Been looking in the built in gmail app and didn't see anything for this. Is it possible to format your text for outgoing emails? By format, I mean stuff like bold, italics, underline, indents, font sizes, etc.
Thanks. BTW, I have a Samsung Galaxy S 4G.
Any answers to this? I'm wanting to add bold fonts and clickable links - especially in my signature.
Haha! I just Googled for how to do this, and this is the first post I came up!
Anyone know how?
Hi, I wondering, if there is possible to change font size in sms, while composing and reading sms, because I found it to thin. I wish it were in bold at least.
I've read this thread
put new font in windows/font, but when trying to change registry, but the the values didn't change.
maybe just someone have cab file to make font larger, or to make it in bold?
Does anyone know where to find the text message conversations bubbles? Would like to change the colors, but can't find the png or much reference in the xmls.
do you mean handcent or chomp sms?
I'm not certain, but check in blur-res.apk /drawable. The msg_XXXX images in particular.
UnkleDuke>That appears to be it. I'll give it a shot in the morning.
EDIT: That's what I was looking for!
I would like a text system info widget with changeable fonts and sizes
haven't found any out there and thought it's a bit strange since almost everything else has a text based widget.
the functions i want can almost all be found in system info widget by Jason Calhoun
but i want it to be text based.
ram sd temp reboot etc...
172mb 652mb 28c
the option to change fonts, color, transparency, be click-able to take me to the corresponding function.
i thought if there's anywhere i could turn it was to the developers and users at XDA.
so nobody has thought of this before?
well heres to hopeing someone will pick upp on this idea
Some of those options (if not all) are in minimalistic text. Dev is here on xda, and also it's in the market.
Epic is as Epic does
Really? I didn't find those things, only battery time date weather. Or am in över seeing something?
Anyone have any idea on how to change the default font from Times New Roman in reply emails using HTC Mail (exchange)?
Would love to change it to something else.
Nothing huh? I searched, couldn't find any ideas either.
You cant change the font, you can only change the size.
Does anyone have any idea how to change the account colors for the Mail / Calendar / Task apps? I would assume (though probably incorrectly) that it is stored, either as a png image or color hex. I don't mind modifying the apk to do so. (Yes, I know it can't be done natively.)
What I do know:
The colors are consistent across the mail, calendar, and task apps.
The list of colors is fixed (not random).
I have pulled the images for the Mail, and htc framework apks, and don't see anything relevant.
The color "index" is stored in the mail database.db file in the colorIdx column. (Apparently this was changeable in 3.0 and earlier.)
Searching through the smail code for the Mail app, I can't find any strings with the hex color.
There are references to colorIdx in the smail code for the Mail app, but I can't follow them anywhere.
I can't read smali code very well.
If anyone can help it would be appreciated.