Broken LCD Screen - some info wanted please :( - Touch Cruise General

Hello All,
today I used my phone for a regular phone call, went back to my desk, put it down, a couple of hours later, I hear the sms ringtone, pressed the 'wake up' button on the top, (the screen had gone blank as usual), and.... disaster, I see a long crack on the screen...
I suppose the phone is still under warranty (1.5years), but I do not know if it covers the LCD screen... It's quite insane, it was not in my pocket, it was not dropped, no liquids were spilled on it... Literally, used for a phonecall, put it down and then next time I use it has a crack is on it!!!
Did anyone have any similar experience in the past? Do you think it is covered by warranty? If not, does anyone have any idea what it costs to get it fixed? (I had bought it from devicewire, uk)....

What's the options?!
You need the screen replaced as soon, as (with my experience) the crack will outgrow the whole screen and soon you won't be able to use it.
Take it to the dealer as soon and as small the crack is, and suggest it was a manufacturer stress in the factory assembly that has started a hidden crack that grew up.

If you have the UK model (same as me) (Orbit 2 Xda branded) they are very very hard to find parts as they are mostly made for the HTC branded phone (silver original one).
So if you find a replacement online pls let me know, i need the touchscreen, not lcd but same diff!
P.S your warranty should only be for 12mths, well atleast mine are, and everything is covered usually, so just ask your outlt... if not, find a part online and repair, i would be happy 2 help with guiding through repairs if needed.
good luck, keep us informed.

I had the same problem. The phone was in my jacket´s pocket and when I was putting the jacket on the back of a chair it slightly hit the wall, for which I didn´t even worry. When later I picked up the phone the lcd was cracked. I have had the phone falling to floor without any problem a long time ago, and ironically it broke with a little hit.
I am sending it to fix, but I know I cant avoid paying for the repair.

Hello All,
thanks for your replies. My HTC is now at the HTC Service... I was told that the warranty does not cover the screen, so we will see how much it costs. The person at the HTC support line told me that the screen would cost around £60 and if it was the case that the mainboard has a problem, it will be more. Additionally, running the diagnostics on the first place will cost £15. It kind of makes me wonder what on earth that warranty covers for. I was under the impression that the phone is still under warranty and their attitude in claiming that this is not covered under by warranty shows the same thing.
Their quality of the service is probably average. I only received an email with the ticket number from them when I phoned them for a second time telling them that tehy had not send me any emails yet. I know they received the phone on the 7th of July, since I received an automated email from them, however, I have not heard anything from them since then, and I will need to phone them again. I have also input the ticket number and my email in their web page, but have not received any updates...
I decided to fix the phone, unless they come up with a stupid cost; the phone is lees than 2 years old and has served me well: I have used messenger while in airports and watched many movies while travelling. On a side note, I kind of have mixed feelings about HTC now. On one hand, HTC is very innovative, on the other hand the fact they release new phones so quickly kind of upsets me. I also think that nokia for example puts a lot more research and QC into their phones. The final thing I am not very fond of on this phone is that it's finger-unfriendly (no, I am not buying an iPhone...).
Even so, I have decided to fix it (subject to the repair quote), and keep it a couple of years more...
I will keep you posted about the final price....

I just replaced my Screen myself tonight, I also fixed a few things inside the device which were getting loose, just as the keys. I put some foam in the case where the keys are and now they are nice and tight.
The device is built better now than it was when i purchased it, plus it has a brand new screen now too. Cost: $1.00 Shipping to AU + $8.87 (USD$)
Tools are mine, they costed me $7 and got some free with screen.
HTC Repair... hell nah!

Hello All,
I know this is an old thread, but believe it or not, I only managed to get my phone back yesterday...
The phone as predicted costed around £60 pounds to fix (including postage). UPS then tried to deliver it to the address I gave to them. Unfortunately, it happened I was not there, so they left me a card. Using the number on the card, I arranged the delivery address to be changed. This happened on the 22n of July.
Unfortunately, the phone went missing and then my long adventure started... UPS asked me to phone HTC, HTC's reply was (I quote): 'Why did you change the delivery address, you would not have a problem now'. Their attitude was mostly unhelpful and they insisted that now (I quote again): 'It's now between you and UPS, why should we contact UPS?'
My understanding is that UPS in these cases asks the SENDER to raise a trace request and that they charge the SENDER for this, which is why a lot of merchandisers are unwilling to put a 'trace request' . Finally, after lots of phonecalls, UPS raised a trace request by itself.
It would take lots of pages to describe here the conversations I had with both UPS and HTC, each one blaming each other, until around mid-September where UPS said that they sent a claim to the SENDER, and it is now upon the sender to act.... Needless to say HTC continued arguing they have not received anything...
Finally, someone found that claim and sent me a replacement phone. The replacement seems new, though I guess, it might as well have been a refurbished phone. I also got a stylus with it and a battery cover, but no battery of course, (I had removed all these prior to sending the phone back).
Now here comes the amazing bit:
This time they used CityLink to send the package and HTC had forgotten to put my name on the package; they only put the delivery address. Amazingly, the package ended up in the company I work for, but in a different building near the one that was supposed to be delivered. Someone from my company called me and asked me if I am expecting a package from HTC, and that I can pop down the street to collect it from them....
Anyway, I have my phone now, it's ok... But I would avoid any interaction with HTC UK in the future.... I think I will also avoid HTC altogether in the guture, but that's a different issue altogether
Thanks everyone who posted in this thread (knowing that this would cost a few bucks to fix does not make it any better, but anyway )

just for next time
in my clumsiness i closed a car door on my cell which broke the LCD
after a short search over the net i found the tools needed (small screwdrivers and some plastic screwdrivers) and the LCD.
found the LCD at Ebay and the screwdrivers at dealExtreame
in really cheap all together cost me something like 140 US dollars
the change was quite simple as there are many youtube videos on how to open our cell.
so after like ah hour all was done and good to go.
hope it will help someone
if anyone need the ebay dealer just ping me (not related someone from china )


Faulty device replacement by HTC?

Hi all,
As it seems most of us suffer from the faults the early version of TP came with.
I myself have a hot GPS that looses connection, my black paint is comming off the alaluminum part of the housing, my speaker volume is way to low to understand the caller,...
As I disvovered all this problems during the first days of testing, I asked the retailer ( to take back my TP and replace it with a non faulty one (if HTC has already implemented counter measure for all this faults), or at least a slightly better one (I would continue the exchange process with HTC until I got what I expect for 500 EUR).
Unfortunately not only the TP device is below my expectations, but also the service.
2call refused to take my device back, as I already used it.
For two weeks I am writing mails to 2call and HTC to teach those people in European law (two weeks retun right even without reason).
HTC confirmed this, but can unfortunately not help me directly. Changing my TP has to be done by the retailer, HTC said. All They can do is send it in for repair (to
Now my questions:
Did anybody here managed to get his device replaced by a new one from his retailer (or maybe by HTC directly)?
Any experience with EuroTwice? Are they fast, good organised, reachable by phone and speaking english or german?
I am leaving to Japan in two weeks, and want to get a working TP device before I leave.
With the current service disaster I am in, this however seems to be mission impossible.
If your getting pealing paint then your device has more than enough reason to be replaced. That alone while cosmetic is covered under normal defects and faults. Remind the company of that.
You should get a replacement. If they refuse again threaten youll be in touch with your [Netherlands equivalent] of trading standers as they are breaking eu trading laws.
HTC is perfectly correct, your contract is with the shop that you purchased it from, im not sure about your local law but using UK law it firstly isnt fit for the purpose it was intended, secondly so long as its not down to ware and tear or missuse you can claim its faulty, both of these are grounds for refunds let alone repair. The question usually centres around wether or not it was missused, ie excessive heat applied or water, which is why the store you purchased it from would send it to an authorised HTC centre for repair or replace.
your out side of the distance selling act of 14 days so thats not usable, your only course of action is to demand it retured to the manufacture for evaluation due to manufacture defects, its important to point out to the shop that its not them your enoyed at, if you go barging in with a i know my rights atitude they are unlikely to help you, also speak to the boss during the week, you may have spoken to a part time supervisor pretending to be boss esspecially at the weekend
Failing that, phone their head office making sure you get the names of everyone you speak too, and finally last resort contact your local trading standards office, its important you try all avenues before going there tho.
good luck!

Dropped TP2! Verizon Options?

Hey everyone,
I need some help determining my options for getting a replacement Touch Pro 2. Last Saturday night I dropped the TP2 and it now has a large scrap on the bottom corner. Obviously this is frustrating since it’s only two weeks old! What are my options to receive a new one? I have paid for insurance over the last few years and have never lost or damaged a phone? Can I get a new one this way? What about swapping the phone within the 30day window? Would that work or will Verizon say I damaged the phone and they can’t swap it out? Is there anything I can do?
Any input would be greatly appreciated!
just exchange it
Is it really that easy? What will they say if the notice the scratched portion?
If you pay for TEP/insurance, user caused damage and loss is usually covered with a $85 deductable (for Verizon anyway, might be higher/lower for you).
$85 on top of the $489 I have already paid? I think I'm going to call and say the phone was scratched since day one and it really has been bothering me lately. Think that will work? They really won't know.
Now what would happen if they get the phone and notice not a small scratch but more of a scrap on the phone and think it's the user's fault? Would I be in trouble or will the phone just go right back to HTC to be refurbished?
Anyone else have any experience with something like this?
A scratch isn't really damage, do you expect the phone to be in pristine condition forever? It's wear and tear, I'd ignore it and not abuse the insurance system. What if you drop it and break it a month from now and want to exchange again? And then 8 months later? The insurance program has a limit, I'd not waste it on a scratch. Remember, how awesome your phone looks doesn't reflect on you as a person.
Sorry to hear about that but an option is to wait and see if you can get some sort of hardcase or silicone cover to hide the scrape/scratch
I haven't even activated mine yet until I can get at least some sort of protection on it.
Ok, here's an update. I just realized since i havent texted too much since the drop, the phone actually shuts off when I slide it open. Something happened. Now the mark isn't too bad, but if I send it back to Verizon saying it's a defect and they investigate the phone, will I be charged for two if they feel it was my fault?
These guys are smart enough to know a defect from a mishandling.
well, i am swapping mine out on Friday. I simply popped out the backlight button and said that it popped out when I was closing the keyboard. The only issue they had was getting the replacement into the store, since the stores dont have them yet. I got the phone about 2 weeks ago.
Why in the world would you have paid 489 for the phone? thats crazy. I would just do the exchange in store instead. Just go in and dont say anything about the blemish, just show them it shutting off. surely they will swap it out after ordering a replacement.
Two things. First I sold my Storm on Ebay for $250. So I actually only paid $239 without renewing a contract or anything.
I went to the store last night and had them take a look at it. They saw no evidence of damage (the mark is really minor, just frustrates me that it happened two weeks in!). They agreed and marked the account saying that the phone was defective. The manager actually searched online and said this is a known issue with both the Sprint and Verizon versions that there's something wrong with the ribbon connecting the two sliding pieces.
Anyway they have shipped me a replacement phone which should be here on Thursday. I'm not 100% convinced I actually damanged the phone. This issue was happening on Saturday night before the drop, I think.
I think I should be ok. Just frustrated I now need to reapply the Ghost Armor on a second phone!

[Q] NS Best Buy Repair...

I bought my Nexus S at Best Buy when it was free for AT&T last week and I was coxed into buying their Black Tie Protection Plan. I have to say that it was a great idea. However, I took my phone in, because I had a deep scratch in the screen and they told me it's a no go, and they wouldn't accept it for repair. The scratch was deep enough where I could feel it with my fingers... In the end, the phone had to be more impacted, like a cracked screen. They told me Zagg would make it look like new again... All of this while I was waiting for my Case Mate case in the mail...
So I went home and intentionally dropped my phone from two feet from the ground and it smashed the screen! I was "hopping" it would hold up a bit better than it did, but it did have a scratch in the screen. Went back to BB today and turned it in... unfortunately I had read terrible stories of BB repair turn around times, taking up to three weeks!!! So here I am waiting for a commencement email from BB regarding the repair...
Anyone else have experience with BB Black Tie Protection?
The speaker on my first nexus blew out and I also had the black tie protection. Instead of repairing mine they just approved me for junk out about a week later and i went into best buy and got a brand new one. The only way it's gonna take a terribly long time is if the repair center is bogged down or they are having trouble repairing the phone. I wouldn't worry about it too much as the typical time is usually gonna be no more than two weeks.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
I have the black tie. Never did a repair though. however I did have to take my nexus in yesterday because of wonky touch buttons. They said I qualified for rapid exchange. They took my nexus, gave me an LG Optimus loaner, and said I'd h have a new nexus in 3 days. Can't beat that!
Sent from my LG-P509 using XDA App
I took mine in for repair because the screen started to lift up on the top right corner. They said it would be taken care of in 3 to 5 business days. That was four business days ago. Also on the Geek Squad tracking website it still shows my device only as being checked in. Luckily I still have my N1 as a backup phone.
I was with GeekSquad a long time ago and their Policy then was, that Under no circumstances would they cover screen scratches or cracks. I'm sure that still stands now.
3 weeks is normal if they send the phone to Samsung, at least it's normal for European electronic device (phones, laptops, tvs, etc) exchanges/repairs.
Because I work for Geeksquad, I can answer most questions reguarding BTP.
90% of the phones sold at BBY qualify for Rapid Exchange BTP, the remaining 10% are either standard repair (taking approx 3-4 weeks to send it in get it repaired and then shipped back, but they provide a loaner phone everytime.) or In-store exchange.
Rapid exchange is essentially a pre-repaired phone, aka refurb. Instead of waiting normal repair times you get refurbs normally within 3 business days.
As for the OP, whoever told you scratches were not covered is lieing to you. BTP covers everything except blatent abuse, IE smashing the phone infront of an employee or sticking it under a tire and driving over it on purpose(yes they really can tell). This also includes water damage. Next time they tell you its not covered, ask to speak to a manager.
Well, I should have posted this before cracking the screen. And I thought they told me BTP covered everything except lost or stolen! (So I wouldn't have to go through the pain of cracking my screen...) And the rapid exchange wouldn't work because I have an AT&T version, which I believe is sold out...
Now I have to pain through three weeks!!! Dang!
Thanks for the info.
jake.corey.jacobs said:
Because I work for Geeksquad, I can answer most questions reguarding BTP.
90% of the phones sold at BBY qualify for Rapid Exchange BTP, the remaining 10% are either standard repair (taking approx 3-4 weeks to send it in get it repaired and then shipped back, but they provide a loaner phone everytime.) or In-store exchange.
Rapid exchange is essentially a pre-repaired phone, aka refurb. Instead of waiting normal repair times you get refurbs normally within 3 business days.
As for the OP, whoever told you scratches were not covered is lieing to you. BTP covers everything except blatent abuse, IE smashing the phone infront of an employee or sticking it under a tire and driving over it on purpose(yes they really can tell). This also includes water damage. Next time they tell you its not covered, ask to speak to a manager.
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Sorry, BTP was not around back then. I was a GeekSquad DA at launch; remained for two and a half years.

My UK RMA Experience from Asus Service Czech

For the background to my issue please read the following thread;
This thread is to give my experience of the RMA service that I have received, not the fault itself which was "fixed".
So essentially I was advised by Asus support that DHL would come with a special box to take the tablet away and to send all accessories such as the charger with the tab. However the DHL email said that I should pack in my own box and not to include any accessories. It was not clear to me whether the keyboard and charger would count as accessories or not. I decided not to include the charger as I had already verified that wasn't the cause of my issue and the charger is listed on Asus's own website as an accessory. However I was later told that I should have included the charger. All a bit confusing, mixed information but a small issue when you read below. I can't fault the tracker service or the speed of the "repair" either. I was happy to know exactly where my tablet was at all times and that it wasn't going missing.
Now everything I thought was fine until my I opened the box last Friday with my freshly "repaired" tablet. Like many of you guys I take extremely good care of my tech. I could have easily passed my tablet off as brand new with not so much as a hairline scratch on it after 10 months use. You can imagine my horror when I saw what it looked like on return. Essentially the list of problems is as follows;
Curve along bottom edge of tablet that should be flat.
Screen not fitted properly on right hand side.
Screen not fitted properly on left hand side.
Damage to case on power connector socket.
Plastic strip on top rear not fitted properly.
Haptic vibration creates a noise like a duck quack.
HDMI output has horrible red interference.
Glue residue on back of casing.
I have attached images below for you to see the quality of the repair work. What is especially annoying is that when I first called up to complain on Friday the only thing they were interested in was if I had pictures from before I sent the tab in. I am annoyed because when I raised a concern about the quality of repair work prior to sending my tablet I was assured by Asus Support that the repairers were monitored for quality of work and everything would be fine. It was only because of my mistrusting nature with this type of thing that I took pictures showing the condition it was in and how I packed it.
It should be noted that I only expected the battery to be replaced during the repair. According to the service report the screen and the motherboard were also replaced. I now believe that they must have been damaged during their removal from the now damaged shell case. To cover their tracks they listed faults with them which would require replacement such as "mechanical fault". I am absolutely furious with Asus over this shoddy repair and have informed them that I do not accept the repair and am seeking a new tablet to replace the one they have ruined. I am yet to have a response after sending them the pictures and I will keep the thread updated as I do. :crying::crying::crying:
Mine is in Texas right now with digitizer problems. Mine is as yours WAS, like new in appearance. I hope to God it is returned in the same condition. There is no excuse for returning a customers stuff in that condition. If they botched up the repairs that badly they should have replaced it.
Good luck, hope they resolve it for you. It clearly appears from your pics that they botched the job and owe you a replacement.
I recently had my digitizer repaired by the Texas facility and mine came back in the same pristine condition it was in when I sent it and the repair was without problems.
Keep us posted.
That truly is one awful repair job.
"Haptic vibration creates a noise like a duck quack."
This did make me laugh tho
flumpster said:
That truly is one awful repair job.
"Haptic vibration creates a noise like a duck quack."
This did make me laugh tho
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Yeah, if I wasn't so annoyed I'd probably find it funny too.... Sound file uploaded for your consideration... (I had to zip it as the forum didn't like mp3 or aac).
I'm sorry to hear all that mate! That is shocking. Stand your ground and don't take no for an answer.
I appreciate the kind words folks. Apparently my photos have been forwarded to the correct department within Asus. Which I hope is the "sending out new tablet department".
Your case tells me I should consider myself lucky they (the same service center) only slashed the box!
Sent from my Xperia Neo V using xda app-developers app
Wow, talk about screwing up a repair... This reinforces my belief that sending in my 700 for a screen repair (a nice crack in the upper right corner) is a bad idea.
Good luck with the fight ahead!
An update for everyone. I sent over the pictures of before and after as requested. My email was rejected as being too large (around 12Mb I think it was). I asked what was the maximum size email I could send and received no response. I then decided to split the email in to 5, ensuring that each email was less than 5Mb. Over a week later I enquired what was the status to be told the person dealing with my request was on holiday and would reply the next day. I duly received a reply saying that they still needed pictures of (.....) so it seems they could only find 1 of my clearly labelled 5 emails (number 1 to 5).
I was also informed that I would not be entitled to a replacement tablet as warranty only provides for a repair. I replied to that email by saying that "I am also entitled to a quality of repair that doesn't damage the rest of my tablet in the process. I am not claiming for warranty repair work to be done on my tablet, I am saying that during the warranty repair of my tablets battery, my tablet was unneccessarily damaged due to poor workmanship and now needs replacing."
The last email I have received says they have now got the photos and my request has been forwarded to "higher management". I don't know who higher management is, but let's hope it is someone who is just as horrified as me at the quality of repair work and agrees that somoene paying top price for their electronics and takes the time to look after them properly, should not have to accept such poor standards from Asus themselves. They're making it really hard for me to ever consider spending money on an Asus product again.
Once again, fingers crossed.
I have receied a response from Asus;
"Dear John,
Thank you for awaiting our response.
Kindly note that the management investigated your case and decided to offer you a free of charges repair.
They came to that conclusion as the key out video, the video that record whether a customer’s unit left the repair centre in a good condition was of poor quality, because so we can't see if the unit was damaged or not.
Please let me know if you want to proceed with the free of charges repair? Once your response is received I will create a new repair RMA to and book a collection. What would be a convenient collection date?
We look forward to your response.
Kind Regards,"
I read that to mean: Asus can't prove that it wasn't their fault the tablet was damaged, and I can. Therefore they will just repair it for me. I am supposed to be grateful that this won't cost me anything. For my inconvenience they are offering me nothing in return. I would have thought at least they would have offered some sort of token to apologise, even if they won't replace the tablet.
What do you guys think? If they repair it and it looks as good as it did previously, I wouldn't have a problem. I'm just worried that it will come back looking as bad/worse. My real concern is that if the outside is a mess, is the inside put together properly? Is the tablet going to fail in another few months because a connector hasn't been put on properly inside, or a wire has been part way cut through/trapped, etc, etc...
I've emailed them to have one more try at getting a replacement, which I really think is the honorable thing to do. At least I know what kind of company Asus aspire to be. Currently I don't think I'll be going anywhere near anything Asus ever again.
Imho they should replace it, they made a mess with the repair so it's their fault. You sent the device in perfect condition so their duty is to send it back after repair in the same condition. I wonder what they mean with repair now, replacing the body and keep the internal parts or what.
Whatever, if you accept this repair offer make it clear that you expect a perfect repair and also the device must return in perfect condition, wtf, you paid for the damn thing. Good luck!
Thanks for the reply and support.
I'm rightly playing hardball so avoided asking details of the proposed repair. Don't worry though, I would need to understand exactly what their proposed repair solution is before I would agree or send away my tablet to them again. Unlucky for them that I'm a professional mechanical design engineer used to dealing with quality engineering.
Gudders said:
Thanks for the reply and support.
I'm rightly playing hardball so avoided asking details of the proposed repair. Don't worry though, I would need to understand exactly what their proposed repair solution is before I would agree or send away my tablet to them again. Unlucky for them that I'm a professional mechanical design engineer used to dealing with quality engineering.
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I RMA'd my Asus TF300T around 3 months ago due to LCD banding and light bleed (Asus UK service center in the Czech Republic). There were numerous problems with the repair. Firstly, the charger was badly scuffed, the plastic casing was popping out (exposing the headphone jack and other ports) , the screen was on an angle, the glass wasn't glued down securely (movement/creaking) and they managed to chip part of the plastic surrounding the screen. I showed the problem to the store's manager (Argos, as I let them deal with it) and she agreed that she would let me have an exchange or pick a different tablet without argument. I exchanged for a Note 10.1.
Hope your issue gets resolved.
I would INSIST on the tablet being replaced and not repaired. It's pretty obvious that they can't make proper repairs already.
BTW: I got mine back with no cosmetic damage at all. So a proper repair is possible they just need some new employees at that repair facility.
Mine was in for the touch screen. I have no idea what was done. Right after I restored all my apps, about 4 hours, it started acting badly again. I called Asus on the phone. I was given another RMA and emailed a return shipping label. During my phone call I turned off the tablet. It was powered down for about 15 minutes. I powered it back up and have not had one incident with the touch screen since! Its been a week without trouble from the screen. I called to inform them at Asus and was told the RMA is good for 30 days. If problems develop just use it to send it back.
So far, so good.. .. .
It seems that Asus are are refusing to budge on the issue. My concern now is that due to the bend and stress on the screen at some point in the future it may crack and I'll be left without a tablet forever, so it seems I may have to relent and send it in for repair anyway :crying:
I have still had no answer from Asus on the following;
The screen was replaced, including the LED backlight. I have no idea why they were. A problem has been listed of "Abnormal lines on display". I never reported such a fault. My suggestion is that the screen was damaged on removal at the same time as the case was damaged through carelessness.
The motherboard was replaced. Again I have no idea why. I don't know if the charging issues related to the motherbaord or not. I don't believe so as everything else functioned correctly. Was the motherboard also damaged on removal?
"Mechanical Error" was listed as a problem. I have no idea at all what this refers to. The keyboard has not been touched, thankfully, and except for the power/vol buttons (which are terrible to begin with, and worse now) what else mechanical is there?
Asus have offered me nothing as a token of apology. I would have expected at the least to send me an accessory, or money off asus products in the store, something along those lines. Nothing, zip.
My folks were looking into buying a tablet and I was recommending them a Nexus 7. However that will definitely not be happening now. If anyone else is having second thoughts, or actually cancelled/changed their mind on buying Asus after reading this please PM me. I'll be happy to forward the statistics to Asus themselves.
Gudders said:
It seems that Asus are are refusing to budge on the issue. My concern now is that due to the bend and stress on the screen at some point in the future it may crack and I'll be left without a tablet forever, so it seems I may have to relent and send it in for repair anyway :crying:
I have still had no answer from Asus on the following;
The screen was replaced, including the LED backlight. I have no idea why they were. A problem has been listed of "Abnormal lines on display". I never reported such a fault. My suggestion is that the screen was damaged on removal at the same time as the case was damaged through carelessness.
The motherboard was replaced. Again I have no idea why. I don't know if the charging issues related to the motherbaord or not. I don't believe so as everything else functioned correctly. Was the motherboard also damaged on removal?
"Mechanical Error" was listed as a problem. I have no idea at all what this refers to. The keyboard has not been touched, thankfully, and except for the power/vol buttons (which are terrible to begin with, and worse now) what else mechanical is there?
Asus have offered me nothing as a token of apology. I would have expected at the least to send me an accessory, or money off asus products in the store, something along those lines. Nothing, zip.
My folks were looking into buying a tablet and I was recommending them a Nexus 7. However that will definitely not be happening now. If anyone else is having second thoughts, or actually cancelled/changed their mind on buying Asus after reading this please PM me. I'll be happy to forward the statistics to Asus themselves.
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Any update? said:
Any update?
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Not as such. I have been given an address that I can write to to lodge a formal complaint;
FAO Service manager
AsusTek U.K. LTD.
1st floor Hemel One
Boundary way
Hemel Hempstead
I am waiting for an RMA number so I can send my tablet back for a second repair. I have been assured that the service centre will be prepared and will make ammends for the poor repair that was done last time. I have no other choice but to go with this option for the time being. I have no idea what response I will get from the above address
Gudders said:
Not as such. I have been given an address that I can write to to lodge a formal complaint;
FAO Service manager
AsusTek U.K. LTD.
1st floor Hemel One
Boundary way
Hemel Hempstead
I am waiting for an RMA number so I can send my tablet back for a second repair. I have been assured that the service centre will be prepared and will make ammends for the poor repair that was done last time. I have no other choice but to go with this option for the time being. I have no idea what response I will get from the above address
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Any chance of an update ?
boakesm said:
Any chance of an update ?
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Tablet has been with Asus since 24th September back at Brno, CZ. Anticipated completion date of next Monday 7th October. It only took a week to "repair" last time but they may be having a closer look at what has gone on and take a little longer. I'm happy for them to do that and get it right. Just a shame that I am away in Italy at the back end of this week on business and it would have been great to have my tablet to watch a film, keep up to date, etc.
Once I receive it back I shall be writing my complaint letter.

buying used g4 are any models safe from the bootloop issue?

Ok so I have currently a g3 that is pretty bad with signals so looking to upgrade...I don't want to spend a lot for the g5 until it drops in price in a year or I was thinking of buying a used g4...I'm leary about the bootloop issues I've been seeing a large amount of people getting and since ill be buying a used phone idk if that'll factor with warranty...anyways I found one I want to buy and I asked the guy what the first few numbers were in the serial number and he said it was 589...that seems a bit high but I know most of the affected units were between do you guys think ill be safe with this phone? I really don't want to spend a lot of money on a potential paper weight...thanks in advance...
Not sure how to read the numbers
My phone has been in the process of dying for the last month, despite my attempts to eliminate an app here and an app there. Saturday it just finally booted endlessly, and won't go any place beyond that.
I bought the phone at Best Buy on 9-3-15, so I guess it's one of the early production models, but I'm not sure of the numbering system. The box has a UPC code with a 6 at the left edge of the code, followed by 52810, then a small gap and the numbers 51648, and finally an 8 at the right edge of the bar code. I can't figure out whether my phone is a "652" or a "528." Maybe somebody can help out with this question.
Thanks, Enzo
Well, since I posted on May 14, the LG G4 quit on me, and nothing but endless boots and more and more heat.
I *****ed to LG, providing the IMEI and the purchase date, etc., and they gave me an RMA. I shipped the phone via FedEx, as directed by LG, at a cost of approximately $20, to the repair facility in Ft. Worth, Texas.
The phone arrived at the repair facility two days ago, Monday morning, and I just got an email indicating that it was shipped back to me today.
No indication of whether it was repaired, or rejected because I regularly dropped it in the toilet and/or spilled coffee all over it, but maybe I'll find out in the next few days. (Actually, I treated the phone very gently, and even used a very grippy silicone cover to ensure I never dropped the thing.)
Since I feared LG would probably need weeks/months/years to get it turned around, I bought a new Samsung Galaxy Alpha from B&H Camera ($250) and a wireless charging device, and a glass screen protector. So at least if the dreaded boot loop syndrome recurs on the LG, maybe something will still be available to permit me to address the world via telephone from my hermit's cave. Enzo.
Email Today From LG--My Phone Headed For Long Beach
I received an email this morning indicating that my phone will be delivered sometime Saturday, May 28.
The email said "Defect: Power--No power with cable"
"Repair Results: Swap board (Main/RF) Others"
Not sure what all this means, but I guess it means they replaced the motherboard, and I'm not sure what else they may have done or not done.
I'll post further on the repairs and etc. next week after I get the phone up & running.
I am quite pleasantly surprised how fast the phone was handled by LG, inasmuch as it arrived in Ft. Worth on Monday, and they tossed it back to FedEx yesterday. Enzo.

