Text Message Bubble colors... where? - Droid X Themes and Apps

Does anyone know where to find the text message conversations bubbles? Would like to change the colors, but can't find the png or much reference in the xmls.

do you mean handcent or chomp sms?

I'm not certain, but check in blur-res.apk /drawable. The msg_XXXX images in particular.

UnkleDuke>That appears to be it. I'll give it a shot in the morning.
EDIT: That's what I was looking for!


How to change Font colour in email

Does anyone know how to change the colour of the font in the email?
I used SK tools to change the menu and backgrounds into black with greyish letters. Everything looks very good except for my email.
The text is still black and on a black background you already now what's happening, I can't read my email.
Can I change the font colour of the email somewhere in HKLM or something manually???
I searched for hours but could not find it yet.
no one knows how to change it?
I have the feeling it is rather impossible or extremely complicated...

Handcent Text Entry Box from tan to white

Hey guys,
Updated to 2.2 and hated the stock messaging app so i made the jump to Handcent and was wondering if there was any way to change the color of the text entry box from the tan background to a white one. I know its just a little thing but i think it would help the app look much cleaner.
Thanks for the help
StaitEdgetEdge said:
Hey guys,
Updated to 2.2 and hated the stock messaging app so i made the jump to Handcent and was wondering if there was any way to change the color of the text entry box from the tan background to a white one. I know its just a little thing but i think it would help the app look much cleaner.
Thanks for the help
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes you can, settings>bubble settings. Just play around with it and you will figure it out.
Yeah i have been playing around with it all afternoon, and looked at every single menu item in the settings and just cant find it..
I haven't found the option for the text entry box. What I found was that when you have the iphone skin you can change the theme to black which turns the text entry box to more of a grey colour. I preferred this but I wish that you could have a custom colour
Could you just edit the color of the window in the .apk or theme the app itself? I found a thread on another forum where someone themed the app itself to make the text entry window white as well as look more like the stock messaging app

Help with a theme...

Sorry for being a noob if this is an easy fix, but I've been searching for hours now and can't find anything. I found a theme I love except for one thing. I'd ask the guy who skinned the theme, but he says he's not around anymore, no time.
When I view a text message in on the screen where it shows this pic of the person, the date and time sent, and the call back number, the box with that info is a very light grey. Problem being is the text is white. I'm new to themes, and can't find the right file to change. I don't want to change the text color, just make the box black too. Can someone direct my to the right file to edit? I'm on WM 6.5. Attached is pic of what I have...
Thanks in advance for any help...
Moved as not theme release.
Anyone? Could someone at least point me in the right direction? Am I looking for a css, a png, a gif somewhere? I also noticed today that the address bar and search bar for Opera have white text on white background. I'm also looking to change those 2 backgrounds to black also...

Theme Htc MMS App

Im looking to change the color of the little green circle that pops up on the messaging icon whenever you get a text. im also looking for whatever controls the green color of the highlighted message in the messaging widget. ive been looking through smalis and xmls for hours now trying to find these things...anyone have any insight to share?

gmail - can we format text? (bold, italics, etc.)

Been looking in the built in gmail app and didn't see anything for this. Is it possible to format your text for outgoing emails? By format, I mean stuff like bold, italics, underline, indents, font sizes, etc.
Thanks. BTW, I have a Samsung Galaxy S 4G.
Any answers to this? I'm wanting to add bold fonts and clickable links - especially in my signature.
Haha! I just Googled for how to do this, and this is the first post I came up!
Anyone know how?

