[Q] HTC Inspire 4G - rooting help please! - HTC Inspire 4G

First, please forgive my stupidity on a variety of levels as this is my first post and I recently came from the Jailbreaking scene of my iPhone 3GS but have very little knowledge in the Android area - which is why I came here.
I just purchased a used AT&T HTC Inspire 4G off eBay. I would like to root it and run the latest stable Ice Cream Sandwich custom ROM, and unlock if possible. Assuming it is running stock 2.3, I would like to root, unlock and flash a clean custom ROM onto it as soon as I receive it in the mail (2-3 days).
I HAVE searched online for tutorials, but have only found crappy, fuzzy, outdated Youtube videos by 12-year-olds, and therefore am not sure exactly what to do. So if I could get someone's professional guidance on how to root, unlock, flash, and what ROM to use, I will be eternally in your debt.
P.S. I'm not entirely new - I have flashed a number of Windows Mobile ROMs, done plenty of iOS hacking, flashed an Android tablet, and do plenty of dev-testing on my PSP.
- Stupid iPhone 3GS Jailbreaker/Android n00b

blydude said:
First, please forgive my stupidity on a variety of levels as this is my first post and I recently came from the Jailbreaking scene of my iPhone 3GS but have very little knowledge in the Android area - which is why I came here.
I just purchased a used AT&T HTC Inspire 4G off eBay. I would like to root it and run the latest stable Ice Cream Sandwich custom ROM, and unlock if possible. Assuming it is running stock 2.3, I would like to root, unlock and flash a clean custom ROM onto it as soon as I receive it in the mail (2-3 days).
I HAVE searched online for tutorials, but have only found crappy, fuzzy, outdated Youtube videos by 12-year-olds, and therefore am not sure exactly what to do. So if I could get someone's professional guidance on how to root, unlock, flash, and what ROM to use, I will be eternally in your debt.
P.S. I'm not entirely new - I have flashed a number of Windows Mobile ROMs, done plenty of iOS hacking, flashed an Android tablet, and do plenty of dev-testing on my PSP.
- Stupid iPhone 3GS Jailbreaker/Android n00b
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Hey, check out attn1's root kit! Got my Inspire rooted in about 5 mins
Link is here:
Also, there's an IRC channel that is listed in the thread if you need any help.
Donations are appreciated!

General premise is that you'll need to S-OFF (remove HTC NAND security), then root.
Removing the NAND is usually handled by an XTC Clip (hardware) or Revolutionary (software) method. Some others do exist, just look for the 'S-OFF' thread in the Inspire section to get you started.
Once that's complete, use either the rootkit mentioned above, or something like SuperOneClick to obtain actual root.
Good luck!

juzz86 said:
General premise is that you'll need to S-OFF (remove HTC NAND security), then root.
Removing the NAND is usually handled by an XTC Clip (hardware) or Revolutionary (software) method. Some others do exist, just look for the 'S-OFF' thread in the Inspire section to get you started.
Once that's complete, use either the rootkit mentioned above, or something like SuperOneClick to obtain actual root.
Good luck!
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If I'm not mistaken, I believe attn1's root kit does everything for you including S-Off..
Please correct me if I'm wrong.

rhodium9 said:
If I'm not mistaken, I believe attn1's root kit does everything for you including S-Off..
Please correct me if I'm wrong.
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I have no doubt your are right my friend , I was just providing a little insight on why there's more than one step involved. I also ran into rooting issues using the Vivid toolkit, which were fixed with SuperOneClick.
That said, definitely try the rootkit first. They're a killer starting point

Just make sure you read the effin manual. If you don't, you won't be able to root it with the hack kit. And you won't get ANY help with it if you don't read the manual.
Sent from my Inspire 4G using Tapatalk

Just got the Inspire 10 minutes ago, so I assume go ahead and use the root kit? Then what would be the best ROM for Ice Cream Sandwich to install? Again, I know how to use Google, just want to have an expert opinion on it... Thanks!
Edit: Just ran the rootkit, and flashed ICS 4.0.3 onto it... Booting now!

There are many great ROMs that exist within the forums. I prefer cynagonmod but of course your mileage may vary.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium

I have reason to believe my phone is sufficiently bricked... I did follow the instructions in effin_manual, but something must have messed up. I can get to the boot menu (volume down+power) but anything beyond that crashes. Is there any way I can flash this back to stock and start over?
I found this, but the link is dead...
Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
UPDATE: Flashed it back to stock 2.2. Before I do anything else, what is the most recent, stable UNLOCKABLE firmware available? Thanks so much!

blydude said:
I have reason to believe my phone is sufficiently bricked... I did follow the instructions in effin_manual, but something must have messed up. I can get to the boot menu (volume down+power) but anything beyond that crashes. Is there any way I can flash this back to stock and start over?
I found this, but the link is dead...
Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
UPDATE: Flashed it back to stock 2.2. Before I do anything else, what is the most recent, stable UNLOCKABLE firmware available? Thanks so much!
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First, If you have read the effen manual you would have known what to do in you case.
If your phone was shipped with Gingerbread and you flashed a froyo RUU you are in trouble...make sure that your cell is working properly before trying to flash a custom rom or you will get jammed. By the way, brick means that your phone is useless and were not bricked....the Hack Kit works beautifully as long as you follow instructions. Also, make sure that you are S-OFF and Rooted before attempting to flash a custom rom....

The phone was shipped with Froyo, and I just restored it back to that.
I had ICS 4.0.3 flashed, but the unlock was not compatible with it and I got a nice little message from AT&T about that. They haven't started charging me yet, but I would like to do something about it before they do.
So can ICS be unlocked at all? Or what is the most recent firmware that can be unlocked?

blydude said:
I had ICS 4.0.3 flashed, but the unlock was not compatible with it and I got a nice little message from AT&T about that. They haven't started charging me yet, but I would like to do something about it before they do.
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Don't understand what you mean here. How is an unlock uncompatible ?Charging you for what exactly?
Sent from my Inspire 4G using XDA

I got a text from ATT this morning saying "Congratulations on your 4G smartphone! 4G data and message rates may apply." I checked online and it was still on my 200 MB iPhone plan, so hopefully it stays that way. My bad, just wanted to make sure it was unlocked.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA

Not sure why you would want to unlock an att phone to use on att.people unlock it to use on other carriers like say T-Mobile.
As to the text,since the inspire is an att phone they will recognize it and will change your data plan accordingly. There really isn't a way around that. I don't remember their being a 200mb iPhone plan but its been a while. But it might be as easy as giving them a call and switching it over and keeping the same plane just named differently.
Sent from my Inspire 4G using XDA

blydude said:
I got a text from ATT this morning saying "Congratulations on your 4G smartphone! 4G data and message rates may apply." I checked online and it was still on my 200 MB iPhone plan, so hopefully it stays that way. My bad, just wanted to make sure it was unlocked.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA
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Welcome to someone who has ATT and is just recalling his experience with it:
1) You can change your data plan up till the end of the billing cycle for that SAME cycle.
2) 200mb is the minimum data plan and you have to (in theory) be on a data plan to have a smartphone on their network.
Moving on to non-ATT stuff
3) You may want to do a little bit of reading and understand the difference between root and unlock.
4) I'll be nice and link a thread with that insight: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1076720
5) ... >.<

I got it working with my 200MB data plan and running Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0.3. Thanks for all the help!
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA

marsdta said:
Sent from my Inspire 4G using XDA
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Just wanted to say thank you for your Ace Hack Kit, very easy to do if you read it several times like your instructed to do...
Once again thank you for your work, a donation will be for coming once i get some extra fund....

juzz86 said:
General premise is that you'll need to S-OFF (remove HTC NAND security), then root.
Removing the NAND is usually handled by an XTC Clip (hardware) or Revolutionary (software) method. Some others do exist, just look for the 'S-OFF' thread in the Inspire section to get you started.
Once that's complete, use either the rootkit mentioned above, or something like SuperOneClick to obtain actual root.
Good luck!
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I want to root my inspire 4g and i dont find anything hetr or in youtube. I need a program to root that att1 treath is close,i nees help plz take me to the rigth place to root my phone.

sicario9 said:
I want to root my inspire 4g and i dont find anything hetr or in youtube. I need a program to root that att1 treath is close,i nees help plz take me to the rigth place to root my phone.
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Use the guide in my signature...it points you to attn1's site.


[Q] Matter Of Choice

Fast and brief.
I want to buy a new, unlocked, HTC Inspire 4G.
I'm a noob, and don't know anything about rooting, Android, or whathaveyou, but am keen to learn and am not an idiot.
Should i buy a phone that's already rooted running on Inspired Ace or just buy a stock phone and root it myself and flash a custom ROM of my choosing?
In other words, can i, being a noob, handle rooting an Inspire and flasing a ROM all by my lonesome? What's the LATEST and BEST guide on rooting and everything else you need to get it working? I've seen a lot of literature with (outdated) near it and it's kind of annoying.
Another even stupider question. Since the phone is already rooted, i can, if i want to, flash another custom ROM if i don't like Inspired Ace without seriously f-ing it up, right?
welcome to my world as of last week. This week, I've learned that rooting is easy on the Inspire 4G. You just have to get the hack kit: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=952352 And I'm gonna quote attn1: READ THE EFFEN MANUAL. I cannot stress that enough.
Once you've done all of this, you'll have a rooted Inspire 4G, but it will be on the Desire HD radio/ROM, and you'll need to flash an Inspire 4G radio, so you can have a solid base.
Go by http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1058042 to get a rooted Inspire 4G radio/Rom base with the latest HTC update. Then make sure you download ROM Manager, and from there you can backup your rom, and try out custom ROMs.
If you wanna watch how I did it, go to http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=14618851#post14618851.
Get rooted in something Inspiring!
adrian.lupas said:
Fast and brief.
I want to buy a new, unlocked, HTC Inspire 4G.
I'm a noob, and don't know anything about rooting, Android, or whathaveyou, but am keen to learn and am not an idiot.
1 Should i buy a phone that's already rooted running on Inspired Ace or just buy a stock phone and root it myself and flash a custom ROM of my choosing?
2 In other words, can i, being a noob, handle rooting an Inspire and flasing a ROM all by my lonesome? 3 What's the LATEST and BEST guide on rooting and everything else you need to get it working? I've seen a lot of literature with (outdated) near it and it's kind of annoying.
4 Another even stupider question. Since the phone is already rooted, i can, if i want to, flash another custom ROM if i don't like Inspired Ace without seriously f-ing it up, right?
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1 IMHO, I'd get a new one so you have a clean, fresh slate to work with. You don't ever truly know how the previous owner used the device(excessive OC level on a regular basis...)
2 Yes, it's very simple. I feel it's best to get your contacts imported from the sim then sync w/Google but nothing more. This way you don't have to reconfigure your phone after rooting.
3 The Ace Hack Kit from att1 is the easiest and best way. Any other method is based on his work. All the info you need is in the first post. If you have an issue, search the thread. If a concise answer cannot be found, search the forum. If still no answer, post your question in that thread, then be patient and wait for a reply. If no one can answer, at the very bottom of the first post, att1 has a link to an IRC chat channel for helping w/ issues, try there.
4 Yes. The number one rule for flashing is ALWAYS make a nandroid(basically an exact image before any changes have been made) before doing anything. This is your safety net and gives you something to fall back on should there be an issue post flash.
okay, so buy a new one. Check. Root using kit and read manual. Check. After i root, which comes first? A new radio or a new rom, or what order do you use? Can you recommend as advanced users, the most stable custom rom and radio for the inspire? This is where i usually get confused. What to do after rooting, in what order.
adrian.lupas said:
okay, so buy a new one. Check. Root using kit and read manual. Check. After i root, which comes first? A new radio or a new rom, or what order do you use? Can you recommend as advanced users, the most stable custom rom and radio for the inspire? This is where i usually get confused. What to do after rooting, in what order.
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After you root, your phone will say "HTC Desire HD" in phone information. before you install a custom ROM, install this: http://droid.neolobster.com/roms/Ace_Cingular_US_SL_1.84.502.11_Radio_26_06_06_30_M_PD98IMG.zip (from thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1058042) . This is both a ROM and a radio, and it will give you the most up to date stock rom for the Inspire 4G (not Desire HD), but still rooted with sideloading allowed. From there, download two apps: titanium backup (to backup apps), and most importantly, ROM Manager. ROM manager has links to download many different ROMS, but before it prompts installing them, it also gives you the option of backing up your current ROM and wiping data cache, and then loading the new ROM. The link I gave u will be your base ROM.
The most popular custom ROM tends to be CyanogenMod7. I've tried that, CoreDroid 6.6, and most recently, TB Fusion If you like HTC Sense, go with the latter two, or other Sense ROMs. If you don't like Sense or don't care about Sense, go with something like CM7.
Always remember something here: Desire HD and Inspire 4G are largely the same phone, save a few things. Most custom ROMS are optimized for the HD, but hopefully that will change soon.
Okay. Thanks. So root, install base radio and ROM, then install backup and ROM manager and then install custom ROM.
I see that the custom ROM is Cingular_US. I live in Romania and will be using the phone in Orange Romania. That's not a problem, right?
adrian.lupas said:
Okay. Thanks. So root, install base radio and ROM, then install backup and ROM manager and then install custom ROM.
I see that the custom ROM is Cingular_US. I live in Romania and will be using the phone in Orange Romania. That's not a problem, right?
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No it wont be a problem. One note though. I don't know if you already knew this when you bought/buy the phone but the inspire uses north American bands for 3g(850/1900) you will not be able to use your 3g service as it runs on 2100. If 3g service is important and haven't bought the phone I would suggest you get the desire HD as it runs (900/2100) for 3g
Sent from my TARDIS using XDA App
How do i find out what frequencies Orange Romania works on?
Orange Romania runs 3g on (900/2100)
Sent from my TARDIS using XDA App

Flashing Skyrocket to T-Mobile

Ive heard that you can flash the Skyrocket to T-mobile, and would be able to access it's 4g capabilities. I was just wondering how this could be done. Or even how to flash the skyrocket so I could use it on tmobile. I would like to use this experiance to help get me started in the android world... I was IOS user on and off and just bought this phone but, I have not been able to use it bc its locked. Any thoughts or ideas, would be much apperciated.. I am a new android rooter and barely know anything so please excuse me for future reference.
Search try it
Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
I found this... but I am confused on what to do.
I would like to flash ice cream sandwich, and use that as my rom but, I cant figure out what to do, to get the 3g/4g capability... Stuck
double_jn_it said:
Ive heard that you can flash the Skyrocket to T-mobile, and would be able to access it's 4g capabilities. I was just wondering how this could be done. Or even how to flash the skyrocket so I could use it on tmobile. I would like to use this experiance to help get me started in the android world... I was IOS user on and off and just bought this phone but, I have not been able to use it bc its locked. Any thoughts or ideas, would be much apperciated.. I am a new android rooter and barely know anything so please excuse me for future reference.
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You have to pay to unlock the phone. Do some research in the development section on how to flash roms and custom recoveries. Youtube the crap out of rooting skyrocket. And to use 4g you have to have the right data plan and proper apn settings. The people here will help you but you have to tke the research initiative and show them your willing to learn. Or if you get too stumped pm me and ill try to help
Sent from my GT-P7510 using xda premium

Root question for Verizon Galaxy S3 I535

All I want to do is root my GS3, so I can have access over what apps phone home. I'm tired of all the bloatware and adds, so I think it's time to just bite the bullet and root. As of right now I don't want to flash any roms, I just want control over my phone. I guess regardless of if I stop at root or flash custom roms, then my warranty has been compromised, so I might as well just go all out???. I worry about the warranty. Every phone I've ever had I've had to warranty at least once or twice. I've read TONS of posts where Verizon doesn't check for root, they just care if you send the malfunctioning phone back. This has prompted me to root and enjoy my phone.
I'm coming from a Fascinate, which I rooted when it was on 2.2, but after the 2.3 update it was much more complicated, so I didn't persue it.
I understand Jelly Bean will be coming out soon, would you guys recommend rooting now or waiting until JB comes out?
I found this guide, which looks like I just need to follow sections 1 and 2:
I also found other guides, root with odin and root without odin, what's the difference, why 2 methods?
I honestly wouldn't hold your breath for jelly bean coming to verizon sgs3 soon. Verizon is absolutely terrible at releasing updates. The Galaxy Nexus doesn't even have JB yet!! I would just root now and go for it. You'll be able to flash a custom JB rom wayyyy before verizon ever gets the official JB out.
You should read the guide about posting in the proper forums
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
Wrong forum bud. There are plenty of threads on this too... Ask in the q & a section.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
Sorry, I mean to put it in the QA section.
Development is for developers to post threads!
Thread moved
vetteguy112233 said:
All I want to do is root my GS3, so I can have access over what apps phone home. I'm tired of all the bloatware and adds, so I think it's time to just bite the bullet and root. As of right now I don't want to flash any roms, I just want control over my phone. I guess regardless of if I stop at root or flash custom roms, then my warranty has been compromised, so I might as well just go all out???. I worry about the warranty. Every phone I've ever had I've had to warranty at least once or twice. I've read TONS of posts where Verizon doesn't check for root, they just care if you send the malfunctioning phone back. This has prompted me to root and enjoy my phone.
I'm coming from a Fascinate, which I rooted when it was on 2.2, but after the 2.3 update it was much more complicated, so I didn't persue it.
I understand Jelly Bean will be coming out soon, would you guys recommend rooting now or waiting until JB comes out?
I found this guide, which looks like I just need to follow sections 1 and 2:
I also found other guides, root with odin and root without odin, what's the difference, why 2 methods?
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The Odin method came first, right away when the phone was released. The without odin method is probably preferable, because you don't have to worry about putting custom software on your phone (the odin method uses a rooted image - the other uses an exploit in the software, I believe). In either case, you should be able to Odin back to stock unrooted if you ever needed to use your warranty. If you decide to root, you should probably stop any future updates from Verizon, as that can cause weird things to happen.
Hope this reply is helpful.
if you have a mac or linux follow section 1 of my guide...If your using windows then follow section 2. Really simple!!!!!!
you should root now, do it before VZW changes the phone or modifies the bootloader in such a way that you cant unlock it with the current method.
This is a good guide
Pick the method you are most comfortable with. Personally I don't like using tools that are just one click because I like to know what I am doing to the phone step by step but some people love the simplicity of one click or tool based rooting.
The vzw Sgt3 casual tool has stuck me gold. I do believe it's the best thing since sliced bread
Sent from my synergized SCH-I535
WOW that was easy, I don't know what I was so worried about. THANKS AGAIN EVERYBODY!

[Q] noob needs help getting the Atrix 2 usable.

i have been using my inspire 4g for few years now with the stock 2.3.3 w/o any problem until i accepted the update notification from at&t for 2.3.5 which i hate now. Long story short, it just made my exchange email crap and it became a burden. I do not know anything about rooting so bought a used Atrix 2 hoping to have ICS on it.
But the phone came withe the following:
Android Version: 2.3.5
System Version: 55.11.11.MB865.ATT.en.US
Build Number: 5.5.1-175_EDFFW1-11
As soon as I power on, the setup screen comes in where I enter my google details and it takes me to home screen and all is well. But when I click the 'Contacts' icon, it takes me to AT&T address book directly and starts rotating endlessly. Never give me an option to disable AT&T address book in contacts. It goes directly there and never completes even though I have data and wifi enabled. I tried at&t support as i don't have at&t phonebook registered - they asked me to upgrade to ICS.
Then I tried the OTA ICS upgrade and it always says the 'The device is upto date and no software upgrade is necessary'. It never upgrades the OS. At this point, at&t said they can't do anything and asked me to talk to Motorola. Motorola said this phone is running a version that is not supported so they can't help either. I have been googling and reading a lot of posts in this forum for help without much success.
I did check out the following and asked for help there:
Can someone please point me a thread or give me steps i need to follow to get this phone out of stock and working condition?
I am also working on getting my inspire out of stock OS but would love to get this phone fixed first.
Thanks in advance.
jsknair said:
i have been using my inspire 4g for few years now with the stock 2.3.3 w/o any problem until i accepted the update notification from at&t for 2.3.5 which i hate now. Long story short, it just made my exchange email crap and it became a burden. I do not know anything about rooting so bought a used Atrix 2 hoping to have ICS on it.
But the phone came withe the following:
Android Version: 2.3.5
System Version: 55.11.11.MB865.ATT.en.US
Build Number: 5.5.1-175_EDFFW1-11
As soon as I power on, the setup screen comes in where I enter my google details and it takes me to home screen and all is well. But when I click the 'Contacts' icon, it takes me to AT&T address book directly and starts rotating endlessly. Never give me an option to disable AT&T address book in contacts. It goes directly there and never completes even though I have data and wifi enabled. I tried at&t support as i don't have at&t phonebook registered - they asked me to upgrade to ICS.
Then I tried the OTA ICS upgrade and it always says the 'The device is upto date and no software upgrade is necessary'. It never upgrades the OS. At this point, at&t said they can't do anything and asked me to talk to Motorola. Motorola said this phone is running a version that is not supported so they can't help either. I have been googling and reading a lot of posts in this forum for help without much success.
I did check out the following and asked for help there:
Can someone please point me a thread or give me steps i need to follow to get this phone out of stock and working condition?
I am also working on getting my inspire out of stock OS but would love to get this phone fixed first.
Thanks in advance.
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If you want to get the official ICS then here is the fxz for AT&T US phones (if you are somewhere else or using a different carrier, then you probably don't want this and need to supply more info.)
A couple of things to note. Once you upgrade to the official ICS there is NO going back to Gingerbread (unless someone hacked something together and I missed it), but it's best to assume you won't. Make backups before you do anything, better safe than sorry. If you don't like not having an option to revert to Gingerbread, then there are other options, but not the one mentioned.
If all is good and you want to flash the Official ICS, then you can visit the noob guide which will tell you how to flash a FXZ and what is needed.
Thank you. I really don't like the idea of not going back to Gingerbread but at this time my priority is to get this atrix 2 up and running. So am ok to get the official ics but the following says i should go to 2.3.6 in order to get to ics. Is that still true for the link you provided?
jsknair said:
Thank you. I really don't like the idea of not going back to Gingerbread but at this time my priority is to get this atrix 2 up and running. So am ok to get the official ics but the following says i should go to 2.3.6 in order to get to ics. Is that still true for the link you provided?
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The link you posted is for ICS Leak#1, that will get you on ICS and as long as you're on Leak #1 only, you can revert to Gingerbread by using a specific FXZ from the link you posted. Your choice. The Official ICS that I posted has everything and will overwrite everything, so whether you flash from 2.3.5 or 2.3.6 it's going to upgrade the bootloader and system. Just remember, if you use the Offical ICS, then no more Gingerbread. Personally, I haven't wanted or needed Gingerbread since I got ICS.
Dear jsknair.
You can directly flash with OTA ICS update, no need to go to 2.3.4 then update to 2.3.6 the OTA ICS.
I very easy as other guy said study noob guide. After that within 10 min you will be on ICS and its really good you don't think to go back to GB.
I like to thanks Jimbirdman :thumbup:to help me for update my Atrix 2.
Sent from my MB865 using xda app-developers app
---------- Post added at 04:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:20 PM ----------
Note# This fxz is for AT&T phone only.
These link provided by Jimbirdgman to me and i successfully done.
Here is the link to the AT&T ICS FXZ, you will flash that with RSD lite 6.0:
RSD lite 6.0:
Sent from my MB865 using xda app-developers app
Thank you both. My phone is up and running in ICS now and all the problems went away!

Need help with att one x, root recovery rom. Been out of game...

Hey guys and gals! My att one x is on the way. I trying to find out as much as i can, before it arrives, for development and custom rom usage on the new device.
I have been out of the forums since i sold my att note.
I know this is alot to ask for some, but...
Can someone please lead me in the right direction for rooting, recovery (cwm if possible), and rom.
My goal is to use a net 10 sim and unlimited plan with this device. This might/would require a carrier unlock code? I can get the code if i need it but id really just appreciate someone summing up these basic questions with basic links or knowledge of the processes. I feel my contributions to our xda forums warrant these inquiries.
Im sorry that i cannot take the time to read the entire att one x forum and subs. Im literally in constant overtime at work. If someone here has the knowledge and guidance, I would appreciate every bit of help.
Summary : Information needed for...
Misc. Information i need to know, including cross-platform rom compatibility (i. e. One X and att One X)
I want to thank you guys in advance because I know at the heart of XDA lies a caring and gifted community of talented people who feel good helping others.
I promise to run with the information and do as much research and reading as possible when time permits. I have done so with all of my devices and being a creature of habit, well...
Thanks again and please dont expect an immediate response of gratitude, personalized to individual replies, until this weekend when i can get back on here and start the one x root process.
Check out this thread, it's got links to pretty much everything you'll need:
Sent from my One XL using XDA Premium
What he said. Also i suggest twrp over CWM. It is touch based, plus it works with plenty of roms. You do want to make sure you are on a version where your phone can be rooted.
Good luck.
Sent from my Carbon-ize Evita using xda-developers app
Is this an AT&T phone, as I suspect from your post? If so, I hope you can still return it.
There is no root method for AT&T One XL phones on 3.18, and there may not be one for months if ever.
iElvis said:
Is this an AT&T phone, as I suspect from your post? If so, I hope you can still return it.
There is no root method for AT&T One XL phones on 3.18, and there may not be one for months if ever.
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This is very true. If the device is from AT&T and has the 3.18 Jellybean firmware, its can't be rooted. Although its possible there is some old stock at some stores with older firmwares. Anything but 3.18 can be rooted. I think someone posted on here just a couple weeks ago about getting a new phone from an AT&T store that had 1.73 (the version from when the phone was released!).
OP should check the firmware version in Settings, and go from there.

