Is it possible to use the rear facing camera for video calling with Fring or Skype on this phone? I had thought it came with a front facing camera as well but I was mistaken. My girlfriend wants the iPhone but needs video chat to keep in touch with me and Im trying to steer her away from the iPhone... Input appreciated, thank you.
I am currently using Tango to do video chat with the Inspire. It works with the rear camera. Sound isn't very good though on 3g. My wife says that the video from my end is fine on her Cappy. And Tango is free.
I was wondering,
do you think it is possible to add a front camera to the fuze?
Not worth it if you ask me, i'm sure it could be done with a lot of headaches
But really, the AT&T keyboard just ticks me off (What happened to the tab key and the control key????)
Just buy a Touch pro and sell the fuze, thats what i'm planning to do
The european version had a front and back camera.
I'm not sure why you would do that. Video calling isn't supported by any of the carriers (unless I'm mistaken). But if you want one to use as a webcam, then I see where it's going.
Cassetti said:
Just buy a Touch pro and sell the fuze, thats what i'm planning to do
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Touch Pro doesn't have US 3G.
petard said:
Touch Pro doesn't have US 3G.
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This. I have an EDGE touch pro because I bought the euro one.. not too bad for me since I dont do much that absolutely requires a 3g connection but it'd be nice to have...
trust me, stick with the FUZE
Video calling is supported via internet though and a front camera would have been a great addition.
att supports video calls, and you can use the regular camera as a webcam so theres no need for the front facing camera.
speed4568 said:
I was wondering,
do you think it is possible to add a front camera to the fuze?
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I have the European Touch Pro with the front camera, and can't find any software that allows me to use it (except the "Camera" program that came with it).
Also, I can't do 3G, and I think that's something you'd use more often.
Hi, just upgraded to a XDA Zest from my old Prophet,
The zest has a front facing vga camera but i cannot seem to use it, I want to be able to record video for mms using it.
I only have a 2g sim in here as I'm not using O2, so i cant even test to see if the camera works for video calling.
If any one knows of an application that can use the front camera please let me know.
I tried coolcamera but it just displays the picture from the rear camera even if i set it to the front one
Hello, do you know a soft whitch can be used to talk via the front cam of the HD2 like the ibouze 4?
there is no front cam on the hd2
HD2 doesn't have a front camera.
I'm not sure...
But I think he means the only camera it has..
I don't believe there are any video chat apps for the HD2, sorry..
There is no way of doing it, because people never used it!
Why does everyone want it since crapple got it!?
Lemme tell You my experience with videotalk on my HTC Touch HD (which I staill have) and my LG GD900-Wristwatch-Handy (which I wear every day):
Tried it once to see if it works, NEVER USED IT AGAIN !!!!!!!!! ´cause only few people You call will even know that maybe they have a feature like this on their own cellphones. Doesn´t work when I call friends in other countries since provider don´t support it or have dirfferent protocols etc. etc.
Nobody needs it.
To proof that also YOU don´t need it: get a one month VZOChat account and see that also You won´t use it .............
Now that Skype (2.0) supports video calling, but is only limited to a handful of models, can someone hack it so that video can be used on other models, not only those with front-facing cameras, but also with only back-facing ones...?
999phonebug said:
Now that Skype (2.0) supports video calling, but is only limited to a handful of models, can someone hack it so that video can be used on other models, not only those with front-facing cameras, but also with only back-facing ones...?
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+1 i was thinking at the same things!
yeah, i know us operators, and worldwide operators, are mostly worried about their bottomlines... but hey, at lesat let us do it under wifi, okay, okay???
p.s. and even back-facing camera can make use of... uh... a mirror...
Would this work on a non root phone?
Sent from my DROID X2 using XDA App
This seems to have a link to hack. (link to
It seems to be signed with different key, so you must uninstall your Skype first.
If you try it, post results with your device model.
Won't sign in, HTC Legend, MDPI, no front camera. Oh well, was worth a try, considering MY specs.
Direct link:
Doesn't seem to work on Defy through.
Seems to work fine on SGS2
At least - initial test.
Ongoing thread...
Worked with my SGS2 bith front & back camera... Nice smooth video called between my SGS2 (3G) and iphone4 (wifi).
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
Example... video call skype between SGS2 and iphone4... 'staples and puncher'...
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
works like a charm
Is their any way to make video calls using skype in Nokia N9, If yes please share the way, if not share the alternative of Skype for Nokia N9
mrbabyman said:
Is their any way to make video calls using skype in Nokia N9, If yes please share the way, if not share the alternative of Skype for Nokia N9
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Lots of users are still not happy with the fact that Skype on the Nokia N9 does not support Video Calling!!!
The Nokia N9 has front facing camera and recently a Gtalk video call app has been released. The problem is, not everyone has their contacts on Gtalk. It is difficult to convince all your friends to make a new, different account just to interact with you. This would be hard on those who depend on video calls to keep in contact with their loved ones abroad. It would make life so much easier if Skype video call made it to the Nokia N9 (meego harmattan). This feature is already available on the predecessor, the N900. It should not be difficult to port it to meego. I guarantee that thousands of N9 users would gladly like to have this on their new piece of history.