Dropped TP2! Verizon Options? - Touch Pro2 CDMA

Hey everyone,
I need some help determining my options for getting a replacement Touch Pro 2. Last Saturday night I dropped the TP2 and it now has a large scrap on the bottom corner. Obviously this is frustrating since it’s only two weeks old! What are my options to receive a new one? I have paid for insurance over the last few years and have never lost or damaged a phone? Can I get a new one this way? What about swapping the phone within the 30day window? Would that work or will Verizon say I damaged the phone and they can’t swap it out? Is there anything I can do?
Any input would be greatly appreciated!

just exchange it

Is it really that easy? What will they say if the notice the scratched portion?

If you pay for TEP/insurance, user caused damage and loss is usually covered with a $85 deductable (for Verizon anyway, might be higher/lower for you).

$85 on top of the $489 I have already paid? I think I'm going to call and say the phone was scratched since day one and it really has been bothering me lately. Think that will work? They really won't know.
Now what would happen if they get the phone and notice not a small scratch but more of a scrap on the phone and think it's the user's fault? Would I be in trouble or will the phone just go right back to HTC to be refurbished?
Anyone else have any experience with something like this?

A scratch isn't really damage, do you expect the phone to be in pristine condition forever? It's wear and tear, I'd ignore it and not abuse the insurance system. What if you drop it and break it a month from now and want to exchange again? And then 8 months later? The insurance program has a limit, I'd not waste it on a scratch. Remember, how awesome your phone looks doesn't reflect on you as a person.

Sorry to hear about that but an option is to wait and see if you can get some sort of hardcase or silicone cover to hide the scrape/scratch
I haven't even activated mine yet until I can get at least some sort of protection on it.

Ok, here's an update. I just realized since i havent texted too much since the drop, the phone actually shuts off when I slide it open. Something happened. Now the mark isn't too bad, but if I send it back to Verizon saying it's a defect and they investigate the phone, will I be charged for two if they feel it was my fault?

These guys are smart enough to know a defect from a mishandling.

well, i am swapping mine out on Friday. I simply popped out the backlight button and said that it popped out when I was closing the keyboard. The only issue they had was getting the replacement into the store, since the stores dont have them yet. I got the phone about 2 weeks ago.
Why in the world would you have paid 489 for the phone? thats crazy. I would just do the exchange in store instead. Just go in and dont say anything about the blemish, just show them it shutting off. surely they will swap it out after ordering a replacement.

Two things. First I sold my Storm on Ebay for $250. So I actually only paid $239 without renewing a contract or anything.
I went to the store last night and had them take a look at it. They saw no evidence of damage (the mark is really minor, just frustrates me that it happened two weeks in!). They agreed and marked the account saying that the phone was defective. The manager actually searched online and said this is a known issue with both the Sprint and Verizon versions that there's something wrong with the ribbon connecting the two sliding pieces.
Anyway they have shipped me a replacement phone which should be here on Thursday. I'm not 100% convinced I actually damanged the phone. This issue was happening on Saturday night before the drop, I think.
I think I should be ok. Just frustrated I now need to reapply the Ghost Armor on a second phone!


Anyone return their phone for warranty?

(service is AT&T)
When I bought my phone, I got full warranty on it (been paying $5 for it monthly)
Its all scratched up and now I want to return it for a new phone or a refurbished one. My current phone has been flashed with a new ROM, which was against the warranty policy.
Has anyone returned a phone like this for warranty after flashing back the original software/ROM? Were they able to find out?
Also, would it be easier if I just threw my phone into the lake and just asked them for a replacement? (I'm fully insured)
flash it back to the original rom.
and restore the SPL
and.. you should be all set.. you do need a good reason to have it fixed...
I can't just say that it's been banged up and has scratches? And that I've been paying $5/monthly for this?
Also, what would happen if I said I lost it,and they send me a replacement raphael, and ended up finding my orginal one under my bed. would they be able to find out that I still have my old one?
banged up and scratched is a normal thing. unless there is something broken in some way shape and form, then you can use that warranty. that's like saying the manufacturer have to give you a new car if your car has a scratch from daily use.
dunno what you can do if you say it's lost, but your phone does has an IMEI which is a very unique and if it ever connects, they can technically make an inquiry...and you might get charged for the price of the full phone. (only a possibility, but don't leave it to chance) Live with the scratches and next time, get yourself something like Bodyguardz or invisible armor...
theomni said:
I can't just say that it's been banged up and has scratches? And that I've been paying $5/monthly for this?
Also, what would happen if I said I lost it,and they send me a replacement raphael, and ended up finding my orginal one under my bed. would they be able to find out that I still have my old one?
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Wear and tear is not something that's covered under the $5 a month insurance plan.
If you tell them you lost it (and that acutally DID happen to me) they'll bill you the $125 dedcutable on your next bill - and they didn't replace the SD card mine came with either (they did send me a SIM card and another wall charger though).
Once you've lost the phone, that flag the unit so it won't work anymore and yes they will find out you still have it if you try to use it by putting yer new SIM chip in it. Plus techically this is considered 'insurance fraud' which is a crime you can get in a LOT of trouble for. There was an article I read about 2 weeks ago that said these companies are now keeping an eye on forums like this one trying to catch people doing such things. I suspect if everyone was honest we'd be paying $1 a month instead of $5...
Anyway - I know you can buy replacement screens pretty cheap - heck of a lot cheaper than the $125 deductable as matter of fact.
I really want to get this thing replaced. What if I accidentally drop this on my driveway and run it over with my car. WIll they still charge me anything extra? This phone has plently scratches on the screen that it becomes annoying to use the touch screen. Also, the face plate over the home, back, call send and end buttons is coming off, and the sliding mechanism has become a bit herky jerky.
So I guess whatever happens, I will have to pay up to get it replaced or fixed, despite their "fully insured" that I'm paying?
you need a probably cause to have it replaced... not just suddenly a car ran over it. trust me.
theomni said:
I really want to get this thing replaced. What if I accidentally drop this on my driveway and run it over with my car. WIll they still charge me anything extra? This phone has plently scratches on the screen that it becomes annoying to use the touch screen. Also, the face plate over the home, back, call send and end buttons is coming off, and the sliding mechanism has become a bit herky jerky.
So I guess whatever happens, I will have to pay up to get it replaced or fixed, despite their "fully insured" that I'm paying?
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Like I said - even if they replace the phone it's still going to cost you $125 for the deductable. Just spend 30 bucks and order a new screen and face plate.

returning sensation to t-mobile?

how do you guys do this? yesterday i called for a different issue and quickly asked about exchanging my device and they told me about insurance and i might have to pay like $150 give or take $50 (i cant remember exactly) vs paying full price if anything happens to my phone. did u guys pay or have insurance or was exchanged just like that? what was the reason for the exchange and how/what did you say?
Many of the returns you are reading about occur within the grace period that tmo has. What is the problem that you are trying to return the phone for?
i am noticing more and more sounds coming out of the case when i press on the screen. i guess its the friction from the case touching the edges of the screen.
yesterday i saw a few rows of Pixelation on the screen. rebooted and it went away.
the screen is not responding correctly on and off to touch commands. really annoying to have to try to do something more then 1 time.
Sounds like you should qualify for a full warranty exchange imo, which should also be free. How long have you had the phone for?
3 weeks ago. went on vacation the next day after it arrived 2 days ago. the rep made me do a bootloader screen restore and said she would call back tomorrow to see if it will fix the issue. my biggest concern is not qualifying and if so recieving a refurbished/re certified phone.
I also declined the silly insurance scam tmo offers.
Simply mention that this is a manufacturers warranty issue. Might also be worth calling HTC US.

G2x Insurance experience

So, Just though I'd let you all know about what happens if you ever have your phone stolen.
So a few weeks ago my house got broke into and stole all of our electronics, and among those stolen was my G2x, after a police report and some time on the phone with the phone insurance company they were very quick on approving my claim and getting my phone out to me.
I asked the rep "Will the replacement phone be re-manufactured or brand new?" The rep replied "We have no way of knowing what is sent out, it all comes from T-Mobiles warehouse."
I didn't think anything more about it and paid my deductible of $130.00. Now keep in mind I have ALWAYS had insurance on my phone since 2006.
So after paying $5.00 a month for 5 years over $300, and then paying $130.00 so $430.00 for a replacement phone. I was excited to see the UPS guy deliver me a phone and went into tearing it open... only to see that it was a re-manufactured for with;
Scratches on the glass screen
dents and dings all over the sides of the phone
wear and tear near the charging port
wear damage on the back case where the phone has been laid down a lot
and the phone wouldn't even TURN ON! (I put the battery in and let it charge for 25 minutes before attempting)
SO after all of this I went and gave T-Mobile/insurance company a call and the rep stated "All of our re-manned phones have the plastic, glass replaced, and software reformatted on the phone before shipout, we have a strong 150 point inspection where we lay a brand new phone next to a re-manned and see if we can tell the difference" then they're shipped out.
Well I can DEFINITELY see the difference, I called again and am having them send me out another one to replace the one i replaced, I asked if they could please request a BRAND NEW one and they said "We can't guarantee its going to be new, but if there are any issues please call us back and we'll replace".
I'm very frustrated because i'm almost positive i'll end up getting ANOTHER re-manned with issues.
correct me if i'm wrong, if you pay for car insurance and you're in an auto accident, they fix the car to NEW standards, if you have home owners insurance and you brake a window, door, a/c unit etc, they dont send you a USED window, door, a/c unit, its all NEW. If you have health insurance they use NEW products on your body not ones that have already been used.
WHY the hell would a phone be any different?!!?!?
Just an FYI and a little venting If you're the type of person who loses their phones, drops it, water damage etc, its probably good to have insurance, if you're like me and wont use it for years at a time, don't waste your money, just buy a brand new one.. it will save you the hassle...
Thanks for letting me vent.
javolin13 said:
So, Just though I'd let you all know about what happens if you ever have your phone stolen.
So a few weeks ago my house got broke into and stole all of our electronics, and among those stolen was my G2x, after a police report and some time on the phone with the phone insurance company they were very quick on approving my claim and getting my phone out to me.
I asked the rep "Will the replacement phone be re-manufactured or brand new?" The rep replied "We have no way of knowing what is sent out, it all comes from T-Mobiles warehouse."
I didn't think anything more about it and paid my deductible of $130.00. Now keep in mind I have ALWAYS had insurance on my phone since 2006.
So after paying $5.00 a month for 5 years over $300, and then paying $130.00 so $430.00 for a replacement phone. I was excited to see the UPS guy deliver me a phone and went into tearing it open... only to see that it was a re-manufactured for with;
Scratches on the glass screen
dents and dings all over the sides of the phone
wear and tear near the charging port
wear damage on the back case where the phone has been laid down a lot
and the phone wouldn't even TURN ON! (I put the battery in and let it charge for 25 minutes before attempting)
SO after all of this I went and gave T-Mobile/insurance company a call and the rep stated "All of our re-manned phones have the plastic, glass replaced, and software reformatted on the phone before shipout, we have a strong 150 point inspection where we lay a brand new phone next to a re-manned and see if we can tell the difference" then they're shipped out.
Well I can DEFINITELY see the difference, I called again and am having them send me out another one to replace the one i replaced, I asked if they could please request a BRAND NEW one and they said "We can't guarantee its going to be new, but if there are any issues please call us back and we'll replace".
I'm very frustrated because i'm almost positive i'll end up getting ANOTHER re-manned with issues.
correct me if i'm wrong, if you pay for car insurance and you're in an auto accident, they fix the car to NEW standards, if you have home owners insurance and you brake a window, door, a/c unit etc, they dont send you a USED window, door, a/c unit, its all NEW. If you have health insurance they use NEW products on your body not ones that have already been used.
WHY the hell would a phone be any different?!!?!?
Just an FYI and a little venting If you're the type of person who loses their phones, drops it, water damage etc, its probably good to have insurance, if you're like me and wont use it for years at a time, don't waste your money, just buy a brand new one.. it will save you the hassle...
Thanks for letting me vent.
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I see why your frustrated, but having a remanufactured phone isn't so bad. The reason why I say that is because they are gonna do there honest best to try and fix the known issues that 90% of the G2x owners are experiencing. I just gotten a remanufactured phone and I can honestly say I have no screen bleeding issues at all! I also have no scratches either! Although I do understand your frustration about paying monthly on insurance and getting a used phone.
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA Premium App
I just received my phone from asurion 2 days ago, and I have no problems like the ones you mentioned. The casing is in immaculate shape, and there are no scratches anywhere. It even has a couple of the adhesives still on there. The only problem I did have with it, is that it has a bit more light bleed than my original one had.
TurboTsi said:
I just received my phone from asurion 2 days ago, and I have no problems like the ones you mentioned. The casing is in immaculate shape, and there are no scratches anywhere. It even has a couple of the adhesives still on there. The only problem I did have with it, is that it has a bit more light bleed than my original one had.
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Not to jump off topic, but you own a Talon or a Starion? I love DSM.
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA Premium App
You should not be able to tell the difference between reman and brand new from Asurion. If you can you definitely have a right to complain. I wouldn't worry about the second phone being in bad shape too, that must be a total fluke. As far as how much premium you have spent on insurance since whenever date, all that is irrelevant. You should receive the same level of indemnity as the guy who signed up for his policy 6 months ago. Some people pay their whole lives and never need to make a claim. Insurance is simply peace of mind. The insurance company bears the majority of risk when they write policies. You pay a tiny amount monthly and they will give you a $500 phone for $130 any time you jack your **** up. You burn through 2 insurance replacements and Asurion has lost money most likely writing your policy.
Anyway, you have a right to ***** about them sending you a messed up refurb, and they have a responsibility to make it right. Good luck.
Sent from my LG G2x
I've only had 1 insurance replacement with a Behold back in the day and it looked brand new! So I think they shipped you the wrong phone!
I'd say get another replacement. They weren't lying when they told you about their QC procedure; your example is simply one that got overlooked. A mistake, an exception. Something that almost certainly won't happen again.
I had T-Mobile since voicestream and Asurion since it they got with T-Mobile and after loosing my phone and my wife hers years after I did I've never had that happen .....my question is y even put a battery in and chrage it if there was damage on the phone already I woukdbif just saw it packed it right up and called Asurion .......I even had them replace me my nexus one after I dropped it and broke it and I bought that from Google not from T-Mobile ........
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA App
Refurbs usually run real well since they fixed the problems
Dsm all day! When it wants to run....
Call back and get the replacement, shouldn't take more than two days
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA App

[Q] Verizon Warranty Exchange

I have a Warranty dilemma that I thought maybe someone else has experienced.
I had a legitimate warranty issue, called Verizon and they sent out the new phone next day overnight shipping. Currently no exterior damage to the old phone. Literally the day that the new phone is supposed to be coming I dropped my old phone and even though I have never cracked a screen before fate would have it that I crack one the day I am supposed to be exchanging it.
First of all it is a very fine crack in one of the corners of the screen and you almost can’t even see it unless you really look closely or feel it with a fingernail. There is also a small scratch on the corner of the aluminum case now.
Option 1: Should I just send the old phone back anyways and hope that they don’t notice the crack in the screen and scratch on the case? I’ve read on this forum that all they do is see if the phone turns on and then they move on to the next one? Could result in paying the $229 fine for the phone being damaged.
Option 2: Call Verizon tell them what happened send back the phone they sent me and instead do a cracked phone replacement through HTC's website which supposedly does a onetime replacement phone for things like breaking your screen.
Option 3: Keep the new phone without sending back the old phone and hope they dont notice. I actually did this in the past once and they never charged or contacted me about it. Ive heard that they dont really track to see if you turn in the old phone but that was some time ago and I dont know if that is still the case.
Sure would be nice if they had a way to still do a warranty exchange for the legitimate issue while also paying them a lesser amount to pay for the cracked screen but I guess they dont have that option.
Any advice would be much appreciated.
Wulf01 said:
I have a Warranty dilemma that I thought maybe someone else has experienced.
I had a legitimate warranty issue, called Verizon and they sent out the new phone next day overnight shipping. Currently no exterior damage to the old phone. Literally the day that the new phone is supposed to be coming I dropped my old phone and even though I have never cracked a screen before fate would have it that I crack one the day I am supposed to be exchanging it.
First of all it is a very fine crack in one of the corners of the screen and you almost can’t even see it unless you really look closely or feel it with a fingernail. There is also a small scratch on the corner of the aluminum case now.
Option 1: Should I just send the old phone back anyways and hope that they don’t notice the crack in the screen and scratch on the case? I’ve read on this forum that all they do is see if the phone turns on and then they move on to the next one? Could result in paying the $229 fine for the phone being damaged.
Option 2: Call Verizon tell them what happened send back the phone they sent me and instead do a cracked phone replacement through HTC's website which supposedly does a onetime replacement phone for things like breaking your screen.
Option 3: Keep the new phone without sending back the old phone and hope they dont notice. I actually did this in the past once and they never charged or contacted me about it. Ive heard that they dont really track to see if you turn in the old phone but that was some time ago and I dont know if that is still the case.
Sure would be nice if they had a way to still do a warranty exchange for the legitimate issue while also paying them a lesser amount to pay for the cracked screen but I guess they dont have that option.
Any advice would be much appreciated.
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I've done plenty of warranty exchanges with Verizon. Best bet is to call Verizon and tell them what happened. Send the old one back. This way you don't feel guilty or have to lie about certain things. VZW won't care. Or another option is to just send it back without calling them. I'd advise you to call them though so they can note it in your account. They don't play as fast and loose as they used to. They sent me 2 HTC Thunderbolts and when I called they said I could sell one if I wanted to. It costs them a good amount of money per warranty exchange. That's why there is a $100 deductible now with the $10/mo warranty.
Sent from my Big Red M8

Welp, my Pixel finally had a catastrophic failure

Today about 2 hours after waking up, I unlocked my phone and noticed that a dime size dead-zone at the bottom left of the phone. My phone has been in a case and a glass screen protector since taking it out of the box and I have never (knock on wood) dropped it whatsoever. If I took it out of the case and screen protector you would think it is a brand new phone never used. So now I have this dead zone that will not recover regardless of countless remedies, so I contact Google support as I am a member of Google one because I pay for the 100 gigabyte cloud storage. I sent the representative Hey picture of the dead zone and to my surprise he told me he told me " do not worry about this at all, I will start an RMA for you immediately". I was extremely pleased with how this was handled, an hour after talking with him, my entire screen died. I no longer can use my phone at all. Thank god it will be here in two days!
So you'll only have to slum it with an old device for a day or two, sweet!
Never had a problem with Google RMA process, always the reason I buy direct, piece of mind
In the UK - Google do a great job with their phones too for RMA. They sort you out relatively well
Even if you didnt buy direct
Got the new device yesterday, apparently they are refurbished and I noticed a nice big strand of white lint in-between the camera glass right on top of the main shooter. Obviously got in there when Google did whatever they do to refurbish phones.
Contacted them and so far they are refusing to swap this one out. I understand it's a little nit picky but I paid $900 for a brand new phone, it had a defect and the replacement now has a defect. That aside, it's absolutely killing my OCD. Could you imagine having to look at that stupid little piece of lint for years to come? If they ultimately stick with not doing an RMA on this I'm either selling and going for a OnePlus 8 pro or possibly even attempting to remove the camera glass square to get that little fu**** out.
1dopewrx05 said:
Got the new device yesterday, apparently they are refurbished and I noticed a nice big strand of white lint in-between the camera glass right on top of the main shooter. Obviously got in there when Google did whatever they do to refurbish phones.
Contacted them and so far they are refusing to swap this one out. I understand it's a little nit picky but I paid $900 for a brand new phone, it had a defect and the replacement now has a defect. That aside, it's absolutely killing my OCD. Could you imagine having to look at that stupid little piece of lint for years to come? If they ultimately stick with not doing an RMA on this I'm either selling and going for a OnePlus 8 pro or possibly even attempting to remove the camera glass square to get that little fu**** out.
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Edit: I did buy direct btw, always have and always will.
1dopewrx05 said:
Edit: I did buy direct btw, always have and always will.
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Just call them back and do a second warranty, let them know your experiencing new problems, or tell them you want to do a buyer's remorse return & they'll do it. I did a buyers remorse after I bought the my pixel 3 xl twice last year, once at 2 months & the other at 4 months, (That's where they give your your money back).. I called them for a day over & over but they did what I wanted. don't let Google tell you what's gonna happen you tell them

