Multi-Touch Browser question for Devs. - G1 Android Development

I just did the whole overclock my cpu deal and it works great, everything runs stupid fast now but I noticed that there is still one thing that runs a little bit slow or should i say laggy and thats the multi-touch in the browser. (obviously it probably had nothing to do with the cpu speed)
anyways my question might be a noob question yet it may not be. for those of you short fused people that are going to get mad at something that might have been asked a million years ago and that i had never seen being brought up im sorry for your sand in the vagi.
is there any way possible to actually make the multi-touch zoom run as smooth as the iphones or the as the pre's? i mean its cool to have a smooth running phone to show off to all those iphone fanboys but when they say oh hey look what i can do "pinch" oooooohhh thats so cool and then when i show them mine its slow and laggy.
either way if you dont have an answer thats cool but i was wondering if there was someone maybe working on this or if anyone had the answer, because im sure if it was smoother i would use it more often in the broser as would everyone else.
thanx alot and i hope i posted this in the right section if not to whichever MOD reads this feel free to move it but i believe that this is a pretty valid q? and if you look at the rest of my posts you'll see that i only ask the not so obvious questions that most noobs ask

I have been wondering the same fact, that is the one thing I would love to see optimized and/or improved. The iPhone definitely kills us in this department and it really kills me to say that. Valid concern, IMO, that hopefully is being worked on.

From what I know, the Dream has never been capable of multi-touch, and that's just a hardware feature. The screen on the iPhone is physically different than the one on the Dream. Point being, we've made this multitouch broswer on the limits of what it can already do.
Somewhere floating around on the forums (and I can email it to you if you want) is an APK file of an app that displays the touch screen as the data records it. It shows how impossibly hard it was to get multitouch working.
Software-wise, it's also pretty flawed. When you use the pinch/pull method to zoom, it's still zooming at the same rate as if you just used the on-screen buttons to zoom. The Dream browser works by zooming at incriments, the same thing you see when you press the on-screen buttons. The multitouch still has to run through these same zooming "incriments" in order to zoom in or out. When you run through a lot of incriments all at once, you get some feedback lag. That's also why it doesn't zoom very smooth, like the iPhone.
The iPhone, software-wise, is much more percise in zooming because multi-touch demands it to be. The iPhone doesn't zoom incrimentally (well it does, just much more smaller incriments much faster) like the Dream, and therefor, it has the potential to look smoother.
Until someone develops a browser that can zoom in much more smaller incriments, we're not going to see a good multi-touch zoom. Try this test to simulate the same thing when you use multi-touch: hit the zoom buttons as fast as you can. Basically, multi-touch is doing the same exact thing, hitting those buttons as fast as possible. Naturally, you're going to get a lot of lag.
Let me know if you need any more info!

Also, the reason why its so choppy is because at each zoom increment, it reformats the text. If you turn off "auto-fit pages", the zooming is smoother.
If there is a way to turn off the "auto-fit pages" when doing multi-touch zooming, but keeping it when you press the buttons, that would be a nice compromise.

lukekirstein said:
From what I know, the Dream has never been capable of multi-touch, and that's just a hardware feature. The screen on the iPhone is physically different than the one on the Dream. Point being, we've made this multitouch broswer on the limits of what it can already do.
Somewhere floating around on the forums (and I can email it to you if you want) is an APK file of an app that displays the touch screen as the data records it. It shows how impossibly hard it was to get multitouch working.
Software-wise, it's also pretty flawed. When you use the pinch/pull method to zoom, it's still zooming at the same rate as if you just used the on-screen buttons to zoom. The Dream browser works by zooming at incriments, the same thing you see when you press the on-screen buttons. The multitouch still has to run through these same zooming "incriments" in order to zoom in or out. When you run through a lot of incriments all at once, you get some feedback lag. That's also why it doesn't zoom very smooth, like the iPhone.
The iPhone, software-wise, is much more percise in zooming because multi-touch demands it to be. The iPhone doesn't zoom incrimentally (well it does, just much more smaller incriments much faster) like the Dream, and therefor, it has the potential to look smoother.
Until someone develops a browser that can zoom in much more smaller incriments, we're not going to see a good multi-touch zoom. Try this test to simulate the same thing when you use multi-touch: hit the zoom buttons as fast as you can. Basically, multi-touch is doing the same exact thing, hitting those buttons as fast as possible. Naturally, you're going to get a lot of lag.
Let me know if you need any more info!
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so basically what your saying is that its all the browsers fault? lol that sux i completely understand that what its doing is only pushing it as fast as the zoom buttons can push it.
do you think that maybe it would be fixable in some way optimizing the browser itself somehow? i know there's gotta be a DEV out there that can break the browser down and maybe fix what needs to be fixed to make it possible or is there more to it?
I understand that the screen is also being pushed to its limits but maybe if the browser were to be made better and faster somehow maybe it could pull it off?

multi touch in jac hero rom is pretty good, its atleast useable. It zooms in where you want it when you "pinch the screen" it doesnt just centre zoom

Well right now I am using JacMan's here build and the HTC browser has multi-touch that is worlds better than the google browser with it. I have noticed while playing with it that while pinching, the zoom in and out is much smoother and you don't get that lag, and even with the wordwrap on you dont get that weird placement jump you get when it tries to fit the words to the screen. I believe the HTC browser doesn't zoom in the same type of incriments the google browser is limited to.
As a matter of fact when using zoom in HTC browser you don't get the plus minus options like on the stock. The only other way to zoom is double tap and that is inconsistent. I believe that HTC designed the browser this way to purposely have a better multi-touch (within the limits of what the screen can handle) Anyone with Jacman's Hero build (or any other Hero build if they have MT) can add to that, this is by no means a technical fact, its just what I have observed using the Hero browser. Overall the MT zoom is much more satisfying to use.

dpgc213 said:
multi touch in jac hero rom is pretty good, its atleast useable. It zooms in where you want it when you "pinch the screen" it doesnt just centre zoom
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do you think that was something that was on the hero build or something that "JAC" implemented in the build?

I don't see whats so wrong about the buttons. At least that allows me to zoom with 1 hand. They work decently.
The fact that the android browser already loads the paged "zoomed" in means its not necessary to doing any additional zooming.

how different could the hero browser and the google browser be? i mean im no one special and i don't do anything but take most of this info in and try and understand most of it. but what if someone was able to break down the browser and swap out certain things from the hero browser into the google browser ?
just an idea i mean im not saying go and put the pages UI in there too or anything i personally like the speed of 1.5 vs Hero i would just be curious to see the zoom speed of the Hero browser on the google browser

LatinSilEighty said:
how different could the hero browser and the google browser be? i mean im no one special and i don't do anything but take most of this info in and try and understand most of it. but what if someone was able to break down the browser and swap out certain things from the hero browser into the google browser ?
just an idea i mean im not saying go and put the pages UI in there too or anything i personally like the speed of 1.5 vs Hero i would just be curious to see the zoom speed of the Hero browser on the google browser
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Honestly the zoom is noticeably better and smoother. I don't know if that is something instituted by HTC or whether JAC modified it. But without the pinching zoom you would be stuck with double tap which sucks. I never tried zooming with the Haykuro release so I don't know if there were any additions made.

dwang said:
I don't see whats so wrong about the buttons. At least that allows me to zoom with 1 hand. They work decently.
The fact that the android browser already loads the paged "zoomed" in means its not necessary to doing any additional zooming.
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theres nothing wrong with the buttons IMO but its just something to brag about i think. it seems really stupid to sit there and use two hands just to zoom but its just kinda like a luxury if you know what i mean

I dont know if anyone has mentioned this but in the Hero builds the Multi-touch is perfect and it has no lag, i currently tested it on the SuperHero and trust me there is no lag!
I dont think its a hardware issue i just think its needs a lil bit of tweaking!

Drizzy Drake Rogers said:
I dont know if anyone has mentioned this but in the Hero builds the Multi-touch is perfect and it has no lag, i currently tested it on the SuperHero and trust me there is no lag!
I dont think its a hardware issue i just think its needs a lil bit of tweaking!
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exactly what i was saying. and yes it had been mentioned now im just trying to see if maybe someone can implement just that part of the hero rom or the browser to the google browser and we have a badass browser with a bad ass MT zoom

LatinSilEighty said:
exactly what i was saying. and yes it had been mentioned now im just trying to see if maybe someone can implement just that part of the hero rom or the browser to the google browser and we have a badass browser with a bad ass MT zoom
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soon someone will!

Drizzy Drake Rogers said:
I dont know if anyone has mentioned this but in the Hero builds the Multi-touch is perfect and it has no lag, i currently tested it on the SuperHero and trust me there is no lag!
I dont think its a hardware issue i just think its needs a lil bit of tweaking!
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how do u guys have multi-touch on Jac Hero?? I have 1.65 and it doesn't work. I checked settings and no option either. in the other versions of jac hero it didn't work either

jroid said:
how do u guys have multi-touch on Jac Hero?? I have 1.65 and it doesn't work. I checked settings and no option either. in the other versions of jac hero it didn't work either
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Oh shizzle you're right!! I didn't even check to see that it wasn't there in 1.5. Oh well I'm just gonna pull the browser.apk from 1.64. No big deal but it really is a luxury feature. Kinda like a Lexus that parks itself. Silly feature for sure but still wows you when its used

I can also say that one of the JAC hero builds had a very smooth functional pinch zoom implemented in the browser. The MultiTouch abilities of the G1 are limited by the hardware, but it's good enough to pull off pinch zoom. This app allows you to play with the abilities of your touch screen so you can see for your self what it can and can't do.
The reason the normal multitouch browser from the JF builds has a laggy pinch zoom is because of the way multi touch was added into the stock browser. It simply calculates how many times to zoom based on how far you spread your fingers and then it's just the standard zoom animation built into the original browser. The hero browser however, was built to be a multitouch browser from the ground up. (Which is why the zoom buttons are missing on it.)

I started writing this huge post about multi-touch on the G1. However, I realized I wasn't being too clear, so I figured I'd just link the original G1 hack.
The short story is, there's some significant investigating that could be done to figure out what's going on with the Hero builds. I have a feeling that there's been a decent amount of work done by HTC to make multi-touch smooth. Obviously, they built a new/modified browser, but they also must have done some modifications to the system. They definitely modified some .java files (good place to start would be They also might have messed around with the display driver to solve some of the issues that Luke ran into during his original hack.
You can poke around Luke's blog. He has a bunch more information that's he's recently dug up about multi-touch.
Anyways, I hope I put you on the right track. I'll hang around this thread, but I'm hardly a programmer so I'm not going to be much help codingwise.

this is only thing about g1 beside the lack of physical ram that bugs me a bit at night. As for ram, only a new phone will do and I can only use swap in the mean time to get by, but multi touch is something I know g1 should be able to do.
If something can do this for the google browser or port the hero one over that would be awesome. Otherwise Imma have to finally give in and flash hero rom and test out the multi touch and it's flash capable browser and see if it's worth the tradeoff in performance. I doubt it tho... God I wish g1 had more ram..


[Q] best keyboard???

have nexus s with modaco r2 at the mo but will be switching to cm7 once more stable. but was wondering what is the best non stock keyboard to use? as find that the stock is not as responsive as one on my nexus 1
stevo1006 said:
have nexus s with modaco r2 at the mo but will be switching to cm7 once more stable. but was wondering what is the best non stock keyboard to use? as find that the stock is not as responsive as one on my nexus 1
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you are crazy to think that the stock Gingerbread keyboard isnt as responsive *glare*
the HTC keyboard is pretty good, and if you can get into the beta, the swype keyboard is great too
This. The stock keyboard is amazing.
slowz3r said:
you are crazy to think that the stock Gingerbread keyboard isnt as responsive *glare*
the HTC keyboard is pretty good, and if you can get into the beta, the swype keyboard is great too
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tominater12 said:
This. The stock keyboard is amazing.
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I'm also very happy with the stock GingerBread keyboard, and ease of language change
it's not as smooth as SWYPE, for fast typing, but i could get used to it
SWYPE is much more natural, but changing language is not so easy as the GB stock keyboard
Im using the Swiftkey one more and more now. Used Swype but it didnt really do it for me. The stock gingerbread keyboard is quite nice but the keys are too tiny ( I dont even have big fingers)
Using Swype here, as I had gotten used to it on the Epic (when I had it), and love it!
KidCold said:
Im using the Swiftkey one more and more now. Used Swype but it didnt really do it for me. The stock gingerbread keyboard is quite nice but the keys are too tiny ( I dont even have big fingers)
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just flip the phone horizontally (that's what i do)
yes i find it tiny as well, that is why it's a bit tricky to type fast
but with SWYPE, i don't need to flip the phone, i was able to type real fast even when the phone is in vertical portrait mode
I have to say, the keyboard and typing is one of the few sore spots I have for the Android experience. While the new stock keyboard is much improved over previous iterations, it can still be a bit slow and unresponsive, often missing certain presses; and its auto-correction just isn't as clever as it should be. Another issue I have, particularly with the Nexus S, is that other times, the screen is too sensitive, it seems. Has anyone tried this yet: you can hover your finger slightly off the screen, and it'll register as a press. This might be contributing to hitting wrong keys and spelling errors when my thumbs glaze over the keyboard while typing fast. It's very frustrating. The biggest culprit of this problem seems to occur when I'm trying to type "I'm"... it almost always results in "km" instead. Other examples are when letters get registered twice, like tthis or like thiss. However, it's prone to missing space bar presses, resulting too often in words likethis.
Unfortunately, Google decided to not provide any customizable dictionary or custom auto-correct features. This is baffling to me and where Google's attempt to copy the Apple keyboard goes too far. Speaking of Apple, I say this without any intention of starting immature flame wars, but the iPhone - and even the iPod touch - keyboards are far more smooth, responsive, and reliable. Anyone who has typed extensively on both platforms will know what I mean. I can type with utmost confidence on an iPhone (that's not to say it's perfect). I cannot say I type confidently with my Nexus. And forget about including sound or haptic feedback; these things seem to slow the typing experience down, where it'll miss even more key presses.
Everyone's typing methods and speeds are different, so everyone will have different typing experiences, but for me, it continues to be a sore spot. Which leads me to my next question: when is Blindtype going to be implemented? Anyone heard any new news on it?
Anyway, to answer the OP's question: I am currently trialing Swiftkey. It can be impressive at times, and it's often very intuitive, but I find it's actually slower than typing out on a regular keyboard because I'm too busy making sure it chooses the right words. Then again, it might still be "learning." We'll see when the 31-day trial is over.
Prior to this, I was using Smart Keyboard Pro, which isn't as responsive and quick as stock Android, but it has tons of customizable features which make up for it (for example, I can custom the auto-correction to always change "km" to "I'm"). This is what I'll go back to if I pass on purchasing Swiftkey.
PS. I have Swype as well, and it's fun, but not practical in my opinion.
The best keyboard for me is NO KEYBOARD. For short stuff, like text or emails or a short forum message, you really should give voice input a go for a few days and see how much easier it is than anything else.
Swiftkey my favorite keyboard at the moment, but another fine one and my primary keyboard before I heard of SwiftKey is Better Keyboard (not sure there's a free trial on it), but there's a free public beta going on right now.

[Q] Launcher and home screen smoothness

Ok, maybe this has been discussed, and maybe this is posted in the wrong forum (I was considering apps/themes). If so, I apologize, and please move my thread.
But during my years with android, there is one thing that has annoyed me, and it still does. The animation when flipping through homescreens is really cool, but it is not nearly as smooth as it should be (compare it to the iPhone). With my magic it looked awful, with my galaxy s it was almost comparable to an iphone app drawer, but still not what I would call silky smooth. With the nexus s, it seems I've taken a step back again. I've tried stock launcher, zeam, LP and ADW. I have not tried ADW EX yet because of some credit card issues. Is there something to be done about this? I mean, the phone should be more than capable hardware wise, and everything else is blazing fast (opening various apps, settings, the widget scrolling is smooth, games run perfectly and so on).
I've currently only tried out stock 2.3.1 and CM7 alpha 2 and alpha 2-2 (jan. 6th).
Anyone with any insight in whats causing it? Is there something I can do other than disable live wallpaper and wallpaper scrolling? Disabling those two is a small let down, because I really like the features. Or am I simply imagining it?
Sorry I have no insightful input, but I would like to say, no, you're not imagining it. This has been my experience with Android overall as well.
I am no fan of Apple's tight grips and dated OS, however, I know where credit is due and they deserve respect for what they do get right: namely, the screen and the touch interface. Something about it is just 'perfect' -- almost magical. It truly responds to every command you have, and this spills over not just with scrolling or hitting icons, but with typing, as well. Their keyboard (which I'm sure succeeds thanks to a combination of hardware and software) is second to none. I've been an avid critic of Android's keyboard experience in other threads. Anyone who has typed extensively on both platforms will know the difference. I can type (and use the screen) on an iPhone, even an iPod Touch, with confidence that it'll get what I mean to press. The same cannot be said for Android.
At the end of the day, it's a trade-off. I stick with Android for its customizations, open-ended potential, market, and because I am a user of everything Google -- it just makes sense to stick with Android. I also don't appreciate Apple's philosophy, which essentially comes down to: "the average user is an idiot," which isn't entirely untrue and, needless to say, is a philosophy that works wonders for them. It just isn't for me. However, I am and continue to be critical of Android. I do so out of the desire to see it improve. They close the gap with every iteration, but it would be dishonest to say that they've matched areas in which Apple excels in; one of them being responsive touchscreen and scrolling. You're not imagining it.
dingdonghei said:
Ok, maybe this has been discussed, and maybe this is posted in the wrong forum (I was considering apps/themes). If so, I apologize, and please move my thread.
But during my years with android, there is one thing that has annoyed me, and it still does. The animation when flipping through homescreens is really cool, but it is not nearly as smooth as it should be (compare it to the iPhone). With my magic it looked awful, with my galaxy s it was almost comparable to an iphone app drawer, but still not what I would call silky smooth. With the nexus s, it seems I've taken a step back again. I've tried stock launcher, zeam, LP and ADW. I have not tried ADW EX yet because of some credit card issues. Is there something to be done about this? I mean, the phone should be more than capable hardware wise, and everything else is blazing fast (opening various apps, settings, the widget scrolling is smooth, games run perfectly and so on).
I've currently only tried out stock 2.3.1 and CM7 alpha 2 and alpha 2-2 (jan. 6th).
Anyone with any insight in whats causing it? Is there something I can do other than disable live wallpaper and wallpaper scrolling? Disabling those two is a small let down, because I really like the features. Or am I simply imagining it?
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I've definitely noticed what you have.
Both ADW (I believe) and Launcher Pro have settings that can make it slightly smoother.
I use Launcher Pro on Bionix ROM 1.1 with stock kernel. In launcher pro, I have disabled "Advanced Settings"->"High Quality Scrolling" and it seems to be less laggy with screen scrolling.
The setting in ADW is "System Preferences"->"Scrolling Cache"->Low Quality.
The binoix rom definitely helps too.
Ye, just installed bionix and it's a bit better than cm actually. All the other tweaks, I've already configured. Still not like I would want it to be though. I'm wondering if it's that hard to actually make a smooth launcher. The guys making these launchers are doing an awesome job in all other aspects, so my guess is google isn't making it all that easy for them. The whole thing strikes me as weird, but hey, I haven't got even a small insight in developing for android.
@onthecouchagain I totally share your views on android. But I would never switch to an iPhone, it was just a comparison, because Apple really have that part nailed down.
EDIT: With bionix and OC on demand, I actually think the stock browser is smoother than ADW.
EDIT2: I've been thinking things through a bit, and the comparison with the iphone isn't entirely fair. The flexibility of the home screens by far superseede the iphone. I mean, basically the iphone only has an app drawer, and the app drawer is supersmooth on the NS. The home screens incorporate widgets that can be scrolled and update and all that, so I guess that takes up a lot more resources than an app drawer alone will. But still, the lag takes away from the user experience, and they really should try to improve it.
OP did you not find launcher pro extremely smoother over stock launcher? pretty sure LP is hitting up near 55 FPS for homescreen scrolls, stock launcher is much more choppy. in fact LP (and ADW somewhat, i find LP smoother) is buttery smooth scrolling i find. i believe LP uses more hardware graphics where stock launcher does not, that's why its smoother than stock.
however perhaps the nexus s is not yet configured with LP for its graphics? cause i know on all the other phones like nexus one and droid x, LP is insanely smoother over stock.
around 50-55 fps.
RogerPodacter said:
OP did you not find launcher pro extremely smoother over stock launcher? pretty sure LP is hitting up near 55 FPS for homescreen scrolls, stock launcher is much more choppy. in fact LP (and ADW somewhat, i find LP smoother) is buttery smooth scrolling i find. i believe LP uses more hardware graphics where stock launcher does not, that's why its smoother than stock.
however perhaps the nexus s is not yet configured with LP for its graphics? cause i know on all the other phones like nexus one and droid x, LP is insanely smoother over stock.
around 50-55 fps.
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Yes, I'm aware of that, and was using LP on my galaxy s. However, on the NS it doesn't seem smooth at all. And for some reason it freezes up real bad from time to time as well, and requires a restart. This was on CM7 alpha, so it may be related to that.
Have you tried LP on the NS or other phones?
EDIT: Tried out LP on bionix now, and it's by far the best so far. Still not perfect, but very close. I think I've read that the LP still isn't optimized for GB, if thats true, it should be really good once it is. Now I just have to get my damn pay pal account working, so I can pay for LP.
On thing about LP though. The scrolling seems very smooth once the animation has started, but it always hangs a bit after you have started moving your thumb, if you get what I'm saying. It's like it takes some time before the launcher registers that you're swyping your thumb, and then starts the animation. I haven't found a setting for this. Anyone? I know I'm being very picky here, It's kind of an obsession for me
dingdonghei said:
Yes, I'm aware of that, and was using LP on my galaxy s. However, on the NS it doesn't seem smooth at all. And for some reason it freezes up real bad from time to time as well, and requires a restart. This was on CM7 alpha, so it may be related to that.
Have you tried LP on the NS or other phones?
EDIT: Tried out LP on bionix now, and it's by far the best so far. Still not perfect, but very close. I think I've read that the LP still isn't optimized for GB, if thats true, it should be really good once it is. Now I just have to get my damn pay pal account working, so I can pay for LP.
On thing about LP though. The scrolling seems very smooth once the animation has started, but it always hangs a bit after you have started moving your thumb, if you get what I'm saying. It's like it takes some time before the launcher registers that you're swyping your thumb, and then starts the animation. I haven't found a setting for this. Anyone? I know I'm being very picky here, It's kind of an obsession for me
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I got ya. What I'm thinking is that just like the nexus s is not optimized its video graphics in the browser for hummingbird, launcher pro also is hit by this bug and will need to wait for the driver fix from Google and Samsung. Currently its optimized for snapdragon so I'm thinking that's the problem.
For me on nexus s it works really smooth as long as I disable wallpaper scrolling... You can also check in advanced settings, clear cache on exit and play with other configs there, but disabling the wallpaper scrolling improves a lot...
Btw, on the Jobs phone, there is no wallpaper scrolling, widgets, and any other cool stuff we have in android, which also requires some work from CPU, something to think about...
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guys234 said:
Btw, on the Jobs phone, there is no wallpaper scrolling, widgets, and any other cool stuff we have in android, which also requires some work from CPU, something to think about...
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Yeah, that's what I was pointing out in my last edit. But I still think it takes away from the overall user experience, and the avg user doesn't even think about what takes up CPU power, they just want fluidity and everything to work out of the box without having to be tweaked. And even though all the tweaking and options is what makes android so great, that shouldn't compromise user experience.
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Hello people !
I'm also a bit disappointed by the overall user experience provided by the Nexus S.
That laggy behavior is very disappointing.
My girlfriend's iPhone 3G is even smoother at switching from one homescreen to another.
I've been owning Android handsets for the past year and the half and I thought I would get rid of that laggy behavior with the Nexus S and Gingerbread.
Well, too bad for me... same ****, different day
Allright, so just a small update. In my neverending quest for smooth home screen scrolling I discovered a new launcher galled Go Launcher. And wouldnt you know, it's a lot better than anything else I've ever tried when it comes to home screen. Can't get much smoother than this. Not a big fan of the app drawer on that launcher though, but the launcher is a clear first choice for now.
guys234 said:
For me on nexus s it works really smooth as long as I disable wallpaper scrolling... You can also check in advanced settings, clear cache on exit and play with other configs there, but disabling the wallpaper scrolling improves a lot...
Btw, on the Jobs phone, there is no wallpaper scrolling, widgets, and any other cool stuff we have in android, which also requires some work from CPU, something to think about...
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Yeah except other android phones like my nexus one are smooth as butter with launcher pro. So it must be some issue with nexus s drivers.
We know there is a graphics problem with the nexus s browser, so its not a far stretch to have similar issues with other areas not being smooth.
dingdonghei said:
Allright, so just a small update. In my neverending quest for smooth home screen scrolling I discovered a new launcher galled Go Launcher. And wouldnt you know, it's a lot better than anything else I've ever tried when it comes to home screen. Can't get much smoother than this. Not a big fan of the app drawer on that launcher though, but the launcher is a clear first choice for now.
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Problem is : with Go launcher switching between homescreens is smoother, but switching between pages within the app drawer is insanely laggy.
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theophane said:
Problem is : with Go launcher switching between homescreens is smoother, but switching between pages within the app drawer is insanely laggy.
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Yep, I know. It's kinda annoying
guys234 said:
Btw, on the Jobs phone, there is no wallpaper scrolling, widgets, and any other cool stuff we have in android, which also requires some work from CPU, something to think about...
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Here is a fun test : remove everything you have on your homescreens and just leave one app icon. Switch between homescreens, and you'll notice that even with nothing on the desktop, performance is still crappy.
I guess that widgets have nothing to do with those lags.
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Adw on cm is smooth? Try to download eugene373 gingerbread launcher. Its file size is smaller and other benefits
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Yes, there is an occasionally happening swipe lag in the home launcher, browser and other application. It is like it missed a swipe. It is very annoying and I even had it with the ADW launcher EX. Reminds me of the bug on the Nexus One. There I had the same problem that often the first swipe on the home launcher wouldn't do anything. I can't believe that this missed swipe or lag however you wanna call it slipped through the testing. I am a bit disappointed because I haven't had any problems with the Sense UI on my MT4G and missed swipe or laggy swiping.
mine was laggy aswell, but once i rooted, did a full WIPE/CLEAN/DATA wipe and a factory reset it didnt lag anymore???
now its silky smooth, and applying the 1.2Ghz kernel did make the iphone look like a snail
hansmrtn said:
Adw on cm is smooth? Try to download eugene373 gingerbread launcher. Its file size is smaller and other benefits
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
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ADW on CM isn't smooth at all. Haven't tried out eugene's.
smaberg said:
mine was laggy aswell, but once i rooted, did a full WIPE/CLEAN/DATA wipe and a factory reset it didnt lag anymore???
now its silky smooth, and applying the 1.2Ghz kernel did make the iphone look like a snail
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Interesting. This is stock launcher you're talking about, I presume? I'll try it out.

[Q] browser Performance

i just asked myself something and maybe someone could held me out. is there anychance we can hope for a better browser performance for our sensation? as i see the browser of de galaxy2 is hardware accelerated but not of our sensation. And the browser performance on my friends stock samsung galaxy s2 is still far smoother then on our heavily tuned sensation (InsertCoin 2.2.1 ROM for me)
im a bit disappointed of this browser performance
Really? Honest question: what lags for you? I haven't come accross a single webpage that even stutters. I want to try it on my phone.
Bernardos70 said:
Really? Honest question: what lags for you? I haven't come accross a single webpage that even stutters. I want to try it on my phone.
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honest answer:
just try the xda main forum (overview of all phones)
this ist just not acceptable. It laggs like f**king hell. Not all pages lag though. Though i recognize mini stutter and short lags on most of the pages. I really dont like this.
And i must say im always using the desktop view, not the mobile view.
and i cannot understand why a "dualcore" 1.2ghz!!! CPU is not able do render a webpage at 30fps. This lag feels like about 10fps browsing the xda Main Forum.
Even my old ancient pentium2 266mhz notebook is able to handle this page fluid.
Whats going wrong?
I know exactly what you're talking about, and if the Galaxy S2 can do that smoothly, that's awesome. But as far as usability goes, and me coming from a Galaxy S with Cyanogen.... it's way faster.
But I draw the line at usability. I used to go to often on the Galaxy S just to be completely slaughtered by a near completely lock up. I can browse that fine now.
The hardware acceleration does cause a tangible decrease in battery life as well. That's one side effect. Maybe someone can shed some light on this, maybe there is a hardware accelerated browser down the pipeline? Maybe Cyanogen will come through with that?
It's probably not what you want to read, but have you given Opera a try? It is way smoother than the stock browser, at least a far as rendering/scrolling. If you want to give that a try, get the bigger version of it from the market. I can't speak about the smaller one, but I think it is not as fast or as full featured as its big brother.
Bernardos70 said:
It's probably not what you want to read, but have you given Opera a try? It is way smoother than the stock browser, at least a far as rendering/scrolling. If you want to give that a try, get the bigger version of it from the market. I can't speak about the smaller one, but I think it is not as fast or as full featured as its big brother.
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+ 1
Everything is very smooth, the UI, scrolling, pinch zoom,... Opera is supposed to be hardware accelerated, probably that's why
Swyped from my HTC Sensation
I think Opera on my Galaxy S 1 was smoother than the stock browser on the Sensation. Now, all browsers are not perfect (in fact, it renders the main page for xda forums very incorrectly and unpleasantly, at least as far as color goes, lol) so see if Opera is right for you.
Bernardos70 said:
I think Opera on my Galaxy S 1 was smoother than the stock browser on the Sensation. Now, all browsers are not perfect (in fact, it renders the main page for xda forums very incorrectly and unpleasantly, at least as far as color goes, lol) so see if Opera is right for you.
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gonna try opera in the next few minutes and try to share experience.
Still i gotta say im using the Dolphin HD browser and not the original browser, this is even worse
tried opera now and i must say that it is really a lot smoother then dolphin! Not as smooth as the sgs2 but near already. Only downside is the slow loading performance when loading other pages. Dont know why but dolphin loads pages almost twice as fast.
Damn couldnt be the two just be combined and we could enjoy a really superb browser
Hope theres still some performance optimations lleft for our device
Bernardos70 said:
It's probably not what you want to read, but have you given Opera a try? It is way smoother than the stock browser, at least a far as rendering/scrolling. If you want to give that a try, get the bigger version of it from the market. I can't speak about the smaller one, but I think it is not as fast or as full featured as its big brother.
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Opera mini is great for gprs
Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using XDA App
i mostly never had an issue with browser performance on sensation. may be once in a while i will see some delay in loading the page, but that may be due to spotty t-mobile network.
Opera Mini must be the one I used with my Sony Ericsson s710 then, lol. Ah, the good old days of gprs.

Browser lag

I'm thinking of buying a Nexus S and my question is, did ICS finally fix the browser lag? I had the NS back when it came out and remember this issue vividly. I'm coming from a G2x.
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda premium
I know the Galaxy Nexus has zero lag (i have one)
so maybe its iCS
if not..
buy a Galaxy Nexus
Anybody else got any feedback? I'm itching to get my hands on ICS and want to make sure that HW accel in the browser is enabled in the NS before I buy it.
if you explain how lag is manifested i can test it and send report back to you.
Ive got nexus s updated via OTA to ICS
Back in last December, pages that had images were really hard to scroll through. Maybe they even fixed it with an update already, I just don't know. We had the issue open with Google but since moving to the G2x I unsubscribed from it. The browser would scroll at like 1-2fps. I just want to know if the browser is now smooth with h/w accel in ICS.
Somebody posted a vid:
Also, the comments here say performance has been improved, even though this is just the alpha that was available before and not the OTA. I think I'm going to get it. I'm tired of all the G2x issues.
well i can tell you i often open desktop version and i didnt notice any lag, except in ICS when you zoom in (using pinch) it blurs images and text (showing them using lower resolution or something, they look very ugly) and once you stop zooming it shows full resolution text/images.
Scrolling through site goes like butter, smooth.
I just tried it one more time, opened full site and also scrolled through without any glitches!
I hope this is what you want, and that i was any help for you!
Nedzadk said:
well i can tell you i often open desktop version and i didnt notice any lag, except in ICS when you zoom in (using pinch) it blurs images and text (showing them using lower resolution or something, they look very ugly) and once you stop zooming it shows full resolution text/images.
Scrolling through site goes like butter, smooth.
I just tried it one more time, opened full site and also scrolled through without any glitches!
I hope this is what you want, and that i was any help for you!
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Yes sir, that is indeed what I wanted to hear! I'll go see if the guy still has the NS for sale then.
Im glad...
although you should be aware of "android os" battery draing bug, i got it, and i read around there is lots of people complaining about it even owners of galaxy nexus. But i believe they will resolve this problems..

Survey says: Ideal ROM should have...

I noticed that it generally is a request randomly for this feature or that option, or requests within dev threads themselves or random threads entirely (off topic type 'wouldn't this be cool!')
So what would be cool?
What's on the wish list?
For me i'd love to experience two things:
USB OTG. My S3 broke it for me. Not having it at all was fine, but after integrating that function so fully into my Android life being without it is ...beyond words.
Second thing i'd like is to have the tv-out be an additional display instead of a mirrored display. Plugging into a bigger screen is absolutely awesome - but sometimes it would be nice to have the option of increasing my digital work space instead of just seeing it bigger. not exactly easy things to start us off with, but anything goes.
What do you guys want out of your ROMs?
Maybe this can help inspire devs to include popular ideas by moving the suggestions to a neutral place instead of having to search the whole doubleshot forum for random ideas. Maybe become a good place for someone to cruise by looking for something to do.
What do we like?
great idea to post this thread!
im not one in need of too much, but i do like options. i remember when ezterry came up with the yes no binary script to attach to roms/updates i was amazed we could run code during an update that takes over the screen and user input. it took like two years for someone to polish it up and make the aroma installer, now i find that to be a must in roms. being able to adjust so much prior to even installing a rom is amazing to me still.
so yeah, i look for what most else do, stable, good battery life, speed, nice camera, better than stock. so the only thing i would add to the list everyone else has is make a rom as customizable as possible!
Cm9.1 states in OP USB on the go works on experimental kernel
I would LOVE to see a rom with all of the senses. (A lot of data) or at least 3 sense versions. (Still alot) update with the other HTC sense devices. HTC one series of course, 100%. That's it. It doesn't sound like much but even regular HTC device don't have more than 1 sense version on it so. Yea. That's a request highly impossible. But u never know. We have top notch devs over here
Sent from my myTouch 4G Slide using xda premium
OTG would indeed be great.
I also like as many settings as possible--particularly colors and visual stuff. My old G1 had a CM rom that had options for every color and font used, I think, and it was great. You could change the sensitivity of the trackball and all that kind of detail stuff. That level of control is fantastic, and I'd love to have it back.
For me just additional tweaks to the sense 4 ROMs and a full fix for the wifi hotspot is very enough for me
Full backwards compatibility with all apps.
Stable overclock.
The full use of the DS camera.
Sent from Spaceball One.
A rocket pack like Sean Connery uses in Thunderball.
That and a shark with frickin' laser beams coming out of its head.
What would be truly epic is if the laser shark was flying the rocket pack.
Or maybe JB with stable fast and fully functional interface and a camera that is identical to or better than the stock ds camera.
Might have better luck asking for the flying shark..
Hastily spouted for your befuddlement
like some people said above, i feel like for a lot of people, being able to use the full power of this phone's camera is a big thing. and i guess better battery life?
I'll see your humor, and raise to an idea:
Coug76 said:
A rocket pack like Sean Connery uses in Thunderball.
That and a shark with frickin' laser beams coming out of its head.
What would be truly epic is if the laser shark was flying the rocket pack.
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There is work being done into using Android in robotics. Also, at cheap retail you can get a remote controlled helicopter with app support for flight control.
We are devs here, so having that app interaction with the remote controlled device is a springboard to what we actually need.
So the helicopter bit gives us the interaction with the device, and the flight aspect with a solid base to build on for what we need.
We can definitely get a laser from overseas that will cut things, in a portable package like a laser pointer.
I'm sure we could build something in the shape of a shark. I'm thinking we can disassemble a doubleshot and use the tv-out function to mirror the screens, then use two for the eyes. (else write a custom home screen that splits in two with a small gap between on the screen, and fit into the shark head behind where the eyes would be.)
Then the processsor and stuff would be where the brain was, and you could install the keyboard to the top or back of the head. Retain the slide mechanism, and you could have it push button slide out of the mouth or something.
So our roadblocks now:
-Shark mold. Still yet to be determined in size based on some requirements:
-Amphibious. It's a shark, right? We need to look into remote control boats and subs to see how to do this.
-Maybe mount a second laser...
Coug76 said:
... a shark with frickin' laser beams coming out of its head...
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...since it was pluralized.
-Some way of targeting the lasers. I'd like to add some manner of aiming, so it needs to be able to move the lasers without moving the machine. Maybe a combination of GPS and accelerometer combined with the camera for output to whatever controller we have so we can make a targeting mechanism.
Lots of prior art exists to make this from so it's about a done deal.
-Power. Power is going to be our biggest issue. The doubleshot is self sufficent, maybe get a couple of mugens and build a docking bay for them where you could plug in 4 or 5 that the doubleshot could use just like the one in the phone while it's on. Heck, we already disassembled it and built the parts into the beast, so this upgrade makes sense. If we can use this battery bank for the rest of the machine - lasers and the flying/swimming bit, then 4 or 5 might not be enough.
-Weight. If it's gonna fly, it's already too heavy with the doubleshot. Add batteries and it's a serious hurdle to overcome. Helicopter blades aren't gonna cut it so this:
Coug76 said:
A rocket pack like Sean Connery uses in Thunderball.
What would be truly epic is if the laser shark was flying the rocket pack.
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...translates the joke into the only logical blueprint to pull it off.
So now we are off to model rockets, and the solid fuel rocket engines. It's okay to refuel a one-burn stage of flight now because that's how that would work. We have many, many years of hobbyist activity to pull from for materials and knowledge.
We can set up a multi-stage flight mechanism and having the doubleshot in the machine allows us to control when those stages ignite, not just one setting off the next.
Hell, we may even be able to fit a rotating barrel or three of engines in the belly of the shark that will serve up stage after stage of engines to be ignited for continued flight. At this point we may very well be looking at orbital capabilities. Why not - go big, right?
Maybe a parachute would be a good thing to incorporate, and being as it's a frickin' shark, we can splash-down for landing somewhere. So play with it by a lake or something. You won't have to go get it, because it can swim, so you just pop out the propeller from the underside-rear, located internally behind the rotating top-serve engines, and drive it to where you are.
Bonus points if on a dock or boat so you don't have to beach it to get it.
(thanks for giving me an outlet for something creative to wander through while printing a ton of pictures)
+ 1 for full camera function. Also, not a huge deal at all, but the CAPS/ALT LEDs function would be nice too.
I might be alone with this one, but I remember in the G1 days, when I press the phone icon to make a call and just start typing the name of a contact, it would automatically search my contacts and start showing matching names, and I could quickly call someone. Some DS ROMs do this, some don't, but it's a cool, quick way to call someone who's not on the recently called list.
Really, I'm just listing the minor things in CM 9.1 that bug me in an otherwise perfect ROM lol
A little off topic, but since we're all speculating: being able to boot from SD card would be boss.
edit: seems this is already possible with an app
ad blocking is always nice
Sent from my ass
Although I know a couple of other things too, something I've just wished is that we could use the original DS camera in any ROM we wanted AND it would be really handy if it came with IR features for pics & video. Upgradable RAM would be a GREAT feature too.....maybe up to 2gb...if you think of just a HW feature.
Dr.Gonz0 said:
ad blocking is always nice
Sent from my ass
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Download AdFree from the Market.
WeekendsR2Short said:
Although I know a couple of other things too, something I've just wished is that we could use the original DS camera in any ROM we wanted AND it would be really handy if it came with IR features for pics & video. Upgradable RAM would be a GREAT feature too.....maybe up to 2gb...if you think of just a HW feature.
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Remember that internet tough guy who claimed he had a fully-functional AOSP ROM that used the DS camera to the full extent but wouldn't release it because no one wanted to donate to him? That post reminded me of him for some reason.
In my wishlist .... a stable cm7
Sent from my myTouch_4G_Slide using xda app-developers app
crimedave1987 said:
In my wishlist .... a stable cm7
Sent from my myTouch_4G_Slide using xda app-developers app
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Why? CM9.1 is improved in almost every way over CM7.
I am also a fan of the bluetooth controller bit. Sixaxis app and a ps3 controller - especially one without the rumble pack - is pretty handy. Remote camera shutter trigger, for one, it's not just good for games.
Also think that codec support for a variety of audio/video filetypes should be built in. Working avi support for one. I have gigs and gigs of video i've shot and converted to avi because over the years digital storage space has not been as prevalent or as cheap as it is today.
One day i'll have everything converted to .mp4, but this is years of home video we are talking about. I'd like to play it to a tv through the device without it crashing sometime in the next calendar year, which won't be happening with having to convert it all to .mp4 first.
abnormalreply said:
Also, not a huge deal at all, but the CAPS/ALT LEDs function would be nice too.
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No detail too small - and i'd hardly dismiss any part of the hardware not functioning properly as no big thing. I don't think that's being unreasonable?
Sometimes it can be a convoluted process on the dev side to get the most basic of things working right. In the context of a wish list the various little things that bug people, or that they think would be cool to have are the gems this thread is aiming to find.
I like this thread! I agree with most people's answers.
We definitely should have working TV out.
We should have our Alt and Caps light working and all other capabilities of the harware keyboard as it was THE reason I bought this over Sensation at the time of purchase
DS camera should be included or at least an equal or better replacement. Losing face detection, burst shot, panorama, and 1080P is not a step forward.
What I hear people saying is...(or maybe it's just how I feel) our phone has some really great features out of the box and it would be nice if we could take that strong base and develop it further to add more options and tweaks without having to sacrifice the best features of our ROM. Maintaining these features and bringing ICS or JB to the table would be fabulous but honestly, if we just made our own base ROM more feature rich, I could live with that....maybe dress it up with some better themes.
It's those little things missing from ROMs that make me always come back to the stock based ROMs. I just brought Netflix to a friend's house last night by hooking my phone to his TV and I caught him up on Walking Dead. I'll personally take that ability over a few points on a benchmark or something.
Trackpad wake/sleep is another for me. I LOVE that when I'm on a stock based ROM like Bulletproof and MikTouch that when I hear a notifaction sound of a text, I can comfortably hit the trackpad to wake the phone but not unlock, read the text and then put the phone back to sleep with the same button.....same thing when I want to check the time.
It's the little things...
Oh yeah that sixaxis feature that Blue6IX has been hoping for since day one does sound pretty awesome!!
Sent from my myTouch_4G_Slide using xda premium
Just hit me (my bad if anyone else mentioned this) that annoying issue with the power button where at the same time to goes to sleep and pulls up the "power menu?" Not sure if that's what its called.
Sent from my ass
Dr.Gonz0 said:
Just hit me (my bad if anyone else mentioned this) that annoying issue with the power button where at the same time to goes to sleep and pulls up the "power menu?" Not sure if that's what its called.
Sent from my ass
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I know that was an issue on the GB ROMs. Which are you running?
Sent from Spaceball One.

