Going to Japan, recommend apps or accessories? - General Topics

Hey guys, I leaving to Japan tomorrow for a month. I was wondering if there were any apps or accessories you guys would recommend for me to take.
I am going to rent a SIM from softbank over there but will not have intenet access on the phone except when I have wifi.
Oh yeah, I have a Fuze.

yeah, there are some apps i'd recommend...
first, install a japanese font, and an input panel, too
second, the softbank email client, cause without it.... well its pretty self-eplanatory isnt it? (this one's major because softbank is using their own kind of service instead of SMS/normal email, nevermind this if you're not going to communicate with japanese people)
then there is EBPocket for all you dictionary needs ^^
and last but not least, if you want GPS navigation in japan, use Garmin Mobile XT... its the only program with coverage of the whole country (@others : yeah yeah, i know, mapking, but mapking only has a map for tokyo city area, bummer...)

A language translator and Japanese-to-English dictionary.


Pocket Streets 2005 Maps

So has anyone got any Australian maps?
I have been searching but cant find them............Uzi3L= N00b.
or at least point me in a good/right direction.
Can anyone help me with this problem?
I'd be more than happy to help, PM has been sent.
nice link ncruz.........not
Could someone please pm the maps and let me know how much pocket streets 2005 is worth (australian $)
thanks in advance
[email protected]
done & done.
share, dont care.
got to say thanx for the maps buddy.
What about New Zealand??
I can't find it anywhere... :-(
For anybody that can utilize it, here is a link for a digital map of Australia, it doesnt go down to street numbers but looks useful all the same....and its free.
Is it possible to get a link to the australian maps for pocket streets too?
Thanks in advance
Read this.
You could try Vito software, it at least has maps for Oz downloadable.
GPS map software review
I think I tried and bought (trial version never let you fully tested the software) the top 5 commonly used GPS software. I looked around for AU and NZ maps too, but they are either too expensive or not good enough (primitive).
Tom Tom v.2 (for Europe) - very good, and I think it is relatively very cheap. I bought it at least 2 years ago, and the software is already very useful and I can fit the maps in 1 SD card. It allows you to mark a start and end points, then it will guide you to either the quickest or shortest path.
PocketStreet 2002 (for US) - ok. Similar to Tom Tom but with point of interests. But it won't auto-span across 2 maps. i.e. if you travel from one city to another, you have to manually change maps. But it is very cheap and the map is free. I bet they already fixed the auto-span in the newer version.
MapKing 5 (for Asia) - very close to TomTom. I tried MapKing 7, it is even better. With 3D and very accurate street level map.
Vito (for Australia) - cheap but if you are looking for street level map, it is definitely NOT the software to go for. The map is also outdated. Basically waste of money.
Memory-Map (for NZ) - if you plan to the your laptop around, then it is an OK software. It is not built for PocketPC, I have the latest version but it is not even comparative as the others that I got years ago. You have to plan your own route. And the New Zealand North Island map alone is over 900MB, even if I can fit it in one SD card, how can I load it??? And it is sooooooooooooooooooo expensive.
I have not tried this one yet, may be you can have a go. http://www.maptrax.com.au/
... I need to buy different GPS software because I travel to different countries faster than the vendor can create / support maps for different countries!!

Orbit and using Co Pilot

Hi there,
Bit of a newbie here! I've just ordered an Orbit with Co Pilot, and was just wondering - is there a cost for actually using Co Pilot? I mean, will I get charged for using the phones GPS?
Any help would be great!
No, GPS is a free service, it has nothing to do with your call charge, message, wap, GPRS or etc. Its completely free. Yes you might have to pay a subscription fees to the CoPilot to use their traffic or weather services if they are offering, I am not sure which services they are offering as I am using TomTom, you can also use any other navigation software e.g. TomTom etc. on your device, you have to just configure the GPS device with the software settings. Try some info about the GPS usage on Google.
I would imagine if it's like the T Mobile phone+co pilot packs you'll get a 24 month subscription to their live service, which is a tracking service so you can logon to a website to see where someone is, obviously only as long as you give them access to that, and also a traffic updates which when you plan a route it looks up on gprs to see if there's any reported incidents, and then suggests an alternative route - it works quite well!

Which HTC Hermes in Japan?

Hello, I am going to be in Tokyo for the next few months for work. I use an HTC Hermes here in the UK. I am interested in having the office in Tokyo get me one to use whenever I am there. Questions:
1) Is the Softbank X01HT the model to go for? What advantages does this give over Docomo? Is there an unlimited data tariff? If not, what tariff should I go for if I want to use the phone for email and internet?
2) I use IMAP mail. I have tried but been disappointed with FlexMail 2007 as an email client, particularly since it does not support Asian characters. What other email clients (other than the WM5 standard which does not support multiple IMAP email addresses) are available with Asian language capability?
3) I am thinking the HTC Hermes will be best because it will be easy for me to configure since I already have one in the UK. Are there any other leading edge WM devices available that I should also consider?
Japanese Hermes
Wassup, I used to live in Tokyo and theres never really been a "unlimited" data plan. They are pretty expensive compared to like Sprint but they offer a variety of different plans to match your usage. The best thing is to talk to the carrier rep directly. Both Docomo and Softbank are the same network. GSM+WCDMA. As far as english apps go they will work as-is. Its japanese appz that won't work on english phones. (kanji and phoenetic characters use a double size font) Roman characters only need half the space so it works great. The only thing is that you won't be able to change the system to english. Hmmm, I think. I may be wrong on that one. hehe.
You might actually wanna check out the Willcom Zero3. That phone is sweet! Although it is a PHS network. Not compatible with anything outside Japan.

Smartphone that work in Japan?

I live in Japan and I've been looking for a smartphone that could work on a network here.
I don't know much about phones, but I'd like to use a phone that can sync with outlook, has qwerty keyboard and perhaps can run some PC applications (if that's possible). Voice is secondary, I would even like an HTC shift if I could use it on an unlimited data plan.
Can anybody help a fellow gaijin? Those of you who live in Japan, what phones are you using?
Thank you!

GPS+Maps+WM6+Tokyo. Help :)

Hi Everyone,
Well I have my GPS and TyTN up and running smoothly but there is a surprisingly big lack of maps and/or software that seems to cover Japan/Tokyo. With this country being GPS mad there must be something available I can use without having to resort to google maps and downloading stuff all the time. TomTom does not do Japan (??) So perhaps a Japanese local offering?
Anyone in Tokyo using an interesting solution.
FYI - Mapking seems to offer a Tokyo map.
I was astounded at first, too that it's so hard to find any decent maps for Japan. None of the big players seems to cover the land of the rising sun. But it's not that surprising if you take into account that (nearly) everybody is using GPS in their cars or on their cellphones (which all have to have GPS since last April).
That said, check out www.mgmaps.com. It's a Java midlet application, but a darn good one! It allows you to *download Google Maps tiles of your chosen area and store them on your card*. Saves you time and data once you cut out the map(s) you need. It'll take you a while, but it's a great and free solution that even offers navigation instructions in some areas (I think Google doesn't cover all of Japan right now).
The other solution would be http://uud.info/shop/catalog/contact_us.php?language=en where you can buy maps for Garmin Map Source that you can use on you PPC if you have the according software. Usually Garmin bundles with their GPS hardware, but they recently released a program that enables you to just use your own (builtin) GPS. I hope one of those

