Hey looking for a xoom CIFS.KO for 3.1? Want to stream vids. I know that its in the tiamat kernal but i tried it and i cnat go 5 mins without my device reboot itself even when not overclocked. I had the CIFS.KO for 3.0 on my stock rooted xoom, would like to get the same on 3.1. Been searching for 3 days, can anyone throw me a bone? Thanks.
I know there is probably an answer on her, but I cannot find it. I have installed the most recent VEGAn GingerEdition with the Clemsyn kernel. I know that prior to installing the kernel that I could connect my Gtab to my computer. Now when I plug it in I am not getting the prompt on my Gtab for USB mass storage. I can hear that it connects to my computer but I get nothing on the Gtab.
I read something about running CWM and mounting the USB but I have done that and it just says unmount and will not let me do anything.
Is there someone that can help me? I really love this ROM and would like to continue to use it.
same here
I downloaded the kernel and had the same problem I couldn't fix it a I went back to predators kernel
Do you think that is it? Just the kernel. Can I just change the kernel the way I installed the first kernel? Which one is predator's kernel?
According to pershoot's website
there is some settings in gingerbread that need to be reverted for USB mounting to work. Probably best place to start checking.
When I said predators kernel I meant pershoots kernel
I thought so. I am going to try the previous kernel and see what happens. Thanks for the help. You saved me from another night of scanning through the forums. That is appreciated.
Hi All,
I have a Xoom Wifi (Aussie) which I've flashed with Tiamat Hammerhead and Tachi Kernel. Wierdly I couldn't get the 3.2 OTA update but that's another story...
Anyway I'm having trouble getting PTP working with my Nikon. It worked with 3.1 stock, but as soon as I flashed Tiamat it stopped working. I have tried USBOTG with a flash drive, and that worked fine, but no PTP. Its kind of a pain because I use the Xoom with my camera a lot.
Anyone have any ideas? I don't know where to start!
Thanks in advance
Just an update to this: I re-flashed with the US version of the stock ROM, and updated to 3.2, then flashed the latest Tiamat kernel.
Now PTP will work to a point... Like, for the first few seconds of plugging in it will work perfectly, then it'll abruptly stop and not display any images any more. Which kinda sucks.
I'm gonna try flashing the stock kernel and trying again.
I have the same problem with Tiamat 2.2.1.
Have you resolved the problem? I don't know what else to do :-\
Just got my XOOM and I'm ready to get started on customizing it. I've already rooted and now I'm looking at custom roms/kernels and was hoping I could get some feedback. What's out there? What are must haves?
I'm currently on 3.2, I'm just not sure what to make of all the options.
CWM 3.2 Recovery +Tiamat xoom rom 2.2 moray = fantastic
enable usb otg
built in tiamat setting incl. overclock 1.7ghz - pls dont set on boot
boot animation changed
Hello, i recently bought an asus transformer and ive rooted it and installed a custom rom well today i had problems with it bootlooping into recovery well i fixed that now for some reason my wifi wont turn on it just says turning on wifi and doesnt do anything so what im wanting to do is fastory restore and unroot the device so i can start fresh can anyone point me into the right direction to do so? Thanks.
You can Nvflash a stock ROM, but Guevor's kernel will also fix your wifi issues. Don't use ROM manager, it causes bootloops. Also try a different ROM (which did you flash), and you must get the CM9/AOKP based kernel to get wifi to work on an AOSP ROM. (See megatron version in guevor's thread)
i have this game working on my Galaxy s 4g with 4.0.4 and it works.
i cant get this game to work on my TF101. I download it from the market and once i open and accept the agreement and it freezes right there.
i have CM10 on it right now. but i downgraded to honeycomb stock w/ root, i tried a couple ICS Roms, Revolver included. they all do the same thing. any ideas?