App Suggestions for my project - HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 Themes and Apps

Hi everyone, i know there are tonssssss of nice people here on xda forums, and i was just hoping for some suggestions because i have to choose a project to work on.. any java game / application which is not too tough is fine. It doesnt have to be an original application, so i was thinkin maybe some simple apps which u guys love? I'm still not that good at it as i have just started learning bout using netbeans to develops the java apps.. i will have bout a month or two to work on it. please give me some suggestions? thank you everyone Much appreciated.

cloning/image app/program for windows mobile
i do not know how hard it would be but just a thought, but it should be a true image .... something like acronis or seagate etc but for windows mobile

how about using the blu tooth technology to turn the phone into a ps3 key board similar to the g remote for ur windows desktop.
or app that is like winterboard where it manages ur cabs alot more organized so u can switch them off and on isntead of deleting and replacing clocks lock screens etc etc
a craigslist app is a very popular
ebay app
sound boards or voice changers
a cocktail drink guide
as for games
are a list of games that would be cool
teenage mutant ninja turtles arcade version
left for dead the 8 bit version(google it)
plants v.s. zombies
iphone version of resident evil 4
maybe gta china town wars or even gta 1
mortal kombat
fallout 1 or 2

how about;
an app which uses the oem headphones and mike and turns them into a noise-canceling headset
a music editing app like audacity
and (my favourite) a light saber app

Well 1st congradulations on becoming a developer. I too in my spare time develop but I develop games. If this is your 1st time developing a complete project I would suggest a simple game. A game like pong,space invaders, or pacman. I dont know your level but those can be made relatively easy and give you time to add something to make an original twist. Since I program in C language I dont know if any of the commands are similar in java maybe I could help. Goodluck on your project and keep us posted.

This is proly a tough one, but one I would (and many others) love to see on our HD2 phones.
Netflix watch instantly app from our queue.
Why they half assed the Netflix app in the first place is beyond me.

thanks for all the suggestions guys! knew some of you here on xda would be happy to gimme some ideas. First i thought nobody was gonna bother replying. lol. thanks again and I will keep you guys informed when i decide what to do and if I need any help. Thanks a lot everyone.

I just noticed your handle; football-fan. I am assuming you mean soccer?
Perhaps combine your love for the game with your project and develop something relating to the upcoming World Cup.
An app that has the game fixture, match time etc. It could also connect and update scores and match stats as they happen. It could keep track of the heats and results. Keep a tree/chart of who wins and loses, who makes it to the finals etc.
I have no doubt there are plenty of people out there who would love an app like that. Especially considering you could produce something that is ad free. I am assuming that any official app that comes from commercial organisations will be plastered with sponsorship logos and the like.

Franwella said:
I just noticed your handle; football-fan. I am assuming you mean soccer?
Perhaps combine your love for the game with your project and develop something relating to the upcoming World Cup.
An app that has the game fixture, match time etc. It could also connect and update scores and match stats as they happen. It could keep track of the heats and results. Keep a tree/chart of who wins and loses, who makes it to the finals etc.
I have no doubt there are plenty of people out there who would love an app like that. Especially considering you could produce something that is ad free. I am assuming that any official app that comes from commercial organisations will be plastered with sponsorship logos and the like.
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thanks for the idea!
but my lecturer was saying it would be better if the apps that we make would require move.. interaction / input from the user?

football_fan said:
thanks for the idea!
but my lecturer was saying it would be better if the apps that we make would require move.. interaction / input from the user?
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How about a playlist editor for wmp? Something that would allow you to browse folders and select tracks and build a playlist from scratch.
It may seem a pretty plain application, but it would mean coding a decent GUI (that would obvously run purely on user interaction), but it would still have some more "gutsy" stuff, like system access, reading folder and files etc., and you'd also have to make sure you can build a playlist file. (I have no idea what format a playlist is in - it could be a simple list, but is more likely to be xml)


Settlers of Catan

Hey there,
There is a Settlers of Catan game for the iPhone. I'm wondering if anyone knew of that game being ported to Android any time soon? All I can find for Android is the 'Better Settlers' which helps with setting up the board.
Thanks in advance for any info!
shameless "bump!"
I would guess there would be copyright issues or some such :S
well you could try developing your own game..
I'd like to see settlers of catan on this platform too!
Me too, if someone is interested in doing the gameplay, maybe graphics, or whatever else. I would be happy to do the development.
Doesn't neccessarily have to be clone as such, it can have similar gameplay. Try playing something like Travian, it's similar but not exact.
It's a game I'd love to have on my phone . . . don't know it well enough to have a go at dev, but I'd be happy to alpha/beta/gamma test if someone gave it a crack . . .
there was a flash game i found a while ago - never got it working on my mogul though. Also I could help with graphics if a new game was designed
I'd love a SoC game for my Evo. Any new info on this?
Sent from my HTC Evo using Tapatalk + Swype
This would really be great. Id like a version where you could play with others on different phones via wifi/3g. It would be a lot of fun to play with friends and coworkers through out the day (or week as needed)
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
mesasone said:
This would really be great. Id like a version where you could play with others on different phones via wifi/3g. It would be a lot of fun to play with friends and coworkers through out the day (or week as needed)
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
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Agreed. This would be an awesome
Multi-player app especially if you could save and resume a game. You'd almost have to have one person host the game so the data is all housed on one SD card.
Other thoughts are the ability to change the rules before starting, built in chat and or push to talk functionality, bartering alerts, next turn alerts, review of score and previous actions, the list goes on.
If someone is serious about developing this then I am totally willing to help think it through and create graphics. Send me a PM.
Sent from my HTC Vogue FroYo using XDA App
Settlers of Catan Android game in the works
I've been having a dabble with android development and have been working on a Settlers of Catan game as it is such a great game and it's a good way to learn android dev.
I'm ready to admit that someone might beat me to it, whether by making the iphone version available to android or whatever, but still if anyone is interested in a) helping out on the project b) doing some testing or c) pimping the game, let me know! You can contact me on cettlersofsatan at gmail dot com.
It's currently in SVN online in a single user repository. But I would happily move it to Google Code or something if others were interested.
I'm as eager as everyone else to see this project pull through. And stone do NOT lose faith. It is always better to have an option then only one option for a game/app.
I have assembled a list of people who expressed interest in helping:
stoneskin - work in progress
niknah - dev
Willuknight - graphics
ii Candor ii - graphics/thinktank
DJGibbon - test
You guys should really get together especially with stone and get cracking! Heard some good ideas and plenty of offers to help. The XDA community NEEDS A SETTLERS!
Thanks guys!
I'd love to help too. I don't think can commit the time to help with development though. Real life is just too hectic lately. However, I'd love to help testing.
If the time opens up, I'm interested in helping with development.
As to graphics, just no skills to bring to the table. Although, I did have a thought last night on this subject. The game might be more playable with simpler graphics. Instead of trying to have an understandable picture of sheep/ore/... on the hexes, just use colors. Light green for wool/sheep, dark green or brown for lumber, goldenrod/yellow for wheat, dark grey for ore and dark red for brick.
Work in progress!
Gino, Latenk, thanks for the feedback. Here's the deal.
I agree, simple graphics to start with, I've uploaded a screenshot, but before anyone analyses it too much , let me state what I want from the project initially.
1) The basic game (i.e. no expansions) in full.
2) Multi-player (up to 4 initially) or single-player (with AI) on one phone.
3) Basic graphics, but a clean separation in implementation so that the graphics, special effects, zoom, board rotation, whatever the monkey-magic one wants, can be added ON TOP OF the rest of the app.
4) Game is free (shouldn't be any copyright issues right?) and would be great if it could get onto Android Market or equivalent.
5) Open source?
I hate graphics, hate the tweaking, fiddling, pixel-adjusting and so on, so I've knocked up the simplest GUI imaginable. I've slapped on a handful of buttons which as you can see, have rubbish little text labels - RD = Roll Dice (in one of the screenshots it's displaying the number rolled), BR/BS/BC are build road/settlement/city, MR = Move Robber, C=Cancel, D=Done, X=exit.
In these shots I'm not even playing a game, I'm in a test mode where I'm just free-building. My colour is white. So a hex-side is painted white for a road, the small circles are settlements, the large circle is a city. The large red circle is me selecting a vertices. As you can see, the current player (Bob) has no resources (free-building) but resources are laid out with shoddy little cards.
So the graphics are v. poor. But I'm not too concerned right about it right now.
Where have I got to?
I've got the basic 'model' in place. That is the game model that maintains hexes, vertices, hex-sides and their roads/settlements/cities.
I haven't even touched on AI, ports, trading.
I'm trying to build the app cleanly, so the views have no concrete knowledge of the game model, and any calls to it are interfaced out.
But this is my first Android app, so I'm learning from scratch, possibly comitting all sorts of Android crimes.
I'm a full-time .Net developer, so I'm kinda fitting this in around job/family and so on, so progress is slow.
Here are my thoughts. I'll aim to get this to a clean/stable state within the next week or so, then if others want to get involved in dev I'll create a Google Code project (or equivalent) and sort it out from there.
I'm currently building against 1.6 because I have an X10 mini. It would be great to support up to the latest API versions.
Ok, uploading the images now. Graphics ARE AWFUL but I'm focussing on the game at the moment.
By the way, if anyone knows what licensing/copyright issues there are with something like this please let me know. I've currently called the project 'Cettlers of Satan' 'cos that made me smile. If rights issues meant it can't go through market places then so be it, but would be great if someone could research this.
Haha, you know that is a basic layout but gets the job done! What you could do is have the game map be at least twice as large as say the resolution of a N1 screen. Enable finger scrolling and/or pinch to zoom (comlpex perhaps but a thought) and let people move around the game map as needed. That'd allow for better graphics, larger maps, and a larger feel to the game. The HUD could possibly go up either side of the game map. In fact I'd say make landscape mode MANDATORY so you have the extra real estate.
Check this out:
That is what I envision this game like. That game is everything this game COULD be and he even found ways around copyright. Check that game out, play a round or two and it will give you plenty to think about/use as inspiration. Obviously no need to copy, but you can use it for ideas.
Lastly, the previous statement someone made about notifications is pure gold. Allow people to play their turns then pass to the next with a notification appearing. Great ideas.
I've been there before, but a while ago and he's closed all unactive accounts and stopped registration unfortunately.
If you are a member maybe you could upload a couple of screenshots or explain to me how the GUI works in more detail.
I love the idea of finger scrolling/pinch/zoom etc. I'm gonna give some of that a go tomorrow. But like I say, what I'm initially trying to achieve is
in a clean separation. So any visual representation would be possible. I'll try and knock out some basic zoom/finger scroll effects just to convince myself that my rudimentary framework will hold together.
Thanks for the quick feedback mate.
This shows the basic layout, how it all works, the HUD and such. Again this would have to be adjusted for the handheld, but in general it looks and works great!
In the top left is a pane for the players in the game. It shows Player Name, Player Color, a count of the cards in the players hand, any held and/or played D cards. This pane can be hidden if the player wishes.
The pane on the bottom left shows all things the plyer can buy and what it takes for the player to buy them. (in the android version I imagine this being a tab you can bring up to buy/see what you need and have.
Below that pane is Played Cards, and Table cards which speak for themselves.
Of course along the bottom you see your hand.
On the bottom right you have 3 buttons, claim victory, trade, and end turn.
And of course you see the dice.
Top right is the chat box.
All of this again is simply for inspiration and not for copying. This gives you a great idea of a fleshed out game and how it could look on a handset.
This is a trade window.
Two things of note here. First notice the top left. WHen a player gets cards on a roll, they show up face up for a brief moment. GREAT idea if possible to implement something similar.
Secondly, bottom right is what appears to be a chart. That shows how many times a number has been rolled. This is more advanced than what we'd need, but an interesting idea and prob easy to implement.
Now on this one a couple things to point out. Look at how they do cities and roads. Similar to what you've suggested. I was thinking maybe circles with symbols on the top (kind of like tokens or markers). Of course maybe more intricate and detailed models could be added later.
Also, that speech bubble that popped up shows where the person played their road or city or settlement. This is ESSENTIAL in some form or another on this game. Plan to include SOMETHING like it.
And lastly, this picture shows what it looks like when a person trades succesfully. Again not necessary but certainly handy.
I must repeat again that I DO NOT CONDONE OUTRIGHT PLAGIARISM with anything Asobrain has done. This is purely for inspiration and research. This should give you PLENTY of ideas!
I've got tons!
This is a beautiful start. Couple thoughts.
- The desert color isn't clearly distinct from wheat.
- The name will have to be something other than "Settlers of Catan". I'd avoid the current name for two reasons. One, a lot of us will take some degree of exception to the Satan reference. Two, it's not really different enough to dodge trademark concerns.
- I despise needing to scroll around in a game to see everything. This is my main complaint with "Pirates & Traders".
- On such a small screen, keep the UI as simple as possible. AsoBrain is wonderful. But, it is designed for a largish screen. (BTW, I hate that he killed old accounts when closing registration. I was away for just about the exact period to get locked-out).
- As we proceed, I'd like to plan for a multi-device/network play. This game would be awesome in a peer-to-peer, networked model.
Thanks for getting this started.
P.S. I *REALLY* like how you did the board. The buttons: meh. The board: Wow!
GinoAMelone said:
This is a beautiful start. Couple thoughts.
- The desert color isn't clearly distinct from wheat.
- The name will have to be something other than "Settlers of Catan". I'd avoid the current name for two reasons. One, a lot of us will take some degree of exception to the Satan reference. Two, it's not really different enough to dodge trademark concerns.
- I despise needing to scroll around in a game to see everything. This is my main complaint with "Pirates & Traders".
- On such a small screen, keep the UI as simple as possible. AsoBrain is wonderful. But, it is designed for a largish screen. (BTW, I hate that he killed old accounts when closing registration. I was away for just about the exact period to get locked-out).
- As we proceed, I'd like to plan for a multi-device/network play. This game would be awesome in a peer-to-peer, networked model.
Thanks for getting this started.
P.S. I *REALLY* like how you did the board. The buttons: meh. The board: Wow!
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1. Agreed, the desert should be a tan, and wheat clearly a gold.
2. Also agree. It cannot even closely resemble Settlers. We can worry about the name when we have a game worth naming (I was thinking something like Travista, or something resembling travelers).
3. That is why it'd also be prudent to include a pinch to zoom or zoom controls. Let the player get in close if they wish, or let them sit way back and view it all from a distance.
4. Agreed. Simple yet elegant/complex in its design is what I'd like to see. Again give the player the option of getting as complicated as they wish. This can be easily accomplished with tabs that the player can pull out as needed. The only thing that should remain on the screen is the players hand, and a few essential buttons. Look at a game called PocketEmpires, use that idea for assembling tabs. I do feel that certain tabs should be entirely devoted to one type of action (like a building tab).
5. Once you have a basic game framework laid, you can work on making it work across the board and with all devices. The dev should focus on getting it to work native first, then move onward. As for a p2p network GREAT IDEA! If there is a way we can link this either by device or via a server that'd be the best way. Allow players to run through an entire game, or let players take their turns and move on to another player (IE pass it back and forth via notifications, similar to how Scrabble works on the iPhone).
I only wish I knew any code/dev tools to help with. All these ideas and nothing to do about it!

Artistic, abstract apps, demos

I'm just wondering if anyone is familiar with some artistic style apps, for example ones like Ethereal Dialpad.
In a sense that they're not your typical 'app' or game, but theyre just really cool, fun and have replay value.
And for anyone who is familiar with the demoscene (e.g., are there any demo-like apps for android?
I think there is amazing potential for an Android demoscene, people could create some truly stunning audiovisual presentations and having them on a portable media like that makes it so much cooler, being able to show friends etc. Also as shown by Ethereal Dialpad, really cool effects are possible by utilizing the touch input.
Any suggestions?
Also just saw this: this is what I'm after. How its based off a demo app of WM. I can't use LWP, so anyone know of similar demo apps etc for Android?
I have found two actual demoscene productions for android... Do you know of more?
Yellow Rose of Texas
Para 'N' droiD
(Can't post links as I'm a new user... But just look them up on AppBrain.)
There are all sorts of tech demos on the app market (google for: appbrain "tech demo") but I don't find most them that impressive really... I hope we get more creative apps in the future!
Awesome man that's exactly what I'm after! If you find anything else like that let me know.
have a look here
hxxp:// /prodlist.php?platform[]=Mobile%20Phone
replace hxxp with http and remove space after .net
lots of them are .zip so you'd have to download them to see if they're apk
the category is just mobile phone not specifically android
hopefully there will be more coming
Good point - I had not spotted the mobile phone category before. Only found a single additional android app though and it was a tool instead of a demo (Morning Routine - havchr .net /mr/).
I really like all kinds of creative music apps. My all-time favorite is AXE on Nintendo DS (see youtube. com/watch?v=1ewMNgiTQ30 ). It's really simple concept (you play staccato notes using stylus to a predefined backbeat), easy to pick up but very hard to let go... I have searched the app market for interesting musical apps and found these so far:
PP-Electone (a basic piano app with 128 different instruments)
SpaceTheremin (a simple theremin-like instrument)
MusicGrid (a step sequencer akin to Tenori-on)
Lumin (another Tenori-on lookalike)
Loopstamatic (a three channel ten second audio looper)
I'm hoping android attracts more creative minds in the future. If case Jordan Rudess is reading this, *please* port MorphWiz to Android ok??
I also love retro sounds so I was really happy to discover the Droidsound app. It plays back original music formats from C64 and Amiga using emulation engines to stay true to the sound of these classic computers. Definitely recommended for all android fans who like chip music!

Pirate Skirmish - My first real game

I just published the demo for my first attempt at a decent Android was developed on a G1, on which it's barely playable, but I'm really interested to know how/if it performs on other devices. If you're bored please take a look.
There is definitely a lot of room for improvement in the AI and general optimization, but I really want to make sure I get any stability issues cleared up before I go digging through that code again, I'm still open to criticism/suggestions, though!
If you are able to get it to crash, please give me as much detail as you can.
Niiice will download now
Edit Pretty good game actualy (oh and btw im first rating and comment :L )
Looks good, not bad ! Graphics could be improved here and there, but it's a good concept ! Looking forward to the finished game.
Thanks guys! Yeah I'm really not much of an artist, I don't consider them final, but I don't know that I'll be able to improve on them much either My big plans for the full version are a lot more maps, a few more special attacks, improved AI, and multiplayer if I'm able to get it sorted out.
Pretty good! Glad to see you developing a high quality game!
PS I sent you a little message.
Has potential, it hangs up my moto droid. Hard to negotiate between screesn.
So how do i get this game on my Hero? Just take a picture of that barcode picture and then what?
villian1998 said:
Has potential, it hangs up my moto droid. Hard to negotiate between screesn.
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Does it hang during gameplay itself or during the map loading screen? I'm halfway through a complete re-write of the AI that I hope will improve the framerate (right now the pathfinding alone takes something like 60% of the G1's CPU)
ink718 said:
So how do i get this game on my Hero? Just take a picture of that barcode picture and then what?
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If you have the barcode scanner or goggles app you can scan that image which translates to a market link, or just search for Pirate Skirmish on the market
Awesome Concept!
Works flawlessly on my EVO. I do agree that the graphics could use a little sprucin' but overall the concept is what sets it apart. And multiplayer would make me like the happiest person alive!
Great game, keep up the amazing work!
Works nicely on my Galaxy S, no issues/bugs, a few comments
- green highlighting around which ship you've currently selected is too hard to see
- perhaps require a double-tap to change ship
- maybe slow down gamespeed a little, it's a bit hard to micro.
You could use an exit method, at least back doesn't work on my SGS. Also, a write up, at least something brief on how things work would be lovely, at least if you don't want to turn-off the average Android person who stumbles upon your game.
I just installed the game on my an Evo and it works.
- Instructions on how to play, move, goals.
- The two player mode was hard navigate. Attempting to select the second player brought the first player to the second players location. Confirming movement when over a second player would be a plus.
- Background sound, maybe waves, music, ocean sound.
- Instead of pumping up the graphics, keep it simple, but decorate the maps.
- Add a story plot at the intro.
Well thats my opinion, love the work, I hope we'll see more. Thanks for sharing.
Great feedback guys, thanks! I've whipped up a How-to guide and posted it on the site (I can't post links yet I guess, but you can get to it from the market)
alovell83, the back button issue should be fixed in 1.3, can you confirm if you're still having issues after upgrading? (Actually introduced a new bug in the process, now it's a little too eager to quit when the back button is hit)
I think it's time I get to work on a settings menu, since everyone is going to have a different preference, so far I'm thinking adjustable HUD/icon sizes, ship selection method (tap, double tap, long press), and game speed. Any other suggestions?
I'm also planning to add a few new special items in the near future. I've got a couple ideas, but if anyone has suggestions for this, now's the time!
Back to the graphics, the castle graphic is probably the best example of what I'm ultimately aiming for, clean and simple...but throwing in some terrain decorations is a good idea, and I'm sure it will help a lot towards bringing the maps to life.
kinda reminds me of a long abandoned game i used to play called world of pirates online
this game has a lot of potential!
Bout to check it out. Market lagging for some reason
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
just downloaded the game. it's pretty good game, just need a li'l work here and there. especially the animation. and one other thing. you should put hot to play. it took me a while to figure how to play.
Well it works good so far on the hero. And I have seen apps way worse that you have to pay for. So by the time your done I'm sure it will be great.
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
Any way you could provide an APK? I don't know what's going on with my phone but the Market keeps crashing every time I try to DL Pirate Skirmish... not other apps, just that one. Weird.
Sure thing, here is the .apk for version 1.3.2 just published including the How to Play link from the main menu, thanks again everyone.
Since 1.3.1 I haven't seen any crashes in the dev console, but as far as I know these only show up for 2.2 devices. So again, if anyone is getting a repeatable crash, please send me the logcat output and a quick description of how you caused it. If you don't have adb installed on your computer there is another great app called Catlog in the market that will let you save and send logs from your phone.
Awesome, thanks! I'll report back after trying it out a bit.
Update: I got a "This application closed unexpectedly" within a minute or so... I was trying to attack a castle and I was tapping it over and over. I am on 2.2 using a Desire ROM by mattc on an HD2. HD2 normally doesn't have any issues that standard Android devices don't have, but who knows depending on how the app works... I don't have ADB, but I'll go get Catalog and send logs if I can figure it out.

App Recommendations: What do you like on your phone? + Games too.

(added october 7th, 2011)
This thread is filling with some great app and also a bunch of game recommendations.
When / if / as I have the time to do so i'll start moving things back up to this first posting. I'll maybe get some here and there, or a chunk at one shot, or whatever.
Meantime, or as usual, browse through the thread and find hidden treasure in all the replies
(end added october 7th, 2011)
So what do you all like to run on your phone?
I'll kickstart it off with some things I use, tell me what you like so I can see what i'm missing!
-File Expert - Free - Geek Software Technology Inc.
-Dual File Manager XT - Free - Medieval Software
-Root Explorer - Paid - Speed Software
File expert I keep for the FTP/web server capabilities. I use it or Root explorer back and forth. I like Root explorer better, I couldn't edit the keylayout file with File Expert. Dual file manager makes it so easy to copy things around I keep using it - call me lazy on that one but it works well.
-Android Terminal Emulator - Free - Jack Palevich
-Absolute System (Root Tools) - Paid - canvs2321
Fantastic suite of tools for use after root.
-Android Music - Free - JRTStudio
I love it more then other music players, call me old fashioned but i'm just used to this one. Simple, easy, no extra BS to worry about.
-Mobo Player - Free - Mobo Team
Simple, easy to use, and supports .avi files amongst others. My favorite video player.
-Realcalc -Free/Paid - Quartic Software
Superior calculator. I use the donate version - the doubleshot stock calculator is garbage, I was not very happy with it. I'd already been using this one before getting the doubleshot, so swapped it right in.
-ezPDF Reader - Paid - Unidocs Inc.
-Scan to PDF - Paid - Nym Computing
-Open Signal Maps - Free - Staircase 3, Inc.
This one shows me all the cell towers I connect to, and maps them out for me. Other handy stuff in it, it works well and I use it all the time.
-XDA Premium - you should probably have this by now if you're reading this here.
What are you all playing with?
I'll add to this list:
SweetHome Image Upload - kinda like Google+ Instant Upload for pictures, except it uploads to my local PC instead of into the Google+ cloud, as soon as I connect to my home network.
Tasker - great app to automate almost anything
RemoteLauncher - Allows you to launch programs on your PC remotely from your phone, I use this in combination with Tasker to automate things, ie. when I'm connected to my home network, I trigger the Windows Start Menu, so that my monitor will wake up from sleep mode. This way, I don't have to move the mouse or start typing on my keyboard to get my monitor to wake up (yes, I know, I'm lazy).
XBMC Remote - if you aren't already using XBMC ( to play/browse your media, stop reading this, download it now, and thank me later! XBMC is the slickest media centre software I've seen, and the official remote app for Android is pretty nice too.
If you came to this thread from the bloat removal thread, then here are my suggestions: (some from my first post above, again, but with links this time. I'm tired of typing now and don't feel like editing it at the moment.)
1 - Stock Browser = Opera Mobile
2 - Stock Gallery App = Gallery3D - I really like the version of this app found in the Nook Color (encore) version of CM7 (latest stable release)
3 - Stock Notes App = ColorNote
4 - Stock Polaris Office = Documents to Go 3.0 + Paid Unlock ( expensive, I know, but worth it - I do a ton of office stuff for work on this phone, and this app is fantastic. You may want to keep the stock office app. )
5 - Stock Music Player = Android Music
6 - Stock Calculator = Realcalc - not even a question here. Donate is worth it to me, because I do a lot of conversions. Free version is awesome too.
I am pissed about the stock calculator app we get on this device. This is an expensive phone, practically the best piece of hardware money can buy, and our stock calculator doesn't even fit the numbers on the buttons right...really? WTF HTC - bad, bad form. (Alternatively, IF you replace it right, the stock app from the encore version of CM7 is pretty awesome - simple, elegant, fits the screen very nicely.)
Elixer is the only thing you'll need if you're missing any of the widgets you lost in dropping the sense launcher - really. Fantastic app.
and last but not least Digitally Imported is more up my alley as far as radio goes, especially when i'm sitting around on the computer. It's just continuous mellow background noise...but the radio thing is all a matter of personal taste anyways.
So what do the rest of you have to say as far as apps for this thing?
My eyes have been opened to Opera Mobile, now a must have on my phone.
I guess besides that, I don't really have any apps I absolutely need on my phone.
As for the calculator, Algeo is pretty awesome.
New list, see post #33
What about games? I'm on the bus a lot so it would be nice to have something that I can pass the time with.
Homerun game ever!
Sweet. Anything else? All I have so far is Robo Defense and Pocket Soccer. I'm not used to having games on my phone hahaha
I just got this game called third blade today.. It's pretty awesome so far.
Frankasaurus said:
I just got this game called third blade today.. It's pretty awesome so far.
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+1 for third blade
Third blade is pretty sweet. good call
Wow been missing out on Opera Mobile!
How does Opera Mobile compare to Dolphin HD?
If you like tower defense...
In the pre-selected path way of playing:
Sentinel 3 just came out on Android. The sentinel 1 & 2 games on my iPod Touch were simply amazing, and were the one thing I missed the most when it broke.
Now that the game dev. ported it to Android, and brought a whole new version, there's really no other tower defense game that can top it. Our device really makes it shine, because of the TV out. If you play this game through your device on a TV, you will be blown away.
I've been playing it for a few days now, and it's freakin' amazing. Everything I missed and so much more.
Also, GRave Defense HD is a great tower defense game. It was the best one of this type on the market until Sentinel was ported. ( In my opinion...)
In the open-field type of play:
Robo Defense as mentioned above is pretty good, and Fieldrunners HD isn't bad either.
Still think Sentinel is the cream of the crop, though.
For games, generally:
Samurai 2 is absolutely fantastic, and has been updated to work with the sensation, which is basically our phone. Great game, plays well on the phone, looks and plays like a console game when hooked up to the TV off the phone.
I've had people call me a liar to my face that the game was playing on the TV through my phone, even though they were watching me do it - it's that good.
Guerrilla Bob is a pretty fun game, and a good one to waste time on. It's well made and good fun, also on a half off sale right now so probably a good time to pick it up.
The two games by Mika Mobile are good too:
Zombieville USA is a side-scroller where you just shoot up a whole bunch of zombies. If you liked Guerrilla Bob, then you'll like this one too.
Battleheart is a pretty nicely done RPG type game, take a look at it if this kind of game is fun for you.
Also, some old favorites:
Jet Car Stunts is an old favorite, i'm sure everyone knows what this is by now...if not click the link and come out of your cave! lol...
Minisquadronand Minisquadron Special Edition are two old favorites of mine as well. Side-scrolling plane combat, with lots of planes to unlock and play with.
That should be a couple to get you started with, there are some others I play that I haven't listed yet - fighting for time on-line right now with all the stuff I have to get done off-line. I'll post up more when I get a chance.
try Pocket Legends, pretty rad
Blue6IX said:
Sentinel 3 just came out on Android. The sentinel 1 & 2 games on my iPod Touch were simply amazing, and were the one thing I missed the most when it broke.
Now that the game dev. ported it to Android, and brought a whole new version, there's really no other tower defense game that can top it. Our device really makes it shine, because of the TV out. If you play this game through your device on a TV, you will be blown away.
I've been playing it for a few days now, and it's freakin' amazing. Everything I missed and so much more.
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I can only find this as a pay game, is there a trial or am I not finding it?
zygut said:
I can only find this as a pay game, is there a trial or am I not finding it?
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Not sure, honestly never looked. If you can't find it it probably doesn't exist.
Edit: Here's the developers website about the game, might help you in deciding if you want it or not.
I knew the developers previous games - part 1 and 2 were my hands-down favorite games way back when on my iPod touch. I really, really wanted this game ported to android, and as soon as I saw it I just purchased it. Didn't read any reviews, or anything - just click, buy, play.
Game play is awesome, the difficulty levels are scaled right, and you get to choose from a whole mess of weapons to play with, shipboard weapons that can be used from an orbiting spacecraft (that's the limit of your interaction with it)...and a commander 'mech that you can move to specific points in the battlefield to help your cause.
'Mech can be upgraded between levels as the game progresses, and it has both campaign and 'endless' modes for each map.
Weapons can be upgraded to a few different levels in each combat scenario, and as you unlock things progressing through the campaign mode you really get some firepower to play with.
Very visually appealing game, and i've been playing it in any spare few minutes I can whip out my phone and go at it. Haven't had any force closes, discovered any bugs, or anything. Very well done.
Oh, and if you hit the home key or just exit the game, it saves right where you were when you left the app. Next time you run the game you can pick up right where you left off - perfect. You can just quit the game and do something else with your phone immediately or put it away and not lose any progress.
Remember, though, that this is a pre-path type tower defense game. That means the waves of enemies can only travel over specific areas of the map. Something like Fieldrunners or RoboDefense is a different type of game, where the whole map is a potential path for the enemies.
If you like tower defense games, and thought GRave Defense was a decent game, you'll be blown away by how awesome this one is. Grave Defense is the same type of pre-path tower defense game, so it's a good one to look at to kind of get a feel for what Sentinel is like.
If you were gonna burn $2 in the android market somewhere, and you like tower defense games, this is a good place to do it. You may end up hating the game, and if so i'm sorry. Try the free version of GRave Defense, and if you can get into it, take it to a whole other level with Sentinel.
In case you couldn't tell, this is my favorite android game. Lots of re-play value...especially with the endless modes.
Now if I could only find a port of my second favorite game from apples store, Alive-4-Ever...
+1 on Sentinel3...thanks for the recommendation Blue6IX, I agree with you, this game is by far the best playing and looking tower defense game I've tried..
Robotek is a great game.
Root Explorer is a must have.
Go SMS Pro
Since this is media phone I definitely recommend PicSay. Fun, fun, fun!
Friendcaster is better than the HTC facebook app or the official facebook app. If you spend time on facebook you should look at it.
Sent from my MyTouch 4G Slide using xda premium
_atlien_ said:
Since this is media phone I definitely recommend PicSay. Fun, fun, fun!
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I second PicSay, i've had a lot of fun with that one.
Toonpaint is fun to play with too - but don't expect it to work on every, or even most, pictures. After you play with it for a little while you'll figure out what pictures will probably convert, and how to take pictures that will convert well.
Toonpaint takes a lot of playing with it to get the results to come out good, so don't get it unless you have a high level of patience.
It's fun though, and if you play with PicSay, Toonpaint goes hand-in-hand to turn life into a comic. Toonpaint to generate the comic frame, and PicSay to put the word/thought bubbles into place. Lab is another fun one to play with, i've had a lot of fun with it and it's about the same ease of use as PicSay.

Bigfoot in-game resource map. (A quick fix for Fortnite Android)

After playing Fortnite mobile on IOS for many months... it became obvious that supplies drop imbalance will always be an issue for me... I tried to use resource maps online but i have to constantly tab out of the game to look... It was really obnoxious to lose a game because someone gets the perfect weapon and wastes you..But with the release of the game on Android I started to work on something that can make the game more fair for everyone so here it is, took me a few weeks to do but i think its well worth it.. it lets me see where all the supplies are on the in-game map on the fly.. I didnt have time to name it so i just called it bigfoot( suggestions on naming it would be appreciated ) I only made it for android because sadly i suck at developing IOS applications.
Just want to share with because im sure im not the only person who run into supplies issues, and hope this will help anyone who tries it. (This app will always be free with no ads, because its only purpose is to help the community and making app is one of my favorite things to do)

