[Q] SuperOneClick unrootable? - Android Software/Hacking General [Developers Only]

Okay, so i come from the Nexus One now having the T-Mobile G2X which is a pretty good phone and already some roots have came out which is great since i could try to back up all my apps from my Nexus One to my new T-Mobile G2X.
Okay, i know the the Universal Androot has the ability to root and unroot your phone with a simple touch of just one button WITHOUT unlocking the bootloader or even restarting
(If you guys didnt know about this, click here to learn more)
Okay, so i heard there is a new app called "SuperOneClick" but im not sure if it works for the T-Mobile G2X (Yes, i know there is something called Google and yes i googled it but i get like 20 different answers)
So im asking this:
Is this "SuperOneClick" compatible with the T-Mobile G2X?
Will it be able to root AND unroot my phone with one touch? (Like the Universal Androot)
Also, there are many threads about this and i cant find the original thread but i know its from this forum, can someone post a link to the thread about this "SuperOneClick" or maybe a thread that tells you how to root the T-Mobile G2X using the "SuperOneClick"?

Super One Click Root
Try here:

Searched up and people had more errors than thanks.
Might as well wait till someone makes a video on how to root.

cjggilbert said:
Try here:
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Tried to do it and got errors, i think someone needs to make a video on how to do it.


HTC Aria

Anyone have any luck rooting this yet? I just got one today, my first Android phone, and really hate being locked down to only market apps. Hoping that rooting it will allow me to work around that.
Yep. theres an HTC aria thread with instructions on rooting it, installing a custom recovery and installing ROMs.
Sorry double post

Android 2.3.4 root?

I am trying to find a working Rooting method for Android 2.3.4 on LG phones.
I have tried out some of the popular rooting methods including gingerbreak but they do not seem to work. Anyone has had success with rooting Android 2.3.4 phones? My searches have not been successful in finding any good results, so I am asking here. Thank you in advance.
You have the wrong idea. Rooting a device is not brought in general - like saying once a phone has a certain android version, then all android phones with that software version can be rooted (This is the idea you have which is wrong). Different devices may take different methods to be rooted. Like, Gingerbreak may work on the nexus s, but may not work on some other device running Gingerbread. And to answer your question, yes. Many people have rooted android devices running 2.3.4 (and just for your information - ALL android versions so far can be rooted).
I have a MyTouch 4g, running 2.3.4. You wouldnt happen to know any ways to root it, would you? Thanks man
you can try http://revolutionary.io/ select myTouch 4G Slide it may work on ur phone but as always no guaranties do it on your own risk, some more links:
Well usually different phones have different methods to root the,just google it with the exact name of your device and you will get how to do it....!
What about 2.3.4 on a Kyocera Echo?
Sent from my Kyocera Echo.
Jamin13 said:
What about 2.3.4 on a Kyocera Echo?
Sent from my Kyocera Echo.
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guide i thing its temp root only but not very sure
crazydrummer95 said:
I have a MyTouch 4g, running 2.3.4. You wouldnt happen to know any ways to root it, would you? Thanks man
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Um, unless I missed a memo, then your phone has already been rooted because the MT4G has not been updated to 2.3.4 via OTA officially. You may be running a custom stock ROM that reads as 2.3.4 though because some people just want the stock look without all the bloatware (Telenav, TMO TV, etc). So, download Root Checker from the Market and see if it tells you that you have root. If not, then you shouldn't be running 2.3.4 yet.
Also, go here for everything you need to know about rooting and installing custom ROMs on the MT4G: http://forum.xda-developers.com/forumdisplay.php?f=796
SMalek77 said:
I am trying to find a working Rooting method for Android 2.3.4 on LG phones.
I have tried out some of the popular rooting methods including gingerbreak but they do not seem to work. Anyone has had success with rooting Android 2.3.4 phones? My searches have not been successful in finding any good results, so I am asking here. Thank you in advance.
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The maker of the phone isn't terribly important. The model of the phone is - such as Optimus or G2x.
In the upper right corner of this site there's a box for "find your device..." type in your phone model and it'll take you to the forum for that particular phone and you'll be able to learn all you need for that model. Best of luck to you!
darkstep said:
guide i thing its temp root only but not very sure
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Doesn't work since the 2.3.4 upgrade. Everyone has tried before.
Sent from my Kyocera Echo.
Jamin13 said:
Doesn't work since the 2.3.4 upgrade. Everyone has tried before.
Sent from my Kyocera Echo.
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sorry then im not that familiar whit ur phone
darkstep said:
sorry then im not that familiar whit ur phone
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Trust me, it wasn't hard to figure that out.
Sent from my Kyocera Echo.
i dont have the OTA update. i went in to the store and they updated it for me

[Q] HTC Inspire 4G - rooting help please!

First, please forgive my stupidity on a variety of levels as this is my first post and I recently came from the Jailbreaking scene of my iPhone 3GS but have very little knowledge in the Android area - which is why I came here.
I just purchased a used AT&T HTC Inspire 4G off eBay. I would like to root it and run the latest stable Ice Cream Sandwich custom ROM, and unlock if possible. Assuming it is running stock 2.3, I would like to root, unlock and flash a clean custom ROM onto it as soon as I receive it in the mail (2-3 days).
I HAVE searched online for tutorials, but have only found crappy, fuzzy, outdated Youtube videos by 12-year-olds, and therefore am not sure exactly what to do. So if I could get someone's professional guidance on how to root, unlock, flash, and what ROM to use, I will be eternally in your debt.
P.S. I'm not entirely new - I have flashed a number of Windows Mobile ROMs, done plenty of iOS hacking, flashed an Android tablet, and do plenty of dev-testing on my PSP.
- Stupid iPhone 3GS Jailbreaker/Android n00b
blydude said:
First, please forgive my stupidity on a variety of levels as this is my first post and I recently came from the Jailbreaking scene of my iPhone 3GS but have very little knowledge in the Android area - which is why I came here.
I just purchased a used AT&T HTC Inspire 4G off eBay. I would like to root it and run the latest stable Ice Cream Sandwich custom ROM, and unlock if possible. Assuming it is running stock 2.3, I would like to root, unlock and flash a clean custom ROM onto it as soon as I receive it in the mail (2-3 days).
I HAVE searched online for tutorials, but have only found crappy, fuzzy, outdated Youtube videos by 12-year-olds, and therefore am not sure exactly what to do. So if I could get someone's professional guidance on how to root, unlock, flash, and what ROM to use, I will be eternally in your debt.
P.S. I'm not entirely new - I have flashed a number of Windows Mobile ROMs, done plenty of iOS hacking, flashed an Android tablet, and do plenty of dev-testing on my PSP.
- Stupid iPhone 3GS Jailbreaker/Android n00b
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Hey, check out attn1's root kit! Got my Inspire rooted in about 5 mins
Link is here:
Also, there's an IRC channel that is listed in the thread if you need any help.
Donations are appreciated!
General premise is that you'll need to S-OFF (remove HTC NAND security), then root.
Removing the NAND is usually handled by an XTC Clip (hardware) or Revolutionary (software) method. Some others do exist, just look for the 'S-OFF' thread in the Inspire section to get you started.
Once that's complete, use either the rootkit mentioned above, or something like SuperOneClick to obtain actual root.
Good luck!
juzz86 said:
General premise is that you'll need to S-OFF (remove HTC NAND security), then root.
Removing the NAND is usually handled by an XTC Clip (hardware) or Revolutionary (software) method. Some others do exist, just look for the 'S-OFF' thread in the Inspire section to get you started.
Once that's complete, use either the rootkit mentioned above, or something like SuperOneClick to obtain actual root.
Good luck!
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If I'm not mistaken, I believe attn1's root kit does everything for you including S-Off..
Please correct me if I'm wrong.
rhodium9 said:
If I'm not mistaken, I believe attn1's root kit does everything for you including S-Off..
Please correct me if I'm wrong.
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I have no doubt your are right my friend , I was just providing a little insight on why there's more than one step involved. I also ran into rooting issues using the Vivid toolkit, which were fixed with SuperOneClick.
That said, definitely try the rootkit first. They're a killer starting point
Just make sure you read the effin manual. If you don't, you won't be able to root it with the hack kit. And you won't get ANY help with it if you don't read the manual.
Sent from my Inspire 4G using Tapatalk
Just got the Inspire 10 minutes ago, so I assume go ahead and use the root kit? Then what would be the best ROM for Ice Cream Sandwich to install? Again, I know how to use Google, just want to have an expert opinion on it... Thanks!
Edit: Just ran the rootkit, and flashed ICS 4.0.3 onto it... Booting now!
There are many great ROMs that exist within the forums. I prefer cynagonmod but of course your mileage may vary.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
I have reason to believe my phone is sufficiently bricked... I did follow the instructions in effin_manual, but something must have messed up. I can get to the boot menu (volume down+power) but anything beyond that crashes. Is there any way I can flash this back to stock and start over?
I found this, but the link is dead...
Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
UPDATE: Flashed it back to stock 2.2. Before I do anything else, what is the most recent, stable UNLOCKABLE firmware available? Thanks so much!
blydude said:
I have reason to believe my phone is sufficiently bricked... I did follow the instructions in effin_manual, but something must have messed up. I can get to the boot menu (volume down+power) but anything beyond that crashes. Is there any way I can flash this back to stock and start over?
I found this, but the link is dead...
Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
UPDATE: Flashed it back to stock 2.2. Before I do anything else, what is the most recent, stable UNLOCKABLE firmware available? Thanks so much!
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First, If you have read the effen manual you would have known what to do in you case.
If your phone was shipped with Gingerbread and you flashed a froyo RUU you are in trouble...make sure that your cell is working properly before trying to flash a custom rom or you will get jammed. By the way, brick means that your phone is useless and were not bricked....the Hack Kit works beautifully as long as you follow instructions. Also, make sure that you are S-OFF and Rooted before attempting to flash a custom rom....
The phone was shipped with Froyo, and I just restored it back to that.
I had ICS 4.0.3 flashed, but the unlock was not compatible with it and I got a nice little message from AT&T about that. They haven't started charging me yet, but I would like to do something about it before they do.
So can ICS be unlocked at all? Or what is the most recent firmware that can be unlocked?
blydude said:
I had ICS 4.0.3 flashed, but the unlock was not compatible with it and I got a nice little message from AT&T about that. They haven't started charging me yet, but I would like to do something about it before they do.
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Don't understand what you mean here. How is an unlock uncompatible ?Charging you for what exactly?
Sent from my Inspire 4G using XDA
I got a text from ATT this morning saying "Congratulations on your 4G smartphone! 4G data and message rates may apply." I checked online and it was still on my 200 MB iPhone plan, so hopefully it stays that way. My bad, just wanted to make sure it was unlocked.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA
Not sure why you would want to unlock an att phone to use on att.people unlock it to use on other carriers like say T-Mobile.
As to the text,since the inspire is an att phone they will recognize it and will change your data plan accordingly. There really isn't a way around that. I don't remember their being a 200mb iPhone plan but its been a while. But it might be as easy as giving them a call and switching it over and keeping the same plane just named differently.
Sent from my Inspire 4G using XDA
blydude said:
I got a text from ATT this morning saying "Congratulations on your 4G smartphone! 4G data and message rates may apply." I checked online and it was still on my 200 MB iPhone plan, so hopefully it stays that way. My bad, just wanted to make sure it was unlocked.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA
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Welcome to someone who has ATT and is just recalling his experience with it:
1) You can change your data plan up till the end of the billing cycle for that SAME cycle.
2) 200mb is the minimum data plan and you have to (in theory) be on a data plan to have a smartphone on their network.
Moving on to non-ATT stuff
3) You may want to do a little bit of reading and understand the difference between root and unlock.
4) I'll be nice and link a thread with that insight: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1076720
5) ... >.<
I got it working with my 200MB data plan and running Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0.3. Thanks for all the help!
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA
marsdta said:
Sent from my Inspire 4G using XDA
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Just wanted to say thank you for your Ace Hack Kit, very easy to do if you read it several times like your instructed to do...
Once again thank you for your work, a donation will be for coming once i get some extra fund....
juzz86 said:
General premise is that you'll need to S-OFF (remove HTC NAND security), then root.
Removing the NAND is usually handled by an XTC Clip (hardware) or Revolutionary (software) method. Some others do exist, just look for the 'S-OFF' thread in the Inspire section to get you started.
Once that's complete, use either the rootkit mentioned above, or something like SuperOneClick to obtain actual root.
Good luck!
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I want to root my inspire 4g and i dont find anything hetr or in youtube. I need a program to root that att1 treath is close,i nees help plz take me to the rigth place to root my phone.
sicario9 said:
I want to root my inspire 4g and i dont find anything hetr or in youtube. I need a program to root that att1 treath is close,i nees help plz take me to the rigth place to root my phone.
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Use the guide in my signature...it points you to attn1's site.

[Q] Help Rooting i747m!

Hello! This is my first time posting to a forum like this, hopefully I'm doing it right!
I have just gotten an S3 i747m to play with and cant seem to get it to root successfully
I have tried several times with the guides online, the actual root process works great, but when I use root checker it hangs up. Also there is no root access for apps.
I have read the forums and have seen most people root the S3 very easy. Has anyone come across this problem or have a fix for it?
I had no issues running odin, everything says that the root was a success, but when I check the phone I have no root access.
Any help in this regard would be appreciated thanks!!
I think you are in the wrong forum. The at&t forum is the one you want. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Sent from my SCH-I535
jhoutz said:
I think you are in the wrong forum. The at&t forum is the one you want. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Sent from my SCH-I535
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You're right. 535 is Verizon, 747 is AT&T.

[Q] ZTE Compel(Z830) How to root?

How do you root the ZTE Compel running Android Kitkat 4.4.2?
Here is how I got the phone and why I need to root it.
My parents got me my first android phone for my birthday and I thought "Hey the ZTE Compel looks good. Its got the latest version and everything" I was so wrong. It came with 4GB of storage(The OS took 3GB) and it won't let me do anything with this 32GB SD(or any SD) I have. I can't put any apps on SD so I decided to root. I am decent in Linux so I already know what rooting is. So I download towelroot and its not compatible with my phone. Tried all the modstrings. They all froze. Also I can't seem to find a manual method. Can anyone out there help me root my ZTE Compel?
Its been like a24 hours now and not even a reply saying "I don't know about the phone." I posted this thread hoping to find some expert out there who knew. Im good at computer programming and decent in Linux, but no way an expert in android. If some expert out there sees this maybe you root this phone the exact same way as another new less common ZTE phone.
joelc608 said:
How do you root the ZTE Compel running Android Kitkat 4.4.2?
Here is how I got the phone and why I need to root it.
My parents got me my first android phone for my birthday and I thought "Hey the ZTE Compel looks good. Its got the latest version and everything" I was so wrong. It came with 4GB of storage(The OS took 3GB) and it won't let me do anything with this 32GB SD(or any SD) I have. I can't put any apps on SD so I decided to root. I am decent in Linux so I already know what rooting is. So I download towelroot and its not compatible with my phone. Tried all the modstrings. They all froze. Also I can't seem to find a manual method. Can anyone out there help me root my ZTE Compel?
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Thanks but I have already tried that . Any other method or a modstring that works? Temp root modstring won't even work.
Im getting impatient now.
Its hard to believe that some phones can be rooted in just 1 click and I have tried a lot of things but if you have something(even if it requires a computer) please let me know.
Need Help to root ATT Compel
joelc608 said:
Its hard to believe that some phones can be rooted in just 1 click and I have tried a lot of things but if you have something(even if it requires a computer) please let me know.
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I too need help to root ATT Compel. I've tried kingroot Towel, Superoneclick. Not tech enough to understand how to use manual.
I have the same issue. I thought this being a newer phone it would be looked into.
Sent from my Z830 using XDA Free mobile app
Yes please someone root this phone or find a way to get rid of all the crap that comes preloaded on it. I had to buy this phone because my SGS4 broke and I'm not up for the promotion price for a new one. Got this phone and its a powerful little phone. But man is the internal memory crap and it doesn't support app2sd. So I am always running into insufficient storage problems. I would appreciate someone rooting this device. Whoever roots this device or sends me info on how to root it successfully you got my donation. That's a promise.
Oh and I have tried towelroot, root genius and basically searched the web and there is very little talk on this phone. Maybe it is still too new. Obviously it is not a SGS5 or a Nexus but it is still a cost efficient phone with a quad core processor. Besides its horrible limited built-in storage its a great phone without having to be locked into a contract. Its limited storage can be easily fixed by adding the app2sd feature or just giving us root. That would help a lot. If a dev couple step in and help us out that would be great. You'll have my donation.
Sent from my Z830 using XDA Free mobile app
Mark me down under 'also interested in this.'
I'm also waiting to find a rooting solution on this phone.... Here's hoping someone is cool enough to help us Compel owners out!
Doesn't look like they are interested in advancing the Z830.
Hi Boys. This Lady Is Your Savior.
Awesome. Ironically I decided to trade it in for an Asus PadFone X Mini. Now I am waiting for root on that. Just did the trade 2 days ago. The irony. However I said I would donate and I am a man of his words. Send me a PayPal or Google wallet link. You deserve a coffee. Thanks!
Sent from my ASUS PadFone X mini using XDA Free mobile app
...still interested in rooting my Compel. I've tried everything I can find, from Cydia Impactor to mucking about via ADB and Linux. Any help greatly appreciated.
zte compel root
Splash13y said:
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have you successfully rooted the zte compel?
dbw105 said:
have you successfully rooted the zte compel?
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I'm guessing her claims of our devices' root-salvation proved premature.
Splash13y said:
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So where's the help? I don't see any post or nothing in your post...
Please help!:crying:
Near as I can tell, no one has found an exploit by which to gain root on the ZTE z830 Compel. That's why none of the downloadable root-kits work on it. The "manual method" (as worked on my ZTE Valet) of copying SU & such over using adb, then changing their file permissions won't work for the same reason... There has to be something to exploit in order to get temporary permissios to muck about in the OS files.
Compel z830
hi!, I'm form Guatemala, and beliave or not I have this phone, wich is a great phone, good hadware, but is not way to root it.....
I try apk and pc software and nothing
Same here...
I've got one laying around too. Would love to put it to good use, but...

