Am I missing something, or is there no decent snow report (as in ski resort snow report) application on Android? Can someone point me to one?
Oh, and if you write one with customizable alerts (like "if there are 18" of powder in 24 hrs at Beaver Creek, set alarm for 0500 so I can get a big breakfast and get in the truck), I am totally buying it!
I agree with this thread 100%. My buddy and I have started working on it now. Should be interesting to see how it works.
Sweet, i was starting to try to work on one using App Inventor but I'm stuck looking for a good XML source. I prefer's reports as they're seemingly close to actual expectations, but I guess you need an account for their source.
Gwaki, What are you going to use for the source?
Only one I could find is this:
iphone has a pretty good one from North Face. Hopefully they'll develop one for Droid too.
PinkoCommie said:
Oh, and if you write one with customizable alerts (like "if there are 18" of powder in 24 hrs at Beaver Creek, set alarm for 0500 so I can get a big breakfast and get in the truck), I am totally buying it!
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Don't forget to have it call your work with a pre-recorded message saying you're out sick
Dude! This app would ROCK!! There's already snow on the mountains here in Utah. I'm getting stoked for snow season.
I would definitely pay a few bucks if it's like the North Face app.
Funny you should ask. I have been working on an app for OnTheSnow/Mountain News that we are preparing to release in a couple weeks. It will be free and support OS 1.6+.
I need beta testers though. So, please contact me via PM through this site with phone model and carrier and I will give you access to the app. Thanks.
I know a lot of users here had made comments about writing a widget for my contest. As of writing this there is just over 15 hours left before submissions must be sent in. I have had about 1/4 of the submissions I was expecting based on those who contacted me so I am hoping devs either forgot to send in a submission or are waiting till the very end.
If you have created a widget for my contest, please make sure you get it in to me by midnight tonight Arizona time (-0700). Instructions on submitting and a real time countdown can be found at
Thanks to everyone who participated because the contest would not have gone nearly as well as it has without XDA users support. May the best widget win!
good luck to all the developers! i can't wait to see what they come up with.
Anyone else? I know we are missing a lot of ppl who said they were working on something.
I can't wait to see the submissions that came in. We should see some great widgets out of this contest.
Yes. We should see some outstanding ones. Well... I hope, at least.
just as i get the ion rom installed and finally get comfortable with sweeter home... im going to have to switch back to another home app to use these amazing widgets, cant wait to see whats going to be released through this challenge
3.5 hours left, submissions not rolling in. I hope ppl are just adding finishing touches
when will we see some widgets??
Hey guys;
Not sure if this is the forum to submit ideas, but I wasn't sure where to go exactly. I've never wanted an android app developed until now.
So I'm looking into getting this controller for my sprinklers so I can control them from the web or my phone. I figured if I was on vacation for example and forgot to set my sprinklers from the controller in my garage, I could do it over my phone or any web browser if I buy this controller from this site.
On that page they say "Open API for Software Developers" so I'm wondering if someone is willing to take on developing an app for this? Do you see a good market for something like this? I will gladly donate!
Thanks in advance for any comments, etc
Hehe, that's an unusual request. However, I imagine that there isn't much of a market for this kind of app. Unless there's some kind of standard interface for internet-enabled sprinklers (even the concept makes me laugh ), the app would have to specifically support each brand. That would mean that the number of people interested in each app would be very low, or the dev would have to spend a lot of time working through all the brands to ensure compatibility.
I didn't read through their site in detail, but I take it that there's no configuration webpage that you could access? That would clearly be the easiest and cheapest (free!) solution. If someone had to write the app for you, it would probably end up costing quite a bit if they charged even just minimum wage for their time. That said, if the app is so important to you that you're willing to pay ~$100 for it, I'd look more closely at what writing this would really require. (You can see my previous work in the Android Market - Spectrum Puzzles.)
Well I dont think theres many brands... Rainbird is the most common out there. I was debating on this unit too:
I like it better, and I wonder if someone could just make an app that is based off this units browser interface. Prob not tho. It's a funny request cuz its not techy at all, but kinda amazing if u think about it to control ur sprinklers from ur phone. To me, yes its worth 100 or more
lol that could be jokes , send someone to get something in your garden get out your phone open the app and get them wet!!! lool
Lawn sprinkler app
I'd just like an app to turn and off a valve connected to my outdoor hose bib / faucet. I just planted some grass and need to water it 2 or 3 times per day. If I had a controllable valve I could set the times and durations from anywhere with my phone. Seems like something many people would pay for???
Necro thread!!
It's in the wrong section anyway - should be in Android General.
Thread moved.
I'm not here to only promote my app. I'd prefer to open a much broader discourse re the freedom app development can bring, about the Android platform and development framework and other such things. I'm new to the XDA forums... you'll understand why if you keep reading.
I crafted my first Android app over the past few months. I've got a couple of old skool Symbian apps - one of which stayed in the Ovi store top 30 for well over three months (although that's not too impressive really). I really enjoyed learning Java and Android. I'm a (embedded) C++ geek and have never bothered with Java before now.
I gotta say I like it. I found both Java and Android easy and the development cycle fast. Not saying I've mastered it or anything like that it as I've only spent a couple of months working on the platform and language so far. I think the results are pretty impressive considering the effort (link below).
The story of my app creation might be interesting for a couple of reasons but it might also might bore you to tears... developing apps can bring freedom from the office cubicle. You can leave those Dilbert days behind And I don't mean swapping the office for a bedroom. I coded this app (and others) from a hammock on the beaches of Asia.
I live and work in Europe, on contract, in Spring/Summer/Autumn and beach bum in Winter. I've been doing this for years (missed 4 years in 14) and I'm always surprised how few other I meet on the road. I meet lots of fishermen, builders and tradespeople who take off annually - work in winter can be scarce. The coding profession lends itself pretty well to this lifestyle (I know this lifestyle isn't for everyone) but very few do it. I've met a handful of Israeli coders who traverse the beaches of India during the winter but that's about it.
Starting a app without internet access on remote beaches can be challenging but the samples in the Android SDK are pretty good. I used these as the base for my code. The documentation provided me with a reference for everything else I needed. I gotta hand it to Google, they've done a great job here.
I like to think the app stands out from the crowd in a couple of ways (but maybe I'm like a delusional parent ;-)). I like my UI. I paint and used to create my own comics as a kid. I've had a couple of "wow, what's that?" comments while testing it on the road. Also, there's no other app on the market that does the same thing; no competition.
I know this is kinda controversial and say the Android UI framework is just OK. When I compare it with something QT it's lacking. I guess that I believe that the test of framework is how easy it is for a coder to mould into whatever they desire. A great framework is like virtual plasticine. The Android framework is good but not great. I'd suggest the QT framework is great but I can only compare against what I've used previously. By the way the old Nokia frameworks were terrible.
So what does my app do? InterRupt measures the background noise and when a noise breaks (is louder than) the background noise it routes it through to the headphones. You can decide how much greater the noise has to be before you hear it in your headphones. It makes cycling and jogging safer when listening to music/podcasts/internet radio/etc. And it's a good solution for listening to music at work (read hammock)... which I do all the time. I can now hear my colleagues (other beach bums) speak to me ;-).
You can test my app on the market. There's a free trial - search for InterRupt.
I'm happy enough with it. But I guess like every coder, I see the faults in my own work and what I would do differently. Now, it's onto the challenge of promoting the app and this is where I don't have a clue. Any advice would be welcome. I'm now back in Europe and have internet access again.
I really like the idea of this.
Sent from my glacier using XDA App
Any advice on promoting an app?
Dude, it's a crowded market. So much so that it's no longer a meritocracy.
It seems dev's launch apps into oblivion and gotta find a way of bringing it to life - not an easy ask.
My app now disappears so far down the list that it takes literally five minutes to scroll to the app in the Audio category... ouch! That's after one week.
I've added a trial version and I've contacted some bloggers and Android sites that accept apps for reviews. A couple of guys have contacted me from these sites... really nice guys I gotta say.
How do most Android dev's get noticed in the crowd?
Should I choose another category? Is Audio more crowded than most?
All options and thoughts are welcome. Thanks dudes.
First of all, i have to say this is a very interesting app...i'm gonna try this as soon as i finish this reply.
i think xda is an amazing place to get started and to receive good feedbacks about how to really improve your app before advertising ....
and as for ideas.... i think a cool minimalistic website. Make sure your friends "Like" it... and that should atleast get you started ...
Thanks for the SolidKundi,
I haven't added InterRupt to my website, I had planned to do it this weekend. But it still doesn't help get word out there... people need to know the site. It's kinda the same problem.
Is it worth doing a PR launch? It seems expensive and I'm not sure if it'll get lost in the haze. I guess it might get some Google news rankings. Has anyone tried this before?
Paid apps are not allowed unfortunately.
Due to Military constraints, I was unable to purchase my tickets for the Austin, TX Big Android BBQ event this weekend. I am writing this thread, with expectation that it will be locked/deleted/or whatever, in the hopes that this community can assist me in acquiring 3 tickets. I found out JUST THIS MORNING that I am not required to attend my Texas National Guard requirements this weekend. I live in Austin, and can meet anyone who can help anywhere/anytime. PLEASE PM me if you can help. I know it's down to the wire, but I've been beating myself for drill falling on this weekend for months now. Good old hurry up and wait green weenie. Thanks in advance!
Somehow I knew that a thread concerning BBQ would have to do with the Great State.
I've never heard of this event, what is it?
rrasco said:
Somehow I knew that a thread concerning BBQ would have to do with the Great State.
I've never heard of this event, what is it?
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It's in Austin...There's a schedule on the site, but supposed to be a pretty awesome event. I wanted to get tickets SO bad, but I wasn't sure till this morning if I could even go at all. Gotta love the Military. Didn't wanna waste my money!
Ya, I checked out the site already. Just curious what really happens there. It is a phone event, so I was curious if everyone sits around and texts each other. I know that's not how it goes down, but
rrasco said:
Ya, I checked out the site already. Just curious what really happens there. It is a phone event, so I was curious if everyone sits around and texts each other. I know that's not how it goes down, but
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I was deployed last year so i couldn't go to it then either. To my knowledge, it's like a mini SxSW Interactive session. amateurs get a chance to get pro tips, everyone gets to show off the latest and greatest, and benchmark junkies get to show off their numbers...all while iPhone users stand outside and smirk in jealousy. one can help?
Yet Again said:
...all while iPhone users stand outside and smirk in jealousy.
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As they should!
Hi Guys. I was wondering if there is any apps or method I could use to (block incoming) {know how to do this and out going calls and even mms if possible. I have this phone rooted and and running cm7. Its acctually a HTC inspire. However you guys in the HOX forum are my family
Reason behind this is my daughter is getting [email protected] grades. I think it is important in this day for a teenager to have comunications for emergency. I'd like to know how I can limit her from usage. ATT wants to charge me 5 bucks a month to do this.
any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
I never understood the rational behind doing something like that. Do you honestly think denying her the ability to use a phone is going to motivate her to spending her time actually studying? I know I wouldn't.
Sent from my HTC One XL
Rational is for every action there is a reaction. Good grades are required to have a cell phone. Bad grades = no cell phone.
Or choice if you like? Choose to have bad grades = choose to not have a cell.
I've taken it away. But would like her to have the opportunity in emergency to contact essential persons.
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subarudroid said:
Rational is for every action there is a reaction. Good grades are required to have a cell phone. Bad grades = no cell phone.
Or choice if you like? Choose to have bad grades = choose to not have a cell.
I've taken it away. But would like her to have the opportunity in emergency to contact essential persons.
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I guess I don't view negative reinforcement as an effective solution. Granted, I'm not a parent but I was more recently a teenager with bad grades. Well... Not that recent but you get the idea. I certainly don't mean to tell you how to raise your children and think I might be overstepping my bounds.
Anyway... I you can still dial 911 if you take the SIM card out on a lot of phones. She won't be able to call you but could still use the phone for emergency use only. Dunno of an app to do what you're asking unfortunately.
Sent from my HTC One XL
I understand you position. I was there once also. Everyone needs structure. Like android you need a breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert. We try and structure Our enforcement like the society that they will eventually have to live in. Choice is the problem, and choice is the solution. There are good choices that have good outcomes and not so good choices..... you get the point, I hope. I also thought about my ten year old who has a galaxy phone. I don't want her calling anyone but family. We need a kiddie ROM
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subarudroid said:
I also thought about my ten year old who has a galaxy phone. I don't want her calling anyone but family. We need a kiddie ROM
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That's actually a really cool idea.
Sent from my HTC One XL
How old is she? Old enough to take away the car, yes??
Try that in conjunction with some sort of call blocker.. allow only your number and wife's etc. Then password protect the app, password protect the uninstall apps and settings so she can't bypass anything
Sent from my One X using xda app-developers app
She is 15 you have to be 16 to drive in my state.
My wife and I let them pic the consequences for their actions.
She picked the cell cause she didn't want to be grounded.
I hope you guys don't think I'm some sort of Nazi parent.
Hell my older boy had illegal substance in his room and only got grounded for two weeks. Kept all his Xbox, phone. He has a 3.7 GPA and does is chores though.
Absolutegrim should he nominated to xda president! You are all ways so helpful and know your sh!t. Thanks!
Sent from my One X using xda premium
Don't let anyone tell you how to parent, only you know what will and won't work on your kids. Good on you for being an active parent, regardless of how you choose to do it
Also, rationale, not rational.
I'm just speaking from my experience as a child... I'm 17 now... My parents don't believe in grounding or taking anything away on that note... I think that's the way to go I believe when parents take stuff away you want to do worse to piss them off... I've gotten caught stealing(I'm sorry) smoking weed.. all they give me is a slap on the wrist...I have a 4.3 GPA taking intense classes and having the freedom and that makes me hapyy and want to work harder ...just my two cents ..everyone has their own beliefs though
subarudroid said:
She is 15 you have to be 16 to drive in my state.
My wife and I let them pic the consequences for their actions.
She picked the cell cause she didn't want to be grounded.
I hope you guys don't think I'm some sort of Nazi parent.
Hell my older boy had illegal substance in his room and only got grounded for two weeks. Kept all his Xbox, phone. He has a 3.7 GPA and does is chores though.
Absolutegrim should he nominated to xda president! You are all ways so helpful and know your sh!t. Thanks!
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Good deal. 16 to drive here too.
I was nominated for contributor but I don't know when I'll hear back from that
Sent from my One X using xda app-developers app
Cut me some slack Bob? No Predictive text. lol
@omario your a self motivated person. I can tell.
My kids have "my" retard gene.(hence my bad spelling that Bob pointed out) They have to work hard to get good grades. When I got custody of my older two from my ex. They were both in special education, 3 years behind. Its been a lot of hard work to get them caught up in school. I just want them to succeed. If any of you have better ideas for consequences? I'll run it by my daughter and see if she's OK with it. Like I said she picks the poison.
Sent from my One X using xda premium
subarudroid said:
Cut me some slack Bob? No Predictive text. lol
@omario your a self motivated person. I can tell.
My kids have "my" retard gene.(hence my bad spelling that Bob pointed out) They have to work hard to get good grades. When I got custody of my older two from my ex. They were both in special education, 3 years behind. Its been a lot of hard work to get them caught up in school. I just want them to succeed. If any of you have better ideas for consequences? I'll run it by my daughter and see if she's OK with it. Like I said she picks the poison.
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Letting your girl "pick her destiny" is good, at least I think so. I'm 20 year old now, and when I was getting in trouble in school and what not my parents would discipline as they saw fit. I was being extremely dumb and thought it was cool to do drugs(weed) but, because I was in soccer and working my way towards a soccer scholarship... My parent's didn't do a whole lot, I just got teh truck taken away from me for a few weeks, and I had to tell my coach if i ever wanted to get my keys back. He is like a second father to me, and he kept getting on me when I messed up at practice. I'll never forget certain moments at practice either... It was absolute hell but, I've never touched that stuff since. I've carried a 4.0 through my senior year, and currently have a 3.6 in my soph year of college. Scholarship is almost up, and now I'm looking to join the military. I can't thank my parents enough for the way they handled that. Most f the people that I have hung out with in high school are now dealers/arrested for possession with intent to distribute/pregnant... That list could go on forever.
Myrder said:
Letting your girl "pick her destiny" is good, at least I think so. I'm 20 year old now, and when I was getting in trouble in school and what not my parents would discipline as they saw fit. I was being extremely dumb and thought it was cool to do drugs(weed) but, because I was in soccer and working my way towards a soccer scholarship... My parent's didn't do a whole lot, I just got teh truck taken away from me for a few weeks, and I had to tell my coach if i ever wanted to get my keys back. He is like a second father to me, and he kept getting on me when I messed up at practice. I'll never forget certain moments at practice either... It was absolute hell but, I've never touched that stuff since. I've carried a 4.0 through my senior year, and currently have a 3.6 in my soph year of college. Scholarship is almost up, and now I'm looking to join the military. I can't thank my parents enough for the way they handled that. Most f the people that I have hung out with in high school are now dealers/arrested for possession with intent to distribute/pregnant... That list could go on forever.
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I just have to disagree with one thing... I respect that you stopped...but im in the boat you were in high school I'm a junior I play very competitive soccer and taking a lot of.hard classes and weed is the thing that kinda puts everything away and let's me focus on what's important... I think without it id be lost in a world of stress... I do it like once a week just with some friends and I feel sometimes makes me smarter
omario8484 said:
I just have to disagree with one thing... I respect that you stopped...but im in the boat you were in high school I'm a junior I play very competitive soccer and taking a lot of.hard classes and weed is the thing that kinda puts everything away and let's me focus on what's important... I think without it id be lost in a world of stress... I do it like once a week just with some friends and I feel sometimes makes me smarter
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To each his own. To me, what that stuff did to me, was bad. I say bad... Be cause it hurt me on the field. I am a gk, and it messed with my reactions and split second thinking/decision making. It effects people differently. One of my long time friends got arrested for possession with intent to distribute. It messed with my conditioning BAD. Before, I was able to run a mile in just over 7 minutes, for my body type that's pretty good. I am 5'10" 195#. My time slowly started to decrease... I look back and I will never be able to thank my parents and my coach enough.
Sent from my HTC One XL cellular device over clocked to 1.9Ghz
Myrder said:
To each his own. To me, what that stuff did to me, was bad. I say bad... Be cause it hurt me on the field. I am a gk, and it messed with my reactions and split second thinking/decision making. It effects people differently. One of my long time friends got arrested for possession with intent to distribute. It messed with my conditioning BAD. Before, I was able to run a mile in just over 7 minutes, for my body type that's pretty good. I am 5'10" 195#. My time slowly started to decrease... I look back and I will never be able to thank my parents and my coach enough.
Sent from my HTC One XL cellular device over clocked to 1.9Ghz
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I see where your coming from yeah Im center mid I played division 1 soccer which is the top around here... I say played because I had to get knee surgery from soccer over the summer and none months recovery so ill be back in June but I think im done with competitive play... My conditioning did get a bit worse which I can admit to while I was still playing.. as for the arrest I'm truly sorry ..nobody deserves tha for just In california I think u have to 8 g on u to be held up for intent to sell... But I will stop when I have to settle down and be a consistent man in the real world.. I have no doubt you're happy you stopped ..sometimes I wish I didn't do it sometimes I just have that crave to chill out and sit back.. but like u said "to each his own"
Ya I tried it a couple times when I was younger. Just wasn't for me. I don't care if my kids experiment with it. They're gonna do that any way. Just don't want it to run or ruin their lives.
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subarudroid said:
Ya I tried it a couple times when I was younger. Just wasn't for me. I don't care if my kids experiment with it. They're gonna do that any way. Just don't want it to run or ruin their lives.
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Experimentation is different than using, in my eyes. If I ever have kids, I say that because my little cousins are natural living birth control, I wouldn't scold them for being a teenager but like you said, I wouldn't let it run/ruin their lives.
Sent from my HTC One XL cellular device over clocked to 1.9Ghz
---------- Post added at 08:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:42 PM ----------
Subaru, I've found a few apps that might interest you
Is this kind of what you were looking for?
Sent from my HTC One XL cellular device over clocked to 1.9Ghz
Please change title to: "[Q] Block calls incoming & outgoing & off topic parenting discussion & marijuana ethicality debate "
area51avenger said:
Please change title to: "[Q] Block calls incoming & outgoing & off topic parenting discussion & marijuana ethicality debate "
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So we strayed off topic... Kind of. The title does say off topic. but it was more of sharing stories of what parents did. At least, with me it is. Don't know about Omar
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