Is their any way to make video calls using skype in Nokia N9, If yes please share the way, if not share the alternative of Skype for Nokia N9
mrbabyman said:
Is their any way to make video calls using skype in Nokia N9, If yes please share the way, if not share the alternative of Skype for Nokia N9
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Lots of users are still not happy with the fact that Skype on the Nokia N9 does not support Video Calling!!!
The Nokia N9 has front facing camera and recently a Gtalk video call app has been released. The problem is, not everyone has their contacts on Gtalk. It is difficult to convince all your friends to make a new, different account just to interact with you. This would be hard on those who depend on video calls to keep in contact with their loved ones abroad. It would make life so much easier if Skype video call made it to the Nokia N9 (meego harmattan). This feature is already available on the predecessor, the N900. It should not be difficult to port it to meego. I guarantee that thousands of N9 users would gladly like to have this on their new piece of history.
Has someone tried the Microsoft Portrait software, i know its a old beta but has someone tried it with a device with the video calling camera?
Link to the site
Microsoft Portrait
i have tried it with both tytn and tytnII and no luck, i didnt invest alot of time and got busy with life.. but i never got it to work.. im sure if someone actually devoted some time to it that it could possibly work..
thanks for your response
anyone else
i just got the chatting and talking to work but no camera even with a regular smartphone. has someone tried it with the wizard(mine does not work the camera)
A little old, but i'm looking for a video-conference software via wifi/activesync.
MS portrait doesn't recognize my Kaiser's cameras, but it's perfect in my Blue-Angel... But i don't use my BA anymore...
Is there any developer here interested in video capabilities of our devices ?
It can do almost everything, but I can't find a video-conferencing software, even with two cameras onboard...
Stouf said:
A little old, but i'm looking for a video-conference software via wifi/activesync.
MS portrait doesn't recognize my Kaiser's cameras, but it's perfect in my Blue-Angel... But i don't use my BA anymore...
Is there any developer here interested in video capabilities of our devices ?
It can do almost everything, but I can't find a video-conferencing software, even with two cameras onboard...
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Because there aren't. See my TiVi review posted about a month ago. Unfortunately, you'll need to use another platform (for example, Symbian or a tablet PC) if you do need video calling over IP.
Well... I'm really shocked that nobody in winmo's world is interested in developing a videoconferencing software via wifi... i'd do it if i could...
Portrait is a very good start, but we need something working with newer CPUs...
Stouf said:
Well... I'm really shocked that nobody in winmo's world is interested in developing a videoconferencing software via wifi... i'd do it if i could...
Portrait is a very good start, but we need something working with newer CPUs...
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its was a while since i had posted this that i had run across this app, but even still now after a while from this being posted i have not seen anything like this, i would like to see it work on my XDA Flame b/c i dont have my wizard anymore(friend has it)........its a good idea but it seems now that this has to turn into a much bigger app, in the meaning of having more features and to be updated to be used in the other pc apps other then just the old msn messenger
Stouf said:
Well... I'm really shocked that nobody in winmo's world is interested in developing a videoconferencing software via wifi... i'd do it if i could...
Portrait is a very good start, but we need something working with newer CPUs...
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As I stated: it's impossible to develop a video conferencing app compatible with all handsets. Also see for more info on this linked from my latest Misc News ( ).
Hey i got a TYTN I, 2008 model from rogers got a sweet deal on it on craigslist but nehows i am really interested in getting the front video camera to work on MSN, maybe even Yahoo and AIM which AIM i dount is more then Yahoo haven Web Caming on (video camera) i got the microsoft portrait program on and all i was able to do is see my rear camera and it was in black and white i might be wrong i did this at 3am under a new style pot light but also it seemed the camera was on its side when it wasnt lol but it would be so amazing if we could get a freeware plug-in for the new MSN Mobile but maybe msn mobile 5.0 verson would be easier just seems to me it would be able to be made more basically cause mobile 5 isnt as complex mobile as 6.0 or 6.1 anyhows im working on finding an app if theres one out there so i'll keep us all posted.
Carrier: Rogers
HTC Tytn I
Mobile 5
ROM 1.34.631.14
Portrait on the Trinity
I travel a lot and so I tried setting this up on my Trinity and my wife's laptop. Running in the house via wifi worked. However, there was so much lag as to be unusable. Good luck. I hope someone has a new app for this. (Skype, hopefully).
I would like to see it work too-bought my directly from HTC & and a flyer was on top of the phone with a note saying the video camera was DISABLED!!
SPBOI420 said:
Hey i got a TYTN I, 2008 model from rogers got a sweet deal on it on craigslist but nehows i am really interested in getting the front video camera to work on MSN, maybe even Yahoo and AIM which AIM i dount is more then Yahoo haven Web Caming on (video camera) i got the microsoft portrait program on and all i was able to do is see my rear camera and it was in black and white i might be wrong i did this at 3am under a new style pot light but also it seemed the camera was on its side when it wasnt lol but it would be so amazing if we could get a freeware plug-in for the new MSN Mobile but maybe msn mobile 5.0 verson would be easier just seems to me it would be able to be made more basically cause mobile 5 isnt as complex mobile as 6.0 or 6.1 anyhows im working on finding an app if theres one out there so i'll keep us all posted.
Carrier: Rogers
HTC Tytn I
Mobile 5
ROM 1.34.631.14
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Hello, do you know a soft whitch can be used to talk via the front cam of the HD2 like the ibouze 4?
there is no front cam on the hd2
HD2 doesn't have a front camera.
I'm not sure...
But I think he means the only camera it has..
I don't believe there are any video chat apps for the HD2, sorry..
There is no way of doing it, because people never used it!
Why does everyone want it since crapple got it!?
Lemme tell You my experience with videotalk on my HTC Touch HD (which I staill have) and my LG GD900-Wristwatch-Handy (which I wear every day):
Tried it once to see if it works, NEVER USED IT AGAIN !!!!!!!!! ´cause only few people You call will even know that maybe they have a feature like this on their own cellphones. Doesn´t work when I call friends in other countries since provider don´t support it or have dirfferent protocols etc. etc.
Nobody needs it.
To proof that also YOU don´t need it: get a one month VZOChat account and see that also You won´t use it .............
Is it possible to use the rear facing camera for video calling with Fring or Skype on this phone? I had thought it came with a front facing camera as well but I was mistaken. My girlfriend wants the iPhone but needs video chat to keep in touch with me and Im trying to steer her away from the iPhone... Input appreciated, thank you.
I am currently using Tango to do video chat with the Inspire. It works with the rear camera. Sound isn't very good though on 3g. My wife says that the video from my end is fine on her Cappy. And Tango is free.
Wanting to do video chat with a friend of mine, and she said something about her using "Facetime" does that sound right? she has AT&T. looked up "facetime" for droid but can't find it. im on Verizon (Thunderbolt). is there an app that will let me video chat w/her but still let her use her "Facetime" app? or do we both need something like Skype?
I have the LG need GingerBread or 2.2.3 update to do any type of front facing chat
As far as I know, Facetime is a video-chatting application for iPhone / iPad only. It is restricted to those devices and won't work with Android, for instance.
Tiago Martines said:
As far as I know, Facetime is a video-chatting application for iPhone / iPad only. It is restricted to those devices and won't work with Android, for instance.
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damn! ok, thanks.
It also only works over Wifi, so basically slightly less useful than other video chat phones.
I've just seen that the new version of Skype for Android has a function like that. But I haven't tried it yet.
Max Mustermann123 said:
I've just seen that the new version of Skype for Android has a function like that. But I haven't tried it yet.
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Yes, that's true, but it's still limited to very few phones
Tiago Martines said:
Yes, that's true, but it's still limited to very few phones
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which should I get? I always see "Skype" then a "Skype Mobile on Verizon" does it make a difference?
Tango is the best imo. Its cross-platform so you can vidchat i to droid.
I own a GN8010 wifi and a Galaxy SIII.
I'm wondering if it's possible to send SMS and calls (especially video calls) by connecting the Galaxy SIII to the GN8010 on bluetooth?
I know that the HP tablet allowed I guess it's technically possible...but I don't know how...
If someone has the answer....
If by video calls you mean like Skype you do that over wifi. Or anyway your tablet gets an Internet connection. Not sure about straight bluetooth connecting.
As for sms there's already a thread with a long list of options.
Thanks for your answer. Actually, I was not talking about skype or stuff like that, but real GSM video calls, just like the HP Touchpad does (
The bluetooth link makes the tablet acting like it's GMS you can use it like a smartphone. I think that's a real great thing for those who don't buy a 3G GN10.1 as they don't want to put a SIM into it, but like to be able to use it as a cellphone sometimes....
That's not even an android based device. I've never heard of integrated GSM video calling here in the US. No idea about international.
So I'll bow out now but as far as I know there is no integrated video call feature native to android.
Nefariouss said:
That's not even an android based device. I've never heard of integrated GSM video calling here in the US. No idea about international.
So I'll bow out now but as far as I know there is no integrated video call feature native to android.
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Yeah, I know that the Touchpad is not an android device
But as all the galaxy smartphone (S, S2, S3 ) and, here, in Europe, integrate native video call, I wished that won't be really hard make this work with a GN10.1 wifi, through bluetooth....
But as far as I can read, that seems much more difficult than I thought...