would rather everyone be so afraid to post bad information that there is none at all. But we know better right?
sl0play said:
Thanks for trying to help with this problem. Its threads like this that help to get to the bottom of these things.
Seems some people here would rather everyone be so afraid to post bad information that there is none at all. But we know better right?
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No..Those people you're referring to would rather have people search before posting. This so called "fix" has been posted many times. No need to start a new thread.
I tried this and got no error lol. What I did was reinstalling MyAccount with the MyAccount.apk in system\app and now my wifi actually works with the Market.

Help: Multitasking, Bluetooth keybord problem

Guys I need some help from u. On market I saw one app 'Bluekeyboard JP' app where we can connect bluetooth keybord. I saw one vdo also on youtube. It shows that it really work flawlessly. I wanted to try it because I type daily lots of msgs to my gf. But its really annoying to use touchscreen ketbord. If a bluetooth keyboard works for me then really I will be very happy. But problem is that I don't have bluetooth keyboard to test it. I couldn't test it. So if anybody has blutooth keybord or mouse then please test it with mentioned app and report here.
Also I am frustrated with multitasking of our phone. I want to browse two heavy browsers opera & mozilla simultaneously but after sometime of the browser definitely get closed without my permision. I want that any app must be closed only if I permist to get close. I found one strange thing that nimbuzz messanger never get close. It gets closed when only we want to close it manually (i tested it). Can we have same thing in other apps also...?
Is there anybody who can help me...?
I have 1 but it has a USB port........so u say we don't need it by using software ....I'll try it after i reach home I'm out of station .......
cix18 said:
I have 1 but it has a USB port........so u say we don't need it by using software ....I'll try it after i reach home I'm out of station .......
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thank god...at least someone replied here. I mean to say that we can (not sure) bluetooth keyboard using blueinput app. But i dont have bluetooth keyboard so asking u guys to test it & report here.
If we want to use keyboard with usb port then we should have usb otg enabled in our phone which we currently dont have
vishal24387 said:
thank god...at least someone replied here. I mean to say that we can (not sure) bluetooth keyboard using blueinput app. But i dont have bluetooth keyboard so asking u guys to test it & report here.
If we want to use keyboard with usb port then we should have usb otg enabled in our phone which we currently dont have
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No dude!
The app Does not work!
I had been to a store!
That fellow also had a Logitech.
I tested it there.
It does not recognize the keyboard.
Rather buy one in the "Local Bazaar"....Liek teh China Market type bazaar!
Those work I guess!
The Dealer himself said me to try those!
bangalorerohan said:
No dude!
The app Does not work!
I had been to a store!
That fellow also had a Logitech.
I tested it there.
It does not recognize the keyboard.
Rather buy one in the "Local Bazaar"....Liek teh China Market type bazaar!
Those work I guess!
The Dealer himself said me to try those!
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oh...ok I will try tomorrow. Thanx buddy.
vishal24387 said:
oh...ok I will try tomorrow. Thanx buddy.
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Just ask him for a trial.
If it works then only buy
bangalorerohan said:
Just ask him for a trial.
If it works then only buy
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ya obviously buddy. I want one more help. Do u know any app or mod by which there should be automatic enable or disable data connection?? I mean to say in nokia phones its really easy to connect net just by launching opera & insert a site link. But in our android phone we have to first enable it before launching opera. Also when we have to close opera then even after that data connection stays connected. But in nokia when we close opera then automatically data connection also get disconnected. That is much reliable.
Umm...I will see!
Dont know much of Apps!
More into Android Core Development
vishal24387 said:
ya obviously buddy. I want one more help. Do u know any app or mod by which there should be automatic enable or disable data connection?? I mean to say in nokia phones its really easy to connect net just by launching opera & insert a site link. But in our android phone we have to first enable it before launching opera. Also when we have to close opera then even after that data connection stays connected. But in nokia when we close opera then automatically data connection also get disconnected. That is much reliable.
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I made a couple of searches and found that its known as Connection on Demand.
Though nothing found for our beloved Android OS.
I guess the best alternative for you would be to use some app to disconnect data connection when.screen is off and reconnect when you turn on screen.
As for Connection On Demand, didn't hit anything yet.
About BT Mouse and Keyboard, i dont have any, so.cant help you wth it.
I think juice defender does it......just configure the apps in it
cix18 said:
I think juice defender does it......just configure the apps in it
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ya but it sometimes works & sometimes not. Later i will post whole configuration i use in juice defender.
Tasker works flawlessly, you set a rule that "if" app Opera opened then start data connection (you need another app APNdroid for toggle) then add exit task so when you close opera thedata will be off. It can also start data based on gps location or switch wifi based on ssid or location.........it has endless possibility.
Now coming to your sms typing problem, your GF will be happy to listen your voice so use inbuilt voice recorder in .amr attach the file via sms or email her............she would love it. (hope she has compatible phone else use .mp3)
If you still want text then use & practice sound typing, the inbuilt mike on keyboard does a good job after some practice. There is another app vlingo its very good for voice commands.
Typing is old method, be smart with your smartphone.......lol
sgsI9003 said:
Tasker works flawlessly, you set a rule that "if" app Opera opened then start data connection (you need another app APNdroid for toggle) then add exit task so when you close opera thedata will be off. It can also start data based on gps location or switch wifi based on ssid or location.........it has endless possibility.
Now coming to your sms typing problem, your GF will be happy to listen your voice so use inbuilt voice recorder in .amr attach the file via sms or email her............she would love it. (hope she has compatible phone else use .mp3)
If you still want text then use & practice sound typing, the inbuilt mike on keyboard does a good job after some practice. There is another app vlingo its very good for voice commands.
Typing is old method, be smart with your smartphone.......lol
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Voice To TExt Rock!
Use that itself!
Texting is soo 3-years-back!
And, The .amr needs the MMS thingy and both should have a data pack active!
If you change the Voice Detection settings, Then Vocie to text is AMAZING!
Just go to settings->Voice Input and OutPut-> Voice recognition settings-> English (India)
THen, It is amazing!
Sent from my I9103 using XDA Premium App
Thanks guys. But i cant use voice to text feature because i am in my house & enjoy holidays. And in front of my parents how can i write romantic msgs to my gf using voice to text feature...? Especially my mom will really kill me when she will hear that his son is saying romantically 'i love u darling'...! Thats why me & my gf prefer writing sms silently.
Also i will try tasker app & report u back here guys. Again thanx guys.
vishal24387 said:
Thanks guys. But i cant use voice to text feature because i am in my house & enjoy holidays. And in front of my parents how can i write romantic msgs to my gf using voice to text feature...? Especially my mom will really kill me when she will here that his son is saying romantically 'i love u darling'...! Thats why me & my gf prefer writing sms silently.
Also i will try tasker app & report u back here guys. Again thanx guys.
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Use Swiftkey X
Solution fr me fr same prob ;-)
Don't forget to click Thanks if i helpd you! Or if you like my post! ;-)
vishal24387 said:
Especially my mom will really kill me when she will hear that his son is saying romantically 'i love u darling'...! Thats why me & my gf prefer writing sms silently.
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hmm.n.n........Serious problems, but your mom may be proud of you that you love her so much that you have started sending voice messages lol.
Anyway tasker with the correct profile will do all your jobs, it can even call the "personal contact" at a specified time all you need is a profile setting.
sgsI9003 said:
Tasker works flawlessly, you set a rule that "if" app Opera opened then start data connection (you need another app APNdroid for toggle) then add exit task so when you close opera thedata will be off. It can also start data based on gps location or switch wifi based on ssid or location.........it has endless possibility.
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its really working flawlessly. It has taken my 2 hours to actually understand whole app. But still unable to set only one thing. Now i have set profile in such way that when i open market then data connection will start automatically & when i close market then data connection will stop automatically. But here problem is if i want open another app by keeping on market then as soon i press home key to come to home screen then data connection gets off.
Means when market is actualy open on my screen only then data connection remain on otherwise it will go off. I want that even if i do multi tasking then data connection remain on. What setting should I do?
It has taken my 2 hours to actually understand whole app.
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2hrs is nothing it took me almost 2 weeks to make my own working profile, tasker is quite a powerful app which can do a lot, its real potential is in scripting.
Now i have set profile in such way that when i open market then data connection will start automatically & when i close market then data connection will stop automatically.
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1 way to do it but I am not sure so best is to try it else ask this in tasker thread, there are already many built user profiles on tasker site they can be used or modified.
Multiselect all apps which you need data enabled, so as any one or more apps is opened data is enabled now don't have a usual exit task, instead make another task where "if" data mode not used for "set" time then "toggle" data. So lets say you set 5 min idle then it will switch off data after 5 min of non usage.
Just wondering why do you want to switch on & off data so frequently? Is your 3g sucking power or giving you huge bill?
sgsI9003 said:
2hrs is nothing it took me almost 2 weeks to make my own working profile, tasker is quite a powerful app which can do a lot, its real potential is in scripting.
1 way to do it but I am not sure so best is to try it else ask this in tasker thread, there are already many built user profiles on tasker site they can be used or modified.
Multiselect all apps which you need data enabled, so as any one or more apps is opened data is enabled now don't have a usual exit task, instead make another task where "if" data mode not used for "set" time then "toggle" data. So lets say you set 5 min idle then it will switch off data after 5 min of non usage.
Just wondering why do you want to switch on & off data so frequently? Is your 3g sucking power or giving you huge bill?
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my simple funda behind doing all these things is that i want internet functionality like nokia symbian phones where we dond have to turn on or off data again & again before or after doing our net relate work. It should completely automatically handle by phone.
I use docomo 4gb/month data plan for 94 rs. I download movies, vdos most of the time through ucbrowser. To download a movies it normally takes nearly 2 hours. So thats why i keep it running in background & do all other stuff like gaming, msg etc.
I set tasker profile in such a way that when I enter any net related app say ucweb then it will enable net. And when I exit (means completely closing of that app) then it will disable net.
But here funny problem is tasker consider 'exit' meaning as only going that app in background. So as per set profile it un-necessary disable net when i let ucweb run in backgroun.
I also tried as per ur suggestion. I set a timer say 15 min. But again same problem happens. Lets say my ucweb need approximately 2 hours to complete download a movie in background. Then obviously when i will let ucweb to run in background then as per timer tasker will wait for 15 min & after that it will turn off net without caring that ucweb still need net connection to download movie.
I want simple profile which will do only this
1. When i open net related app then 2g connection should on.
2. This 2g connection must run even that net related app go in background.
3. This 2g connection must turn off only when i exit from net related app (means complete closing of that app).
My requirement is very simple. Still i will try myself. U also help me

[Q] Controlling data usage?

I have the 200mb/month plan, and for the last few yeras, that has been fine... Starting with iphone 3gs and then captivate and skyrocket (when on GB) - never really used much more than 100 mb/ month - since I'm at my office or home most of the time and on wifi. Lately with ICS on the phone, the data has been going wild and I'm pushing the limit every month for the last 2 months. I read about 3g watchdog and onavo and droidwall - but don't know much about using them. I was hoping to find an app that would come up while using mobile data and asking explicitly if I want to allow that app to go through the firewall or not. Droidwall can be configured to allow traffic - but I'm not sure what traffic to allow through or not. For instance, this month my top data useage so far is 'Google Services' @ 15mb and the next down is Maps @ 2.23 and then Pandora @ 1.59mb.
I would like to be able to enjoy using most of the phone features on the run but block stuff that happens in the background, like Google syncing bookmarks etc that could wait till wifi is available - or blocking pandora from network if wifi drops off accidently.
Playing around with the droidwall I cut off other apps that need some data use so was looking for something that would pop-up and ask me 'do you want to allow this app to utilize network data' or something to that effect. Any suggestions that I should look at?
Droidwall is the closest thing. If u are looking for an app that behaves like superuser except for data, there is no such thing. My suggestion is to leave everything for 3g in droidwal unchecked except the stuff u need. All the other stuff that requires data that u use occasionally, set to wifi.
*#* Google dropbox, its useful.
https://www.dropbox.com/referrals/NTcwNDE0ODUyOQ *#*
Sounds good - does 'disable background data' in the system cp do much better than droidwall?
That turns off pretty much ALL data, u have to leave that enabled
I can use 200 mb in a day... :/
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