WOW - Google to purchase Motorola Mobility! - Motorola Triumph

Hell yeah!. At least i have one phone that will stay alive and get support from here on out.

What exactly does this mean to current Motorola Triumph owners? Or is it too early to speculate?

Unlikely to mean anything to Triumph owners. It may mean better support for Moto devices in the future, but I wouldn't bet on it. For the most part this looks like Google trying to buy a patent portfolio.
I read it as mostly-defensive on Google's part, and thus mildly negative to Google. It's wildly positive for Motorola Mobility investors who are getting a nice premium.

It's actually bad for Android. Why would other manufacturers stick with an 'open' OS that's now owned by a hardware competitor?
Google could promise not to give Motorola advantages over their competition, but the temptation to do so will be too hard to resist. Big incentive for other manufacturers to move to a linux equivalent.

that's good as well though more choices and better tech that way.

Ask the "SageTV" userbase what they think of Google's purchase of Sage. Nothing like investing hundreds of dollars on hardware and software only to find out that, within a year or so, there will be no more support.

Maybe this will get Motorola to release the Triumph source code sooner.


Why Viewsonic hates us

Viewsonic announced it's Honeycomb tablet @ 7 inches. Which means they have the HC source code... which means they hate the gtab community.... because we don't get it, even for modding purposes.
They don't hate the Gtab community. Don't try to anthropomorphize a corporation because you will only end up sad and depressed. All Viewsonic wants is to make money by putting out products and then putting out more products. We are numbers, not faces.
Fair enough. I suppose I am a bit idealistic that they would continue to support something older. Perhaps more my frustration is the lack of source code when it could be given... but that it an entitlement mentality I suppose.
forgiventhief said:
Fair enough. I suppose I am a bit idealistic that they would continue to support something older. Perhaps more my frustration is the lack of source code when it could be given... but that it an entitlement mentality I suppose.
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stop caving because one person says something!!!!
and to the user that commented to the OP, thought the info you stated (numbers, not faces) is true, STOP ACTING LIKE IT'S ACCEPTABLE.
To many 300 to 500 dollars is a lot of money and the company has a moral obligation to support it for a reasonable amount of time. This was in no way accomplished by viewsonic. Horrible business ethics and I WILL NEVER BUY ANOTHER VIEWSONIC PRODUCT. you vote with your purchasing power and viewsonic lost mine, my family's and my friend's votes.
as an aside, I suspect seeing all the progress made viewsonic might try to "save the day" and eventually release something for our g tab honeycomb flavored. I'm not fooled and you shouldn't be either. Your support should be for the devs like roebeet. If your running honeycomb and you haven't donated to him or the adamdevs you should feel worse than viewsonic.
vote with your money, I VOTE FOR OUR DEV COMMUNITY!
(before I get any posts about talking about donation, donation doesn't imply 3,000 dollars. Even if it's only a dollar, it says something.)
You do realize viewsonic just slapped their name on the Malta, right? You're mad at the wrong company.
schettj said:
You do realize viewsonic just slapped their name on the Malta, right? You're mad at the wrong company.
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Doesn't matter, though. As soon as VS slapped their name on it, they've adopted it.
The way VS is treating the gtab is worse than just numbers. They have intentionally ignored it, not giving it any press or anything at all. There isn't even a direct link to the gtab from their main website.
The gtab is doing way better than other "real" VS devices. It's the number 1 seller on amazon for goodness sake. I'm still baffled why VS isn't putting more energy into the gtab. It's like they don't even wanna mention it.
I think it is a way to get more people to move to their ViewPad line and off of the GTab. I will not switch to their new line just because they put 3.0 on it. Our Devs will get a port over to the GTab and it will blow their new line out of the water. Shady tactics if you ask me.
goodintentions said:
Doesn't matter, though. As soon as VS slapped their name on it, they've adopted it.
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But they don't have any code... they have no development resources. They have a brand name. Whooo.
goodintentions said:
It's the number 1 seller on amazon for goodness sake.
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Yes, it was for the week it was on blowout $280 clearance. Look, it's a great bit of first gen tegra2 tablet hardware with a dreadful screen that would make it unsellable at any price other than "half of what everyone else charges".
That's dropping under $200-$225 now, which is probably well below the breakeven point. So enjoy it, and support the hackers hacking away, but forget about any serious support for it from VS. You'll be much happier.
yes, the code for our G-tabs belongs to Malata, but so does the code for the Vega and the Adam. They are rumored to be at least getting official GB roms WITH hardware acceleration. VS is to blame for not providing us with that as well. If they do, but are keeping it hush-hush, I'll change my opinion.
Of course, Vega and Adam are running on the new 1.2 bootloader (always have been). Now VS teases us with an update that they pull, that is on the 1.2 bootlaoder? In essence, VS provided our devs, very briefly, with the tools needed to port any updates from Adam or Vega. So, while not actually giving us what we've requested, they are letting other companies, and third party developers do their work for them.
It may be that Malata has abandoned VS for their lack of support for the G-Tab, so Malata cut them off from future development releases.
snapz54 said:
and to the user that commented to the OP, thought the info you stated (numbers, not faces) is true, STOP ACTING LIKE IT'S ACCEPTABLE.
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I didn't say it's acceptable. In fact it makes me just as mad as it seems to have made you and I have made my opinion on that fact known many times on this board and the Nvidia developer board. I'm just saying that the people who want these updates are currently in the minority. I agree that we should get updates but we have to realize that might not happen. In fact I'd much rather use homegrown software from the fine developers on XDA, Cyanogen, and any other dev website that's working for better things for the Gtab than anything Viewsonic/Malata/Nvidia puts out anyhow.
This whole frequently updated software thing is new to the world. I mean think about Apple and Microsoft. Microsoft updated like once every five years. Apple was better, but in both cases users were made to pay for the updates. Now we buy these devices and expect free software updates indefinetly? Sounds good to me, but what about these companies? Where is the money for them? What incentive to they have to churn out more software at no charge to the customer? I'm just saying that there are two sides to this argument and both should be represented.
adampdx said:
This whole frequently updated software thing is new to the world. I mean think about Apple and Microsoft. Microsoft updated like once every five years. Apple was better, but in both cases users were made to pay for the updates.
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What color is the sky in your world?
The problem with Android is exactly the problem Google is trying to get a handle on....
When you leave updates up to the the hardware manufactures, you're guaranteed to screw your customers. Because the only way the HW guys make any money at all is by having the customer buy new hardware to get the shiny new features.
Hopefully Google will be able to beat these guys into submission, but I do feel for them... they thought they were getting in on a great thing with a cheap OS for their hardware, and instead they were turned into commodity manufacturers delivering Google ad revenue to Google. Ah well.
I'd much rather use homegrown software from the fine developers on XDA, Cyanogen, and any other dev website that's working for better things for the Gtab than anything Viewsonic/Malata/Nvidia puts out anyhow.
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But it's these updates that custom rom devs use to get the information they need to make their roms. If we ever get official hardware acceleration it will be bundled into one of the officially released updates. The drivers can then be added to existing roms, or future roms. The bottom line is that we NEED official updates if we are to ever get the G-tablet to reach it's full potential.
Now we buy these devices and expect free software updates indefinetly? Sounds good to me, but what about these companies?
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These companies, namely VS knows that they put out a crap product, in regard to software. In fact, they, at one point, directed their customers HERE for support for their device. They released a product in which the hardware outclassed the software. What we paid for was hardware, plain and simple. only recently have people actually said they're using stock firmware and it doesn't suck. Prior to the latest updates (3588 and later) I would suspect that everyone that bought a G-tablet, including myself, KNEW that they were going to have to flash a custom Rom. Just a few days ago, another 850+ G-tabs were sold on Woot, again. At one point it was the top seller on Amazon. VS has to save a little face and continue to support their software, and yes, provide updates.
Fortunately for VS, Notion Ink seems more interested in updating their product for us...of course, VS had to sneak in the 1.2 dev branch that's shared by the Adam.
some good points have been made, but none of the ones supporting VS have been valid.
slapping your name on something instantly slaps responsibility on you, this "passing the buck" mentality is a big part of whats wrong with the world. Everyone can blame someone else and nothing gets done.
The consequences in some small part are now realized. Myself and others will not support viewsonic in any capacity in the future. Actions like this catch up with you, VS is a horrible company that saw an opportunity to make a quick buck without a moments thought of how it might affect anyone.
stop supporting these type of actions, they are wrong.
snapz54 said:
some good points have been made, but none of the ones supporting VS have been valid.
slapping your name on something instantly slaps responsibility on you, this "passing the buck" mentality is a big part of whats wrong with the world. Everyone can blame someone else and nothing gets done.
The consequences in some small part are now realized. Myself and others will not support viewsonic in any capacity in the future. Actions like this catch up with you, VS is a horrible company that saw an opportunity to make a quick buck without a moments thought of how it might affect anyone.
stop supporting these type of actions, they are wrong.
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So you bought an $800.00 xoom?
snapz54 said:
stop supporting these type of actions, they are wrong.
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That would be "don't buy the product"
Since I wanted a device I can experiment with, and didn't want to spend more than $280, this was the only device available.
I bought it knowing what it was. An orphan device with no significant Vendor support.
i thought google said they aren't going to release honeycomb SDK? so doesn't that mean manufacturers are not allowed to release it?
but i guess if we buy the next VS tablet. we can port a honeycomb rom from that to the gtab.
ninditsu said:
i thought google said they aren't going to release honeycomb SDK? so doesn't that mean manufacturers are not allowed to release it?
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You're confusing SDK (Software Development Kit) with Source Code. That said, up to this point, Google has been reluctant to release the Source Code for Honeycomb for - what I can only assume is - the purpose of reducing hardware fragmentation and QA purposes.
schettj said:
What color is the sky in your world?
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Ha! Always good to get a laugh out of these heated discussions. As far as fragmentation goes, I agree. It's a problem that Google created and now they're trying to fix. I'm not sure I can imagine a world where there are several hundred different pieces of tech floating around from different manufactures that all use software provided by a singular, separate company. Oh, wait...that sounds like WINDOWS. He he... I wouldn't dare compare our beloved Google to the likes of Microsoft. Never.
schettj said:
That would be "don't buy the product"
Since I wanted a device I can experiment with, and didn't want to spend more than $280, this was the only device available.
I bought it knowing what it was. An orphan device with no significant Vendor support.
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Thank you. These things are on clearance for a reason. A lot of people here have unrealistic expectations. Companies don't make money by pouring resources into devices that nobody bought. I remember buying an Atari Lynx back in the day and only had it for about a year before everybody stopped making games for it and they were pulled off the shelves. I never once thought that Atari hated me.

Motorola to be future Nexus / Google has acquired Motorola

Google is buying Motorola!!!! OMG! What an excellent acquisition.
CNN link available yet...Google will pay 12.5 billion for Motorola Mobility. I can't think of a better thing for them to do. Think of the excellent phones Google will put out.
Nuts, you beat me to it.
Betting for a Nexus X, and a ton of patents to be used against Apple.
Excellent news indeed!
jjsoviet said:
Betting for a Nexus X, and a ton of patents to be used against Apple.
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Yup...They bought Motorola for the patents and probably will allow other manufacturers to use the patents without fear of reproach.
I don't think they did this to make phones...They did this to keep android from dying in court.
macgar32 said:
Yup...They bought Motorola for the patents and probably will allow other manufacturers to use the patents without fear of reproach.
I don't think they did this to make phones...They did this to keep android from dying in court.
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Probably, but it also probably means that they'll be making their own Nexus range from now on.
Either way, this is a good move on their part I think. As long as they don't suddenly start restricting the way other companies use Android.
Awesome and total unexpected news!
Wondering what this will mean for the nexus line and the [email protected] project.
dragonithe said:
Awesome and total unexpected news!
Wondering what this will mean for the nexus line and the [email protected] project.
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I see it as a positive for the Nexus line. I think Motorola has aslways had decent and sturdy hardware. A Nexus based on the Atrix or upcoming Bionic would be awesome. Even the Photon is an excellent candidate. With Google's vanilla Android onboard, these phones would shine.
Death to blur, please! Awesome IP patents with Moto. Motorola is a strong company in the patent war.
Although I haven't liked a Motorola device in a long time. I may have to look again this shopping season.
It appears that Google intends to run Motorola Mobility as a separate company. In other words, they probably bought them solely for the patents and their value in the on-going patent-battle circus. Motorola Mobility has like 20,000 patents, including significant ones in 2G, 3G, 4G, H.264, MPEG-4, 802.11, bluetooth, and a ton of other stuff. This may give them more of an upper-hand in patent battles, which they will hopefully use to stalemate the patent battles, rather than to stifle other innovators.
But otherwise their statements seem to indicate that MM will continue to be mostly what it is now, and that they won't try to unduly influence them on Android much more than they would any other handest manufacturer.
TheYar said:
It appears that Google intends to run Motorola Mobility as a separate company. In other words, they probably bought them solely for the patents and their value in the on-going patent-battle circus. Motorola Mobility has like 20,000 patents, including significant ones in 2G, 3G, 4G, H.264, MPEG-4, 802.11, bluetooth, and a ton of other stuff. This may give them more of an upper-hand in patent battles, which they will hopefully use to stalemate the patent battles, rather than to stifle other innovators.
But otherwise their statements seem to indicate that MM will continue to be mostly what it is now, and that they won't try to unduly influence them on Android much more than they would any other handest manufacturer.
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This I think is the main reason...
TheYar said:
It appears that Google intends to run Motorola Mobility as a separate company. In other words, they probably bought them solely for the patents and their value in the on-going patent-battle circus. Motorola Mobility has like 20,000 patents, including significant ones in 2G, 3G, 4G, H.264, MPEG-4, 802.11, bluetooth, and a ton of other stuff. This may give them more of an upper-hand in patent battles, which they will hopefully use to stalemate the patent battles, rather than to stifle other innovators.
But otherwise their statements seem to indicate that MM will continue to be mostly what it is now, and that they won't try to unduly influence them on Android much more than they would any other handest manufacturer.
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All I care about of this whole deal is what hardware the future Nexus will be. I'd love to see a Nexus based on the Droid 3 or Atrix. I also like it because it strengthens Google's market position.
This is definitely a good move for Android as a whole but I hope that Moto doesn't make the next Nexus, I really despise their hardware, looks like crap IMO. The Nexus S and the N1 both looked cool to me and the SAMOLED screens are a must. Can't wait to see what happens after ICS is released and what Motorola has planned for their future handsets.
Serious_Beans said:
This is definitely a good move for Android as a whole but I hope that Moto doesn't make the next Nexus, I really despise their hardware, looks like crap IMO. The Nexus S and the N1 both looked cool to me and the SAMOLED screens are a must. Can't wait to see what happens after ICS is released and what Motorola has planned for their future handsets.
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look at it this way: Once Motorola starts making the new Nexus, we'll probably get open bootloaders from Moto for a change
(Which is the main reason I steered clear of the Droid, as the HTC Desire was easier to unlock)
I can also only praise Google for that move, as I was seeing a lot of very dark clouds appearing over the horizon for Android, if you take the ****-flinging between Samsung & Apple as an example.
The new phone is gonna be called Googorola X. It will feature the ability to take pictures through solid walls and Sync your brainwave with that hottie across the bar.
jadephyre said:
look at it this way: Once Motorola starts making the new Nexus, we'll probably get open bootloaders from Moto for a change
(Which is the main reason I steered clear of the Droid, as the HTC Desire was easier to unlock)
I can also only praise Google for that move, as I was seeing a lot of very dark clouds appearing over the horizon for Android, if you take the ****-flinging between Samsung & Apple as an example.
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That is exactly what I say too. And they will be vanilla. None of that awful Blur junk.
MartyLK said:
Ewww...virtual crabs!
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It'd be a terminal infection
Don't be too excited. Read CNN again.
I personally don't think Google will be able to expand MM's niche in smart phone market with this deal, so they're just wasting billions trying not to lose even more in courts. The smartphone market is pretty much split by apple, samsung, and htc. MM is a dead horse.
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
I love the sound of this hopefully motoblur is a thing of the past. I've always been with HTC but if they make an kicka&# phone I may just ship.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
breaking news,top news now

Samsung Android phones... R.I.P. :(

So now that Google has acquired Motorola, what does this mean for us? I would assume the big Android backers like LG and Samsung have plan B's? I know samsung has the Bada O.S., not sure what LG will do. But we can all expect that as of today, all plans for Samsung to continue android development has all but ceased. Wouldn't make good sense for them to continue to put money in Google's pocket now that they are in the hardware business.
in case you haven't seen it...
orateam said:
But we can all expect that as of today, all plans for Samsung to continue android development has all but ceased.
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It would be silly for Samsung to stop making android phones. Your assumption is just that, and it's not a very good one.
This deal isn't closed. It's still subject to regulatory approval.. and if it gets approved we wont see anything for a while..
Posted via tapatalk from my Samsung Stealth.
writing is on the wall.
If you believe google bought Motorola for just the patents, pass the pipe this way....
Google could have paid a fraction of that, to buy the patents and give motorola a long term lease on them that expires beyond the patent. This occurs frequently. Google just did this a few weeks ago where they bought 1000+ patents from IBM.
Google bought Motorola for both reasons. They realized that apple is running the table with profits on hardware. You can only make so much money giving away your stuff for free.
I hate when companys do stuff like this. This will only turn into another iphone type company. You will see the cost of phones going up.. Google is trying to be the next Apple.
We can all kiss open source goodbye.
Relax, this is a good thing.
http: //
lefunque said:
Relax, this is a good thing.
http: //
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Sent from my GummyCharge using XDA App
Definitely a good thing. Google will remain open source (they're not dumb enough to put an end to that) and it helps with the frivolous legal battle apple and microsoft has been going after everyone about. I just hope they finally unlock the motos soon. Always liked the phones but I love custom roms too much to deal with a locked bootloader (thus why my X2 went bye bye)
Tapatalk via DROID Charge
I wouldn't worry. Google purchasing Motorola actually benefits all Android device manufacturers.
Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk
What does Google buying Motorola MOBILITY have to do with the other android OEM's? Nothing. Google just did this to back up all their OEM's with Motorola's patents.
Sent from my SCH-I510 using XDA Premium App
Another thing people don't seem to realize is that if Google does begin to behave badly, Samsung et al can just fork the code base.
Nothing is stopping Samsung, LG, HTC, Amazon, BN, and others from forming a consortium to develop there own brand of forked Android OS for use on their own smart phones.
For those that are optimistic, sorry to disappoint, but this is not. I’ve seen this same situation many times and it never works out. In fact, think of the last time this situation has turned out positive for the co-dependents.
I was at a huge oracle conference when oracle stabbed their 2 biggest sponsors in the heart. These sponsors (HP and Redhat) paid millions for sponsorship. They had their logos on stages, bags handed out, and BANG! Oracle announced on Day 1 that they were acquiring SUN and supporting all unix O.S. by themselves. HP had just the previous year made a huge deal with oracle on an agreement to be their primary hardware supplier and even worked on Oracle’s newest tech, oracle exadata, with them. At first, all the lovey dovey stuff came out and HP and oracle both said this was going to be great for both of them. Redhat said the boost in Unix OS would be good for them. NOT TRUE. Redhat is barely staying alive after putting all their eggs in the oracle basket. HP partnered with Microsoft to make the next big thing in the HP slate, vaporware, only to have to buy the PALM O.S. which isn’t working too good. It’s always like this. The mobile industry is about to become a 2 horse race. Samsung, HTC, LG, I see T.V. Sets in your future.
orateam said:
For those that are optimistic, sorry to disappoint, but this is not. I’ve seen this same situation many times and it never works out. In fact, think of the last time this situation has turned out positive for the co-dependents.
I was at a huge oracle conference when oracle stabbed their 2 biggest sponsors in the heart. These sponsors (HP and Redhat) paid millions for sponsorship. They had their logos on stages, bags handed out, and BANG! Oracle announced on Day 1 that they were acquiring SUN and supporting all unix O.S. by themselves. HP had just the previous year made a huge deal with oracle on an agreement to be their primary hardware supplier and even worked on Oracle’s newest tech, oracle exadata, with them. At first, all the lovey dovey stuff came out and HP and oracle both said this was going to be great for both of them. Redhat said the boost in Unix OS would be good for them. NOT TRUE. Redhat is barely staying alive after putting all their eggs in the oracle basket. HP partnered with Microsoft to make the next big thing in the HP slate, vaporware, only to have to buy the PALM O.S. which isn’t working too good. It’s always like this. The mobile industry is about to become a 2 horse race. Samsung, HTC, LG, I see T.V. Sets in your future.
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Nope, different situation. Oracle's bread and butter is, and has always been, very proprietary software and consulting services. Once they had there own underling OS and control of Java, they quickly began bringing as much as possible in house. That was the Oracle mentality from the giddy-up though and Red Hat/HP should have been aware of that. Very common with companies like that (MS, for example, has a very long and sordid history of doing the same thing).
Google is quite a bit different. For one thing, their bread and butter isn't in Android as an OS, it is in data collection and analytics (for advertising, marketing, and such) as well as various cloud services. Hardware margins being what they are, and Google's core business being what it is, it will be in Google's best interest to make sure that Android continues to be on as much hardware as possible.
yeah if anything the acquisition should be a good thing, hopefully they will take the moto phones and unlock them and put some pressure on other companies to follow suit. i think they will do some good things with moto's hardware and get other companies on top of their stuff, IE updates, unlocked bootloaders, not such garbage UI's, etc, etc......
Raccroc said:
Nope, different situation. Oracle's bread and butter is, and has always been, very proprietary software and consulting services. Once they had there own underling OS and control of Java, they quickly began bringing as much as possible in house. That was the Oracle mentality from the giddy-up though and Red Hat/HP should have been aware of that. Very common with companies like that (MS, for example, has a very long and sordid history of doing the same thing).
Google is quite a bit different. For one thing, their bread and butter isn't in Android as an OS, it is in data collection and analytics (for advertising, marketing, and such) as well as various cloud services. Hardware margins being what they are, and Google's core business being what it is, it will be in Google's best interest to make sure that Android continues to be on as much hardware as possible.
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Love ya response. It's a very good point. I looked a little more into it and found that motorola aquired General instruments. The company every cable company uses for it's DVR. apparently motorola owns the DVR patents and is currently suing TIVO. if motorola wins, nobody will be able to record T.V. but them. If Google can get into every Cable box and keep apple from ever creating a DVR.......
Samsung said this:
“We welcome today’s news, which demonstrates Google’s deep commitment to defending Android, its partners, and the ecosystem.”
J.K. Shin, president of Samsung’s Mobile Communications division.
If anything this will boost more innovation.
"This acquisition will not change our commitment to run Android as an open platform. Motorola will remain a licensee of Android and Android will remain open. We will run Motorola as a separate business. Many hardware partners have contributed to Android’s success and we look forward to continuing to work with all of them to deliver outstanding user experiences."
-Larry Page (
Google is anything but stupid, and they're not going to go shooting their partners -- which are the reason Android's so successful -- in the foot. Yes, this is obviously going to result in stronger competition for HTC, Samsung, LG, etc., and of course they aren't going to be thrilled about that, but it also drastically strengthens them against patent trolls and exorbitant patent licensing fees can cut into profits even more than stronger competition.
Plus, keep in mind that Motorola has a seriously low market share compared to HTC or Samsung -- they're in seventh place worldwide. This isn't like if Google bought HTC (which could have afforded to do -- but didn't because HTC has a tiny patent portfolio). In other wordS: if Motorola were the only one making Android handsets, Android would quickly fall to third or fourth place in the OS race.
Anyways, long story short: this means nothing for us other than that the next time we buy a phone, Motorola handsets may be better options. Of course, it just may spur competitors to keep up faster with updates, etc., leading to better devices all-around. Either way, we, the consumers, win.
Falcyn said:
"This acquisition will not change our commitment to run Android as an open platform. Motorola will remain a licensee of Android and Android will remain open. We will run Motorola as a separate business. Many hardware partners have contributed to Android’s success and we look forward to continuing to work with all of them to deliver outstanding user experiences."
-Larry Page (
Google is anything but stupid, and they're not going to go shooting their partners -- which are the reason Android's so successful -- in the foot. Yes, this is obviously going to result in stronger competition for HTC, Samsung, LG, etc., and of course they aren't going to be thrilled about that, but it also drastically strengthens them against patent trolls and exorbitant patent licensing fees can cut into profits even more than stronger competition.
Plus, keep in mind that Motorola has a seriously low market share compared to HTC or Samsung -- they're in seventh place worldwide. This isn't like if Google bought HTC (which could have afforded to do -- but didn't because HTC has a tiny patent portfolio). In other wordS: if Motorola were the only one making Android handsets, Android would quickly fall to third or fourth place in the OS race.
Anyways, long story short: this means nothing for us other than that the next time we buy a phone, Motorola handsets may be better options. Of course, it just may spur competitors to keep up faster with updates, etc., leading to better devices all-around. Either way, we, the consumers, win.
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+ 1
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i get that is what is being said, but if i were in Samsung or HTC's camp, i would be re-considering my funding into a technology where the software i've been depending on could be pulled away at any moment. Now that google has the hardware side covered, if HTC and Samsung keep throwing money that way, it's a big risk.
Microsoft could always have bought a hardware company like Dell, but it knew what that would do to the confidence of other builders. IMO, google should just have bought the patents.
orateam said:
i get that is what is being said, but if i were in Samsung or HTC's camp, i would be re-considering my funding into a technology where the software i've been depending on could be pulled away at any moment. Now that google has the hardware side covered, if HTC and Samsung keep throwing money that way, it's a big risk.
Microsoft could always have bought a hardware company like Dell, but it knew what that would do to the confidence of other builders. IMO, google should just have bought the patents.
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Like someone else said, it's in Google's best interest to keep android on as many devices as possible. I seriously doubt anything will change for sammy or htc.
Sent from my SCH-I510 using XDA App

Google Acquiring Motorola

Hey guys,
What are your opinions on Google acquiring Motorola? Will this change Android? Will the next Google Phone be a Motorola manufactured phone? What do you guys think this will mean for us?
surgeborg said:
Hey guys,
What are your opinions on Google acquiring Motorola? Will this change Android? Will the next Google Phone be a Motorola manufactured phone? What do you guys think this will mean for us?
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It gives Google some serious ammo for it's fight with Apple. Buying Motorola gives Google the cellphone technology patent. Take a guess what that means.
They didn't do it just for the hardware manufacturing but Motorola Mobility has a **** load of patents relating to cellphones and a lot to do with wireless communication in general.
This should allow them to incorporate technologies into their cellphones and other manufacturers who use android, that do not violate patents owned by apple. This way it would allow google and android handset manufacturers to spew out as many android handsets as they like without being attacked by apple.
Android adoption was getting a bit scary because of the manufacturers being sued by apple. It was seriously daunting for any small manufacturers because they wouldn't have the cash to go up against apple. This way apple would prevent further competition by not even allowing it to start. Obviously this was very bad for el goog hence buying moto mobility + their patents.
It might also allow google to further optimise android for hardware in the same way wp7 and ios do.
Bring back the talk about.
Definitely good for google. That patent portfolio gives them a lot to fight with.
past the obvious patent issue, i am excited about Google acquiring a hardware OEM. While google has said they will stay out the hardware biz, they ARE going to have a hardware manufacture under their belt. what i envision happening is moto being treated as a standalone company, but updates for all new phones super fast (nexus style) and the end of motoblur once ICS comes around.
at least, that's what i'd like to happen.
The only thing I want to see out of this is Google doing to Motoblur what Peter Gibbons and Michael Bolton did to the faulty copier machine in Office Space.
I want to see baseball bats and fists FLY at that horrid software package.
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I hope this means Motorola phones will get faster updates to the OS, including security updates (which I never remember getting on my Samsung Captivate).
I hope that google combined with Moto, will blow crapple out of the skies and water!!!
Hopefully this will lead to unlocked bootloaders!!! hell jea

[DISCUSSION] Google to give 20 percent of Motorola's employees pink slips

I found this rather interesting. A few months ago Google finally closed the deal on its acquisition of Motorola Mobility, replacing the old CEO with its own handpicked successor. Now the company is expediting its plans to consolidate Motorola. In the latest report, the search giant is getting ready to do some major restructuring, which will result in a 20 percent cut (about 4,000 people) of the handset maker’s workforce. This isn’t so much of a surprise as many executives had already hit the exit once the deal was done.
The way this job reduction will playout is Motorola’s operations in Asia and India, as well as its R&D spending in Chicago, Sunnyvale, and Beijing — is getting a drastic cut. Google’s goal is to trim down the fat on such a bloated company; a company that could only turn a profit six months out of the last four years. What makes sense is for Google to stop putting wasted resources into producing lower-end handsets, which is a plan the company intends to carry out. New Motorola boss, Dennis Woodside, told the The New York Times that he’s refocusing the company to concentrate on “a few cellphones instead of dozens.” Again, this isn’t new, we already had an idea that Motorola would refocus and begin to release lesser phones, which is something the old CEO Sanjay Jha uttered earlier this year.
In becoming a much leaner company, Motorola will begin to put more emphasis on things like voice recognition that can determine who is in a room, better cameras, and longer-lasting batteries. All great qualities phone owners love. The NYT report also mentioned how an executive close to situation believed it would be “more difficult” for Google and Motorola to spontaneously collaborate on Android projects.
This irks me, because it makes no sense. Why is it a problem for Google to do its own thing, with its own OS, on its own hardware company? My point is, every single OEM the search giant “partners-up with” has been doing whatever it wants with Android since day one (like throwing crappy skins on top of it). So why would things all of a sudden become “more difficult” with Google’s acquisition of Motorola? OEMs will continue to do whatever they want regardless. What does everyone think of all this?
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Sorry if I'm spamming, just thought you guys would be interested in this also.
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Apex_Strider said:
This irks me, because it makes no sense. Why is it a problem for Google to do its own thing, with its own OS, on its own hardware company? My point is, every single OEM the search giant “partners-up with” has been doing whatever it wants with Android since day one (like throwing crappy skins on top of it). So why would things all of a sudden become “more difficult” with Google’s acquisition of Motorola? OEMs will continue to do whatever they want regardless.
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This is a problem, because Google designs not only the os, but now the hardware too. This can be considered an unfair monopoly. Google has to tread very lightly in how they handle this whole thing.
If done wrong, they could alienate all the other manufactures out there, and we could start seeing them all go back to things like symbian (yuck!).
Google has to keep Android open for at least another 5 years unless they find a loop hole. By that time their will be another OS come along that will catch everyones attention.
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I was reading this morning how it was harder for Motorola to talk to and work witj the Android team at google now. The perceived unfair advantage is being handled very cautiously by Google. Then minutes later another article said the same thing except it was Motorola limiting access. Everyone is too uptight. Make it freakin' work.
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OMG I Work at Motorola India but I've not come across any such things.
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Makes me sad. I have three friends whose parents work for Motorola. I keep bugging them to tell their parents to get ICS on more phones but I think I know more about their parents' jobs than they do themselves
It sucks that they have to cut so many jobs - but a lot of them are in markets where Motorola just flat out doesn't sell anything, so they are completely leaving those markets. Hopefully those people can find jobs quickly (and get nice severance packages), and also hopefully Motorola becomes profitable again very quickly, and their remaining areas get bigger and higher more people.
I'm sure it's much easier to suck with less employees. Now they'll actually have an excuse for it.
Motorola lied and I'm still locked mb865
I totally want Google to dictate to Motorola. A small handful of higher-quality handsets? A slimmer operation?
Come on, Motorola should have done this two or three years ago.
But turning Motorola into, essentially, a Nexus-only producer with some of its traditional branding could quickly make them into the most interesting manufacturer.
Ajfink said:
I totally want Google to dictate to Motorola. A small handful of higher-quality handsets? A slimmer operation?
Come on, Motorola should have done this two or three years ago.
But turning Motorola into, essentially, a Nexus-only producer with some of its traditional branding could quickly make them into the most interesting manufacturer.
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LOL, go a googling... Google is going to turn moto into a lower cost handset maker, not a top end manufacturer... in other words they don't wanna compete with Samsung and the like.
They (motorola), will not make a nexus only device, as of yet NO nexus has EVER been a motorola device, now the xoom was a "google experience" device, meaning no blur at all.... other than that, you won't see them do a nexus phone, but maybe once or twice if ever... it is rumored that this year moto will make the nexus, but I have heard some rumblings lately that don't sound like that will happen.
jimbridgman said:
LOL, go a googling... Google is going to turn moto into a lower cost handset maker, not a top end manufacturer... in other words they don't wanna compete with Samsung and the like.
They (motorola), will not make a nexus only device, as of yet NO nexus has EVER been a motorola device, now the xoom was a "google experience" device, meaning no blur at all.... other than that, you won't see them do a nexus phone, but maybe once or twice if ever... it is rumored that this year moto will make the nexus, but I have heard some rumblings lately that don't sound like that will happen.
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Google is trying to paint the picture that they have nothing to do with Motorola and that its own separate division because they don't want the other OEM's getting mad at them. They are also saying that Motorola will have to bid for the Nexus program like everybody else... no favoritism! We'll see true thats going to be! Personally I want to see Google get more involved in Motorola, but I don't want them to stop building high end devices... this is the reason I buy Motorola because the hardware is reliable!
This is all similar to the backlash Microsoft has been getting for deciding to building the "Surface" and go into the hardware market. OEM's are mad at them now for this!
big ach said:
This is all similar to the backlash Microsoft has been getting for deciding to building the "Surface" and go into the hardware market. OEM's are mad at them now for this!
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This is exactly what i was going to say!
We are also forgetting the 'other' reason why el goog bought Moto, patents! I really believe the patents thing is true.. as far as Moto not manufacturing top end devices, i dont believe that, but i do believe they will be limited. They wont release a new mobile every now and then instead may be one top dog for each carrier in the year and two for the international market.
In big mobile markets like India. Moto is struggling, their service here is so infamous and the availability of moto products is also an issue here, where there is NO carrier branding moto has to depend on distribution chains and retailers, and they arent doing well in that dept.
Bottom line is Moto will be different from now onwards, these pink slips are just beginning. There are going to be changes, but not drastic IMHO.
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jimbridgman said:
LOL, go a googling... Google is going to turn moto into a lower cost handset maker, not a top end manufacturer... in other words they don't wanna compete with Samsung and the like.
They (motorola), will not make a nexus only device, as of yet NO nexus has EVER been a motorola device, now the xoom was a "google experience" device, meaning no blur at all.... other than that, you won't see them do a nexus phone, but maybe once or twice if ever... it is rumored that this year moto will make the nexus, but I have heard some rumblings lately that don't sound like that will happen.
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You're right - none yet. I'm just -wishing- that Google would take a more prominent role, at least in the direction of making Motorola play in a more Google way (not that Google is always that open themselves).
I can understand Google not wanting to show favoritism, and if for no other reason I'd be fine with official Nexus devices going to Samsung, HTC, et al., but it would be nice if ALL Motorola devices had that "Google experience."
Its confirmed that Motorola India R&D Centre of Bangalore is yet to make an official statement by coming days and it's also been said that It'll lay off a few employees.
Motorola R&D Bangalore,India.
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If the purchase was only (even mostly) for the patents Moto has, which will probably help defending some features of Android (against Apple), then this move is of no surprise. I hope the affected people are compensated well and also hope many of them start new startups in mobile space with that cushion.

