Game for HD2 "find it" photoplay - HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 Themes and Apps

Ey guys, Ive searched on the forum for this, using 'search' but I could'nt find a topic about it. You probably know those old school photoplay machines you sometimes still find in bars and all. With games like 'find it' and such. For the IPhone there has already been developed a popular game with the corresponding name.
Now I was wondering whether that game or a similar app exists for the HD2/WM6.5.
Thx for your response in advanced guys.

There's a "find it" 480x800 game called "Little Shop Of Treasures" version Google for it.

Thx for the input Zentury, I checked it out. It's a nice game but not exactly what I am looking for. I was hoping to find a bit more authentic games like you find on those big touchscreen machines, you know with two PhotoShop, find the differences etc. That 'find it' app for the IPhone has also been one of the most popular games available. So I hope someone knows where to buy or download a free version for HD2 if it exists, and more of such games. Though indeed Little shop of treasures is a nice addition too.


idea bar games

I was looking through the android market and I didn't see any game like the ones on those game machines at clubs and bars these are Some good game sets did I over look them if so can someone point them out for us? If there's none, would anyone think about making an game set with the hottest bar game machine games thanks and sorry if I put this in the wrong section
I see what your asking, good thought.
I have something to offer you, althought not what your asking ;P
I just wanted to spread the word to you about "Three man" It's a dice game that you drink to, it's always a fun one at the bar. If you search market you will find Three Man, by Deke Brown. It's a fun game, his rules are a bit different then the ones I play but it's the same concept.
I would like to say though, I like the idea of a list of these types of games, I love photo hunt ;P

App Suggestions for my project

Hi everyone, i know there are tonssssss of nice people here on xda forums, and i was just hoping for some suggestions because i have to choose a project to work on.. any java game / application which is not too tough is fine. It doesnt have to be an original application, so i was thinkin maybe some simple apps which u guys love? I'm still not that good at it as i have just started learning bout using netbeans to develops the java apps.. i will have bout a month or two to work on it. please give me some suggestions? thank you everyone Much appreciated.
cloning/image app/program for windows mobile
i do not know how hard it would be but just a thought, but it should be a true image .... something like acronis or seagate etc but for windows mobile
how about using the blu tooth technology to turn the phone into a ps3 key board similar to the g remote for ur windows desktop.
or app that is like winterboard where it manages ur cabs alot more organized so u can switch them off and on isntead of deleting and replacing clocks lock screens etc etc
a craigslist app is a very popular
ebay app
sound boards or voice changers
a cocktail drink guide
as for games
are a list of games that would be cool
teenage mutant ninja turtles arcade version
left for dead the 8 bit version(google it)
plants v.s. zombies
iphone version of resident evil 4
maybe gta china town wars or even gta 1
mortal kombat
fallout 1 or 2
how about;
an app which uses the oem headphones and mike and turns them into a noise-canceling headset
a music editing app like audacity
and (my favourite) a light saber app
Well 1st congradulations on becoming a developer. I too in my spare time develop but I develop games. If this is your 1st time developing a complete project I would suggest a simple game. A game like pong,space invaders, or pacman. I dont know your level but those can be made relatively easy and give you time to add something to make an original twist. Since I program in C language I dont know if any of the commands are similar in java maybe I could help. Goodluck on your project and keep us posted.
This is proly a tough one, but one I would (and many others) love to see on our HD2 phones.
Netflix watch instantly app from our queue.
Why they half assed the Netflix app in the first place is beyond me.
thanks for all the suggestions guys! knew some of you here on xda would be happy to gimme some ideas. First i thought nobody was gonna bother replying. lol. thanks again and I will keep you guys informed when i decide what to do and if I need any help. Thanks a lot everyone.
I just noticed your handle; football-fan. I am assuming you mean soccer?
Perhaps combine your love for the game with your project and develop something relating to the upcoming World Cup.
An app that has the game fixture, match time etc. It could also connect and update scores and match stats as they happen. It could keep track of the heats and results. Keep a tree/chart of who wins and loses, who makes it to the finals etc.
I have no doubt there are plenty of people out there who would love an app like that. Especially considering you could produce something that is ad free. I am assuming that any official app that comes from commercial organisations will be plastered with sponsorship logos and the like.
Franwella said:
I just noticed your handle; football-fan. I am assuming you mean soccer?
Perhaps combine your love for the game with your project and develop something relating to the upcoming World Cup.
An app that has the game fixture, match time etc. It could also connect and update scores and match stats as they happen. It could keep track of the heats and results. Keep a tree/chart of who wins and loses, who makes it to the finals etc.
I have no doubt there are plenty of people out there who would love an app like that. Especially considering you could produce something that is ad free. I am assuming that any official app that comes from commercial organisations will be plastered with sponsorship logos and the like.
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thanks for the idea!
but my lecturer was saying it would be better if the apps that we make would require move.. interaction / input from the user?
football_fan said:
thanks for the idea!
but my lecturer was saying it would be better if the apps that we make would require move.. interaction / input from the user?
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Click to collapse
How about a playlist editor for wmp? Something that would allow you to browse folders and select tracks and build a playlist from scratch.
It may seem a pretty plain application, but it would mean coding a decent GUI (that would obvously run purely on user interaction), but it would still have some more "gutsy" stuff, like system access, reading folder and files etc., and you'd also have to make sure you can build a playlist file. (I have no idea what format a playlist is in - it could be a simple list, but is more likely to be xml)

Best TF/Honeycomb Games/Apps?

Hey Everybody,
I've been trying to find any/all decent games and apps for my transformer and I'm curious if anyone has any interesting input. I'll go over what I'm looking for and my opinions on apps that I already know about, and I'd be interested in reading anybody else doing the same.
For games.. I never played any games on my android phone, wasn't really interested. I've checked out a few on my tablet though:
- Pocket Legends MMO: I'd definitely say this game is better for a tablet than it would be for a mobile. I've already uninstalled as I'm not interested in an mmo for my tablet, but it does run well and there seems to be a fair amount of people playing.
- Armored strike: This game plays like worms/scorched earth but it isn't fantastic in my opinion. It does represent one type of game that I'd be interested in getting though. I notice worms is available on the market, when I search the market on my desktop.. Didnt see it on the market when I searched from my tablet. Haven't tried that yet, its a paid game, and only 3 stars released in april 2011. This type of game, with online play, is something I would like to see.
- Shadow era: This is a CCG like magic the gathering. I installed it on my phone but wouldn't play it on that screen size. Doesn't seem to run on the tablet unfortunately. A CCG like magic the gathering is another game I would like to see on my tablet.
- Galaxy on fire 2: I saw a video of a xoom tablet running this game at a CES-like event, but the market says it will only run on xperia. Shame, it looked like it'd be worth a try. Games using the accelerometer for steering are neat, but that cant be all there is to the game for it to be worth getting.
- Angry Birds: Lets get this game out of the way, despite its popularity I have little to no interest. It's hardly revolutionary. Games like worms/armored strike/scorched earth are better. In birds you modify trajectory but not firing power. Its too simplistic/boring.
Thats enough for games. I'd be particularily interested in anything which gives options for keyboard controls, but I don't suspect there's much of that out yet.
Some app opinions:
- Google Earth: I wish this was good, but there's no added functionality that you don't get from google maps. In fact, in google maps, you can add your google account's mymaps as a layer, in google earth you cannot. (Let alone edit your account's mymaps) There used to be an app called google mymaps editor, but google took it off the market. I use google earth a lot for work, and having some means of saving waypoints and building paths in between waypoints is something I would really like to see on my tablet. I work for a wireless ISP and we mark wireless base stations, paths in between, and paths to customer sites etc using google earth on desktop.
- Thinking space: This is a mind mapping app for android which you can use to create/modify/view freemind mind maps on your android device. It's probably the app that has seen the most benefit from a tablet sized screen size that I can think of. Definitely worth getting for anybody thats interested in making mind maps for any purpose, it's more powerful than freemind on desktop, particularily on a transformer with keyboard.
- Pocket cloud: Remote desktop apps in general should see improved usabilty on tablets, but this is the one that I own personally.
This is all I've got worth mentioning. Pretty sparse, but hey thats why I'm asking around right? Any/all input quite welcome.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
nice write up might be worth tagging it onto the compatible apps thread in the applications subforum tho ?
if you are looking for what apps to try and which are optimised for tablet thereis a whole list there .....
I'll have to look for that. Had a feeling something like this would be around somewhere but didn't know where to look.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
this is a list from xoom forums, I think most if not all should run pretty well on the TF too...
game wise, my personal favourite is battleheart, great rpg game, a lot of fun.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using XDA Premium App

[Q] [Question/Request] Anime related.

Okey, Hi everybody!
I'm not quite sure if this is the right place to post this but it is kinda question too.
I'm quite big anime fan so I was wondering if anyone could give me links (youtube/google play or something else) for anime related stuff for android. Those can be anime games, wallpeapers, songs, online watching with the fastest series upload in english dub or sub. (i would preffer HD but if the app is relaible then anything works) For example, If anime comes out in english on mondey then on that app it comes out in the same day or as clsoe as it posibly can be. There can be manga too if its not hard to read on phones. And well yea, I just want to find BEST anime related things for android.. Pretty much anything can do.. Even theme if its well made
I mean anime as in Bleach, Highschool DxD (Its probobly +18 but its not hentai or sht like that - i dont watch such a things), even pokemons
For games, I dont know what much to say but i like games with nice effects, rpg (but most what i have seen so far are pretty basic and with bad quality) card games where you like play cards to do dmg on opponents or things like that. Um, havent seen such, but i would like to find a game with actualy story and animations. Or those talking games where you decide what to say and so on, kinda make your own story.
Dont know if that helped, but yeah.
Btw,If that matters, I still dont have phone but im thinking about buying LG Optimus L9.
This info might be more for games like if my phone could run them because simply apps should run pretty much on any device if its compatible.
Thanks for your time and sorry that my english isn't that good and you might had problems understanding me. :/
Pokemon Emerald
Download My Boy! from the Android Market. You have to pay for it but if you search "My Boy! apk" on Google, you might be able to get it for free. You need to enable unknown sources from Settings to download it. To look for games, google "Pokemon Emerald rom for Android" and download what you find. There's other games too that you may find to be in your interests.

Bigfoot in-game resource map. (A quick fix for Fortnite Android)

After playing Fortnite mobile on IOS for many months... it became obvious that supplies drop imbalance will always be an issue for me... I tried to use resource maps online but i have to constantly tab out of the game to look... It was really obnoxious to lose a game because someone gets the perfect weapon and wastes you..But with the release of the game on Android I started to work on something that can make the game more fair for everyone so here it is, took me a few weeks to do but i think its well worth it.. it lets me see where all the supplies are on the in-game map on the fly.. I didnt have time to name it so i just called it bigfoot( suggestions on naming it would be appreciated ) I only made it for android because sadly i suck at developing IOS applications.
Just want to share with because im sure im not the only person who run into supplies issues, and hope this will help anyone who tries it. (This app will always be free with no ads, because its only purpose is to help the community and making app is one of my favorite things to do)

