Personal experiences with cooked ROMs for Uni - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro ROM Development

Hi there!
This is my first post on the forum but I'm registered for some time ago and was mainly the observer. 'till now, I had nothing to write that it's not already written and explained (I'm not sure if this kind of post exists as well) but consider this as my small contribution to this community.
First I must say that I'm thrilled to know that Uni "scene" is so strong and even if the device is somewhat old, you guys are still cooking new ROMs and seems like you'll never stop exploring. Honestly, if I find some spare time during holidays, I'll do my best to join the scene and to learn all the important stuff so I can cook some myself.
And now, let's get to the point.
I've had 'till now various WM devices running on various platforms but some things were always constant like: SRS WoW HD (I'm oftenly in noisy environments (I'm sound engineer) so this one is MUST HAVE for me), SPB Mobile Shell (sorry but I have to feed my cosmetic hunger ), Total Commander (the first thing I start on my desktop computer), Nitrogen (used for listening music on the move), Garmin XT (needed for frequent travel needs) and few other mainly cosmetic things.
Following is the respective order of ROMs I've installed, tested and run for some time and all of the pros and cons:
Ranju v7.6
My device came with this ROM (since bought used) which I found pretty slow. SPB MS waas oftenly frozen and/or stucked with error so I decided to try out some other ROMs which led me to xda-developers forum and the famous Tomal ROMs.
Tomal v8.9 REGULAR
Downloaded, installed and was like "WOW!!! This guy is SERIOUS!"
Started to install my usual stuff and everything was flawless until i tried to install SRS WoW HD. Installed one version - not working (no sound at all), installed second version - working but when device go to sleep mode it's impossible to wake it up without soft-resetting the device. Did the hard-reset and everything was fine again but I realized that SRS won't work on this ROM (if I've read the thread I'd known that before trying - sorry for the ignorance). Other than that - GREAT ROM!
Tomal v10 64MB
I knew that the Uni is capable of running the 6.5 platform so I downloaded and installed this one, truely hoping that it will run now SRS thing (again, if I've read the thread, I would know that it won't). Installed all the bells and whistles I need and found out that my Uni is running awfully slow having about 3-4 megs of free RAM after just a couple of minutes running. It started to change ringtones by itself, when people tried to call me I was unavailable and even if they could reach me I was oftenly unable to answwer the call. Yes I know: it's completely my fault (installed many RAM hungry - background running apps).
Tomal v12 64MB
I thought "if this ROM really looks like it was shown on pics, I don't have to install SPB MS". Downloaded, installed, was "WOW!!!" again but after few hours of using it (haven't installed none of the 3rd party software) I was
It got stucked like the previous version running with awfully low free RAM. And, this one also, couldn't run SRS WoW HD.
Beasty & Laurentius 2.09.01
Saw the preview pics and thought "why not? Let's try..." Downloaded, Installed, added all of my apps and it was still OK. Running OK, no problems installing any of software. Fair enough. But then I started SMSing with one of my clients and realized how much I miss SMS threading and finger scrolling... That was it... time to find something else...
At this point I was fairly desperate thinking that something's definitely wrong with me. I thought I'd never find ROM that suits my needs but I continued browsing, searching, reading and downloading.
Finally I've changed the approach and started hunting for some light/vanilla ROM running on 6.1 platform.
nk 21055 Vanilla (I don't remember who the chef was... sorry)
Found this ROM, saw specs and read the experiences. Fair enough to try. Downloaded, installed, running OK but missing so much stuff I've used to have. Took me an age to install and configure everything but finally I did it and started growing roots on this ROM.
After some time, while trying to change (first) bootsplash, my Uni was stuck at the bootloader so I had to run MTTY to fix things and to reflash. Installed this ROM again and then realized how much time I have to spend to get it back as it was be. Gave up.
P.S.: network setup was also pain in the ass since this ROM was the only one I've tried without settings and parameters for my network so each time I did soft-reset I had an alert to have to set network parameters myself and it continued doing so even after I've set all of the parameters.
Luca16thebig 2.0.5 REGULAR 64MB
Great ROM. Even if I know it's the 6.1 it features all the thing I need from 6.5 but again, the lack of RAM made me reflash although everything worked fine.
Luca16thebig 2.0.5 VANILLA 64MB
Installed, added all of my apps I need, looking good, running smooth, no problems so far. Started "growing roots" on this one. It seems that I finally found a compromise between 6.1 and 6.5 in this one. All of the 3rd party software runs smoothly and flawless and the RAM amount is about 15 megs all the time (with SPB MS and other things running in background).
At the end I must say one big, fat THANK YOU to all of the chefs (namely: Tomal, Luca, Ranju, Beasty, Laurentius, Luca) and everyone else of the xda-developers community. This is the most useful place for all of my exploration of WM. Sometimes it's really hard to understand what some smart people have to say but my english also sucks so I understand that and trying hard to understand everything you guys say.
Keep up the good work and keep the scene alive!

Check also this one:
In my opinion the best 6.1 rom for our universal's (and believe me when I say that I have tested them all!)

Welcome to forums
Thanks for sharing your experiences with ROM´s
If you want to test more have a look here:
Post 4
Read, Search, Respect and Enjoy!


Calling all WM5 or WM6 chefs

Ok, Im working with the mUn edition of WM6. Anyone know how he disabled all but the password setup screen?
Ok i found only one instance pointing to welcome.exe which is supposed to launch this. help me out. what does this registry key mean?
Yeah', i'd like to help out, as i started to think about cooking My own rom'',
mUn's may be one of better choices since it's quite clean and so on..
But what else was there about "calling chefs?'"
1. clean,
2. well documented(as i pointed out in mobiz edition thread )
3. STABLE(working Most BASIC Functionalities like Wifi, MMS, Sim card phonebook usability)
I found that 98% of battery drain problems i've heard thus far were all caused by some today component, or other app that worked in background, and only when certain setting had been changed did ALL started to be baad.
"all of a sudden"
Keep up a GOOD WORK, set some clear objective what goal/ target do You want to achieve with this rom(speed, stability, minimality, cleaningness, usability>) so people will know what to expect and not to be dissappointed..
I am a little tired of: "my rom is faster than yours" approach..
i'd rather hear: this rom "feels" quicker in response, and is stable(optionally rock solid )
Hope that this "clean fixed" rom will have soon "a definitive guide" with recommended installs(freeware for ex.) to have as a start clean, stable rom, and greatest funcionality(additionall free soft installable by user),
Just so our Wizards will Stop being "toys" and will become TOOLS with a "LOT" extra(not just little extra).. as i read the other day of "one of us" giving it to his 14 year old daughter(nothing against young people, or girls), just..
i want to use a solid TOOL, even if I will goof off with it, and use it like 14 year old.
Cheers to ALL out ther Working, so WE CAN Enjoy our micro computers.
MiniSD 2GB/1GB
Primary use: Mp3 Player (22hours hours playback TCPMP on WM5 Molskis')
Radio Version: 02.61.11
Version;Protocol Version:ExtROM Version:
WM6 by: mUn, faria V5.0, PDAMobiz V.5, MB, MTA
Possibly soon switching back to WM5(molski's)
..Be quiet, and the world will start singing
lolek5 said:
Yeah', i'd like to help out, as i started to think about cooking My own rom'',
mUn's may be one of better choices since it's quite clean and so on..
But what else was there about "calling chefs?'"
1. clean,
2. well documented(as i pointed out in mobiz edition thread )
3. STABLE(working Most BASIC Functionalities like Wifi, MMS, Sim card phonebook usability)
I found that 98% of battery drain problems i've heard thus far were all caused by some today component, or other app that worked in background, and only when certain setting had been changed did ALL started to be baad.
"all of a sudden"
Keep up a GOOD WORK, set some clear objective what goal/ target do You want to achieve with this rom(speed, stability, minimality, cleaningness, usability>) so people will know what to expect and not to be dissappointed..
I am a little tired of: "my rom is faster than yours" approach..
i'd rather hear: this rom "feels" quicker in response, and is stable(optionally rock solid )
Hope that this "clean fixed" rom will have soon "a definitive guide" with recommended installs(freeware for ex.) to have as a start clean, stable rom, and greatest funcionality(additionall free soft installable by user),
Just so our Wizards will Stop being "toys" and will become TOOLS with a "LOT" extra(not just little extra).. as i read the other day of "one of us" giving it to his 14 year old daughter(nothing against young people, or girls), just..
i want to use a solid TOOL, even if I will goof off with it, and use it like 14 year old.
Cheers to ALL out ther Working, so WE CAN Enjoy our micro computers.
MiniSD 2GB/1GB
Primary use: Mp3 Player (22hours hours playback TCPMP on WM5 Molskis')
Radio Version: 02.61.11
Version;Protocol Version:ExtROM Version:
WM6 by: mUn, faria V5.0, PDAMobiz V.5, MB, MTA
Possibly soon switching back to WM5(molski's)
..Be quiet, and the world will start singing
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Here is what I am trying to accomplish, I want to make the mUn's edition as stripped as possible keeping it together but giving a solid building ground for other chefs and also a good clean playground for users who just want a ROM without the mess. Once I accomplish 2 or 3 more things the Ultimate Fixed mUns version will be released. First I have got to get this welcome thing fixed. Until then, Im not even working on anything else for the ROM
Wow.. : )
That's a VERY GOOD approach there..
A step by step.
That's how some things CAN Get done : )
Thanks Man : )
I Think We all can use that : )
I'd like to start some kind of central repository/ interactive table with a Comparison of diffrent roms :futures, prog version, posssible issues: strong points, weak points.
There had already been so many threads like: best freeware soft for wizard, and since there are unorganized comments all over thread finding usefull, NOT Doubled application names, links, descriptions, becomes very hard if not impossible.
Some kind of ranking of apps ?
that may be more to xda-dev guys/ site owner/administrator if it could be incorporated into structures of BB
Possibly it could look like auto rom cooker, that i've seen for some older pda..
maybe it could be crossreferenced for different platforms, like alpine, wizard, himalaya, but centrally connected to one database so more data will be gathered and make it more universal: sometimes guys from another forum know of some software, that other users of WM5/6 could find usefull, but do not have time to go to every of 5 000 threads looking for a(good, or any in that case) free MMS Backup utility !?
.. found a couple of utils. for sms backup, saying they will back up email, sms, and mms.. well, they do only sms,
and considering that i have flashed my wizadr about 15 times during last week.., trying to use wizard as primary phone and keep track of contacts, is impossible without efficient backup system ..
Yet so many soft is being installed without EVEr knowing what for, and or how to use it and are already on the rom cooked.
Some are being used everyday during normal operations and which use and "fixed problems credit"are being given to a "new WM system"
I think it should be a cross(bow)referenced, or interweaved: forum and WIKI so forum will become more organized and more usefull to the community. And WIKI part will give ability to add more descriptions, and make building a database of app references, usage, and rating without making it all unclear and timewaste for scrolling through .. well an "off topic" comments , opinions still could be added under interactive portion of wiki..for all who like to get and give opinions(like youtube's sectioned view:,2.related videos, 3 comments, 4 unrelated latest videos.
: 1.File, app, or rom reference portion, 2.related threads/topics, comparisons, 3. forum comments thread 4. unrelated threads, comments, apps, comparisons/ news.
with system like this we all could save some serious time and not get overloaded by unnecessary info.
/time to get some rest
lolek5 said:
Wow.. : )
That's a VERY GOOD approach there..
A step by step.
That's how some things CAN Get done : )
Thanks Man : )
I Think We all can use that : )
I'd like to start some kind of central repository/ interactive table with a Comparison of diffrent roms :futures, prog version, posssible issues: strong points, weak points.
There had already been so many threads like: best freeware soft for wizard, and since there are unorganized comments all over thread finding usefull, NOT Doubled application names, links, descriptions, becomes very hard if not impossible.
Some kind of ranking of apps ?
that may be more to xda-dev guys/ site owner/administrator if it could be incorporated into structures of BB
Possibly it could look like auto rom cooker, that i've seen for some older pda..
maybe it could be crossreferenced for different platforms, like alpine, wizard, himalaya, but centrally connected to one database so more data will be gathered and make it more universal: sometimes guys from another forum know of some software, that other users of WM5/6 could find usefull, but do not have time to go to every of 5 000 threads looking for a(good, or any in that case) free MMS Backup utility !?
.. found a couple of utils. for sms backup, saying they will back up email, sms, and mms.. well, they do only sms,
and considering that i have flashed my wizadr about 15 times during last week.., trying to use wizard as primary phone and keep track of contacts, is impossible without efficient backup system ..
Yet so many soft is being installed without EVEr knowing what for, and or how to use it and are already on the rom cooked.
Some are being used everyday during normal operations and which use and "fixed problems credit"are being given to a "new WM system"
I think it should be a cross(bow)referenced, or interweaved: forum and WIKI so forum will become more organized and more usefull to the community. And WIKI part will give ability to add more descriptions, and make building a database of app references, usage, and rating without making it all unclear and timewaste for scrolling through .. well an "off topic" comments , opinions still could be added under interactive portion of wiki..for all who like to get and give opinions(like youtube's sectioned view:,2.related videos, 3 comments, 4 unrelated latest videos.
: 1.File, app, or rom reference portion, 2.related threads/topics, comparisons, 3. forum comments thread 4. unrelated threads, comments, apps, comparisons/ news.
with system like this we all could save some serious time and not get overloaded by unnecessary info.
/time to get some rest
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How about we call it xdawiz? I already own the domain and have a forum up. Ill let you put it together and make you a super moderator if you want. I am working with my own cooked mess for rom building and i have it down to 2 batch files, baring the fact you dont screw up. then there are a couple more if you do. Been trying to write an app but got too caught up in the muns release.
As it sits, i cant really get involved in another project until i get my welcome issue fixed.
nottoosmart said:
Ok, Im working with the mUn edition of WM6. Anyone know how he disabled all but the password setup screen?
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I think it's a good idea to at least keep the screen alignment wizard in after a hardreset because I heard the the screen would be useless otherwise.
NTS, are you trying to re-enable it?
In terms of clean, it would be nice to have the original keyboard back as well as no other themes. THAT is a clean ROM. If all of the registry fixes are in there, then we all have something to work with.
jwzg said:
NTS, are you trying to re-enable it?
In terms of clean, it would be nice to have the original keyboard back as well as no other themes. THAT is a clean ROM. If all of the registry fixes are in there, then we all have something to work with.
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Keyboard is nice even if it's not original. It's still clean though.
@NotTooSmart: check your PM, I found something I might be useful to solve this.
I strongly believe that the ROM should be as close as possible to that which should have been released by M$. I do think the keyboard ought to be an option (a separate cab file), but in order to have a TRULY vanilla ROM, that and other extras cannot be included. If you include the keyboard, then it's just a matter of time before everything else ends up finding it's way in along with it.
nottoosmart said:
How about we call it xdawiz? I already own the domain and have a forum up. Ill let you put it together and make you a super moderator if you want. I am working with my own cooked mess for rom building and i have it down to 2 batch files, baring the fact you dont screw up. then there are a couple more if you do. Been trying to write an app but got too caught up in the muns release.
As it sits, i cant really get involved in another project until i get my welcome issue fixed.
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I hear ya..
Well, doing that would be something really good, but i would like to do this project in a most usefull way: of greatest benefit for all, and i am not sure if setting up a separate web page is a good idea, or maybe integration into xda-developers could do it../
would it be possible to set it up in a way, so that other site could use databases /to display INSIDE of forum structure..
If so, than we could have some serious interest comming from other good sites that will be interested in an UNIFIED approach to reviewing and inputting evaluated data.
As far as Keyboard..the skin.. yes it is cool, but for some reason problem arose with being unable to use phone pad: as it is not switching to it: staying at "cool skin"..
maybe some file is missing for that functionalty to be enabled..?
lolek5 said:
I hear ya..
Well, doing that would be something really good, but i would like to do this project in a most usefull way: of greatest benefit for all, and i am not sure if setting up a separate web page is a good idea, or maybe integration into xda-developers could do it../
would it be possible to set it up in a way, so that other site could use databases /to display INSIDE of forum structure..
If so, than we could have some serious interest comming from other good sites that will be interested in an UNIFIED approach to reviewing and inputting evaluated data.
As far as Keyboard..the skin.. yes it is cool, but for some reason problem arose with being unable to use phone pad: as it is not switching to it: staying at "cool skin"..
maybe some file is missing for that functionalty to be enabled..?
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I have fixed the phone pad issue. That was easy. I have tested and it is working on my phone right now. The only issue I have with making this a truly vanilla rom is, I didnt do any of the work to the base os. I can remove the Aero and any other tag marks set in by mun, but this will still be his rom, but instead of calling it repacked, we gonna call it stripped. LOL. As for the keypad, that is easy to change, but again, then i am taking things out that make this muns rom. Unless I get his ok, I cant do that.
nottoosmart said:
How about we call it xdawiz? I already own the domain and have a forum up. Ill let you put it together and make you a super moderator if you want. I am working with my own cooked mess for rom building and i have it down to 2 batch files, baring the fact you dont screw up. then there are a couple more if you do. Been trying to write an app but got too caught up in the muns release.
As it sits, i cant really get involved in another project until i get my welcome issue fixed.
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nice plug for the other forum just registered hope it takes off
easymob said:
nice plug for the other forum just registered hope it takes off
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Not really a plug, but if its already being paid for might as well use it. I was, up till the mun rom, working ona a gui applications that I was going to call XDAWiz for build roms. LOL. These things are in my head before they hit paper. As for now, i need to fix the damn welcome screen. Someone took my thread in a diffrent direction. LOL.
are you trying to make so it skips some of the screens when you first flash it
if so is that much of chore to to tap a few more extra taps when flashing a rom
easymob said:
are you trying to make so it skips some of the screens when you first flash it
if so is that much of chore to to tap a few more extra taps when flashing a rom
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No, lol. I want to make it so you have to go through the whole setup rather than only doing the alignment and password. I want the ability to setup the email, timezone, date, all of it.
i know you prob done this ages ago but the orwell version has this have you looked at that version yet
is it a modifed welcome.exe? I've never looked into it much, but if i run welcome.exe on Faria's rom all i get is screen alignment not the initial setup.
notyourdaddy said:
is it a modifed welcome.exe? I've never looked into it much, but if i run welcome.exe on Faria's rom all i get is screen alignment not the initial setup.
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that is what im trying to fix
which welcome.exe does the mun rom have? I can pull it off of another rom if you like. Anything else you need help with for your rom?

What's so great about WM6?

While I am waiting for my MDA Pro to arrive, I have been reading a lot in the Universal section (have a BA myself).
May I ask for some valid reasons why someone would want to use homebrewed WM6 releases instead of official/customized WM5?
I do understand the fun it is to try out new things, but is it really worth it? I did not find many posts that would clear this question.
The new look and a lot faster device...
Is there any feature that won't be available with WM6, that did work fine in WM5?
Video call isn't working yet.
Rolud said:
The new look and a lot faster device...
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The way I see it, WM6 may or may not work for you and may or may not do it for you. Try it. You can always go back to WM5. Most people don't.....
Well .... the simple answer is that I did a lot of searching and reading, and finally tried it out for myself.
I asked this very question a while ago right here:
And came to the follwowing conclusion:
In the conclusion, the thing about the Bluetooth Stack / Voice Command - it was actually Voice Command that was the problem and this issue was fixed in Jrwightmcps' 2.02.00 WWE
Crossbow ONLY!
Tell you the truth... i see the new WM6 is better eye-catching GUI not to mention the enhancement in the functionality and other usability such as email related functions. I know that MS wont just upgrade for no obvious reason nor for desktop OS compatibility.
Yet i reckon i wont -never- go back to magento! Crossbow ONLY!
Indeed your posts where the only ones I read, that contained some usefull info about the subject.
No offense to all the other members of course!
I was simply wondering about what to do when my MDA Pro arrives: replace the German firmware with a WWE WM5 one or go straight ahead to WM6 without even looking at WM5.
Also, I had some problems with my Blue Angel, when I tried WM5 on it: it may have been a coincidence, but one day after the upgrade the screen went mad and totally messed up. Only 1 Hardreset in about 100 tries would bring it back to normal for some period of time and even reflashing it with WM5 or 2003SE would not make it work normal again. The screen would get messed up suddenly for no particular reason. At the end I had to send it in for repair, which was actually a good thing, as I complained about the loose stylo and bad working hardkeys, all within warranty. I got a new key-pcb, backside and they reflashed the device with 2003SE. I posted this issue in the BA forum, but got no usefull hint. This means I am a little scared of upgrading to unofficial releases.
Other than that, I have no problems with flashing, as I do that on my other hobby (satellite receivers) frequently, including JTAG-operations for repairing bricked devices. The same applies to games consoles. (Note: I do not sell or benefit commercially from that activity and my goal is not to get illegal software or TV - not that you guy's get the wrong idea about me).
Anyway, thanks for your replies!
What Windows Mobile 5.0 AKU 2.0 has and Windows Mobile 6 (the cooked ones, having tried them all) doesn't have, according to my experiences:
1. Videocalling - at least not a proper one
2. Bluetooth Dial Up Networking (the DUN profile)
3. Wireless Modem (yet some WM6 ROM's have it, although without shortcut in the start menu)
4. Cyberon Voice Dial by default (some WM6 ROM's have it by default, others will need a 500kB CAB to activate it)
The reason why I went back to "good old" WM5 is mainly the reliability. Ok, the OS may be a bit slower here and there, but it has all the functionality (e.g. videocalls and Bluetooth DUN), and NEVER hangs. It just always works and that's what I desperately need right now.
The things Windows Mobile 6 has for me that 5.0 hasn't which I miss the most:
1. High resolution browsing in the normal Internet Explorer (I don't want to use alternatives)
2. HTML email support
3. The impressive speed of the OS
Applications like WM6's Windows Live and the superb Remote Desktop Client are also available for WM5, so I don't need to miss those, otherwise I sure would, and then I might have sticked with WM6.
The new sounds and GUI are great, but I don't really miss them, since that's not a true functional thing.
Having WM5 up and running again, without freezes and memory leaking and with full HTC Universal functionality, is enough for me to be happy with it and to stick with it. If there ever will be a ROM that actually ADDS Windows Mobile 6 on top of all of this (without a single registry tweak or CAB fix needed), then it's the time for me to upgrade again.
If such a ROM will ever see the daylight, since it won't be officially available for the Universal, I don't know. I think the HTC X7500 (Athena) will be there sooner (April 2007 over here), and that one will have a official WM6 upgrade for sure. That'll be my next one, so until then: WM5 for my Universal!
So far for my opinion.
why do I use WM6
vma said:
While I am waiting for my MDA Pro to arrive, I have been reading a lot in the Universal section (have a BA myself).
May I ask for some valid reasons why someone would want to use homebrewed WM6 releases instead of official/customized WM5?
I do understand the fun it is to try out new things, but is it really worth it? I did not find many posts that would clear this question.
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To be honest, I used them all and later delteted them after 5 2 hours. They leak a lot, ram is at minimum and useless third party applications, and a lot fo thing sodn't really work or missing (I just want a vanill aone without 3rd party applications).
Except for one rom, Darkforce, it is fast and furious, and so far I have using it for two days; battery usage is good, and no leaks. However, no video calling, and no way to set com ports for bluetooth devices. any1 has this problem?
However, common to all ROMS, no video calling, old calculator, speed dial messed up (some work and some don't), wireless connection bubble missing (yes you can install a cab but I don't want to do that).
<Mind you, contrary to other reports, I never had any freezes with any rom.
The thing that attracts me is HTML in email, High resolution mode in explorer, better remote desktop connectivity.
So I thhink I am sticking with DarkForce ROM, so far so good.

Original vs Cooked ROMs

A few days ago I posted something on L26 V5 Diamond thread. It was either a very broad subject or a very naive one that nobody cared to write something in reply. Maybe I shouldn't have posted there.
Now I bring the subject here in a separate thread hoping that we would all share our views and experiences with regard to Original/Official WM6.1 ROMs vs the cooked ones. I already apologize if the subject doesn't deserve a thread and leave it to mods to decide whether the thread should remain or be closed.
Here's what I'd posted there:
So far as bugs are concerned, who's the culprit : build 19588.1.1.4 ? or L26_K_D_V5 ??
It seems an error is repeating so often & so regularly that it's becoming a systematic error. What am I talking about?
Well, we usually get so much focused on L26_XXX ROM or Dutty's_XXX ROM ...etc. that we totoally forget about the "Original/Official" ROMs these cooked ones are based on.
Somewhere in the devine XDA text , God once said :
Flash an "original/official" ROM / HR / flash the XXX cooked ROM / HR
The above is now a universally accepted verdict among us frequent ROM flashers. But how many of us do stay upon the "Original/Official" ROM - whether HTC or AT&T ...etc - for 10 minutes (or 10 seconds for that matter !!) ??
We flash the "Original/Official" ROM (whatever version it is - though , we generally tend to flash the Latest Original/Official one) only for the sake of the above said verdict and certainly not to see how that original ROM works on our devices. Understandably, this happens because we're in a hurry to flash the beautiful cooked ones.
What is my point?
How many of the rulings we pass (and the bugs we report) on L26_K_D_V5 have been tested (over a period of a week or so) upon the "Original/Offical" ROM the V5 is based upon (i.e. CE 5.2.19212 Build 19588.1.1.4) ?
Perhaps it's time that someone with an authoritative knowledge of ROMs takes the list of reported bugs/issues of V5, flashes the Build 19588.1.1.4 , rests upon it for a while , and sees if these are native issues of the "Original/Official" ROM or Leo's V5.
Does it sound too idiotic and naive? Maybe. But at least I can claim that I have not seen such thorough comparison between these two specific ROMs anywhere in the forum. Of course, the wise redbandana (God bless him) usually brings us news of (and introduces to us) new Original/Official Kaiser ROMs in separate threads. But what I mean is thorough comparison between these two specific Original/Official and Cooked ROMs.
i see your knoweldge and believe that you are on to something, i don't remember what ROM i was on cause i have flashed almost all of them, but when i went to the official of the same build a lot of the same errors were being seen. most times as long as the chef knows of these problems in the official rom they try to cook the fixes into their version but it is not easy to see every bug in a rom by yourself.
tubaking182 said:
i see your knoweldge and believe that you are on to something, i don't remember what ROM i was on cause i have flashed almost all of them, but when i went to the official of the same build a lot of the same errors were being seen. most times as long as the chef knows of these problems in the official rom they try to cook the fixes into their version but it is not easy to see every bug in a rom by yourself.
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the fact is , up in the heaven , all mods/chefs/very_senior_members know all about these things. My point was to open up a window for us mortals down here to have a clearer idea about what we see in (and pass judgements on) cooked roms.
The undeniable truth is that each chef cooks his rom on a specific original version/build and a clearer knowledge of the original built in each case (and a comparison between the two) allows us mortals to have a better understanding of what the chef has actually done in his rom.
As a very minor and silly example, while in L29 V5 Diamond I am struggling to to see why the "disconnect" button in GPRS connectivity bubble is missing, it would be helpful to know whether this is the "default" option of the original built or is it Leo's - and if it is Leo's, what are the merits/faults of his choice.
You may ask why I don't do such thorough survey myself ? Well, to be honest, I would really die to have such extensive knowledge and expertise. But the fact is, some people are savvys and gurus and some are not. It takes me a lifetime to be as knowledgeable as Dutty or Leo or Alex ...etc. I just hope that in here each of us can bring just a little piece of his/her info to share with others on the subject of this comparison.
Well, I've been using HTC original ROMs for a long time, so here's my report:
Original HTC WM 6.0:
- Great radio (, GPS fix fast, good battery life
- Skype works
- Cleartype works OK on landscape
- No missing G icon or disconnect button when you click the connection icon
- Feels fast enough (a lot of RAM free)
Original HTC WM 6.1 released on may
- Less than 60 MB RAM available on boot
- Bad radio (, problems connecting to WiFi with WEP enabled, slow GPS fix
- Skype does not work
- Cleartype does not work correctly on landscape
- Does not feel faster, needs new SPL to avoid random freezes
- No missing icons / apps
Original HTC 3.02
- My favourite unless Nothrills comes up with something better
- Excelent radio (, best GPS and WiFi
- Skype does not work
- Landscape mode works OK
- Camera can be easily patched or updated to 5.04
All of them come with Office and Onenote, Windows Live, and usual utilities
All of them can be tweaked with KaiserTweak or AdvancedConfig and you get a pretty much fast and estable ROM that just works.
No screen redraw problems, no blank screens, no missing buttons, no missing apps...
vcespon said:
Well, I've been using HTC original ROMs for a long time, so here's my report:
Original HTC WM 6.1 released on may
- Less than 60 MB RAM available on boot
- Bad radio (, problems connecting to WiFi with WEP enabled, slow GPS fix
- Skype does not work
- Cleartype does not work correctly on landscape
- Does not feel faster, needs new SPL to avoid random freezes
- No missing icons / apps
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It's amazing that while reading your report on Original HTC WM6.1 , I suddenly felt as if I was reading the threads of some of the new cooked kasier roms! Everything you said (and a lot not mentioned here) are exactly the same problems reported in those threads over and over again.
So next time when one reports in , for example, Dutty's new rom thread that : "Skype is not working" , or "the cleartype in landscape bug" he should know that these are exactly the same issues in the original 6.1 and has nothign to do with Dutty's rom.
I agree with you so much. Amazingly to Cook a rom is a few files added here, a few files deleted. Put in what you want, make a few tweaks to the registry and Whaaa Laaa.
AMazingly, WM6.1 has a lot of bugs. Probably not what Microsoft expected when they developed the software. The landscape issues I try to tell everyone over and over it has nothing to do with what the Cook did, its a WM6.1 problem.
I do not use skype but I am assuming the same thing. I think in this thread, we should add the most common problems that we have so we can start looking into them more deeply.
Obviously the cooks inherit the bugs of the ROMs they use as base.
HTC finally released an official WM 6.1 ROM for the Kaiser, with "improved graphics" but at a cost.
- Bad radio. 1.65 radios are not better than 1.27 or 1.58. Ask anyone about GPS fix or battery.
- They changed a display routine so it's faster, but they screwed cleartype on landscape mode, that was working on previous HTC ROMs
- A lot less memory available, and I do not see a big speed increase in return
- The ROM feels heavier than previous one, the screen switches in one move, but the total time to do the switch is longer than previous ROMs
- Skype does not work, it was working on WM 6.0
Some of these bugs have been corrected by cooks when adding files from other builds. HyperDragon III works OK on landscape, ROMs from L26 and Dutty work with Skype... But they introduce other bugs like the missing G icon, or disconnect button.
I hope they interchange their findings so we finally have a ROM where everything works. I don't care if it gets 1432 or 1512 points on some benchmark, if HSDPA does not work, or the device soft-resets while playing MP3, then I'm not going to use that.
Reading all of this makes me wanna downgrade to 6.0. Until we have a working Android, that is...
Just wanna share with you as I am using an official ROM for a long time now.
Original ROMs are the best as they have every thing working. Yes everything, sometimes a minor bugs are annoying like I was unable to send a vcard as sms using one of the super ROMs.
I think the only point is tweaking. If we tweak the original ROM they will perform as good as the cooked one.
As much as the chefs change in ROM as much as we get bugs. My opinion is chefs should concentrate on main issues and always release lite versions leaving options for users.
I have to admit that I have learnt a lot from cooked ROMs which helped me to tune the original ROM to my best.
msharaf said:
Just wanna share with you as I am using an official ROM for a long time now.
Original ROMs are the best as they have every thing working. Yes everything, sometimes a minor bugs are annoying like I was unable to send a vcard as sms using one of the super ROMs.
I think the only point is tweaking. If we tweak the original ROM they will perform as good as the cooked one.
As much as the chefs change in ROM as much as we get bugs. My opinion is chefs should concentrate on main issues and always release lite versions leaving options for users.
I have to admit that I have learnt a lot from cooked ROMs which helped me to tune the original ROM to my best.
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Yeah, that's what I have suggested yesterday but met the offence only.
Well, different people, different opinions.
ryncppr said:
I think in this thread, we should add the most common problems that we have so we can start looking into them more deeply.
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ryncppr, apart from the need to learn more about Original roms, i also came across another strange fact that is widely ignored.
Does anyone care "what" original rom to flash before flashing his desired cooked one? I read many of the threads ; it seems that nobody does pay any attention to this matter. BUT the type of Original rom we flash before flashing the cooked one (depending on our geographical location and the make of our phones), DO CERTAINLY COUNT A LOT.
This is what I noticed and just posted on Dutty's V1 thread :
Technically, I don't understand why this happens (perhaps you as a good chef could explain this matter in technical terms) , but I have no doubt now that it is crucially important what original rom we flash first.
Bardia Garsha said:
ryncppr, apart from the need to learn more about Original roms, i also came across another strange fact that is widely ignored.
Does anyone care "what" original rom to flash before flashing his desired cooked one? I read many of the threads ; it seems that nobody does pay any attention to this matter. BUT the type of Original rom we flash before flashing the cooked one (depending on our geographical location and the make of our phones), DO CERTAINLY COUNT A LOT.
This is what I noticed and just posted on Dutty's V1 thread :
Technically, I don't understand why this happens (perhaps you as a good chef could explain this matter in technical terms) , but I have no doubt now that it is crucially important what original rom we flash first.
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A big problem is that people do not believe you need to hard reset after you flash a ROM. You do. THe process that WM has built in only clears the memory and storage files, leading to useless junk that gets left behind.
I used to think if I flashed a ROM it was completely getting rid of the last rom, which has found not to be the truth. Though a clearing system file is now shown on the screen, it is not truly getting rid of all the old files, hence the problems with putting ROM over ROM.
bad practice
I know it's a bad practice to have, but I very rarely hard reset my phone after a flash, and I have to admit I never flash the originals back to my phonebefore flashing. once in a great while I hit a weird glitch that I can't seem to find a solution for, and so I hard reset to fix it. I guess part of it is that i'm so impatient that I can't stand to wait a few extra minutes. I check the site anytime i'm not working and if there is a new rom available I've downloaded and flashed before looking through the bugs found. I guess i'm gonna start going to originals first and hard reset every time, now to help on that, is there a way that we know of that will automatically do the hard reset one time right after a flash? I know UC wouldn't work cause it runs after the hard reset/flash so it would loop. if we could cook the rom to auto reset once and one time only it would help out those that ocasionally "forget."
on a side note, this was typed through my phone so sorry for any spelling errors there might be and thank you ryncppr for a great rom.
tubaking182 said:
I know it's a bad practice to have, but I very rarely hard reset my phone after a flash
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The truth is you are a big boy and can handle the giltches/issues. Just take a look at hundreds of posts out there in which people complain and report about some of the most unthinkable issues (e.g. "my phone resets itself every 5 minutes" (Jesus Christ) !! or "when I push the call button my phone starts media player"!! perhaps soon we should expect posts that will read: "after disconnecting the bluetooth headset, our washing mashing stopped working" !
I know that for example Dutty is very serious on his belief on flashing original/HR/cooked/HR every single time one wants to flash a rom - and for god's sake this man really knows what he's talking about.
Sometimes very bizarre things happen when one ignores the above must-do process.
However, my main object here was to invite people to share their bits of info on what a specific original rom does (or might do) to our devices when it's flashed prior to a specific custom rom , and why.
and btw, your spellign is brilliant.
original HTC Tytn II ROM
Hello, since I`ve updates my HTC Tytn II I have too much problems with my internet connection, wifi, gps, I would like to upgrade to the previous Version WM 6.0 Prof. (original, german).
Have someone a linke where I could find original (geman) ROMs?
Thanks for your help,
loubega said:
Hello, since I`ve updates my HTC Tytn II I have too much problems with my internet connection, wifi, gps, I would like to upgrade to the previous Version WM 6.0 Prof. (original, german).
Have someone a linke where I could find original (geman) ROMs?
Thanks for your help,
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I'm afraid your post has nothing to do with this thread - just wonder why u posted this here !
anyway, you can find the original/official kaiser roms here:
HTC & AT&T do different things
Ok, in oder to see the effects of different original/official roms we flash before the custom rom, i did the following and noticed an obvious difference:
1) flashed AT&T offiical WM6.1 CE 3.14.502.1 (built 19209) and then L26 V5
- flashed the same official AT&T and then Dutty's Diamond V1
in both cases, both L26 and Dutty's roms were not functioning optimal on my device. had to deal with many issues (from BT to GPRS to connectivity ...etc. as well as general responsiveness of the device)
2) flashed HTC_WWE_3.28.405.0 and then L26 V5
- flashed the same original HTC and then Dutty's Diamond V1
in both cases , both L26 and Dutty's roms were functioning a lot better on the device. almost %90 of the previous issues were gone.
in both 1) & 2) I used radio and observed strictly the same procedure (usb flashing, same HR, no SD card inserted, no 3rd party app installed ...etc.)
what's going on? i'm now more confident that the type/version of the original or official rom we flash prior to the custom rom affects the custom rom and its behavior on our devices hugely.
this is still widely igonored by the chefs as i've never heard them on their threads mentioning/suggesting what original/offiical rom should be flashed prior to flashing their cooked roms.
I think alot of what you are trying to accomplish here was discussed previously. I have always been a proponent of trying to use Original ROMs in order to better understand what is "original" vs what is cooked and doing all tweaks by myself:
Just stumble upon this. I think this one is quite insightful. But yet we have only Cooked ROM threads, reviews, and comments. Not on Stock ROM... once a while though *wonder why.. LoL*
Maybe we should encourage people who use stock ROM to start a thread for their own stock ROM version and make some reviews among the users? Not so good idea, but not so bad either.
I mean this thread is not only to know what work in 6.1 and what doesn't, right?
And for the current moment maybe we could have common concensus for responding to 'bizarre problems after flashing ROM xx.. bla.. bla bla' with : reflash stock rom -> hard reset -> reflash cooked rom -> hard reset -> still have problems?
Just stumble upon this. I think this one is quite insightful. But yet we have only Cooked ROM threads, reviews, and comments. Not on Stock ROM... once a while though *wonder why.. LoL*
Maybe we should encourage people who use stock ROM to start a thread for their own stock ROM version and make some reviews among the users? Not so good idea, but not so bad either.
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Schizo, im gonna do it in few days! I'm working on cooked first. But i have in plans to test Stock ROMs...

I have searched and flashed but to no avail, can somoene help?!

Hi all
I've been looking for a CLEAN speedy rom for ages, ever since At0mang stopped cooking the quality of the roms on here seems to have dropped, there doesnt seem to be a single RAPHAEL rom, or one that hasnt been heavily modified to include the very buggy rhodium manilla
does ANYONE know of a CLEAN/SPEEDY rom with minimal extra applications but of course the regular gamut of speed enhancements
many thanks
Try PROven 4.2 with or without tp or rhodium manillas
Have you tried Da-G's? he's releasing roms in addition to kitchens now. It might be buggy since its the lastest 6.5 build.
I've already tried Provens 4.2
its moreso the issues with the menu's thats the problem
same with Da_G's, theres just some pretty annoying bugs on there
the only thing i tend to use my TP for is as a phone, to text and call, and some of the roms are just really slow when it comes to texting!
You could try NATF's Roms. They are pretty stable, and you can choose the lite version - it comes without Manilla, and then you can add whatever apps you like.
i'd recommend RRE roms... it comes with or without Manila and 6.1 or 6.5 versions.
it's amazingly fast and stable
RRE 5.8 series everytime, loved his 6.1 based ROM used Atoms before this, admittedly RRE 5.8 aren't as Naked as Atoms were but they are certainly not filled to the brim with apps just for the sake of having them!! Also try his 6.5 based series..they Freakin Rock and are stable as anything ive used ...
So Far
Hi all,
First of all, i am new here BUT read the rules of this forum as far as i could understand it (am from Holland
and can write/read some English but most of this translated with google translater )
Second i did search what i am looking for but couldn't find it exactly.
This topic is most close to it i think.
I have a touch pro, dutch phone, no simlock, doesn't work very well, very slow phone, microphone is broken so phone function can't be used anymore,
camera had better days, battery is not much better, BUT:
The GPS function does work and that is what want to use the phone for.
I am a tourist trackdriver (Nurburgring Nordschleife) and want to measure my tracktimes with Racechrono.
I know it isn't very accurate, but that doesn't matter on a 21 kilometre track
What i'm looking for is a very very very light windows mobile version without phone functions, games, email, internet, and such, this because the phone crashed alot during the time i used it as daily phone, so there has to be as little programs on the phone as possible.
Only the GPS function and the Race Chrono program have to work.
Can someone help me with this?
Thanks in advance.

TF3D ROM for Kaiser? (Collecting Bounty act. 35€)

Hey Guys,
I know that this has been discussed a hundred times .
But let me at first explain:
This goes out to all you chefs which are cooking the roms (I'm not capable to cook one by myself)
So what I would like to have is a Kaiser ROM with a working Touchflo3d.
I've read and searched for hours and hours and found the rom from L26, but I think this had been an really early state. Now the drivers have changed and improved.
So is there anyone out there who is able to cook a rom (no matter if 6.1 or 6.5) with working TF3D and drivers?
I found out that there is a working version in this tread:
But it was not working with my rom (M-Opal 1.0) due to cooked M2D.
So it would give hmm a bounty of 35€ (€ not dollars) if anyone would prepare a working, fast rom with TF3D.
And I am also sure that there will be a lot of other useres who would love it.
Best regards,
Maeffjus said:
And I am also sure that there will be a lot of other useres who would love it.
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Not me ...........................
That being said, here is the latest.
Maeffjus said:
Hey Guys,
I know that this has been discussed a hundred times .
But let me at first explain:
This goes out to all you chefs which are cooking the roms (I'm not capable to cook one by myself)
So what I would like to have is a Kaiser ROM with a working Touchflo3d.
I've read and searched for hours and hours and found the rom from L26, but I think this had been an really early state. Now the drivers have changed and improved.
So is there anyone out there who is able to cook a rom (no matter if 6.1 or 6.5) with working TF3D and drivers?
I found out that there is a working version in this tread:
But it was not working with my rom (M-Opal 1.0) due to cooked M2D.
So it would give hmm a bounty of 35€ (€ not dollars) if anyone would prepare a working, fast rom with TF3D.
And I am also sure that there will be a lot of other useres who would love it.
Best regards,
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there are already tf3d roms and if your looking for one that will work flawlessly on our kaisers, not gonna happen.
Leo (L26) made a decent rom L26_KaiserTouch_V4_M3D that actually encompasses TF3d. I have not tried the others but I do love his rom even though it is not as smooth.
I wonder how it will work with 6.5 drivers. I'm going to take a shot at cooking it into josh's rom for you. We'll see how this goes.
Why should there be no interest in TF3D on a Kaiser? (@denco)
Because I've seen a lot of videos on Youtube where it is running smooth and it also seems nearly bugless.
Like this one:
or these one:
What I want to fullfil my bounty should be:
1. Running TF3D
2. OpenGl-Drivers integrated in ROM (I think it is necessary to use TF3D)
3. The Standby bugfix should be integrated, which is located under the link in my first post.
4. Look and Feel like on the Videos (not any kind of "Tiger" or strange "Tribal" as system theme)
Optional but highly welcome: German Language
Or is it possible to install some kind of language pack? (I'm using WM since hmm 6 or 7 years but I've never seen such a thing)
I've tried the L26 ROM and it was not satifying to me because the speed was really low compared to the TF3D's on the youtube videos and it seemed very buggy.
If I'm not completely wrong, the version of TF3D from my first post is in an advanced state compared with the on from L26.
Thanks in Advance!
Would be nice to find some people who will help to increase the bounty!
Maeffjus said:
Why should there be no interest in TF3D on a Kaiser? (@denco)
Because I've seen a lot of videos on Youtube where it is running smooth and it also seems nearly bugless.
Like this one:
or these one:
What I want to fullfil my bounty should be:
1. Running TF3D
2. OpenGl-Drivers integrated in ROM (I think it is necessary to use TF3D)
3. The Standby bugfix should be integrated, which is located under the link in my first post.
4. Look and Feel like on the Videos (not any kind of "Tiger" or strange "Tribal" as system theme)
Optional but highly welcome: German Language
Or is it possible to install some kind of language pack? (I'm using WM since hmm 6 or 7 years but I've never seen such a thing)
I've tried the L26 ROM and it was not satifying to me because the speed was really low compared to the TF3D's on the youtube videos and it seemed very buggy.
If I'm not completely wrong, the version of TF3D from my first post is in an advanced state compared with the on from L26.
Thanks in Advance!
Would be nice to find some people who will help to increase the bounty!
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Yes it can run smoothely'ish the problem encountered is lack of driver to be able to sleep device in the correct manor.
But there is a patch to solve that kind of problem or am I wrong?
Q: Whenever I try and put the device into sleep mode, it powers off instead?
A: Try disabling the today time-out. Also, make sure you installed the standby CAB right.
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Taken from the Linked TF3D thread...
Maeffjus said:
But there is a patch to solve that kind of problem or am I wrong?
Taken from the Linked TF3D thread...
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No there are work arounds but no real fix
Im still TF3D fan, but after many bug and slow on my Kaiser, i have to move on.. if somebody create or develop ROM with it, i will give a try..
With that standby fix Touchflo3d is disabled automatically before sleep mode. Biggest problem for me was that when the device wakes up it needs to launch touchflo again and that process was kinda slow. Sometimes it just get stuck and needed softreset.
Still, I would be curious to see how smooth tf3d would be cooked in with newest builds and drivers...Also, if I remember right 3d drivers won't work if you have super ram hack in your rom.
Whatever ;-) ...
Also, if I remember right 3d drivers won't work if you have super ram hack in your rom.
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I don't mind if there is a super-ram-hack or what else, in my opinion it should WORK
Also I think that all of you shall take a look in your money-bag if there is a possibility to make it a little more lucrative to work on such a rom.
As I also stated out that I will pay my full bounty only if it is able to run on latetest state of development - that means not that the chef has to develop touchflo3d once again but without bugs ;-) it means only that it should be able to run as good as possible at the moment.
But as I read yesterday evening, I saw that there are maybe two possibilities to get rid of the standby bug, but - forgive me - if did not looked detailed at these solutions - so I don't know how these work but maybe one of them is working better?
And when I'm right - all the roms with TF3D cooked in are with an earlier driver-version. The younger versions of the driver have improved, if I understood the development news made in the dev. and hack. section.
The TF3D-cooked-in-rom-threads are nearly all dated arround december '08 - and I read a lot of them
Maeffjus said:
Why should there be no interest in TF3D on a Kaiser? (@denco)
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I am not saying that if you posted a working TF3d rom that no one would flash it, I would. But what is the effort /reward ?
What about it would make it better than my M2D rom ? Or anyone's 6.5 rom.
Enough great chefs put more than enough time into it, and could not get adequate drivers to make it smooth enough to keep as an everyday rom nor could they get by the stand by problem.
TF3D is M2D with some nice 3D touches that is all, am I missing something ? Is it head and shoulders above M2D or Neo Titanium, I don't think so. Which is why no one really cares to put in all the effort to make it work , nor is anyone really willing to spend any funds to make it work.
I am not being a contrarian or a nay sayer just for arguement sake, really With M$ coming out with cHome and Titanium, SPB out with MS 3, HTC coming out with Sense, there is a reason why people took porting TF3D as far as they could and then lost interest.
O.K. 0,5 Points for you
But I think that Sense is only for Andoid? Correct me if I'm doing wrong...
My problem is, that my Kaiser (and i think all others too) have not such a good touch screen accuracy... mine is terrible.
(yes, I cleaned out the frame and the edges...but on my bosses Kaiser the screen accuracy is also bad! - Compared to my - slow but accurate - P4350).
In my opinion the touchflo concept is one of the best solutions ever developed. But for me in person TF3D would be a nice looking (and little improved) upgrade. I'm already using M2D and I like it, but what I also like very much is for example the animated weather and the improved look and feel.
I have also tried 6.5 but with the terrible accuracy of my screen it is not so funny to use.. also it is not running such smooth as M2D and I in person think titanium is not everyones favourite choice. What i also do not like is the Honeycomb-Style... looks nice, but thats all.. O.k. the kinetic scrolling is good and thats one thing I like . But thats the only improvement I could see at WM6.5.
So whats your opinion: Is a rom with newest drivers and so on not for everydays use capable due to a lot of buggy functions? (I dont't know - I never used one ).
If I remember right, all the legendary cooks have tired TF3D and it doesnt work as it is supposed in Kaiser. Kaiser is just not made for TF3D. TF3D is more resource hungry, and our device just cant handle it.
I do believe there is a cab for TF3D available! Take a good lite 6.5 ROM with memory hack, and load it with TF3D, you will see if it will be able to handle it or not.
I had it working kinda decent with 6.5...just kept throwing drivers at it until i found a decent setup. But i was just wanting to see how it would be like you. When i get home i will look if i still have the file and send it to you. I cant even remember what all i had with it though lol. But like everyone has said its still slow with the newest drivers and such.
I cant find the file....but i will work on it this weekend.
Here is one that I had downloaded when the TF3D thread was alive. This does not have standby in it. So if you want to turn off your phone, then you need to find a stanby fix by somebody!
Hmm in my first post is another source for the TF3D, which has bigger files - there you'll find also the Audio Manager etc.
Has this thread died ?

