I put together a static busybox for doing nfs mounts - its kinda huge as most of the defaults are left in but it does the job - together with MountNFS.apk I have successfully mounted my network shares over wifi. I haven't tried over data yet but it's next on the list.
Attached file is busybox binary.
Edit: Managed to stream some mp3's over data using a vpn.
Hi Guys
I have an external Hard Drive-Maxtor one-touch connected to router-DLink 655 via USB. I can access the contents of the HD on my computer via sharepoint.
I am trying to access it on my Transformer
Is there a way to do this?
I have SBN, CIFS manager but cannot setup to access the drive.
Any advice and instructions will be highly appreciated.
Thanks in anticipation.
Have you checked the App ES File Explorer?
It has connections for Local (what's on your TF), LAN, FTP & Net.
Using it I can pick up my hard drive connected to my router through LAN.
thanks..i am exploring the option
In the Cifs manager, go to 'settings' and tick the two boxes regarding the loading of modules on startup....
Next, ensure your external drive is 'shared' and set the Cifs connection up using the standard mount i.e \\ip address of PC\share name
Voila, shouldn't be any more difficult than that. You may need to add username/password if you have setup security or using a domain
Did you end up buying a OBD2 Wifi (not bluetooth) interface for your car, noticing android got some problems with ad-hoc connections and can't connect that easy, that you may have thought?
Well, if so, I'm at least not the only one
In my case I wanted to have a look at my engine stats etc. You might also be happy about checking the vin stored in the cars ecu with the one you got on paper, when buying a used car or else. Anyway I did not want those crappy bluetooth thing for some bucks. I wanted it to use wifi and also to be able to connect via usb to a laptop, if neccessary.
I got mine from eBay for about 80$. There is a bunch of these things avaible everywhere. I can't really tell you which one is better in which way. Most of them come out of china and are built pretty cheap, just like mine
BUT at least they work the way the should, once configured right.
IN GENERAL --> without any kind of workaround you shold keep in mind:
BT OBD2 is used for android devices. No Problem
WIFI OBD2 is usually used for iDevices, as they're not allowed to share BT with non-iDevices.
I didn't really make up my head about the second part, as I'm using android on every device I personally own.
Here's a tutorial on how I solved it anyway:
1. Buy yourself some OBD2 interface with wifi and the software you desire. Didn't test anything else but torque pro; no guarantee that other apps support these android-wifi-adhoc-obd-interface-workarounds
2. you need a rooted phone, in every possible case afaik.
3. Plug in your OBD interface and look, if you can see it in your wlan list.
In my case...I couldn't^^
If you see it jump to Number 4.4, if not, just keep on reading.
4. Getting my device, which is a HTC Sensation, with ARHD 6.6.7 - 4.0.3 ICS, connected to it required some effort:
4.1. I used a different wpa_Supplicant, to be able to see adhoc networks
I got this one: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1549065&highlight=adhoc also attached in the Thread. Full Credits go to the dev, although I don't know who it was exactly.
It's stored in system/bin; so you'll need a explorer (mount R/W) for your phone's file system. I always used the root explorer. Worked flawlessly everytime. (mount R/O afterwards).
4.3. Flash the attached file in recovery -> I did at least find the adhoc network after it. Remember that some wifi off, wifi on sometimes solves problemes with this. This was at least the case for me. Reboot.
4.4. Now that you can see the OBD interface in your wlan list, you propably tried to connect, didn't you?
For most of us, this won't work, that easy, as your OBD interface doesn't work as a DHCP router, so you're in the need of taking a static IP.
Therefore it always depends on which IP range your interface is networking. In the most cases this will be 192.168.0.X
Picture #1 is a screen of the config tool, that came with mine so I can modify these values. (What is not really neccessary, cause you're doing this with your phone.)
Picture #2 are my stats. You can edit yours by long pressing on your desired OBD device in your phones wifi list and pressing "edit network". After that, change to advanced configuration and choose static IP.
4.5. Save your preferences and try to connect. Again I think my wifi needed a reboot to work with the values set now. So just swith it off/on again.
5. You're done. More or less. Because this is just what made me able to connect but drop my connection to the OBD after trying to access it via torque. It did connect (as seen on adapter status in torque), but lose connection after some seconds. It just didn't really work for a longer period of time. There also used to be connecting errors with my home wifi.
5. After hours of testing and experimenting with this whole topic I came to the conclusion my home network didn't work anymore or rather my phone couldn't keep up the connection. What you have to do is switch back to your old wpa_supplicant. Don't worry, your OBD interface should be saved and is still accessable afterwards.
5.1. SWITCH WIFI OFF. Navigate to system/bin via root explorer or similiar. (mount R/W) locate the wpa_supplicate and delete/rename/remove it and put the original file back in it. (mount R/O afterwards). Reboot.
(Picture #3 shows how it looked on my device after switching back to the original file.)
5.2. You're finally done.
Remember not to forget that wrong permissions could lead to errors. Refer to my attached screenshot or your original file, if neccessary.
where you found the configuration tool??
I have a Samsung S4 mini i9195 with CM11 nightly ROM. Unfortunately this rom does not have OTG and BLN support , which I think are some very interesting options.
I have installed the version 1.4.0 Kernel f4ktion that has these functions . Now I can connect a keyboard and a mouse and through "screen mirroring" I can see it on the TV, all perfect except 2 issues .
I use a powered USB hub, but the storage units are recognized but not mounted. I installed several apps and finally I read through the "USB OTG Helper " application , although it is not mounted as an external USB drive , but as a folder in /storage/UsbOtgDrives/drive_1.
Is it normal to have to use an external application and the mount as folder? I've seen other smartphones that automatically detected and mounted without applications as USB external drive.
The second problem is more important to me and I decided not to use the kernel f4ktion for this reason.
I use an application called " DroidWall " to control Internet access to each application. This allows me to control which applications can access internet via wifi but not on 3G. Something very useful for those who have limited data on 3G.
The problem is that when I install this kernel , DroidWall exits with failure. Does anyone know why this happens or if there is an application like DroidWall work well with kernel f4ktion ?
Thanks an Regards
How to root Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc S and enable reverse tethering + wifi hotspot that uses the reverse tethering in 10 minutes:
I just learned how to do it
took me about 5 hours to learn and succeed, thought I might share it in case someone else might want to try in the future:
guide is only for windows machine, but you can use the sources to do the same with Linux or a Mac
It only requires a few tweaks to drivers installation and terminal code.
Also it might work with other Xperia devices but I can't promise it will, you might want to check sources for in depth look.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxF4O5E2RiY&index=10 - how to root Xperia Arc S video
http://talk.sonymobile.com/t5/Andro...martphones-2011-and-2012-Xperias/td-p/287857- how to root Xperia Arc S
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2287494 - how to enable reverse tethering
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1882852 - how to get your wifi hotspot to share reverse tethering
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2635830 - drivers in case you need them
1) root your device:
in phone:
settings -> applications -> enable "unknown sources"
settings -> applications -> development -> enable USB debugging"
settings -> Sony Ericsson -> connectivity -> USB connection mode -> set to "mass storage mode (MSC) -> OK
Connect your device to windows
Windows should automatically install the required drivers
If in some case it does not, or if you have problems rooting your device
Just install the drivers from this link:
If the link is broken in the future I uploaded it to tinyupload:
Just install the driver that you need
Xperia Arc S actually is actually not listed there, I just installed all the ones that have "s" and "arc" in them
It takes a bit of space so try to not just install all of them
Download the rooting software from
Once it downloads activate it
A green windows written in Japanese should pop up
You don't need to understand a bit of what it says
If you see a big green button that says "ROOT" then all is good
If you don't it means some of the steps above were not done correctly
Either you didn't change your phone settings or you don't have the necessary drivers
Press the big green button that says "ROOT"
it should show you a list of 4 things
The 3 first things will change to a V sigh rather quickly
The 4th thing should take a little bit more
Once it's finished you should see a different big green button that says "*SomethingInJapnese*ROOT"
Just exit the program
now you phone is rooted
2)enable connection sharing in your computer
Go to Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network Connections
If for some reason it doesn't find the path
Press Start+R, write "ncpa.cpl" (without the quotation marks) and press enter
This is taken from the "how to enable reverse tethering" guide I linked in above, it explains it nicely:
right click on an Internet connection that you have.
I assume that you are using a desktop which doesn't have any wifi adapter, so right click on LAN Ethernet connection with Internet, and select "Properties".
in tab "Sharing" (or "Advanced" for Windows XP), click "Allow other network users to connect through...", then select the USB connection in dropdown list below.
click OK. Windows will automatically setup your USB network connection and assign to it an IP address, default for Windows 7:, default for Windows XP:
You can see your Internet connection is now "Shared" and your USB connection is now "Unidentified network".
In case you don't see a dropdown list (like me) it works anyway so just move on.
Once you press OK it should take some time for your machines to set things up so don't panic if it loads for a minute or so
3)install terminal emulator on your phone
You have 2 options here
1) register your phone with a fake gmail account, download the playstore app (from the market app) and download what you need
it didn't work for me, for some reason even after I registered it said that my account is not connected even though it certainly was
If you want to risk it you may try but for me it was just a waste of time
2) download the apk for the app and install it using the phone built in package installer.
Using your phone browser, go to
it just tries to redirect you to an advertising site, it won't affect your download if you press cancel
copy and paste the link from the Google play store site of the app you want to install
In this case the link is:
press "Generate Download Link", I should load a bit and then open a new green button that says "Click here to Download"
(if you don't see it scroll down)
press it and it should start the download.
You can open the file directly by opening the notification bar and pressing on the file that was just download
(notification bar like a drop down curtain, just slide your finger from the top of the screen downwards)
select "Package installer" as the app to open it with and it should install it quickly.
Also for later if you don't have one already installed, install some kind of note app
I just installed this one:
connect your device to your computer
In your phone go to
settings -> wireless&networks -> Tethering & portable hotspot -> enable USB tethering
Wait for it to connect, once it does you can move on
Go to your terminal emulator, write "su" (without the quotation marks) and press enter
What it does is asks the phone to give you "Super User" permissions to change your phone built in settings
Give the app permission to do so.
The sign in the terminal emulator should change from $ to # to indicate that you have Super User permissions
Next, copy those lines to the terminal emulator and press enter
(you might want to save them in your note app before, I'll explain why in a bit)
netcfg usb0 dhcp
ifconfig usb0 netmask
route add default gw dev usb0
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
iptables -t nat -F
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o usb0 -j MASQUERADE
first 3 lines - for reverse tethering
Next 4 lines - for wifi hotspot reverse tethering sharing
couple of notes:
1)if it prints something like "iptables failed strangely: No such file or directory"
just ignore it, it works anyway
2)if you get an error relating to "dhcp" - make sure you enabled "USB tethering" in your device, and that you enabled connection sharing in your computer.
3) if for some reason you have other errors, try replacing "usb0" with "rndis0" in lines 1,2 and 3
not sure if you also need to change the "usb0" in line 6, but if it still gives you an error I didn't describe try chaging that too.
if you did get any errors just copy and paste the code (with the needed changes if any are needed) to the terminal emulator again
remember to do so only in su mode! (# instead of $)
also, save the final version (the version that worked for you) of the code lines in the note app you installed (step 5 explains why)
everything should now work perfectly
reverse tethering should work
and if you want to enable wifi hot spot just go to
settings -> wireless&networks -> Tethering & portable hotspot -> enable Portable WI-Fi hotspot
for me the reverse tethering and wifi hotspot sharing stops working after I reboot the phone
In such a case just
1)connect your phone to your computer
2)in phone: settings -> wireless&networks -> Tethering & portable hotspot -> enable USB tethering
3)go to terminal emulator
4)go to Super User mode (write su and press enter)
3)copy and paste the code you saved from the note app to the terminal emulator and press enter
and it should work again
if you want to connect your phone to another computer, to the exact same steps but remember to enable connection sharing in your computer before!
hope this little guide helped you
dmagen said:
How to root Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc S and enable reverse tethering + wifi hotspot that uses the reverse tethering in 10 minutes:
I just learned how to do it
took me about 5 hours to learn and succeed, thought I might share it in case someone else might want to try in the future:
guide is only for windows machine, but you can use the sources to do the same with Linux or a Mac
It only requires a few tweaks to drivers installation and terminal code.
Also it might work with other Xperia devices but I can't promise it will, you might want to check sources for in depth look.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxF4O5E2RiY&index=10 - how to root Xperia Arc S video
http://talk.sonymobile.com/t5/Andro...martphones-2011-and-2012-Xperias/td-p/287857- how to root Xperia Arc S
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2287494 - how to enable reverse tethering
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1882852 - how to get your wifi hotspot to share reverse tethering
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2635830 - drivers in case you need them
1) root your device:
in phone:
settings -> applications -> enable "unknown sources"
settings -> applications -> development -> enable USB debugging"
settings -> Sony Ericsson -> connectivity -> USB connection mode -> set to "mass storage mode (MSC) -> OK
Connect your device to windows
Windows should automatically install the required drivers
If in some case it does not, or if you have problems rooting your device
Just install the drivers from this link:
If the link is broken in the future I uploaded it to tinyupload:
Just install the driver that you need
Xperia Arc S actually is actually not listed there, I just installed all the ones that have "s" and "arc" in them
It takes a bit of space so try to not just install all of them
Download the rooting software from
Once it downloads activate it
A green windows written in Japanese should pop up
You don't need to understand a bit of what it says
If you see a big green button that says "ROOT" then all is good
If you don't it means some of the steps above were not done correctly
Either you didn't change your phone settings or you don't have the necessary drivers
Press the big green button that says "ROOT"
it should show you a list of 4 things
The 3 first things will change to a V sigh rather quickly
The 4th thing should take a little bit more
Once it's finished you should see a different big green button that says "*SomethingInJapnese*ROOT"
Just exit the program
now you phone is rooted
2)enable connection sharing in your computer
Go to Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network Connections
If for some reason it doesn't find the path
Press Start+R, write "ncpa.cpl" (without the quotation marks) and press enter
This is taken from the "how to enable reverse tethering" guide I linked in above, it explains it nicely:
right click on an Internet connection that you have.
I assume that you are using a desktop which doesn't have any wifi adapter, so right click on LAN Ethernet connection with Internet, and select "Properties".
in tab "Sharing" (or "Advanced" for Windows XP), click "Allow other network users to connect through...", then select the USB connection in dropdown list below.
click OK. Windows will automatically setup your USB network connection and assign to it an IP address, default for Windows 7:, default for Windows XP:
You can see your Internet connection is now "Shared" and your USB connection is now "Unidentified network".
In case you don't see a dropdown list (like me) it works anyway so just move on.
Once you press OK it should take some time for your machines to set things up so don't panic if it loads for a minute or so
3)install terminal emulator on your phone
You have 2 options here
1) register your phone with a fake gmail account, download the playstore app (from the market app) and download what you need
it didn't work for me, for some reason even after I registered it said that my account is not connected even though it certainly was
If you want to risk it you may try but for me it was just a waste of time
2) download the apk for the app and install it using the phone built in package installer.
Using your phone browser, go to
it just tries to redirect you to an advertising site, it won't affect your download if you press cancel
copy and paste the link from the Google play store site of the app you want to install
In this case the link is:
press "Generate Download Link", I should load a bit and then open a new green button that says "Click here to Download"
(if you don't see it scroll down)
press it and it should start the download.
You can open the file directly by opening the notification bar and pressing on the file that was just download
(notification bar like a drop down curtain, just slide your finger from the top of the screen downwards)
select "Package installer" as the app to open it with and it should install it quickly.
Also for later if you don't have one already installed, install some kind of note app
I just installed this one:
connect your device to your computer
In your phone go to
settings -> wireless&networks -> Tethering & portable hotspot -> enable USB tethering
Wait for it to connect, once it does you can move on
Go to your terminal emulator, write "su" (without the quotation marks) and press enter
What it does is asks the phone to give you "Super User" permissions to change your phone built in settings
Give the app permission to do so.
The sign in the terminal emulator should change from $ to # to indicate that you have Super User permissions
Next, copy those lines to the terminal emulator and press enter
(you might want to save them in your note app before, I'll explain why in a bit)
netcfg usb0 dhcp
ifconfig usb0 netmask
route add default gw dev usb0
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
iptables -t nat -F
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o usb0 -j MASQUERADE
first 3 lines - for reverse tethering
Next 4 lines - for wifi hotspot reverse tethering sharing
couple of notes:
1)if it prints something like "iptables failed strangely: No such file or directory"
just ignore it, it works anyway
2)if you get an error relating to "dhcp" - make sure you enabled "USB tethering" in your device, and that you enabled connection sharing in your computer.
3) if for some reason you have other errors, try replacing "usb0" with "rndis0" in lines 1,2 and 3
not sure if you also need to change the "usb0" in line 6, but if it still gives you an error I didn't describe try chaging that too.
if you did get any errors just copy and paste the code (with the needed changes if any are needed) to the terminal emulator again
remember to do so only in su mode! (# instead of $)
also, save the final version (the version that worked for you) of the code lines in the note app you installed (step 5 explains why)
everything should now work perfectly
reverse tethering should work
and if you want to enable wifi hot spot just go to
settings -> wireless&networks -> Tethering & portable hotspot -> enable Portable WI-Fi hotspot
for me the reverse tethering and wifi hotspot sharing stops working after I reboot the phone
In such a case just
1)connect your phone to your computer
2)in phone: settings -> wireless&networks -> Tethering & portable hotspot -> enable USB tethering
3)go to terminal emulator
4)go to Super User mode (write su and press enter)
3)copy and paste the code you saved from the note app to the terminal emulator and press enter
and it should work again
if you want to connect your phone to another computer, to the exact same steps but remember to enable connection sharing in your computer before!
hope this little guide helped you
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Hi there,
I thought to share my tasker task I am using with my PX5 radio.
Altough I already replaced my USB chip, I sometimes have usb/wifi drops.
My aims are the following:
Either if starting the radio from sleep, powering up or after having the usb/wifi issue, I wanted to:
start with the home screen and not with latest opened app
resume music from latest source (dab, spotifiy, ...)
restart specific app (in my case "Blitzer" radar app) if not running
turn wifi on
The task itself performs the following steps:
1.) It turns on wifi (especially after usb/wifi drop needed)
2.) It switches to home screen
3.) It checks if music is running and if not, it simulates PLAY key and returns to home screen (as some media apps go to foregrund when pressing play)
4.) I am looping step 3 five times with each a delay of 2 seconds as some apps pause playback, if internet connection should not be available yet.
5.) It checks (using pidof command) if the app, I want to have, is running and if not it is starting this app
Now - to get that working, I created a profile, which reacts on event -> hardware -> sd card mounted and assign my task to it.
To have it working, you need to have an sd card in your radio.
I realized, that after sleep and also after the wifi/usb drop issue, the sd card is remounted and that triggers my task.
I am so far happy with this and wanted to share it with you.
You can open following link when your radio has installed taker:
Link to Tasker Import
What version of android are you running? I'm trying to start my own tasker script after sleep and I tried using that SD card mounted method but I can't get it to work. SD card seems to be mounted after unit wakes up but tasker doesn't recognize the event automatically. It does though when i manually re-insert it.
laihis said:
What version of android are you running? I'm trying to start my own tasker script after sleep and I tried using that SD card mounted method but I can't get it to work. SD card seems to be mounted after unit wakes up but tasker doesn't recognize the event automatically. It does though when i manually re-insert it.
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I have Android 8.0 running and hal9k rom.
I added tasker to apps to after sleep.
And - in addition to what I have posted here, I needed to set the flag "run as root" for the keyevent task.