Excalibur flashed to 6.1 WLAN beeps on sleep/disconnect - General Questions and Answers

So I just flashed the wife's excalibur with WM6.1, luckily she likes the upgrade, however I have an annoyance I have been unable to figure out.
Whenever the wireless lan is on and connected to my AP, the phone beeps (loudly) when it goes into sleep mode (turns off). I assume this is a notification that it has disconnected from the wireless network. How can I turn off the beep, or possibly change it to a more pleasing sound?
I looked through HKLM\Control Panel\Sounds, but didn't see an entry that made sense for WLAN disconnect.
BTW, I know how to turn off the auto-disconnect feature, its the beep I want to get rid of.


Bluetooth Problem

Hi ! I own a brand new Palm Treo 750V, unfortunately there seems to be something wrong with BT. Always when I try to activate BT it is not going to activate. Once out of 50 tries activates the BT, but will lose connection soon. Does anyone has a hint ? Would highly appreciate your comments. thanks dirk
I have the same problem when trying to connect to my Audi's build-in bluetooth phone. All my previous phones work, but the treo 750 seems to give some issues. Everytime it connects to the car for about 1-2 minutes and then it disconnects. The problem is that it wil connect and disconnect over and over and over... therefore setting off a really anoying beep. Hopefully this issue will be fixed with WM6.0
Had this too in the past. When you connect to your car just keep your screen active without keyguard activated.
Thats the way i connect to my car without any trouble.
When i connect the first time to my car and leave the car after a while and try to reconnect it again then often it doesn't connect anymore, but when the screen is active it connects all the time.
Also from time to time my bluetooth doesn't turn on ( on treo), seems like a bug and have to reset the device.

ActiveSync disconnects with calls

I noticed that if my phone is connected to ActiveSync, and i replied to a call; it gets disconnected!!!
this was not the case in TytnII...
any idea, why is this?
at my Hermes it was like that. When I pick up a phone call the data connection stops. Perhaps it has something to do with the edge service.
Try to allow data conections while connected on WDMC or ActiveSync.
it's already set to allow wireless connection...!!
i use the same settings with my TyTnII, and it works.
but still not working with the TP
When you receive a call fromt eh TP the screen will shut down which in turn will close the connection with active sync. Turn the screen back on again and you regain your connection.
or you can change settings at advanced config to always on top.

Weird Bluetooth BT problem staying connected and active syncing

When I try to connect to BT it is not a smooth connection at all. Another odd thing that happens is the device ID on my FUZE and the BT settings on my PC keep mismatching and I don't know how the hell it is happening. I.e. when i change the setting to my device ID to lets say FUZE and then put the setting of devices on my PC for BT I will put that to FUZE as well. After resets and starting over the settings hold and i will connect. However, something always screws up during the sync and then wallaaa the settings on my FUZE device information and PC are changed...
always changes to windowsmobile27 or some other number. does it all the damned time.
Anyone else getting this?
When I sync via USB all is well.

Problems with BT, AS, and WiFi while connected to 3G

I've been triying to figure this out for awhile but here's the basics of what's going on:
I have a Japanese HTC Touch Pro, (and yes EVERYTHING is in Japanese, but this doesn't really bother me.) We don't have MMS over here, so we use a constant 3G connection and mopera U to push email to the phone.
So, when i'm in my Comm Manager I have a Data connection on as well as the phone connection.
If I try to turn on my WiFi it will turn off after 3 seconds (just enables it and disables it)
If I try to use my bluetooth connection, same thing (enables BT, then turns it off again)
If I connect my phone to my PC via USB it will try to connect at first, but will suddenly disconnect after a few seconds.
Well, I figgured out that Active Sync won't allow the connection while the phone portion is turned on. Easy enough, I turn my phone into flight mode and it connects just fine and syncs. While this is a tad retarded, I will accept it.
However, In order to get bluetooth to work, i need to disable the 3G connection. Now.. here's what I don't like:
I *HAVE* to have my data connection for email/internet or anything. But, the phone will only seem to allow either the Data connection through the 3G OR bluetooth/wifi, not both.
Now, if I have BT enabled first, then try to establish the data connection I get an error telling me it cannot connect to the 3G network, same effect though, it will try.. just won't allow it.
What really makes me mad is i'm not wanting to have it networked to anything, I just wanna pair it with a headset so I can listen to the mp3 player while on the train and send out emails from my phone.
I tried calling HTC (good help that was) about it, and they suggested hard reseting the phone, soft reset, ect ect.. There's not really a problem, i'm sure there's just a setting somewhere to allow the multiple connections at one.
Does anyone know of any tricks or ANYTHING I can do so I can use my phone the way it was intended?
Did you ever find an answer to this? I am having a similar problem with my Fuze. When bluetooth is enabled, eventually the phone begins to refuse to open a data connection. :-(
No, i never found an answer. I'm not tech savvy enough to find it out.
But its REALLY annoying. I just want to use my USB headset, not connect bluetooth to any network or route messages that way.
Not sure if this is the fix to your problem, but this helped me when Wifi kept turning off, its a setting in WinMoDevCenter, it stops all data connections when connected to sync
in WinMoDevCentre go to Mobile Device settings -> Connection Settings -> Allow Data connections (last check box)
after that i was able to use wifi while plugged in just fine

Bluetooth radio won't turn on

I have an HTC Fuze with the stock AT&T firmware. When I try to turn on the Bluetooth radio in the Wireless Manager or through the Control Panel applet, the wait icon shows up for a few seconds, disappears, and the Bluetooth radio stays off. No icon shows up either. A reset makes no difference, and I've tried both with the phone plugged into a power source and running on battery. Cycling the Airplane Mode setting also makes no difference.
I've successfully used Bluetooth in the past (a few weeks ago) and have paired my headset to it before. The Wifi radio does turn on and I can also get both 3G and EDGE data connections, depending on where I am.
Any ideas?

