Note taker app help (Evernote?) - General Questions and Answers

Hope someone can help me out. I'm looking for a note database to replace PhatNotes, since they don't seem to be making any progress on porting their product to Android.
So far I have identified Note Everything and Evernote as the two most likely candidates. But neither of them entirely fulfills my need. I want something that has a desktop (PC) version, but also syncs to my phone.
Evernote has the desktop feature, but requires an online account for which they charge after 'x' amount of space. That doesn't work for me, since I already have a SugarSynch account. I shouldn't have to pay extra to get access to my data. I also don't like the idea that my notes are in someone else's hands... it's a "privacy thing" for me.
Note Everything is a standalone product, but has no desktop component.
I'm hoping that someone will tell me that the file format for Evernote is the same between desktop and phone, in which case I can avoid having to pay twice to access my data.
Anyone have thoughts on this?

If you're looking at Evernote, look at Springpad. It has a VERY nice web interface and the Android interface is quite good and pretty similar to the web interface.

Boy, it'd really help if people would read posts thoroughly.


What Google reader do you use?

Trying to find one that I like what do you use?
I'll try not to turn this into a ramble.
I was really spoiled by feed readers on the iPhone. This is a good example of how different the apps out there are for the iPhone and Android. I dunno if it is because us mac people are willing to pay more for stuff or what, but the Android feed readers, games, twitter apps, productivity apps, etc, are kinda lame.
So I have found myself just using Google's excellent web interface for reader. I tried NewsRob, which is one of the most popular, but it just didn't feel quite right to me. I really miss Byline and Reeder.
Ill try the web interface as I wasn't very fond of NewRob either. As a former Mac user I know about spending money to use their products
Thank you for the suggestion.
If you're looking for an offline reader then I really think newsrob is the best. I was never really a huge fan of byline on the iphone. I always wound up resorting to the web interface since it would load faster. Maybe byline can use the "task completion" multitasking service in iOS4? I dunno, I havent looked back at iOS since early June.
But the full version of newsrob + tasker can do some really advanced stuff. you can set up a widget just to initiate a sync or have automatic syncs run on a almost any criteria (location, battery level, time of day, etc.)
Finally, one of the great things about newsrob is that you can set per-feed options to download images or web pages. So, for a few photo blogs I follow it will automatically download the images. And for some of the truncated feeds I follow it will automatically download the webpage so I can read it when I'm on the subway.
newsrob isn't perfect however. the google reader web app is just too good.
I will second the use of the web app. I tried greader. It was fine, but I prefer the web interface. Link below.
I have used ReaderScope for a few years and like it (G1 & Evo). The developer keeps in mind that many people flash ROMS and obtaining an unlock codes isn't difficult. The current version provides a trial period.
Check it out:

Apps My wife wants

Hi There!
My wife, a doctor who is still studying, is wondering if there is a way she can use her new android phone to take better quality notes at lectures. Previously she was using a WM65 with Word, and taking text notes, but it was not possible or very difficult to add diagrams, or highlight important words, or draw arrows to particular things. Is there a great quality app that handles taking notes easier? Happy to pay.
Secondly, she has a forerunner watch which won't download her running data such as the track she ran, average speed, etc. Can she use her phone for that data collection and find a nice app to transfer it to her PC to view in a usable format?
We are also lastly looking for a cross platform (Windows 7, Android) shopping list application. Happy to pay, but would prefer one off cost. Needs to be simple and able to be shared across 3 devices nicely.
I think Evernote could do the first and last thing, taking notes, with schemes (maybe, not sure) and make a shopping list, which is cross platform, since you make an account on Evernote's site, and you have the Windows' program and the Android application to keep track, and it's off cost up to a certain storage
Hope I've been of help, just look for Evernote on google!

request for app development - rednotebook

I'm not a programmer or I'd do this in a heartbeat. I use a journaling/note application on linux called Rednotebook. It's on sourceforge, sorry I'm still under 10 posts so I can't post a link.
It is a simple, lightweight, app that you can drop notes, pics, diary entrys, whatever, and easily find them again. Pretty much what evernote does only without the massive bloat and eye-bleed interface. It feels a lot like a personal wiki interface. I use this and evernote and constantly go back to this because it is so much easier to deal with.
I don't know how the author would deal with royalties from the app store but he has indicated on his forums he has no interest in porting to android but would be glad to help someone else do it. I run this on all of my linux system and would buy it in a heartbeat to run on my tablet.
My hope is to be able to run this on all of my systems and export/import it as necessary. A way to sync this securely without putting personal stuff out on the internet somewhere would be icing on the cake but manual would work just fine.
Just putting it out there. I'd definately pay more than the average $1.99 google play app for this port.

[Q] JAVA/PHP: Should I build an APP or a Website?

Hello everyone! I am new to the forum. Been thinking of joining for a while but my current issue has been the push I needed to join. I have looked high and low for the answer but to be completely honest I am not entirely sure what to look for. Not sure what my question is. I have also looked around this forum for a a good little while stopping on this thread to ask my question. I hope it's the right place to start. I will try to ask this in a way that is understandable and relevant. In your answer please take into consideration that I am new-ish to Android Development. =) (I can do the basics, Root, hack, crack, etc,.) I know enough though I think to follow your answerer and understand it.
** Question: For my Project should I go with a full Android App, go with a website that can be viewed on a mobile phone, or should I build the back-end on a web server and have an android app that delivers the front-end? (Front-end being the login, the styling of the pages, where the interaction between users take place, etc,. ) I'll elaborate on my question below. **
Alright. I started building a website. Conceptual anyway. I have been designing it on paper, white board, Photoshop etc,. The website is going to be a social site of sorts. Unique in it's own way. At first I was going to do just a website. Then I realized as my creation grew that I wanted it to be an App. Then decided, due to all the back-end server programming and functionality required, I would most likely have to build it as a website or web application. To give a brief summery of the site. There will be a login system with profiles, instant messaging. video chats, group chats, ability to play simple games like cards, chess, and more. I will also need to be able to control sessions. Write new session information on the fly based on certain actions the users take.
My problem, I think, is that i'm not sure the most efficient or effective way to go about doing this. If it was going to be on a computer I would write it up in PHP and obviously display the site with HTML/CSS. The display part I think is where I am at a loss. At least one of my issues. Since I would like for this to be an app for Android I may need a new way to display the 'site' if that's what It will even be called once it's an app. If I'm going to shoot for it to be on mobile phones then I'm thinking I can get the cosmetics looking good as well as using it to my advantage. I prefer the 'app-like-interface' rather than scroll with mouse and click on the page as if it were a website. ( 'app-like-interface': I am referring to buttons, and menus, and a overall 'pretty' interface. touch screen etc,.)
So should I write it as a website in it's entirety and just display it as a mobile site?
Should I completely trash the idea of doing this for mobile phones?
Should I (if it's possible) write everything on the back-end with PHP but create an app with java to display the styling and build the interface?
Or should I do something else entirely that I've not mentioned?
My apologies if this question was a bit to long. Tried to be thorough. Thanks so much in advance as well. This answer is something I need before I can even consider continuing. Thanks!
Az Tek

p=p. any one know how it works?

Found something new to me
Email encryption easy...
Found On fdroid under k9/p=p
Claims it works with your existing email account
But I have not found out how it works yet
Our how the foundation is set up.
And that's the kind of thing I like to know before I install
Anyone have any experience with them?
Personally, if you are looking for encrypted email... I'd choose Proton Mail any day of the week over p=p.
p=p just doesn't seem anywhere near the security of Proton. But that's just my opinion. Test it out and let us know how you like it. It's always nice to have options!
I'm just not at the point where I want my email provider to supply my email program.
Don't get me wrong it's not a bad idea..
(I like that it's open source, that's always good)
But I would much rather have encryption all on me and my device..
And I can pick and choose what provider I'm using.
I don't love the idea of being locked into anything...
nutpants said:
I'm just not at the point where I want my email provider to supply my email program.
Don't get me wrong it's not a bad idea..
(I like that it's open source, that's always good)
But I would much rather have encryption all on me and my device..
And I can pick and choose what provider I'm using.
I don't love the idea of being locked into anything...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
hey @nutpants , i know you are more knowledgeable than me (and know how to but i did find this link for p=p. you can email them i beleive.
"err on the side of kindness"
I found the instructions
I wish that people would stop hosting instructions online and include manuals with the installs.I mean seriously how much space will it take?
I will be doing some time reading everything carefully..
But would love opinions from everyone else.
Basically it appears to create extradition keys between users of the app automagiclly and then encrypt everything by default when possible.
Much like text secure was doing for text.
Hopefully things like this will become a standard for email.
(With a common method of encryption so no one it tied to just one particular email app)
And we will see more applications that can be used to encrypt mail.
I'm going to do some testing
Well ive done a little testing.
And honesty I'm looking what I see.
Sure this is in early stages and early days.
But it appears that it is as simple as they suggest.
I could even get my least technical buddies to use this email encryption.
I have not seen it try to contact anything except my mail server.
And it does not require contracts out other erroneous permissions (it asks but you can block it and no crashes(at least for me)
It's works automagiclly.
If you exchange emails with someone who is using pep (I think it's stupid that they have the three lines between the p's why not just have the E)
It figures that out and starts exchange of public pgp keys.
Art that point your messages title bar have a yellow background do you know encryption is taking place.
After you verify the "code words" with your correspondent (by voice so you verify who you are taking to is who you are really taking to(or any other method you desire)
Your messages get a green title bar do you know encryption is going on with a verified user..
So simple even a grandpa can understand it.
It uses pgp for encryption so you know it's good
Right now it's pretty basic and there are few encryption options
But they plan ad more features as time goes on
I'm liking what I'm seeing and I will do more testing and will keep an eye on this to see how fast it matures.
The only real con at the moment it that there is no way to secure the app from running with a password to keep any one who gets their hands on your device from reading everything.
But that's a little minor..
If someone had their hands on your device, you have already broken the golden rule.
This app is simply a fork of K9Mail with a few icons replaced...
It is definitely a fork.
But encryption had been built in, including auto key generation and key exchanges.
K9 is my daily driver.. And I love it.
But pEp makes encryption simple enough for anyone to use..
(As in my grandmother could use it)
When and if it matures to have all the encryption features most advanced users need
(Like easy key import, export, backup, manual key changes)
It may become my daily driver..
Sadly in the world today, encryption is almost mandatory.
And pep is on the way to make that easy for everyone.

