Opera 8.65 Fix - for international devices ! - General Topics

After 2 weeks with a non-working official and registered Opera 8.65 installation (it would not start). And with no downgrade possible (as you know, the 8.65 beta expired October 1) I was really upset. Opera Support promised help but until now nothing happened.
The fix I found is veery simple. Opera will not work because it expects the Opera (application) folder in "Program Files". International devices use other names. Just make a folder "Program Files" on root level (if you installed ot on your SD card then there) and move the "Opera" folder to there. Then create a new link to "OperaLaunchWM.exe" in the Start menu to be able to start Opera. Thats it.
Apple* (using 8.65 on a german WM6 device )

nice info was thinking when opera is going to launch opera 8.65 officially,sure I'll go through this and check,ty


Opera rules

I think the most promising browser ATM is Opera. Its fast and renders the pages almost identical to desktop (on my Jasjar anyway). It still has some bugs but it is in beta. I will be willing to pay for it!
Beta 2 is even better! Once you get around the WingDings Font !!!!
By Opera can You see the entire web site?
By Explorer some web site are in micro vesion.
Opera ules
how do you get round the wingdings problem?
I am having problem with Opera Beta 1 and Beta 2 as well.
After I have used Opera and closed it (really close) I cannot start Planmaker and Textmaker. The only way to use these progams again is a soft reset. I have tried installing opera to the card as well as to the main memory but to no avail.
Has anybody else had this problem or is it me alone?? I am on a Jasjar.
Please help somebody as I really love Opera but also cannot do without Planmaker or Textmaker.

Esmertec JAVA Manager

Ok, this a bit off topic, but I guess people could find it usefull.
At least for me one of the most important applications on my MDA Vario with WM 6 (Pandora 3.2) is Opera Mini. It worked perfectly in the Intent Java Manager, *but* the last version (Opera Mini 4 beta) crashes it...
I tried one IBM Midlet Manager - not crashing, but ugly fonts, not working soft buttons.
Now I found Esmertec JAVA Manager. It looks good and it did not crash yet (*though so far I tested it only for a few minutes*).
It can be downloaded from:
Go to "Are there any Add-Ons?" and download "Black Add-On Cabs" (the file Enchantments.rar) ... There is a CAB "Esmertec JAVA Manager.cab" there...
Just install it - I used Pandora 3.2 with the previously installed Intent MIDP manager and had no problems to install Esmertec...
Thanks to Jimm98y for inspiration (I noticed he does have Esmertec in his ROM so I started to look for it - I have never heard about this Midlet Manager before)
@moderators: feel free to move this post elsewhere... I know it is not WM 6 specific...
I posted similar information also on "Opera Mini" forum on Opera (with the note that if the moderators do not like the link to the website, they can delete it, but it would be nice to keep the info for other frustrated users of Windows Mobile and Opera Mini).
The reaction was swift. When checking it a few minutes later, the thread was deleted, together with my whole user account which I created this morning (without any warning). As if nothing has ever existed...
Well, never mind, I just wanted to help the fellow Windows Mobile owners... I do not care about forums on Opera...
Tnx. I got it and will try it later today.
Mirek, do you know why you post is deleted? It is because Esmertec Java is not a freeware! It is normal to have post and account deleted if you post warez in software forums.
starkwong said:
Mirek, do you know why you post is deleted? It is because Esmertec Java is not a freeware! It is normal to have post and account deleted if you post warez in software forums.
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Well, both the thread and the account reappeared. The Opera forums had yesterday some technical problems, so maybe they worked with an old backup for some time (just a guess)...
As for warez: you may be right it is not completely legal, but I linked just a web with Hermes ROM (which is more or less similar to ROMs in this forum and which was *not* made by me)... This forum would not exist if we did not use "illegal" ROMs (there is no legal version of WM 6 for Wizard). So I leave this problems to moderators (I expect they may not like the link).
But back to the Opera Mini 4 Beta in the Java Manager. The only problem I saw was when writing text in edit fields. Remember to close on-screen keyboard before leaving the field! Otherwise it will "hang" there taking part of screen, impossible to close. If this happens, just open another text field, close the on-screen keyboard (it is possible only when editing) and go on...
I found a nice place with many Midlet Managers (just one catch - the web page is in Russian):
Just one thing to say, this forum is not that forum, what we like is not what they like.
anyone knows how to use esmertec and opera mini with a proxy?
the TAO midlet manager gave u the chance to change or add a proxy in the registry. so u could run opera mini with an o2 surf&email flatrate
arty said:
anyone knows how to use esmertec and opera mini with a proxy?
the TAO midlet manager gave u the chance to change or add a proxy in the registry. so u could run opera mini with an o2 surf&email flatrate
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Looking also for a way to enter proxy
you know, for some reason, esmertec java wouldn't allow me to grab and scroll in opera mini. and for opera mini beta 4, that's a travesty, because i could only navigate with the dpad, completely defeating the purpose. i had gotten used to the intent MM built into the standard Wizard rom, but since upgrading to NBD 8.0, Esmertec Java was there, which is why i tried it. now i'm simply installing intentMM along with it.
[extra note]
there's also that nasty little problem of, if entering something into a text box, one doesn't minimize the keyboard, it will stay there on the screen with no way to hide it, unless one goes into another text box. annoying?
did anyone else have these problems?
Azimuth21 said:
you know, for some reason, esmertec java wouldn't allow me to grab and scroll in opera mini. and for opera mini beta 4, that's a travesty, because i could only navigate with the dpad, completely defeating the purpose. i had gotten used to the intent MM built into the standard Wizard rom, but since upgrading to NBD 8.0, Esmertec Java was there, which is why i tried it. now i'm simply installing intentMM along with it.
[extra note]
there's also that nasty little problem of, if entering something into a text box, one doesn't minimize the keyboard, it will stay there on the screen with no way to hide it, unless one goes into another text box. annoying?
did anyone else have these problems?
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the same problems here. I'm using Risidoro's Intent Manager instead which deals with the program's graphics and overall behaviour much better.
Anyone has the CAB for ? What are the changes?
This topic begs me the question....
i was reading and i'm in the process of "trying" to make a ROM, and well i need to know which is better Emertec or Intent? i have Jaguar 3.1 rite now and it comes with Emertec, however I'm just beginning to explore my Java app options on my cingular 8125.
THe newest versions of esmertec (dated june and july) seemed to work fine with opera mini..including the scrolling...esmertec is included in XM6R3 rom..the one in my signature if you want to "try it"
Good luck.
i just ran Faria's kitchen rom last night and i used the inent and i immediately was greeted with a " Invalid application" when i tried to start one of the java games the emertec java found so easy to operate. So i now agree that emertec is the better of the two.
For some reason, now, when I try to use IntentMM, I get "failed to install" and "failed to uninstall" messages, so I am going back and testing this new version of Esmertec. If anyone wants the link to it, here it is. Jbed is Esmertec and Tao is Intent, in case you don't know.
Oh just great. I installed the newest IntentMM, and now it won't uninstall. Also, now Esmertec has timed out (the linked file doesn't work). I am now OperaMini-less..
It looks like the Esmertec midlet manager version most of people are using is just a time limited trial:
I certainly found out that the Esmertec in TNT 4.0 no longer works (unless the date is moved back).
I did not try any other Esmertec version, so there may be some good one around... I do not know.
Anyway - Opera Mini 4 Beta 2 now works fine with Tao Intent Midlet Manager so not a big problem for me.
mirekluza said:
It looks like the Esmertec midlet manager version most of people are using is just a time limited trial:
I certainly found out that the Esmertec in TNT 4.0 no longer works (unless the date is moved back).
I did not try any other Esmertec version, so there may be some good one around... I do not know.
Anyway - Opera Mini 4 Beta 2 now works fine with Tao Intent Midlet Manager so not a big problem for me.
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The version in XM6r3 is 20070425.1.1 and it is still working just fine. I don't remember what it was now, but I had an issue trying to use the June version that was in TNT 4.0 (and a few other roms) so I dropped back to the April version. Lucky choice I guess
mfrazzz said:
The version in XM6r3 is 20070425.1.1 and it is still working just fine.
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is it the jbed full screen esmertec version ?
I tried the jeotek version here : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=1481439&highlight=esmertec#post1481439 but it's not full screen unfortunately
pierro78 said:
is it the jbed full screen esmertec version ?
I tried the jeotek version here : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=1481439&highlight=esmertec#post1481439 but it's not full screen unfortunately
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I believe its right just made a cab out of the same April package version thats been posted elsewhere, so his CAB would be the same as whats in XM6r3.
Sorry, haven't followed this closely, but what is the "full screen" version? No menu bar at the top and softkey bar at the bottom?
yes, with opera mini :
no wm6 menu bar at the top (but a "slim" red opera border)
and no wm6 softkey bar at the bottom (but a "slim" red opera bar)

AJAX on Opera Browser

Hi, I' m an happy (?) user of htc touch pro unbranded.
I would like to ask a question: it is possible to make the opera "OEM" on htc support AJAX?
Opera 9.5 beta that you can download from the site can, so I thought someone already did it work on the "OEM" version too. I upgraded to 2808 and it supports flash too, but not ajax that is a feature it should.
Sorry if someone already solved this thing but I haven' t found anything with search function. And sorry for my awful english.
AJAX support is somewhat hit-or-miss. On some sites it works (such as dropbox), on other sites it doesn't (gmail/gmaps).
It probably depends on exactly what kind of AJAX you're talking about (data transaction or client-side effects) and how Opera handles any errors in the code.
You may also want to upgrade to a newer version such as 9.5 build 15202 (although the latest versions may not support Flash).
Well, before format i installed opera from the site and it loaded the site (www.erepublik.com) correctly. Now I upgraded the "OEM" version to the same build and it does not load correctly that site.
Mmm... how can I see what is the latest version, and how can I upgrade it?
P. S.: Doesn' t mind for the flash, it is only a bad thing with that keyboard popping...
Go to address opera:about to check the Opera version.
If you want to ugprade, search for "Opera" in the Development and Hacking forum:
To make it easier to find, do an Advanced Search, and choose to "Search titles only".
Be sure to pick the VGA version for your Touch Pro.
Thank you a lot!

New Opera Mini 5 and Latest Jbed all-in-one cab

Trying to make things easier with Opera Mini 5 java (as the native WM Opera Mini is still beta and has some issues), I created a cab which spares you of headaches. I'm aware that there are other similar project in the forums, but this one is a little bit different.
This cab contains:
- latest Esmertect Jbed Java (20090506) (credits to Agrab)
- Opera Mini 5 final, presigned - it will ask no permissions
- Mortscript 2.5 and a connection script- this will automatically initialize your default internet connection when clicking the Opera Mini shortcut, thus saving some seconds of waiting times.
- If you already have Opera Mini 5 installed and don't wan
t to loose your data (bookmarks, quicklinks), before installing my cab go to Opera Mini>Settings, click Opera Link and create an account (this is fast and easy). Than login and synchronize your data.
- Important: if you already have Opera Mini and jbed installed, uninstall them and navigate to Windows folder and delete the appdb folder. Note that you will loose any other java apps installed.
- Install the right cab for your device (it will automatically install into internal memory)
- Perform a reboot, to allow registry updating.
- Enter Opera Mini>Settings>Opera Link, login and synchronise your data.
There are two versions of the cab:
- W/QVGA version - this one has the classic logo of Opera Mini as shortcut image in start menu, and is more suitable for low res devices. However, it works ok on W/VGA too.
-W/VGA version - this one uses the Opera icon part of Anastasia Iconset created by Dinik. This version is wm6.5/6.5.x only!
The font sizes are optimized for high resolution. If you encounter problems, post them here.
In this version of Jbed you are able to select all text in fullscreen edit mode by performing a double click. You can copy it if you use a keyboard which has copy-paste function (like Touchpal).
NEW RELEASE (April 22nd ):
- replaced Opera Mini 5.0.18365 with the very latest build 5.0.18741
- fixed security tap notification; now Opera Mini will install itself when clicking it's shortcut the first time.
- fixed the qvga cab; now you should have the right font sizes on qvga devices;
- these updates should fix the login issue reported in this thread
- I strongly suggest to all users who downloaded the previous versions to uninstall them and upgrade with these ones
For now, I only had the time to modify the WVGA version of my cab for 7 different languages. Will modify the QVGA cab for these languages as needed (by requests). If your language is not here, make a request; I'll consider to add other languages only based on at least 3 requests per language (however, I cannot promise).
-Deutsch, Greek, Italian and Romanian see post #4 to get the cabs
-Polish, Russian and Swedish check post #6 to download
Known bugs:
- Esmertec Jbed doesn't respond well on screen rotation, occasionaly making Opera Mini bars go under system bars (this is a jbed problem). To make opera go back to normal exit the program (without closing it) and re-enter by clicking its shortcut in start menu (or Sense link ,today shortcut etc). recommend you deactivate G-sensor rotation for Jbed. To have Opera Mini in landscape just use it's dedicated option (under Opera's settings menu).
- on rare occasions Opera Mini refuses to connect. Just try again, it'll work.
- I noticed Opera Mini has problems with uploading long texts (it's a problem related to browsing timeouts). If you use it to post messages on forums, my advice is that you copy your text before you press the "Submit/Post" button. Sometimes you may find out that after you pressed submit, the browser just brings you to the last page, and your text has gone. This can be painful when you wrote a long text... but if you have copied it, it's easy to go again and just paste, then submit the text.
Congratulations man! I'll finish up the final version, to test the worth of your proposed applications. Keep up the good work.
Already posted on Opera Official Thread here:
(post 3)
Will compare versions and if not the same I´ll include it on the list
OK, I modified the WVGA version of my cab with Opera Mini in few different languages. Now the cabs are compressed. Each cab is tested on my device. To install, please uninstall previous versions and delete "appdb" folder within Windows directory.
Ok then, will add to official thread
OK, thank you!
PS: by creating this thread I didn't intend to hijack other people work. I just found my own way of compiling Opera Mini and Jbed in a convenient way and wanted to share this with the community.
Added cabs for Russian, Polish and Swedish:
Great news! Will surely mention this in my next Web browsing-related article.
optyqus said:
OK, thank you!
PS: by creating this thread I didn't intend to hijack other people work. I just found my own way of compiling Opera Mini and Jbed in a convenient way and wanted to share this with the community.
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No prob. Mate
Already included on Opera Thread
Great work!! Thanks for sharing!
I used this cab and logged into a ppcgeeks account. logged out and an hour later logged in, took me to someone else's account on PPGgeeks. so I was logged in as another user. This may be a problem especially if other users are logging in to more secure sites. Just wanted to let you know.
What a great idea, this auto-connect addition! I downloaded the QVGA version, but the menus are huge on my Kaiser: I think it is a VGA/WVGA version... haven't tried the version called WVGA.
@Cerberus_tm, just go to this registry: HKLM\Software\Apps\Esmertec Java\Device Info\Java Font and change the values inside these 3 keys:
-Size large: 32 (change it to somewhere between 22-26);
-Size Medium: 28 (change it to 18 or 20)
-Size small: 23 (change it to 16 or less)
Do a reset , than go to opera mini settings and choose your font size. Now you should have the right font sizes for your qvga screen.
rileyd5 said:
I used this cab and logged into a ppcgeeks account. logged out and an hour later logged in, took me to someone else's account on PPGgeeks. so I was logged in as another user. This may be a problem especially if other users are logging in to more secure sites. Just wanted to let you know.
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How strange! I must admit that this happened to me too once! I wanted to login to my xda account, but apparently the browser logged me into somebody else's account (I don't recall the nickname). I immediately logged out and tried again and this time it logged me in correctly, in my account. That was kinda' creepy, you know...
However, my cab contains clean components, like many other opera mini and jbed builds. Something tells me the problem comes from opera servers and this is why I strongly suggest to all users not to use Opera Mini to login to their sensitive accounts (paypal, ebay etc), as sending and receiving data through intermediate servers is very unsafe.
To all downloaders, if you encounter this nasty problem occuring when using this build of opera mini, please report here immediately, I'll take the necessary measures.
the login issue it happened to me just now when login into gmail.
the second time I opened gmail it showed me some other user inbox.
I remember that the last time I used opera mini java, it asked me to press on the touchscreen or type random letters to create some sort of unique key to increase security.
maybe you (accidentaly) disabled this on your cab?
the last time I used the java version was one of the betas, so maybe this random key is no longer needed on the final version.
edit: I tried the final version of opera mini with jbed and installing manually, and indeed it asked me to tap the touchscreen randomly to improve security. after that (and changing my gmail password) I have not encountered the login-as-other-user issue (yet)
optyqus said:
I can assure you it's not the same. My cab uses Mortscript to do autoconnect, and you don't have to do the crappy job with that "selector.utf" file, as the jar file is pre-signed and the application will ask the permissions only the first time it connects/downloads/reads user data.
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unfortunately does not remember passwords
totriz said:
the login issue it happened to me just now when login into gmail.
the second time I opened gmail it showed me some other user inbox.
I remember that the last time I used opera mini java, it asked me to press on the touchscreen or type random letters to create some sort of unique key to increase security.
maybe you (accidentaly) disabled this on your cab?
the last time I used the java version was one of the betas, so maybe this random key is no longer needed on the final version.
edit: I tried the final version of opera mini with jbed and installing manually, and indeed it asked me to tap the touchscreen randomly to improve security. after that (and changing my gmail password) I have not encountered the login-as-other-user issue (yet)
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Thank you for your post, it gave me an idea on what could be the cause of the problem. As the opera mini contained in this cab is practically preinstalled, it will not ask to do the security screen taps. I'll study a way on how to bring back those security taps, it appears they are indeed important. Again, thank you.
I removed the cabs from first post in order to prevent further downloading, I will re-upload them as soon as I find a fix in the matter.
OK, first post updated with fixed cabs (or at least I hope so ). The nasty login bug should be history now. Please read carefully the install instructions, they're updated accordingly to this latest release.
Great job man.
How about the option to install on hard drive or memory card . And option to set as default browser. Great app , you did a great job on this.
Thanks for sharing. Great work.

My small gift to all of you WM2003(SE) users: great Web browser Opera Mini 5!

During the testing of the native Windows Mobile version of the current Opera Mini 5 beta (see THIS for more info), I've routinely tested it on my old, WM2003-only iPAQ 2210 Pocket PC.
Of course, the CAB installer didn't work as it's compressed; nevertheless, after manual decompression, the app itself did. That is, it's fully compliant with both WM2003 and WM2003SE, which is great news for all users stuck with those old operating systems and not having received any WM2003(SE)-compliant browser for ages. (AFAIK, it was Opera Mobile 8.65, almost three years ago, that still supported the OS – nothing after that, except for, of course, the PIE plug-ins.)
Therefore, I quickly remade the CAB file so that it also runs under WM2003(SE). It's HERE for download. (UnZIP it before installing!)
Here's a quick tutorial for anyone wanting to do the same:
1, in order to decompress the original CAB file (along with its INF file), download MSCEInf from, for example, HERE
2, in order to recompress the new and, now, WM2003-compliant CAB file, download CabWiz. It's part of Visual Studio and can also be found bundled with many CAB creator tools; for example, QuickCab 2.0 available HERE. Download the latter; you'll only need to keep the two cabwiz.* files (cabwiz.exe and cabwiz.ddf).
Incidentally, should you just quickly want to deploy some files in some predefined places (the app doesn't support relocation) and/or make some changes to the Registry, feel free to play with QuickCab itself. For our needs, it's not adequate as it doesn't support relocation, while Cabwiz does. Therefore, we only need to download it in order to extract the CabWiz files from it.
3, decompress MSCEInf anywhere on your PC; run it. Drag-and-drop the original, WM5-only CAB file in it.
4, click the „Extract CAB Files with original names in a folder” icon (the 7th on the toolbar from the left). Unpack the files to a previously empty directory anywhere. It'll, in addition to the files, create an INF file, containing the names of the files to pack, the shortcuts to create, the strings needed for installing the app in any other place than the built-in RAM and so on.
5, copy the two cabwiz.* files in the same directory where the just-generated INF file resides and enter „cabwiz name-of-exported-inf-file”. The CAB file will be created. As the cabwiz.ddf file defines cabwiz's output as uncompressed (see the Compress=OFF flag in it), the file will already be compliant with pre-WM5 operating systems.
Note that you'll need the excellent and free CabInstl app to install the app on any other location than the built-in RAM.
Also note that I've also tested Opera Mobile 10. Neither beta 1 nor the final version are compatible with WM2003(SE).
Thanks a lot my friend!!
This will be very useful for a lot of people!
I´ll include it on Opera Mobile Official Thread
Hi Menne,
Thank you!
Here is my HP iPAQ H3970 and your OM5:
Wow! Finger-scrolling works on my mypal a716. This is cool.
Opera Mobile 9
Hello. But what’s about Opera Mobile 9.* on Windows Mobile 2003 CE, does it work (like Opera Mini 5; thanks for it’s working)?
Hello. But what’s about Opera Mobile 9.* on Windows Mobile 2003 CE, does it work (like Opera Mini 5; thanks for it’s working)?
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Dunno, will check it and report back.
BTW, the recently-released OM 5.1 has a native WM2003 build; no need for hacking.
Menneisyys said:
Dunno, will check it and report back.
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Tested http://rs543.rapidshare.com/files/178322331/Opera_v9.5_build_15233_QVGA.cab - no go. Sorry.
Yes, you are right: there is Opera Mini 5.1 for WM2003; at present time it is installed on my device. But I hoped to find something like Opera Mobile 8.65, which is able to act like desktop browser. There is also a problem with Flash... Well, thanks anyway.
Just downloaded and installed it - I can't believe my Ipaq 4150 (WM2003) is running something so modern !
Many thanks Menneisyys.
This is truly my lucky day, just stumbled on this by pure chance.
This is working great on my HP rx3715 and gives it this much needed browser upgrade.
Thank you so much for this!

