Force Roam Cab - Touch Pro2 CDMA

Does anyone know if the Touch Pro's force roam cab for the original touch pro will work on the touch pro 2? I'm new to win mob, been on my old treo 700p for the last 5 years... yikes.

I've tested the few cab files and the registry edits that worked on the TP and they activate the the "automatic b" "automatic" and "sprint" options but changing to any the options do not move me to another network's tower. Eeven though I'm getting 0 to 1 bar from the sprint tower, it stays. My old treo 700p (vzw) gets 5bars so I know there is a verizon tower close by. I'm not one of those people who will really ever use this except in extreme circumstances when traveling. I switched with the expectation the option was there.
I assume the roaming hack doesn't work for the TP2. The option to "find network" for CDMA stays grayed out so it can't be selected.

No worries here, Verizon automatically roams in-market over to US Celluar in the bad areas, in fact, that's true for all areas here in NorCal (as well as many in OR and WA) where both US Cellular and Verizon have service.

you can force roaming but the older cab wont work because of global. If you find directions for touch pro you set ItemValue3 to 5 instead of a 3

Has anyone ever made a cab for the TP2 that's as clean as the TP1 cab was? All it did was add a 3rd option "Roam Only". I've seen some new cabs that add That as well as an A and B option. Have no idea what that's even about or why that would not be necessary.
Unfortunately I'm not comfortable enough with editing the registry myself.
Can anyone help?
(I am speaking of the Sprint TP2, to clarify)
edit: Found the working .cab here: http: //


Want to enable "E" EDGE icon

I read in the wiki for WM5_Tweaks_Other that it is possible to tweak the registry to enable "E" icon when in EDGE networks. It goes something like this:
If your network provider supports the Edge network (and your device does as well), you can use the following to show a little 'E' icon instead of 'G' icon when connected to an Edge network:
HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\RIL\EnableDifferGprsEdgeIcon = 1 (DWORD decimal)
I tried this on the Treo 750. EnableDifferGprsEdgeIcon did not exist under RIL, so I added it and set the value and it did not work.
Wondering if anyone figured out how to enable the "E" icon?
Doesn't work on my HTC TyTN too. Registry entry wasn't there so probably we are missing something else too, not just that single reg key.
I thing that it is relatred with the phone subsystem and each one is different. Palm has one version TyTN has another version.
It is just a guess.
I have I-Mate SP5 Smartphone and HTC TyTN PPC Phone - both are Windows Mobile 5 and registry looks very alike, both have this entry: "dll=ril.dll" or something like that in the same place where is the mentioned "Edge" registry entry, but one device has a lot more reg entries there then the other, so it's probably down to radio version/implementation.
Today I was switching band in UMTS/EDGE area. Each time I was switching band phone was logging out the network then logging in again. When I was going from UMTS to GSM I noticed [E] icon appearing for about 0,2 second (it was when I was logged to UMTS network) and then turning to [G]. I'm sure I was in EDGE area (I was in the ceter of Krakow, one of the biggest cities in Poland).
Conclusion is that Treo DOES HAVE Edge icon, but we need to find the way to use it... Any ideas?
I also looked in registry like schriss said. There is entry about dll file. I have set rilgsm.dll. But in the \Windows directory there's also ril.dll. Maybe something is with those files?
Does the Treo allow you to lock it in EDGE/GSM mode?
juiceppc said:
Does the Treo allow you to lock it in EDGE/GSM mode?
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You say not UMTS or automatic?
If is it, you may found this in phone settings, 2nd tab, band selection.
bleony said:
You say not UMTS or automatic?
If is it, you may found this in phone settings, 2nd tab, band selection.
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Thanks. Just got my Treo today! Keeping it at Edge. Seems faster than all my other Edge phones.
I just upgraded to WM6. The icon now shows H when I'm in HSDPA. I've also seen it switch to 3G from time to time. (I'm assuming that's either Edge or UMTS) I'll have to see if it goes to E when I travel far enough away from the city where HDSPA isnt available yet
s4czech said:
I just upgraded to WM6. The icon now shows H when I'm in HSDPA. I've also seen it switch to 3G from time to time. (I'm assuming that's either Edge or UMTS) I'll have to see if it goes to E when I travel far enough away from the city where HDSPA isnt available yet
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I know that E icon is in WM6, but I'd like to activate it somehow in WM5 (I'm not upgrading now...)

Treo 750 with T-mobile GPRS/EDGE settings..?

I've tried setting up the Treo with the same GPRS settings I've used on the Wizard but it still doesn't work. Has anyone else run into this problem? Please share your settings.
you just have to enter either or in the Access point settings. I run a 750 with T-mobile for a while now with no problems.
I'm having the same problem with the Fido network. The settings that always work in WM5 devices won't work on this this unit. Can anyone shed some light on this? Are there some settings in the registry that need to be edited?
Nope. No reg settings needed. Just configure with the standard T-Mobile settings and go.
I've got it to work, somehow. I left the settings as they are and did a soft reset a couple of time and it worked. I actually gave up but it worked in the end without me realizing.
Another thing I've learned by messing with the settings, I can actually sign into Pocket MSN by taking out the proxy settings! This makes me very happy. I've also tried the same thing on my previous phone, the T-mobile MDA (Wizard) and the ended up with the same result!
I've just got a Treo 750 and I am on T-Mobile but I do not know what settings to enter to get onto the internet. Any ideas? Thanks.
if you have t-mobile, the setting should be loaded automaticly (it did to with my Treo at the german T-mobile). Or you use the manual on
There you can also download a setting cab which you can install - this will automaticly install the settings.

Enabling "Band" Phone Settings Tab on Rogers iPAQ 910

I've been trying to find a way to disable 3G on my new HP iPAQ 910c I got through Rogers Wireless a few weeks ago. I find the battery drains pretty quickly on the phone, and from what I've read forcing it down to GSM when I don't need the 3G speed will help that alot.
My problem is that when I go to the Phone Settings, there's no "Band" tab in which to designate that I want to limit to GSM. From everything I've read the tab *should* be there, but it's not. What tabs are there are the following:
Doing some searching, I came across this post from last year that addressed a similar issue with an HTC Diamond on the Rogers network.
raidendb wrote:
Just want to share this. But I'm pretty sure this has been tackled in the forums already.
Rogers branded HTC Diamond doesn't have the option to turn of 3G through band selection. I found this registry hack to enable band selection and now I can turn 3G off.
Rogers default registry - OFF
Registry tweak to enable band changes
Now you can go to >start>settings>phone>band tab and change band settings to your choice. I switched mine to just use GSM instead of auto which always connects on 3G.
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The issue with that suggested fix is that I don't have a "PhoneSetting" key under \HKLM\Software\OEM (or anywhere for that matter) on my iPAQ. I tried adding it, and then adding the "ShowUMTSBandPage" dword, but that didn't seem to have any effect (even after a soft-reset).
If anyone has any ideas on how I can enable the Band phone settings tab, or otherwise turn off 3G on occasion on my phone, it'd be greatly appreciated.
This one time, at band tab...
try DHR Bandswitch
Thanks. I installed it and it seems to kindof work. I've posted my questions about it in the Bandswitch thread.

Help? 'Roaming' when I am not roaming

I asked this in the regular forums and didn't get any helpful response, so I thought I would try here. I'm sure there is something you cookers can come up with.
I've searched for an answer on this and couldn't find any. My apologies if I didn't search for the correct thing.
I have an AT&T Fuze that is unlocked (using an EnergyROM) and I am using it on the BELL HSPA network. Everything works fine but the phone thinks it is roaming all the time. It's not, but the phone thinks it is.
This doesn't present much of a problem except with apps that don't allow or always prompt for permission to use data while roaming. I am using custom ROM's and right now the one thing I can't use and would like to is the Twitter tab in Sense 2.5. I can use it on WiFi but over cellular it gives a connection error.
Is there something I can change in my settings or the registry to make my phone realize the Bell HSPA network is the correct network and that it isn't roaming?
No Help from Bell...
Hi, I am in the exact same situation. I had to search around the settings on Bell WM phones to find the data APN = (try and get that info from anyone working for Bell)...
I have the same "roaming" issue but I only noticed it with the weather tab not using "My Location" in NRG's SenseUI rom.
I have been trying many different settings and am about to try replacing the manila registry with NFSFAN's Sense manila registry settings from my CDMA TP (BEST ROM I HAVE EVER USED BY THE WAY).
I just got this new phone because the HSPA network gives better reception than CDMA in some areas I am working right now.
Still roaming...
I have not had any success yet, but I am looking at how Bell phones differentiate between the multiple networks since they share with Telus.
I am considering trying to get a hold of a Samsung Omnia II from Bell, since it uses WM 6.5.
Bell and Telus use the same equipment, so I am looking to extract some info from the rilphone.dll or whatever it uses to determine if it is roaming or not.
In searching through the forums I have found a number of individuals with this unique problem.
Apparently Bell/Telus use a few different network home settings, and the one to use is not the first one on the list.
A quote from my findings so far - "Technically, 302610 and 302860 are Bell and Telus respectively, and they both use the 302880 network."
If anyone has the ability to extract this info on how the Bell Mobility phone does this, there are a growing number of us that would like a fix for this little issue when using phones from other networks on Bell or Telus.
Roaming on the Fuze, but with a Bell GT-I8000L to dissect
I have found an interesting CAB file on the Bell Omnia II that changes the data settings on my Fuze, but I have not got it to work yet. It is attached to this post.
Bell has chosen to make the data settings hidden from the user, and this file accomplished that much on my Fuze.
My hope is that maybe someone can look at this file and gain some insight on how Bell settings are different from the rest of the world.
I also have copies of the registry files, but am having a little difficulty uploading them for the moment.
I'm in the same boat with my AT&T Topaz that I've got running on Bell. Any help on this would be appreciated.
Does anything in Settings->Phone->Network need to be changed when provisioning the phone? Mine only shows 302880 and Rogers as available networks, with 302880 being the preferred.
302880 is Bell, and I think it could be Telus as well.
I am really hoping that someone smarter than me can look at this file and modify it to work in an HTC phone.
I have only looked at it with Notepad after unzipping the file with 7-Zip, and the xml file puts a bunch of settings into a Samsung folder in the registry.
My provisioning process...
Here's my provisioning process. Maybe someone can point out something I'm doing wrong:
a) Start->Settings->Connections->Connections->Advanced->Select Networks
b) Click "New"
c) Under "General" enter "Bell Mobility" as name
d) Under "Modem" click "New"
i) Enter "Bell Mobility" as name
ii) Select "Cellular Modem (GPRS, 3G)" under Modem type
iii) Enter "" under "Access Point Name"
iv) Leave User/Pwd/Domain blank​ e) Under Proxy Settings:
i) Check "this network connects to the internet"
ii) Check "this network uses a proxy..."
iii) Enter "" under "Proxy Server"
f) Under "Network Manager" Select "Bell Mobility" from the drop down under "Programs that automatically connect to the internet should connect using:"​
For MMS, I repeat the process above, replacing "Bell Mobility" with "Bell Mobilty MMS". In the messaging app, I go into "SMS/MMS" and select "MMS Options" from the menu. On the "Servers" tab I enter the following:
a) Server Name: "Bell Mobility MMS"
b) Gateway: <leave blank>
c) Port Number: 80 <this is the default>
d) Server Address: ""
e) Connect via: "Bell Mobility MMS"
f) Send Limit: "300K"
g) WAP Version: "WAP 2.0" <this is the default>
h) Select "Done" to go back to the "Servers" tab
i) Select the "Bell Mobility MMS" entry and click "Set as default".
j) Select OK to close the MMS Options and Reboot/Soft Reset​
Link to Bell Samsung Omnia II Registry files
Provisioning looks fine.
This thread is dealing with the roaming issue on Bell Mobility.
I have uploaded the registry files from my Bell Mobility Omnia II for someone to see what can be modified on my Fuze or any other HTC phone for that matter to work on Bell without the roaming symbol.
I noticed a number of unusual items when searching for "302"
Bell Samsung registry files
There are quite a few differences under the [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\ConnMgr] vs what I have on my hand provisioned phone. I'm tempted to just delete that branch of my registry and reimport this one just to see what would happen along with the [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Comm\RasBook] branch. I can always hard reset is there's a problem.
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\Cellular\RIL] also has some stuff that I don't have.
I have tried making a copy of the ril.dll file, but it seems to be blocked from copying from the Bell phone. There are also a few rilbubble.dll files and a rilgsm.dll file on the Bell phone.
I tried importing the [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\ConnMgr] and [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Comm\RasBook] branches but it made no difference. In fact I noticed that the phone thinks its roaming before the HSPA connection even comes online. I'm starting to think that this is something to do with the network and not the phone. Is it possible that Bell is monitoring IMEI numbers at the network level and that any IMEI they don't have in their DB they identify as roaming?
Did you notice that [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\State] has a lot of subdirectories containing "302"?
I also wonder about the Samsung directory being full of phone stuff.
If any of these are being referenced by the ril.dll file or some other file, I cannot even figure out how to copy these files from the phone to dissect.
Did you try to copy the dll files to the SD card with Total Commander?
Btw, I don't see a [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\State\RIL\NetID\CS] branch in the registry files you posted.
Sorry, I will upload the registry files before a sim card was inserted later this evening. I thought about that after. I just cleared memory on the Bell phone, and a bunch of registries are not there now. I may have cleared memory with a sim card still in it before.
Yes I have tried Total Commander and a few others, and the files will not be copied. I am ready to try dumping the rom and checking to see what I can.
I do need to sell this Omnia 2 soon before it starts to lose its value too much.
I doubt the ril files will make any difference on a HTC anyway. They basically broker the calls between the OS and radio firmware. The HTC radios will be so different they wouldn't do anything anyway.
Well I have tried importing a number of these settings to the point that other things have dropped off, or changed, but that annoying little roaming symbol remains.
I have an I8000 kitchen, and I am going to dump the ROM from the Omnia2 before I sell it, so I have something to take apart and examine. I don't know how that would interface with an HTC kitchen, but I will keep on trying until I get this.
I believe that Bell would have a program AND some settings in the registry to cause problems for other phones. Just talking with ANY Bell rep about basic internet settings on the HTC shows off their bad attitude and pride, so I would not put anything past them.
Thank you for your help on this codf4ther. I know their is a growing number that would like to see this issue resolved.
I've been looking at some other threads on howardforums about unlocked phones. Whats interesting is that the NexusOne doesn't seem to show as roaming. Telus Android phones (Milestone) don't show as roaming, but Rogers and Fido Phones do.
Bell and Telus share the same towers and basic connection, so it seems reasonable that a Telus phone will work fine on Bell. I am tempted to get a Telus SIM and try that theory with this Bell Omnia2, but I have yet to unlock it. I'm looking for the best unlocking price (free would be great since I will be selling it anyway).
prcme said:
Bell and Telus share the same towers and basic connection, so it seems reasonable that a Telus phone will work fine on Bell. I am tempted to get a Telus SIM and try that theory with this Bell Omnia2, but I have yet to unlock it. I'm looking for the best unlocking price (free would be great since I will be selling it anyway).
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Telus is explainable, but why wouldn't the Nexus show up as roaming?

[Q] prl update for page plus on alltel htc hero cdma

Hi. I've found this site to be very helpful in my attempts to activate an Alltel HTC Hero cdma on the Page Plus network.
I finally got the phone to make calls, but it says that I'm roaming - there's a triangle above the signal strength meter. I checked it by making a call and it charges me the roaming rate of $0.29 a minute. I think I need an updated .prl file, but I'm not sure.
I'm able to send and receive text. I cannot send or receive MMS or connect to the internet.
Maybe someone here can help me. Please
Phone will be used in Berlin, WI 54923 (Near the following cities: Appleton, Oshkosh, Neenah, Fond du Lac)
Original phone details:
Alltel network, but Alltel is no longer in my area. Alltel customers were sent to Element One. I don't know if this affects what I'm trying to do.
Phone # (MDN) 920xxxxxxx
MSID (MIN) 9202900444
SIN/NID 1/65535
MMS Server url
I rooted the phone and got my MSL (000000) number and made the following changes
Phone # (MDN) 920xxxxxxx
MSID (MIN) 9202799238 (from Page Plus)
SIN/NID 240/65535 (got "240" from Page Plus, they couldn't give me a NID number so I used the same one)
MMS Server url (got this from searching on forums)
I downloaded a .prl file via KittyWireless manual programming instructions
I updated the PRL from my sd card by dailing ##775# and "commit changes"
When I make a call, I'm always asked to re-enter the 10 digit phone number I'm trying to reach. I've tried the following OTA programming numbers *228, *22800, *22888, *22890, *22891. I always get the following "Message AP 32 Welcome to US Cellular ..." It should be Verizon or Alltel, right?
I thought I might be using the wrong NID number so I tried 65335 (which I think is for Verizon), but it didn't make a difference. Still roaming and same messages when I try OTA programming.
I don't know if this means anything, but when I dial ##DATA# to edit mode I can choose either Data Profile, EVDO, or Advanced. If I choose EVDO, I get a blank screen. I can't make any changes.
So, I'm thinking I need a different prl file. Would this affect my data connection for internet and MMS too? What do you guys think? Can someone direct me to the right PRL file?
I've spent hours trying to get this phone to work... if you have any suggestions let me know.
PRL Update...
Hi there..
I've found the following PRLs useful when using Sprint Phones on Pageplus, so perhaps they will help with the Alltel Hero. I've used 51425m on my Alltel Hero on Pageplus. Worked like a charm. The 52505m is the latest VZW EvDo PRL.
Noticed the thread is old, but may help anyone else trying to do this.
Ive been trying to get 3g data working with my Nexus S on Pageplus.
All I can get is either a good 1X data connection or a slow, intermittent 3g connection.
I will try these PRL's when I get home.
any luck on getting this working yet ??? I can not find any solutions anywhere
You contact your carriers

