Hi Guys and Gals,
i have a ROM by Its Right and its ace ! WM6 on my wizard, IPL/SPL 3.08 Radio 2.19.
all i think i would like in this rom is the HTC Cube, Can this be ported in from a cab file ?? if so, can anyone help with the links for the cab and or a little help ??
Why don't get a ROM bundled with Touch Cube?
because it will be easier to port one application into the rom rather than removing unused applications then installing applications to a rom which has the cube.
Just thought it was easier and simpler thats all.
Am i way off here? is this possibly gonna be a nightmare?
Even if you find it, it is not recommended to use as it is proved to slow down the system heavily.
yeah i know it slows the system down but not by enough to be noticeable on my wizard - omapclock running @ 240mhz happily.
so.. anyone know how i can do it ???
thanks all.
First of all, I would like to congratulate you on running such an active worldwide community all linked by just one devotion to technology. This is my first post though I have been following this forum for a while. I am getting a new Tornado ( The deal was unbeatable!!) and I am pretty much excited.
I am searching for a cutting(/bleeding) edge ROM or even a Kitchen to spice up my new Tornado and I am prepared to learn the tricks and tools required to have a fully-functional and bug-free ( I hope I can, with your help!) 6.1 ROM having all the important and offering good usability and functionality to the end user ( ME! ).
So, what do you suggest? I am prepared for a steep learning curve, that usually accompanies this kind of a quest
My Opinion ...
I use actualy BlacKura Wm 6.1 Profesional rom. I like the fonts, are small, and the resolution is like PC screen. I wass able to install SPB Menu Shel 2.14, what i like most, + is a Office build in. What is verry useeful at least for me.
Lacks? Hmmm there are some aplications specialy donne for SP (smartphone) what tell me it can't been instaling on this device, what i understand because this rom is not designed for SP.
If u actually try this rom ( remeber to free your aplication lock) , remember u have a fake cursor ( like a mouse what u can use with joystick ) , what can be enabled by pressing home key for 3 secs ( that one what enable the Start menu)
Other ROms ( beleve me i wass tryd almost all) i dont like, the fact are kinda WM5 ( big fonts , menu like anyother cell without WM ).
Regards Camelia .
Actually even I am looking for a ROM with a small font size. And judging by what you say, the ROM supports the programs written for a touchscreen device, right?
So how do you operate the cursor, I mean how do you click or drag? Is this method fast? I found out that the ROM is fast, but I could not get the way it works. So please shed some light on this.
If you like profesional ROMs, try also kamikadze's
It is great looking, small font. As for how to use professional ROMs that are ment for touchscreen devices, as kingoldstyle suggested, use SPB Menu Shell application, it allows you to move through menus very quickly using number buttons. Also, sursor can be activated and moved with a joystick, not so fast and comfortable, but I rarely use it with mine phone, only when I need to set alarm. Other than that, I dont need cursor.
Thanks a lot for your reply.
And where can I get the Shell?
Should I install touchscreen or smartphone applications in this ROM?
And what is the performance benefit when compared to the Smartphone ROM?
Will the Professional ROM support Point UI in the Faraday?
You can try them all. Some touchscreen applications are difficult and slow to use, so its up to you to decide what you want with your phone. I use smartphone applications mostly. I installed professional ROM because I like the good look of it (in combination with spb shell). The ROM is very fast, I didnt measure their performance, because when I installed it for the first time I just loved it. Some people here say its faster.
Check your PM.
I tested Point UI Home 1.51 on my Qtek 8310 (HTC Tornado) with WM Professional ROM and works great and I don't need use FakeCursor.
I think that, Professional ROM is faster than Smartphone ROM on HTC Tornado. I use Professional ROM on my smartphone about 9 months and I wouldn't return on smartphone ROM.
Thanks a lot, everybody.
I shall upgrade as soon as it reaches me.
Oh, the wait!!!
Qazer said:
I tested Point UI Home 1.51 on my Qtek 8310 (HTC Tornado) with WM Professional ROM and works great and I don't need use FakeCursor.
I think that, Professional ROM is faster than Smartphone ROM on HTC Tornado. I use Professional ROM on my smartphone about 9 months and I wouldn't return on smartphone ROM.
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Have you tried SPB shell, and if yes, do you find PointUI better, and why?
Goran_: for me is better Point UI than SPB Mobile Shell. Point UI is faster and nicer for me.
I am Very New to this Stuff , i have an Old Mag . Imate JAM
i upgraded it it work work like a charm , i have few questions , hope you developer will answer it , i am seeing that only Cotulla is RELEASINg new roms so i have added his name in POST Title ,
I have a Tornado Already , (smartphone with by default wm5)
i upgraded to that one , and that non touchscreen mobile have HTC Home Screens , and Sliding Panel and Sliding Panel Media etc .
even the same sort WIZARD have roms like htc touch ,
than why We Dont have these functionalities in our MAG
is there any software or hardware resitractions involved , ?
i was just much curious about this , so i am asking This .
Hope the devolpers and Cotulla will not mind to answer it
HTC Home (and the rest) are additions to the ROM, you can search for them here in the forum and you' probably find them all (or some alternatives). As an example, I'm running HTC Home on my Jam with no issues.
I think that Cotulla is trying to keep the ROMs are small and streamed as possible to offer only the basic functionality (this is great for devices with smaller RAMs, such as mine).
You can install HTC Home yourself,Cotulla only want to make clean ROMs,because someone would like HTC Home but someone wouldn't.
Too many additions will slow down your device and drain more power.
Ok , Got The answer , Thanks for It .
Any Short and easy method for Installing HTC HOME
Thanks for The Link
Its working but my device is bit slow
but any link for
sliding panel
i wanna try this
I'm sorry but I just have to respond on this. Cottulla makes a small OS for the Magician on purpose, like xiaojin1985 said. And after installing the Home you say your device is slowing down... of course it is! Old device with new memory draining features will slow down your device. Plz remind to read .
I am 100% agree with you as now i have test it myself .
i have seen how much Slow the magician become after installing HTC HOME ,
but maybe i can afford that slowness if the sliding panel will work on magician as i love them.
so as i said
is there any chance for sliding panel plugins
(sorry for bad English)
Hey Guys,
I know that this has been discussed a hundred times .
But let me at first explain:
This goes out to all you chefs which are cooking the roms (I'm not capable to cook one by myself)
So what I would like to have is a Kaiser ROM with a working Touchflo3d.
I've read and searched for hours and hours and found the rom from L26, but I think this had been an really early state. Now the drivers have changed and improved.
So is there anyone out there who is able to cook a rom (no matter if 6.1 or 6.5) with working TF3D and drivers?
I found out that there is a working version in this tread:
But it was not working with my rom (M-Opal 1.0) due to cooked M2D.
So it would give hmm a bounty of 35€ (€ not dollars) if anyone would prepare a working, fast rom with TF3D.
And I am also sure that there will be a lot of other useres who would love it.
Best regards,
Maeffjus said:
And I am also sure that there will be a lot of other useres who would love it.
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Not me ...........................
That being said, here is the latest.
Maeffjus said:
Hey Guys,
I know that this has been discussed a hundred times .
But let me at first explain:
This goes out to all you chefs which are cooking the roms (I'm not capable to cook one by myself)
So what I would like to have is a Kaiser ROM with a working Touchflo3d.
I've read and searched for hours and hours and found the rom from L26, but I think this had been an really early state. Now the drivers have changed and improved.
So is there anyone out there who is able to cook a rom (no matter if 6.1 or 6.5) with working TF3D and drivers?
I found out that there is a working version in this tread:
But it was not working with my rom (M-Opal 1.0) due to cooked M2D.
So it would give hmm a bounty of 35€ (€ not dollars) if anyone would prepare a working, fast rom with TF3D.
And I am also sure that there will be a lot of other useres who would love it.
Best regards,
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there are already tf3d roms and if your looking for one that will work flawlessly on our kaisers, not gonna happen.
Leo (L26) made a decent rom L26_KaiserTouch_V4_M3D that actually encompasses TF3d. I have not tried the others but I do love his rom even though it is not as smooth.
I wonder how it will work with 6.5 drivers. I'm going to take a shot at cooking it into josh's rom for you. We'll see how this goes.
Why should there be no interest in TF3D on a Kaiser? (@denco)
Because I've seen a lot of videos on Youtube where it is running smooth and it also seems nearly bugless.
Like this one:
or these one:
What I want to fullfil my bounty should be:
1. Running TF3D
2. OpenGl-Drivers integrated in ROM (I think it is necessary to use TF3D)
3. The Standby bugfix should be integrated, which is located under the link in my first post.
4. Look and Feel like on the Videos (not any kind of "Tiger" or strange "Tribal" as system theme)
Optional but highly welcome: German Language
Or is it possible to install some kind of language pack? (I'm using WM since hmm 6 or 7 years but I've never seen such a thing)
I've tried the L26 ROM and it was not satifying to me because the speed was really low compared to the TF3D's on the youtube videos and it seemed very buggy.
If I'm not completely wrong, the version of TF3D from my first post is in an advanced state compared with the on from L26.
Thanks in Advance!
Would be nice to find some people who will help to increase the bounty!
Maeffjus said:
Why should there be no interest in TF3D on a Kaiser? (@denco)
Because I've seen a lot of videos on Youtube where it is running smooth and it also seems nearly bugless.
Like this one:
or these one:
What I want to fullfil my bounty should be:
1. Running TF3D
2. OpenGl-Drivers integrated in ROM (I think it is necessary to use TF3D)
3. The Standby bugfix should be integrated, which is located under the link in my first post.
4. Look and Feel like on the Videos (not any kind of "Tiger" or strange "Tribal" as system theme)
Optional but highly welcome: German Language
Or is it possible to install some kind of language pack? (I'm using WM since hmm 6 or 7 years but I've never seen such a thing)
I've tried the L26 ROM and it was not satifying to me because the speed was really low compared to the TF3D's on the youtube videos and it seemed very buggy.
If I'm not completely wrong, the version of TF3D from my first post is in an advanced state compared with the on from L26.
Thanks in Advance!
Would be nice to find some people who will help to increase the bounty!
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Yes it can run smoothely'ish the problem encountered is lack of driver to be able to sleep device in the correct manor.
But there is a patch to solve that kind of problem or am I wrong?
Q: Whenever I try and put the device into sleep mode, it powers off instead?
A: Try disabling the today time-out. Also, make sure you installed the standby CAB right.
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Taken from the Linked TF3D thread...
Maeffjus said:
But there is a patch to solve that kind of problem or am I wrong?
Taken from the Linked TF3D thread...
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No there are work arounds but no real fix
Im still TF3D fan, but after many bug and slow on my Kaiser, i have to move on.. if somebody create or develop ROM with it, i will give a try..
With that standby fix Touchflo3d is disabled automatically before sleep mode. Biggest problem for me was that when the device wakes up it needs to launch touchflo again and that process was kinda slow. Sometimes it just get stuck and needed softreset.
Still, I would be curious to see how smooth tf3d would be cooked in with newest builds and drivers...Also, if I remember right 3d drivers won't work if you have super ram hack in your rom.
Whatever ;-) ...
Also, if I remember right 3d drivers won't work if you have super ram hack in your rom.
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I don't mind if there is a super-ram-hack or what else, in my opinion it should WORK
Also I think that all of you shall take a look in your money-bag if there is a possibility to make it a little more lucrative to work on such a rom.
As I also stated out that I will pay my full bounty only if it is able to run on latetest state of development - that means not that the chef has to develop touchflo3d once again but without bugs ;-) it means only that it should be able to run as good as possible at the moment.
But as I read yesterday evening, I saw that there are maybe two possibilities to get rid of the standby bug, but - forgive me - if did not looked detailed at these solutions - so I don't know how these work but maybe one of them is working better?
And when I'm right - all the roms with TF3D cooked in are with an earlier driver-version. The younger versions of the driver have improved, if I understood the development news made in the dev. and hack. section.
The TF3D-cooked-in-rom-threads are nearly all dated arround december '08 - and I read a lot of them
Maeffjus said:
Why should there be no interest in TF3D on a Kaiser? (@denco)
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I am not saying that if you posted a working TF3d rom that no one would flash it, I would. But what is the effort /reward ?
What about it would make it better than my M2D rom ? Or anyone's 6.5 rom.
Enough great chefs put more than enough time into it, and could not get adequate drivers to make it smooth enough to keep as an everyday rom nor could they get by the stand by problem.
TF3D is M2D with some nice 3D touches that is all, am I missing something ? Is it head and shoulders above M2D or Neo Titanium, I don't think so. Which is why no one really cares to put in all the effort to make it work , nor is anyone really willing to spend any funds to make it work.
I am not being a contrarian or a nay sayer just for arguement sake, really With M$ coming out with cHome and Titanium, SPB out with MS 3, HTC coming out with Sense, there is a reason why people took porting TF3D as far as they could and then lost interest.
O.K. 0,5 Points for you
But I think that Sense is only for Andoid? Correct me if I'm doing wrong...
My problem is, that my Kaiser (and i think all others too) have not such a good touch screen accuracy... mine is terrible.
(yes, I cleaned out the frame and the edges...but on my bosses Kaiser the screen accuracy is also bad! - Compared to my - slow but accurate - P4350).
In my opinion the touchflo concept is one of the best solutions ever developed. But for me in person TF3D would be a nice looking (and little improved) upgrade. I'm already using M2D and I like it, but what I also like very much is for example the animated weather and the improved look and feel.
I have also tried 6.5 but with the terrible accuracy of my screen it is not so funny to use.. also it is not running such smooth as M2D and I in person think titanium is not everyones favourite choice. What i also do not like is the Honeycomb-Style... looks nice, but thats all.. O.k. the kinetic scrolling is good and thats one thing I like . But thats the only improvement I could see at WM6.5.
So whats your opinion: Is a rom with newest drivers and so on not for everydays use capable due to a lot of buggy functions? (I dont't know - I never used one ).
If I remember right, all the legendary cooks have tired TF3D and it doesnt work as it is supposed in Kaiser. Kaiser is just not made for TF3D. TF3D is more resource hungry, and our device just cant handle it.
I do believe there is a cab for TF3D available! Take a good lite 6.5 ROM with memory hack, and load it with TF3D, you will see if it will be able to handle it or not.
I had it working kinda decent with 6.5...just kept throwing drivers at it until i found a decent setup. But i was just wanting to see how it would be like you. When i get home i will look if i still have the file and send it to you. I cant even remember what all i had with it though lol. But like everyone has said its still slow with the newest drivers and such.
I cant find the file....but i will work on it this weekend.
Here is one that I had downloaded when the TF3D thread was alive. This does not have standby in it. So if you want to turn off your phone, then you need to find a stanby fix by somebody!
Hmm in my first post is another source for the TF3D, which has bigger files - there you'll find also the Audio Manager etc.
Has this thread died ?
Hi there,
Has anybody tried Hypergps on a HD2?
I have on my (dutch) LEO, but whatever cofiguration I use, I cannot get it to find TMC in test mode. Anybody any ideas?
Unfortunately HyperGPS will not work on the Leo until someone adds support for the Leo in the GFMAPI, which HyperGPS relies on.
The Leo uses a different API to access the FM hardware. So it's not even sure it's possible to get TMC out of it.
morkster said:
I cannot get it to find TMC in test mode. Anybody any ideas?
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du you test this tweak => Enables FM radio Deemphasis?
Or you can kill all services (Albummanager [volume control, ..],..) with cleanRAM and test it.
In old HTC Sense ROMs i have this problems..
Actually, I did, but no result. I think I should wait for the new API...
Same here, seems HyperGPS doesn't work with the radio api in the HD2, alas. I know too litlle of these things to make it work, so I guess I'll have to wait and donate...
What on Earth is "Radio Deemphasis"???
i have no idea what "Radio Deemphasis" is!
gongoscho said:
@beemer: can you develop a test hyperGPS app for HTC HD2 (leo) ?
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something new about this?
I'd be really interested as well. I've tried almost everything in the usersettings.xml of MN7, but no success.
Hope there's somebody here, who is firm in such things.
Any news on that guys? Would be awesome to have TMC!
yeah me 2....
+ 1 waiting here ...
I cant wait either.
Here is where you will find it when it comes out and here is where the developers discuss the problems.