[Q] Bad reception when phone is on shoulder - Verizon Samsung Galaxy S III

I have had the S3 for about a week now and I have noticed that whenever I put the phone on my shoulder (resting against my cheek) the sound quality/reception goes to crap 85% of the time. This happens on cell and wifi calls but definitely more on wifi calls (skype). I.e. I was on skype talking to my friend and my wifi had 3 out of 4 bars. Whenever I would put the phone on my should with my cheek to free my hands his voice would go really slow and sound like a robot lol. He would tell me how the signal on his skype would drop from 3-4 to 0-1 untill i grabbed the phone with my hand like normal.
Does anyone else have a issue like this? I would think that the way I am holding it wouldnt block the wifi/cell signal so much. I am running the VRLG7 modem btw.

Not even a "Nope don't have that issue?". Trying to decide if for some reason its a defect or its just the way the phone is. Any comments would be appreciated.

I think the reception is bad wherever it is. I'm getting to the point where I try to just leave it on the window and use headphones to call.


weak signal

hello every one new here and to android thing,,retired i-ph 3g for the inspire !!
blows i-ph away EXEPT for reception or signal strength
at home i rarely get more than 2-3 bars at work 40 miles away usally 0-1 bars !!
put the same sim card in i-ph and get 4-5 all the time home and work,, its basically useless at work !!! i took the first inspire back and exchanged it for another one, thinkin i might have got a dud, but the new one works about the same , is there any settins to help this ?? i do get h+ most of the time at home except at work, got some G's ,E's, alot of X's no signal rarely H+,,maybe try the atrix or last and final go back to i-ph 3g pleas help !!! great to be here
I am having a weak signal problem and am on the phone with ATT right now to see if I can solve it.
AT&T says its the SIM card (I doubt it). They said to pick up a new SIM card at a core store and tell them to check my account since it is marked to give me a free SIM card. I will try that and post the results here.
I just got this phone at Amazon for $69 brand new and I love it. I think its the best phone I have had. It is lightning fast with the internet and I love all the features it has. There are two problems I am having with it which will be a deal braker if I can't get them resolved.
1) the signal is weak. I was out with my wife this weekend and my sons had to call her iPhone because they couldn't get through on mine. I checked and I had no bars on the signal strength while my wife's iPhone had three. Had problems making and receiving calls today at work because of the signal strength. I had an htc pure before this phone and had no problems calling or receiving calls at work.
2) The speaker is very weak and I wanted to play a Youtube video for my brother yesterday but he couldn't hear it even though the speaker was set all the way up. My wife had to play it on her iPhone so he could hear it. I also missed a few calls because I could not hear the ringer when the phone was in a holster on my waist. The ring volume is too low.
My wife's iPhone 4G beat the Inspire on the signal strength and the speaker volume and clarity. The Inspire wiped the floor with the iPhone when it came to do a search on the internet and surfing the internet.
For me the speaker volume and the signal are a much bigger priority than quick surfing.

[Q] found a serious flaw with radio hardware and shipped ROM downloading consistency!

Hi all, please welcome me whom had bought the Optimus 3d just 2 days ago. I love this phone. Please do let me welcome you all to talk about a flaw, which I've found out right away with the new phone since 2 days ago! I've been with some others Android phones, so, I should say I've had good experience with Androids.
I realized that Optimus 3D has some kinda hardware Radio receiver flaw (I really don't know what should I really call it) similar to the famous iPhone 4 dilemma in the beginning. I found out that the "Radio receiver" is located somewhere at the bottom of the phone, where our hands most often holding the phone with. The hand will block out the signals and the signal bar will be reduced by a lot as much as to zero (if the signal strength itself is not strong in the 1st place!) Try find this yourself, have some experience by holding the phone at the bottom and let go and holding the phone and again let go, keep trying this you should see the signal strength that will drop and rise and drop and rise again. Or is this only my phone? But I've never experience this phenomenal with other Android phones!
Also, I don't know this has the directly link to the downloading issue or whenever browsing nets, the network data will drop very very often. I hardly got successful downloads from the market without few retries. Thank god at least at the moment I can temporarily fix it by turning off and on again with the data enabling shortcut in the pull down menu.
Please help me here and advice! Very much appreciated!
Since the famous iPhone 4 drama for a lot of phones these stories pop up once in a while. I know lots of people furiously believed the Samsung Galaxy S had the exact same problem but after a week or so nobody ever talked about it anymore.
I myself have absolutely no problem whatsoever with the signal, not even when I completely cover the entire phone with my hands leaving just a small spot to read the signal it never drops, not by one bar. I've never had a single download dropped with either 3G or wifi and I've downloaded my share of stuff from the market and other places.
I've tested this with my T-Mobile simcard (which has pretty horrible coverage here) and with my Vodafone simcard (which has great reception) and with both simcards the signal strength stays exactly the same according to the bars. Even when I go to the settings the dBm and asu values stay exactly the same, no matter how long and how bad I cover the phone.
So far you're the first and only person I've read about having these issues so I think it just could be an isolated incident, although that would be bad for you as that would mean you could have a defective phone
This problem is not something new and is not related with O3D.
All the phones have the same issue.
It is normal that if put your hand on the antenna the reception will drop.
The radio waves just work like this.
However the atenuation from your hand is most accentuated on higher frequencies like 2100Mhz.
On every phone even on the oldest phone with external antenna you will meet this phenomenon.
The difference between 4 bars and 1 bar is only around 10dBm which really isnt that massive a drop at all. Now that you've pointed this out i do see that the signal strength varies a little depending on how you hold the phone but its not enough to panic about i don't think. The iphone 4 problem was significantly greater in that the iss was that a user's hand would electeically short the mobile network antenna to the bluetooth and wifi antenna causing a total loss of signal. While 10dBm or so is a definite dip in signal strength, it's an acceptable level of attenuation and i dont see it causing any real world day to day network problems that you wouldn't experience with any other high end smartphone.
My workplace is in a giant tin hut of an industrial unit (read: faraday cage) and today while i had this phone there for the first time i saw no noticeable network coverage problems. The behaviour was as far as i can tell exactly tue same as my motorola milestone from which i upgraded.
Sent from my LG-P920 using XDA Premium App
As stated all phones can lose a bit of the reception when it's in your hand depending on how you hold it, the reason Iphone4 was such a big deal was that it was extremly sensitive when it came to left-handed people and they had a real problem with their antenna being totally blocked when holding the phone normally when speaking in it.
Later on media and uninformed people started fueling the flames as soon as they saw a bar drop when picking up the phone, radio waves are not magical rays or tachyons that can move though matter without interacting with it.
thanks for all the replies. Believe me or not, this is the 1st phone I realize this issue and it is so obvious, the bad news is, it is really bad for me that the antenna is located at the bottom, probably most others phones I've owned were at the top as a result i didn't got any problem before.
And another issue, I'm pretty stucked with the shipped rom now, really hope to see custom roms soon. I'm at the moment totally freak out with the inconsistent of data and the wifi, it keeps failing me, this really freak me off, what the hell is happening to me with this phone! I've never ever got any dropped data or wifi connections before. Arggghhhh!!!!!!!!!!!
I have no signal drop out no matter what hand positioning i use..
I'm in a very poor reception area. I do notice hand over phone a drop from 1 bar to none. Still not a red cross to indicate no signal but a drop of 1 bar all the same.
Just tested it.
Signal drops from 4 bars to 3 (1-2 in awkward positions) when hand-held. Not an real-life-usage impact though...
Thanks for all the test replies to support my findings. OK, now, I've realized that the hand holding issue has no direct impact to data drops. And the data drop is entirely due to the time issue which it does not lock down the data connection when swithcing data modes. And at the moment it can beasily over come to turn off with the data button in the pull down menu. I'm not sure though when in the situation when the signal strenght was so low, by holding with hands will give an direct effect of data drop or not. Will observe that

Voice calls that cut in and out systematically

In low signal areas, I often have calls that enter a weird mode where roughly every 1 second voice cuts in and out. Anyone else experience this? My Fascinate in the same area never used to have this issue. -1 for the VIA POS. The problem seems to be there on all ROMS including the new EP1W.
When this happens on an important call, I have a growing urge to shatter the phone on the ground. Never had this feeling on previous phones, so once again Samsung has set a new record.
Yep, same thing in for me around 10 miles surrounding where I live. I believe the phone has a ****ty radio, but it is good enough for normal areas, but in an area that has a low signal or a tower with any slight issue, this phone reacts worse than most. My wife's incredible 2 works fine in the same area. When I got this phone, I was hesitant because I heard things about Samsung radios in the past, and low and behold, it was true. Sad because the battery life is great, the screen is great. But between the GPS locking taking forever once in a while, the lag, and most of all the issue you are describing. This thing is getting traded in as soon as the bionic comes back in stock. And if I hate that phone, I will simply switch to the incredible 2. Maybe it doesn't have 4g, but the phone flat out works out of the box and works well.
Just wanted to follow up because this is a real issue where you literally can't communicate with calls in certain areas on certain Charges. I tried two Charges and two sims and the problem still persisted, always in the area in my town only. My wife's Incredible 2 has zero issues. I switched to the Bionic today and the call issues are gone. As happy I was with the screen and battery life of the Charge, I am relieved to say I can now make phone calls wherever I want without concern, and that trumps anything else after all it is a phone first. Just thought people with this issue would like confirmation of other phones that do not have the problem.
I tried to like this phone, I really did. But the frequent voice cut outs and garble leave me feeling angry and thinking who gives a rip about the screen if you cant make a call.
Why did Samsung use this toy VIA chip? Its kindergarden level quality. Its a true POS designed by flunkies.

[Q] WiFi Connection Drops When Holding Phone

Does anyone else suffer from the following problem:
My WiFi connection always briefly disconnects if I am holding the phone. This only appears to mainly occur (or becomes more noticeable) whilst doing something such as a video call.
Example: I start a video call with the phone on a surface. After a while I go to hold the phone in my hand, give or take a few seconds, the call will then be disconnected due to Network Connectivity Issues.
My WiFi signal bar will have no bars and the letter "E" along with a red "stop" type sign comes up in red for a few seconds, and then I get full WiFi signal again. The call then reconnects, and the process will keep repeating itself unless I stop holding my phone!
As I say, if I don't hold my phone, voice or video calls over WiFi work perfectly fine. EDIT: Actually, still occasionally occurs if on a surface too.
I also have similar issues with normal phone signal. Just holding the phone I can go from full signal down to "emergency calls only". But this isn't too much of a issue as it is with WiFi.
I'm hoping this is just a fault, but it would seem strange if so because everything works great IF I don't hold my phone - not too good really!
Any suggestions or help would be great.
I have the same issue. I can be standing in the same room as my router, and if I put my phone in my pocket and pull it out it will have disconnected from my network. Same issue with the cell network. I have T-Mobile and where I live, I can barely get 1 bar of 3G. I'm on edge most of the time. But the signal will drop off to where the phone will state I can only make emergency calls.
Sent from my XT1034 using Tapatalk
Well it's good (and not good) that someone else is suffering from the same issues as me I guess.
Would appear the best option for me is to return for a full refund. I will get onto Motorola though to see what they say about it. It's a brilliant phone besides this, but obviously it's a massive problem for me to live with.
I'm not sure whether to chance trying to get a replacement and seeing how that behaves. Anyone else having similar problems?
Well, i just saw this a few minutes ago, the wi-fi just drops from full to low, the wireless card is cheap i guess, my razr i didn' sufer with this, this happens when i hold in landscape mode only, this is sad.

phone calls drop after half hour

I thought it was me because I was driving or at a bad place in my home but I was wrong. My edge drops calls almost exactly at the 30-40 minute mark in my phone calls. It has happened all week but it was really noticable when it dropped and I looked at the time during one conversation. Anybody have this happen to them? I was told to replace it at a store. And we all know how plentiful the phones areā€¦ .:/
I recently had this problem occur again. This is after having a new phone. I called t-mo tech support and they said that the facebook messenger app has been causing a lot of problems with the call connectivity of the phone. I just uninstalled the app and am waiting to make a long phone call to see if this was the true culprit.
sent from the Edge
I think its just T-Mobile. My calls disconnect all the time. And my phone says no network connection a lot. (Even before I got the Edge) I think when the network connection drops, so does the call. This was even worse for me on the Sprint network though so I just live with it now that I'm with T-Mobile.
Galaxy Note Edge- phone call dead
My problem is from time to time phone call will be dead like no sound at all on either side even though there is network signal and the phone is showing call duration. I have to restart the phone in order to make phone call then its fine for unspecified amount of time then it happens again. Had my Note Edge for 3 weeks now and its pain in the neck. BTW I'm from Australia.

