Opera Mini file locations? - General Questions and Answers

I'm trying to tweak the HTC homepage (On WM6.1, HTC Snap) so that it gives me a shortcut to Opera Mini. However, I have no idea where the danged file locations are; could someone help me?
<Page Name="CustomPage2">
<TitleText><LocText lang="0x0409">Opera</LocText></TitleText>
<SmallIcon>\Application Data\Home\icons\opera.png</SmallIcon>
<ActionURL>\Program Files\Opera\Opera.exe</ActionURL>
<SK2URL>\Program Files\Opera\Opera.exe</SK2URL>
<SK2Text><LocText lang="0x0409">Launch App</LocText></SK2Text>
<Line1Text><LocText lang="0x0409">Opera</LocText></Line1Text>
<Line2Text><LocText lang="0x0409">Mobile Browser</LocText></Line2Text>
<Picture>\Application Data\Home\icons\Opera.png</Picture>
I know the file locations are all wrong. But that's the general idea, right?
EDIT: Opera mini is a java midlet, right? Oddly enough, though, I have a Opera Mini program under my start menu, I'm not sure how. Not sure how to find the start menu shortcut properties, though.


Turning Pocket Internet Explorer 7 into a PC based browser

This tweak: http://www.pocketpctweaks.com/pocketpc_tweaks/change_pocket_internet_explorer_6
... worked perfectly in PIE6 and I was wondering if an equivalent tweak existed for PIE7.
The tweak for PIE6 above does not work for PIE7.
The pure reason for such a tweak is to allow more sites to be usable/accessible from the Universal. In its current form, PIE7 does not function well with a lot of sites.
I know I could just install another browser, but I want to work with what is already there and not use up the Universal's precious free space.
Sorry for misleading the name.
Its not called "Pocket Internet Explorer 7" but instead it is officially called "Internet Explorer Mobile 6.9".
I did some tests with http://web-sniffer.net and found out that the User-Agent string IEM6.9 gives out is:
Mozilla/4.0 (compatibale; MSIE 6.0; Windows CE; IEMobile 6.9)
To make IEM 6.9 look like a desktop IE intead of a Pocket/Mobile IE, all that is needed to be done is to change the User-Agent string iexplorer.exe broadcasts from the one defined above to the following:
Mozilla/4.0 (compatibale; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; IEMobile 6.9)
I have gone through the registery to find out where "Windows CE" is defined as far as IE is concerned and could not find any.
I wanted to transfer iexplorer.exe from the Universal to the PC so that I can try a binary string search on it, but trying to make a copy of iexplorer.exe anywhere produces an error. Does anybody know how to get around this?
FYI, the reason why I intend to probe into iexplore.exe is because of:
nvatvani said:
FYI, the reason why I intend to probe into iexplore.exe is because of:
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hi nvatvani
tweaks2k2net gives you the free choice of changing your user agent as you wish. you can even "disguise" your PIE as Internet Explorer 7 if you like to do that.
for more info gor to http://www.tweaks2k2.com/
see ya
Beltemps said:
hi nvatvani
tweaks2k2net gives you the free choice of changing your user agent as you wish. you can even "disguise" your PIE as Internet Explorer 7 if you like to do that.
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Err, only IE 6 actually and it doesn't work on WM6 anyway
captainsensible2002 said:
Err, only IE 6 actually and it doesn't work on WM6 anyway
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I've searched and searched and would love the answer as well.
I tried using Advanced Config but no matter what I put in for User Agent, my Tilt adds info about Windows CE and web sites give me their mobile version (not their desktop version, what I'd really like).
I've tried Registry changes as discussed above and they don't work either.
Somehow, Opera is able to pull this off but I can't use it because of display purposes.
Help, please??
The regisrty Key you are looking for...
Was just browsing and read your questions about where to find the registry settings for PIE... The key you guys are looking for is located in the following:
[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\5.0\User Agent]
The values are strored in the follwing:
Desc="Default (Windows CE)"
Platform="Windows CE"
Version="MSIE 6.0"
Just change the value for "Platform" to the following and it should work:
"Windows NT 5.1"
I hope that helps,
^^worked in wm5
Jwrightmcps said:
Was just browsing and read your questions about where to find the registry settings for PIE... The key you guys are looking for is located in the following:
[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\5.0\User Agent]
The values are strored in the follwing:
Desc="Default (Windows CE)"
Platform="Windows CE"
Version="MSIE 6.0"
Just change the value for "Platform" to the following and it should work:
"Windows NT 5.1"
I hope that helps,
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Hi Jwrightmcps,
First of all congratulations are in order for being one of the best ROM builders ever!
The free software from ANB Software called Web Viewer (28 kb) not only put the above registry entries into the PPC registry. But it also gives tab browsing too.
Basically, it turns the PIE into Firefox, as Firefox for PPC is dearly missed.
Link for download:
Once again, thank you for all you do for us at this beautiful site!
Best Regards,
Jwrightmcps said:
Was just browsing and read your questions about where to find the registry settings for PIE... The key you guys are looking for is located in the following:
[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\5.0\User Agent]
The values are strored in the follwing:
Desc="Default (Windows CE)"
Platform="Windows CE"
Version="MSIE 6.0"
Just change the value for "Platform" to the following and it should work:
"Windows NT 5.1"
I hope that helps,
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Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately, when I went to change this registry value, I found it didn't help.
Based on some prior research, the User Agent seems to be preserved in a browser.dll file. See:
Now, I did some comparisons by going to www.useragentstring.com. I found that no matter what registry settings I changed, my Tilt was adding in user agent data to indicate I am on a Windows CE device; I am sure that this is why I keep getting shunted to Mobile versions of web sites.
Here's what I got from PIE:
"HTC-8900/1.2 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows CE; IE Mobile 7.6) UP.Link/"
But interestingly, when I use Opera with the setting checked to emulate a desktop machine, I get:
"Mozilla/4.0 (Compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1) Opera 8.65 [en]"
Clearly, Opera is able to modify the data that browser.dll is sending out. If only Opera met my needs, I would be golden; unfortunately, it takes forever to load a page, and it throws screen after screen of empty space in the middle of some pages.
I'd love to use PIE enhanced with PIEPlus, but I just have to figure out how to spoof a desktop machine.
Perhaps with this extra background someone will have a suggestion??
Thanks -
King of Rapture™ said:
Hi Jwrightmcps,
First of all congratulations are in order for being one of the best ROM builders ever!
The free software from ANB Software called Web Viewer (28 kb) not only put the above registry entries into the PPC registry. But it also gives tab browsing too.
Basically, it turns the PIE into Firefox, as Firefox for PPC is dearly missed.
Link for download:
Once again, thank you for all you do for us at this beautiful site!
Best Regards,
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Thanks for this suggestion. I tried this software, but it did not work well for me. Some problems I have:
• It is unable to be the "default browser" despite the check box in Prefs. Thus, clicking on a link in an email sends the link to PIE.
• I can't even cut/copy a link and paste it into the address bar - pasting doesn't work.
• Even when I type a link directly, it goes to the mobile version.
I would gladly try another browser if it worked as I need, but so far no luck.

Opera 8.65 Fix - for international devices !

After 2 weeks with a non-working official and registered Opera 8.65 installation (it would not start). And with no downgrade possible (as you know, the 8.65 beta expired October 1) I was really upset. Opera Support promised help but until now nothing happened.
The fix I found is veery simple. Opera will not work because it expects the Opera (application) folder in "Program Files". International devices use other names. Just make a folder "Program Files" on root level (if you installed ot on your SD card then there) and move the "Opera" folder to there. Then create a new link to "OperaLaunchWM.exe" in the Start menu to be able to start Opera. Thats it.
Apple* (using 8.65 on a german WM6 device )
nice info was thinking when opera is going to launch opera 8.65 officially,sure I'll go through this and check,ty

how do i set Opera Mini as default web browser?

as in, when i click on a link in google maps, i want it to browse with opera mini and NOT PIE
side question, whats the diff between opera mini and the full opera mobile?
other than the fact that i need to pay
Did you search or RTFM???
Launch Opera, then Menu-Tools-Settings-Misc-and place a check mark next to Set Opera as Default. Not too hard to do.
As far as your second question is concerned, I'd suggest www.opera.com.
Opera mini isn't as easy as that.
So sorry. I'm using Opera 8.65 for Windows Mobile. It was real easy to make it my default browser. I still think Searching is a good idea.
Sorry about the misunderstanding
There is Opera MINI and Opera MOBILE
for mobile i know how to set cuz it's an exe file
but since MINI is a java base file and requires a midlet, i had to ask for more advice on how to do it
and as i suspected
it's more complicated than i thought
Thanks for trying to help, though, kimtyson

Help needed installing correct MIDlet platform

I have a Treo 500 WM6 Standard and I am trying out Opera mini beta 2. It all seems to work except that I cannot save pages. I discovered this forum and tried to install Esmertec Jbed 20080222 3.1.cab which, if I have understood, offers a better Java environment? It installs OK but when I run the program from mt Applications menu I get a blank screen only.
Have I installed the corrrect version? Or maybe the treo is the problem?
I read that "To save pages [using Opera Mini] a phone must support JSR-75" whatever that is!
I have a £50 Skype phone which saves pages no bother but not the expensive Treo!! I MUST have a way of saving pages. Can anyone help or point me to another solution?

Question on adding reg keys to ROM

For the last week, I haven't had any luck finding answers to this stuff.
First order of business:
NetFront Browser is, in my opinion, the only mobile browser; so I'm cooking it into the ROM. But, I want the IE hotkey to open it - I can't find the reg entry, anywhere. Is it part of a library?
Second order:
Generally, how do I add new regs in SuperJust?
Show me a screenshot of what hotkey you're talking about?
Sorry what I meant by hotkey is the [alt]+[right arrow] command which opens IE by default.
But I found a shortcut (by accident!) ---
You can edit "\Windows\short_ie.lnk" to any location, using SPB Plus or Total Commander.
However, I can't find this link file in any of the Kitchen directories to have it readied to the ROM... and I'm still unclear on how to add the new registry entries I have that will bypass the SPB Shell & Netfront activations.
Oh, for educational purposes of course
Look at Ivans Justhome files in the kitchen i believe he has edited a hotkey in his reg. Not 100% sure though.

