[Q] Gestures? - T-Mobile LG G2x

I was browsing through all the garbage on my phone with Titanium Backup and found "Gesture 2.2.2"
Is this just for things like pinch to zoom?

This is a really cool feature actually.. However its not on the US version. This was one of the selling points for the Optimus 2X. I believe it was imbedded in the LG's andriod overlay.
It basically uses the accelerometer to FF/RW, scroll text, and move app short cuts to different home screens by simply tilting, or tapping the phone. You could even hang up by simply turning the phone over (screen facing gound).
I hear there is a CM Rom that will use this to set up gesture/shortcuts to open apps from the lock screen. This will be even more useful especially when driving.

Versetyle said:
This is a really cool feature actually.. However its not on the US version. This was one of the selling points for the Optimus 2X. I believe it was imbedded in the LG's andriod overlay.
It basically uses the accelerometer to FF/RW, scroll text, and move app short cuts to different home screens by simply tilting, or tapping the phone. You could even hang up by simply turning the phone over (screen facing gound).
I hear there is a CM Rom that will use this to set up gesture/shortcuts to open apps from the lock screen. This will be even more useful especially when driving.
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Yes, and it is really dope but if we didn't have a way to access it I don't get why it would be on our phone.
Sent from my LG-P999 using Tapatalk


(REQ) Two finger roatate

How hard would it be to make a app that runs in the back round that works like the new ipod's touch screen rotation feature,
For those who don't known you place a finger and thumb at opposite ends in the corners so top left, bottom right, and twist right or left, and the screen rotates that direction in which you twist, i and im sure others will find this great to have, i normally have screen rotation off, but sometimes need it for messaging and internet etc.
as you can see in this little apple video here.
Depends on the phone hardware...
But, in my opinion a useless feature. But then again a normally use the double tap to zoom on the browser.
Im not on about zooming, im on about rotating the screen, with out having to go back and turn it on and off from the home screen lol.
evilkorn said:
Depends on the phone hardware...
But, in my opinion a useless feature. But then again a normally use the double tap to zoom on the browser.
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Did you even bother to read the OP or even the the thread's topic? He's talking about screen rotation not zooming.
I love how people declare ideas and apps as "useless" just because *they* wouldn't use it.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
I'd like this feature too. I dont like switching rotation on and off, but i sometimes need too. Having it off, and use fingers to rotate would be a good solution.
Trouble in programming this is prolly that it is hard to not let it collide with other apps. (what if another app uses this multi-touch-gesture?) whitelisting apps is an option at this point in time, cause i dont know of very much apps that use this gesture, but they could become more popular with all the new multitouch devices out there
nolageek said:
Did you even bother to read the OP or even the the thread's topic? He's talking about screen rotation not zooming.
I love how people declare ideas and apps as "useless" just because *they* wouldn't use it.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
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Maybe you misunderstood what he meant. The way I understand it, he only mentioned the zooming with double-tap to signal that he doesn't even use multi-touch to zoom within the browser; henceforth, he finds the idea of multi-touch rotation useless.
And to be totally honest, I find it useless too. The only reason the ipod nano has multi-touch rotation, that I can guess, is because they couldn't fit an accelerometer in such a small space and refused to change the dimensions. Either that, or just something else to cut their costs and make more of a profit.
Id love to see something like this. I too keep auto rotation off, but being able to rotate with a simple gesture would be awesome!
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I would also like this very much.
overthinkingme said:
I would also like this very much.
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Me too ....
nolageek said:
Did you even bother to read the OP or even the the thread's topic? He's talking about screen rotation not zooming.
I love how people declare ideas and apps as "useless" just because *they* wouldn't use it.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
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Did YOU even read my post?! I said why it might not work, then proceeded to post MY OPINION!
I could have said it worse like: Don't be lazy and leave it on and rotate the damn phone with your hand.
That ipod touch probably just does rotate by touch because it doesn't have an accelerometer to know when you've physically rotated the device.
Now a way of disabling accelerometer auto rotation would be nice for when I want to do something like read an eBook while laying on my side.
Actually, the iPod Touch DOES have an accelerometer, as does the new nano. The new nano uses its accelerometer to detect when you shake it for "shuffle on shake." WHy they couldn't use it to detect orientation of the iPod, I have no clue. But the iPod touch DOES do auto-rotate. I know this b/c my 1st gen touch does this for many of its apps (which I hardly use.... it's a glorified mac and apple tv remote now).
I think this could be a useful app. I don't like certain apps to rotate and as such turn auto-rotate on and off, but with auto-rotate off I sometimes wish I COULD rotate the screen in certain instances. Something like this would be pretty nice. It'd have to be light on the cpu though and not collide with other gestures (the only gesture I have seen on my Droid X that are multi-touch is the pinch-zoom.... all the other gestures are single touch ones) that are multi-touch.
I'd say go for developing this app. I'd be pretty cool PLUS you'd learn alot about how android handles gestures and such.
I would really like such a feature, iam actually working on an app/widget that turns the screen manually, because just sometimes you need it landscape but dont want to activate the auto-orientation...
I am with this idea 100%. I find the auto-rotate waaaay too sensitive & it rotates constantly when I don't want it to. So I turned mine off. But there are rare occasions when you want to rotate (like looking at pictures) and I have to go into a widget to turn it on & turn it back off after.
A manual rotate would be nice.
PS - A sensitivity thing for rotation would be nice too - ie, only rotate when you're 85 degrees + sideways instead of rotating with like a 15 degree tilt.
Mine will auto rotate at times (my g1 and iPod touch do this too btw) when I pull minor G's while driving (like hairpin u-turns or simply having fun in the curves ). Then again, these maneuvers are ones that can't be pulled in your generic automatic or road boat.
Wrx's & STi's: fooling accelerometers daily
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
add my name to the list of people that would love to see this!
Hmm.. Would be a fun project to start learning android programming...
Now if only I had some time to spare...
This feature would be very useful, why?
- Auto-rotate : since it's called "auto", that means you can not control your screen with rotation. I usually lie on the bed and use the phone for reading, web browsing and I really don't want my screen from keeping rotating. You would say I should distable the auto-rotation, right? But I don't wanna keep doing that.
A manual gesture would be really nice and very USEFUL!
I think the sensitivity option would really be the best. Not saying I wouldn't use the finger way but I think the "auto" rotation should just work better.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
My problems are that it is to slow and that when i am lying on my side surfing it auto rotates.
I am actually trying to find a way to switch it manually but all ways i try wont work

[Q] Rotation Lock?

Is there any way in Windows Phone to prevent the screen from rotating when you turn the phone sideways?
It's really annoying when I want to use my phone in bed, as the screen turns sideways when I don't want it to.
I have an LG Optimus 7, if that is significant. (Though I doubt it)
Is there even as much as a registry hack to do this, even if there's no GUI-based way to do it?
Very annoying indeed. I've been wondering about this too for the same reasons as OP.
yes i agree, it would be a good feature to allow the user to change
some apps have the ability to lock orientation, like Metro browser, so that means it can be changed but i don't know if only within the app or system-wide

New and with a problem already...I think.

Hello, I'm new to this forum. I left the Blackberry (Bold 9900) world and jumped on board here. So far I LOVE my Mytouch 4g Slide!
I could have sworn that my "home" screen and "all apps" screen would rotate when I turned it sideways without having to slide my phone open. Now it doesn't. I first noticed it when I opened up my Netflix app. I turned the phone sideways to search for a movie and the screen would not rotate. It only rotated when the movie played.
Do your phones rotate on the home screen/all apps screen without sliding it open?
Please help, it's bugging the heck out of me.
Whoops I thanked you lol.
Some apps allow landscape mode, and some don't.
In addition, auto rotate allows your sensor to make the screen turn when it's on its side. Check the settings. (Settings > Display, I think). Hope this helps.
mine actually rotates when the keyboard is closed and doesn't when the keyboard is open, which is quite logical and the correct behaviour i think
Does your MT4GS do this too???
verne2k said:
mine actually rotates when the keyboard is closed and doesn't when the keyboard is open, which is quite logical and the correct behaviour i think
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That's strange. I wonder why that is. So yours rotates the home screen and "all apps" screen when turned sideways?
I am sure that my auto-rotate feature works because when I open certain apps, say, the Gallery where I have all my pictures stored, I can turn it sideways to the left or right and it will rotate accordingly.
It is only when I try to rotate the Home screen and All Apps screen that I could have sworn would rotate too.
Any help on getting this back the way it should would be greatly appreciated.
Doo Wop Mario
ekoee said:
Whoops I thanked you lol.
Some apps allow landscape mode, and some don't.
In addition, auto rotate allows your sensor to make the screen turn when it's on its side. Check the settings. (Settings > Display, I think). Hope this helps.
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I checked my Auto Rotate settings and they've always been on. I unchecked it and then rebooted and then checked it again and it still didn't work. Not sure why.
Nope, if you're on the stock ROM (As far as I remember, considering I haven't been on stock since the first ROM came out and I've refused to use the stock launcher anyways) orientation won't change on the "Home" screen unless you slide the keyboard open. Correct me if I'm wrong. Personally, I turn rotation off because it sometimes gets annoying. You could always try a different launcher though, I'm pretty sure ADW and Go Launcher rotate on any keyboard condition.
The app Orientation Control works well if you want your display to stay in a particular orientation all the time. Costs a buck or two in the market, and the main thing it messes up is the camera when you want to take a picture, but you can always switch it back to 'auto rotate' in those cases.
overhauling said:
Nope, if you're on the stock ROM (As far as I remember, considering I haven't been on stock since the first ROM came out and I've refused to use the stock launcher anyways) orientation won't change on the "Home" screen unless you slide the keyboard open. Correct me if I'm wrong. Personally, I turn rotation off because it sometimes gets annoying. You could always try a different launcher though, I'm pretty sure ADW and Go Launcher rotate on any keyboard condition.
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Yeah, I'm on stock ROM. I like the rotation feature for now, and was just wondering why it would work on some screens and not on others. I thought that was a default feature.
At least I know I'm not losing my mind. I really did believe it used to rotate the Home screen and All Apps screen without sliding it open.
I guess one thing I can try is going into a T-Mobile store and testing out their phone there to see if it rotates.
Thanks everyone!
doowopmario said:
Yeah, I'm on stock ROM. I like the rotation feature for now, and was just wondering why it would work on some screens and not on others. I thought that was a default feature.
At least I know I'm not losing my mind. I really did believe it used to rotate the Home screen and All Apps screen without sliding it open.
I guess one thing I can try is going into a T-Mobile store and testing out their phone there to see if it rotates.
Thanks everyone!
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Never did for me in the stock Sense launcher on the app drawer or home screens, unless sliding out the keyboard. I made a reference to that in the tv-out thread back when I first got the phone in august.
It works everywhere else, and you could just use another launcher to have it happen on those two screens.
I'd like to enable that functionality in Rosie - i'm not sure why it's like that and it's puzzled me for months.
I dunno, personally, I turn off auto rotation all the time. If I want to view anything in landscape, I just slide the keyboard open. Just my preference, though.
I really like a free app called auto rotate switch. It gives you a button in the status bar that you can click to turn on and off auto rotation. I've used it since my first android phone, but have never used it with this one.
Sent from my RubiX CubeD XtremE MT4GS using Tapatalk

Turn off one finger zoom

Just installed Synergy JB and have noticed that there is one finger zoom in here where you basically slide up and down on the edge of the screen and it zooms in and out. I see people with the note II have this also so it seems it may be a Touchwiz JB feature but I haven't seen a way to turn it off. It's nice but would love to find a way to toggle it. I already checked display, accessibility, and motion controls with no luck and it zooms in any app that can zoom.
If I remember correctly E actually put the GNOTE 2 camera in that ROM so what you are seeing is that actually camera... As far as I know the only way to change that would be to flash a different camera.... HOWEVER.. I do have the NOTE 2 camera on mine also and can pinch to zoom or use the volume keys so there may be different versions of that also... But anyways flash a different camera and that should do the trick
dr12volt1338 said:
If I remember correctly E actually put the GNOTE 2 camera in that ROM so what you are seeing is that actually camera... As far as I know the only way to change that would be to flash a different camera.... HOWEVER.. I do have the NOTE 2 camera on mine also and can pinch to zoom or use the volume keys so there may be different versions of that also... But anyways flash a different camera and that should do the trick
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Well its not just the camera it's in the browser, wikipedia app, and others
I apologize.. I swear the post said in the camera app.... I know he pulled a few .APK's from the Note 2... All I can suggest is check the settings for the individual apps... You could also try and download a different browser and try that... That would help narrow it down if it is something "Overseeing" the ROM or something specific to certain .APK's....
anyone find a fix for this...it's happening in my browser now and it's killing me?
skillzo1 said:
anyone find a fix for this...it's happening in my browser now and it's killing me?
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Check your other thread.
Sent from my Unleashed GalaxyMODed ...... um ...... phone?
What Scroll Bars?
skillzo1 said:
anyone find a fix for this...it's happening in my browser now and it's killing me?
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With all due respect, you may want to look at your screen and take note of the fact there are no scroll bars.
I understand that we are creatures of habit, and as I have been using the GUI, with Scroll Bars since the first Mac (1984) I too tend to use the edge of the screen to scroll, but the truth is, it is a Phone, not a Mac, not a PC. It has no scroll bars. Scroll slightly to the left (or to the right-so to not disenfranchise left handed phone users) or 1/4 of the way across, or 1/3rd, or 1/2 or 3/4 quarters, etc. etc. etc.
Anywhere you'd like. It's a Phone, it's a touch screen. No mouse, no ability to tap in the scroll bar and have the screen advance. No way to position your mouse over the up or down arrow, and have the screen scroll smoothly without any other movement than you holding down the mouse button.
It's a Phone. Get it?
Anyway, what is really infuriating is that Samsung put this feature on the phone, didn't tell anyone, until people started complaining about it and reporting it as a bug, and then rather than either tell people about it, or add the ability through a Setting to disable it, in a new release of the software, the morons simply took it away.
So let me ask you, if your phone came configured with the setting disabled by default, but gave you the option to enable it, try it, see if you liked it, then said, nah, and turned it off, would that have been best for you and guys like me who depend on it all day every day to be able to use my Phone with one hand?
I think the answer is obvious.
Samsung, you are laughable, amateur software developers.
Thankfully we have XDA.
Now I just need one of you on here to figure out where in the heck it is hidden so you can make me a build that includes it with whatever else is in the latest releases.
You see, Android is almost entirely "Hard Coded" so it is not something the average user can just go "teeak" , like following the step by step instructions of someone to simply "Hack" the Windows Registry to make it the way we like it.
All the more reason Samsung is so pitiful.

Software (ease of use, features, etc)

When you hand your phone to granny to take a photo of you, can she get the job done? Rate this thread to express how you deem the OnePlus 6T's camera software. A higher rating indicates that the software is easy to use, fast, uncluttered, and inclusive of advanced features for when you need them.
Then, drop a comment if you have anything to add!
On my offical 48+ hours with the OP6T. Having issues setting up face unlock the phone is keeping me in the loop of entering pin/pattern and not opening the face unlock settings, maybe update or software glitch patch. just reset the phone after a full 39+ hour discharge and recharge of the battery, any help with the issue would be great.
I will give it points for the pro mode but outside of that, I find it could use a few more features. If the V40 camera app comes to the V30, I'm going back to it.
Split screen button is unnecessarily hidden under 3 dots on the multitasking screen. This option should be easy access there could be even a gest available for split screen
g_oral said:
Split screen button is unnecessarily hidden under 3 dots on the multitasking screen. This option should be easy access there could be even a gest available for split screen
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True. I'm not a Huawei fan but I like their knuckle gestures a lot. Swiping with the knuckle from left to right or view versa enters split screen mode for example.
g_oral said:
Split screen button is unnecessarily hidden under 3 dots on the multitasking screen. This option should be easy access there could be even a gest available for split screen
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You can set up the split screen shortcut under the navigation 'buttons' ie home button
I set my split screen shortcut as a home button long press
One plus 6T is good rather than other phones in its software and configuration.
Normally my Camera opens "instantly".
I encounter from time to time that my camera takes more than a second to start. It's a really fast phone, so what's the probleme here?
I got used to reliability on my OnePlus 5T. 6T is, well, lackluster. I need to reboot it at least once per day. hyperion takes ages to open and the screen is frozen in the meantime. Bluetooth... I am using 5-6 bt devices, and only 4 are on the list when you change volume. Weirdly, it's the disconnected ones, not the ones I am actually using. Sometimes the sound will just ignore BT and go through the phone speaker no matter what it's set to do - another reboot needed. Last weekend Sygic (satnav) crashed so badly the phone went black. No reaction. After holding all the buttons for 10 sec it rebooted to safe mode. Another reboot to normal, and all my settings, launcher, were gone.
Honestly, I want to love it. I do. But I actually hate it. Too bad I already gave my op5t to my daughter. It was soo much better.
Wow, today it just lost audio on voice calls. Why? Because previously I've been casting to a TV. So when the call came the stupid thing didn't know where to reroute audio. So after a while it decided f**k this, it's probably nothing important anyway.
only fixed by reboot. God I hate this phone!
I'm on stable 10 by the way.
I'm really happy with my OP 6T, just wished the camera was better.
I mean come on the secondary camera is only used for depth effect, so is only active in portrait mode...
The only other issue I have is the ambient display doesn't activate as it should imo, only a "hard pick up" will get it to switch on.

