Touch Pro 2 Issues - Touch Pro2 CDMA

I looked around for a thread that had a compiled list of descovered glitches and stuff for the TP2 and didn't find one, so here we go. If you notice any issues with your TP2 post em, and maybe we can offer solutions, or at least get an idea if it is a specific device issue, or perhaps something wrong with the ROM, etc.
As mentioned in another thread, I have noticed a sms messaging glitch, where if you are in conversation mode and you recieve multiple texts before exiting, you have to exit and enter the conversation 1 time for each text recieved.
Also, I have noticed on multiple occations that the sometimes when my TP2 goes to sleep mode, it will not wake up unless I take out the battery. Those are the two main things.
I have a friend with a Touch Pro, and I also had one before I got the TP2, and I have noticed that both of these issues are on both devices. The touch pro only experianced them after the ROM update HTC released for it.
BTW, I have Sprint CDMA service. I don't know if Verizon users are experiancing the same issues.
I have considering flashing a custom rom to fix these issues if they are ROM specific, but idk if they are.
So, any other issues that anyone wants to share?

To tell the truth, I am not sure what is wrong. It may be a batch issue (a group of phones that all have the same problem). I have the Sprint TP2 and don't have the freezing issue.
I have noticed the issue with the text messages, but I believe that it has something to do with the new integrated Texting tab in the TF3D Contact/Address Book. There is a program on this Forum Called "Safe Inbox Extender" ( at ). If you download it and install it, it enables the "Mark all as Read" function in the Text Messages. Has been a God send.
As far as the other issue, I would suggest that, after a back up of important things of course, that you do a hard reset. See if that fixes the problem. Also, If you have a bunch of 3rd party apps, you might want to install them one at a time, with a little time in between, and see if they are causing the problem. I've fallen into the runt of I know what programs I like and have them stored on my storage card. Just because all my phones have been WinMo, doesn't mean they will all be compatible.
Just some thoughts.

I'll try that program, thanks. As far as the sleep issue, idk if a hard reset would work or not. I accidentally reset it a few days ago when I tried to restore my data profile because my internet wasn't working and it went to the prgramming menu instead and wiped the whole phone. So I guess I'll wait and see if it does the sleep mode thing again. If not then I guess the hard reset did work.

I don't know if Verizon users are experiencing the same issues.
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I can confirm that Verizon TP2 has same issues...Back it up and Hard Reset! Fixed the problem on my girlfriends and my buddys TP2...Neither issues have occurred since.

I''ve noticed when my phone is on sleep mode for more than 15-20 minutes it won't turn on immediately if i try to use the slider. i usually have to open and close the slider to get the screen to turn on. I've tried a soft reset but that hasn't fixed the problem. I've also had a few programs crash on me already. Any suggestions? Thanks

im on uscellular havent had any of those problems.the main issue i got with the the memory usage i do soft reset its between 46-56 pct used. do nething on it like internet or play a game it sits around 80 pct used till i use cleanram or soft reset again.if any1 knows a way to lower the usage plz post it. ty

I have a us cellular tp2 and the only problems i am experiencing is that yeah the memory isnt the greatest but mostly the clock, i set the time zone for us central time and at least 2 to 3 times a day the clock will reset itself to eastern us time its a real pain in the a**. not sure how to fix it as of yet, any other uscc customers having this same problem?

hunter7773 said:
im on uscellular havent had any of those problems.the main issue i got with the the memory usage i do soft reset its between 46-56 pct used. do nething on it like internet or play a game it sits around 80 pct used till i use cleanram or soft reset again.if any1 knows a way to lower the usage plz post it. ty
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welcome to windows phone my brother!!!

hunter7773 said:
im on uscellular havent had any of those problems.the main issue i got with the the memory usage i do soft reset its between 46-56 pct used. do nething on it like internet or play a game it sits around 80 pct used till i use cleanram or soft reset again.if any1 knows a way to lower the usage plz post it. ty
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Why do yo care?

ok sorry let me do that again. i was asking because i have owned the touch, touch pro and now tp2. the first didnt have the problem of using up that much. the pro barely hit 50 and that was with alot open. i contacted htc the told me to call in to tech support. they have a way to lower usage ill let you know if it works.

osito706 said:
I have a us cellular tp2 and the only problems i am experiencing is that yeah the memory isnt the greatest but mostly the clock, i set the time zone for us central time and at least 2 to 3 times a day the clock will reset itself to eastern us time its a real pain in the a**. not sure how to fix it as of yet, any other uscc customers having this same problem?
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Hey! I had this problem too, but I figured out how to fix it.. Here's what I had to do..
I had to set my time to a local city [Click on World Clock ----> Add City ----> Local timezone city ---> Set My Location, and change your time to the proper one, then set your clock as the other city you made just a minute ago. While the new city is selected, delete it from the list [Menu ---> remove cities] and select your personal location again.
This timme, click on menu ----> Local time settings, and make sure that it says your timezone [Default on USCC for some reason is Central Timezone - Their headquarters]

I have a TP2 from US cellular. It has winmo 6.5 on it. It keeps show i have 1 txt msg. But i don't have any. I installed this cab but i don't see the mark all as read function anywhere.

yeah i also have the tp2 with us cellular and live in central time, but it always goes to eastern time. i called the tech team for uscc and they said that they have never heard of that issue before, but they said that they submitted a ticket for a fix so hopefully they do soon cause its very annoying

my tp2 doesn't have the sleep or time or txt problem, but it does soft RESET itself randomly for no apparent reason, happens 1-3 times a day, reallly annoying......


sleep of death

any one else getting it? unit goes in to standby and then wont wake up you have to soft reset.
ive been getting it frequently very anoying im using the big storage rom i dont rember who made it i can find out of some one wants to know
but is any one else having problems like me?
No problems here. I'm using the clean 1978 ROM...
I had it happen yesterday, running the stock AT&T ROM.
No problems here either.
It's worth remembering the phone wakes itself up about once an hour, although the display is dark so you will not see this happening.
If you have installed some software that doesn't handle this switching on very well and it crashes the phone, it will look the phone has died in standby, but it probably hasn't, it just looks that way.
I would advise a clean reset and not to install any programs, and see if it happens again. If it does your phone may be faulty, for example a memory problem that surfaces when the phone goes into a low power state.
Mine SOD'ed last night. I was using the phone, turned the screen off using the power button, then plugged it into my computer USB to charge. I was trying to do it one-handed and as you could imagine I was fiddling with the cable/phone for 30 seconds before I got the mini-usb plug into the phone. I watched to see the charging light come on but it didn't. I then tried to turn on the phone and realized I was SOD'ed. It only happens to me once every 1-2 weeks. My phone runs the stock Tilt ROM, but with lots of custom cabs installed, ie:
HTC Home 6 button
HTC Taskmanager 2.0 30995
Color Dot battery indicator
Schaps 10 Button Comm manager
Funambol 6.5.4
I push my phone all day long, surfing, ssh'ing into servers with putty, imap email, playing music etc, and I think if there was a bad memory issue Id see something other than an SOD. IMHO,theres a bug in the power management software.
SOD happened on my Tilt too. Im runnig the ATT rom. I had the same problem with the 8525 with the earlier ROM. The problem is IMAP email push. IF you use IMAP there is a chance you will get SOD once in a while. I changed all my emails to POP3 never had SOD since then.
I think you guys have to run the kaiser tweek to turn off the sleep mode in the registry. I had the SOD once....forgot to modify the registry via the kaisertweak app. 1st 2 options i think is what you have to modify.....that should fix you guys up.
Happened With Me too !!!
Now after using my at&t tilt flashed with HTC stock rom for 5 days, suddenly today my device suffered from a SOD.... had to soft-reset.... tried to figure out what went wrong but without any luck..... do any of u guys figured out the cause.... Kaiser Tweak only allows us to disable the sleep mode during call.....
kaiser falling sleep happens to me so frequently that I read all the posts with the key words KAISER FREEZE on xda-developers.
The only solution seems to power off and on again.
On somebody posted a small applet which does automatically the power on-off for you.
Of course this does not remove the problem, just hide it...
Additionally I have tried 4 different WWE ROMS! from Att to HTC original ROMS to cooked Helmi aka 0.7.0 etc... No way to solve.
Please if modifying the registry can solve, can somebody post the link for kaiser tweaks and possibly the application?
I think it might have something to do with Windows Live Maps program. This happend to me everytime I was using the program in the background. I upgraded the version and it stopped the problem I was having.
hollywood said:
I think it might have something to do with Windows Live Maps program. This happend to me everytime I was using the program in the background. I upgraded the version and it stopped the problem I was having.
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Same here... I upgraded to helmi_c's Tilt ROM and haven't had the problem since. Pretty much guarantted though, if you leave Live Search running in the background and your phone goes to sleep... it will not wake up with the stock ATT ROM (at least with the current version of Live Search).
SOD has typical been associated with running programs off of a Storage card. I had tons of SOD problems with the early WM6 Hermes ROMs. So far I have only had SOD a few times on my Tilt (running austinsync's BigStorage ROM). I installed Google maps to my microSD and within 20 minutes had 3 SODs. I uninstalled it and they stoppped immediately (Live Search is way better anyway).
I would recommend installing any programs that you use heavily or leave running onto the main memory. Also, saving attachments to a storage card has been a known cause as well.
I think SOD issues will get better as more ROMs start coming out for the Kaiser (and the chefs keep cooking).
OK, this keeps happening to me with the AT&T it happened with no programs running in the background, anybody figure out a solution yet?
Me too
well I've had this problem also while running my own cooked rom, however to be fair i had this problem in the early days of the hermes. I thought however that the hermes problem was related to activesync's push email and the data connection (i.e. switching between 3G and 2G alot making activesync trip out) That all said maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree?!
Oh just in case anyone as the time to investgate this problem, I do know the Toshiba G900 had alot of problems with SOD inwhich tosh releases a fix for...... maybe if someone was to look at what that fixed it could help us here? have a read here >
Kaiser won't power back up
My unit after reset won't either power up or down with the power button. Everything still functions.
I found that if I have the power charger connected it works fine, so I thought I had a weak battery. Got a new battery and same thing.
Don't know what's going on, but if you do a soft reset with the charger plugged in, it will reset fine.
Hope someone figures this out!
Be careful overconfiguring...
PhilipL said:
No problems here either.
It's worth remembering the phone wakes itself up about once an hour, although the display is dark so you will not see this happening.
If you have installed some software that doesn't handle this switching on very well and it crashes the phone, it will look the phone has died in standby, but it probably hasn't, it just looks that way.
I would advise a clean reset and not to install any programs, and see if it happens again. If it does your phone may be faulty, for example a memory problem that surfaces when the phone goes into a low power state.
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This might be the case, but I tried calling my phone when it SOD'd and didn't get a ring (it rang on the phone I was calling from.) I bet the problem is installed programs conflicting somehow, maybe kaisertweak will fix it in the future.
I can't guess what causes it tho...
For now, I'm running Kyphur's XDA Live and it has yet to happen.
rotohammer said:
Mine SOD'ed last night. I was using the phone, turned the screen off using the power button, then plugged it into my computer USB to charge. I was trying to do it one-handed and as you could imagine I was fiddling with the cable/phone for 30 seconds before I got the mini-usb plug into the phone. I watched to see the charging light come on but it didn't. I then tried to turn on the phone and realized I was SOD'ed. It only happens to me once every 1-2 weeks. My phone runs the stock Tilt ROM, but with lots of custom cabs installed, ie:
HTC Home 6 button
HTC Taskmanager 2.0 30995
Color Dot battery indicator
Schaps 10 Button Comm manager
Funambol 6.5.4
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I was running Kypher's Tilt XDA-Live v 1.0 (AWSOME) with several custom cabs including PocketCM and was getting the SOD every time. I wiped the phone and started adding all of my cabs one at a time and all of them are loaded back in except PocketCM and since then i have not seen a single SOD.
I've noticed that I get the SOD a LOT more when I have bluetooth active. Not sure if that's just coincidental but literally the only time I've noticed the SOD has been when I've had BT enabled.
Happens to me a few times a week very annoying.
Well, I don't do emails, use Windows live, have pocketCM, used my bluetooth, tried Google maps, or have any programs on my sd card (basically whatever you all mentioned above, I don't have or do!), and still get SOD. So I guess I start backtracking. Sigh...
tilt with xda Live

SMS arrives late

Does anyone else have the problem where SMS arrive much later than they were sent? I have been experiencing this quite regularly. They usually come through when I turn the screen back on. Can anyone think why this is happening. Its as if the device isnt waking up to let me know there is a SMS.
Its probably a network issue... I dint have any issues as such...
I would also think that this is most probably a network issue. Maybe it would be worth trying a different radio?!
laft2k said:
Does anyone else have the problem where SMS arrive much later than they were sent? I have been experiencing this quite regularly. They usually come through when I turn the screen back on. Can anyone think why this is happening. Its as if the device isnt waking up to let me know there is a SMS.
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Hmm, did you pay the sms mailman enough?
Hmm I haven't had problems with lates SMS, but I have had problems with text messages being so long in length that it seems that the inbox cuts the rest off... don't know why though
YES - I've had the exact same issue and it's driving me crazy. I get text messages delivered at 2am that were sent at 2pm. And it appears completely random - I can send myself a text message and it arrives in a few seconds .. I can send another one a few minutes later and it arrives 6 hours later. Am gonna call Sprint because this is very annoying. Touch Pro for me - never had this problem prior to purchasing the TP.
Try advanced config and enabling "wake up on new sms".
I have already enabled wake on new sms. Seems really weird, happened again today.
I have only had this issue with Verizon sending to AT&T so i would think it is a translation issue
I had the same problem with my TP purchased i Norway. I went for a whole day without getting any sms'es and thougt that it was weird. So i turned my device on and off. And suddenly i got like 6 messages.. And after that I got some sms'es if i made a call or if i used gprs or 3g connections. Or if i turned my device on and off as mentioned. But it got so bad that i had to hard reset my device.. Realy annoying..
This was happening to me on my Fuze so I did a hard reset and now it is fine. I would suggest doing that. Be sure to backup anything important (pics, vids, etc.) before because they will be gone on a hard reset.
Well this set a new record for me - 2.5 hours on the phone with Sprint Technical Support .. but, am very happy to say the problem has been fixed.
FINALLY I was able to get to someone (Level 2 Tech) that was actually determined to fix the problem, even though we couldn't replicate it right away. Turns out it is a rare problem that they describe as a "traffic jam" in the routing to my phone, and they ran what they called the "Text Message Plunger" (no I'm not making this up!) - and it fixed it completely, and texts starting coming through instantly and no problems since. It seems this is a known problem, albeit a rare one.
But if your texts randomly show up hours late - this seems to be the problem. But I can tell you - no one in customer service or Tech Level 1 could even come close. In fact, with my initial attempt at Tech Level 1, she spent 5 minutes on the problem, then she apologized for the "nationwide outage", credited me $60, and said there was nothing they can do until that is fixed. Realizing this was BS - called right back and finally got to a Level 2 Tech who seemed much more interested in fixing the problem.
So would recommend calling and immediately trying to get to the higher tech support. I'm so glad they were able to fix it on their end rather than trying to get a new phone, or having to do a hard reset.

Can't answer my phone!!

OK, I've been having this problem for a good couple of months now. About half the time that someone calls me, when I hit the Talk button on my phone it just mutes the ringer and doesn't answer the phone. Usually I try the 'Slide to answer' deal, and that just slides over to Answer and still doesn't do anything. I know the actual button is fine, it works great, i've tested it over and over again. I've changed HardSPL, ROM's, Radio's, etc. and I still see the same issue. What is wrong?! or is anyone else having something similar at least?
So I guess no one else has this issue, at all, with any ROM, radio, etc.?! I guess there must be something wrong with my phone. That kind of sucks.
schwags said:
OK, I've been having this problem for a good couple of months now. About half the time that someone calls me, when I hit the Talk button on my phone it just mutes the ringer and doesn't answer the phone. Usually I try the 'Slide to answer' deal, and that just slides over to Answer and still doesn't do anything. I know the actual button is fine, it works great, i've tested it over and over again. I've changed HardSPL, ROM's, Radio's, etc. and I still see the same issue. What is wrong?! or is anyone else having something similar at least?
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I had the same issue with my htc mogul. These suggestions worked, give it a try (i will NOT take credit for these great tips/found them by searching):
dial ##778#/EPST/Modem Settings, change the slot cycle index number to 1
and or if that didn't fix it...
Take a look at your HKLM/Comm/ConnMgr/Planner/Settings/SuspendResume
It is a multi-sz value and should be #777. If it shows anything like ~GPRS or
something containing GPRS, change it back to #777 and soft reset.
Once I changed it back to #777, I can answer the call immediately when data is on, time and time again. Prior to this, there was a significant delay.
Please backup your phone prior to making these changes...
Good luck...
montecristo1 said:
I had the same issue with my htc mogul. These suggestions worked, give it a try (i will NOT take credit for these great tips/found them by searching):
dial ##778#/EPST/Modem Settings, change the slot cycle index number to 1
and or if that didn't fix it...
Take a look at your HKLM/Comm/ConnMgr/Planner/Settings/SuspendResume
It is a multi-sz value and should be #777. If it shows anything like ~GPRS or
something containing GPRS, change it back to #777 and soft reset.
Once I changed it back to #777, I can answer the call immediately when data is on, time and time again. Prior to this, there was a significant delay.
Please backup your phone prior to making these changes...
Good luck...
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Thanks for the help, I don't know if I believe any of that though. First of all, the # codes are carrier specific, I have AT&T, what's your service? These codes didn't work at all for me. Second of all, I mentioned that I've changed ROM's numerous times, along with Radios, etc. and I still have the same issue. Maybe this worked for you, but for me it doesn't. I've been trying some stuff recently, re-flashing SPL, hardSPL, Stock ROMs, and I'm hoping the problem goes away although I'm not that confident. I keep thinking it must be physical as my phone's "talk" button works perfect. Every time I try it it always responds appropriately, except when trying to answer a call. Beyond that, when it does screw up, it at least mute's the ringer, so I know it's responding somewhere.
I'm not sure what to do about this. Guess I'd better just wait it out for a TP2 and sell this one and forget about it. Could be due to bad blocks, I've had numerous problems in the past that I've been able to pretty much prove were a result of bad blocks in the phone's memory. Oh well, thanks for trying, although none of that works!!
I assume he has Sprint.
I have the same problem answering calls too, and I think it's because of the slidetoanswer dialer. I'm using xECK29x's 6.5 ROM.
rccola159 said:
I assume he has Sprint.
I have the same problem answering calls too, and I think it's because of the slidetoanswer dialer. I'm using xECK29x's 6.5 ROM.
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Thanks for the input, I think I'm going to try a different dialer for a while and see if that solves the problem. I wouldn't be surprised if that's the issue.
While his codes may be different (I'm also with AT&T), he may be onto something... I have had the same issue, but after reading this post, I have been watching, and the times the phone prevents me from answering are when I have had some sort of data (browser, GPS, etc) open in another window.
My 2 cents FWIW
schwags said:
So I guess no one else has this issue, at all, with any ROM, radio, etc.?! I guess there must be something wrong with my phone. That kind of sucks.
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I have an unlocked euro touch pro and cannot answer a call by touching the onscreen answer button. It will continue to ring tho. I have gotten in the habit of just using the hardware answer key. I've flashed numerous diff roms and all are this way, even the htc updated rom from their site. The only one that worked was the oem rom preloaded on the phone from factory. Not a big issue to me. I just deal with it.
Have this problem with energy's Roms. If you are on his 3.0 still go into Start>Tweaks>Advanced Config. Scroll down to Phone, Click on Phone Skin then Disable it. The setup of the call is different. Be sure to re enter you voicemail for it is erased when you disable the skin. Worked for me. No problems here. BTW you must understand that any Rom you flash will not be perfect!
I also have the same problem. And i to beleve its the new dialer thing. will try and change it, although i realy like the way you can search a contact with it. The other one is just a litte to small i feel. Anyway thanx for a good tip.
I'm also running into the same problem. I'll try disabling the phone skin to see how that works out.
Thanks everyone for your input!! I was a little scared to see no one answer this is at first, but now I can see this is a common problem. The dialer has to be the issue here, I've been running a standard dialer (not the phone canvas) for a couple days now and it's been perfect everytime.
montecristo1 said:
I had the same issue with my htc mogul. These suggestions worked, give it a try (i will NOT take credit for these great tips/found them by searching):
dial ##778#/EPST/Modem Settings, change the slot cycle index number to 1
and or if that didn't fix it...
Take a look at your HKLM/Comm/ConnMgr/Planner/Settings/SuspendResume
It is a multi-sz value and should be #777. If it shows anything like ~GPRS or
something containing GPRS, change it back to #777 and soft reset.
Once I changed it back to #777, I can answer the call immediately when data is on, time and time again. Prior to this, there was a significant delay.
Please backup your phone prior to making these changes...
Good luck...
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Hey, it worked! I can't thank you enough, as this has been bugging the heck outa me. My slot cycle index was already set to 1, but my SuspendResume setting in the registry was "GPRS_bye_if_device_off". I had gotten to the point that I knew my problem was related to having a data connection going, but I had no idea where to go from there, and had no luck when searching the forums for a solution. Now my phone answers almost immediately, even whan I have a data connection going. Thanks again.

hard to explain issue with my touch pro

i am having battery drain issues on my sprint touch pro. i believe it stems from the phone waking itself up when it goes into roam mode. i live in a rural area of west TN so as you can imagine this happens quite a bit. i have been through many, many threads on here via the search function and so far haven't found anything that can help me.
i thought maybe the s2u2 program would be the answer, but after reading a bit, it seems like maybe i will have the same issue.
i've also looked into every menu i can find (on the advanced config program even) and so far nothing has worked. i've had the phone since january now and i really like it, but this involuntary waking/battery thing is really killing me.
anyone on here know a fix for this other than disabling roaming? i do like to make and/or receive calls ocassionally.
tnvento97 said:
i am having battery drain issues on my sprint touch pro. i believe it stems from the phone waking itself up when it goes into roam mode. i live in a rural area of west TN so as you can imagine this happens quite a bit. i have been through many, many threads on here via the search function and so far haven't found anything that can help me.
i thought maybe the s2u2 program would be the answer, but after reading a bit, it seems like maybe i will have the same issue.
i've also looked into every menu i can find (on the advanced config program even) and so far nothing has worked. i've had the phone since january now and i really like it, but this involuntary waking/battery thing is really killing me.
anyone on here know a fix for this other than disabling roaming? i do like to make and/or receive calls ocassionally.
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Turn off 3 G or HSPDA and see if that helps.
i dont know how turning off 3g works with sprint (Cdma) but i could recommend using some sort of auto locking program (start here: that way it would keep your phone locked and not completely active when it "wakes up". another option would be to use a program that shuts off your screen when it's in your pocket ( other than that, i dont have much for you.
does anyone know of any reg keys to change that will disable the auto-wake on teh roaming?
I had this - but it didn't seem to be related to roaming.
I'm now on my third Touch Pro.
The first had the above problem which o2 (UK) repair denied was a problem.
The second didn't have the above problem, but did have a faulty speaker.
I'm now two weeks into my third Touch Pro whch so far does not have this problem.
I hard reset and reinstalled software one app at a time and concluded it wasn't a software issue.
After swapping handset's and not seeing the issue, despite having the same software and ROM loaded (stock o2, but the latest handset is a later stock ROM) I've conclude it definitely was a hardware issue.
Can you get a replacement under your warranty?

[Q] Titan 8107 laggy issues.

I am running a Titan, unlocked on Orange UK and have updated the OS to 8107 thru CAB files... I couldnt wait / be bothered for Orange to release it thru Zune if at all.
Yes, keyboard bug is gone. Speaker is louder. Havent noticed an improved battery life yet, I normally charge mine during the day.
But I find the phone now slower and a bit more laggy. Sometime when I change to from the main screen / menu the tiles are empty for a few moments while it thinks and populates them.
Data connection also very very slow at times, have restarted the phone more in the last week than I have in months. This is predominantly on Wi-Fi.
Also, was this update meant to fix the message forwarding bug on Hotmail (yes, I know the update says Exchange). Its doesnt for me, Big, BIG issue. There is a small workaround ... to forward just hit reply and delete the originators email address and add a new one. Problem is, any attachments are removed.
Why on earth does a MS Product (WP7) NOT support another MS Product (Hotmail)?
Any ideas and suggestions on the laggy issue would be really appreciated, considering downgrading.
I guess no one else is having this problem. It was fine before the upgrade, just thinking of taking a gamble and resetting and reinstalling.
Also saw this article stating that 8107 is being rolled out via Orange.
Any other thoughts or advice? I dont want to loose all my recent settings, SMS etc. on a whim.
Thanks in advance,
I have the verizon HTC trophy with 8107, interop unlocked, and I too have noticed lag every now and then. Especially when using wifi on IE. Have to reload a site ten times because it keeps timing out or I'll have to load another page and then go back to the one that won't load. I haven't noticed the speaker being louder or any battery improvements, but I definitely notice the lag.
I had a similar problem but already in trouble

