[THEME] Theme for Galaxy FIT - Honeycomb version - First - Samsung Galaxy Fit GT 5670

Hi Friends.
Here is one surprise for all Galaxy FIT Owners.
First theme for Galaxy FIT ported and launched by me.
Yes this is a theme for stock rom XXKB1.May work on other firmwares too. I am not sure. Try it on your own. I am not responsible if u brick ur device.
Originally ported by arunmcops for InDroid 4.0 Final for Galaxy 3.
I ported it for Galaxy FIT and made modifications and created some images.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Only Framework and twframework are themed.
No other apps are themed.
And the Launcher is ADW Launcher with yOrk's Black ADW Theme. U can download from market.
In case u dont have a deodexed rom then deodex it using this tutorial video.
This video is posted by great developer rudolf895 for Galaxy 3.
But Deodexing part works for FIT too.
And if u r not rooted then go here:
Now comes the installing part:
1. Download the theme (Link below).
2. Extract the file using 7zip.
3. Now copy both framework-res.apk and twframework-res.apk to root of ur sdcard.(Dont put them in any folder)
4. Now open command promt and move to ur android sdk folder where adb is.(Ex.:C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools)
5. And type these commands in cmd.
adb devices
(UR Device must be listed here [Some numbers], if it dosent then make sure u enabled Debugging mode in settings->Applications->Development->USB Debugging).
adb shell
(Here u should give the adb superuser permissions by selecting allow in ur mobile screen)
mount -o rw,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk1p21 /system
cp /sdcard/framework-res.apk /system/framework/
cp /sdcard/twframework-res.apk /system/framework/
6. Now wait for ur mobile to reboot.
7. Wen it starts u wil see new theme applied.
Again make sure u deodexed ur rom and rooted ur device. I am not responsible for anything.
Credit goes to arunmcops for porting this theme to Galaxy 3 and to me for Poring and Modifying this theme to Galaxy FIT.
If u like this theme then dont forget to press

how do u revert back to original theme

how do i deodex my phone???????

your youtube deodex link is broken

looks great

rgshah3 said:
your youtube deodex link is broken
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I updated the Video link. U can watch it now.

rgshah3 said:
how do u revert back to original theme
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If u didnt installed the theme then u can make a backup of the two apks using adb pull.
adb pull /system/framework/framework-res.apk framework-res.apk
adb pull /system/framework/twframework-res.apk twframework-res.apk
or i can post the original files.

vishwanathptl said:
If u didnt installed the theme then u can make a backup of the two apks using adb pull.
adb pull /system/framework/framework-res.apk framework-res.apk
adb pull /system/framework/twframework-res.apk twframework-res.apk
or i can post the original files.
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can u post it????
btw wats d |OP| next to member of ur profile¿???

vishwanathptl said:
Hi Friends.
Here is one surprise for all Galaxy FIT Owners.
First theme for Galaxy FIT ported and launched by me.
Yes this is a theme for stock rom XXKB1.May work on other firmwares too. I am not sure. Try it on your own. I am not responsible if u brick ur device.
Originally ported by arunmcops for InDroid 4.0 Final for Galaxy 3.
I ported it for Galaxy FIT and made modifications and created some images.
Only Framework and twframework are themed.
No other apps are themed.
And the Launcher is ADW Launcher with yOrk's Black ADW Theme. U can download from market.
In case u dont have a deodexed rom then deodex it using this tutorial video.
This video is posted by great developer rudolf895 for Galaxy 3.
But Deodexing part works for FIT too.
And if u r not rooted then go here:
Now comes the installing part:
1. Download the theme (Link below).
2. Extract the file using 7zip.
3. Now copy both framework-res.apk and twframework-res.apk to root of ur sdcard.(Dont put them in any folder)
4. Now open command promt and move to ur android sdk folder where adb is.(Ex.:C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools)
5. And type these commands in cmd.
adb devices
(UR Device must be listed here [Some numbers], if it dosent then make sure u enabled Debugging mode in settings->Applications->Development->USB Debugging).
adb shell
(Here u should give the adb superuser permissions by selecting allow in ur mobile screen)
mount -o rw,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk1p21 /system
cp /sdcard/framework-res.apk /system/framework/
cp /sdcard/twframework-res.apk /system/framework/
6. Now wait for ur mobile to reboot.
7. Wen it starts u wil see new theme applied.
Again make sure u deodexed ur rom and rooted ur device. I am not responsible for anything.
Credit goes to arunmcops for porting this theme to Galaxy 3 and to me for Poring and Modifying this theme to Galaxy FIT.
If u like this theme then dont forget to press
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can u post a screenshot of d menu also

here is the menu.

Here is the default theme for Galaxy FIT.
And OP means Original Poster.

how did u get d op sign???
btw 2.3.4 is available for d galaxy fit on samfirmware.com
Sent from my GT-S5670 using XDA App

Originally i posted this post. So i am the Original Poster(OP). Go and look in ur thread posted by u.
And abt 2.3.4 thanx alot. i am downloading it now.

vishwanathptl said:
Originally i posted this post. So i am the Original Poster(OP). Go and look in ur thread posted by u.
And abt 2.3.4 thanx alot. i am downloading it now.
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to root it after 2.3.4 go to http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1097160
and see the third post

ya i know, got working. Also started to port theme for this.

Hi guys me here rudolf895,
My brother just finished his 10th and got a Galaxy Fit..
I'll help you'll develop this phones with custom roms
I'm making one soon

Thanx buddy,
U know I am damn happy looking at this post.
I was sooo disappointed that ace is having a custom rom and even galaxy pop(mini) s5570 is also having a custom rom.
Now relieved looking at this post. I wil help u with theme porting.

vishwanathptl said:
Thanx buddy,
U know I am damn happy looking at this post.
I was sooo disappointed that ace is having a custom rom and even galaxy pop(mini) s5570 is also having a custom rom.
Now relieved looking at this post. I wil help u with theme porting.
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sure i was looking for a theme porter.
PM me for more details.

hi there i'm newbie for android...may i install this theme on galaxy mini?s5570?

fierre said:
hi there i'm newbie for android...may i install this theme on galaxy mini?s5570?
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u can try but i dont know it wil work or not, havent tried. if it dont work then dont blame me. but if it wont then u can always flash stock rom using odin.



I will be posting themes that I am porting for SHu8i builds.
I will be taking requests -
before I begin anything major and receive too many requests I will make a few things clear -
1) I will not be fully supporting these themes.
2) I will support the thread
3) When the build is updated, the themes will be updated.
4) Any requests need to be sent to me via PM - NOT VIA THREAD REQUEST. I will be subscribing to this thread and checking it often, but I will not be able to sift through a pile of posts and reply to them all.
Themes will be uploaded later this evening - I am currently putting finishing touches on a few of them.
IN ORDER TO USE THESE THEMES YOU WILL NEED KNOWLEDGE ON ADB OR HAVE A UTILITY LIKE ANDROID COMMANDER INSTALLED ON YOUR PC (I personally use a little bit of both, but it is up to you in the end as both work very well)
Themes already ported -
Stock Froyo
Manup456 NexTang
Here we go!!!!
1) backup your build to your PC before adding these themes.
2) load up android on your phone and connect it via usb
3) if you have adb working you can just push the framework-res.apk file to /system/framework/ - the exact commands and steps i used are in the code box right below.
adb devices
adb push C:\framework-res.apk /system/framework/
4) if it throws an error saying that permission is denied you will need to do the following
mount -o remount,rw /system
5)you will get a force close on a few apps, just choose force close
6) reboot phone and boot back into android
7) if you get a bootloop, restore your old build and dont come crying here because you cant read instructions
8) if the theme works, congratulations, you can read and enjoy your new theme
9) if you bootloop, there isnt much i can do for you. Please be sure you are using the correct theme for the correct build. currently only 1.4b is supported - support for 1.4c and on WILL be coming soon.
10) dont spam the thread, as soon as this starts to happen I will delete all links and this OP. I am tired of noobs not reading or searching before trying to mess with their phone. There are plenty of resources here on XDA that can help you figure out what and how to do things. For the sake of everyone here on XDA, please please please search.
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-THEMES-​Manup456 REVOlution - All Credits for this theme go to Manup456, I did just a little messing around and got it working on this build.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
-Download necessary files here-
Zegoe Fonts (renamed to DroidSans.ttf and DroidSans-Bold.ttf already) - Just push them to /system/fonts/
Icon Pack - this can be just downloaded to sdcard
Wallpaper pack - this can be just downloaded to sdcard
BattStatt - search on market
Tajm - search on market
Manup456 NEXtheme - All Credits for this theme go to Manup456, I did just a little messing around and got it working on this build.
-Download files here-
Just push these fonts to /system/fonts/
love stock themes the most
haha i lol'ed at the quote under the original post
weixiong said:
love stock themes the most
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Me too... if I can mix Sense elements with the white theme found on the Nexus One I think I will end up with more awesome than I could handle.
palosjr said:
I will be posting themes that I am porting for SHu8i builds.
I will be taking requests -
before I begin anything major and receive too many requests I will make a few things clear -
1) I will not be fully supporting these themes.
2) I will support the thread
3) When the build is updated, the themes will be updated.
4) Any requests need to be sent to me via PM - NOT VIA THREAD REQUEST. I will be subscribing to this thread and checking it often, but I will not be able to sift through a pile of posts and reply to them all.
Themes will be uploaded later this evening - I am currently putting finishing touches on a few of them.
IN ORDER TO USE THESE THEMES YOU WILL NEED KNOWLEDGE ON ADB OR HAVE A UTILITY LIKE ANDROID COMMANDER INSTALLED ON YOUR PC (I personally use a little bit of both, but it is up to you in the end as both work very well)
Themes already ported -
Stock Froyo
Manup456 REVOlution
Manup456 NexTheme
Manup456 NexTang
More to come later. Stay tuned guys!!!
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minimal matte and tutorials of how you did it so other members have an idea of how to theme. I've had an issue theming (metamorph CM6 themes well) but themes that require flash to recovery lead to an unbootable system. Some help would be appreciated
edit also
Look forward to the stock and the manup revo theme.
weixiong said:
love stock themes the most
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I 2nd that!!!
First theme would have to be the STOCK!!!!
I thought I already posted it in shu8i thread...
here's shubCRAFT 1.4b UNTHEME (froyo stock)
zelduy said:
I thought I already posted it in shu8i thread...
here's shubCRAFT 1.4b UNTHEME (froyo stock)
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Sweet, but is there a shubCRAFT 1.4c UNTHEME (froyo stock)???
I am heading back to the lab as I type this. when I get there I will update to 1.4c and post the themes. these are only going to be the framework-res files **for now**. once I find a faster way to theme the rest of the /system files and apps ill start posting those as well.
to whoever asked for the sense theme or compiled theme- I am only going to be working shu8i builds because they are based off of cyanogen builds and thus are de-odexed and are easier to work with.
update coming shortly
Sent from my HTC HD2
incredible just what shu81 rom needed thanks developers here are amazing i just cant get enought of android after coming from iphone i did have the oportunity to change to iphone 4 but rather that the beautyfull but small screen i did not whant to go back and left my hd2 behing... thanks to the people doing this posible
HeavyComponent said:
Sweet, but is there a shubCRAFT 1.4c UNTHEME (froyo stock)???
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Ofcourse.. will upload it today...
Here's a screenie..
Sent from my HTC HD2 using Tapatalk
palosjr said:
I am heading back to the lab as I type this. when I get there I will update to 1.4c and post the themes. these are only going to be the framework-res files **for now**. once I find a faster way to theme the rest of the /system files and apps ill start posting those as well.
to whoever asked for the sense theme or compiled theme- I am only going to be working shu8i builds because they are based off of cyanogen builds and thus are de-odexed and are easier to work with.
update coming shortly
Sent from my HTC HD2
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Thanks a ton! Can't wait for your UNTHEME Shubcraft 1.4c with STOCK FROYO
Would it be possible to post step by step instructions on how to change the theme? IF you post a framework file, can i just replace it in the system files using SU explorer (under R/W mode) and reboot into Android? Would that work?
Bakedbread said:
Thanks a ton! Can't wait for your UNTHEME Shubcraft 1.4c with STOCK FROYO
Would it be possible to post step by step instructions on how to change the theme? IF you post a framework file, can i just replace it in the system files using SU explorer (under R/W mode) and reboot into Android? Would that work?
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it's pretty easy actually.. since both htcleo_update.tar.gz and framework-res.apk can be open easily with 7zip...
all you need is to edit the drawable-hdpi folder inside the framework-res.apk..
if I have a spare time.. I'll try to give a step by step...
palosjr said:
I am heading back to the lab as I type this. when I get there I will update to 1.4c and post the themes. these are only going to be the framework-res files **for now**. once I find a faster way to theme the rest of the /system files and apps ill start posting those as well.
to whoever asked for the sense theme or compiled theme- I am only going to be working shu8i builds because they are based off of cyanogen builds and thus are de-odexed and are easier to work with.
update coming shortly
Sent from my HTC HD2
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thanks alot,can you make a build that is sense+touch input and make it as posible as the stock rom?thankyou again~~
here's the apk for the shubCRAFT 1.4c UNTHEME (froyo stock looks)
framework-res.apk - need to push it with adb to /system/framework/
Settings.apk - optional since shu8i theme the background widget, push itwith adb to /system/app/
will post the Android folder after I finished uploading it...
zelduy said:
Ofcourse.. will upload it today...
Here's a screenie..
Sent from my HTC HD2 using Tapatalk
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Cool, let me know when you've uploaded it.
Sent from HTC HD2 using XDA app.
zelduy said:
here's the apk for the shubCRAFT 1.4c UNTHEME (froyo stock looks)
framework-res.apk - need to push it with adb to /system/framework/
Settings.apk - optional since shu8i theme the background widget, push itwith adb to /system/app/
will post the Android folder after I finished uploading it...
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sweet - mind if i post this to the OP - given credits of course!~
sure.. no problemo..
zelduy said:
sure.. no problemo..
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awesome. OP will be updated in the morning
REVOlution has been added to the OP along with a few helpful instructions and tips.
please do not ask how to do it, i posted my exact steps there.


Hello Friends,
Here i am with a new Theme for GALAXY FIT....
This time AlienMOD Theme for our FIT running on my FITDroid v2.0 KPL ROM
Features in this theme:
1. Framework - Themed
2. twframework - Themed
3. Added Android GB stock Launcher and themed partly.
4. Phone app - Themed
5. Dialer app - Themed
6. Task Manager - Themed
7. Messaging app - Themed (Changed back to default MMS app bcoz of FC issue).
8. DeskClock app - Themed
9. Contacts app - Themed
10. MyFiles app - Themed
11. Added Diff wallpapers
12. Samsung Keyboard - Themed
13. Added FlyIn Window Animation
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"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
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Click to collapse
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Installation Instruction:
Its very simple to install this theme.
1.First make sure u have MY FITDroid v2.0 ROM.
2.After download the zip file from this link below:
3.Copy this AlienMOD THEME FOR FITDroid v2.0.zip to your SDCard root folder(Should not be in any folder).
4.Now reboot into recovery mode.
5.Now select "install zip from sdcard -> choose zip from sdcard" option.
6.then select the zip file u copied to ur sdcard(AlienMOD THEME FOR FITDroid v2.0.zip).
K you are done wen it finishes the installation.
7.Reboot your mobile and it may take some time to boot so have patience.
When it boots then u wil see theme is applied.
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Click to collapse
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Click to collapse
Again make sure u r on MY FITDroid v2.0 ROM. I am not responsible for anything.
Crysis21 - Theme SensatioN Which influenced me to make this theme....
Daneshm90 - For making guide for CRT Animation MOD.
untermensch - For making great guide for making Extended power menu.
ME - For making this theme and for my hard work and time dedication.
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Click to collapse
If u like this then dont forget to press
button and help me to make more themes and MODs for GALAXY FIT.
vish u rock...
Hey Vishwanath... this theme is the best FIT theme so far I have found....
But one thing is preventing me from applying this theme is that in your deodexed ROM I am having problems with the POWER OFF option that appears on long pressing the power button. It opens the download mode instead of shutting down the phone. All the other shortcuts are working fine. So I can't shut down the phone...
Also I have done a master reset, wiped the cache partition.... but alas !! no success
Also I have XXKPI.. downloaded from samfirmware. On that I installed your XXKPL_DEODEXED ROM. I think this wont make any difference as your other themes were working fine on it.. eg. autumn theme !!
Also DATA on/off not appearing on notification panel
nice guy..
i wanna try..
Awesome! *A* i ADORE the sony Launcher~<3 great job!
Awesome work ...really amazin !!!
btw can u tell how u added 1% battery mod??
Hey vishwanathptl nice work and thanks for developing for galaxy fit.
I like your Themes, but you know, some people don't like all this icons and colors. So i asking you, if you can please make a clear Theme with all this futures that you include in this one, but with original theme and icons. Can you do it?
invincible authority said:
Hey Vishwanath... this theme is the best FIT theme so far I have found....
But one thing is preventing me from applying this theme is that in your deodexed ROM I am having problems with the POWER OFF option that appears on long pressing the power button. It opens the download mode instead of shutting down the phone. All the other shortcuts are working fine. So I can't shut down the phone...
Also I have done a master reset, wiped the cache partition.... but alas !! no success
Also I have XXKPI.. downloaded from samfirmware. On that I installed your XXKPL_DEODEXED ROM. I think this wont make any difference as your other themes were working fine on it.. eg. autumn theme !!
Also DATA on/off not appearing on notification panel
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k i wil upload another version of the rom. There r some bugs and i actually cleared them. But by mistake i uploaded the older version of the rom and wil upload the updated rom soon.... So keep checking my ROM thread. and flash this theme again on my ROM after the update released and check data mode in notification....
pratyush.creed said:
Awesome work ...really amazin !!!
btw can u tell how u added 1% battery mod??
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UOT kitchen.... It helped me to add 1%battery mod.....
arrostos said:
Hey vishwanathptl nice work and thanks for developing for galaxy fit.
I like your Themes, but you know, some people don't like all this icons and colors. So i asking you, if you can please make a clear Theme with all this futures that you include in this one, but with original theme and icons. Can you do it?
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i am uploading a new updated rom as i mentioned in a earlier reply and i wil make these mods in that rom and wil upload.... But u guys need to wait for some days as i am busy now.....
vishwanathptl said:
i am uploading a new updated rom as i mentioned in a earlier reply and i wil make these mods in that rom and wil upload.... But u guys need to wait for some days as i am busy now.....
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Thx for ur work vish..
vishwanathptl said:
i am uploading a new updated rom as i mentioned in a earlier reply and i wil make these mods in that rom and wil upload.... But u guys need to wait for some days as i am busy now.....
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Hmmm.... waiting eagerly....
Revert back to stock theme
if you want to revert back to stock theme after installing any theme on XXKPL by Vishwanath.....
then download the file
HERE and flash it via recovery...
invincible authority said:
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hey wat r these links? they r not opening.... Bad links....
ROM updated guys... Plz Check and enjoy..... and this is my last theme and last ROM for Galaxy FIT. I wil not develop on FIT again.... Coz i got new device and i dont have GFIT anymore... Sorry guys... Anyone interested can continue this ROM and make changes...
vishwanathptl said:
ROM updated guys... Plz Check and enjoy..... and this is my last theme and last ROM for Galaxy FIT. I wil not develop on FIT again.... Coz i got new device and i dont have GFIT anymore... Sorry guys... Anyone interested can continue this ROM and make changes...
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Hey there!
Thanks for developed till now. Good luck with your next phone.
By the way, where is the update? The rom is same like before
vishwanathptl said:
hey wat r these links? they r not opening.... Bad links....
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sry... got it right...
vishwanathptl said:
hey wat r these links? they r not opening.... Bad links....
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vishwanathptl said:
ROM updated guys... Plz Check and enjoy..... and this is my last theme and last ROM for Galaxy FIT. I wil not develop on FIT again.... Coz i got new device and i dont have GFIT anymore... Sorry guys... Anyone interested can continue this ROM and make changes...
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Great work uptill now vish.. THANK YOU for your support. Can you please tell me how did you made the themes. Which software did you use to theme the apks and how did you managed to built tha .tar images... (do you do it on linux ?)
And lastly... which device are you on now ?

[Theme-Updated(13/01/2013)][DDLf2\XWlf2]S3 look V6(Jelly Bread-V3)

Hi guys,this time I am here with theme for DDLF2,little S3 look.This time fully based on my changes and on the base of very big help of ammar786.. I am very thankful of him for helping with this theme which u can see here. Say thanx to simratcs to provide me stuff for themes. I have changed icons to s3.
Changelog v6:-
1.Updated based on Ammar's Jelly-bread V3.
2.Settings button in status bar.
3.Clock in upper part of lock screen as in jelly-bread theme.
4.More JB look in settings as in jelly bread theme....
Installation Of V6:-
1.Installed prefix_v6 from below link provided. Flash it in CWM.(If you have not installed jelly-bread V3 theme then flash prefix_V6)
2.Then flash V6 theme and enjoy....
Note:-U don't required to flash mod's fix for the theme v5,v6. V6 includes all mods which r there in ammar's jelly-bread theme. So plz don't even flash other mod for v5 and v6.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Download Link:-Prefix_V6
Download Link:-S3_Theme_V6
-lder Versions:-
Changelog v5:-
1.Based on Ammar's jelly-bread theme....
2.Holo stuffs for popup.
3.New status bar based on jellybread theme.
4.Added Messaging app from jelly-bread theme.
5.New layout for dailer with three buttons at bottom.(Thanks aalkhfaf for allowing to add his themed dailer.)
Download Link:-Prefix
Download Link:-S3_Theme_V5
Installation of Latest Version-5:-
1.Your Phone Should be deodexed.
2.Please have Ammar's jeally bread theme flashed on your phone. If u don't have his theme download prefix provided above and flash it.
3.Theme download my theme and flash it and enjoy....
Note:-I had modified framework and systemUI.apk but directly flashing that modified apk file was causing fc of status bar so it is required to flash ammar's original theme or prefix.
Changelog v4:-
(Thanks aalkhfaf to allow me to merge his S3 theme with mine.)
1.Merged the another s3 theme from here.
2.Added JB fonts
3.Added s3 touch and lock\unlock sound.
4.S3 style progress bar and spinner.
5.Some drawable changes in all apps.
6.Some changes in status bar toggle panel.
7.Added s3 style lock screen clock. and some other changes.....
Installation of v4 is same as v3.
Change log of v3:-
1.Themed stock deodexed framework-res.apk by my self and with big-big help of ammar.
2.Changed messages preview style in threads of mms.apk.
3 Some drawable changes in contacts.apk
4.I have made title-bar thick.
5.Changed button styles.
6.Added modded touchwiz from here.(I feel it smoother than stock one.) And some more chanes..
Changes in V2:-
1.Changed background_own.png with ICS background.
2.Changed Button style to ICS one.
3.Used morfing zip fiel made by ammar786 to reduce file size.
4.Now theme will work with XWLF2,too.(Tester needed.)
Themed Apps
3Some themeing in Mms.apk
5Some themeing in Contacts.apk
I have tried to theme apps as much as I can, I will try much as I will get time.
For MODs:-
1.Install mods pack available in theme and apps section and flash it in CWM..
2.Download theme and put it on your external sd.
3.Flash theme.
4.Then flash the fix file from below link and reboot.
Without mods:
1.Download theme and put on your external sd.
2.Flash theme through CWM and reboot.
Note:-If u had flashed first version of this theme then first of all flash deodexing zip file in CWM. And then flash this theme. If u don't follow this method, it is possible that theme doesn't get applied.
Your phone must be rooted and deodexed.
Thanks to Ammar786 for helping me.
Download link:-S3_Theme_v4
Download link:-Mods_fix
Download link:-WiFiICON
Download link:-S3_Theme_v3
Download link:-S2 widgets package.
Download link:-Older S3_Theme_v2
Screen shots are attached below....​
Awesome work dude...
Will try it ASAP !!
Sent from my Galaxy SL using XDA Premium App !!
woao..great work dude!can u port the s3 weather widget?
Ha I think it's going well with gb.
work perfectly on my phone i have a question,can i cange the background? the stock background is stone
Plz dont flash these theme. I will upload new one with some changes after 3-4 hours...
androman1507 said:
Plz dont flash these theme. I will upload new one with some changes after 3-4 hours...
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oukey,what bug in these theme can you tell me
androman can you change the icon of wifi,there is same with gb huh
I will try to change it....
Bro..very nice theme...but have to reintall my rom again because of settingd background......change settings background image...
Force closing Notification drawer and samsung keypad, for every 10 seconds. What should i do?
U didn't need to flash whole rom again, as universal flasher tool is used in zip file it creates a flashable backup zip file in external sd>universal flasher... And if u want to change background to black or ics-style, flash zip file i have attached in first post.
It is strange that u r getting fc. I am having everyting working perfectly.... It may be due to u r not having ur phone deodexed and if it is deodexed try to flash theme again after flashing deodexing zip file....
androman1507 said:
U didn't need to flash whole rom again, as universal flasher tool is used in zip file it creates a flashable backup zip file in external sd>universal flasher... And if u want to change background to black or ics-style, flash zip file i have attached in first post.
It is strange that u r getting fc. I am having everyting working perfectly.... It may be due to u r not having ur phone deodexed and if it is deodexed try to flash theme again after flashing deodexing zip file....
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Hey can u change bootanimation to s3 animation....??
Works great.. No problem at all.. Thanks man :thumbup:
Sent from my GT-I9003 using xda premium
awesome theme.....no prblms.....keep up the good work....
i can't downloaded it from google docs... any idea why?
i logoff from my google account and just then i was available to dowload the zip file
can confirm, that this theme is working on xwlf2.
but, expected more than some icons..
anyway,good job
Works great on xwlf2...please note that u must deodexed bfore u flash this!.. Thanks
Sent from my GT-I9003 using xda premium
Is there new theme coming?like new icon or else..ur thme is great dude
Sent from my GT-I9003 using xda premium
Zulfauzi said:
Is there new theme coming?like new icon or else..ur thme is great dude
Sent from my GT-I9003 using xda
Hes in progress theming. Dont worry.
I got an i9003. Do you?
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[MOD] Villain Theme System ( VRtheme ) / matching your specific ROM!!!

Hi guys,
I just noticed, that along with several Themes around here on Forum using Villain Theme System ( VRtheme), the installscripts inside do not completely consider the following:
==> on different deodexed Custom ROMs around here on Forum, there are used different methods/places to put the apps....e.g. on my deodexed ROM 'SystemUI.apk' is in /system/app, whereelse on other ROMs it is in /preload/symlink/system/app --> this is the case for many other apps being present in :
/system/app on 'ROM A' but on /preload/symlink/system,/app in 'ROM B'
some ROMs only use /system/app others only /preload/symlink/system/app
others use both of them but with different configurations
The effect is, that not all apps are proper themed using one of the VRthemes around here, depending on which ROM you are!
So I decided to modify the script and make 'ready to use' package for theming apps in
AND in /preload/symlink/system/app as well
==> find the package attached.
!!! This is an empty package just to use for Themers and/or normal users (with a bit of knowledge how to use to get the theme flashed correctly on their specific ROM) to put the theming files in the correct folders inside the package !!!
So before you flash a VRtheme (such as Kalagas Theme), make sure where the apps are on your ROM before you flash and compare to where the theming actually takes place inside the theming zip!
If you find differences:
ask the Themer to build a package matching your ROM
or build your own package using the package attached (just copy/paste stuff NO rocket science )
I just made Kalagas theme ready for my deodexed ROM to ensure all apps are themed correctly....will upload later on in my thread.
Let me be the first to thank you :good:
Thanks eyebee as usually u made it.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
Thank U
Dear eyebee
Thank you very much for this:good:
Oh god ....thank
Envoyé depuis mon GT-N7000 avec Tapatalk
Iam using XXLSZ-Kalagas Mixed Theme
on Ultimate N7000 XXLSZ JellyBean 4.1.2 v5.2
how to use your file?
thermax04 said:
Iam using XXLSZ-Kalagas Mixed Theme
on Ultimate N7000 XXLSZ JellyBean 4.1.2 v5.2
how to use your file?
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Ultimate uses the same structure as my deodexed ROM....I am right now uploading newest Kalagas theme matching eybee1970 deodexed and also Ultimate v5.2
EDIT: find DL-Link in Kalagas-theme-Thread now
Thanks for your great packs.
When I started Arman theme project, even didn't know how to make a flashable zip but having great developers I could manage to make my own package and now using this Template would ease me to put my files in.
Just one question which may be relevant;
Is there any script that can first delete any app for the zip which is going to be flashed afterward?
For example first deletes the SystemUI.apk in preload and/or system folder and then the zip containing modded SystemUI.apk can be flashed.
kmokhtar79 said:
Just one question which may be relevant;
Is there any script that can first delete any app for the zip which is going to be flashed afterward?
For example first deletes the SystemUI.apk in preload and/or system folder and then the zip containing modded SystemUI.apk can be flashed.
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why? It gets overwritten anyway...
eybee1970 said:
why? It gets overwritten anyway...
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maybe I didnt clarify it properly.
What I mean is the script deletes the app first whether it's in preload or system and then flash one single pack to locate the app or a group of apps in system or preload folder instead of preparing two or several zips for different roms.
kmokhtar79 said:
maybe I didnt clarify it properly.
What I mean is the script deletes the app first whether it's in preload or system and then flash one single pack to locate the app or a group of apps in system or preload folder instead of preparing two or several zips for different roms.
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ah, got you now :laugh:
if you would do that (no matter if possible or not...), would mean to change the structure of the ROM...so if ROM-cook releases updates to a app that was formerly in /preload but you changed it to /system (or vice versa), that would ultimately fail...no Themer really wants that I guess
EDIT: or you did mean the script detects first where the app is located, then it gets themed and is put back right in the place it was before? That would be interesting...
EDIT2: the funny thing is, that this universal theming method was made to make theming easy regardless which ROM the theme is put on...now with all that /system and /preload stuff it gets complicated again
eybee1970 said:
ah, got you now :laugh:
if you would do that (no matter if possible or not...), would mean to change the structure of the ROM...so if ROM-cook releases updates to a app that was formerly in /preload but you changed it to /system (or vice versa), that would ultimately fail...no Themer really wants that I guess
EDIT: or you did mean the script detects first where the app is located, then it gets themed and is put back right in the place it was before? That would be interesting...
EDIT2: the funny thing is, that this universal theming method was made to make theming easy regardless which ROM the theme is put on...now with all that /system and /preload stuff it gets complicated again
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Yeah, you got me. Your first assumption is what I meant. Yeah you are right. I was wrongly thinking about my side. The fist edit you made seems wise if that specific script can be made that way actually. Since then modder got trouble by making at least two pack for different roms.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk HD
this is a theme I made for myself...completely kanged, no single icon was made by myself it's from different themers, mainly kalagas and trinev but also others....I call it 'Dark-Sense-Style'
So I will aks the themers to give permission and upload then (or not, if I get a 'NO'):
eybee1970 said:
this is a theme I made for myself...completely kanged, no single icon was made by myself it's from different themers, mainly kalagas and trinev but also others....I call it 'Dark-Sense-Style'
So I will aks the themers to give permission and upload then (or not, if I get a 'NO'):
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Uuuh that is a lot of work mate!
It looks great! I am sure that if you get permissions from everybody you will have thousands of downloads.
You now that mine is not necesary at all, always granted, you have to tell me how to get the in and out arros for signal in the righ place
Απ: [MOD] Villain Theme System ( VRtheme ) / matching your specific ROM!!!
You can also use my icons...
Nice work mate...
Sent from S3 with Mixed Theme
Its awesome
Thanks eybee for making this beautiful theme for Ultimate Rom users.:good::good:
kalagas said:
You can also use my icons...
Nice work mate...
Sent from S3 with Mixed Theme
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Hi kalagas thank for your great work
I have just a question i use ur theme and i test it on all rom but i have all the time the same problem, the icon contact don't change?
And i use desktop visualizer for change it
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And if i look at the system i can see
SecContacts. Apk... Dont change!
And secContactsProvider. Apk.. Have themed!
coelho_ said:
Hi kalagas thank for your great work
I have just a question i use ur theme and i test it on all rom but i have all the time the same problem, the icon contact don't change?
And i use desktop visualizer for change it
And if i look at the system i can see
SecContacts. Apk... Dont change!
And secContactsProvider. Apk.. Have themed!
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you have to look inside the theming zip and the folders in SecContacts.apk (and also other apps!)....some have to be renamed to succesfully flash the icons, cause the naming (due to resolution on other devices such as S3 or Note2) is different...just compare with folder naming inside original apks and find the solution
eybee1970 said:
you have to look inside the theming zip and the folders in SecContacts.apk (and also other apps!)....some have to be renamed to succesfully flash the icons, cause the naming (due to resolution on other devices such as S3 or Note2) is different...just compare with folder naming inside original apks and find the solution
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Hi eybee i modified sec contact apk and work now i make an update
Enviado desde mi GT-N7000 usando Tapatalk 2

[Theme] Black for note iii [[ N9005 / N900 ]] DISCONTINUED wont support this thread

Friends Wont be updating this theme as soon releasing new "Black & Dark Grey theme
Hello Friends presenting you the 1st THEME for NOTE III
ANY ONE FLASHING IT SUCCESFULLY PLS PROVIDE VARIANT with firmware / Rom Details will update here
This Theme is Tested on N900 and should work with any NOTE III Variant ( DEODEXED )
only l
Note 100% with (T Mobile) as it has white stock theme
"lightbox_close": "Close",
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"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
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"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Samsung TW based firmware only
Deodexed ( Only )
Have to install Using ADB Shell method
Should work with all NOTE III Deodexed variants
Note : I have tested this theme on My N900 with Stock Deodexed firmware only as no ROM
available yet
I recommend Clean install
If u have any stock based roms / non themed roms flash as per below Method only
Note : I take no responsibility for anything that may happen to your device you are
the boss.
Note : Recommended to do clean install without any theme on it
Download Links
V1.0 Dev Host For N900 use post 2 for installation
V1.0 Mediafire For N900 use post 2 for installation
V1.0 Dev Host For N9005 and mostly will work with all snapdragon device ( Recovery Flashable )
CWM Flashable Zip working fine with N9005 Tested By @Riimez
Always Take backup B4 using it for safety
For Installation method go to post 2
I have spent hours on this so please do not just download but ​
Rate this thread and hit Thanks...atleast that will cost nothing ​
Installation method for now
Installation Method
Do as per below only for now
Download the ZIP
Unzip Copy Both the folder to Internal Memory
One done use the below commands
adb shell
mount -o rw,remount /system/ /system/
cp /sdcard/apps/* /system/app/
cp /sdcard/framework/* /system/framework/
mount -o ro,remount /system/ /system/
deeznutz1977 said:
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Buddy Links and installation method updated
123hiten said:
Buddy Links and installation method updated
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Thanks will test on the tmobile note 3 n900t
deeznutz1977 said:
Thanks will test on the tmobile note 3 n900t
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Ooh great let me know the result will be waiting
It's possible to have cmw version? thanks
Macchinista said:
It's possible to have cmw version? thanks
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I have made that but in my phone if I flash I m loosing wifi may be coz of knox...if u are ok to test i will make it and upload in while u flash it and see
Let me know
Just in case u loose wifi u may have to re flash the firmware / rom
Sent from my SM-N900 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
123hiten said:
Ooh great let me know the result will be waiting
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Will do
Sent from my SM-N900T using Tapatalk 4
After follow instructions i have stuck during bootloop.
I have see that copied files dont'assume correct permissions, they are readable only from me, not from the system, so bootloop
Macchinista said:
After follow instructions i have stuck during bootloop.
I have see that copied files dont'assume correct permissions, they are readable only from me, not from the system, so bootloop
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Did not understand what u meant u tried copying files or the method I have given
Btw are you having deodexed firmware as it will work just fine
Sent from my SM-N900 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Sorry, also for my english! i follow your metod, we copy files with adb command. On the first try i have bootloop. So reinstall rom and try to install only app, but after reboot i see only older app. I try to go in app directory with a root explorer and i see that older file ( original app) and new ( your app) differs in file permission,
Macchinista said:
Sorry, also for my english! i follow your metod, we copy files with adb command. On the first try i have bootloop. So reinstall rom and try to install only app, but after reboot i see only older app. I try to go in app directory with a root explorer and i see that older file ( original app) and new ( your app) differs in file permission,
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Which rom are you using and have you copied the extracted zip folders to phones internal root memory and then did the adb process as it's tested and works fine but u must have deodexed rom
Edit : ALso try using the command line one by one without any error u can copy paste also
Sent from my SM-N900 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
i use legend rom..i have do everything step by step! But problem solved putting apk directly in rom cwm zip that i install after a cache wipe.
p.s. i don't like some small icon (contacts and mms.apk) and the overscroll effect...but it's my opinion thank's for your theme
Macchinista said:
i use legend rom..i have do everything step by step! But problem solved putting apk directly in rom cwm zip that i install after a cache wipe.
p.s. i don't like some small icon (contacts and mms.apk) and the overscroll effect...but it's my opinion thank's for your theme
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Ooh great finally you got it working and I got one more idea for people to install
In a small update will try and do minor changes cmng week
Sent from my SM-N900 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Can you please post the cwm version! Will test it out.
Riimez said:
Can you please post the cwm version! Will test it out.
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Will upload in 30 mins you can test it Btw which variant u have ?
Edit : CWM Flashable link uploaded to post first let me know whats the result
incase u loose wifi after flashing it u have to flash ROM / firmware again without wipe also is ok
Sent from my SM-N900 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Confirmed doesnt break wifi when flashing through cwm on 9005
Riimez said:
Confirmed doesnt break wifi when flashing through cwm on 9005
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Wow that's a good news my friend will update the OP

