[Q] Nexus is giving terrible feedback. - Nexus S Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

When you get too close to something else sending a wireless signal you'll notice your phone will start sounding like an engine. It starts buzzing. My NS started doing this last night. I called my girlfriend sitting in the same spot i always sit in and i was getting loud annoying feedback that she couldn't even hear. Why is this? I went outside by my pool to avoid anything giving off a signal but it was still buzzing. How do i fix this? I tried restarting.

So your NS was buzzing through the speaker despite not being near any other wireless devices?


[Q] GTab is Picking Up Air Traffic Frequencies

Anybody else having this problem? If a plane gets into range--and no I don't live near an airport. Flight patterns causes them to come by sometimes. I get a radio frequency noise even if I turn off my wifi and turn down my speakers.
Any suggestions on how to prevent it from occurring? Not a major issue or deal breaker just want to know what I can modify to stop it from happening.
That's pretty wild. I live on an Air Force base and have never had any issues like that, even while using my tab in a hangar within 200 feet of operating aircraft. My guess would be that there is something nearby that is picking up those freqs, modifying them, and retransmitting them to interfere. Large metal objects of some kind? UFOs? Lol. If it only happens in one location building/room then move elsewhere to isolate.
do you happen to have your cellphone near your g-tab when this happens? What your picking up is the electromagnetic radiation from your phone receiving an increased amount of such. usually happens just before you will get a phone call or txt. sometimes happens when the phone updates with the tower. When unshielded speakers are near such sources of radiation especially within cell phone frequency and power the waves are powering the speakers themselves and the frequency produced from the speakers is within our range of hearing frequencies. I have heard this sound many times, you can try holding your phone close to the speakers and putting it on silent and listen for the sound as it probably you will hear it just before it notifies you of the call, and just before each ring should produce the sound. This will not work on shielded speakers though only unshielded which are found in most laptop speakers. let me know if this helps solve your mystery.

[Q] Wierd happenings

Has anyone else noticed either one of these happening with their G2X? Mine randomly shows in the status bar that there is a wired headset connected. Also when using "2G Networks Only" the signal drops out very often. I can stand in one spot where my 2g signal dropped out, switch it to 4g and get immediate reception. This is kinda pissing me off because i use 2g more often at work when I'm not using data for anything other than texts and g talk so as to save battery. Any info reported back will be greatly appreciated. Thank you all in advance!
Ok so this is really starting to aggravate me. The wired headset icon randomly appears in the status bar now, especially when using the phone for a little while. Just had it come on while i was on a phone call. Has anyone else had this happen to them. Please help a guy out with your findings?
Bump. Your input please?
I think you're the first to report this one, I've never seen it mentioned before. I'd trying actually playing with some hard-wired headphones to see if the phone recognizes their presence accurately. If it doesn't I'd guess hardware. What happens if while the wired headphone icon is showing you connect it to a Bluetooth headset? All else fails, see if it happens again after a reset and if it does that would confirm it's hardware.
I actually did plug in headphones today and they worked. I know that shocked me too . I have not tried to connect BT or anything else when it happens so i guess thats next. I'm open for any suggestions, cuz i really dont want to play the swap game but if I have to.......

Voice calls that cut in and out systematically

In low signal areas, I often have calls that enter a weird mode where roughly every 1 second voice cuts in and out. Anyone else experience this? My Fascinate in the same area never used to have this issue. -1 for the VIA POS. The problem seems to be there on all ROMS including the new EP1W.
When this happens on an important call, I have a growing urge to shatter the phone on the ground. Never had this feeling on previous phones, so once again Samsung has set a new record.
Yep, same thing in for me around 10 miles surrounding where I live. I believe the phone has a ****ty radio, but it is good enough for normal areas, but in an area that has a low signal or a tower with any slight issue, this phone reacts worse than most. My wife's incredible 2 works fine in the same area. When I got this phone, I was hesitant because I heard things about Samsung radios in the past, and low and behold, it was true. Sad because the battery life is great, the screen is great. But between the GPS locking taking forever once in a while, the lag, and most of all the issue you are describing. This thing is getting traded in as soon as the bionic comes back in stock. And if I hate that phone, I will simply switch to the incredible 2. Maybe it doesn't have 4g, but the phone flat out works out of the box and works well.
Just wanted to follow up because this is a real issue where you literally can't communicate with calls in certain areas on certain Charges. I tried two Charges and two sims and the problem still persisted, always in the area in my town only. My wife's Incredible 2 has zero issues. I switched to the Bionic today and the call issues are gone. As happy I was with the screen and battery life of the Charge, I am relieved to say I can now make phone calls wherever I want without concern, and that trumps anything else after all it is a phone first. Just thought people with this issue would like confirmation of other phones that do not have the problem.
I tried to like this phone, I really did. But the frequent voice cut outs and garble leave me feeling angry and thinking who gives a rip about the screen if you cant make a call.
Why did Samsung use this toy VIA chip? Its kindergarden level quality. Its a true POS designed by flunkies.

Bluetooth and LTE

2 things, completely unrelated to each other.
First is not specific to the Skyrocket as its happened on all of my previous Android devices as well. Who thought it was a good idea that, when you end a call while using a bluetooth headset, the phone should automatically open a music app and start blaring music? Why is this by default? Annoying as hell. Is Autostarts the only way to fix this?
Second thing: I have 3 bars of LTE here at the house and get an average ot 26Mbps which is pretty amazing. Yesterday, I was somewhere else in town and noticed I had 4 bars so I ran a quick speed test. 56Mbps. Holy smokes. Thats insane and seems like overkill, but I'll take it. Anyone else seeing speeds like that or was it fluke?
I've never experienced that bluetooth issue you're speaking of, and I use bluetooth a lot. Are you listening to music already when you get a call and then return to music after a call?
I too got that speed with lte. Only once though, thought it was a fluke but now I see someone else got it too.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using XDA App
Can't say anything about the bluetooth difficulties your having, but as for AT&T LTE, those speeds are definitely not a fluke. I regularly get upwards of 40 down with 4 bars in Atlanta. However, we'll see if the speeds can hold up as more and more people start to hop on the band. Let's keep our fingers crossed!

[Q] Bad reception when phone is on shoulder

I have had the S3 for about a week now and I have noticed that whenever I put the phone on my shoulder (resting against my cheek) the sound quality/reception goes to crap 85% of the time. This happens on cell and wifi calls but definitely more on wifi calls (skype). I.e. I was on skype talking to my friend and my wifi had 3 out of 4 bars. Whenever I would put the phone on my should with my cheek to free my hands his voice would go really slow and sound like a robot lol. He would tell me how the signal on his skype would drop from 3-4 to 0-1 untill i grabbed the phone with my hand like normal.
Does anyone else have a issue like this? I would think that the way I am holding it wouldnt block the wifi/cell signal so much. I am running the VRLG7 modem btw.
Not even a "Nope don't have that issue?". Trying to decide if for some reason its a defect or its just the way the phone is. Any comments would be appreciated.
I think the reception is bad wherever it is. I'm getting to the point where I try to just leave it on the window and use headphones to call.

