How to disable/enable 3g on the Captivate! - Captivate General

Download the application SamServMode, this is just an application to quickly open the service menu. Press 1, press 8, press 4. GSM is EDGE, WCDMA is 3g!

Funny, I wish, there was just an icon or a widget that would let me do it.. hell the iPhone lets you do it pretty easy like with just a few steps..

I use ''gt-widget data'' to shut off 3g data,i can still get calls,but of course no data,which realy helps to save if your on the 200mb plan,although sometimes the widget disapears you can just long press the screen and select android widgets to get it back

yea. but i rather just have Edge sometimes, i dont use much data, and i do it just to save battery..
on another note, wonder why I can't get an extended battery for my Captivate.. i dont care if it's a little thicker, but a bnice big battery would be nice.

well,i dont see the 3g symbol activated when using that widget,i hoping im using edge,i need to see if i get better batt life,i only been using it 2 days

I use quick settings free apparently in market. Can't choose edge only. Just on or off 3g.

APNdroid works well too. did a nice job
went out of country and didn't want to use ANY data (even with world plan, roaming charges are outrageous).

i installed apndroid to on/off 3g. it didn't work well. i guess i didn't restart.
i restarted the phone after uninstalling apndroid.
now i don't get the 3g icon on top. and it doesn't work too. any way to reactivate it?

reventon1500 said:
i installed apndroid to on/off 3g. it didn't work well. i guess i didn't restart.
i restarted the phone after uninstalling apndroid.
now i don't get the 3g icon on top. and it doesn't work too. any way to reactivate it?
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Looks like your APN info is lost, atleast looks so. Its is best to always backup APNs using "APN Backup Restore" app before doing this.
Also, next time on, you could try using SAMSERVMODE to disable enable 2G/3G data mode. That would be most non-intrusive way, since the changes would be persistent only till phone reboot. On reboot, they would be restored back.

myrddin201 said:
APNdroid works well too. did a nice job
went out of country and didn't want to use ANY data (even with world plan, roaming charges are outrageous).
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APN droid, to the best of my knowledge, deletes APN settings when disabling data. It restores them when restoring connection. Kind of dangerous way esp. considering that people do not always remember to restore data connection before deleting the app.
Please correct me if my understand of APN droid is wrong.
You could simple disable "data" in network settings.
This is would be advisable compared to using apps when settings/options are already present:
Settings --> Wireless and Network --> Mobile Networks --> Use Packet Data - ON or OFF.
---------------- Edit 1 ----------------
If you are on AT&T network in US, you could:
1. Ask anyone (could be on this forum too) to backup their AT&T APN settings using the "APN Backup Restore" app,
2. Copy the same to ur internal sd card,
3. Install the program on ur phone, and
4. Restore them on ur phone.
I could do the same, but I use a custom ROM and have some hundreds of APN entries. Stock AT&T ROMs have like 69-71 entries.
---------------- Edit 2 ----------------
I have attached the APNs I had backed up 22nd August 2010 when on 2.1. Attaching the same.
1. Create a folder called "ApnBackupRestore" on sdcard.
2. Extract and copy the XML from the attached file into this folder.
3. Install APN Backup and Restore app, and restore the data from this.
Hope this helps...

johnny0914 said:
I use quick settings free apparently in market. Can't choose edge only. Just on or off 3g.
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Use SAMSERVMODE from market to turn on EDGE only or 3G only. This app does that, though the data is lost on restart and would need to turn on EDGE again after every restart.

I've been using APNdroid for quite a while now, and it works perfectly. It also comes with a widget which makes turning data on/off really easy.

i installed juice defender/ ultimate juice. it has a widget that turns off 3G..try it.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App

If you are using the newer Perception ROM. It can easily be changed by going to:
Settings > wireless and network > mobile networks > network mode
then select one of 3 choices (auto, GSM, WCDMA)
There's no need to install widgets or add-ons.

this is great, but it's a pain to go thu all thoes menus. thats why i hated the iphone soo much, going thue all these menus takes more time..
just want an on/off switch,.. would be nice if they could add it to the shade next to the wifi icon..
or when wifi is on, data turns off or goes to EDGE.

app: Switch Network Type works as a fast shortcut for me. Got it from the market.

I use switchpro widget. It has a toggle for pretty much anything you need to turn on/off. Its a paid app but its cheap and it really consolidates all of your toggle needs
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SMODA widget ..... downloaded from Market. On or Off. Very Simple

eatonjb said:
yea. but i rather just have Edge sometimes, i dont use much data, and i do it just to save battery..
on another note, wonder why I can't get an extended battery for my Captivate.. i dont care if it's a little thicker, but a bnice big battery would be nice.
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SeidioOnline has an extended life battery available as of Nov. 2010

Widgetsoid. 'Nuff said.


Disable 3G, Edge etc; Use WIFI only

I dont have a data package for my fuze so i want to disable it from connecting when i load an app that uses internet. I wish to have wifi as my default connection.
Is there a simple way to do this?
Search for the nodata app. It will allow you to disable all data connections other than wifi. I am in the same situation as you and it works out fine for me so far.
or you could just go to your connection settings and under advanced select My work network in both drop down boxes...
um you could just go to the connection settings and delete the dial up profile
Or you could just go to Comm Manager and turn off Data Connection.
go to settings, then Communications and turn off your data connection.
yeah but he doesnt have a data connection that wouldnt stop it from dialing up would it?
If there's no wifi - it will automagically turn the data connection back on (when it needs one - weather/email/etc.). Why there's even a switch.... i dunno.
Well i did disable so it didnt even come up so i dont get charged even the smallest amount. However youtube doesnt work with wifi, everything else does.
xboxhaxorz said:
Well i did disable so it didnt even come up so i dont get charged even the smallest amount. However youtube doesnt work with wifi, everything else does.
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I have disabled data connection and Youtube works great for me over wifi, so don't worry, it's not a software limitation.
I cant figure it out then, it doesnt seem to work over wifi. Perhaps your just a lucky fuze user.
Edit:WOW JUST POSTED THIS, Tried it and now its working lol
You can always ask your service provider to put a data block on your account, just to be on the safe side
euphoria47 said:
You can always ask your service provider to put a data block on your account, just to be on the safe side
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Oh thanks, will do that in the future
just go to the network settings and create a fake / none network and set that as the default.
thats what i did worked perfectly
hope this helps
call at&T to have them put the internet block code on that phone number
thillypickle said:
just go to the network settings and create a fake / none network and set that as the default.
thats what i did worked perfectly
hope this helps
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This might sound noobish, but do you have a step by step?? Is it on Settings>Connections>Advanced>Select Netwoks>....?? Thanks in advance.
Search and dowload NOGPRS cab. It should be a zipfile with a cab in it. Run the cab on yout phone. You should now have an icon that says Nodata. This allows you to toggle the connection so it can come on freely when needed by an app, or not come on at all even if an app needs it. Pretty self explanatory. No need to create fake accounts, or delete anything. If you delete stuff, then when you need to use it if ever, you have to re-enter everything. This eliminates that.

2G/3G Toggle?

Any idea how to enable/unhide this feature under wireless networks? Switching to 2G only nearly doubles my battery life on my Nexus
I've just been accessing the band selection menu and selecting gsm bands only. The menu is *#*#2263#*#*. This little "fix" doesn't hold after a reboot, fyi.
I also use the SMODA widget to shut off the data connection whenever I don't need it.
It sucks that mobile data is always on by default, with no stock option to shut it off, and that you can't select to only use 2g right out of the box.
I've seen some widgets that will turn 3G off/on... I wonder if those work on the captivate. I'll give it a try today.
mesasone said:
I've seen some widgets that will turn 3G off/on... I wonder if those work on the captivate. I'll give it a try today.
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I think you should be able to force it by going to *#*#4636*#*# and selecting GSM only, but that's such a hassle
See if this helps do what you want.
Try quick settings from the market and toggle the APN control on and off. Appears to work....
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MendedEagle said:
Try quick settings from the market and toggle the APN control on and off. Appears to work....
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I'm not looking to completely disable data - I just want to be able to disable 3G when I don't need it (and revert to EDGE data)
mesasone said:
I've seen some widgets that will turn 3G off/on... I wonder if those work on the captivate. I'll give it a try today.
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The widget I have - which comes with Weather and Toggle Widget - does not work. It just brings up the wireless connections menu, but of course you can't turn it off from there.
I'm using smart bar, and it has a 3g-2g switch, but it isn't working. Since this functionality isn't working on my captivate, but worked on my other phones, I'd say it's been intentionally pushed out. If a hack can fix this, I'd love to learn about it.
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I am also interested in this. I work in.a area that switches from edge to 3g a lot and when i had a iphone i increased my battery a lot by setting it strictly to edge at work.
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After all the digging and searching around, I found two apps that work perfectly on Samsung Captivate for toggling mobile data (3G)
- Juicedefender (it has a widget you can use to toggle 3G quickly)
- SMODA Widget (It doesnt have too many 5 star ratings but works fine on my samsung captivate).
My phone is rooted but I believe it is not a requirement of either of the above apps. Hope this info is useful for other captivate owners.
Most of the other APN / 3G toggle apps on the market try to put a suffix on the APN names in settings. On the samsung captivate this works only with a restart/reboot. Meaning if you disable 3G using the app it would put a suffix like 'disabled' or something to the APN name. But your phone still has the 3G connection using the original APN settings. Only after you restart the phone does it see the 'disabled' APN name and is not able to use and hence no 3G. Vice versa when you want to enable 3G back - needs restart.
I dont know what process the above 2 apps use but they work instantly on my samsung captivate. No need to restart or click a bunch of other settings. They work perfectly and as simple as it should be.
bravisha said:
After all the digging and searching around, I found two apps that work perfectly on Samsung Captivate for toggling mobile data (3G)
- Juicedefender (it has a widget you can use to toggle 3G quickly)
- SMODA Widget (It doesnt have too many 5 star ratings but works fine on my samsung captivate).
My phone is rooted but I believe it is not a requirement of either of the above apps. Hope this info is useful for other captivate owners.
Most of the other APN / 3G toggle apps on the market try to put a suffix on the APN names in settings. On the samsung captivate this works only with a restart/reboot. Meaning if you disable 3G using the app it would put a suffix like 'disabled' or something to the APN name. But your phone still has the 3G connection using the original APN settings. Only after you restart the phone does it see the 'disabled' APN name and is not able to use and hence no 3G. Vice versa when you want to enable 3G back - needs restart.
I dont know what process the above 2 apps use but they work instantly on my samsung captivate. No need to restart or click a bunch of other settings. They work perfectly and as simple as it should be.
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i heard juice defender works well
Where are you seeing the option to switch from 3G to EDGE? I just installed Juice defender but can't find the option. The mobile data connection widget just shuts off my data entirely.
Sorta on topic but when I try to install juice defender it is never able to install the aosp helper. Does it work for you guys?
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idkmybffzeeshan said:
I'm using smart bar, and it has a 3g-2g switch, but it isn't working. Since this functionality isn't working on my captivate, but worked on my other phones, I'd say it's been intentionally pushed out. If a hack can fix this, I'd love to learn about it.
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Yea, I was hoping someone maybe knew which file you had to edit to reenable that option in the network settings page
bravisha said:
After all the digging and searching around, I found two apps that work perfectly on Samsung Captivate for toggling mobile data (3G)
- Juicedefender (it has a widget you can use to toggle 3G quickly)
- SMODA Widget (It doesnt have too many 5 star ratings but works fine on my samsung captivate).
My phone is rooted but I believe it is not a requirement of either of the above apps. Hope this info is useful for other captivate owners.
Most of the other APN / 3G toggle apps on the market try to put a suffix on the APN names in settings. On the samsung captivate this works only with a restart/reboot. Meaning if you disable 3G using the app it would put a suffix like 'disabled' or something to the APN name. But your phone still has the 3G connection using the original APN settings. Only after you restart the phone does it see the 'disabled' APN name and is not able to use and hence no 3G. Vice versa when you want to enable 3G back - needs restart.
I dont know what process the above 2 apps use but they work instantly on my samsung captivate. No need to restart or click a bunch of other settings. They work perfectly and as simple as it should be.
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I already have Juice Defender I know I can disable data completely, but I'm looking for something that can disable 3G while keeping EDGE alive
Main Target said:
Sorta on topic but when I try to install juice defender it is never able to install the aosp helper. Does it work for you guys?
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It says install completed, but in the logs, it says there was an error
It would be nice to disable 3g while at home or something , where the reception is a bit sketchy, but i could at least still use it for voice and texting , and use wifi for the internet and app stuff. Could help conserve battery life as well
I tried smoda and can confirm that it doesn't work for me. It disabled data completely as I cannot access the web.when I activated the widget. It would be nice if we could set this phone to 2g and if data speeds were above a certain threshold for a certain amount of time then we could have it switch to 3g.
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Yeah, I'd really just like to force the phone into EDGE mode when I'm not using it - updating weather and fetching e-mails are really not that data intensive and don't need the speed from the 3G connection. I'd like to have a widget that will turn the 3G back on when I'm on breaks or whatever and want to surf the web, watch a video on YouTube, whatever. I believe you can do this in the service menus, so you would think there would be a way to accomplish it with a widget - even if it were Galaxy S specific.
I'd pitch in 5 bucks towards a bounty towards such a widget if somebody could create one.
Juice defender does have the option to run the 3G radio on 15/1 cycles (off for 15 minutes, on for one) but I'm not sure how/if my apps that would use background data would sync up with that.
i9000 vs 1897 band settings?
Now that I've moved to the JH2 firmware I'm back to some of the AT&T crap, like hiding the band selection setting.
I'm thinking that the differences are in the Settings.apk.
Others have said that since it's a system app and signed, you can't just install it. So I'm wondering if it would be possible to pull the Settings.apk from the i9000 rom and stuff it using the method.
May have to do a backup and give it a shot.
Once that setting is available, you can use 2G 3G switcher from Market to bring up the UI and toggle between EDGE and HSDPA.
By keeping it on EDGE, my battery lasts alot longer...
If we could manage to enable it juice defender would switch back and forth automatically based on download speed and/or the screen being on/off, which be ideal.
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A couple fixes for some of our problems

Lets face it. All devices have bugs upon release that the normal person won't care about nor think of it as a bug. This device has it's share but as a reminder. There is no software bug that can't be fixed. By the way, make sure you don't skip the initial setup and if you did just wipe and restore.
1) Some are having a problem when using WiFi. There 4G or 3G data is not turning off and instead of your device using WiFi to exchange data it is using your 4G or 3G data. If you turn WiFi on and don't see a 4G/3G icon in the notification area then your device is working properly in this department.
The Fix: There is three "My Account" apps on our devices and there causing a conflict when 2 or more is running at the same time. To fix this you need to delete all of them (I used Root Explorer). If you use "My Account" you can download the current version from the market. Next, freeze or delete WiFi calling and the T-Mobile app pack. After you have deleted everything you have to reboot your device. Note: While deleting or freezing some of these, you might get some looping force closes. Just simply remove your battery to reboot the device and once it reboots the force closing will be gone.
2) Some are having a problem when moving from cell tower to cell tower. If you are losing a data signal every once in a while but the 4G/3G icon is still showing in the notification area, you need to do the fallowing.
The Fix: Go into your Mobile Network settings and make sure your device is setup to automatically use GSM/WCDMA. Then click on search for networks and at this point you will see T-Mobile UMTS, T-Mobile GSM and ATT GSW. After they appear click on select automatically. While your at it go ahead and click on data roaming since T-Mobile has contracts with other providers so your able to roam on there towers. Don't worry, you won't be charged for roaming since T-Mobile only charges for international roaming. After all this do a reboot.
Some of you think that there is a problem with your battery if your device is showing your "cell standby" above 30%. This is not a problem. Every time you charge your G2X it will reset usage percentages as you know. Well if you emediatly start using your phone and don't put it down for 2 hours than I promise you that your display will be at the top of the list. Obviously if your device stays off for a little bit and upon waking it you look at your battery statistics your going to see Cell standby and Phone idle at the top since the display was off. If your wandering why Cell Standby is using more juice than WiFi it's because when you turn your display off it automatically sleeps your WiFi.
The percentages in your batter statistics need to add up to 100%-105% and something is going to use more than the rest depending on what your doing with your device after removing it from charge. Ask yourself this. If my G2X is in my pocket for 1 hour after removing it from it's charger. What would I like to see using most of my battery? I can tell you right now. Certainly not your display since it's been off the entire time.
There's only one MyAccount app on the phone. I looked myself in the System/app folder. If you see multiple MyAccounts in a task manager it is just another instance of the same application.
Also there's NOTHING wrong with Wifi Calling or My Account. I have both on and use them extensively. My phone has gone now 26hrs without a reboot or hitch of heavy usage. Wifi works, 3G/4G works perfectly. I don't have any issues right now...until the next reboot
Want to give people another perspective since you don't have to give up MyAccount or Wifi caling to have a usable phone.
jrwingate6 said:
Ask yourself this. If my G2X is in my pocket for 1 hour after removing it from it's charger. What would I like to see using most of my battery? I can tell you right now. Certainly not your display since it's been off the entire time.
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Cell standby of course
mobilehavoc said:
There's only one MyAccount app on the phone. I looked myself in the System/app folder. If you see multiple MyAccounts in a task manager it is just another instance of the same application.
Also there's NOTHING wrong with Wifi Calling or My Account. I have both on and use them extensively. My phone has gone now 26hrs without a reboot or hitch of heavy usage. Wifi works, 3G/4G works perfectly. I don't have any issues right now...until the next reboot
Want to give people another perspective since you don't have to give up MyAccount or Wifi caling to have a usable phone.
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Thats WHY you don't have any problems. Because you only have 1 "MyAccount" application. Those of us that had 2 or 3 have the problems. By the way I had 3 and no they weren't showing in task manager. They were all deleted using Root Explorer.
Where did you see them? They were all in system/app??!?
Odd how they could all exist together - were they named differently?
mobilehavoc said:
Where did you see them? They were all in system/app??!?
Odd how they could all exist together - were they named differently?
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Yes, different version numbers and branding included in the apks. I had 2, version 1 and version 5.x.
OP, for some reason when I try Search Networks I get: "Error while searching for networks." Any ideas?
mobilehavoc said:
Where did you see them? They were all in system/app??!?
Odd how they could all exist together - were they named differently?
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They all existed in the system folder. It seemed like instead of the new versions updating the existing app, they were just creating new files. Your right, it is odd but I can see how that would create a problem.
rfm2113 said:
OP, for some reason when I try Search Networks I get: "Error while searching for networks." Any ideas?
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I got the same thing. I had to enable wifi, then shut off wifi calling. Then it worked.
OP, for some reason when I try Search Networks I get: "Error while searching for networks." Any ideas?
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I got the same thing. I had to enable wifi, then shut off wifi calling. Then it worked.
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Worked perfectly, thanks!
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Multiple missing menu in service mode, Possible ways to enable

Coming from SGS where I could select WCDMA/GSM in the Settings>Mobile Network
or through *#301279# and select HSDPA/GSM mode
I find it bit annoying not to be able to
1. switch off 3G mode when not neeeded so as to conserve battery.
2. preferentially select wcdma/3G mode in slightly weaker 3G areas for faster net.
Though it is understandable to an extent missing menu in UI customized by/for ATT
But it surprises me how the *#301279# menu is also disabled.
Also number of menus in service mode are also disabled (menu does not exist).
Is there a way we can re-enable these?
Can we push "service mode 2.2.1" from some other device (e.g. backed up through titanium etc and restored over the one in infuse.)
(There is no Q&A section and this is more than general query so I have put it in dev section. I apologize if I was wrong.)
Try *#*#4636#*#*
Then choose "phone information"
there you'll find the option to choose the preferred network type.
I assume this is what you are looking for?
Already tried that.
The option to choose band is there but this does not stay, in fact it is not getting executed. Immediately after setting without even reboot if we go back to the menu *#*#4636#*#* it has reverted to wcdma/gsm auto prl.
In galaxy s and galaxy s2, there is a option in mobile network settings, and also your suggested method holds. Also *#301279# takes us to selection for hspa version.
Is there some apk like wireless teether manager which if frozen could allow internal android menu to work.
Or we need to push service mode from galaxy s...
I am not a developer and not confident to risk a brick... Wish someone with knowledge about these to look into this.
topgnat said:
Already tried that.
The option to choose band is there but this does not stay, in fact it is not getting executed. Immediately after setting without even reboot if we go back to the menu *#*#4636#*#* it has reverted to wcdma/gsm auto prl.
In galaxy s and galaxy s2, there is a option in mobile network settings, and also your suggested method holds. Also *#301279# takes us to selection for hspa version.
Is there some apk like wireless teether manager which if frozen could allow internal android menu to work.
Or we need to push service mode from galaxy s...
I am not a developer and not confident to risk a brick... Wish someone with knowledge about these to look into this.
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You should definitely risk a brick. Why else would you be at xda?
I personally would ADB pull the backup from the infuse while in recovery and push the new from SGS rom. That way if you bootloop, you can adb reboot recovery, possibly get a recovery reboot and then push the original back.
Keep us posted.
*#*#4636#*#* does hold i have been on wcdma only for days now after going in and making the changes press the home key not back if you press back it reverts back to auto by pressing home i got it to stay
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You could also try the *#0011# menu.
Then press the menu key and press back. Then press menu and choose "phone control" then press either "network control" or "hspa cat control".
This should be what you're looking for, if not, I'm sorry.
topgnat said:
Coming from SGS where I could select WCDMA/GSM in the Settings>Mobile Network
or through *#301279# and select HSDPA/GSM mode
I find it bit annoying not to be able to
1. switch off 3G mode when not neeeded so as to conserve battery.
2. preferentially select wcdma/3G mode in slightly weaker 3G areas for faster net.
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att disabled this feature on all their phone, it' working on SGS cus you using a uk/europe rom.
the only way it will work on infuse is someone make a custom kernel for it. or wait for canada version of infuse.
kcab87 said:
You could also try the *#0011# menu.
Then press the menu key and press back. Then press menu and choose "phone control" then press either "network control" or "hspa cat control".
This should be what you're looking for, if not, I'm sorry.
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Gotta test this out!
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gtg465x said:
You should definitely risk a brick. Why else would you be at xda?
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Thanks for the encouragement... I took a plunge and atleast concluded few things in process.
I pushed service mode from Galaxy S in number of ways, .apk pull and push, titanium backup and restore, supermanager backup and push.
But Service mode>>Debug Screen>>Phone Control>>Network control Has missing [4]-----, which in SGS is service acusition order,
Also RRC(HSPA) control sows menu does not exist.
But at this moment it Struck me, What I am pushing is the UI and commands/codes but the menu has to exist on the ROM...
And in this case The RADIO ROM or the baseband. Probably samsung has modified basebands for ATT thats why we may never be able to get full choice on choosing 2g/3gNetwork (not data)
I found switching to 2g network helped battery life big time while in my work. Only to switch back to 3g network when I needed data/vedio call.
Screen Shots show how convenient it is in Samsung Galaxy S and S2.
So for the sake of More Juice from battery Lets hunt....
Have you tried *#2263#. You can switch between gsm/wcdma band easily. I've tested myself to keep my phone stuck to 3g in weaker reception areas.
Yes that is one way of doing it, In fact I created Contact entry By name 0f "2g3g" with that code in. Look at the screen shots in my earlier post Wish there could be this menu...
topgnat said:
Yes that is one way of doing it, In fact I created Contact entry By name 0f "2g3g" with that code in. Look at the screen shots in my earlier post Wish there could be this menu...
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Do you know a menu for a manual network search? I'm roaming every time and this phone use to stick to the worse network available dunno why maybe is because at&t

Skyrocket: no free internet access on WIFI??

(sorry I posted it in the wrong place so now re-posting it here)
Hi -
I just got this white Skyrocket phone with 200MB data plan.
I heard that when connected to 4G, the phone uses data allowance from the data package, whereas if connected to WIFI (like at home), the data usage doesn't come off my AT&T data allowance.
So I want to disconnect from 4G and connect to my WIFI when I am at home.
At the store, the just told me to make sure that WIFI is showing as on on the top bar (or when you swipe that bar down). They said if WIFI is showing on, it means that the phone is using WIFI connection.
However, I see that at the same time when WIFI is showing on, the "4G" icon is also showing on and looking active! So- they are both looking active! That's why I wonder which connection is my Skyrocket actually using?
It looks like the data I use on WIFI also comes out of my data plan because the data packet is on.
So I had an idea, went to settings-wireless-mobile networks and unchecked "Use Data Packet".
When the above was unchecked, 4G icon disappeared and I could see only WIFI icon on the top bar, which would be good - however, the problem is that now I cannot connect to internet. (I turned the phone on and off- no change)
Does it mean that there is no way on Skyrocket to bypass AT&T data allowance and whether I use 4G or my own WIFI, there is no free internet access on this phone?
Or is there something else I can do to make sure I am connected just to my WIFI and data is free?
I would appreciate your help.
Thank you
It just shows both icon to double check get speedtest and do one. You can see in results if you get wifi or 4g LTE.
justcalled said:
(sorry I posted it in the wrong place so now re-posting it here)
Hi -
I just got this white Skyrocket phone with 200MB data plan.
I heard that when connected to 4G, the phone uses data allowance from the data package, whereas if connected to WIFI (like at home), the data usage doesn't come off my AT&T data allowance.
So I want to disconnect from 4G and connect to my WIFI when I am at home.
At the store, the just told me to make sure that WIFI is showing as on on the top bar (or when you swipe that bar down). They said if WIFI is showing on, it means that the phone is using WIFI connection.
However, I see that at the same time when WIFI is showing on, the "4G" icon is also showing on and looking active! So- they are both looking active! That's why I wonder which connection is my Skyrocket actually using?
It looks like the data I use on WIFI also comes out of my data plan because the data packet is on.
So I had an idea, went to settings-wireless-mobile networks and unchecked "Use Data Packet".
When the above was unchecked, 4G icon disappeared and I could see only WIFI icon on the top bar, which would be good - however, the problem is that now I cannot connect to internet. (I turned the phone on and off- no change)
Does it mean that there is no way on Skyrocket to bypass AT&T data allowance and whether I use 4G or my own WIFI, there is no free internet access on this phone?
Or is there something else I can do to make sure I am connected just to my WIFI and data is free?
I would appreciate your help.
Thank you
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They both should not show up at once unless something that needs access to att data like voicemail is checking for messages. Sounds more like either you are not connecting to your wireless router correctly or the wifi antenna is messed up on your phone.
Well sometimes for me it shows both icons in status bar. All i do is turn off wifi and turn back and the 4G LTE icon disappears.
draztikrhymez said:
They both should not show up at once unless something that needs access to att data like voicemail is checking for messages. Sounds more like either you are not connecting to your wireless router correctly or the wifi antenna is messed up on your phone.
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appdroid said:
Well sometimes for me it shows both icons in status bar. All i do is turn off wifi and turn back and the 4G LTE icon disappears.
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Yea same for me but that means something is not allowing the phone to connect to wifi hence having to turn the wifi radio off n on.
Normally it shouldn't do that. Plus if op restarted the phone entirely and still no connection something is just not establishing the connection correctly
Well not exactly because i did speed test and i got my connection as wireless connection so for me it was fine with both icon.
draztikrhymez said:
Yea same for me but that means something is not allowing the phone to connect to wifi hence having to turn the wifi radio off n on.
Normally it shouldn't do that. Plus if op restarted the phone entirely and still no connection something is just not establishing the connection correctly
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Some functions require the data connection (mms, some syncing etc) and will trigger your data connection even when on wifi
If truly concerned use tasker or juice defender to disable cell data while wifi is on. Or manually turn it off
Or as someone else wifi is not maintaining connection
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using XDA App
Not sure if this will help but there are many apps in the market to help with connection issues. I have two widgets that tells me which one im using and how strong they are just do a search for mobile traffic or cell /wifi. Hope that helps.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium
I think a lot of people are ignoring the op said no data is working at all when trying wifi.
Yes both icons will show sometimes because like mentioned mms, voicemail, etc requires it.
If the phone has no data period even after reboots then wifi is not connecting
Download "My data manager" from the market. It will show you your data useage, both wifi and data. Use that and check to see if you really are using your wifi or if its still using data.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using XDA App
Thank you for all your replies, each one taught me something about this new phone and I downloaded a few of the apps that you mentioned.
So all day I was being very careful about the internet, tracking my 4G/WiFi usage all day and then in the evening my kid pressed on a game icon and some kind of car game downloaded =adding over 70MB to my data transfer right away!! (and my monthly budget is 200MB)
It took a couple of seconds - he actually just pressed on the icon and then pressed home when he saw a car because he decided he doesn't want to play it. But it downloaded anyway! I am so mad!
I think it is unethical and very sneaky of AT&T to place all those unnecessary apps on the phone - especially if they turn out to be so costly.
So the only way to delete all those stupid apps is to root the phone? I am not a programmer and I am so afraid that I am going to mess it up
Don't need to root in order to uninstall apps just go to setting>application>manage application>Downloaded apps> and uninstall them. This is all the bloatware that you don't need so go through carefully and uninstall what you don't need. It will help you increase battery life.
justcalled said:
Thank you for all your replies, each one taught me something about this new phone and I downloaded a few of the apps that you mentioned.
So all day I was being very careful about the internet, tracking my 4G/WiFi usage all day and then in the evening my kid pressed on a game icon and some kind of car game downloaded =adding over 70MB to my data transfer right away!! (and my monthly budget is 200MB)
It took a couple of seconds - he actually just pressed on the icon and then pressed home when he saw a car because he decided he doesn't want to play it. But it downloaded anyway! I am so mad!
I think it is unethical and very sneaky of AT&T to place all those unnecessary apps on the phone - especially if they turn out to be so costly.
So the only way to delete all those stupid apps is to root the phone? I am not a programmer and I am so afraid that I am going to mess it up
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Yes, I noticed that I can remove what I have installed. However, I wanted to get rid of pre-installed apps and their icons. I have not found a way to remove those.
Yes root and Rom toolbox app will help you with that.
justcalled said:
Yes, I noticed that I can remove what I have installed. However, I wanted to get rid of pre-installed apps and their icons. I have not found a way to remove those.
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And if you call Att and tell them that it wasn't authorized they'll credit your account
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium
Your wifi is turned on but you aren't connected to your Hoke network...go to settings>wireless and networks>wifi settings>then pick whichever network is yours and put in a password if it requires one
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium
nthknd ,
I was hoping for that, but when I called AT&T, they didn't want to credit my account, just the opposite, they made me up my data plan to 2G. They said in the beginning people tend to use data more as they explore the new phone - in a few months, once I figure out my monthly usage, I can change my plan and go back to 200MB or whatever.
They also tried to fix my issues with internet (when only WiFi was showing -no 4G- the phone would not connect to internet). So they fixed it and now I have internet access when only WiFi is showing on the top bar.
On the other hand, now 4G completely disappeared! I haven't seen it all day..
Either AT&T is having technical difficulties or I got disconnected from 4G!
Sorry my advise didn't work but they should credit you since your phone malfunction,guess it depends on who you get guess it's a crap shoot.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium
appdroid said:
Well sometimes for me it shows both icons in status bar. All i do is turn off wifi and turn back and the 4G LTE icon disappears.
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Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727
They can't make you!
justcalled said:
nthknd ,
I was hoping for that, but when I called AT&T, they didn't want to credit my account, just the opposite, they made me up my data plan to 2G. They said in the beginning people tend to use data more as they explore the new phone - in a few months, once I figure out my monthly usage, I can change my plan and go back to 200MB or whatever.
They also tried to fix my issues with internet (when only WiFi was showing -no 4G- the phone would not connect to internet). So they fixed it and now I have internet access when only WiFi is showing on the top bar.
On the other hand, now 4G completely disappeared! I haven't seen it all day..
Either AT&T is having technical difficulties or I got disconnected from 4G!
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They can't make you upgrade your data. The guy you talked to is just trying to rip you off so he gets commission for upgrading you to a "better" data plan. It's your account and you can pick what you want for it. If you want 200 MB then call and switch it back and say the last rep said you had to and made you do it.

