Modded DodgeKernel for Stock Sense ROMs! Reclaim your ADB (now with source). - EVO Shift 4G Android Development

For me, the most stable kernel I have yet used is the kernel by dodgejcr (v1.3), which can be found here Moreover, since I run rooted stock, there were two main issues with the available kernels (though they are all excellent work):
1. "adb remount" will not work,
2. "terminfo" is not set up, so nano text editor will not properly work.
Due to this I made of mod of the kernel which I use, and thought someone else could use this.
From dodgejcr --
The kernel includes:
Overclock to 1.63GHz
--Also added 1.01GHz, 1.20GHz, 1.42GHz
Interactive governor
BFQ Scheduler
Sleepers disabled
Enabled powersave governor
Updated cpu scheduler with 200-line patch
Enabled swap support and init.d scripts (needs testing)
This will install the su binary to /system/bin and /system/xbin/ to provide you root so remove superuser.apk before flashing
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My mods to the kernel
1. Edited the default.prop file:
(i) Gives adb root privileges,​
(ii) Allows for "adb remount" to work.​
2. Added some new global environment variables:
(i) Set up terminfo, so that nano can be run (by typing "nano"),​(ii) Changed the terminal prompt to show your current path,​(a) Instead of showing /$ regardless of the path, it now shows [email protected]<path_name>/$.
(b) For example, if you are in /system/app, the prompt is [email protected]/system/app/$.​
3. Additionally, I added the nano binary, and a full bash terminal to the update.
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1. Remove superuser.apk from your phone.
2. Flash from recovery.
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From dodgejcr --
I would like to actually talk you (not thru people that do not know me) about this whole confusion with you using my kernel. I dont mind it one bit. I know my source hasnt been posted yet but in no way is my kernel closed source. I know XDA has some issues with posting a kernel with no source (that is why I personally havent posted it here) but the actual GPL gives me 30days to get it up. Im still working on developing that kernel so I figure I will get some more work done to it before I go posting the source. I am a firm believe in opensource and by me posting it on SDX you are more than welcome to take it and edit my zip for your needs and post it up for others. Proper credit was given and I really never had a problem with it. I like my kernel and its flattering that you do as well. I cant post in development here at XDA as I only have 6 posts or I would explain this to the people on that thread. I think it would be a good idea to quote this PM on the thread so that people will know the facts instead of making assumptions. I will also talk to tamb, I am pretty cool with him so he probably just got a thing or two mixed up. Thank you,
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Any special instructions for installing yours? Or flash-away?

bigbad614 said:
Any special instructions for installing yours? Or flash-away?
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Thanks for the reminder, I forgot to add instructions. The OP has been edited.

You may want to post your source on this, dodgekernel was posted here at one point, and was pulled due to the source code not being posted.

Joeseph Mother said:
You may want to post your source on this, dodgekernel was posted here at one point, and was pulled due to the source code not being posted.
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Do you mean like I already did in the OP?
Edit:I get it now, the actual source code, not the source of the original kernel. Thanks.

so what makes this better than any other kerenel out? maybe not better but what would make wanna use this?

cloverdale said:
Do you mean like I already did in the OP?
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No... "source" as in source code.

Just flashed this, running good. 1600 was the max my phone could run anyways, and I love having adb working right now. I removed the su stuff before flashing, I rather like the security of the superuser app having to whitelist apps for root access. Also removed the bash part, as I already had bash on my phone setup and didn't want to bother with redoing it all... lol It is really nice for some scripts and the like to actually work without editing when they ask for userid to be root, what with the passwd and group file being added too. I'll keep using it and see how it goes, but so far so good. Thank you!
Also, does this default to the deadline scheduler? I noticed that's what I'm on, but I didn't know if it defaulted that way or my settings stuck.

danaff37 said:
Just flashed this, running good. 1600 was the max my phone could run anyways, and I love having adb working right now. I removed the su stuff before flashing, I rather like the security of the superuser app having to whitelist apps for root access. Also removed the bash part, as I already had bash on my phone setup and didn't want to bother with redoing it all... lol It is really nice for some scripts and the like to actually work without editing when they ask for userid to be root, what with the passwd and group file being added too. I'll keep using it and see how it goes, but so far so good. Thank you!
Also, does this default to the deadline scheduler? I noticed that's what I'm on, but I didn't know if it defaulted that way or my settings stuck.
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It should default to it.

Joeseph Mother said:
You may want to post your source on this, dodgekernel was posted here at one point, and was pulled due to the source code not being posted.
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x99percent said:
No... "source" as in source code.
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I cannot find it posted, but I sent dodgejcr an email requesting it. Hopefully I will have it up by the end of the day.

The point is it wasn't yours to post, which is why you don't have the source code. Which in a way brings me to my next question: does this terminal modification rely on dodgejcr's kernel in order to work, or would it work with any Sense kernel? Why wasn't this posted on it's own?
I'm about 99% sure, and I could be wrong, that dodgejcr did not approve of you taking this kernel and listing it under "cloverdale's development mod". Dodgejcr already added init.d support, so you didn't add anything to his kernel. I'm guessing, again, could be wrong, you couldn't figure out edify scripting so you placed your files inside an update zip that worked that included dodgejcr's kernel. Why didn't you create your own kernel to avoid this entire issue? I would love to see dodgejcr's kernel at xda, but this is entirely the wrong way to achieve that. Could a mod please suspend or lock this thread til these issues can be resolved?
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tambourineman86 said:
The point is it wasn't yours to post, which is why you don't have the source code. Which in a way brings me to my next question: does this terminal modification rely on dodgejcr's kernel in order to work, or would it work with any Sense kernel? Why wasn't this posted on it's own?
I'm about 99% sure, and I could be wrong, that dodgejcr did not approve of you taking this kernel and listing it under "cloverdale's development mod". Dodgejcr already added init.d support, so you didn't add anything to his kernel. I'm guessing, again, could be wrong, you couldn't figure out edify scripting so you placed your files inside an update zip that worked that included dodgejcr's kernel. Why didn't you create your own kernel to avoid this entire issue? I would love to see dodgejcr's kernel at xda, but this is entirely the wrong way to achieve that. Could a mod please suspend or lock this thread til these issues can be resolved?
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Removed due to no need for drama.

cloverdale said:
I liked his work, all I did was unpack it, make some edits, and repack. I gave him full credit for the kernel. All I was trying to do was add some features that others may like, not take credit for someone elses work.
This does not require his kernel, I could do this to any kernel. His is just very stable, which is why I used it. One must unpack a kernel, edit and repackaged, so I do not understand what is meant by posting on its own.
If you actually read the OP you would see what was added to it. I gave adb root privileges, so remount would work, and I added global environment variables. So yes, you are guessing, and you are wrong.
I have no problem with creating my own, just no time. Maybe I am wrong, maybe I am guessing, but you have no real profession, and consider playing forum mod to be you gift to the world.
Don't worry about a mod doing it, I will take it down. It is pathetic assholes such as yourself that make me hate XDA. Piss off.
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cloverdale said:
I liked his work, all I did was unpack it, make some edits, and repack. I gave him full credit for the kernel. All I was trying to do was add some features that others may like, not take credit for someone elses work.
This does not require his kernel, I could do this to any kernel. His is just very stable, which is why I used it. One must unpack a kernel, edit and repackaged, so I do not understand what is meant by posting on its own.
If you actually read the OP you would see what was added to it. I gave adb root privileges, so remount would work, and I added global environment variables. So yes, you are guessing, and you are wrong.
I have no problem with creating my own, just no time. Maybe I am wrong, maybe I am guessing, but you have no real profession, and consider playing forum mod to be you gift to the world.
Don't worry about a mod doing it, I will take it down. It is pathetic assholes such as yourself that make me hate XDA. Piss off.
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You can't let them get to you like that. There are people like that all over any forum. And no mod would shut a thread down immediately without giving an opportunity to fix it. And you gave credit where it was needed, and didn't claim anything was yours that wasn't, so I don't know that anything would warrant any such action here. I've seen that you have contributed a few things here, far more than that guy. Don't letsomeone like that chase you off.
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danaff37 said:
You can't let them get to you like that. There are people like that all over any forum. And no mod would shut a thread down immediately without giving an opportunity to fix it. And you gave credit where it was needed, and didn't claim anything was yours that wasn't, so I don't know that anything would warrant any such action here. I've seen that you have contributed a few things here, far more than that guy. Don't letsomeone like that chase you off.
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tambourineman86 said:
The point is it wasn't yours to post, which is why you don't have the source code. Which in a way brings me to my next question: does this terminal.....
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cloverdale said:
I liked his work, all I did was unpack it, make some edits, and repack. I gave him full credit for the kernel. All I was trying to do was add some features that others may like, not take credit for someone elses work.
This does not require his kernel, I could do this to any kernel. His is just very stable, which is why I used it. One must unpack a kernel, edit and repackaged, so I do not understand what is meant by posting on its own.
If you actually read the OP you would see what was added to it. I gave adb root privileges, so remount would work, and I added global environment variables. So yes, you are guessing, and you are wrong.
I have no problem with creating my own, just no time. Maybe I am wrong, maybe I am guessing, but you have no real profession, and consider playing forum mod to be you gift to the world.
Don't worry about a mod doing it, I will take it down. It is pathetic assholes such as yourself that make me hate XDA. Piss off.
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JKILO said:
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danaff37 said:
You can't let them get to you like that. There are people like that all over any forum. And no mod would shut a thread down immediately without giving an opportunity to fix it. And you gave credit where it was needed, and didn't claim anything was yours that wasn't, so I don't know that anything would warrant any such action here. I've seen that you have contributed a few things here, far more than that guy. Don't letsomeone like that chase you off.
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JKILO said:
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Ignore the troll tambourineman...just kidding...
He can't help himself, no where does the OP not credit the appropriate people
Cloverdale - just ignore this guy, he's a buddy of dodgejcr and shouldn't be concerned with what you're posting if dodgejcr isn't concerned.
Impailer - is something missing from this thread or not?

The reason that the Dodge kernel was taken down in the first place is that there was no source code posted. Since this is the same kernel and there is still no source code posted (none posted at SDX, either), it's just a matter of time before the mods will take it down.
Cliff's Notes: GPL

I am going to redo this with an open source kernel and repost in a few days (when I have time again). Thanks for the support.

I was trying to warn you so that you wouldn't have to go through the same frustration that I did.
Local mod sent a PM mid-day on Friday (I didn't get an e-mail notification... is that XDA default?) that said I had 48 hours to post source in my thread. 36-37 hours later, my thread was locked in the middle of the night. Talk about annoying.

cloverdale said:
I am going to redo this with an open source kernel and repost in a few days (when I have time again). Thanks for the support.
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Hey thanks for sticking around!
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[TUT] Ubuntu on Evo 4g

First you have to flash this zimage
Do this by rebooting your phone into fastboot
adb reboot-bootloader
fastboot flash zimage zImage
then reboot and follow the instructions on this tutorial and it will work like a charm
Thank vinny75 for compiling the zimage that makes this work for the evo
and thank the guy who wrote the tutorial for everything else..
thank me for nothing because i didnt do anything lol
Please, wrong section... I am begging you. The Q&A section is two clicks away.
Ubuntu hasn't been ported to the Evo. It is a highly involved process. You can't expect a ROM for the Nexus One to work on the Evo right? There are drivers to port, kernel modifications to be made. Lots of stuff have to happen first.
The website you pointed to mentions that he is working on a port anyhow. Wait for that to come out.
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I'm going to leave this here, because mistakes shouldn't be hidden under a rug, but acknowledged and learned from. I am following this thread, and I may give it a try when I am done with my Physics studies this weekend.
Jykinturah said:
Please, wrong section... I am begging you. The Q&A section is two clicks away.
Ubuntu hasn't been ported to the Evo. It is a highly involved process. You can't expect a ROM for the Nexus One to work on the Evo right? There are drivers to port, kernel modifications to be made. Lots of stuff have to happen first.
The website you pointed to mentions that he is working on a port anyhow. Wait for that to come out.
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i messaged toast and he told me to put it in the development section
Seems like a development thread to me
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There is the Linux for android app in the market but it will only work with a loop file system which our kernels don't have or a specially partitioned SD card.
EtherealRemnant said:
There is the Linux for android app in the market but it will only work with a loop file system which our kernels don't have or a specially partitioned SD card.
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if loop file system is required and loop support isnt compiled into the stock kernel, i haven't checked this, but with the HTC source coded release last week, shouldn't be an issue to compile your own kernel adding in loop support or having a ROM/kernel dev add in loop support.
edit: if i remember right, its a simple option to check under file system in the make kernel config.
Jykinturah said:
Please, wrong section... I am begging you. The Q&A section is two clicks away.
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Why is it you repeatedly insist on trolling this "wrong section" bull**** on almost all the threads? It's not your job.
Toast will take care of it. bobdude5 isn't a new member and yet you treat him as such? His question obviously belongs in this section and even when you call him out on it... a Mod has already authorized him to post in section? I bet you feel dumb.
It seems to me, you have no idea where most questions belong, it's probably best you keep your mouth shut and let Toast worry about those who are posting in the wrong section -- it's not even that hard for a Mod to move certain questions to a different section.
Add your input, just don't be a troll.
pseudoremora said:
Why is it you repeatedly insist on trolling this "wrong section" bull**** on almost all the threads? It's not your job.
Toast will take care of it. bobdude5 isn't a new member and yet you treat him as such? His question obviously belongs in this section and even when you call him out on it... a Mod has already authorized him to post in section? I bet you feel dumb.
It seems to me, you have no idea where most questions belong, it's probably best you keep your mouth shut and let Toast worry about those who are posting in the wrong section -- it's not even that hard for a Mod to move certain questions to a different section.
Add your input, just don't be a troll.
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Yes, I feel dumb. And I am also very sorry. I will stop.
Jykinturah said:
Yes, I feel dumb. And I am also very sorry. I will stop.
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It's appreciated.
I'd be interested in getting Ubuntu working on the EVO 4G. This is definitely a kick-start kind of thread to get that done, too, and could definitely be a start to a larger project that didn't have much visibility before.
Jykinturah said:
Yes, I feel dumb. And I am also very sorry. I will stop.
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I too apologize for my overbearing tone, it's just there are a tun of new people here and then there are veterans -- most of which know the rules by now and understand the ramifications for there actions; don't take it upon yourself to worry about them; that's what the mods are for. Again, sorry.... and thank you.
|Jason8| said:
It's appreciated.
I'd be interested in getting Ubuntu working on the EVO 4G. This is definitely a kick-start kind of thread to get that done, too, and could definitely be a start to a larger project that didn't have much visibility before.
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You might want to check the Nexus One thread, someone has gotten Ubuntu to work on it... the setup might be able to work with the EVO.
Jykinturah said:
Yes, I feel dumb. And I am also very sorry. I will stop.
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Off topic ... but very big man/woman of you to admit your wrongdoings and not act like a kid about it. Greatly appreciated
Ok back on topic please.
Also I wanna add its most likely the kernel also. I can compile one for testing tonight if someone doesn't wanna help out and do it first. I think we also need to setup the evo on decordes Linux for HTC devices wiki. I'm at work so searching and linking isn't possible atm. I know he has a section for us there already. We can also gain from the wikis for similar devices there. Anyhow yeah let's not clutter thus thread with trash and let the development begin.
For anyone wanting to see Ubuntu running on the Nexus One and tutorial on how to do it... here's the video.
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Now, obviously the directions are for the NEXUS ONE... and most likely won't work for the EVO, however this is good starting point to see what steps can be taken from the video and tweaked to make it work with our EVO's.
Good luck.
I am actually working on this
The problem with it is that the Evo 4G kernel needs to be compiled with support for loop devices. All Nexus One ROMs actually support this but Evo 4G doesn't.
The best way would be to ask those guys making the ROMs to compile the support for loop devices for future versions such as OMJ Roms.
Then could just use the same Nexus One script and would work.
In the meanwhile, I am learning to compile the kernel myself but perhaps you guys can ask the others to include support for loop devices on other ROMs.
Just need to enable CONFIG_DEV_BLK_LOOP=y in the kernel config and rebuild.
Seems to be working now, installing LXDE as I type this.
extract the attached zImage then boot into fastboot and "fastboot boot zImage" to test.
EDIT: VNC works.
Why not something more lightweight than ubuntu?
Ubuntu netbook remix might be nice.....
Vinny75 said:
Just need to enable CONFIG_DEV_BLK_LOOP=y in the kernel config and rebuild.
Seems to be working now, installing LXDE as I type this.
extract the attached zImage then boot into fastboot and "fastboot boot zImage" to test.
EDIT: VNC works.
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yup it works! awsome man great job do you mind if i quote your post onto the first post?
bobdude5 said:
yup it works! awsome man great job do you mind if i quote your post onto the first post?
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Could you post the kernel that gets this to work with some instructions on how to install it etc? I am running BBv3 and I would love to have this ubuntu install working!!
Vinny75 said:
Just need to enable CONFIG_DEV_BLK_LOOP=y in the kernel config and rebuild.
Seems to be working now, installing LXDE as I type this.
extract the attached zImage then boot into fastboot and "fastboot boot zImage" to test.
EDIT: VNC works.
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WHOOHOO! Working fine now!

[DISCUSSION/INFO]CM7 on Captivate - The real information thread.

Now, you may have seen the other CM7 thread, and those who saw it know it was a cluster*MOD EDIT*. I'm just going to clear up some of the misinformation about the port.
1. I am currently running CM7 on my phone.
2. It is not a dual boot, unlike supercurio's NSONSGS work, it is an actual rom.
3. It is only being developed for the i9000, but with a few reorientations, it's usable as captivate rom.
4. There are no official releases for either phone, you must build from source. Instructions are on the CM forums.
Any other questions, I'm happy to answer. I just don't like when misinformation is wrongly spread.
Sorry about that. Heh heh. I apologize for that thread.
So couple questions.
1 If it's a full ROM did you have to convert NAND to EXT4 as well? My understanding was the WHOLE file system on NS was EXT4.
2 If you did have to convert it, have you tried going back to any other "regular" ROM's?
Thanks for the information/clarification. Honestly though, I think it's unfair to single out DG, he's helped alot of people here. If he is wrong he's wrong but no need to hate.
Rikusaki said:
Sorry about that. Heh heh. I apologize for that thread.
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It's okay, I understand the interest and excitement. Just have to check your facts before posting.
I would just like to add, do want
Thanks for starting a new thread, as you said, clusterf*ck. Out of curiosity, as I'm still syncing repo, did you reorient the kernel yourself or did it come with the repo?
TheEscapist said:
Any other questions, I'm happy to answer. I just don't like when misinformation is wrongly spread. *cough*DesignGears*cough*
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misinformation? They are using supercurios kernel work to boot it. (i said KERNEL not initram, where the dual boot comes from)
If there is any further work being done by codeworkx and others, its in private., but I can tell you there is NO chatter in the dev channel, hasn't been in some time.
Can't we just get over everything and stop with the petty insults... This thread is going downhill already, lets try and keep it clean.
rob989_69 said:
So couple questions.
1 If it's a full ROM did you have to convert NAND to EXT4 as well? My understanding was the WHOLE file system on NS was EXT4.
2 If you did have to convert it, have you tried going back to any other "regular" ROM's?
Thanks for the information/clarification. Honestly though, I think it's unfair to single out DG, he's helped alot of people here. If he is wrong he's wrong but no need to hate.
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1. Nope, everything is mounted as yaffs2. When you flash the "initial" zip, it creates all the partitions.
2. You can, but you must either use "repartition" in Odin, or use the one click to stock.
And I know, I was just joking about. I can certainly edit that out if it offends him.
ytt3r said:
Thanks for starting a new thread, as you said, clusterf*ck. Out of curiosity, as I'm still syncing repo, did you reorient the kernel yourself or did it come with the repo?
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All I've done is add the headset logic fix, buttons are correctly mapped.
designgears said:
misinformation? They are using supercurios kernel work to boot it.
Do you wonder why SC stopped deving it and is never in the dev channel for HIS kernel anymore?
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They may be using it, but they've done a ton of work on it. Are you looking at sc's repo, or coolya's? Cause coolya's is the one with CM7.
EDIT: DG, it's not a dual boot. They may be using his kernel as a base, but a lot of the work is from there.
ytt3r said:
Can't we just get over everything and stop with the petty insults... This thread is going downhill already, lets try and keep it clean.
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10 chars
There have been no major changes from what sc and coolya did in dec...
please move to general, this doesn't need to be in dev.
TheEscapist said:
1. Nope, everything is mounted as yaffs2. When you flash the "initial" zip, it creates all the partitions.
2. You can, but you must either use "repartition" in Odin, or use the one click to stock.
And I know, I was just joking about. I can certainly edit that out if it offends him.
All I've done is add the headset logic fix, buttons are correctly mapped.
They may be using it, but they've done a ton of work on it. Are you looking at sc's repo, or coolya's? Cause coolya's is the one with CM7.
EDIT: DG, it's not a dual boot. They may be using his kernel as a base, but a lot of the work is from there.
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Thanks again for the info. I may take a crack at this this weekend.
I've a question..
If the CM/SGSTeam's Source is Open Source.. Why the team will piss off if we compile from it source, and post it?
BTW, it's just a question..
rob989_69 said:
10 chars
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Okay, I apologize for the DG jab in the OP. It's removed now.
just got owned, keep reading...
SnakeHaveYou said:
I've a question..
If the CM/SGSTeam's Source is Open Source.. Why the team will piss off if we compile from it source, and post it?
BTW, it's just a question..
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Because when stuff doesn't work, people ***** at them and they have to fix it, taking time away from deving. That, on top of the captivate not even being an officially supported device.
rob989_69 said:
Thanks again for the info. I may take a crack at this this weekend.
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Good luck.
designgears said:
There have been no major changes from what sc and coolya did in dec...
please move to general, this doesn't need to be in dev.
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You're looking at the wrong repo. most of the work went into the kernel repo, here -->
EDIT: Do you honestly think there has been no progress?
SnakeHaveYou said:
I've a question..
If the CM/SGSTeam's Source is Open Source.. Why the team will piss off if we compile from it source, and post it?
BTW, it's just a question..
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They probably will get mad. Honestly, even though its open, there are still moral issues. Its basically taking someones hard work and passing it off as your own, because you know that people will credit the one who built it and made it freely available.
TheEscapist said:
You're looking at the wrong repo. most of the work went into the kernel repo, here -->
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UGH, why do they keep changing repos...
aright, previous comments about progress retracted...
apologies TheEscapist
SnakeHaveYou said:
I've a question..
If the CM/SGSTeam's Source is Open Source.. Why the team will piss off if we compile from it source, and post it?
BTW, it's just a question..
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They wont get mad, cant get made, you are more then welcome to compile and post it.
Would be nice to wait for them to complete it and post themselves...
designgears said:
UGH, why do they keep changing repos...
aright, previous comments about progress retracted...
apologies TheEscapist
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Thank you for removing them, but no worries.
The android repo really just points to all the other repos, so CM base stuff, their kernel stuff, etc.

Need Help Building New Kernel from Stock Source

Hey guys, for lack of a better place to ask this, I am trying to build a stock kernel for the Stratosphere in hopes of using it to root the phone. Since the Stratosphere is basically a Charge + keyboard and a slightly smaller screen, I figured it would be the closest enough to ask this question (Until we get our own forums).
Since the phone hasn't been rooted yet, I can't get a copy of the kernel that is already on there to rip it apart for its initramfs, so I am using one recycled from an SGS2 stock kernel and replacing files with the files on the phone using adb pull in recovery mode.
I have the kernel completely built, and everything copied over to the new initramfs from stock, however, when I went I went to copy all the new compiled modules to the initramfs directory, I noticed quite a few were missing compared to ones on the phone now. The phone has 19 in there and I only see 10 compiled.
Is this normal? Are there modules that aren't compiled but actually copied into the directory after boot to recovery? I can't figure this out.
Since I have no backup, I have to get this figured out before I flash it, or I'll have a brick until someone else can get me a copy of a stock-compiled kernel. This is why I am looking for any help I can get before I actually do it, from anyone that is more experienced with building custom kernels than I am.
Thanks in advance.
This is way over my head. But you should check the #charge channel on irc. That's usually where the devs and the people with more knowledge than me hang out.
Sent from my SCH-I510 using XDA App
Endless2232 said:
This is way over my head. But you should check the #charge channel on irc. That's usually where the devs and the people with more knowledge than me hang out.
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#charge on
Yes good luck with the kernel glad to see other kernel devs
Sent from my SCH-I510 using xda premium
BlackHoleSlam said:
Yes good luck with the kernel glad to see other kernel devs
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Not sure if I am going to get much into kernel developement, but it does sound like fun.
Learning how to just compile the kernel that they released has been an interesting journey by itself. It's crazy how this stuff works!
KnightCrusader said:
#charge on
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Sent from my Droid Charge running Infinity Beta
Questions or Problems Should Not Be Posted in the Development Forum
Please Post in the Correct Forums and Read THIS
Moving to Q&A

[ROM][PORT]ParanoidAndroid F.F.S V1/CM10-Unofficial V1 [1/8/2012]

This time, I must really thank RandomBlame for setting aside the problem between me and him, and now allowing me to port things faster. Without a doubt, Thank him and me TOGETHER! PA1.9.7 will be up in an hour's time. So give me some time to work on it
This is a port from the MyTouch 4G/Desire S forums so there may be several bugs included :/
This port can be done thanks to cnote74(Port/Kernel), 0.0(Port) , RandomBlame(BASE), hdorius(Support till the end ), blindndumb(Guidance) , ...Awesome...(AwesomeBeatsv3) and PA/CM10.
Changelogs for v1.9.7 : [all give a thanks to blindndumb/cnote74 too ]
Flashing Instructions
1. Make Sure You're On The Latest CWM Or 4EXT Recovery
2. Make A Backup
3. Full wipe
4. Flash ROM ××<-V1.9.2
x [direct download link] <-1.9.5b
(Somehow I gotten 3 upload links while focusing on one o.o ) <- All 3 are 1.9.7 Links removed. Too much error.
Haven't test it yet so might as well upload first then edit.
5. Flash Gapps × If it doesn't work try going to and download the paranoidandroid jellybean gapps. [ Thanks blindndumb =) ]
6. Reboot and Enjoy
New update will be up in around 5-10hours time. Have school work to do before i start updating :/
PA v1.9.7 Bugs: Can't mount SDCard to computer. Trying to find an alternative way.Links Going up in 1/2 hour's time.
Flashing Instructions
1. Make Sure You're On The Latest CWM Or 4EXT Recovery
2. Make A Backup
3. Full wipe
4. Flash ROM ××
5. Flash Gapps ×
6. Reboot and Enjoy
Backlight problems/ Screen-off illumination problems.
Apps force closes/causing hot reboots
If there is any bugs please leave me a logcat through pm or if you know specifically whats the problem leave me a pm too
Sorry guys, due to phone breaking down and exams coming up, I will not have the time to do all this till my exams are over. At the moment darkunesu will take over all the work.
totally agree with u , ANDROID IS AN OPEN SOURCE OS,
any way thnx for your great job
Good to see you got it all up and running. Ill give it a shot again... Hope it all works out in the end mate.
Xda is filling up with those types of personalities.
Sent from my Inspire 4G using xda premium
Pfaffinator said:
Xda is filling up with those types of personalities.
Sent from my Inspire 4G using xda premium
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I totally agree.
miffymiffy said:
Good to see you got it all up and running. Ill give it a shot again... Hope it all works out in the end mate.
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And if he closes it down again I'll just fight my way through by porting all sorts of CM10 over
Clearly you are still confused between 'open source' & 'openly kang' .
Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk 2
lululala said:
Clearly you are still confused between 'open source' & 'openly kang' .
Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk 2
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I know what it means so you don't need to teach me about it. But android is open source hence should be shared among everybody.
So... anyone tested it yet? able to boot?
simahu said:
I know what it means so you don't need to teach me about it. But android is open source hence should be shared among everybody.
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Randomblame's kernel source code is freely available for you to download and build. There's nothing more 'open source' than that. Extracting a compiled kernel from someone's ROM without permission and put it into your own ROM is clearly not.
Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk 2
nice work will try,Thanks
lululala said:
Randomblame's kernel source code is freely available for you to download and build. There's nothing more 'open source' than that. Extracting a compiled kernel from someone's ROM without permission and put it into your own ROM is clearly not.
Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk 2
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I know but I took it without permission as I did not know how to compile a kernel. Now that someone is helping me out then I will not touch his anymore. Will do my own cm10 port about a few days time.
What up with the link; I have to sign up for mediafire now??
I think you should remove mentions of the other dev in your OP.
simahu said:
I know but I took it without permission as I did not know how to compile a kernel.
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I think you're missing the whole point of what asking permission in this scenario is all about.
iggdawg said:
I think you're missing the whole point of what asking permission in this scenario is all about.
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I did ask him in the first place but he totally disagree with it. What's wrong with using a ROM in the first place when it is meant to be shared among other peoples? Why are people getting selfish nowadays? Even if he spent 100 over hours with that ROM, whats wrong sharing a kernel? Not like he bought the whole CM10 down, so it should be shared among people.
RoxRedEye said:
What up with the link; I have to sign up for mediafire now??
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I've accidentally added a X in it hence the link is not working. Try it now.
gtalum said:
I think you should remove mentions of the other dev in your OP.
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Why? They helped me out in the first place. So I should thank them by putting their names in the thread.
simahu said:
Why? They helped me out in the first place. So I should thank them by putting their names in the thread.
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I'm only thinking of one of the dev's in particular, not mentioned as thanks. I'm guessing he won't want to be associated with your ROM.
Friendly advice, take it or leave it.
simahu said:
I did ask him in the first place but he totally disagree with it. What's wrong with using a ROM in the first place when it is meant to be shared among other peoples? Why are people getting selfish nowadays? Even if he spent 100 over hours with that ROM, whats wrong sharing a kernel? Not like he bought the whole CM10 down, so it should be shared among people.
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If you went and did it anyways, why did you ask in the first place?
It is being shared. You can get the source. If you don't know how to compile it, you should learn. Not steal. Instead you're getting upset at him not doing the work for you. kind of not cool. If you really want to push out your own ROMs so bad, learn how to do the legwork in the first place.
iggdawg said:
If you went and did it anyways, why did you ask in the first place?
It is being shared. You can get the source. If you don't know how to compile it, you should learn. Not steal. Instead you're getting upset at him not doing the work for you. kind of not cool. If you really want to push out your own ROMs so bad, learn how to do the legwork in the first place.
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If you think it is very easy to do compiling of stuffs when you have a computer which has only 512mb of ram, not even reaching 1ghz single core, show me that you can do it. And if you think it is very easy everything from the basics, go try it yourself. If you can't even produce a ROM, don't come teach me what to do. I was rushing my work to show to everybody that the v1.9.2a update would work perfectly but indeed I had broken the rules by taking RandomBlame's kernel without permission. Till then if you can't produce a ROM, do not teach me what to do. I managed to get this phone , which was already like 2 years old from my family, and my whole family is not that rich. We can't even afford a 'normal' PC like most people had nowadays, and had to live our lives with mostly second hand stuffs. When I got this phone, I was totally shocked how the HTC Sense made the phone laggy for me, hence I went into modding my phone, trying to build Chinese Custom ROMs into this development forum, and seeing people able to appreciate my work makes me happy. Now my family is even having difficulties saving money up for my school fees that I have to pay.
So if your life is not like mine DO NOT TALK LIKE YOU ARE THE BOSS OF THE FORUM. -End Of Speech-

Need new OTA base

It looks like we need to come out with a new OTA base, some of the newer ROM's threads are being closed. Also, there is rumor that some devs are getting banned for posting ROMS's based on original OTA in RootzWiki. Being very new to this whole thing I can help, I attempted to make my my own but ended up rooted and S-ON (fixed now).
In any event I reverted back to stock, no root, did the OTA upgrade (what originally caused be problems since it updated HBOOT to 1.08). I was able to root it and do a backup. Now I am back to S-OFF and rooted, so I want to see what we can do with the backup, as far as I know the boot.img is the missing link. The one that came with OTA ICS installs 1.08 HBOOT (f5e16f3f55ddfb0ec10c8f9a75b35bed boot.img) which is not good.
I think we should create a completely open source version of the OTA and allow anyone and anybody to customize it as they see fit. Let's face it the TBolt lifecycle is at it's end so those of us that are left should work together.
Danm that sucks, I was wondering what was going on.
I love your idea, if I knew anything about this stuff I would help. When I saw the threads were locked for that reason it annoyed the hell out of me. What happened to Android being open source like its supposed to be.
Sent from my ADR6400L using xda premium
Nevermind I see whats going on here. I read Santod040 post in the other thread and he makes some valid points. I wish I could help tho.
I agree with Santod040 as well that is why I am doing this. I will probably not be able to do this all on my own, mostly because I have been basically an ROM end user. By the time I learn all I need to build my own ROM I will hopefully be on another device.
You have to do a system dump using adb. I'm not 100% certain but it may have to be done before it is altered. In other words 100% stock ota.
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2
Good idea!
I also wish I knew more. My simple successes have so far been related to theming of icon color in Browser.apk including some simple string edits, and custom colored or fully transparent LATIN_IME.apks.
I already have Ubuntu on a dual boot PC and Eclipse, and also have an updated SDK, but some 'clif notes' to get me started would be helpful. I've browsed around before and read many threads all over.
I like the idea of us all joining up to see what we can do!
The command for that should be listed with the other adb commands when you type adb in a terminal. You will need tools for splitting the boot.img as well since to make the ota a flashable you will have to package the boot.img in a zip.
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2
disconnecktie said:
The command for that should be listed with the other adb commands when you type adb in a terminal. You will need tools for splitting the boot.img as well since to make the ota a flashable you will have to package the boot.img in a zip.
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2
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Isn't HBOOT packaged with the boot.img? For the backup that I did I have all that. What is the difference between doing a backup and doing a system dump with adb?
I finally found, I am going to dissect that and see what I can come up with. I was just about to downgrade and redownload the, saved me some time.
The nand is different because it isn't flashable the same way that a rom is. Theoretically you could upload the nand and people could use that to get the base but it just isn't the typical practice. It is better to have a flashable zip. The is not like a normal file especially since the update is a whole lot of patches that have to be applied to the stock gb base. That is why it took santod almost a day to assemble it into a flashable zip.
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2
Yeah it's sad it comes to this though. The community is who loses out in the end. As long as someone isnt profiting off your work I dont see what the problem is with them kanging it. Dev's are all supposed to have the same goal here, enrich the community with roms. They only do it because they are generous and enjoy helping out, especially a dying community such as the Thunderbolt. We need as much dev support as we can get, no matter where it comes from. If your goal is to help the community then you should be happy that they are enjoying your work, it's not like we dont know where the stuff comes from anyway.
Look guys just use the Unlock your bootloader on ICS Method, Get root, Install the recovery, backup the rom. Copy the backup from /clockwork to computer. Zip it and send to me. All we need is the System partition. The rest we will find
disconnecktie said:
The nand is different because it isn't flashable the same way that a rom is. Theoretically you could upload the nand and people could use that to get the base but it just isn't the typical practice. It is better to have a flashable zip. The is not like a normal file especially since the update is a whole lot of patches that have to be applied to the stock gb base. That is why it took santod almost a day to assemble it into a flashable zip.
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2
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I see FOTA in OTAUpdate, I am assuming that is where HBOOT is being updated. That is what I was planning on doing, getting last GB RUU and manually running the scripts to come up with OTA. But the boot.img is what I don't understand, it seems the various boot.img is various ROM's are different (having different MD5's), are these built?
Guys can we please cut out the name calling and puerile acrimony?
I know that development can be a passion, but we need to work out our differences peacefully and sublimate our passion into development and this verbal venom.
As of right now let's cut out the nonsense, I am going to clean the thread up a bit and attempt to get some specifics, then we can discuss the issues without resorting to flaming.
ViperZ28 said:
I see FOTA in OTAUpdate, I am assuming that is where HBOOT is being updated. That is what I was planning on doing, getting last GB RUU and manually running the scripts to come up with OTA. But the boot.img is what I don't understand, it seems the various boot.img is various ROM's are different (having different MD5's), are these built?
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Again I'm not 100% certain but i am sure that the new hboot is needed to assemble the ota because the patches in the ota are encrypted and the hboot decrypts those patches and assembles them.
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2
orangekid said:
Guys can we please cut out the name calling and puerile acrimony?
I know that development can be a passion, but we need to work out our differences peacefully and sublimate our passion into development and this verbal venom.
As of right now let's cut out the nonsense, I am going to clean the thread up a bit and attempt to get some specifics, then we can discuss the issues without resorting to flaming.
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You see who started it. If he wants to troll n call people out he should expect a reply. As long as I've been here and been in this community I've never had to give reports to mods over a user. He should learn to control his mouth and he wouldn't get a Ill mannered response. He thinks he's all perfect then after all the fight gladly advertises and sends you to infected ROM forums and continues to get away with it. He's lost the respect of many over this one.
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2
---------- Post added at 09:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:26 PM ----------
And good job deleting my post but leaving his up. Tbolt community on xda i'm sorry. But you just flat lined. Enjoy
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2
[SP]JESTER said:
You see who started it. If he wants to troll n call people out he should expect a reply. As long as I've been here and been in this community I've never had to give reports to mods over a user. He should learn to control his mouth and he wouldn't get a Ill mannered response. He thinks he's all perfect then after all the fight gladly advertises and sends you to infected ROM forums and continues to get away with it. He's lost the respect of many over this one.
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2
---------- Post added at 09:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:26 PM ----------
And good job deleting my post but leaving his up. Tbolt community on xda i'm sorry. But you just flat lined. Enjoy
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2
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I am going to leave this post here to make a point.
The fact is that you too should learn to control your own "mouth" (or keyboard as it were).
This isn't about who is right or wrong, I honestly don't even know what is going on at this point as I am still trying to figure exactly what the problem is, but this is not the place to go off like an atomic warhead about whatever is going on here. If you allow someone to bait you into these types of remarks, then you are giving that person control over your emotions and your reactions and you then take on the role of villain.
Whatever is going on you can PM a mod or get it sorted out through proper channels, some of our mods and Admin are developers and know the stuff inside out, they can sort out who is actually the instigator here.
End of discussion on this please. PM me if you still have issue. I will figure out what is happening and act on it.
Be civil, I refuse to believe that that is beyond your or anyone else's ability.
RunNgun42 said:
Yeah it's sad it comes to this though. The community is who loses out in the end. As long as someone isnt profiting off your work I dont see what the problem is with them kanging it. Dev's are all supposed to have the same goal here, enrich the community with roms. They only do it because they are generous and enjoy helping out, especially a dying community such as the Thunderbolt. We need as much dev support as we can get, no matter where it comes from. If your goal is to help the community then you should be happy that they are enjoying your work, it's not like we dont know where the stuff comes from anyway.
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It could be looked at as a dev is getting donations off another devs hard work. So basically he or she is profiting off another's work. It's always best to ask another if they can use their work. I know liquid went through this with cm team. If a dev doesn't ask and just uses another's work. They should expect to get a nastygram from the dev who did the work. Free or paid stealing work is still stealing.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
Aghhh, can we get back on topic....we need to create a new OTA base.

