[Q] NS Best Buy Repair... - Nexus S Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I bought my Nexus S at Best Buy when it was free for AT&T last week and I was coxed into buying their Black Tie Protection Plan. I have to say that it was a great idea. However, I took my phone in, because I had a deep scratch in the screen and they told me it's a no go, and they wouldn't accept it for repair. The scratch was deep enough where I could feel it with my fingers... In the end, the phone had to be more impacted, like a cracked screen. They told me Zagg would make it look like new again... All of this while I was waiting for my Case Mate case in the mail...
So I went home and intentionally dropped my phone from two feet from the ground and it smashed the screen! I was "hopping" it would hold up a bit better than it did, but it did have a scratch in the screen. Went back to BB today and turned it in... unfortunately I had read terrible stories of BB repair turn around times, taking up to three weeks!!! So here I am waiting for a commencement email from BB regarding the repair...
Anyone else have experience with BB Black Tie Protection?

The speaker on my first nexus blew out and I also had the black tie protection. Instead of repairing mine they just approved me for junk out about a week later and i went into best buy and got a brand new one. The only way it's gonna take a terribly long time is if the repair center is bogged down or they are having trouble repairing the phone. I wouldn't worry about it too much as the typical time is usually gonna be no more than two weeks.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App

I have the black tie. Never did a repair though. however I did have to take my nexus in yesterday because of wonky touch buttons. They said I qualified for rapid exchange. They took my nexus, gave me an LG Optimus loaner, and said I'd h have a new nexus in 3 days. Can't beat that!
Sent from my LG-P509 using XDA App

I took mine in for repair because the screen started to lift up on the top right corner. They said it would be taken care of in 3 to 5 business days. That was four business days ago. Also on the Geek Squad tracking website it still shows my device only as being checked in. Luckily I still have my N1 as a backup phone.

I was with GeekSquad a long time ago and their Policy then was, that Under no circumstances would they cover screen scratches or cracks. I'm sure that still stands now.

3 weeks is normal if they send the phone to Samsung, at least it's normal for European electronic device (phones, laptops, tvs, etc) exchanges/repairs.

Because I work for Geeksquad, I can answer most questions reguarding BTP.
90% of the phones sold at BBY qualify for Rapid Exchange BTP, the remaining 10% are either standard repair (taking approx 3-4 weeks to send it in get it repaired and then shipped back, but they provide a loaner phone everytime.) or In-store exchange.
Rapid exchange is essentially a pre-repaired phone, aka refurb. Instead of waiting normal repair times you get refurbs normally within 3 business days.
As for the OP, whoever told you scratches were not covered is lieing to you. BTP covers everything except blatent abuse, IE smashing the phone infront of an employee or sticking it under a tire and driving over it on purpose(yes they really can tell). This also includes water damage. Next time they tell you its not covered, ask to speak to a manager.

Well, I should have posted this before cracking the screen. And I thought they told me BTP covered everything except lost or stolen! (So I wouldn't have to go through the pain of cracking my screen...) And the rapid exchange wouldn't work because I have an AT&T version, which I believe is sold out...
Now I have to pain through three weeks!!! Dang!
Thanks for the info.

jake.corey.jacobs said:
Because I work for Geeksquad, I can answer most questions reguarding BTP.
90% of the phones sold at BBY qualify for Rapid Exchange BTP, the remaining 10% are either standard repair (taking approx 3-4 weeks to send it in get it repaired and then shipped back, but they provide a loaner phone everytime.) or In-store exchange.
Rapid exchange is essentially a pre-repaired phone, aka refurb. Instead of waiting normal repair times you get refurbs normally within 3 business days.
As for the OP, whoever told you scratches were not covered is lieing to you. BTP covers everything except blatent abuse, IE smashing the phone infront of an employee or sticking it under a tire and driving over it on purpose(yes they really can tell). This also includes water damage. Next time they tell you its not covered, ask to speak to a manager.
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Sorry, BTP was not around back then. I was a GeekSquad DA at launch; remained for two and a half years.


Broken LCD Screen - some info wanted please :(

Hello All,
today I used my phone for a regular phone call, went back to my desk, put it down, a couple of hours later, I hear the sms ringtone, pressed the 'wake up' button on the top, (the screen had gone blank as usual), and.... disaster, I see a long crack on the screen...
I suppose the phone is still under warranty (1.5years), but I do not know if it covers the LCD screen... It's quite insane, it was not in my pocket, it was not dropped, no liquids were spilled on it... Literally, used for a phonecall, put it down and then next time I use it has a crack is on it!!!
Did anyone have any similar experience in the past? Do you think it is covered by warranty? If not, does anyone have any idea what it costs to get it fixed? (I had bought it from devicewire, uk)....
What's the options?!
You need the screen replaced as soon, as (with my experience) the crack will outgrow the whole screen and soon you won't be able to use it.
Take it to the dealer as soon and as small the crack is, and suggest it was a manufacturer stress in the factory assembly that has started a hidden crack that grew up.
If you have the UK model (same as me) (Orbit 2 Xda branded) they are very very hard to find parts as they are mostly made for the HTC branded phone (silver original one).
So if you find a replacement online pls let me know, i need the touchscreen, not lcd but same diff!
P.S your warranty should only be for 12mths, well atleast mine are, and everything is covered usually, so just ask your outlt... if not, find a part online and repair, i would be happy 2 help with guiding through repairs if needed.
good luck, keep us informed.
I had the same problem. The phone was in my jacket´s pocket and when I was putting the jacket on the back of a chair it slightly hit the wall, for which I didn´t even worry. When later I picked up the phone the lcd was cracked. I have had the phone falling to floor without any problem a long time ago, and ironically it broke with a little hit.
I am sending it to fix, but I know I cant avoid paying for the repair.
Hello All,
thanks for your replies. My HTC is now at the HTC Service... I was told that the warranty does not cover the screen, so we will see how much it costs. The person at the HTC support line told me that the screen would cost around £60 and if it was the case that the mainboard has a problem, it will be more. Additionally, running the diagnostics on the first place will cost £15. It kind of makes me wonder what on earth that warranty covers for. I was under the impression that the phone is still under warranty and their attitude in claiming that this is not covered under by warranty shows the same thing.
Their quality of the service is probably average. I only received an email with the ticket number from them when I phoned them for a second time telling them that tehy had not send me any emails yet. I know they received the phone on the 7th of July, since I received an automated email from them, however, I have not heard anything from them since then, and I will need to phone them again. I have also input the ticket number and my email in their web page, but have not received any updates...
I decided to fix the phone, unless they come up with a stupid cost; the phone is lees than 2 years old and has served me well: I have used messenger while in airports and watched many movies while travelling. On a side note, I kind of have mixed feelings about HTC now. On one hand, HTC is very innovative, on the other hand the fact they release new phones so quickly kind of upsets me. I also think that nokia for example puts a lot more research and QC into their phones. The final thing I am not very fond of on this phone is that it's finger-unfriendly (no, I am not buying an iPhone...).
Even so, I have decided to fix it (subject to the repair quote), and keep it a couple of years more...
I will keep you posted about the final price....
I just replaced my Screen myself tonight, I also fixed a few things inside the device which were getting loose, just as the keys. I put some foam in the case where the keys are and now they are nice and tight.
The device is built better now than it was when i purchased it, plus it has a brand new screen now too. Cost: $1.00 Shipping to AU + $8.87 (USD$)
Tools are mine, they costed me $7 and got some free with screen.
HTC Repair... hell nah!
Hello All,
I know this is an old thread, but believe it or not, I only managed to get my phone back yesterday...
The phone as predicted costed around £60 pounds to fix (including postage). UPS then tried to deliver it to the address I gave to them. Unfortunately, it happened I was not there, so they left me a card. Using the number on the card, I arranged the delivery address to be changed. This happened on the 22n of July.
Unfortunately, the phone went missing and then my long adventure started... UPS asked me to phone HTC, HTC's reply was (I quote): 'Why did you change the delivery address, you would not have a problem now'. Their attitude was mostly unhelpful and they insisted that now (I quote again): 'It's now between you and UPS, why should we contact UPS?'
My understanding is that UPS in these cases asks the SENDER to raise a trace request and that they charge the SENDER for this, which is why a lot of merchandisers are unwilling to put a 'trace request' . Finally, after lots of phonecalls, UPS raised a trace request by itself.
It would take lots of pages to describe here the conversations I had with both UPS and HTC, each one blaming each other, until around mid-September where UPS said that they sent a claim to the SENDER, and it is now upon the sender to act.... Needless to say HTC continued arguing they have not received anything...
Finally, someone found that claim and sent me a replacement phone. The replacement seems new, though I guess, it might as well have been a refurbished phone. I also got a stylus with it and a battery cover, but no battery of course, (I had removed all these prior to sending the phone back).
Now here comes the amazing bit:
This time they used CityLink to send the package and HTC had forgotten to put my name on the package; they only put the delivery address. Amazingly, the package ended up in the company I work for, but in a different building near the one that was supposed to be delivered. Someone from my company called me and asked me if I am expecting a package from HTC, and that I can pop down the street to collect it from them....
Anyway, I have my phone now, it's ok... But I would avoid any interaction with HTC UK in the future.... I think I will also avoid HTC altogether in the guture, but that's a different issue altogether
Thanks everyone who posted in this thread (knowing that this would cost a few bucks to fix does not make it any better, but anyway )
just for next time
in my clumsiness i closed a car door on my cell which broke the LCD
after a short search over the net i found the tools needed (small screwdrivers and some plastic screwdrivers) and the LCD.
found the LCD at Ebay and the screwdrivers at dealExtreame
in really cheap all together cost me something like 140 US dollars
the change was quite simple as there are many youtube videos on how to open our cell.
so after like ah hour all was done and good to go.
hope it will help someone
if anyone need the ebay dealer just ping me (not related someone from china )

Dropped TP2! Verizon Options?

Hey everyone,
I need some help determining my options for getting a replacement Touch Pro 2. Last Saturday night I dropped the TP2 and it now has a large scrap on the bottom corner. Obviously this is frustrating since it’s only two weeks old! What are my options to receive a new one? I have paid for insurance over the last few years and have never lost or damaged a phone? Can I get a new one this way? What about swapping the phone within the 30day window? Would that work or will Verizon say I damaged the phone and they can’t swap it out? Is there anything I can do?
Any input would be greatly appreciated!
just exchange it
Is it really that easy? What will they say if the notice the scratched portion?
If you pay for TEP/insurance, user caused damage and loss is usually covered with a $85 deductable (for Verizon anyway, might be higher/lower for you).
$85 on top of the $489 I have already paid? I think I'm going to call and say the phone was scratched since day one and it really has been bothering me lately. Think that will work? They really won't know.
Now what would happen if they get the phone and notice not a small scratch but more of a scrap on the phone and think it's the user's fault? Would I be in trouble or will the phone just go right back to HTC to be refurbished?
Anyone else have any experience with something like this?
A scratch isn't really damage, do you expect the phone to be in pristine condition forever? It's wear and tear, I'd ignore it and not abuse the insurance system. What if you drop it and break it a month from now and want to exchange again? And then 8 months later? The insurance program has a limit, I'd not waste it on a scratch. Remember, how awesome your phone looks doesn't reflect on you as a person.
Sorry to hear about that but an option is to wait and see if you can get some sort of hardcase or silicone cover to hide the scrape/scratch
I haven't even activated mine yet until I can get at least some sort of protection on it.
Ok, here's an update. I just realized since i havent texted too much since the drop, the phone actually shuts off when I slide it open. Something happened. Now the mark isn't too bad, but if I send it back to Verizon saying it's a defect and they investigate the phone, will I be charged for two if they feel it was my fault?
These guys are smart enough to know a defect from a mishandling.
well, i am swapping mine out on Friday. I simply popped out the backlight button and said that it popped out when I was closing the keyboard. The only issue they had was getting the replacement into the store, since the stores dont have them yet. I got the phone about 2 weeks ago.
Why in the world would you have paid 489 for the phone? thats crazy. I would just do the exchange in store instead. Just go in and dont say anything about the blemish, just show them it shutting off. surely they will swap it out after ordering a replacement.
Two things. First I sold my Storm on Ebay for $250. So I actually only paid $239 without renewing a contract or anything.
I went to the store last night and had them take a look at it. They saw no evidence of damage (the mark is really minor, just frustrates me that it happened two weeks in!). They agreed and marked the account saying that the phone was defective. The manager actually searched online and said this is a known issue with both the Sprint and Verizon versions that there's something wrong with the ribbon connecting the two sliding pieces.
Anyway they have shipped me a replacement phone which should be here on Thursday. I'm not 100% convinced I actually damanged the phone. This issue was happening on Saturday night before the drop, I think.
I think I should be ok. Just frustrated I now need to reapply the Ghost Armor on a second phone!

Who has used Bestbuy black tie protection and how was your experience?

It appears my ns has uneven screen burn in on its display were the black status bar is,so am thinking about using my bb black tie protection to get repaired or replaced, just wanting to know other ppl experiences with Bestbuy ,before I put my nexi in there hands...
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
They fixed it. It is annoying to lose your phone while it's being repaired, though. As far as I know they don't do rapid exchange for the Nexus S yet, so you basically give it to them and it's up to 30 days before you get it back (mine took about ten days). In the meantime you have to use either a super basic loaner phone or whatever else you have lying around.
So yeah, no complaints about the repair itself, but just be aware you're not going to get handed another NS to use while it's gone. Oh, and also, they'll probably take off your screen protector in the store before they accept the phone (and since your screen has the issue, you're probably liable to not get it back if they don't), so if you ever plan on using it again you're probably best off removing it yourself beforehand so you can store it appropriately.
Addendum: Oh, and if you bring it into the store, don't waste your time standing in the Geek Squad line; just bring it to the Mobile department. All they'll take is the phone itself, so don't bother bringing your case/battery cover/battery/SIM card along unless you want to show the sales rep the problem for some reason.
Thanks,yea this is gona suck...didn't notice it till the update and it toned the screen brightness down..oh well..
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
Used it when I cracked my screen on my dell streak. This was before they did rapid exchanges. Took 3 weeks and they did a good job, they even threw in an extra battery cover and 16gb SD card!
I was told that all claims would be rapid exchange now, which is 3-5 days.
Overall, it was a good experience for me. But 9.99/mo. isn't too bad considering there's no deductible.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk
I just got my Nexus last night and they told me also that they have the new rapid return policy which won't take longer than 3-5 days to get your phone replaced. It kind of sucks if you get your phone stolen or lose it though, then your screwed.
dazednconfused1144 said:
I just got my Nexus last night and they told me also that they have the new rapid return policy which won't take longer than 3-5 days to get your phone replaced.
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Did they explicitly tell you that the option was available for your phone? I get the impression from hanging around the store that they tell everyone about rapid exchange, when in reality it's still being rolled out and is thus unavailable for some phones.

G2x Insurance experience

So, Just though I'd let you all know about what happens if you ever have your phone stolen.
So a few weeks ago my house got broke into and stole all of our electronics, and among those stolen was my G2x, after a police report and some time on the phone with the phone insurance company they were very quick on approving my claim and getting my phone out to me.
I asked the rep "Will the replacement phone be re-manufactured or brand new?" The rep replied "We have no way of knowing what is sent out, it all comes from T-Mobiles warehouse."
I didn't think anything more about it and paid my deductible of $130.00. Now keep in mind I have ALWAYS had insurance on my phone since 2006.
So after paying $5.00 a month for 5 years over $300, and then paying $130.00 so $430.00 for a replacement phone. I was excited to see the UPS guy deliver me a phone and went into tearing it open... only to see that it was a re-manufactured for with;
Scratches on the glass screen
dents and dings all over the sides of the phone
wear and tear near the charging port
wear damage on the back case where the phone has been laid down a lot
and the phone wouldn't even TURN ON! (I put the battery in and let it charge for 25 minutes before attempting)
SO after all of this I went and gave T-Mobile/insurance company a call and the rep stated "All of our re-manned phones have the plastic, glass replaced, and software reformatted on the phone before shipout, we have a strong 150 point inspection where we lay a brand new phone next to a re-manned and see if we can tell the difference" then they're shipped out.
Well I can DEFINITELY see the difference, I called again and am having them send me out another one to replace the one i replaced, I asked if they could please request a BRAND NEW one and they said "We can't guarantee its going to be new, but if there are any issues please call us back and we'll replace".
I'm very frustrated because i'm almost positive i'll end up getting ANOTHER re-manned with issues.
correct me if i'm wrong, if you pay for car insurance and you're in an auto accident, they fix the car to NEW standards, if you have home owners insurance and you brake a window, door, a/c unit etc, they dont send you a USED window, door, a/c unit, its all NEW. If you have health insurance they use NEW products on your body not ones that have already been used.
WHY the hell would a phone be any different?!!?!?
Just an FYI and a little venting If you're the type of person who loses their phones, drops it, water damage etc, its probably good to have insurance, if you're like me and wont use it for years at a time, don't waste your money, just buy a brand new one.. it will save you the hassle...
Thanks for letting me vent.
javolin13 said:
So, Just though I'd let you all know about what happens if you ever have your phone stolen.
So a few weeks ago my house got broke into and stole all of our electronics, and among those stolen was my G2x, after a police report and some time on the phone with the phone insurance company they were very quick on approving my claim and getting my phone out to me.
I asked the rep "Will the replacement phone be re-manufactured or brand new?" The rep replied "We have no way of knowing what is sent out, it all comes from T-Mobiles warehouse."
I didn't think anything more about it and paid my deductible of $130.00. Now keep in mind I have ALWAYS had insurance on my phone since 2006.
So after paying $5.00 a month for 5 years over $300, and then paying $130.00 so $430.00 for a replacement phone. I was excited to see the UPS guy deliver me a phone and went into tearing it open... only to see that it was a re-manufactured for with;
Scratches on the glass screen
dents and dings all over the sides of the phone
wear and tear near the charging port
wear damage on the back case where the phone has been laid down a lot
and the phone wouldn't even TURN ON! (I put the battery in and let it charge for 25 minutes before attempting)
SO after all of this I went and gave T-Mobile/insurance company a call and the rep stated "All of our re-manned phones have the plastic, glass replaced, and software reformatted on the phone before shipout, we have a strong 150 point inspection where we lay a brand new phone next to a re-manned and see if we can tell the difference" then they're shipped out.
Well I can DEFINITELY see the difference, I called again and am having them send me out another one to replace the one i replaced, I asked if they could please request a BRAND NEW one and they said "We can't guarantee its going to be new, but if there are any issues please call us back and we'll replace".
I'm very frustrated because i'm almost positive i'll end up getting ANOTHER re-manned with issues.
correct me if i'm wrong, if you pay for car insurance and you're in an auto accident, they fix the car to NEW standards, if you have home owners insurance and you brake a window, door, a/c unit etc, they dont send you a USED window, door, a/c unit, its all NEW. If you have health insurance they use NEW products on your body not ones that have already been used.
WHY the hell would a phone be any different?!!?!?
Just an FYI and a little venting If you're the type of person who loses their phones, drops it, water damage etc, its probably good to have insurance, if you're like me and wont use it for years at a time, don't waste your money, just buy a brand new one.. it will save you the hassle...
Thanks for letting me vent.
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I see why your frustrated, but having a remanufactured phone isn't so bad. The reason why I say that is because they are gonna do there honest best to try and fix the known issues that 90% of the G2x owners are experiencing. I just gotten a remanufactured phone and I can honestly say I have no screen bleeding issues at all! I also have no scratches either! Although I do understand your frustration about paying monthly on insurance and getting a used phone.
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA Premium App
I just received my phone from asurion 2 days ago, and I have no problems like the ones you mentioned. The casing is in immaculate shape, and there are no scratches anywhere. It even has a couple of the adhesives still on there. The only problem I did have with it, is that it has a bit more light bleed than my original one had.
TurboTsi said:
I just received my phone from asurion 2 days ago, and I have no problems like the ones you mentioned. The casing is in immaculate shape, and there are no scratches anywhere. It even has a couple of the adhesives still on there. The only problem I did have with it, is that it has a bit more light bleed than my original one had.
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Not to jump off topic, but you own a Talon or a Starion? I love DSM.
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA Premium App
You should not be able to tell the difference between reman and brand new from Asurion. If you can you definitely have a right to complain. I wouldn't worry about the second phone being in bad shape too, that must be a total fluke. As far as how much premium you have spent on insurance since whenever date, all that is irrelevant. You should receive the same level of indemnity as the guy who signed up for his policy 6 months ago. Some people pay their whole lives and never need to make a claim. Insurance is simply peace of mind. The insurance company bears the majority of risk when they write policies. You pay a tiny amount monthly and they will give you a $500 phone for $130 any time you jack your **** up. You burn through 2 insurance replacements and Asurion has lost money most likely writing your policy.
Anyway, you have a right to ***** about them sending you a messed up refurb, and they have a responsibility to make it right. Good luck.
Sent from my LG G2x
I've only had 1 insurance replacement with a Behold back in the day and it looked brand new! So I think they shipped you the wrong phone!
I'd say get another replacement. They weren't lying when they told you about their QC procedure; your example is simply one that got overlooked. A mistake, an exception. Something that almost certainly won't happen again.
I had T-Mobile since voicestream and Asurion since it they got with T-Mobile and after loosing my phone and my wife hers years after I did I've never had that happen .....my question is y even put a battery in and chrage it if there was damage on the phone already I woukdbif just saw it packed it right up and called Asurion .......I even had them replace me my nexus one after I dropped it and broke it and I bought that from Google not from T-Mobile ........
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA App
Refurbs usually run real well since they fixed the problems
Dsm all day! When it wants to run....
Call back and get the replacement, shouldn't take more than two days
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA App

Dead Pixels!!!!!!!!

I set my phone down and picked it up only to find dead Pixels in the lower right of the screen! Anyone else have this happen. I haven't dropped the phone or gotten it wet. I am sending it off to Samsung Thursday. I hope they fix it and don't come up with some excuse to to warranty the dead Pixels.
I've had this happen as well. I sent it off to be fixed but when it came back, the front display wasn't working. Now I'll have to send it off again...
What a mess. You would think they would just give you a new phone. They wanted me to take it to one of these fix it places here in Dallas. I opted to send it to the official samsung repair. We shall see.
Yep, me too
This just happened to me an hour ago. I have not damaged the phone in any way. I hope this doesn't turn out to be another Galaxy Fold debacle.
Update: I just called Sprint and since I am within the 30 day satisfaction window, they are going to replace my phone. If this happens again then I'll be highly disappointed!
yopiggy said:
What a mess. You would think they would just give you a new phone. They wanted me to take it to one of these fix it places here in Dallas. I opted to send it to the official samsung repair. We shall see.
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Hey what was the update ? I live in dallas too. and I have exactly the same concern. Its good to know what they say before i go there.
Same here. I sent it in for repair, got slammed back with out of warranty due to an invisible scratch in a totally different spot, with their own admission is unrelated to the dead pixel and fault in the screen, and is only on the outer cover...but still invalidate warranty....I switched to Samsung 3 years ago, I might be trying google next...can't replace a good customer service when it matters.
I took my phone to the Samsung repair place uBreakiFix located at 6205 Coit Rd Suite 336, Plano, TX 75024. They fixed it under warranty. Now my phone is really getting hot. So hot is is starting to burn my face when I talk on it. Looks like i will be calling samsung again. I am afraid this thing is going to explode.
Dead Pixels x2!
I am already on my 2nd Galaxy Z Flip and now trying to get #3! My first phone developed a spot of dead pixels in the middle of the screen. They magically appeared less than 24 hours after I received it. It was only plugged in to charge overnight, so I know that they were not caused by me. It then took over 3 weeks of multiple calls to finally get it replaced! At first, they kept trying to get me to send it in for a refund, and then told me that I could just buy a new one to fix it. I told them that they were dumb and that this was not a logical option. I received this phone through the Samsung Device Insights program for 1/2 price and a replacement would cost me the full amount.
Finally, after spending another hour on the phone and telling my story for the 50th time, I finally got through to someone in a higher up support office. He agreed with me that the previous calls and my experiences were ridiculous. He took the time to contact a local authorized Samsung repair store where he could send a replacement phone for me to pick up. On the bright side, I only had to turn in the phone, and I got a completely brand new one in the box. He said I could keep all the accessories from the original phone. While it did take a few days longer than I was originally told, I did eventually get the new phone.
Fast forward to today, I have had this replacement device for exactly 20 days. I am presently at work and when I opened the phone to check my messages, I found MORE DEAD PIXELS! Just like the last phone, they are always visible, only this time they are at the top of the display. I made another call back into Samsung, and I am currently waiting for a return phone call from Anthony. He just so happens to be the same upper level support person that I spoke with last time. He was the only one that was able to get the phone swapped out. Now I am hoping he will call me back to get this taken care of again.
I will say that If I do not get a call today as promised, I am sending it back for a full refund and I will never again buy another Samsung product. I am leery about even getting a 3rd unit after the horrible experiences I have had. Have any of you had similar problems and did they get your defective phone screens repaired/replaced as promised? So far, I am very underwhelmed and think that Samsung has a long way to go to provide proper customer service.
Me too
I've had a Z flip for 5 months and tiny dead pixels on the top of screen.
I've never dropped nor wet.
I went to Samsung repair shop in London and they told me that they can't repair under warranty and I had to pay 99 pounds.
They mentioned that they could see tiny scratch on the screen which I couldn't see my eyes.
My friends told me that Samsung after care are terrible and I agree that.
I've been carefull this phone and I've never had a problem with dead pixels before.
I felt I was conned and very disappointed with Samsung

