Internet connection settings...??? - T-Mobile myTouch 4G Slide

i can't seem to acquire an internet connection...can someone post the internet connection settings or point me to where they may be posted...???


How do I set up a wifi connection with PC? I know this is out there but cant find it

If someone could direct me to right thread I'd appreciate it. I can find information on it but not how to do it.
you must create Ad-Hoc connection in your PC
in Vista: Network&Sharing Centre>Set Up a Connection or Network>Set up a wireless ad hoc>continue in wizard...
then turn on wifi in your phone and search for Ad-Hoc networks (not only Access Points)
it should work...
Or use WMWifireouter?

Sharing tethered internet connection

I live in the sticks and the evdo on my phone is the only high speed internet connection available.
I have no trouble using the ICS to tether to a computer. What I want to do is tether and then share that connection with other computers on the network. When I go to network connections and right click on the windows mobile internet sharing device icon and go through and choose to share the connection with other computers on the network it tells me that the ip address required for internet connection sharing is already in use.
I am guessing that it needs for the network internet connection sharing to work, and that the phone (touch pro) is assigning it to itself when I start ICS.
Anybody have any idea how to make this work?

[Q] WiFi connect with proxy

I have read around the internet and hit mostly a dead end on this issue.
Has anyone seen info on being able to specify a proxy to connect to a wifi network?

wifi router..

hi all...
I m looking for a app which can share the internet connection of my PC (not lap)..
in other words, an app that can make the phone, a wifi router, sharing the internet connection of pc..
i have searched a bit, but only to find apps which can share the phones internet connection via wifi
i also found some apps which allow for reverse tethering, but cant share this connection..
does anyone know any app which can do this?
thanx in advance..

USB Tether with PDANET to Router

I've got PDANET to work and have internet access on my computer. I've tried numerous things to get the connection to my router. I even have the indicator light on the router showing it has connection. However I cant access the router login page and when connected to router there is no connection.
what I'd like to do is usb tether to computer and share the connection. I have a netgear router but I can get whatever I need to make this happen. So if someone can help me find a thread or walk me through what I need to do that would be great.
USB tether with pdanet to router
An older post but answer is to do a Google search "How to use a 4G phone to provide WAN/Internet service to a LAN?". Top result from askubuntu will provide detailed explanation. The other top results provide additional options.

