Power Control Widget Request - Android Apps and Games

I was wondering if there was anyone out there who could do me a favor and change one of the buttons in the Power Control Widget. I was hoping that someone could change the sync button to a button that opens up the page to enable "Use only 2G networks"? I always want my phone to sync, however 2G syncs just fine and it works just fine for phone calls as well. It also keeps my battery lasting nearly a full day on my G1.
I currently have another widget that takes me to that page so I know it's doable. I would like to be able to get rid of the only widget I found that has that capability and doesn't match my theme.
I wish google would allow someone to push a button to enable/disable that function directly.
Thank you in advance

I think that Widgetsoid will make the trick for you.
It's kind of tricky to understand how to setup the widget at the first place because you create the widget in one place and edit it (or control its functionalities) in another place, but it's pretty good.
I have been using it for 5 days now and I love it.
Best of all: IT'S FREE!!!
I hope that this helps.


Windows mobile 6.5.1 Task Manager Tab "fix"

This is not a fix to get the drop down box working like in winmo 6.1/6.5 but it is a fix to be able to launch the task manager from nearly anywhere without having to launch the anything. I thought that it'd be great if I could write a program that let you gesture from anywhere in the phone to launch an app. But I don't have the skill and with every great idea I have someone has already thought of it. So I google searched and got an answer.
The program is called, FTouchSL, I am running the trail version currently but it costs 10 Euro. So about +/- $15. I like it so far and it works great. (You can find the older 'Free' Beta versions by searching.)
What this does is allow you to set 'gestures' and gesture areas that will allow you to launch any program you want, almost anywhere in your phone. For instance, I have mine set up to use two gesture motions to do 2 different thnings.
The first is, up and left, which launches "Showcase" those of you with Shadoline's latest ROMs will know that this is a new task manager. (I think from HTC. I'm not sure) I love this cause now I can access the task manager without leaving the current program im in. No wasted time. I can also easily go back to a proggram I previously had open whilst I'm in another. Say I wan't to go back to Opera after reading a txt message. Do the swipe, taskman opens and bam back to Opera. No need to got find it in the start menue or the home screen.
The second gesture I have set up is, up and right, which minimizes the program. I love that I could set it to minimize because it's just convinient. Lets say I get a txt and I'm in Opera. We all know (Those with 6.5.1) that you have to click the tab, then the main menue button, then exit then yes. Well the problem with this is that Opera is now shut down all the way. Sure you could hit the end button but makng a gesture is so much more... well.... Magical!
I may add a, Down and Right, motion to send me to my txt messages since clicking on the task bar only lets you see the message and not actually go to it. There are a total of 8 gestures that can be set up and 4 'Hot Corner' buttons.
A Warning - You may have to play with the settings a bit to get this to work right for you. I suggest making the bottom gesture area taller than the Manila Tabs if your using manila or higher than the bottom bar if not. And start the gesture above the Tabs or Bottom bar. For the left and right areas I founf that 80px works well. and set the Delay to 2000 ms or more if you want to. Or else you will have to be very quick about makeing the gesture.

[APP] Lock 2.0 unusable on Nexus One

I have had the payed version of Lock 2.0 since there was an option to buy but since I got my Nexus One it has now become pretty much unusable. The sad part is that it is better than the lock button that is on the top of the phone cause it lets you bring up the lock screen by pressing your track ball. I love all the different back grounds and sounds you can download and how they stay in a folder and not in your app draw (which is really annoying). Now the thing I don't like is that when you press the volume buttons when the phone is locked you can and will turn down or up the volume on accident and this is why this app is now unusable. Can it really be that hard to add an option to disable these buttons? I have emailed Android Apps and they say the reason the volume button does that is for when you are listening to music and thats great but whats the use if when you get a call or text and you can't hear it cause you turned the volume down to 0 on accident. I emailed them today again and asked if they could update their app and I hope they do. The reason I started this thread is so anybody could comment on this problem with I have to say is probably my second favorite app on the market. I will also email them a link to this thread so they can see what everybody thinks. One more thing on another lock app LockBot when you press the volume button the sound does not get turned down but I don't want to really pay for two apps that can do the same thing. Edit: OK they fixed it but their is a new problem with the home button.
isjr said:
I have had the payed version of Lock 2.0 since there was an option to buy but since I got my Nexus One it has now become pretty much unusable. The sad part is that it is better than the lock button that is on the top of the phone cause it lets you bring up the lock screen by pressing your track ball. I love all the different back grounds and sounds you can download and how they stay in a folder and not in your app draw (which is really annoying). Now the thing I don't like is that when you press the volume buttons when the phone is locked you can and will turn down or up the volume on accident and this is why this app is now unusable. Can it really be that hard to add an option to disable these buttons? I have emailed Android Apps and they say the reason the volume button does that is for when you are listening to music and thats great but whats the use if when you get a call or text and you can't hear it cause you turned the volume down to 0 on accident. I emailed them today again and asked if they could update their app and I hope they do. The reason I started this thread is so anybody could comment on this problem with I have to say is probably my second favorite app on the market. I will also email them a link to this thread so they can see what everybody thinks. One more thing on another lock app LockBot when you press the volume button the sound does not get turned down but I don't want to really pay for two apps that can do the same thing.
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What rom are you using?
Cyanogens latest has an option for trackball wake-up (and of course that mod can be applied to other roms as well) if that is indeed the biggest thing about it you like. I personally never saw the need to change my lockscreen from stock, but can understand why some people do.
I am using the stock rom, I didn't want to root this phone since you void your warranty and mine is pretty messed up I should get a replacement this week. Also I am glad Cyanogen added that and that tells you it is a problem in the stock or he wouldn't have had to improve on it. So people like me only have the option of downloading an app to get the same results. Also I have used a rooted phone before, I had been using my Google Ion rooted for about 6 months before I got my Nexus One.
Ok I just got an email from the developer and they have disabled the volume buttons by default on the new version that was fast. Now there is a weird problem where even after you set the Launcher as the default for your home button it still keeps opening Lock 2.0, its really annoying but I already told them so I'm sure they will fix it. Now if only Google would respond like this for their "Support Forums" on fixing the 3G and Touchscreen problems the world would be a better place.
I understand the issue with the volume keys. I don't listen to music so i installed the app (ringer mode locker) by kaa from the market. It overrides the system setting and locks on your choose of settings: vibrate, ringer silent etc. If you volume up or down it stays on you set point. I like if because it is not a background app using extra battery trying to monitor a set point.
isjr said:
Ok I just got an email from the developer and they have disabled the volume buttons by default on the new version that was fast. Now there is a weird problem where even after you set the Launcher as the default for your home button it still keeps opening Lock 2.0, its really annoying but I already told them so I'm sure they will fix it. Now if only Google would respond like this for their "Support Forums" on fixing the 3G and Touchscreen problems the world would be a better place.
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Please don't critisize Google like this, 3G issues and Touchscreen problems are not simple applications in which code can be modified to turn off the "Volume" buttons.. I've noticed the employees on their forums try to solve things to the best of their abilities - but Google can not just correct everything as if it takes a small flick of the wrist, or click of a mouse...
Honestly I don't see how they will fix any 3G issue entierly without modifiying the insides of the phone.. guess I dont know enough about phones to make such a conclusion anyways.
isjr said:
Now there is a weird problem where even after you set the Launcher as the default for your home button it still keeps opening Lock 2.0, its really annoying but I already told them so I'm sure they will fix it.
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I emailed them about this a couple of weeks ago. I told them exactly that and I got a "Steve Jobs-like" response lol..
"Something is wrong with your phone."
I even posted about it a couple of times in the Q&A section but got no responses. I'm glad to see someone on a stock ROM is experiencing the same issue because I thought it was due to using CM. Are you using an auto task-killer?
I want to get rid of my lockscreen! its anoying having to press the power button then unlock the screen!
frankzua77 said:
I want to get rid of my lockscreen! its anoying having to press the power button then unlock the screen!
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Get "KeyGuard disabler" from the market. It costs 1.49 but does exactly what you want. I'm sure there are free versions of similar software too but this is only one i've ever tried.
gIMpSTa said:
Get "KeyGuard disabler" from the market. It costs 1.49 but does exactly what you want. I'm sure there are free versions of similar software too but this is only one i've ever tried.
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wow dude just tried it! works perfect! thanks man!
After installing and trying to use it, I finally gave up. It has the potential to be by far one of the best android apps. The developer has designed programs that mesh with android so natively that I am jealous of his understanding. But even after a few reinstallations, this program never delivered. A replacement lockscreen must be more than just pretty. It wasn't sized right for the Nexus One screen and constantly froze "Updating List", even when I was just trying to unlock. The "Updating List" freeze causes a loop that just recalled the freeze when I hit home. There is no escape short of hitting menu, more, home, then selecting my home screen program. I would consider that a lock screen fail if I have to navigate a menu to select a home screen instead of sliding the sexy little slider over. I hate taking refunds from the market, but Lock 2.0 needs more work. If I see anyone saying it has been adjusted for the N1 screen and the home bug has been fixed, I'll buy it again, but until then, I'll stick with the just weather and toggle widgets.
I hear that Lock 2.0 disables notifications on the Nexus One. Does anybody know of any apps thats just as attractive as Lock 2.0 that doesn't disable notifications or freeze.. etc.. (something iphone-ish i guess)
Any news about the home button bug bypassing the lock screen in Lock 2.0?
As far as a can tell its been working good and the dev added the option to clear the home screen default if it does it again. Its pretty sad that he left it messed up for months until I sent him the link to this thread.
Sent from my Nexus One
isjr said:
As far as a can tell its been working good and the dev added the option to clear the home screen default if it does it again. Its pretty sad that he left it messed up for months until I sent him the link to this thread.
Sent from my Nexus One
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Thanks, but I was referring to another bug (unless I'm totally mistaken):
When you turn on your nexus and you're still on Lock 2.0 lock screen, if you press the home button, it unlocks the phone without having to use the slider.
Hope this was clear...

Reccomended apps!

Basically having seen the top 10 thread I thought that a thread where users reccomend just one app with a brief reason why.I will start
APP:Handcent sms
REASON:Fantastic app for messaging.Works better than the stock app for me.Also very customisable.Regular updates also and never experienced any issues of any kind.
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
APP: Contact Widget ABC Dialer Light
REASON: Good app for quick dial, solves the slow dialing problem but for only 6 free contacts, if you want 12 you have to pay. Only bad thing is you HAVE to have a photo of a contact to dial them and you can't customize looks of the widget yet, it's white and non transparrent.
WEATHER=Palmary weather app
download from palmary's site its the best and only weather app you'll need
I can't live without SuperDial. It runs circles around the stock SE dialer. I can't believe SE would put so much time and effort into customization and then completely ignore the stock dialer. Searching your contacts is overly complicated and even when you do finally get to the contact you want, it's like 17 clicks to even dial the number.
Yeah....SuperDial all the way. Best of all, it's free.
As a side note, there appear to be 2 different apps called SuperDial now. The one from episode6 is the correct one.
i think its time people get the "Goto" app -although it aint free-
its a lockscreen replacement app..
1) allows you to place any name you want on the top bar
2) includes date/time/weather temp -although im not having no luck with weather temp.-
3) ability to change phone volume from loud to vibrate to silent without even havin to unlock!
4) the swipe itself is like a swipometer.. you have messages, then call logs, then gmail and finally unlock..
5) Ability to change background image - although could do with being able to customize other features!
only saw SE swipes twice.. so far!
1st - when someone rang my phone whilst it was in lock mode.. swipe needed to answer
2nd - when i put passcode on, i thought id test just pressing the back key instead of entering my code.. and lo and behold the SE swipe showed up! lol.. i really find these as minor issues..
although i dont think this was meant to happen im actually glad it did lol basically when the lockscreen shows, if u keep hold of the home button, it shows the 6 previously used apps which you can go to without the need to unlock although once you back out of the app you chose to view, your back to the lockscreen again lol
for those who are bit off about the whole unlocking and then passcode thing, i just tried a quick test now and i can say when this phone is in lock mode, you can jus press home key and draw ya passcode and your then taken to homescreen also holding home key doesnt show previously used apps here so no worries about anyone bypassing security!
wasnt meant to be a huge review lol but though id cover most of the points so it makes it easier for people to decide!!
Hope it helps!!!
all buttons cause screen to power up during lock mode!
Ive attached a screenshot of my X10i lockscreen..
reason: Uninstall stuff.
from where can I get the goto APP Search on the market but I didn't found it
i found it and purchased it from android usa market... love it works great but all buttons cause screen to power up
Had to add that bit to my review.. guess its not really a good sign is it :-(
Sent from my rooted x10i via xda using swype!
nekkidtruth said:
I can't live without SuperDial. It runs circles around the stock SE dialer. I can't believe SE would put so much time and effort into customization and then completely ignore the stock dialer. Searching your contacts is overly complicated and even when you do finally get to the contact you want, it's like 17 clicks to even dial the number.
Yeah....SuperDial all the way. Best of all, it's free.
As a side note, there appear to be 2 different apps called SuperDial now. The one from episode6 is the correct one.
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Have you tried ThaiDial?
I found it to be better but superdialer is still way better than the one we were given with the phone. I didnt like how in superdialer when someone called me it would show their number with a 1 in front of it and then list it differently as the contact in my phone book

tasker app

Just thought i'd share this with the community. You can do LOTS of really cool stuff with this app. If you get if from the website rather the market you get a 7 day trial. Look in the wiki for examples and tutorials of what you can do with it.
I'm face down in this app all day, almost every day.
I've gotten it to do some nice things, such as get the area code of the current caller and display it in the notification area or as a toast notification (the grey popup box, like when you get superuser notifications). I'm currently devising a way for it to do this for country codes, but some of these country codes have some oddly specific rules, and I'd rather it not have 290 profiles for 1 function
It replaces my alarm clock in the morning, and it turns the alarm off if I unlock widgetlocker.
When I flip my phone face down, it goes to vibrate mode.
I found a blog/forum post where someone had made a popup list of launcher icons when you plug in headphones, and I like that.
I use it to pin lock apps, but that's far from perfect. It did replace an app I had for that purpose.
I have it send WOL packets to my computers at work; depending on the time of day and the day of the week, it chooses specific computers.
When I'm at my home screen, I shake the phone up/down and it goes through my menus and applies the rendering effects found in CM7, kind of like the Chainfire shortcut.
If I get a missed call, meaning I didn't answer it or hang it up, it responds to the missed call with a text message. Too bad there's not a way for me to find out if that number is cellular or not, and I can get a phonecall from anywhere in the US throughout the day because of work
I had, for a little while, been trying to replicate JuiceDefender's methods by using a series of variables and controls, with profiles to enable and disable almost all interfaces for comms on the phone. The way tasker works when the screen is off, however, caused issues so I went back to reinstalling Juicedefender. I really only wanted to have a cleaner notification bar
I also got some profiles to make it work like the Screebl app, but it has since quit working with the newest tasker updates.
Very well worth the money however. I'd have easily paid 15 dollars for this application

Auto Hide Taskbar

Hey bro i get this app from the market Honeybar it work great with root access.
I work with touchwiz work 100%.
Program tested MX Video Player,Dolphin Browser HD.
It works well and I suggest using Button Savior in conjunction. Barely seen my taskbar in a week
Works pretty well, main problems I have with it are accidentally re-enabling the taskbar in games (tapping near the bottom), and also accidentally hiding it when trying to hit the 'menu' button in portrait mode. They're too close together so it's hard to avoid hitting it.
I asked the author about the possibility of other trigger locations, or gestures, and he responded but didn't sound like he planned to do anything soon.
I installed HB myself, and although it is nice in some ways to get the taskbar (I use that reference with tongue'in'cheeck) out of the way, there are too many apps I have that place "menu" in the location of the hidden button even when I set it to shift left. Many apps I have to rotate to landscape to get to the apps settings menu hidden behind the shift-left positioning for HB. It's just not a sound UI choice.
The option to just leave the taskbar hidden and use Button Savior is better, but it's like using one hack to make another one work halfway correctly in its effects. HB needs more development and it doesn't look like it's going to happen as of now.
koreanschoolkid said:
It works well and I suggest using Button Savior in conjunction. Barely seen my taskbar in a week
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Thanks very much for your info. Yeah... this Button Savior is a real true name in case of the HoneyBar's gone somewhere..
Problem I see with using Button Savior all the time is that you do lose the notifications.. and then it's still easy to accidentally bring back the real bar when playing games etc. Oh well.
speedrabbit said:
Problem I see with using Button Savior all the time is that you do lose the notifications.. and then it's still easy to accidentally bring back the real bar when playing games etc. Oh well.
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I don't know about the games... the notification is hiding except the sound but the real trouble is when the call is coming.... you have to activate the task bar to bring back the panel "Answer or Denied" (!!!)
speedrabbit said:
Problem I see with using Button Savior all the time is that you do lose the notifications.. and then it's still easy to accidentally bring back the real bar when playing games etc. Oh well.
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I did indeed get quite angry at the loss of notifications but I was able to (sort of) get around that by changing the screen density to 171 using Blade Buddy. This set me back to a 2.x launcher.
It doesn't really work 100% however as browser, Gmail, Google Talk will constantly crash. I was able to work around the browser by just getting another browser and Gmail by uninstalling the Honeycomb version of Gmail and installing the Gingerbread version. I didn't care enough to do anything more than uninstall Google Talk.
On the positive side I no longer have to deal with the taskbar. Ever.
koreanschoolkid said:
I was able to work around the browser by just getting another browser and Gmail by uninstalling the Honeycomb version of Gmail and installing the Gingerbread version.
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Does the Gingerbread version have the Gingerbread UI? i.e. without the multi-paned stuff? I tried loading a Gingerbread version a while back but it didn't work (just crashed). I prefer Gingerbread style -- more room for the content rather than lists of labels.
Sigilist said:
I installed HB myself, and although it is nice in some ways to get the taskbar (I use that reference with tongue'in'cheeck) out of the way, there are too many apps I have that place "menu" in the location of the hidden button even when I set it to shift left. Many apps I have to rotate to landscape to get to the apps settings menu hidden behind the shift-left positioning for HB. It's just not a sound UI choice.
The option to just leave the taskbar hidden and use Button Savior is better, but it's like using one hack to make another one work halfway correctly in its effects. HB needs more development and it doesn't look like it's going to happen as of now.
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Yes this is exactly my only issue with honeybar. it would be nice if we could choose the right side as the "offset". Even in portrait I have space just to the right of center that would allow access to honeybar on/off and not interfere with the menu on a lot of apps.
There's a much better way to do this. Using tasker, I have a profile set up that auto hides the toolbar for certain apps and then restores it automatically when I switch away from them.
Follow the instructions in this thread:
Sent from my GT-P6210 using Tapatalk
Yes but how do you switch away from them?
That is actually what I am trying to figure out how to do. I am trying to set it up when in specific apps it takes away the task bar but also only within these apps after something... (haven't really figured that out yet) happens it will bring it back for an exit. In a perfect world I would love to be able to press both volume buttons to close an app. Which in this case would be perfect but tasker can't do that...
I'm using task switcher pro. It lets you map a gesture to the back button or home button.
Sent from my GT-P6210 using Tapatalk
what might be cool is to "shake" device to bring back the bar.
you guy also can use AutomateIt... kind of like tasker but to me it more friendly user...
and the pro version is cheaper too...
Using tasker I did manage to make the bar go away by shaking. Instead of setting programs to do it make it toggle the bar by using a shake. I don't have it in front of me to do step by step but if someone wants me to I can put it up.
I would most certainly love to see that "How too" Zadeis.
Here you go!
gucabe said:
I would most certainly love to see that "How too" Zadeis.
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OK the link smaug408 put up leads to a guide on how to set up a task that when an App starts it will remove the bar at the bottom. The thing is though you no longer have a back button and get out of the app unless it has a dedicated exit button.
I take no credit for the premade files for tasker. The thanks goes to the creator Quietthinker through that link.
-First Open the link and download the attached StatusBarToggle.zip and place the files into /sdcard/Tasker/tasks (in this case you will only need the StatusBarToggle.tsk.xml, the StatusBar_Hide.tsk.xml, and the StatusBar_Show.tsk.xml files)
-Second open tasker and go to the "tasks tab" and tap and hold the Tasks Tab at the top. An options window will come up but select Import and import all of them into tasker
-Third go to the profiles tab and tap the Green plus at the left and give it a name. ShakeToToggle can work but you can name it whatever you like.
A context window will popup and you will select Event and then the Sensor Category and finally select the Shake Event.
You can mess around with the setting for the shake gesture now or tweak it in to your liking after everything is set up up to you.
-Forth once you have the setting you like press the green check mark, select the StatusBarToggle task and you are done. Now when you shake your tablet side to side it will make the status bar go away.
Now I just happened to figure out that you can shake instead of using an app for the context. I take little credit for how this works.
This method requires Super User Permissions. It will ask on the first toggle of the bar if you allow it to remember it afterward, if not it will ask each time.
Great app. Works perfectly

