[Q] Date Format Cookies Home Tab 2.0 Final - General Questions and Answers

i have installed Cookies Home Tab 2.0. on my HD2 (german stock rom). Very nice, working just fine (thank you). There is just one minor annoyance. I can not change the date format beneath the weather forcast (on the left the date, on the right alarm clock, saying "Wecker aus" all the time, as i use G-Alarm). The problem is, as my alarm is turned off all the time, the layer of the alarm clock tab is grey, but the layer of the date is white. The format of the date is: Mo. 22. November 2010. As "010" of the shown year "2010" projects into the grey layer it looks like: Mo. 22 November 2
As i said minor, but still... i want it to be perfect.
Could anybody please tell me how to either change the date format (changing HTCs date format in settings does not help by the way) or how to change the color or transparance of the layer.
Thx, H


HELP : bad display of picture in Today's screen

I just change my HTC Cruise for a new one (accident) and I have a problem with the new one :
The picture of my desktop seems not clear (like if there is a grey film on it).
More I can't modify my toolbar color.
I see this problem only on Today
I am on SFR, Windows Mobile 6 Professionnel
ROM Version : FRE
ROM date :18/12/07
Radio :
Protocole :
If you set a background through the home screen menu in settings then it defaults the background to 65% opacity.
To get around this open the image's context menu (select and hold) from the file explorer and set it as the today background through there, it will let you set the opacity (which you want to set to 0 if you want a normal image).
Thanks a lot !
Perfect now.

-Updated!!!- New From DFT 21009 ROM!! WWE & CHS & CHT

i have installed and used this rom and it is incredible, stable and fast however YOU MUST CHANGE THE PAGEPOOL IF YOU HAVE A 64MB Device, i changed mine to 6mb and it works perfectly the original file is set to 24 and is intended for 128mb devices, if everyone would like ill upload my 6mb edited one
i am sorry for the rough translation but this was the best i could do
here is the translation link
WM6.1 CE OS 5.2.21009 (Build 21009.1.6.0)-CHS AGB black pure version released! ! !
CHS更新第二版修正相机快捷方式和运营商显示问题。 CHS updated second edition of amendments to the camera operator shortcuts, and display problems. 0.1.1
基于21009原生简体中文/繁体中文/WWE SYS制作。 Based on the original 21,009 Simplified Chinese / Traditional Chinese / WWE SYS production.
本ROM完全依照官方标准OEM配置设计,尊重官方原版风格,保持纯净。 The ROM in full accordance with the official standard OEM configuration design, respect for the official original style, to keep pure.
1、字体为10M雅黑。 1, the font for Accor 10M Black.
2、SYS升级.NET CF 为3.5简体中文版。 2, SYS upgrade. NET CF 3.5 Simplified Chinese Edition.
3、内置微软新核心自带滑动。 3, built the core of Microsoft's own new slide.
4、新ROM包含IE 6.0。 4, the new ROM includes IE 6.0. 体积巨大,但浏览体验类似PC。 Huge volume, but the browsing experience similar to PC.
5、安装新的FLASH LITE 3.1以后可以看在线视频。 5, the installation of a new FLASH LITE 3.1 can be seen after the online video.
6、多媒体播放能力超强。 6, super-capacity multimedia player.
7、仅增加修改了计算器皮肤 7, only modified the calculator skin
8、继承了cab安装包图标和dll图标等美化 8, inherited the cab installation package, such as icons and landscaping icon dll
9、集成了输入法管理和开机清除快捷方式(截图中IP拨号和网络向导也不再集成) 9, integrated management and input method to remove the boot shortcuts (screenshot in IP and Dial-up Networking Wizard is no longer integrated)
10、顶栏百分比电量 10, the percentage of the top field of electricity
11、本次21009系列考虑到多媒体播放能力,PP默认为24M。 11, the 21009 series, taking into account the capacity of multimedia players, PP default is 24M. 可以在最大程度上保证WMV等流媒体格式的缓冲。 Can be guaranteed to the maximum extent possible, such as streaming media format WMV buffer. 播放700KB/S的WMV格式小菜一叠(如果PP过小,在播放高码率时容易多次出现缓冲)。 Play 700KB / S side of a pile of WMV format (if PP is too small, high-bit-rate when playing easily repeated buffer). 使用重新编译版本的tcpmp播放英雄第三季380M一集的AVI DIVX 编码格式清晰版如履平地。 The use of re-compiled version of tcpmp to play the hero in the third quarter a set of 380m encoding format AVI DIVX version如履平地clear. 最大测试播放1680KB/S的WMV视频,可顺利播放,但较卡。 The biggest test to play 1680KB / S of WMV video, smooth player, but more cards.
本21009系列PP默认为24M,参照官方WM6.1机型标准,64M可以使用,但需要改PP,可以将PP从08 01改为更小如0400。 The 21009 series PP defaults to 24M, with reference to the official WM6.1 standard models, 64M can be used, but need to change PP, from PP can be replaced by a smaller 08 01 such as 0400. 虽然播放多媒体会经常缓冲,但可以得到更多可用内存。 While the multimedia player will keep a buffer, but they can get more available memory.
12、彩信为5.0短信合一版本 12, one SMS MMS version 5.0
13、其余一律纯净。 13, and the rest are pure. 14、大卡驱动和EXT ROM解锁工具见http://www.ivgappc.com/viewthread.php?tid=9941& ;extra=page%3D1 (老高) 14, kcal EXT ROM drive and unlock the tool see http://www.ivgappc.com/viewthread.php?tid=9941 &; extra = page% 3D1 (Lao Gao)
效果见截图。 See screenshot effect.
Diamond style and T-mobile style integrated version of Song
钻石风格版: Diamond-style version:
ROM说明: 延续之前黑色风格,自从HTC推出了具有划时代意义的DIAMOND之后,我们这些WM和HTC的粉丝们便迎来了铺天盖地的“一片漆黑”。 ROM Description: continuation of the black style before, since the HTC launched DIAMOND of epoch-making significance, we have these WM and HTC fans will be ushered in overwhelming "dark." 说实话,HTC的黑色风格确实符合设计的原则:越是没有色彩倾向的东西越是耐看。 To tell the truth, HTC black style is indeed consistent with the principles of design: the more things do not tend to the more color耐看. 本ROM保持了之前的特点,集成原创REALVGA软件,集成自己制作的拨号皮肤。 The ROM has maintained before the characteristics of original REALVGA integrated software, integrated dial-up to produce their own skin.
4、高级设置Advanced Configuration Tool中文版(图标修改版) 4, Advanced Settings Advanced Configuration Tool Chinese version (icon modified version)
5、顶端电量精确显示 5, the top power precision show
6、系统事件管理器 <br /> 这个工具要说明下,美化了图标放在附件内。 6, System Event Manager <br /> this tool to explain, the beautification of the icon on the Annex. 用于删除repllog.exe的Time Change事件。 Repllog.exe for the deletion of the Time Change event. 为什么要删除? Why do you want to delete? (当然顾名思义,不会按时间自动启动,但同步后还是会,那就要改注册表了)。 Because can not be deleted automatically open synchronize the (of course, as the name implies, will not be automatically activated by time, but will still be synchronized, then we have to change the registry).
删除时不要删错了,一定要删除Repllog.exe的Time Change事件。 Do not delete to delete the wrong, we must delete Repllog.exe the Time Change event. 那个exe一共有三个事件。 Exe that a total of three events.
7、G4 SIP HIDE输入法管理工具(图标美化) 7, G4 SIP HIDE input management tools (icon landscaping)
8、resco 2008(除Today以外插件)v7.05 ,原创美化版。 8, resco 2008 (in addition to outside the Today plug-ins) v7.05, original Meihuaban.
9、Spbbackup图标美化版。 9, Spbbackup Meihuaban icon. 可定时自动备份 May from time to time automatic backup
10、CommManager较新版本 (Diamond与T-Mobile对应风格) 10, CommManager newer version (Diamond and T-Mobile counterpart style)
11、大开始菜单 (特别版,特别之处在于使用马尼拉之后依然背景为桌面主题预设背景,用于各种非黑色M2D主题很好) 11, Great Start menu (Special Edition, is so special about the use of Manila, after the background is still the default desktop theme for the background, for a variety of non-black theme of good M2D)
12、HTC X-BUTTON (Task Manager) 12, HTC X-BUTTON (Task Manager)
13、USB U盘切换 13, USB U plate switch
14、钻石版音量控制 14, Diamond Edition Volume Control
15、三项SD卡切换设置 15, 3 SD card switch settings
16、原创软件Leaf's Resolution 完美的RealVGA 三DPI切换软件 ,并且本次特地为T风格生成了红色按钮版。 16, original software Leaf's Resolution perfect RealVGA three DPI switching software, and specifically for the generation of T-style version of the red button. 保证全套感觉。 To ensure full range of feeling.
完美切换三种DPI下的WMP皮肤,WKTASKBAR顶栏OFFSET,只适应192DPI的CommManager,拨号面板等等。 Perfect three DPI switch WMP under the skin, WKTASKBAR Top column OFFSET, only to adapt to the CommManager and Microsoft 192DPI own wireless manager, dial-up panels and so on. 完美方案。 Perfect program.
17、 17, boot automatically to remove shortcuts
18、RMVB插件 18, RMVB plug-ins
19、AUDIO MANAGER VGA ,Diamond。 19, AUDIO MANAGER VGA, Diamond and T red skin with supporting the progress bar.
20、自定义设置 20, custom settings
21、马尼拉计算器皮肤 21, Manila, calculator skin
22、Notepad美化,自动绑定TXT,自动折行显示,自动关联ini,txt,nfo文件。 22, Notepad landscaping, automatic binding TXT, automatic folding line, automatic link ini, txt, nfo file. 可以打开xml文件。 Can open the xml file. 。 The above types of documents to re-create a unified style icon.
23、中国移动短信特别图标(sun_dream支持,不是我的原创) 23, China Mobile SMS special icon (sun_dream support, not my original)
24、来电大字体 24, calls large-print
25、IP拨号(图标修改) 25, IP dial-up (icon to edit)
26、原创马尼拉风格拨号面板(这次保留了wm6.1微软自带的智能拨号) 26, Manila original style dial-up panel (the wm6.1 Microsoft retains the built-in smart dial-up)
27、网路自动设置向导 27, network auto-setup wizard
28、T版和DIAMOND的相应WMP 192DPI皮肤。 28, T version and the corresponding DIAMOND skin WMP 192DPI. T版ie和WMP特别图标 T version of ie and WMP special icon
29、Cab和dll原创图标及附件图标 29, Cab and dll original icon and the attachment icon
30、其他标准配置见纯净版,删除了IE6。 30, other standard configuration see pure version, delete the IE6.
31、输入法为默认三样 31, the default input method for three
FOR CHS http://www.rayfile.com/files/e134301e-d9b5-11dd-ae2a-0019d11a795f/
FOR CHT http://www.rayfile.com/files/b87e2aa3-d9b9-11dd-9f16-0014221b798a/
FOR WWE 128MB Version: http://www.myunspace.com/?d=5D791AE41
64MB Version:http://www.myunspace.com/?d=58BBEB441
i have already tweaked and played around with the rom so if anyone needs help let me know.
the credit for this rom goes to
snowcraft ,MWANG,FJZHANG,SUNX2,B! Thank, MWANG boss, FJZHANG brother, SUNX2 and, B! lueice辈!!!! Friends and predecessors, etc.!!!!
New Rom
Hell I am interested in trying your new rom but you link was not working, can you verify or give instructions for downloading the wwe.
the rayfile programs needs to be downloaded i forgot to say, its not a bad program and is very lite, i would keep it on your computer also in the case of more advanced roms
Hi, I'm intrested in the original WWE too, but could you please upload it to somewhere where we can access it ?
6mb pp
Also my friend can you upload the 6mb pp I have a 64mb uni
uploading both versions now
thank you, downloading it right now...
Cant download. Please upload somewhere else !!!!!!!!!!
downloading now........
I will try later
Ok. I have finished.
I saw the free program memory after hard reset ~26MB
Free Storage ~37.70MB
no Flashdisk
No OEM Game
SimToolKit added
2 Calculator with OEM skin & Diamond Skin. Why?
Message Battery Indicator with Chinese Font?
Now still trying & testing .........................
Screenshot the rom?
by tonight ill have screenshots and some other links, its a great rom though whomever can dl it from the current links really should very good rom
Nice ROM
Excelent battery life. Wow....
Battery not drain faster like others
(+) Battery Good & Excelent 4 me
STK added
Smooth & Clean ROM
G4 SIP Hide added, possible to change font size & type
SMS threaded Mode & Classic Mode
Stable ROM
Clean program memory after reset
(-) Double Calculator, with OEM skin & Diamond Skin. ---> Stupid Fix, hihihi Delete once on windows\start menu\program
No Flashdisk ----> but you can add flashdisk manually with tool from VNInt. Thanks VNInt
Free program memory after hard reset only ~24 - 25MB
Notification status battery still use Chinese Font ----> fix by delete BattMon on windows\startup\
Pop up / Notification Error still use Chinese Font --- chinese again? Ough....
sometime have a lag (stoped working) for few second ---- OWwwgh I dont like it
i tried my best with the page pool being set to 6 and i didnt know what else to fix the calc yea i saw but in the middle tab of the settings go to advanced config and set sms to threaded, thankfully its a quick fix, i also hid the battery icon with wktask and just set it over the battery hiding the problem
Can u upload this ROM, ExtROM and other tool to other location (rapidshare,4shared or others). I think more people need it.
The battery Monitor can be fixed by getting an english version( what it originally is).Just modify the shortcut in startup folder.
Yeah you may delete the default calculator shortcut in the programs folder and keep the Manila Skinned one. And maybe you can dump this rom to modify it . Because it is not encrypted, but with rgu and dsm removed ( for the sake of space.)
all done, links updated now im going to work on my own 21009 and 20757 wish me luck ill be around for awhile for support sake
6、系统事件管理器 <br /> 这个工具要说明下,美化了图标放在附件内。 6, System Event Manager <br /> this tool to explain, the beautification of the icon on the Annex. 用于删除repllog.exe的Time Change事件。 Repllog.exe for the deletion of the Time Change event. 为什么要删除? Why do you want to delete? (当然顾名思义,不会按时间自动启动,但同步后还是会,那就要改注册表了)。 Because can not be deleted automatically open synchronize the (of course, as the name implies, will not be automatically activated by time, but will still be synchronized, then we have to change the registry).
删除时不要删错了,一定要删除Repllog.exe的Time Change事件。 Do not delete to delete the wrong, we must delete Repllog.exe the Time Change event. 那个exe一共有三个事件。 Exe that a total of three events.
8、resco 2008(除Today以外插件)v7.05 ,原创美化版。 8, resco 2008 (in addition to outside the Today plug-ins) v7.05, original Meihuaban.
9、Spbbackup图标美化版。 9, Spbbackup Meihuaban icon. 可定时自动备份 May from time to time automatic backup
10、CommManager较新版本 (Diamond与T-Mobile对应风格) 10, CommManager newer version (Diamond and T-Mobile counterpart style)
11、大开始菜单 (特别版,特别之处在于使用马尼拉之后依然背景为桌面主题预设背景,用于各种非黑色M2D主题 很好) 11, Great Start menu (Special Edition, is so special about the use of Manila, after the background is still the default desktop theme for the background, for a variety of non-black theme of good M2D)
12、HTC X-BUTTON (Task Manager) 12, HTC X-BUTTON (Task Manager)
13、USB U盘切换 13, USB U plate switch
14、钻石版音量控制 14, Diamond Edition Volume Control
15、三项SD卡切换设置 15, 3 SD card switch settings
16、原创软件Leaf's Resolution 完美的RealVGA 三DPI切换软件 ,并且本次特地为T风格生成了红色按钮版。 16, original software Leaf's Resolution perfect RealVGA three DPI switching software, and specifically for the generation of T-style version of the red button. 保证全套感觉。 To ensure full range of feeling.
完美切换三种DPI下的WMP皮肤,WKTASKBAR顶栏OFFSET,只适应192DPI的CommM anager,拨号面板等等。 Perfect three DPI switch WMP under the skin, WKTASKBAR Top column OFFSET, only to adapt to the CommManager and Microsoft 192DPI own wireless manager, dial-up panels and so on. 完美方案。 Perfect program.
18、RMVB插件 18, RMVB plug-ins
19、AUDIO MANAGER VGA ,Diamond。 19, AUDIO MANAGER VGA, Diamond and T red skin with supporting the progress bar.
23、中国移动短信特别图标(sun_dream支持,不是我的原创) 23, China Mobile SMS special icon (sun_dream support, not my original)
24、来电大字体 24, calls large-print
25、IP拨号(图标修改) 25, IP dial-up (icon to edit)
26、原创马尼拉风格拨号面板(这次保留了wm6.1微软自带的智能拨号) 26, Manila original style dial-up panel (the wm6.1 Microsoft retains the built-in smart dial-up)
29、Cab和dll原创图标及附件图标 29, Cab and dll original icon and the attachment icon
31、输入法为默认三样 31, the default input method for three
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Sorry mr4r4n, I dont see that at this ROM.
Any screenshots?
Can't Download
I have install raysource software

1/10/10 DDT ULTIMATE V2 (Final Edition) WVGA Weatherpanel - CAB Install

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Massive THANKS to jmart518 for the cab files !!!​
Well here it is, finally! What started out as three of us playing about with basic layouts and text colours has morphed into 6 weeks worth of work in my spare time creating from scratch a completely new WVGA theme for Weatherpanel. Every layout has been written from scratch, pretty much every icon, background, transition, etc has been created specifically for DDT (except the actual weather icons which is a modified set of Rumball's static Diamond VGA icons as they are without doubt the best weather icon set out there) and this is the result - we hope you like it!
This thread originally started out as a tutorial for getting Weatherpanel up and running on your HD2, giving it somewhere to live (in our case Second Today from Chi-Tai) and linking it using CHTE to be the default weather app. I've removed most of the rather longwinded background behind the project from this post as I'm sure most of you have read it by now, however for new visitors to our little HD2 WP community, welcome and we hope you find what you're searching for here! Weatherpanel really is the most comprehensive weather app out there - it may be old but it is still the best as far as information, accuracy and user customisation goes. Now with this new theme we reckon that visually and from an intuitive UI point of view it blows the other weather apps away (and it's free!)
Before we start I must give credit where due to Marsware, the original creators of Weatherpanel, Chi-Tai for Second Today and of course the remarkable Mssrs Cookiemonster & JCM for the unbelievably superb CHT & CHTE without all of whom none of this would have been possible. Thanks also to my two brothers in insomnia - Davej and Troed whose initial tweaks to the original Phatphinger and Diamond themes set us off down this road in the first place, and for keeping me going over the last few weeks - thanks guys!
Right, so here's why - Basically, fed up with the lack of information on the Sense weather tab I was looking for a way to click on the weather section of the Home tab and be taken to a much better weather app than the weather tab. Days and weeks of searching and experimentation finally led me to the following solution - Weatherpanel (an old WM Today plugin) given a home in Second Today which is in turn set as the preferred weather app in CHTE. It is all beautifully simple and works perfectly.
Let's get this out of the way before we start in BIG RED LETTERS:​
This does not replace the Sense weather tab !!!​
It is still there and can be accessed from your slider as usual. This setup simply directs a touch on the weather element of CHT to Second Today & Weatherpanel.​
About DAVEJ's Animated Icon Set​
My very good friend Dave has spent way too many hours editing Rumballs original VGA animated icon set and resizing the various sets to make them fit this theme. The icons set is huge at over 88Mb! Unfortunately WP uses a rather crude MNG image format (renamed .wpa) which means very large files compared to gifs. As a consequence the size of the main screen large animated icons has had to be kept smaller than we would ideally have liked because to make them the same size as the static icons would have meant each file was way over 10mb and caused WP to run at a snails pace or crash altogether. So Dave arrived at the best compromise he could to balance size over performance. The smaller sets are absolutely fine. We have culled frames in many of them to keep the overall size down and have made them all single play. And as you go up in the various sizes Dave has thinned out the sets progressively until the Huge ones on the main screen have just the most common weather types animated and the rest are static (otherwise you'd have had a 150Mb icon set!). They do slow WP down a bit but we think they are well worth it! We all run both icon sets and themes and switch between them as the mood takes us...
Here is the walkthrough:​
For some reason the maximum useable screen area for WP differs between 6.5 and 6.5.x ROMS. Basically in 6.5 ROMs WP can be set to a maximum visible height of 720 pixels, whereas 6.5.x can go to 760 pixels (proper full screen below your taskbar). Also, we have discovered that Weatherpanel takes it's time format from your main phone settings (12hr/24hr) and as the layouts I originally wrote were for 24hr there were errors on screen if you are using 12hr time format. I have therefor created two complete versions of the theme so make sure you download the correct one for your WM version, each with three layout options in both 12 and 24hr format, otherwise the theme will not look right and you may be left with a scrollbar and overlapping elements on screen. Also, you must pay particular attention to the setup instructions for Second Today on first run - Disable Command Bar - as otherwise you will not get full screen and instead will have an unsightly scrollbar down the right hand side of your screen.
There are two cab files linked to below which will do 90% of the installation for you. Make sure you download the correct cab for your WM version (6.5 or 6.5.x). Both cabs can be used for installs with or without CHT, and include the necessary reg settings for both CHT 1.8.5 and CHT 2.0
1. Download the relevant cab file for your WM version:
If you want the option of using Dave's animated icon set you will also need to download and unzip the relevant additional AI (Animated Icons) theme folder :
2. Download and unzip one or both of the icon sets:
IMPORTANT - When unzipping files you may find that you end up with a folder within a folder (DDT Mod Diamond WVGA Static Icons>DDT Mod Diamond WVGA Static Icons, same with icons folder) - Make sure you take the 'inner' folder out and use it to copy as if you forget to do this the icons will not appear in Weatherpanel
3. Install the cab to your storage card (you can put it in main memory if you like but the icon files will need to go there too and they are big folders (around 17Mb for the Static Icons and 88Mb!!! for the Animated Icons) - it runs perfectly well from the SD card). The cab will then install Second Today automatically to your device, and Weatherpanel and the theme to your storage card.
4. When the cab finishes intalling Weatherpanel runs through an extract process and will probably leave you with a WP window asking you to select language (default is English). Select your language then press your hardware back key. Then you can click OK as normal after a cab install.
5. Now you need to copy the complete unzipped icon set folder(s) to Storage Card>Program Files>Marware>Weatherpanel>Icons. If you are installing the animated icon set you also now need to install the unzipped AI theme folder to Storage Card>Program Files>Marsware>Weatherpanel>Themes
7. Now you need to open Weatherpanel for the first time. If you are using CHT then simply touch on the weather element of your home tab. If you are not using CHT then you need to go to Start Menu>Second Today and click on Second Today. First time you open it you will either get a blank screen with a message at the top saying invalid layout or you will see the Second Today settings window. If you see the few lines of text at the top of an otherwise blank screen then simply touch on this message and it will open the Weatherpanel settings screen. If you see the Second Today settings window it means that the ST settings haven't 'stuck' during the install so you need to do the following before proceeding:
7.1. On the plugins tab check the box beside Weatherpanel and make sure NO other boxes are checked
7.2. Still on the plugin tab check 'Use Custom Background' and then browse to whatever wallpaper you want for your main WP screen - don't use anything too light as some of the text won't show up!
7.3. On the display tab delete any text in the Window-Title box
7.4. Check the box beside 'Disable Command Bar' - THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!!!
Once you have made these changes click on the right softkey to accept the settings and you will be taken to the blank screen with the few lines of text at the top (touch on the text at the top of the screen), or directly to the WP settings window.
8. You then need to set up Weatherpanel by doing the following:
NB There is no confirm or back softkey in the WP settings screen so once you have entered all you need to on a certain screen you need to press your hardware back key to return to the previous screen or to exit settings altogether.
8.1 Add your cities (NOTE - WP does not utilise My Location so you have to manually enter locations you want weather info for) which is just a case of clicking 'Add New', then entering your city name in the 'Search For' box.
8.2 Once you’ve added each new city you then need to add weather images for each city (if you want weather maps to show up). If all your cities are in the same part of the world (i.e. Europe) then you just need to add the same image(s) for each city. I’m in the UK so all my cities use the same Europe maps. For more info on finding and adding weather images look HERE and try http://www.weathercharts.org/ - thanks again Troed
8.3 Once you’ve added all your cities and images click on the Display tab. The theme, icon set and layout are all already preselected by the cab install. You do however have a choice of six possible DDT layouts to select from in the Layout dropdown list (V2+, V2Mid, V2Lite in either 12 or 24hr format - see below). Select the layout you would like to try first, and make sure you select the correct version for the time format you use on your phone. If you are wanting to use the animated icons and have followed the instructions correctly to this point you need to change the Theme to the AI theme you will have in the Theme dropdown. Then simply choose your preferred layout as before, and in the Icon dropdown select the Animated icon set.
Once you’ve done this then click your hardware back key and you should then see the main WP display for the first city in your list. The left/right arrows beside the location name let you scroll through your cities. To exit the WP screen back to wherever you were simply click your hardware back or home key.
Job done
If once you've followed the installation instructions you are having any issues with not seeing the full screen, or having a scrollbar down the right hand side of the screen (and you have definitely installed the correct version of the theme for your WM version) please do the following:
With Weatherpanel open press your hardware Start Menu button. The open the Second Today folder and click on SToday Settings. In the Display tab make sure that 'Disable Command Bar' is checked. Exit by pressing the right softkey and Weatherpanel should now look correct.
About User Translation
This final edition of the theme is now fully user translatable through the use of the lang.txt file attached at the bottom of this post. All you need to do is download the file, open it in any text editor (Notepad is perfect for the job) and translate the text on the right hand side of each entry. The attached sample is for German users so if you want DDT in German then simply use this file! Once you've completed your translation save the file as lang.txt and copy it to the main Weatherpanel folder on your storage card (Storage Card>Program Files>Marsware>Weatherpanel).
There are a few things to bear in mind when you are translating:
1. Please stick as closely as possible to the number of characters in the english version of each text entry as this is the text the theme was designed around and if you increase the number of characters it will mess up the look of the theme or the text may not display at all.
2. You will be limited to the language specific characters available in the fonts used in DDT (Helvetica and Helvetice Neue Thin) so probably no Chinese or Russian translations?
3. Once you have translated I apologise if some of the grammar or syntax doesn't track perfectly but again the theme is written in English and although I have done my best to break the text up in such a way that when translated it makes sense there may be one or two elements that aren't perfect!
If you do translate the lang.txt into something other than German (or if you produce a better German one than mine!) please post it in the thread with the filename lang_*language*.txt (i.e. lang_french.txt) and I will compile a library of translation files in the second post.
Dave and I also reckon there should be a prize for the most amusing English adaptation of the text - do and English to English translation but substitute where relevant for amusing alternatives (ie Snow=Jeez, it's cold out here etc...)
GERMAN - lang_DE_V1.5.txt - Thanks to ceh01
PORTUGUESE - lang_POR.txt - Thanks to filipepro
DUTCH - lang_DUTCH.txt - Thanks to luckyuser
POLISH - lang_PL.txt - Thanks to Jack_Surfer
FRENCH - lang.FR.txt - Thanks to t00ms
DANISH - Lang_DK_v1.2.txt - Thanks to polpot
SWEDISH - Lang.SE.txt - Thanks to halloj
Remember to rename these files to lang.txt before copying to the WP folder.
1. Download the correct DDT theme zip for your WM version:
If you want to use Dave's animated icons also download the relevant AI theme zip for your version:
Download the fonts:
Download the icons:
2. Extract all the zips.
3. Place the fonts in your Windows>Fonts directory on your device
5. Place the theme and icon folders in the relevant WP folders on your storage card as usual.
6. BEFORE YOU RUN FOR THE FIRST TIME - Go to your Start Menu and open the Second Today folder. Click on SToday Settings and in the display tab check the box beside 'Disable Command Bar'
7. Run WP and select theme [COLOR=Dark Orchid](AI version if you want to use the animated icons)[/COLOR], icon set and layout (DDT_Ultimate_V2+ DDT_Ultimate_V2Mid or DDT_Ultimate_V2Lite, either 12 or 24hr)
8. Enjoy
IMPORTANT: For anyone using Android builds see Android section in FAQ's​
FAQ's in Post 2​
Main screen layout options and navigation overview​
There are three options for the main screen in the theme - V2+ (shown on the left above with two hide/reveal panels to play with), V2Mid (shown in the centre with the 5-day forecast permanently displayed and a hide/reveal info panel) and V2Lite (shown on the right above withboth the info and forecast panels permanently displayed). In the V2+ and V2Mid layouts the info panel is opened with the info button on the left hand side of the screen, and in the V2+ layout the five day forecast panel is opened by clicking on the five suns at the very bottom of the screen. Once the forecast panel is open you can then click on each day to be taken to a full forecast summary for that day.
Most elements on the main screen are clickable as shown above, and in each subsequent screen you will find a shortcut navigation panel on the top right of the screen allowing you direct access to anywhere else in WP you might wish to go. In addition, wherever the moon appears in the theme you can click on it to be taken to the Lunar Schedule page. It would take me forever to explain the function of every element in the theme, but as they are all very intuitive and each screen is fully self-explanatory I'll just let you play around and discover it all for yourself! You can't break it by playing around too much so have fun! As a rough guide however the various screens are as follows:
Main screen - contains all relevant current weather data (with info panel open), 5 day overview (with forecast panel open, sunrise/sunset times, local time for location selected, current moon phase, current temp, etc
1 - Current conditions screen - gives a bit more detail along with a 24 hour combined temp/rain chart
2 - 10-day summary page - each day is clickable to access the main forecast page for that day
3 - Lunar Schedule - with current and next moon phase info
4 - Charts page - four hourly/daily charts showing forecast max/min temp, precipitation, windspeeed and humidiy
5 - Full forecast page - Day and evening forecasts for the selected day, plus moon info
6 - Radars page - where web weather images, traffic cam images, etc you specify in your radars.txt appear and can animate. The player buttons are hidden when you first open an image page - to open the controls simply touch and hold on the image for a second or so and the buttons will appear.
If you are in Europe then you can download the attached radar.txt file and overwrite the one in the Weatherpanel folder on your storage card as it contains several more Europe radar image URLs.
Hope this walkthrough helps anyone else out there as thick as me to get there a lot quicker than I did! Now I have four questions for the clever people out there to do with things that would make it better but which I have no chance of finding a solution to on my own:
Any questions/suggestions please feel free to ask.
One word of warning - WP can be pretty data intensive so beware! I have two cities and four weather images and the update size is around 1MB, so if I have it set on hourly updates I can easily hit 10MB+ each day. I only hook up on wifi at home and work so not a problem, but if you are using mobile data you may want to keep an eye on it.
If you like my work please buy me a coffee to keep me going ​
FAQs & Add-ons
City name cut off or overlapping left/right arrows - When you search for your city in the WP Add City screen it will appear in the Name box at the top of the screen as City, Country. In a lot of instances this will make the name too long to fit on screen in the space I have allowed. All you need to do is edit the City name in the Name box at the top of the screen to either remove or abbreviate the Country or State name and it should now fit. Also if you cannot find your tiny village in the search then just search the nearest large town, select it and edit the name in the top box to that of your village.
Can I use other WP icon sets - No. I have edited the Diamond VGA icon set, which has included adding in some missing ones and creating a full new set of resized moon icons. The theme also uses 5 different sizes of icons which other sets will not necessarily have.
Does it work with My Location - No. I am hoping someone far cleverer than me may pick this up and find a way of making it work but I'm afraid this is far beyond my meagre skills!
Animated icons? - Davej is currently working on an animated set of the main screen icons but at present the set is about 120Mb+ and slow to run so don't hold your breath - it may take some time!
Scrollbar showing on right hand side of screen - Either you are using a 6.5 ROM and have not followed the instructions for overwriting the 6.5 optimised files, or you have not followed the last instruction in Step 9 to Disable Command Bar in Second Today settings
Multiple city images overlapping when switching between cities - HERE - Thanks fmlarsen
Waiting for storage card error message - HERE - Thanks scandiskfr
Get rid of annoying beeps and alert noises - HERE - Thanks davej
To add additional weather images - Search online on your PC for current weather forecast for desired location. Once you've found a weather map/satellite image/radar image/etc that you want to use right click on it and select properties. Then copy the URL from the properties box. Open the radars.txt file from your WP folder using Notepad on your PC. You then need to add a name for the image, then hit enter and on the next line paste the URL (it'll make sense when you open the file!). Note - quite a few of the good looking weather images you'll find will be flash so you won't be able to incorporate them. Also try http://www.weathercharts.org/ and look HERE for more info Troed has posted on this
Sunrise/sunset times not showing correctly in 12hr format - MAKE SURE YOU HAVE SELECTED ONE OF THE 12hr LAYOUTS IN THE DROPDOWN LIST
LITE version - If you would prefer to have the two popout panels (info and 5-day forecast) permanently displayed on the main screen there are two layout options in the theme folders available for download in the first post. Open WP settings and select DDT_Ultimate_V1Lite in the layout menu.
For Lite users - if you would prefer not to have the semi-transparent background behind the info panel 996r has created a fully transparent version which you can download HERE - just overwrite to the DDT theme folder.
Changing the background on all screens - The custom background you select during the setup process for Second Today is the background that will appear on the main screen only. If you want to apply the same (or any other background image) to the rest of the WP screens (with the exception of the Lunar Schedule and Detailed Forecast screens which use specific custom backgrounds) then you need to make a background image exactly 480x788 in png format, name it bkg.png and overwrite the one in the DDT theme folder. Restart WP and there you go.
Android causing problems with Weatherpanel - Look HERE - many thanks to jaguaralani for this one You'll have to follow his instructions for both the V1+ and V1Lite wpl's if you have both in the theme folder
GPS Setting - On the Connection tab in WP Settings there is an option for setting the GPS Port and Baud Rate. This does absolutely nothing so don't bother with it. The original developer of the core WP software disappeared in 2005 and it has remained pretty much unedited since then. This was something that appears to have been being planned for a later revision but that never happened.
For US Users - In some parts of the US Weatherpanel will provide weather alerts for certain conditions. As I don't get these in the UK I hadn't thought to do anything about an alert POPUP so WP uses the one from the default theme folder which isn't very pretty! I'll have a go at putting one together but as I can't test it it will be good luck if it looks any good! In the meantime Troed has edited the default one to be a bit more readable. Download and unzip the Alert.zip from this post and copy the Alert.wpx into Storage Card>Program Files>Marsware>Weatherpanel>Themes>DDT Ultimate
V2 Final Edition Uploaded
Some icons and arrows updated
New 'Updating' icon thanks to LessCro!
Now fully user translatable through lang.txt file
DaveJ's animated icon set now uploaded!!!!!!!
Additional Add-On version of the theme added to accomodate correct positioning on screen for the animated icons
Alert window fixed for US users
CAB files now uploaded - MASSIVE THANKS TO jmart518 FOR THESE
Completely revised theme folders uploaded
Screenchanges away from main screen now done with POPUP/CLOSE so number of layout files needed reduced. Once away from main screen changes still done by smooth fade between screens. Pressing Home shortcut then closes POPUP screen and immediately returns to main screen (much quicker!)
Final bug fixes for Update button
12 and 24hr versions now consolidated into one folder for each WM version for less confusion and more choice in layout selection - 6 DDT layouts (V1+,V1Mid & V1Lite in both 12 &24hr format)
Fixed update button not working on main and forecast screens - all theme folders updates and reuploaded 10.55 GMT
V1Mid layout added to all theme versions (fixed 5-day forecast panel, hide/reveal info panel
All theme folders bugfixed and reuploaded
Bug on main screen not allowing touch on main weather icon to access current conditions now fixed
Created and uploaded complete themes for each WM version/time format (6.5, 6.5 12hr, 6.5.x, 6.5.x 12hr) and uploaded to first post. These theme folders also now contain both V1+ and V1Lite layouts so you can choose either from the layout menu in WP settings.
Minor modifications made to main screen layouts to increase response area for pressing on Info button, and to remove the problem of touching on the top left temp info on the main screen causing a new window to open with unsightly grey bar across the bottom.
If you have already installed the theme you can download the latest update for your WM version/time format from the first post, then delete your existing DDT theme folder and replace it with the complete new folder.
Lite version added
Additional Overwrite files added for 12hr time format
Completely new DDT Ultimate WVGA theme uploaded
Install walkthrough revised for new theme
Gone to bed for a week now to recover!
Amended install process to make it easier:
Reuploaded PhatPhinger IV Altered zip now with all irrelevant layouts removed and Kangmas's tweaked layout included
Original Phat+265 layout amended slightly
Complete HTC VGA Icons folder now uploaded to Mediafire for single download - original three zip files removed from this thread
Great! Great! Great JOB!
Thank you very much for your efforts!!
Greatly appreciated!!!
Thanks, It's fantastic!!
It will be better if high-resolution big icon is used...
Anyway, the weather is more accurate in my country, I'm from Hong Kong...
THANKs Dunc001
OMG ... .. . Finaly , we could have WP in HD2
but coud it be inserted into manila weather page !!!!!
abumhmmd1 said:
Finaly , we could have WP in HD2
but coud it be inserted into manila weather page !!!!!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I don't think so. The closest solution would be one similar to here - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=563150 - where you'd need to use MTP or similar to add a new tab in manila then deselect Sense weather tab in display settings. You'd then need to find the right bit of the registry to edit for CHT to then send you to the new tab when touching on the home tab weather element?
I didn't want to do this as it seems like far too much hassle and the solution above is really easy to implement.
Thanks a ton. Great instruction. Only problem: The Name of my city in the main screen is cut on both sides (as if it was too long), but there is still a lot of space to the edges of the screen. Any suggestions?
super, but, can i have this app in one .cab please, i'm geek ;p
thank you
I have followed everything step by step multiple times but when I get to the step to choose the layout, I don't see the option on the drop down for Phat+265.wpl, any ideas on this? Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
Thanks for a great walk-through
elburna said:
Only problem: The Name of my city in the main screen is cut on both sides (as if it was too long) Any suggestions?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Second this...followed instructions and everything else is working a treat.
elburna said:
Thanks a ton. Great instruction. Only problem: The Name of my city in the main screen is cut on both sides (as if it was too long), but there is still a lot of space to the edges of the screen. Any suggestions?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I had this too, sorry forgot to mention it! Basically I found that when you go into WP settings to add or edit one of your cities you just remove the country name from after the city name in the very top box on the screen, then just hardware back key and it is saved - job done!
aurelien hd2 said:
super, but, can i have this app in one .cab please, i'm geek ;p
thank you
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Sorry, way to big for a single cab.
morfis said:
Thanks for a great walk-through
Second this...followed instructions and everything else is working a treat.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Answered above
hey op,i see your from pickering,i live in thirsk, great init lol....
is it totally not possible to cab this file as i'd love this on my phone.....great job by the way.
great app!!!!!!!!! now if it only came in GTX
Works great, thanks very much, now if only I could enter where I actually live, damn living in the countryside.
Can someone confirm it working on HTC-Stock-ROM 1.48 GER (Sense 2.5.1921xxxx, WM 6.5, no .x) ??????????????
troed said:
Can someone confirm it working on HTC-Stock-ROM 1.48 GER (Sense 2.5.1921xxxx, WM 6.5, no .x) ??????????????
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes it does as it is not integrated in Sense and therefore dependent on the SenseVersion or something (like the Sense-Tab-Integrated-Version you might have seen somewhere). This Proggi is fully based on SecondToday which should even run on WinMob2003
pretty cool.. good job.. hopefully a cab will be issued
1000 Tx for the prompt answer. This forum is a treasure ...........

[Q] Homescreen Issues - Cyanogen 10.1 Nightly

Hi All,
This may not e the best place for this, but I cannot post in the Developer forums yet.
Background Information
Device : Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 (P5100) (rooted)
ROM Version : cm-10.1-20130503-NIGHTLY-p5100
Issue Descriptions :
1. Some home screens not displaying contents
After trying to move an icon from my default homescreen (center, 3 of 5), to the screen to the right (4 of 5) all the contents of screen 4 disappeared, both icons and widgets.
When attempting to add a new icon to the screen, all the correct contents appeared - this also fixed Issue 2 (below).
However, after a reboot, the original problem - hidden contents and Issue 2 - were back.
2. Cannot move some icons or widgets
This one is unusal. I cannot Move, Resize, or Remove some of the widgets and icons on my home screen.
It appears to be the ones on the Right-Hand-Side mostly, but some in the same column do work, while one above it doesnt.
The same thing, but with fewer items, happens to things on the LHS.
I cannot, for example edit, remove, move the default Clock widget on main home screen.
I'm going to go back to a Monthly Build, see if that gets rid of the issue for me, but if anyone knows what the cause or workaround for these issues are, please let us know.
Small update :
I've changed the ROM to the latest Monthly Build (April 2013) (cm-10.1-20130411-EXPERIMENTAL-p5100-M3) but the issue remains.

Stock Time and Date Selector - Can you change from EMUI dials?

Hi All, I'm new here. Hope you can help.
I am using BLN-L21 on B371 version EMUI 5.0.1.
I don't like the EMUI Time and Date tumbler dial selectors when using calendar apps etc. Is it possible to install the stock android month and clock dial selector format?
Many thanks, Steve
Hi there, and welcome.
I have an idea about what you're referring to, but I'm not sure that it could be right, so would you kindly post a screenshot about what you mean with date and time tumbler? Didn't understood if you're aiming to install just another clock/calendar or if you mean something else.
I am referring to the vertical scrolling dials used to set the time and date where this is required, for example when entering dates of flights, or calendar entries, or the times in alarm settings. The EMUI method is to scroll the hour tumbler and the minutes tumbler separately where the stock method is to pick a number off the clock dial. Similarly with EMUI you select the day and month from separate tumblers rather than the date off a page of the month.
I have installed the Google calendar for example which on my tablet uses the stock android method, but on my Honor 6x uses the EMUI method so it must be something to do with the way EMUI implements the date and time selection. Hopefully something you can change.
Regards, Steve
Tried to insert screenshot. Failed miserably.

