[Q] Using Lookout with GOSmS and Superpower - Thunderbolt General

Okay. I've had mixed results with Lookout and Superpower. And I feel like GoSMS stops lookout from working. I've had better luck with Handcent, but I hate the fact it eats CPU.
Can anyone recommend a way to maintain battery while keeping Lookout on its peak and actually working? AND/OR Can anyone confirm running GoSMS, Lookout and SuperPower (or Juice Defender) and having the functions work?


Appbrain overly active?

Hi, was curious if anyone else has experienced abnormal activities with appbrain. Reason I ask is that after running osmonitor to discover possible battery drains I noticed appbrain using anywhere between 3-15% resources on a regular, nearly constant basis. Is this normal?
Appbrain is pretty useless now that there's this:
destrorox said:
Hi, was curious if anyone else has experienced abnormal activities with appbrain. Reason I ask is that after running osmonitor to discover possible battery drains I noticed appbrain using anywhere between 3-15% resources on a regular, nearly constant basis. Is this normal?
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You might try going into Appbrain app preferences and check your settings... perhaps uncheck "Enable notification" to the quick access via notification to manage recently used apps. Don't, know, but an easy experiment to see impact on CPU vis OSMonitor.
I have noticed similar issues with the app. Havnt noticed if its been using up cpu (which is really all that matters) but it does seem to constantly run in the background
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
I just uninstalled it and like a prior post mentioned, the app has become somewhat useless. Seems chomp has been a little more helpful in searching the market anyway. Maybe it's all in my head but battery life has been a little better ever since the uninstall.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
I first noticed that my system was behaving very erratically. Apps wouldn't seem to stutter or jerk. I brought up OSMonitor to see what was going on and sure enough, there's AppBrain periodically consuming between 10-85% CPU constantly for no good reason.
I think it's time for it to go. I'll miss its search since the native market (and even web page) still sucks. But I would rather keep my battery life and responsiveness of my phone. If I need its search that badly, I'll just go to appbrain.com.
I uninstalled it for that very reason.
there is NO point to having appbrain or anything else now..
android market is online with push installs to phone.. if they dont push within 5 minutes reboot and they download on boot! (might have to do with me removing google talk or custom rom.. no big deal!)
Uninstalled appbrain as well...they're in trouble
Uninstalled. Battery life seems much improved. Thanks!
Appbrain never actually let me install anything =/ though the market site always tells me my device is not compatible.
Is anybody still having battery problems with AppBrain?

[Q] best android remote lock app?

After having lost a Nook Color on an airplane trip, I am looking to protect my other Android devices. Some apps have remote backups, and monthly fees, and stuff. Some apps assume GPS or 3G which isn't available on some devices, e.g., that Nook Color. Some apps seem to add all kinds of antivirus scanning crap that just slows things down for little value. I just want to be able to have it lock itself down or wipe itself, if it ever connects to the internet and finds a hot flag.
lookout is a pretty good app with lots of features for the free version
and theres also an app called remote wipe that might be good for you too.
sorry to hear about the nook.
yeah I tried using remote wipe.. i think is just FINE for me.
but try looking for other app for better option.
bump... interested in this as well. Has anyone had any good (or bad) experiences with an app that does this?
I got seekdroid as amazons free app of the day and looked at its features and tested it out. It seeks pretty damn good. Even if it's not the app if the day it's only 99ยข and it seems with it!
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Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
I am using Lookout, well so far so good
it's free, but a paid version is able to remote your droid.
Check out Android Lost - lots of useful features and it's free.
Theft Aware, Lock + wipe data + Many more SMS command like call back from ur lost device, data backup n also if u have rooted phone, it can install in system , so protection will not delete even after format/factory reset

Greenify: someone use it on N5? What are the apps it's hibernate?

I personally believe that the main weakness of the Nexus 5 is battery life. After trying for about a week the official app of Qualcomm Snapdragon BatteryGuru (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.xiam.snapdragon.app) without becoming satisfied (I have not found significant improvements, may have only a placebo effect), I switched to Greenify (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.oasisfeng.greenify) with the Donation Package.
Do some of you use it? Users comments on Play Store seem excited (so I decided to try the paid version).
The paid version also allows you to hibernate the system apps, but I have not enabled this function (and would therefore be excluded almost all Google Apps), according to you should enable this option? Or rather, what are the apps that should hibernate / greenify?
I use it, and I'm pretty satisfied, you can theoretically hibernate all the apps you want, but is not good with apps need too synching like emails, chat, messenger and apps wich you have widgets, otherwise they will not work properly
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
I'm not sure what the point of Greenify is then. If you can't greenify the apps you need, like Gmail, texts, etc., then how is battery life saved?
Han Solo 1 said:
I'm not sure what the point of Greenify is then. If you can't greenify the apps you need, like Gmail, texts, etc., then how is battery life saved?
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geenify all the other crappily written apps that you install. if you greenify apps like gmail, you wont get your email in a timely manor. there are plenty of other apps that start up without you opening them that can be greenified.
simms22 said:
if you greenify apps like gmail, you wont get your email in a timely manor.
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Have you tested that? I haven't but push notifications should wake up Gmail.
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stremax said:
I use it, and I'm pretty satisfied, you can theoretically hibernate all the apps you want, but is not good with apps need too synching like emails, chat, messenger and apps wich you have widgets, otherwise they will not work properly
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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I agree that it's not good with apps with widgets on the home screen because the author of Greenify specify it, but I not agree for apps that need synchronization/notifications like emails, chat, messenger because it they use GCM (Google Cloud Messaging) they can be hibernated without lose push notifications!
I doubt only with system apps...
I have greenified quite everything that does not provide notification.
I use it for Facebook and Netflix, that helped my battery tremendously.
I used to use Greenify on my HTC One. I'd hibernate everything that wasn't 'system' and thought it was doing some good. Then I discovered that I was actually getting better battery life WITHOUT using it, so I don't really believe that it does any good.
To reiterate what others have said, I use to Greenify to hibernate any apps that aren't pushing me notifications. I'm honestly not sure if I see a huge difference in battery because it could be a number of things from changing ROMs or updating kernels, etc. But one thing for sure is that I'm actually pretty satisfied with the battery life on my N5. With the N4 I would be lucky to last me to dinner, but now I have plenty of battery to spare by the time I'm passing out in bed.
So I guess Greenify can potentially help battery life, but it's definitely not the answer to a magically longer lasting battery.
maxwarp79 said:
I personally believe that the main weakness of the Nexus 5 is battery life. After trying for about a week the official app of Qualcomm Snapdragon BatteryGuru (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.xiam.snapdragon.app) without becoming satisfied (I have not found significant improvements, may have only a placebo effect), I switched to Greenify (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.oasisfeng.greenify) with the Donation Package.
Do some of you use it? Users comments on Play Store seem excited (so I decided to try the paid version).
The paid version also allows you to hibernate the system apps, but I have not enabled this function (and would therefore be excluded almost all Google Apps), according to you should enable this option? Or rather, what are the apps that should hibernate / greenify?
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Greenify is excellent. But using Greenify without knowing the cause of the problem isn't going to fix anything. Think of it as a bandaid. A bandaid for poorly written (usually intentionally) apps. Facebook comes to mind.
It won't greenify system apps without using Xposed (which doesn't work with ART). These system apps, Gmail, Chrome, Keep (I froze all the other junk Google apps), are actually pretty well behaved these days (they had huge issues in the past).
I think that with KitKat, Greenify has lost some of it's usefulness, with how aggressive KK is in killing off unused apps.
The app you should be downloading is BetterBatteryStats. Upload some logs for us, and most likely we can fix the problem for you. When the cause of the problem is determined, you can then choose the best course of action yourself.
The battery on the N5 is fine. I ran a BBS log while I was sleeping. After 6ish hours, the usage was 0.1% per hour. I would say anywhere between 0.1-0.4 is good. Wifi and mobile network, doesn't matter much if connection is solid.
anyways, greenify is not there to help battery, its there to have more free ram. but it can potentially help battery if you are running apps that open themselves and drain battery, like that aweful facebook app.

Smart manager vs greenify?

Hey guys just want to hear some opinion on weather or not it's worth using greenify if im already using smart manager? Is it worth having them both or greenify? If both should I have greenify optimized in smart manager or never, thanks!
Sent from my SM-G920T using Tapatalk
Wow no response lol. Anyway after having greenify installed my battery would drain alot faster so if anyone would like to know if your already using smart manager or when mm ever comes to s6 with dozen greenify is completely worthless.
Sent from my SM-G920T using Tapatalk
if you're rooted, then greenify becomes quite powerful. It completely eliminated the google services, and android OS battery drain.
I personally HATE smart manager because it's constantly prompts me to turn off apps that I frequently use (skype, msnger apps, etc).
If you're not rooted, I doubt greenify would do much more.
Rakcoon said:
if you're rooted, then greenify becomes quite powerful. It completely eliminated the google services, and android OS battery drain.
I personally HATE smart manager because it's constantly prompts me to turn off apps that I frequently use (skype, msnger apps, etc).
If you're not rooted, I doubt greenify would do much more.
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@Rakcoon, how? What are the disadvantages? Do you block location services, push, etc?
Rakcoon said:
I personally HATE smart manager because it's constantly prompts me to turn off apps that I frequently use (skype, msnger apps, etc).
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You can disable that...

Best battery back up rom suggestions please

I use like 150 apps installed in the phone.
Tried pie open beta(and also other custom roms) with kernels and other greenify apps but battery sticks with 5 to 6 screen on time.
I feel grateful if someone can help me getting the backup 7 or 7+.
I hear some guys are getting 8 and plus sot. I don't know how if everyone is using the same phone. I don't use phone for gaming. My usage involves with social media, YouTube, chats and 40 to 60 minutes using maps and gps.
Is it because of number of apps installed?
It's not about apps installed unless they keep the phone awake at all time, wish I don't think they do.
Unfortunately the best thing to do is just stop using social media lol.. Facebook and snapchat atleast.. Those apps are true battery killers.
If you feel like Facebook is really something you NEED in your life then skip the app and use the browser instead.
The other thing is making sure apps that you don't need notifications from is blocked from background usage in Battery, total usage, click the app you know you can block and select background usage, block
Last is managing the brightness, now there are times for full blast on the display and there is times for low light, don't let the screen blast your eyes if it's not needed to.
whizeguy said:
Unfortunately the best thing to do is just stop using social media lol.. Facebook and snapchat atleast.. Those apps are true battery killers.
If you feel like Facebook is really something you NEED in your life then skip the app and use the browser instead.
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I agree... Facebook is a Hog. And they push you into using Facebook messenger as well... :-/
I use this... It's a pretty slick front-end for Facebook that uses little of the resources that the app does. It also let's you use messenger without installing it on mobile!
Sent from my ONEPLUS A6003 using Tapatalk
harigavara said:
I use like 150 apps installed in the phone.
Tried pie open beta(and also other custom roms) with kernels and other greenify apps but battery sticks with 5 to 6 screen on time.
I feel grateful if someone can help me getting the backup 7 or 7+.
I hear some guys are getting 8 and plus sot. I don't know how if everyone is using the same phone. I don't use phone for gaming. My usage involves with social media, YouTube, chats and 40 to 60 minutes using maps and gps.
Is it because of number of apps installed?
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150 apps lol, how can you manage so much, I think just a simple browser can help you get rid of atleast 100 of them. I never understand the need of app which works on a site on a desktop. Just to keep track of your location and what you are searching online, these apps track you and kills your battery. Go smart, use no tracking browser like bromite and live the freedom.
Now for ROM part, I get the best battery with any OOS + elementalX kernel. None of the custom rom are better than OOS and yes don't forget to remove all Google apps and OnePlus apps, they track you.
Also install betterbatterystats to check what is killing your battery, I easily get upto 8 hrs. of sot if no pubg.

