g2x: Wifi and 4g on at same time!?? - T-Mobile LG G2x

Just got my g2x today and i love it. However, when I'm connected to wifi, 4G is on at the same time! When i'm downloading an app, i see the arrows light up which mean its using my 4G data. Anyone have problem with this? I turned it off to prevent using my data for now.
Working Solution:
Okay what I was experiencing was Wifi and 4g on at the same time. Also, the wifi doesnt work.
It is due to My Account, however, you cannot delete it.
You must download "Bloat Freezer" Its a buck.
Freeze My Account. Easy to do. I had two My Account installed for some reason so i froze both.
Wifi off, 4g Turns on. Wifi on, 4g turns off.

Ya I had the same issue except I was on 2g. I noticed it was very slow so I disabled and re-enabled wi-fi and it worked fine after that.

Sigh.. now wifi doesn't work. Happened twice already. Works on my Nexus. Its happening to a few people on the T-Mobile forum. Becareful when you buy. Hopefully its software problem... ****ing lg
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA App

When I turn WIFI on and connect to my router, my 4g turns off.
Try turning on WIFI wait for it to connect and then open a browser session.
Works here.

I had this same issue and I found out the cause. First off, if you skip the initial setup and set it up later, you will never fix the issue. Particularly when downloading from the Market. You need to go to Settings/Privacy and do a factory reset and make sure you set up your Google account on the initial setup screen.
Second, make sure that your phone is not using any data before turning wifi on. If it is, let it stabilize for a few moments.
If this does not work, turn on wifi calling. Its better voice quality anyway and you don't get dropped calls.
This is obviously just a software bug that needs a patch to fix. I've seen far worse problems out of the gate with phones than software bugs as small as this.

I did set up my account at initial setup. Internet works on nexus s perfectly. I'm using 4g right now to type this. Lame....
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA App

I have actually seen this same problem on my Nexus One many times so I'm not sure this isn't just an Android issue, not a G2x issue.

My cellular data connection disappears when I'm on wifi. I use wifi often and never seen both active. My N1 was the same way.
When I disconnect from wifi, the data has to reconnect. Saves battery I guess.
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA Premium App

Working Solution:
Okay what I was experiencing was Wifi and 4g on at the same time. Then the wifi doesnt work.
It is due to My Account, however, you cannot delete it.
You must download "Bloat Freezer" Its a buck.
Freeze My Account. Easy to do. I had two My Account installed for some reason so i froze both.
Wifi off, 4g Turns on. Wifi on, 4g turns off.

I have two My Account running also. I'll try to root and freeze it.

Wow the 4G/2G goes off right away after I endtasked My Account, leaving Wifi icon only instead of both. So, it is really the My Account app. Thanks tony.

i second the "my account" advice. i used titanium backup to remove it (i had 2 instances) and wifi seems to be working fine now.

My Account doesn't fix for me. I think it is the Market app. Whenever I have both Wifi/4G, I endtask the Market and the 4G icon disappears right away. 4G icon comes back when I open up Market again.

tonyizhurr said:
Just got my g2x today and i love it. However, when I'm connected to wifi, 4G is on at the same time! When i'm downloading an app, i see the arrows light up which mean its using my 4G data. Anyone have problem with this? I turned it off to prevent using my data for now.
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delete pleaseeeee

nraudigy2 said:
My Account doesn't fix for me. I think it is the Market app. Whenever I have both Wifi/4G, I endtask the Market and the 4G icon disappears right away. 4G icon comes back when I open up Market again.
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Market did the same to me, but it stopped after I turned off mobile data and turned it back on. I think the MAIN problem is 'My Account'

tonyizhurr said:
Market did the same to me, but it stopped after I turned off mobile data and turned it back on. I think the MAIN problem is 'My Account'
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I completely removed the My Account through Titanium Backup and still have problem.

EtherealRemnant said:
I had this same issue and I found out the cause. First off, if you skip the initial setup and set it up later, you will never fix the issue. Particularly when downloading from the Market. You need to go to Settings/Privacy and do a factory reset and make sure you set up your Google account on the initial setup screen.
Second, make sure that your phone is not using any data before turning wifi on. If it is, let it stabilize for a few moments.
If this does not work, turn on wifi calling. Its better voice quality anyway and you don't get dropped calls.
This is obviously just a software bug that needs a patch to fix. I've seen far worse problems out of the gate with phones than software bugs as small as this.
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Exact same thing happened to me. I exchanged my G2X in-store and powered it up, skipping the setup to make sure everything was working real quick and the Wi-Fi was being wonky until I did a factory reset on it and did the setup.

"My Account" is still running
tonyizhurr said:
Okay what I was experiencing was Wifi and 4g on at the same time. Then the wifi doesn't work.
It is due to My Account, however, you cannot delete it.
You must download "Bloat Freezer" Its a buck.
Freeze My Account. Easy to do. I had two My Account installed for some reason so i froze both.
Wifi off, 4g Turns on. Wifi on, 4g turns off.
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the reason this does not work for some people is BECAUSE "My Account" (version 1.0)
is still running
even if you Freeze it with Titanium Backup it still runs
"Advanced Task Killer" does not list it so can not be killed with that
and can not be killed in the default android task manager
Bloat Freezer MAY be able to truly Freeze this program but i can not get the program to find out :-(
I'm overdrawn on my bank account right now buying this damn phone
Titanium Backup says it's frozen BUT if you reboot and go into your default task manager you'll see it started up and is running again.. with no way to kill it.
look if you don't believe me
Default task manager:
Settings>Applications>Manage Applications> "click running at the top" >scroll down to "My Account"
see it's running (and you thought TB froze it)
so my question is HOW to fracken kill this program with out paying a dollar. so Titanium Backup can freeze it properly
OR Just kill it
i don't mind killing it every boot if Titanium Backup can not freeze it properly
i just need a way to kill it
My work around solution is to turn on WiFi calling
BUT i don't want to do this
i paid 500+ dollars for this damn phone
i should not have to turn WiFi calling on JUST to run the Market and the web on WiFi
(sometimes it effects web surfing)

a1yet said:
the reason this does not work for some people is BECAUSE "My Account" (version 1.0)
is still running
even if you Freeze it with Titanium Backup it still runs
"Advanced Task Killer" does not list it so can not be killed with that
and can not be killed in the default android task manager
Bloat Freezer MAY be able to truly Freeze this program but i can not get the program to find out :-(
I'm overdrawn on my bank account right now buying this damn phone
Titanium Backup says it's frozen BUT if you reboot and go into your default task manager you'll see it started up and is running again.. with no way to kill it.
look if you don't believe me
Default task manager:
Settings>Applications>Manage Applications> "click running at the top" >scroll down to "My Account"
see it's running (and you thought TB froze it)
so my question is HOW to fracken kill this program with out paying a dollar. so Titanium Backup can freeze it properly
OR Just kill it
i don't mind killing it every boot if Titanium Backup can not freeze it properly
i just need a way to kill it
My work around solution is to turn on WiFi calling
BUT i don't want to do this
i paid 500+ dollars for this damn phone
i should not have to turn WiFi calling on JUST to run the Market and the web on WiFi
(sometimes it effects web surfing)
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Bloat Freezer will work FORSURE. It cost a buck though haha. Maybe you can find another app that will work like bloat freezer

tonyizhurr said:
Bloat Freezer will work FORSURE. It cost a buck though haha. Maybe you can find another app that will work like bloat freezer
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did you check your running apps ?
I'm just wondering if it is listed there


A couple fixes for some of our problems

Lets face it. All devices have bugs upon release that the normal person won't care about nor think of it as a bug. This device has it's share but as a reminder. There is no software bug that can't be fixed. By the way, make sure you don't skip the initial setup and if you did just wipe and restore.
1) Some are having a problem when using WiFi. There 4G or 3G data is not turning off and instead of your device using WiFi to exchange data it is using your 4G or 3G data. If you turn WiFi on and don't see a 4G/3G icon in the notification area then your device is working properly in this department.
The Fix: There is three "My Account" apps on our devices and there causing a conflict when 2 or more is running at the same time. To fix this you need to delete all of them (I used Root Explorer). If you use "My Account" you can download the current version from the market. Next, freeze or delete WiFi calling and the T-Mobile app pack. After you have deleted everything you have to reboot your device. Note: While deleting or freezing some of these, you might get some looping force closes. Just simply remove your battery to reboot the device and once it reboots the force closing will be gone.
2) Some are having a problem when moving from cell tower to cell tower. If you are losing a data signal every once in a while but the 4G/3G icon is still showing in the notification area, you need to do the fallowing.
The Fix: Go into your Mobile Network settings and make sure your device is setup to automatically use GSM/WCDMA. Then click on search for networks and at this point you will see T-Mobile UMTS, T-Mobile GSM and ATT GSW. After they appear click on select automatically. While your at it go ahead and click on data roaming since T-Mobile has contracts with other providers so your able to roam on there towers. Don't worry, you won't be charged for roaming since T-Mobile only charges for international roaming. After all this do a reboot.
Some of you think that there is a problem with your battery if your device is showing your "cell standby" above 30%. This is not a problem. Every time you charge your G2X it will reset usage percentages as you know. Well if you emediatly start using your phone and don't put it down for 2 hours than I promise you that your display will be at the top of the list. Obviously if your device stays off for a little bit and upon waking it you look at your battery statistics your going to see Cell standby and Phone idle at the top since the display was off. If your wandering why Cell Standby is using more juice than WiFi it's because when you turn your display off it automatically sleeps your WiFi.
The percentages in your batter statistics need to add up to 100%-105% and something is going to use more than the rest depending on what your doing with your device after removing it from charge. Ask yourself this. If my G2X is in my pocket for 1 hour after removing it from it's charger. What would I like to see using most of my battery? I can tell you right now. Certainly not your display since it's been off the entire time.
There's only one MyAccount app on the phone. I looked myself in the System/app folder. If you see multiple MyAccounts in a task manager it is just another instance of the same application.
Also there's NOTHING wrong with Wifi Calling or My Account. I have both on and use them extensively. My phone has gone now 26hrs without a reboot or hitch of heavy usage. Wifi works, 3G/4G works perfectly. I don't have any issues right now...until the next reboot
Want to give people another perspective since you don't have to give up MyAccount or Wifi caling to have a usable phone.
jrwingate6 said:
Ask yourself this. If my G2X is in my pocket for 1 hour after removing it from it's charger. What would I like to see using most of my battery? I can tell you right now. Certainly not your display since it's been off the entire time.
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Cell standby of course
mobilehavoc said:
There's only one MyAccount app on the phone. I looked myself in the System/app folder. If you see multiple MyAccounts in a task manager it is just another instance of the same application.
Also there's NOTHING wrong with Wifi Calling or My Account. I have both on and use them extensively. My phone has gone now 26hrs without a reboot or hitch of heavy usage. Wifi works, 3G/4G works perfectly. I don't have any issues right now...until the next reboot
Want to give people another perspective since you don't have to give up MyAccount or Wifi caling to have a usable phone.
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Thats WHY you don't have any problems. Because you only have 1 "MyAccount" application. Those of us that had 2 or 3 have the problems. By the way I had 3 and no they weren't showing in task manager. They were all deleted using Root Explorer.
Where did you see them? They were all in system/app??!?
Odd how they could all exist together - were they named differently?
mobilehavoc said:
Where did you see them? They were all in system/app??!?
Odd how they could all exist together - were they named differently?
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Yes, different version numbers and branding included in the apks. I had 2, version 1 and version 5.x.
OP, for some reason when I try Search Networks I get: "Error while searching for networks." Any ideas?
mobilehavoc said:
Where did you see them? They were all in system/app??!?
Odd how they could all exist together - were they named differently?
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They all existed in the system folder. It seemed like instead of the new versions updating the existing app, they were just creating new files. Your right, it is odd but I can see how that would create a problem.
rfm2113 said:
OP, for some reason when I try Search Networks I get: "Error while searching for networks." Any ideas?
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I got the same thing. I had to enable wifi, then shut off wifi calling. Then it worked.
OP, for some reason when I try Search Networks I get: "Error while searching for networks." Any ideas?
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I got the same thing. I had to enable wifi, then shut off wifi calling. Then it worked.
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Worked perfectly, thanks!
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA App

I think I found a fix for the WIFI DNS problem! You guys are gonna like this!

There is hope!
First off let me start with this my very first G2X had the reboot issue... got another one, NO MORE REBOOT!
But, I still get the DNS issue, where its connected to WIFI but it would load pages, unless u type its ip adress VS the w w w version.
While I was messing with the phone over the WE i started customizing the phone, dled go launcher and some other app to make the phone pretty...
Came across this... WIDGETSOID.
At first look you wouldn't think that this app would do anything, but it basicaly let you custimize trays, kinda like the power setting one.
Are you guys ready? WIDGETSOID has one option that you can incorporate with the tray, its called DATA SYNC NOW, not data sync, with data sync now it forces the sync AND GET YOU INTERNET!!!!!
Hope that helps!
Well I use WiFi all the time. I use it at work where there is no cell service and at home where I have 4G. I don't disable the cell radio but no issues. I'm on CM7.
I guess you are running stock where Tmo tries to force data over their network. Nice find.
I'm still on the stock ROM, the only time I've had any issues with wifi connectivity is immediately after switching over from T-Mo's data. Like when I come home and my wifi is already switched on and I try to use data just as I walk in the door before its fully switched or before I see the wifi calling icon show up. If I give it a few minutes it will correct itself everytime. On my phone, if the the wifi calling icon is on the task bar then both calling and data are working over wifi.
I have found that the stupid little USA Today app will re-establish data one way or another. When my browser is just spinning it's wheels I can fire up USA Today and a few seconds later the browser will respond again.
Hummm i am still on the stock rom as there is no custom rom stable enough yet...
And I have no data plan...
I hope that this little trick will help ppl with DNS issues =)
Screw Tmo and their data requirement!
set dns from the market does the same thing
Force Sync was a workaround for the Wifi DNS issue but it doesn't work on all phones and it isn't a consistent fix. The only known true resolution is to root (I used SuperOneClick 1.9) and then use either Titanium Backup or Bloat Freezer (I use Bloat Freezer) and freeze the My Account apps. In Bloat Freezer, My Account has 3 entries.
TheBigSaxon said:
Force Sync was a workaround for the Wifi DNS issue but it doesn't work on all phones and it isn't a consistent fix. The only known true resolution is to root (I used SuperOneClick 1.9) and then use either Titanium Backup or Bloat Freezer (I use Bloat Freezer) and freeze the My Account apps. In Bloat Freezer, My Account has 3 entries.
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I do have a rooted phone, I uninstalled my account instead of freezing them, but I only had 2 entries and not three... What is the third one?!
I only have 2 as well.
TheBigSaxon said:
Force Sync was a workaround for the Wifi DNS issue but it doesn't work on all phones and it isn't a consistent fix. The only known true resolution is to root (I used SuperOneClick 1.9) and then use either Titanium Backup or Bloat Freezer (I use Bloat Freezer) and freeze the My Account apps. In Bloat Freezer, My Account has 3 entries.
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Doesn't work for everybody. I've tried the stock rom, rooted and froze them and deleted them. Tried froyo roms, same problem. The only rom that made a difference was the GB leak. I haven't tried cm7 yet.
I think the difference is boat freezer. I first tried titanium backup when the issue hit my phone and it didn't work. Then I used bloat freezer where I saw the third entry. I froze that and all of the other tmo bloat and my phone is now perfect. I do remember reading that you also had to freeze the car app along with my account to get the fix to work.
Unfortunately I don't know what the actual cause is this is just what I have done. I will say that when it comes to tech I'm not a noob. I'm an enterprise architect for a 250k seat shop and I'm an ios dev. But this issue is really unique because for the most part nobody has been able to establish a true root cause.
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA Premium App

[Tutorial] Quick Wi-Fi Fix

Hey guys,
I've been following XDA-developers for a long time, and would like to return something for all the help the community has provided. I traded my iPhone 4 for a G2X today only to find out that my BB data plan is incompatible -_-. Unwilling to wait until Memorial Day was over (611 closed), I decided to turn on Wi-Fi and tinker with it.
Unfortunately I fell victim to the phone's Wi-Fi's problems. It worked for seconds at startup, then simply stopped. Frustrated, I decided to take manners in my own hands. The evil culprit is T-Mobile's My Account program. Here is how to fix it (root and a $3.99 Market purchase required, no piracy!!)
First follow the directions in this tutorial to root your phone. Its pretty simple. ADVANCED: unrooting method.
Make sure Wi-Fi calling is turned on, as well as 3G/4G (from Mobile networks settings page)
Do a battery pull AFTER you enable the above ^. Wait 1 minute before rebooting your phone.
Wi-Fi should work on its own (although buggy) with these two enabled. If you have 3G/4G, you do not need to do this: for Wi-Fi only users, continue to reboot until you have somewhat of a stable Wi-Fi connection. It's very intermittent but eventually it will work for enough time to download Root Explorer from the market!
Go to the Market and install Root Explorer (purchase required, there may be free ways but I do not know of them and I do not advocate piracy)
Open this app. A popup from Superuser will ask you for permission. Grant it with "Allow"
From Root Explorer, navigate to /system/apps
At the top of the list box click the "Mount R/W" button
Scroll down and look for the following: MyAccount.apk and com.nuance.nmc.sihome (the latter may be named differently but it has a My Account icon)
A box will come up telling you that com.nuance.nmc.sihome has encountered an error. This box will refuse to go away. Simply do a battery pull.
YOUR WI-FI WOES SHOULD BE GONE, and your phone's stability should have improved. Enjoy!
You can download the latest version of My Account from Market now and cease to have problems.
Other safe-to-remove T-Mobile stuff:
EA Games (EAPK)
Zinio (does anyone use this?)
Need for Speed
Polaris Office
LMIRescue (an app T-Mobile can use to potentially remotely command your phone?)
yaldak said:
Hey guys,
I've been following XDA-developers for a long time, and would like to return something for all the help the community has provided. I traded my iPhone 4 for a G2X today only to find out that my BB data plan is incompatible -_-. Unwilling to wait until Memorial Day was over (611 closed), I decided to turn on Wi-Fi and tinker with it.
Unfortunately I fell victim to the phone's Wi-Fi's problems. It worked for seconds at startup, then simply stopped. Frustrated, I decided to take manners in my own hands. The evil culprit is T-Mobile's My Account program. Here is how to fix it (root and a $3.99 Market purchase required, no piracy!!)
First follow the directions in this tutorial to root your phone. Its pretty simple. ADVANCED: unrooting method.
Make sure Wi-Fi calling is turned on, as well as 3G/4G (from Mobile networks settings page)
Do a battery pull AFTER you enable the above ^. Wait 1 minute before rebooting your phone.
Wi-Fi should work on its own (although buggy) with these two enabled. If you have 3G/4G, you do not need to do this: for Wi-Fi only users, continue to reboot until you have somewhat of a stable Wi-Fi connection. It's very intermittent but eventually it will work for enough time to download Root Explorer from the market!
Go to the Market and install Root Explorer (purchase required, there may be free ways but I do not know of them and I do not advocate piracy)
Open this app. A popup from Superuser will ask you for permission. Grant it with "Allow"
From Root Explorer, navigate to /system/apps
At the top of the list box click the "Mount R/W" button
Scroll down and look for the following: MyAccount.apk and com.nuance.nmc.sihome (the latter may be named differently but it has a My Account icon)
A box will come up telling you that com.nuance.nmc.sihome has encountered an error. This box will refuse to go away. Simply do a battery pull.
YOUR WI-FI WOES SHOULD BE GONE, and your phone's stability should have improved. Enjoy!
You can download the latest version of My Account from Market now and cease to have problems.
Other safe-to-remove T-Mobile stuff:
EA Games (EAPK)
Zinio (does anyone use this?)
Need for Speed
Polaris Office
LMIRescue (an app T-Mobile can use to potentially remotely command your phone?)
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You don't need to do any of this noob stuff if your wifi doesn't connect to your home router or any router for that matter. It's unneccesary and time consuming, not to mention risky since you could "brick" your phone. All you have to do is reboot the phone, simplest way is hold power button and volume up simultaneously, then it should connect, assuming you entered the correct password if router has secure connection.
I just turn wifi off then back on. Works for me.
And stop with the noob stuff the guy just wrote he came from an iPhone to a g2x.
He will figure it out as he goes.
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA Premium App
mr.orange303 said:
He will figure it out as he goes.
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I see two band-aid solutions, a reboot, and a restart...gosh that is advanced.
Verse a solution to fully resolve the problem, and keep it gone. More importantly a possible isolation of the cause.
These super duper pro android interlopers are unapproachable on their savvy solutions. Ummm no
Since the OP says its linked to My account program, and I know on first run it says a newer copy is available, I am going to wonder that many users don't touch it.
So since I am already freshly on a complete reset of everything (erase all date, or hold down volume and power) I am going to try.
1. Full erase reset
2. First thing upadate new version of My Account.
3 Hard restart.
4. See how it reacts
My wifi is decent except sometimes it does clog up and I have to clear buffers and shut down programs to get it to kick up. Start and stop wifi solves nothing on mine.
Anyways its about 10 minutes of time to do, since my phone already is in near out of the box setup.
Sorry but I'm not here to post "noob" stuff. Of course restarting the phone or its wifi radio were part of my first efforts. But the phone's stock software has a bug in which the default My Account program a) causes a DNS issue and b) displays itself twice in Manage Applications. Things work great if you have a working data connection from tmo but if not you will notice that wifi refuses to work on its own. I'm not dumb and by no means am I a noob. I've been following XDA since the days of the Wizard. By the way rooting and deleting useless carrier garbage like the buggy and persistent MyAccount.apk will not brick your phone unless you are careless.
"My Account" from tmo has been nothing but a pain in the ass for me. I froze it using Antek App Manager (a free app). I used the same software to freeze the other garbage that came installed by tmo, and battery and booting issues have greatly improved. Just my 2 cents.
Other stuff I froze include: Car Home, ea games, Zinio reader, AppPack, T-Mobile TV, and wifi calling.
Of course some are big fans of wifi calling but I don't need or use it.
yaldak said:
Sorry but I'm not here to post "noon" stuff. Of course restarting the phone or its wifi radio were part of my first efforts. But the phone's stock software has a bug in which the default My Account program a) causes a DNS issue and b) displays itself twice in Manage Applications. Things work great if you have a working data connection from tmo but if not you will notice that wifi refuses to work on its own. I'm not dumb and by no means am I a noob. I've been following XDA since the days of the Wizard. By the way rooting and deleting useless carrier garbage like the buggy and persistent MyAccount.apk will not brick your phone unless you are careless.
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News flash....The MyAccount app isn't causing the DNS issue. Do some fact checking before posting.
LOL... man u guys are harsh
LG is sending out a fix. What does that tell you? Only can manage till then.
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA Premium App
prettyboy85712 said:
News flash....The MyAccount app isn't causing the DNS issue. Do some fact checking before posting.
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Okay sorry, it causes the HSPA / Wi-Fi switching issue. Could you be any more polite about correcting me? FYI I haven't found any SOLID proof of this. Immediately after removing MyAccount and all of its derivatives from the phone DNS requests worked flawlessly; It's been 9 hours of constant wi-fi only use without issues (NO radio turned on). Prior to removing the app, only IP addresses would be resolved by the browser.
LOL... man u guys are harsh
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Seriously are, I was only trying to make a helpful post to those users or viewers who are not very tech-literate but possess the ability to root a phone and forget about it to fix an irritating issue with the phone.
dude dont worry about it....good job
Thanks for trying to help with this problem. Its threads like this that help to get to the bottom of these things.
Seems some people here would rather everyone be so afraid to post bad information that there is none at all. But we know better right?
sl0play said:
Thanks for trying to help with this problem. Its threads like this that help to get to the bottom of these things.
Seems some people here would rather everyone be so afraid to post bad information that there is none at all. But we know better right?
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No..Those people you're referring to would rather have people search before posting. This so called "fix" has been posted many times. No need to start a new thread.
I tried this and got no error lol. What I did was reinstalling MyAccount with the MyAccount.apk in system\app and now my wifi actually works with the Market.

[Q] Nexus 5 Mobile Data When on Wifi

Hi all,
I am having an issue with my Nexus 5 using huge amounts of my mobile data (T-Mobile) when connected to wifi even when I'm not using it. What's crazy is that this keeps happening almost exclusively between 2-6am when I'm not awake. It also happens to an even further extent when I'm connected to wifi at work and not using my phone either. Heres a breakdown:
11/12 5:48 AM - 27.57 MB
11/13 3:33 AM - 12.42 MB
11/14 5:15 AM - 14.21 MB
11/12 2:53 PM - 49.57 MB
11/13 2:39 PM - 27.97 MB
I called T-Mobile and they said that it shows that I definitely used my data during those times. I have almost nothing running in the background that uses any data and have turned off my GPS to see if that will help.
Anyone else having the same problems or have any advice?
Only thing that comes to mind is that your wifi connection is being dropped for some reason, and your phone switches to mobile data instead.
About why data is being used at that time, it is very likely that there are some apps that are using background data - you may have disabled this for a bunch of apps, but may have missed some.
Check data usage under settings to see if you can identify the culprit (you can use the sliders to narrow down - though it doesn't seem to let you narrow down to a specific timeframe)
jj14 said:
Only thing that comes to mind is that your wifi connection is being dropped for some reason, and your phone switches to mobile data instead.
About why data is being used at that time, it is very likely that there are some apps that are using background data - you may have disabled this for a bunch of apps, but may have missed some.
Check data usage under settings to see if you can identify the culprit (you can use the sliders to narrow down - though it doesn't seem to let you narrow down to a specific timeframe)
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Where can setup this prioritization? For example if I want the phone to use mobile data and override Wifi?
megakony said:
Where can setup this prioritization? For example if I want the phone to use mobile data and override Wifi?
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I may be mistaken, but I don't think you can do that on stock ROM at least. If WiFi is available, it will always try to use WiFi
For whatever reason, if you want to use Mobile data, you will need to turn WiFi off.
If you always want to use mobile data for a given app or want to use mobile data in a specific time range, you could use tasker app to set up a profile to disable WiFi when that app is launched (or in that time range)
jj14 said:
Only thing that comes to mind is that your wifi connection is being dropped for some reason, and your phone switches to mobile data instead.
About why data is being used at that time, it is very likely that there are some apps that are using background data - you may have disabled this for a bunch of apps, but may have missed some.
Check data usage under settings to see if you can identify the culprit (you can use the sliders to narrow down - though it doesn't seem to let you narrow down to a specific timeframe)
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Thanks. I did check last night to see what apps were using the most data and it was by far feedly but I'm not sure why that would be using data when I'm not awake. Does anyone else have that problem with feedly? Isn't it also strange that it keeps happening at roughly the same times every day?
Also wanted to add that I came from a Galaxy S2 running Cyanogen and never had this issue.
jj14 said:
I may be mistaken, but I don't think you can do that on stock ROM at least. If WiFi is available, it will always try to use WiFi
For whatever reason, if you want to use Mobile data, you will need to turn WiFi off.
If you always want to use mobile data for a given app or want to use mobile data in a specific time range, you could use tasker app to set up a profile to disable WiFi when that app is launched (or in that time range)
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I just checked my gf's Galaxy Young...in there when you go to WIFI and access Advanced and there you can set Wifi Sleep policy.
The options I got are "When screen turns off", "Never when plugged in" and "Never"...not really the options I'd imagine for this =)
danotoriusodo said:
Thanks. I did check last night to see what apps were using the most data and it was by far feedly but I'm not sure why that would be using data when I'm not awake. Does anyone else have that problem with feedly? Isn't it also strange that it keeps happening at roughly the same times every day?
Also wanted to add that I came from a Galaxy S2 running Cyanogen and never had this issue.
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Did you check settings on your feedly? It sounds like it does a daily sync which some RSS readers I'd imagine would do.
I don't have feedly on my phone, but if it has some decent settings it should have one to sync only via wifi or similar.
xShadoWxDrifTx said:
Did you check settings on your feedly? It sounds like it does a daily sync which some RSS readers I'd imagine would do.
I don't have feedly on my phone, but if it has some decent settings it should have one to sync only via wifi or similar.
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Yea I checked the feedly settings section and there isn't anything related to sync. The app actually only refreshes when it's opened. For now I went into the "data usage" section on my phone and selected "Restrict background data" for the app. Hopefully that works.
danotoriusodo said:
Yea I checked the feedly settings section and there isn't anything related to sync. The app actually only refreshes when it's opened. For now I went into the "data usage" section on my phone and selected "Restrict background data" for the app. Hopefully that works.
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It actually gets even crazier. Last night before I went to bed I turned off my mobile data by going to setting>data usage and it still shows at 5:19 AM that I used 43 MB of data. I mean the only explanation I could think of is I'm sleep walking and using my phone lol. I called T-Mobile and it definitely shows on their end I did use the data at that time. They also couldn't help me because they don't have the phone yet. Can't believe that no one else is having this problem. Guess I have to contact Google which should be really useful smh.

[Q] Why is my phone using 3MB of bandwidth while idle?

So, I realized that my SABnzbd downloads had slowed down substantially, and when I looked into the reason, it seems my phone is using about 3MB of bandwidth while sitting and doing nothing.
I uninstalled a few apps I thought might be responsible, and restarted the phone. I've not touched it since it booted up, and my router shows me that I'm currently using 375KB/s on this phone.
I have no idea what could be doing this, but it seriously concerns me.
I'm running Purity ROM, and will soon factory reset and try a different ROM, but thought I would ask about this before I do anything else.
Go into WiFi advanced settings and turn off scanning. You could also turn WiFi off when screen is off. I just turned off scanning. PS it helps save power while idle
Sent from my Nexus 5
whozilla said:
Go into WiFi advanced settings and turn off scanning. You could also turn WiFi off when screen is off. I just turned off scanning. PS it helps save power while idle
Sent from my Nexus 5
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Even if the phone wifi is 'scanning' for a signal (it's actually connected, so it's not scanning for anything), it should not be actively downloading at almost 375 KB/s. It should not be downloading anything.
What else could it be?
JustinChase said:
Even if the phone wifi is 'scanning' for a signal (it's actually connected, so it's not scanning for anything), it should not be actively downloading at almost 375 KB/s. It should not be downloading anything.
What else could it be?
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Is it a one time event or does it continues all the time? If it's a one file event it's probably simmering syncing.
jd1639 said:
Is it a one time event or does it continues all the time? If it's a one file event it's probably simmering syncing.
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Whenever the phone is on, for the last few days. I suspect it's an app causing it, but I can't find any indication of which one. I think I'm going to wipe and install fresh, and probably try another ROM for a while. I'll install apps one at a time until/if the situation happens again.
There are apps to check data usage of each app. Can't name one. Never needed them. I always just accepted its the NSA and I try to stay away from my phone while in ze nude, as our German friends would put it.
Sent from my Nexus 5
JustinChase said:
Whenever the phone is on, for the last few days. I suspect it's an app causing it, but I can't find any indication of which one. I think I'm going to wipe and install fresh, and probably try another ROM for a while. I'll install apps one at a time until/if the situation happens again.
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That's what I'd do to. But I'm a little paranoid when stuff like that happens
Install this to find out what app is causing it. I'm betting one of the google apps. Play services loves to use data for no reason.
My Data Manager
theesotericone said:
Install this to find out what app is causing it. I'm betting one of the google apps. Play services loves to use data for no reason.
My Data Manager
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Thanks. That's telling me "Downloads" has used 66MB since being installed 4 minutes ago.
I'm not intentionally downloading anything, and when I checked the Play store, it doesn't seem to be downloading anything either. When I checked the downloads folder, there is one jpg (623KB) and the Amazon app store apk (4.99MB), and both have been there for weeks.
There is nothing else in this folder, nor any other indication of what is causing "Downloads" to be downloading. In the 2 minutes it's taken to write this, the amount has risen to 124MB, which is 98.1% of what's been dowloaded.
Very weird to me.
So the app is using DL's. DL's doesn't do anything by itself that I've ever seen. Try force stopping it then freezing it. That might make the app show up that's causing the issue. Might being the key word here. Weird indeed.
Please Restore Your Wifi Setting..

