HTC US Service Sucks - General Topics

I've owned a series of HTC phones, largely because of the great resource this forum represents. But I think I've bought my last one.
Long rant follows:
In late December, I got a TP2 as a gift. The unit was new, sealed packaging, the works. T-Mobile branded and locked, but that was OK because I had service with Tmo.
When I got the phone, it was almost impossible to hear anyone on a phone call with the built in speaker. Playing music or other speakerphone activities were fine, but trying to use my ear against the phone didn't work. There are lots of postings about this, but none of the software or config changes worked for me. Tmo refused to support the phone in any way, since I wasn't the original buyer. Even though the phone had only just been released, and had to be under warranty. So I sent the phone to HTC for repair.
Two weeks later I get the phone back, and it still has the problem! Called HTC, and finally found out that they had replaced the antenna! Say What? How is that supposed to raise the volume? I also discovered that they had changed the phone's serial number and the IMEI! I suspect that means they swapped the motherboard, but no one would admit that, and it didn't fix the problem.
So I sent it back to HTC again. Another two weeks, and it comes back. Not in an HTC box with form-fit packing, but what looks like a recycled box that had been used a couple of times. Now the sound works, but there are two faint, light blue smudges in the screen, visible against white backgrounds. Fingerprints? Call HTC again, get another RMA, off to the post office again.
I get confirmation from the post office that the box has been delivered. No word from HTC. After a week, I call them, and finally get told they are trying to decide if they will repair the phone, since obviously I damaged it! I blow a fuse, since I haven't had the phone in my possession long enough to damage it! Ask to speak to the supervisor (Brian Harris) by name. Too many calls to HTC. He agrees that the phone has been in the shop longer than in my hands, and agrees to get it fixed.
Another week goes by. Another call to HTC. No one knows whats happening. All I can find out is that somebody is working on it, but no one knows who, what they are doing, or when I will get the phone back.
I thought getting a new phone was a good thing. I didn't expect to get a box of grief and a huge waste of time.
Tried to find someone at HTC to complain/escalate to, but HTC doesn't seem to have any customer relations contacts or feedback addresses listed anywhere.
Anyone have any suggestion for escalation or otherwise dealing with HTC?


AT&T Fuze screens, softkeys peeling off!!!!!!!!

I am extremely disappointed in the quality of my AT&T Fuze quality. The clear plastic laminate covering the soft keys at the bottom of the phone is starting to peel off after only 2 months at the HOME and BACK button corners.
This resulted in a razor sharp edge to protrude from the phone at the Home button. My wife went to answer a call and when she pulled the phone up to her face it resulted in a very deep slash to her right cheek. I was surprised on how badly my phone cut my wife. We couldn't get the bleeding to stop as it put a deep cut into the side of her face. I called AT&T and informed them of what happened and requested that they replace the phone but they say this issue is not covered under warranty. The idiot on the phone implied that I must have dropped the phone. The request to talk to his superior got me little results.
FYI...even with the $5/mo. insurance AT&T tried to tell me that I would have to pay a $125 deductible for a replacement unit. You cannot SuperGlue these corners back down without risking also gluing down the soft keys or I would have tried to fix the phone myself. I even threatened to take the 30 lines my company has with AT&T wireless (we average $150/mo per line) back to Verizon Wireless if they did not replace my phone and still they could care less.
My next move was to call HTC America this morning but they too were of no help. I was transfered to some product specialist who claimed they had no record of such an issue. So I am stuck with a very expensive phone that is falling apart.
Since AT&T was so rude and unhelpful I am taking all 30 of my employee's lines plus those of my family back to Verizon and it will be the last HTC product I buy. High performance phones but dare you have any problem I learned the hard way that AT&T nor HTC are willing to stand behind their product. I hear that the Samsung Omnia is supposed to be a great smartphone and I've had good luck with Samsung products. The Omnia lacks the VGA screen but boasts a 5MP this point I'll take if over an overpriced HTC product that begins to fail soon after purchase! I also remember how Verizon was almost always too willing to replace a quirky smartphone every time I had an issue.
I have to believe that others must be having the same defective issue with their Touch/Touch Pro/Fuze screen or soft keys peeling off. If so we need to gang up on HTC to do the right thing and replace these phones!!!
ummmm.... The "soft keys" are the virtual buttons on the screen at the bottom. The HARD KEYS are the Home and Back, etc.
I could see them warping from sun/heat, water/sweat exposure and possibly a glue failure where the edges roll/lift up.
I expect half your issue is dealing with the wrong people the wrong way. Regardless of how/why the laminate is rolling up, there should be a repair kit at some level to replace that panel... (I doubt that you could do so without disassembling the phone) HTC OEMs the phone to AT&T/Sprint/Verizon and it is AT&T/sprint/etc's responsibility... not HTC.
Call their support line and immediately ask to speak to their supervisor, get their name if they do not do so, hang up and call again until you get transferred. Explain that you have something to the effect of manufacturer's flaw and you want a REPLACEMENT or REPAIR on your relatively new phone as the way it is now it is potentially safety issue.
Arguing with the $7.00 phone reps accomplishes nothing...
more megapixels mean better!!!!
I remember dealing with customers like this at Best Buy when i worked in the Geek Squad (not a pleasant era of my life). They come in hooting and hollering off the bat and no one wants to help them. I was willing to fight for the customer %99 of the time, but when your in my face and start the conversation with "first things first" you get no where.
Try being nice to the rep, charm can get you along way. Threats get you no where in most cases. Otherwise you become that guy who is talked about later on "hey remember that jack ass this morning? yeah he though he could get what ever he wants with that big vein popping out of his head. Classic! Ha Ha"
steeler560 said:
I am extremely disappointed in the quality of my AT&T Fuze quality. The clear plastic laminate covering the soft keys at the bottom of the phone is starting to peel off after only 2 months at the HOME and BACK button corners.
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It would be nice to see some pictures. The Dpad section looks to be one solid piece of plastic, so i'm curious as to how it actually separates.
sp00nix said:
I remember dealing with customers like this at Best Buy when i worked in the Geek Squad (not a pleasant era of my life). They come in hooting and hollering off the bat and no one wants to help them. I was willing to fight for the customer %99 of the time, but when your in my face and start the conversation with "first things first" you get no where.
Try being nice to the rep, charm can get you along way. Threats get you no where in most cases. Otherwise you become that guy who is talked about later on "hey remember that jack ass this morning? yeah he though he could get what ever he wants with that big vein popping out of his head. Classic! Ha Ha"
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Being unkind is unattractive, period. However, it's not the customer's responsibility to make you feel warm, fuzzy, and respected. When you work in customer service you're being paid money in exchange for turning angry people into not-angry people. You have to use your people skills and stop feeling so entitled. (From someone who's worked many years in customer service).
i kinda miss worded my self, i would try and work things out regardless of the attitude of the customer. I am VERY tolerant when it comes to people and i have been commented by co-workers on how well i handle things. When people become stubborn and don't listen to what you have to say is when things become difficult. If your nice i'll put a good word in to management to have a rule or two bent in your favor. I'm not saying if you act like an ass i will not help you at all, i just wont be going that extra mile.
Example, iPods. I would deal with dozens of ipods a week (and i mean 4 dozen on a good week). Some times they would be fully covered under warranty, and some times not. If it looks like your dropped it the warranty is void. Now if its not working, but has a minor dent like it was dropped, and they claim it worked post damage, then i may be able to pull a string or two to help you out. If i say it might not be covered and steam shoots out your ears and you throw it at me, well, i will tell you to leave. Telling me you will never shop at a best buy again has no effect on me. That just means i have one less jerk to deal with. I worked in one of the busiest stores in the are, and being so close to Philly and some other not so nice areas i had to deal with allot of scum bags.
What i am trying to say, be nice. It helps. What i am not saying is that i will dismiss your case if your mean or inconsiderate. If some one comes in and brightens my day, i will try and return the favor.
kgbeezr1 said:
It would be nice to see some pictures. The Dpad section looks to be one solid piece of plastic, so i'm curious as to how it actually separates.
I have heard about the button area rubbing on the corner of the screen and causing the laminate to come up, particular on the corner of the home key. Therese a few threads in here about that. That whole pad i believe is held in with some 2 sided tape and i think some got out with a crooked pad.
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I just hope your wife is fine now. I would second what Radimus said in the second post in this thread. Keep calling and try to reach a supervisor, who, most of the times, will understand your problem. What I have learned from speaking to AT&T reps is, that each one is different. Some are really willing to help, while others just doing the job because they have to. If the supervisor does not help, ask how you can formally lodge a complaint or file a report about your issue.
Something worth noticing is that the sales rep make notes - maybe not always, but they do - about what the customer called about and what was the result. So, deal with them in a way that would make things fall on your side in the future. I can certainly understand how frustrated you would be.
This is wired, because I thought I was the only one who's phne that happen to. I was trying to figure out what I did wrong. But now since this came up, I know it is the ATT Fuze phone this is happeing to. Maybe if some how we keep telling them they will figure it is there fault. I take very good of my phone, so I know it is next from heavy use. PLus just like you, I had it for ONLY a couple of months.
sp00nix said:
I remember dealing with customers like this at Best Buy when i worked in the Geek Squad (not a pleasant era of my life). They come in hooting and hollering off the bat and no one wants to help them. I was willing to fight for the customer %99 of the time, but when your in my face and start the conversation with "first things first" you get no where.
Try being nice to the rep, charm can get you along way. Threats get you no where in most cases. Otherwise you become that guy who is talked about later on "hey remember that jack ass this morning? yeah he though he could get what ever he wants with that big vein popping out of his head. Classic! Ha Ha"
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Perhaps the problem with AT&T customer care is that they think just like you. Nowhere did I say I was "hooting and hollering off the bat..." I was calm and courteous that was until 1) the jackass giggled when I told him that my wife was slashed by the phone 2) I learned the representative accused me of dropping the phone and made a note on my account that I said the phone was dropped. This phone was never dropped and not once did it come up in our call so why make a note on my account that the phone was dropped? I'll tell you a lazy service rep that took the easy way out . By the time he transfer me to a manager it was no use...she immediately noticed in my account notes that the rep noted that I had dropped the phone when I never did! I think in my case I had every reason to be upset.
UPDATE: I did get AT&T to replace the Fuze but it was only when the local AT&T store called in and said that the phone was not holding it's charge. Now, the scary part. The representative on the phone who works in the warranty department asked to speak to me and said that they were shipping out a replacement Fuze. IF they find anything on the phone that they consider "physical damage" I will automatically be billed $499 on my AT&T Wireless account with no chance for refund or opportunity to dispute.
The replacement phone has not showed up yet, but I am almost tempted to send it right back in fear that I will get charged $499 for this laminate issue. How do I know that they won't call the issue "physical damage?"
I never had these issues with Verizon and am thinking about shipping the phone right back, sell my Fuze on eBay for whatever I can get for it and run back to AT&T. I also politely called and e-mailed HTC America (for those here that assume every customer has anger issues.) No reply to my e-mail or voicemail despite sharing with them photos of my wife's injury.
extensive said:
more megapixels mean better!!!!
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NO it doesn't but if AT&T won't take care of the problem I'll switch back to Verizon and the Omina has better specs than the Verizon version of the Touch Pro...
The only thing that irks me more than people who hoot and holler is people who threaten, "If I don't get my way, I'll just switch to..." Do you actually think companies care? For every customer they lose, there are another 10 on the fence they can just convince to buy their product/sign up for their service.
BBowermaster said:
The only thing that irks me more than people who hoot and holler is people who threaten, "If I don't get my way, I'll just switch to..." Do you actually think companies care? For every customer they lose, there are another 10 on the fence they can just convince to buy their product/sign up for their service.
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The only thing that irks me more than people who hoot and holler is people who don't read a thread before replying. I never hooted or hollered at anyone, though I had every right to do so. I never "threatened" anyone at AT&T or mention pulling our phones...I know they don't care if my company leaves AT&T or they would have taken care of the issue. I just stated what my intentions were since AT&T and HTC refused to help. you work at AT&T as a Customer Care rep? Did you work Saturday afternoon? Are you that rude agent I had to work with? Darnell Walker, is that you????????
To help steer this conversation in a slightly more productive direction;
got any pictures of the damage in question? i'd just like a reference for the future if it starts popping up on my end.
Da_G said:
To help steer this conversation in a slightly more productive direction;
got any pictures of the damage in question? i'd just like a reference for the future if it starts popping up on my end.
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I will be sure to get you a few pics in the morning...thanks!
SUE!!!!!! I would sue HTC and or AT&T for the injury to your wife. Then once you get what you want out of them, then switch to Verizon.
i should prolly take pictures of mine. its doing the same thing. its very slight but very pokey. if you slide you finger across it, it stabs you.
I wouldnt really worry about AT&T billing you for the damaged phone. I probably did 3 or 4 warranty replacements over the last few years and ALL of the phones looked like they went through hell. My tilt didnt align properly and had paint chipping everywhere, also a lot of spots where it kissed the concrete. They took it back just fine.
SUE Them and Look for Overseeing Agencies.
You should sue them. Orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr........
You have a case here if you did not dropped the phone.
You can find direct contact to the president or regional manager (you need to insist and insist, it is not going to be easy, all the down line will tell you they can help, just don't loose your time and talk to the BIG GUYS), and ask for a meeting, once you show evidence they WILL REPLACE IT.
JUST write down the date you first NOTICED THEM about the issue, so they CANNOT say that you did not in TIME.
IF you CANNOT succeed, then I'M SURE AS HELL there's GOT TO BE an AGENCY where you can COMPLAIN ABOUT THEM (Like FCC or Whatever that will put them Penalties, and at that time they WILL BEG YOU to PLEASE let them REPLACE IT for YOU) and you will see how fast they will move.
I've Been Manager and Owner of my Own Business, Contracts, ETC. since 17, I hope my experience HELP YOU on HOW to CLAIM your RIGHTS as a CONSUMER.
AND REMEMBER TO BE GOOD and SOFT with your words, LOOK like as Responsible and Professional you can be.
Take Care.
the actual phone's laminate is coming off??? or are u guys talking about the included screen protector that doesnt seem to like to stick onto the phone around the corners.
I had to snip my screen protector with a nail clipper to keep it from ruining my pants. it started rolling back and became quite sharp.

HTC Overheating Defect > HTCs ANSWER last post

In regards to the overheating defect causing the newton ring please scroll to the second post on this page
Regarding the newton ring touch screen issue
I'd post it in the TP or Diamond forums, but I know its happened to older models as well.
for those of you that don't want to jump forums here's the posting:
Scroll down to the bold area if you already read the top.
Like many of you I also got hit with the newton ring on the screen of my AT&T branded HTC Touch Pro.
HTC said that it was caused by a pressure point and the screen was not flat, not a defect, thus causing the touch function to stop working. Thus, HTC said that I would have to pay $202.50 or .60, to have it repaired.
And after repairing, since we all know what the real problem is, they give you 90 days repair warranty, but since they originally said it was my fault, if it happens again, I'm screwed, yet again!
Obviously, we all know that we baby our phones and would never exact our phone's screens to any amounts of pressure past the screens limit.
And we all know that these phones have a tendency to overheat when used for prolonged periods of time - when used as a GPS in your car and charging simultaneously.
Are we not supposed to use our phones for GPS when it comes with the GPS Antennae installed?
Is it really the consumers fault when I'm sure hundreds of people have experienced the same ugly newton ring rainbow rectangle or circle on their nice new Touch Pro or Diamond screen?
It's outrageous how much these pretty devices cost just to have the screen first get an ugly rainbow rectangle, and then it causes the touch function to die. What if you happen to have the Diamond, and are out alone somewhere, and because of the newton ring, your touch function dies, and you need to call 911 because you need help?! What are you going to do?!? You don't have a slide-out keyboard as a backup!
And what about everyone that's going to buy the Touch Pro 2 and Diamond 2, and everyone that has older HTC models with this same problem? Doesn't it outrage you that this problem still exists, and instead of owning up and creating a better touchscreen that could deal with the overheating, HTC would rather just have us pay them over and over?! Maybe this is how they'll get the funding to make a better screen.......
Here's a bunch of different forums with threads about the same problem to document that tons of people are also having to deal with it; some say HTC repaired under warranty, some say they had to call HTC a bunch of times and complain to get it repaired under warranty, or there's those like me who haven't yet tried calling back because we don't know what to say to get them to repair under warranty and not user abuse: -- person sent in their phone and received the same response the second occurance for this person
they said my screen wasn't flat, maybe they did that themselves?--->
Ok so can you at least tell me what I need to say to HTC to get it repaired under the warranty? Or am I pretty much cluster-F-ed since they said the screen wasn't flat, which doesn't make any sense whatsoever since I know how much pressure to apply to the screen - BASICALLY NO PRESSURE!
any advice since my phone is currently in Indianapolis at HTC and I only have 9 days left to respond before they charge the $35 and send it back
ok so HTC originally told me that the screen wasn't flat because it had a pressure point.. well either they did that themselves or, DUH, heat causes things to warp, and I know this whole problem was because the phone was constantly overheating!
Now I just need to know what to say over the phone to have them own up to their damn overheating issue and fix the thing for free! his phone overheats
and yes mine gets too hot to hold or touch for that matter when its charging and 1. the screen is on. 2. the screen is on and i'm using gps. 3. the screen is on during a call. 4. the screen is on during a speakerphone call.
so how the heck am I supposed to use the phone while its charging during a call? It gets too hot! The back where the battery resides reaches almost to the point of a burning temperature it feels only a hairline away from burning my hand!
the proof of the Touch Pro's overheating: basically my problem read the last post its mixed around in posts DIAMOND AND TP scroll to Yankees368 post:
"then why the hell does by HTC Touch Pro (CDMA, Sprint) not get recalled. This thing could cook an egg, and actually stops charging while making a call, as it over heats." SCROLL DOWN TO SCRAPMAKER'S POST:
"My HTC Pro on Sprint easily got to 127F all the time. More than 30 people complained about it too. I guess HTC just doesn't give a damn... It got too hot to hold on regular phone calls. After an hour-long phone call, the battery would be nearly drained, even while plugged into the charger. Radio portion of phone would register 116-127F. I swear I thought the plastic would warp after time. I also thought maybe my phone was defective, so I went through 6 of them until I gave up and went back to my original Touch.My HTC Pro on Sprint easily got to 127F all the time. More than 30 people complained about it too. I guess HTC just doesn't give a damn... It got too hot to hold on regular phone calls. After an hour-long phone call, the battery would be nearly drained, even while plugged into the charger. Radio portion of phone would register 116-127F. I swear I thought the plastic would warp after time. I also thought maybe my phone was defective, so I went through 6 of them until I gave up and went back to my original Touch." quoted here:
"I had this issue last week and though the phone was messed up. When I saw this, I laughed so hard my coworkers thought I was crazy. LOL
I went into a Sprint repair store on the weekend and the representative there informed me that while I'm surfing the internet I shouldn't have the charger plugged in. I noticed that while I'm using the phone as a GPS or just talking on the phone while it's on the charger it heats up. WTF... you can't use and charge your phone at the same time? What a Crock... LOL"
Overheating Diamonds (dont know if they are with or without the heatsync, depends on each person's phone)--
bump because of edit.
ok well today's Monday aka the day I call HTC and attempt to plead my case! Can't believe almost 200 views of the thread and none of you gave any input. Hopefully none of you run into the same problem I'm having!
(keep in mind there was some liquid that snuck under the right side of the screen, BUT MAYBE IT'S BECAUSE THE HEAT MELTED THE SEAL that protects the screen from getting things like rain underneath it).
Ok I called and got this answer:
Pressure point in the middle of the screen caused the rectangle, the liquid on the right side of the screen voids the warranty anyway, we have no way to determine which event happened first.
The tech says that it was clearly caused by a pressure point and was not a battery issue (apparently she did or didn't bring up the overheating battery BEFORE i even mentioned when I called them today, I doubt she did).
Ok so your battery overheats, well I suggest you get a new battery when you get your phone back. (because it's definintely not defective and definitely wouldn't be the reason that 1. the phone warped from the extreme overheating causing the said "pressure point." 2. the overheating may have melted whatever seal that protects the lcd from outside factors like RAIN, thus allowing some liquid to enter the screen)
Many customers read blogs, BUT IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT THE BLOGS SAY because we work on a case by case basis.
Thanks I'm going to have to call you back.
Oh hell no.
omg my touch also overheats, thanks for informing
Sorry not very constructive post I know but, .....yet another example of p*ss poor HTC manufacturing.
I'm glad I returned my Diamond to the ebay seller I bought it from here in the UK under the "Sales Of Goods Act". At least here in the UK we have proper laws protecting us against this sort of thing, in America your f*cked.
(decided to be a little more constructive)
OK here you go for you UK people (at least I can give you an idea). Sales of Goods Act says that a product must be of "merchantable quality" and it must be "fit for purpose". This issue you guys describes falls under both of these.
1 - Merchantable quality: The device must be of sufficient quality for the price i.e. Cars/motorbikes for example are covered under this for 6 six years - ignore warranty, these are pretty much irrelevant when you compare it to the sales of goods act. The same goes for your phone. Now, its unreasonable to expect a phone to last 6 years however, as many people buy phones on an 18month contract its perfectly acceptable to expect the device to last 18 months. IF IT FAILS IN THIS TIME THROUGH A HARDWARE FAULT AND HAS NOT BEEN MISTREATED, you can return it and ask them to repair it at no cost to yourself. If they don't, take them to small claims court. YOU MUST ask them first though.
2 - Fit for purpose: The phone has a GPS and can be charged whilst on. The device is designed to be used as a navigation tool. If you cannot charge the phone AND use the GPS (i.e. car charger/navigation) then it is NOT FIT FOR THE PURPOSE it was designed for. Note, ANY function the phone can perform and was designed to do, no matter how minor, is covered by this act. You have every right to return the phone for a refund if its unable to perform its designed for functions.
Link regarding Sales of Goods Act
Salient points:
• Wherever goods are bought they must "conform to contract". This means they must be as described, fit for purpose and of satisfactory quality (i.e. not inherently faulty at the time of sale).<<<=== GPS/Overheating issues
• Aspects of quality include fitness for purpose, freedom from minor defects (this would include your GPS/Charging issue), appearance and finish, durability (you must be able to put the phone to your ear without fear of bending the screen) and safety.
I have used the Sales Of Goods act many times and will continue to. Some examples, I returned my Tdiamond to its ebay seller as it wouldn't play music without skipping. I had an argument with my Aprilia dealer regarding my bike (check sig). They insisted it was out of warranty and they wouldn't repair a fault - I then forced the SHOP to repair it under Sales of Goods.
I urge all UK purchases to look up these rules for yourself and look into this. You ARE covered. Return it to the reseller and give them a chance to resolve. Make manufacturers of sh*tty equipment learn that we will not tolerate it.
Monty I couldn't agree with you more about using the Sale of Goods Act. The attempt at 'distancing' themselves from the products they sell, as well as the arrogance inflicted on consumers, by too many retailers, is appalling.
Still the Depression that's coming is going to sort them out in spades, that's for sure, and the Customer will be returned to their proper place in the hierarchy - the top.
You didn't seriously buy a second Aprilia did you? I do love their designs, but after sorting out a lot of problems with my friends Futura (could have been the best touring bike ever that, if not spoiled by chronically underspec wiring, lack of earthing, stuff like that), I wouldn't touch one with a barge pole.
These days I'm sort of superglued to a Honda Hornet 900 (and a little P'd off that Mr Honda has stopped making it) - the 919 as it is known in the States. Possibly the best allround bike I've ever owned. I'd cheerfully jump on that bike and go anywhere, and know it would get me there and also get me back. Also have an amazing V twin as well - a Honda Bros 650 (Hawk in the States), and a PoS BMW (I'll never buy one of them again).
Happy biking mate.
Ribbit said:
Still the Depression that's coming is going to sort them out in spades, that's for sure, and the Customer will be returned to their proper place in the hierarchy - the top.....
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Indeed... now is the Darwin time for shops and business.... adapt or collapse.
Maybe this is the time companies like HTC who produce "luxury" items that are poorly made will start suffering and well, either adapt or die.
(and yes I did and it has actually been pretty good even though i'm doing 100miles a day!)
My girlfriend has sent her phone back to Vodafone twice now due to overheating.
It gets progressivly worse each time until the phone gets stuck on the "HTC" white screen.
The problem there is that we send it back, They flash it and they send it back as "Working"
If it happens this time I'm going to demand a new phone because I've had enough!
My BlackStone/Touch HD
Have also a newton Ring... But you can´t see it a lot of times.. But sometimes on really strong sun you can see it when you are looking from another angle

Oh, no! Another Fuze DOA...

I just got off the phone with AT&T support. For the past 30 days, all the phones in the house (Fuze, iPhone 3G and Samsung) have been having missed called, dropped calls, no dial tone, etc. The tech person asked me to take the battery and SIM card out of the Fuze, wait 30 seconds, and put it back together--something I've done dozens of times thanks to the neat stuff I learn on the ROM forum. Only this time went I put everything back...NOTHING! I can't get the Fuze to start up at all. They're telling me to return it for warranty replacement.
This is the second Fuze I've had to replace under warranty in the first 9 months of my contract. Of course this time I can't reinstall the original ROM and radio before I send it back, 'cause I can't even start it up. Dang it! It took me weeks to tune everything just the way I like it. Now I have to start over.
Just venting, thanks.
neuen said:
I just got off the phone with AT&T support. For the past 30 days, all the phones in the house (Fuze, iPhone 3G and Samsung) have been having missed called, dropped calls, no dial tone, etc. The tech person asked me to take the battery and SIM card out of the Fuze, wait 30 seconds, and put it back together--something I've done dozens of times thanks to the neat stuff I learn on the ROM forum. Only this time went I put everything back...NOTHING! I can't get the Fuze to start up at all. They're telling me to return it for warranty replacement.
This is the second Fuze I've had to replace under warranty in the first 9 months of my contract. Of course this time I can't reinstall the original ROM and radio before I send it back, 'cause I can't even start it up. Dang it! It took me weeks to tune everything just the way I like it. Now I have to start over.
Just venting, thanks.
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Will it even power up? If so, have you tried entering the bootloader manually?
neuen said:
I just got off the phone with AT&T support. For the past 30 days, all the phones in the house (Fuze, iPhone 3G and Samsung) have been having missed called, dropped calls, no dial tone, etc. The tech person asked me to take the battery and SIM card out of the Fuze, wait 30 seconds, and put it back together--something I've done dozens of times thanks to the neat stuff I learn on the ROM forum. Only this time went I put everything back...NOTHING! I can't get the Fuze to start up at all. They're telling me to return it for warranty replacement.
This is the second Fuze I've had to replace under warranty in the first 9 months of my contract. Of course this time I can't reinstall the original ROM and radio before I send it back, 'cause I can't even start it up. Dang it! It took me weeks to tune everything just the way I like it. Now I have to start over.
Just venting, thanks.
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Dude, I'm going to give you some advice here that you may want to consider. I originally had a tilt, well the tilt "malfunctioned" on me three times and had to be serviced each time at their service center. Well the woman who I spoke to at AT&T, told me that there is a policy, but you have to request it, but if you have to have your phone serviced/replaced three times in a consecutive 12 month period that you can ask for a different device, I told her I wasn't convinced of the quality of the product. Well when you do this they have to offer you a comprable device to the device you are replacing. The reason why I mention this to you is because the Tilt 2, touch Pro 2 for AT&T, whatever you want to call it is being released sometime in october. You may want toask if your device can be exchanged for this. This is how I got my Fuze for free.
They'll give you a comparable device, not an upgrade. Although I was at the AT&T store yesterday looking at some of the current phones and nothing really came close to the Fuze. I didn't see the Samsung Epix (WM6.1 Pro) there or the Samsung Jack (WM6.1 Smartphone).
Supposedly Samsung is coming out with another 'Blackjack' like phone with a full frontal QWERTY. Supposedly it is the upgrade to the Samsung Epix. I forget the name. Supposed to be released with WM6.5 early October (oct 6th?).
I dunno. I've actually swapped phones but they are a real stickler. I would ask which phones would be available for swapping with... say you want to research them and call back. Then perhaps try to find a nice rep to do the transaction. The CS rep makes all the difference.
Sucks the phone died btw. I need to get mine replaced because my screen somehow gathered moisture under the screen or something. Looks like an oil slick when viewed from certain angles. Outside it makes the screen almost unreadable.
Actually they will offer you the new device, just need to play your cards right. Confirmed with my friend who is an AT&T sales rep.
player911 said:
... I was at the AT&T store yesterday looking at some of the current phones and nothing really came close to the Fuze...
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at&t flavor of TP2 will be out in October and Diamond2 sometime later, before year end...
hmmm well maybe I should get the ball rolling on replacing mine (since it needs it) and just pray my other ones are funky. Although I don't know of any device I'd rather have. The TP2 perhaps but from what I've seen I don't like the looks. Might change when I get my hands on one.
player911 said:
Sucks the phone died btw. I need to get mine replaced because my screen somehow gathered moisture under the screen or something. Looks like an oil slick when viewed from certain angles. Outside it makes the screen almost unreadable.
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Actually, this happened to my phone too. It isn't moisture. It is the layers of the screen coming apart. It will eventually spread to your whole screen and the screen will become non-responsive. I found google links discussing it. They replaced mine for free.

[Q] (Issue). Dust inside camera cover.

Hi all. Wondered if im the only one with this issue...?
Basically, i have dust on the inside of the rear camera lense cover. The TF isnt that old, so if its like this now, god knows what its going to be like in a few months.
See attached pic.
Tried contacting Asus on Twitter, but they just ignore me
wonder if that cover will come off to clean it?
You're not the only one with this issue. I looked at mine a few weeks ago and there wasnt a problem but I've looked again today and there's clearly bits of something under the glass/plastic covering. Looks like it might have surfaced due to static or something. I also have the right speaker louder than the left issue. I'll wait a bit til the supply problems are sorted and then RMA it. You won't get a reply on twitter or facebook or anywhere else that isnt a designated support place. I honestly dont see why you're surprised by this. You will have to go via their website or use the right support number for your country and ring them up. Much less hassle via the site though.
Yeah, mine has dust too. Funny because I just noticed it last night. I don't think that it affects the photos, but I'm not sure if it came that way or is building up.
non here after 2 weeks.
I would have thought they could have at least DM'd me and said "sorry your having probs, please call xxxxxxx number to discuss". Im in the UK, and have contacted both asus and asus uk.
any comunication methods seem to be failing them, no contact about dosk payments, shipment dates etc. its a fantastic device, let down by niggles like this.
dont want to be sending back yet as probably wont get one in return for ages.
I just checked on mine and I notice one decently large spec of dust underneath already. Yet another issue to add to the list of ongoing issues :\ I'm debating whether I should just return it to Walmart and wait to order another down the road when they are having better quality control.....or if I should just wait an RMA it. I just hope that they will provide an RMA.
rmclardy said:
I would have thought they could have at least DM'd me and said "sorry your having probs, please call xxxxxxx number to discuss". Im in the UK, and have contacted both asus and asus uk.
any comunication methods seem to be failing them, no contact about dosk payments, shipment dates etc. its a fantastic device, let down by niggles like this.
dont want to be sending back yet as probably wont get one in return for ages.
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Yeah, but once they reply to one person, everyone then expects a reply, and they wont have the man-power for that. If people use the proper support avenues then they can manage their work force properly. Otherwise before long it's 10,000 pissed off people rather than 1, for almost no reason.
I also have a lot of dust under the camera cover, however its almost a non issue as I will rarely take pictures with my tablet, and I installed a screen protector that I would lose and have to purchase and reapply.

[Q] Anyone else with a buzzing earpiece?

I bet I'm not the only person with this problem, but I have a brand new Sensation with a buzzing speaker. I've taken the cover off and looked for hairs in the grille and whatnot, to no avail. I even took off the protective sticker to see if that helped anything... nope.
The problem gets worse as the volume goes up.
I bought this from of someone on Craigslist who was selling a couple of them, new in box (he had bought them at Wal-Mart). Should I contact HTC?
zakool21 said:
I bet I'm not the only person with this problem, but I have a brand new Sensation with a buzzing speaker. I've taken the cover off and looked for hairs in the grille and whatnot, to no avail. I even took off the protective sticker to see if that helped anything... nope.
The problem gets worse as the volume goes up.
I bought this from of someone on Craigslist who was selling a couple of them, new in box (he had bought them at Wal-Mart). Should I contact HTC?
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Yes. It should be coveted under warranty irregardless of where you bought it from as the device itself is only a month old. They do not need proof of purchase
Swyped from my HTC Sensation Pyramid using my thumb and eyes
Thanks -- Talked to both HTC and T-Mobile.
HTC said they would repair it if I sent it in. T-Mobile said that I needed the phone to show up on my account (I only bought it last night) before they could determine warranty info, and that I'd be better of getting the receipt (which I don't have) and taking it back to the store it was purchased from.
However, I took the liberty of taking the back casing off, taking the speaker protective sticker off, and blowing some air into the speaker area. That seems to have fixed the problem and it looks like I won't have to send them the phone after all.
I also have a buzzing noise. A first device I had was producing such a strong buzzing that I asked for an exchange. The second one is only producing this noise on certain calls and gets worse when increasing the volume. I an also wiling to try to clean buy I fear to void warranty by removing the sticker.
The sticker comes off very easily with a razor blade and is very easily replaceable. Remember, you're only removing a grille speaker, not the "void" sticker. Nobody could possibly be any the wiser.
zakool21 said:
However, I took the liberty of taking the back casing off, taking the speaker protective sticker off, and blowing some air into the speaker area. That seems to have fixed the problem and it looks like I won't have to send them the phone after all.
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Have not solved the issue for me.
Takeshi_Kintaro said:
Have not solved the issue for me.
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That is very bad news. I was hoping that was the solution.
Crap, I swapped a pretty good working sensation having dust for a sensation having no dust but with a massive buzzing noise when having a conversation. Right now, I hate htc.
eadred said:
Crap, I swapped a pretty good working sensation having dust for a sensation having no dust but with a massive buzzing noise when having a conversation. Right now, I hate htc.
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+1 1234567890
So, I will return my third sensation because of the buzzing problem. My shop is going to hate me so bad. On the other hand, no really my fault, is it?
But I will certainly not take another sensation for now. I will check back in a few months if htc has fixed the issues. I have no use for a phone that cannot make phone calls properly!
Can't believe htc is making such sophisticated devices, but is unable to make the mere phone function work properly.
I noticed my earpiece makes a light crackling noise when in phone calls. It does get worse with increased volume. I am going to deal with it for now and see if for some reason it gets better. I REALLY dont want to have to try and return my phone because I just returned another one and I dont want to be one of those people that abuses the warranty system.
Getting a buzzing on my new Sensation earpiece when on the phone, gutted right now. Just contacted HTC.
Sending my phone back, after 5 days, i can't stand it any longer!
Also have this problem... I'm going to try and replace it tomorrow
I hope they won't give me a refurbished one... I just bought mine on Saturday...
I noticed the buzzing yesterday. I have only had the phone for 3 days. I imagined I would be the only one having this problem. I don't have any problems returning the phone. I haven't returned one before, but I don't think I should have to settle for a brand new phone that can't perform its most simple function.
have the same problem ....
I replaced the phone today, after A TON of arguing with the store clerk... They were trying to make me send the phone to HTC warranty service, but in the end they gave in.
The new one only exhibits this problem moderately at the loudest speaker setting. Below or at medium it is not noticeable.
Overall I'm pleased with the outcome
so if this is a common issue
if I send my phone to the repair center how are they gonna repair it ...
Also the spare parts must be broken...
Not all of them are like that...Odds are you'd get a "better" device
Just got my Sensation today and am having the same issue: distortion at all volume levels - it sounds almost like a blown earpiece. I will probably end up exchanging it soon as I cannot stand the noise during calls.

