TV Out on the Diamond 2??????? - Touch Diamond2, Pure Themes and Apps

Just taking a peek in the registry of the Topaz, and came accross...
HKLM > Software > HTC > TV Out > FunctionEnable
Does this mean we can have the TV Out functionality at long last on the diamond??????
I don't have the cable, but will buy one dam quickly if ithis works?
And now, I've just found this...
HKLM > Drivers > BuiltIn > TVOUT
I could be wrong, but this tells me that
a) The D2 can support TV Out in some way shape size or form.
b) If it doesn't work straight out of the box, some reg tweaks and maybe a cab port from the Rhodium should sort it.

got this from HTC:
"Dear valued HTC customer, Thank you for contacting our Customer Support Center. We are dedicated to providing you with the best quality service and answering all of your questions and concerns. You recently wrote us about an issue that you have encountered with your HTC device. To clarify your issue, you stated that: "Please can you tell me if the Touch Diamond2 supports the HTC TV out cable?" The Diamond 2 does not have the TV Out capability, the ones that do are Touch Pro, Touch Pro 2, X7510 Advantage (mini laptop). If the above steps do not resolve your issue, we invite you to visit the support area on our Web site. Please go to: Or you can go to:, select your country and then click on the Support tab. You can also call our Call Center on the relevant local number from this link if you have further questions. Thank you once again for your continued patronage. Best regards, Europe customer support team HTC Corp. Global Service Division "

galvinize said:
got this from HTC:
"Dear valued HTC customer, Thank you for contacting our Customer Support Center. We are dedicated to providing you with the best quality service and answering all of your questions and concerns. You recently wrote us about an issue that you have encountered with your HTC device. To clarify your issue, you stated that: "Please can you tell me if the Touch Diamond2 supports the HTC TV out cable?" The Diamond 2 does not have the TV Out capability, the ones that do are Touch Pro, Touch Pro 2, X7510 Advantage (mini laptop). If the above steps do not resolve your issue, we invite you to visit the support area on our Web site. Please go to: Or you can go to:, select your country and then click on the Support tab. You can also call our Call Center on the relevant local number from this link if you have further questions. Thank you once again for your continued patronage. Best regards, Europe customer support team HTC Corp. Global Service Division "
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But they would say that, I'm still holding out hope.

While its essentially the same hardware in the Diamond2 and Pro2, and TV out is a function of the Qualcomm chipset, not all of the pins connecting to the chipset may be connected through to the extUSB port in the same way. Be nice if it did work but I won't be holding my breath waiting for it. The registry entries are probably leftovers from common rom development stages with the Rodium, its probably easier for HTC to initally develop one build of WM that does everything for all their current devices then switch off the bits that don't work on individual devices.

Check this out:|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A0|293%3A1|294%3A50
Don't know if it works, I see it as a potential possibility
Who want to try? I'm not interested in TV-Out so I won't

Just found another...
HKLM > Softwarre> HTC > H2W > TVOutCableIn
I think is the icon settings, but I'm not sure?

Well I'll pay a £1 to someone who tries it.... get 10 of us and we'll see if it works.

Unless you see it in your Start>Settings>System. I would think it'd be hard to enable.

On Russian site in characteristics it is written that video a cable is supported
HTC ExtUSB ™ (mini-UsB 2.0, united from audio- and TV-exit *) *it is necessary TV-cable НТС
HTC ExtUSB™ (мини-USB 2.0, объединенный с аудио- и ТВ-выходом*) * необходим ТВ-кабель НТС

Do the cables work?
Anybody know if any of the cables are working yet?

Maybe this is a matter of time like the gps on trinity...
if diamond2 and pro2 are the same about hardware chipset it should be work!

Have ordered one now, so I hope for the best and expecting the worst

... my hope is with you ;-)
tell us as soon as you can !

I got the cable from Hong Kong on saturday, and have tried to get it work, but with no success. But i still hope for the best Any ideas?

I guess not have!

Damned HTC!! I upgraded from TouchPro or is it downgraded to Diamond2. I purchased the tvout cable when I had the TouchPro. It cost me more than 100 bucks. Now I cant use it.
Dame HTC!! my next device will never be from HTC again. (Go read the Bugs List thread, go HTC go)

Description Screen21
nueTVOut allows you to force TV output to be on, and allows use of the TV Out control panel even if you do not have an original HTC Video out cable.
To use the TV Out, you’ll need the audio dongle (rectangular block) that came with the phone, as well as a camcorder/iPod video cable. Plug the camcorder/iPod video cable into the dongle, and plug the dongle into your phone. Open the control panel, enable the video output and select the correct standard (NTSC for United States/Canada), and press ok. If there is no video output, try switching the outputs until you get a signal (for me, the video was on the red right audio RCA, instead of the yellow video RCA). If you don’t get any video, most likely you have a cable for an mp3 player that has the ground connected to the wrong pin. Camcorder/iPod video cables work best.
Have you tryed switching the outputs?

Have tried to switch between the outputs, but no picture, only the sound.

With AC-T110 cable still no picture...hope someone will help

It seems, it is a similar discussion like for the D1, without successful results.


Bluetooth audiodrivers for Win CE usable
Maybe someone could ahve alook at this link/page ?
I think it might be usable for audio through Bluetooth headset from MDA/XDA II/Qtec 2020 ?
ttt, looks decent to me. I didn't try, but it looks like you might be able to register and download it if you go the the downloads section. I might try it later if I get some time.
I registered, signed an aggreement, then they want me to fax an agreement and then contact them to arrange delivery blah blah blah.
Thanks you for your interest in Atinav's aveLink Bluetooth protocol Stack
for WIN CE
Please fill out the attached License Agreement and fax back to us at +1
732.412 2145. After receiving this agreement we will contact you
regarding the delivery options of the software.
If you have any problem to view the attachment please REPLY to this
message with your FAX Number, we will FAX you the Evaluation Agreement.
Atinav Sales
Just tried to download but they want you to sign and fax back an evaluation agreement :idea:
I emailed & asked for a trial of their bluetooth audio driver for windows (for valid reasons; if I get it to work I can probably use it in a solution for my customers)
They emailed me back a login & pw. The login appears to work for downloading other versions of their s/w. You could try that approach.
Bear in mind that a) the trial I got was for 15 days only and if it's crackable then it's way beyond my abilities & b) their sales people will contact you to ask how you got on with the trial. :roll:
totallytechie said:
I emailed & asked for a trial of their bluetooth audio driver for windows (for valid reasons; if I get it to work I can probably use it in a solution for my customers)
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Let us know if it works for you. Thanks.
henrylim said:
Let us know if it works for you. Thanks.
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It didn't, but don't let that necessarily put you off. I'm using a Sony TR5MP laptop with an onboard Sony bluetooth chipset, which their stack doesn't seem to support. Note that Sony's chipset and/or drivers are notoriously a bit iffy, and wouldn't pair with anything except other Sony kit until XP SP2 came out.
What it does support (they claim) is any USB BT module. I'm currently trying to borrow a laptop from one of my colleagues, stick a USB BT adaptor in it and test out the stack.
However for "borrow" you can read "wrench from the lifeless hands of", so it might take a little while.

HTC Europe Support

I'm trying to make HTC realize they have a bug in their Touch Keyboard/XT9 but they're driving me around the bend.
1st report I made never got further than auto-generated receipt mails and then it just died - radio silence.
2nd report I made has now gone to the "beating around the bush" state; where they either try to stall it or send me info of how to almost "work around" that I have mailed them myself in the original report. They have not yet acknowledged that there's an error.
I'm wondering if anybody has any experience with the HTC Support?
Is this the normal behaviour? Has anyone gotten something out of reporting an error to them?
Just trying to figure out if I may expect something to come out of it.
That is standard behaviour for ANY IT support, of any kind
Please, IT support people, don't take offense - of course there are always exceptions and after all, my own company is in this business too The point I'm making is that this kind of evasive non-support is fast becoming the rule rather than the exception. Too bad for us, the losers, I mean the users.
As an indendent software developer (for 17 years) I can only imagine how fast I'd be out of business if I responded in this way to my customers!!
... but then, of course, I don't have places like xda-developers to "do my support for me". HTC should send kisses and "device of your pick" to these people who are so enthusiastic and helpful, cause if we imagine that HTC was the only place to go, I think people would get tired with their service pretty fast.
Besides, there are a lot of IT related companies that offer much better respons - even Microsoft is better! TomTom is better, the developers of various freeware ppc-apps are better, Oracle is better.... I could go on.
Think of it this way: In Denmark a Cruise is 4400 DKR (~ 880 USD or 587 EUR) without TomTom or anything - just out-of-the-box. I think that's quite a bit, so you don't expect to be left on "your own" if you find errors in it.
To type one Danish letter (one out three Danish letters doesn't work right because of the Touch Keyboard XT9) you need 8 tappings if you want to use word completion and the on-screen keyboard:
1. select the Touch Keyboard,
2. disable XT9,
3. return to the on-screen keyboard,
4. type the letter,
5. select the Touch Keyboard,
6+7. enable XT9 (needs 2 tappings),
8. return to the on-screen keyboard,
...continue typing until you need to type the next not-working-letter.
Google for this letter and you get 94.100.000 hits. Not entirely irrelevant and I call it an error.
Another experience with HTC Support
I was asking HTC which files to use on the HTC Application CD delivered with the phone. There are two files seemingly related to backup: P3650_BackupTool_5.1.0.b1450_HTC_WWE_20071102.exe and SpriteBackupEnglishPersonalSetup.exe file.
It doesn't say in the manual which one, but just: "Insert the Application Disc on your computer's CD or DVD drive and install Sprite Backup to your device".
The answer from HTC is, quote: "Many tanks for contact us. To respond about your query, I am so sorry but we do not support this informations, you have to ask at the official web site of sprite backup"
I wonder how much Sprite knows about the HTC Cd....
I have never during 25 years in software business encountered such bad support from any company! I'm beginning to doubt if the people who receive support mails understand much English.

Pocket Controller Pro 6.01

Anyone use this software with the touch cruise?
I have been an avid user of this software for a long time now, and it just seems soooooo slow on the cruise.
I was previously using it with an HTC Apache and it seemed much more responsive...
Anyone else have similar issue?
Update: I enabled turbo mode and edited some other settings and enabled data compression and it seems to improve the functionality.
Hope this helps someone else
I've been using 6.01 build 1256 on my Kaiser and now for some weeks on my TC and it's performing the same, fast and good.
No problems at all here.
I'm using it with an Orbit 2 and it seems fine to me, just like the Orbit, TytN and Tytn 2 I've used it with. The only niggle is that I use it to type out SMS messages when I'm at a PC but the word suggestion feature on the Orbit 2 (which seems to be a replacement for the usual Windows Mobile one), gets in the way a bit so that I have to type s-l-o-w-l-y or it drops characters. I'd love to know how to switch the Orbit 2 back to using the normal word suggestion thing.
Pocket controller
Use this programme and Shall I again this problem - I can't draw down skin HTC Touch Cruise .
You can me him send ?
[email protected]
The skin for the Touch Cruise?
It won't let me download it have to have a "registered version" of the program and have a valid lisence to download skins for the updated's not a big deal though, I just use the default skin, it looks fine.
surgex0 said:
The skin for the Touch Cruise?
It won't let me download it have to have a "registered version" of the program and have a valid lisence to download skins for the updated's not a big deal though, I just use the default skin, it looks fine.
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I've registered it so I've got the skin, but TBH I always use it with the skin feature turned off anyway, it's too much window around the screen. The phone is usually close enough to hand to press the physical buttons if I need to.
I have got skin on all possible to phones but Cruise far from it nor and registered PCP Shall I
Can you please help me with Pocket Controller.
I just installed it to both Pc (and when connected the cruise with USB active sync) , to the device. I can not connect to the TC.
When I press Connect it tries to oconnect:
Please Wait...
connecting using LAN/WAN...
connecting to
establishing connection...
But nothing happens. not connection at all
There are other alternatives like EveryWAN RemoteSupport
Do you think that a free tool limited to cable/USB remote control of a PDA would be useful ?
e.g.: the product referenced here: EveryWAN RemoteSupport, is capable of much more, but I could decide to make a free version to help developer community.
The product which is designed to work over cellular networks and wifi would be restricted to cable/USB connection and totally free of charge or time-bomb.
PS: I am part of the company making the product ... which is a companion to our flagship Mobile Device Management and security product called EveryWAN MobilityManager
andyturner said:
I've registered it so I've got the skin, but TBH I always use it with the skin feature turned off anyway, it's too much window around the screen. The phone is usually close enough to hand to press the physical buttons if I need to.
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Can you please send us the HTC Touch Cruise skin?
hasta_la_vista said:
Do you think that a free tool limited to cable/USB remote control of a PDA would be useful ?
e.g.: the product referenced here: EveryWAN RemoteSupport, is capable of much more, but I could decide to make a free version to help developer community.
The product which is designed to work over cellular networks and wifi would be restricted to cable/USB connection and totally free of charge or time-bomb.
PS: I am part of the company making the product ... which is a companion to our flagship Mobile Device Management and security product called EveryWAN MobilityManager
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Doesn't go draw down nor after clerkish needed data
athanaso77 said:
Can you please send us the HTC Touch Cruise skin?
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Not to be a stickler, but I don't think uploading the skin onto here would be a good idea, since you can only get it if you have the registered version of the program.
EveryWan looks like the Enterprise version of pocket controller..
It looks very interesting, and I'm glad to see that there are people making amazing software like that for free.
Personally, I do not need all of the extra features which is why I'll stick with PCPro, and also the reason why I didn't download the enterprise version.

[TUT] VDA GPS aka Toshiba G710

This device, the VDA GPS, can be purchased new for around 100 Euro at the German eBay.
It will be without any SIM-Lock.
I have bought one, to add to my collection, but I am still waiting for it.
Anyway, I like to stay ahead of things and already I am searching for information.
1. Customisation
How bad is the Vodafone customisation? I read missleading statements on different forums, i.e. the whole menu-structure being different than what Windows Mobile normally offers.
Can that be surpressed by a Soft-Reset after an Hard-Reset?
Can one remove customisation afterwards?
2. GPS
Seems that some claim it runs TomTom, Route66, Google Maps, ..., while others seem to have problem detecting the GPS device at all.
3. Firmware
I have not found any firmware update for this device, not even WM6. Because older posts reference this device with WM5, I assumed that there must be an upgrade to WM6 somewhere...
This would be interesting to revert from a Germanized and customized VDA GPS ROM to a standard G710 ROM.
4. Hack
Question to the Pro's: is the installer to bypass the CountryID-check for i.e. the Universal compatible with this device, if one changes the firmware files in the folder?
Any knowledge on other hacks for this device?
Hopefully, one can get something usefull of this "el cheapo" device. Yes I know, the battery does provide that much of an autonomy, it has only 2.5G and no WLAN. But hey - what do you expect from a 100 Euro phone? Normally you do not expect: WM6, 320x200 screen, full keyboard, GPS...
Found some stuff (and still waiting for the device to arrive):
- SDHC support: search for SDHV_V2.RAR or SDHC.777.CAB. This seems to allow the use of any SDHC card on the G710/VDA GPS
- GPS: use COM3: with 9600 baud. Seems that Garmin XT Mobile, Route 66 v7 or v8 do work. There is a guy seeling a bundle of the VDA GPS and TomTom 5, so I guess it will be v5.20. Others complain that neither TomTom 5,6 or 7 works. needs to be confirmed. Google Maps seems to work for some.
- Reset / Hardreset: there is no button for that. Reset by taking out battery, Hardreset by accesing menu item in settings... Not a good choice in my opinion.
Phone arrived like new.
Here the first things:
- GPS works with COM3 / 9600 baud
- Google Maps works
- TomTom 5.20 crashes the phone
- Route 66 (older release) does not work properly
- Vodafone Navigator works
- English can be selected (requires reboot, other supported languages: German, French and Turkish)
Overall I liked the first impression.
Not bad for 100 Euro.
I'll keep you updated - but some feedback would be appreciated!
- Route 66 v7 works great
- TomTom v5.2 will not work: black screen, one has to reboot phone
- TomTom v6.x and v7works but requires touch screen, so one can't insert address
I'm still happy with the device and yes, it is a bargain. I see not real advantages over Q7 or other phones with the same form factor which cost 2x-4x more money and often don't have built in GPS.
The phone is manufactured by a chinese company called AMOI ( It is model 6711.
vma said:
Phone arrived like new.
I'll keep you updated - but some feedback would be appreciated!
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Thanks for posting this info, makes interesting reading, as I'm actually looking for a dirt cheap, qwertybar, GPS enabled WM standard device.
How bad is the Vodafone branding?
Was it SIM locked?
Is it as sluggish as the reviews suggest?
How is the battery life & phone reception?
Do any of the vendors on ship to the UK?
"How bad is the Vodafone branding?"
It says vodafone on the phone under the screen, so you cannot remove it. It does not annoy me, though I am using a different operator. I compared it with a real life Toshiba version and it looks as good (the colours of the keys are different on the Toshiba version and it says Toshiba instead of Vodafone).
On the software side, it will boot after a hardreset into German language and with the Vodafone skin. You can revert to the default WM6 skin and choose the language between English, German, French and Turkish.
The annoying customization is with some few icons, which have been replaced by Vodafone ones, like the Explorer icon. Nothing dramatic, but a little weird. That is supposed to make life easier for existing customers, who are already used to those icons... What a stupid idea, I say, in case the decision makers are reading this.
"Was it SIM locked?"
No. It did not have any lock what so ever.
I wonder if those phones where distributed by Vodafone unlocked and I actually tend to believe that, because:
1) I have found no reference what so ever about unlocking this phone.
2) There are so many of them being sold, all of them unlocked, even the ones being sold by private sellers, whom I cannot imagine to have found an unlocker that I did not find.
Anyway, to make sure, search for the words "ohne SIM-Lock".
"Is it as sluggish as the reviews suggest?"
It is the fanciest phone I own now and I have Nokia nGage, Nokia Communicator 9210i, Qtek 9090, 2x Universal, HP iPaq 514...
Even my wife liked it (must be the first time) and the finishing of it is quite good. It looks much more expensive than it actually is.
The bad side of it: the screen is always with grease spots from fingers or the ear, much like the iPhone...
Regarding the software, I have not many complaints. I dont think it is sluggish. It runs Route 66 acceptably well and TCPMP runs the same episodes properly, which I already watched on my Universal.
So overall, I have no issues with speed, BUT I do not intend to run software on it like I do on my Universal. Of course there is a difference between 260MHz and 520MHz... The Universal has twice the speed!
But the phone does not feel more sluggish than the other smartphones I have. Beware this is a subjective opinion...
"How is the battery life & phone reception?"
Battery life is OK for me, as I let my phone charge over night. I simply cannot risk going out in the morning with battery at 50%, as I might have a bad day with lots of customers calling.
Still, I think the battery is pretty good. It has 1100Ah. And it seems to charge very fast. I imagine the battery should manage two days of normal use.
"Do any of the vendors on ship to the UK?"
I live in Portugal and still got mine... Yes most will ship within Europe, but you should clarify this BEFORE.
However, bear in mind that you may have increased costs regarding money transfer. Within EU, all countries using the Euro can make transfers at low charges (i.e. I pay 1 Euro). I don't know how expensive it will be from the UK.
"I'm actually looking for a dirt cheap, qwertybar, GPS enabled WM standard device"
Well, I was looking for a cheap GPS enabled WM mobile phone, that would allow for easy chatting and mailing.
My HP iPaq 514 is a great device and was very cheap (new in a shop with 2 years warranty 129 Euro... no GPS but with WLAN). I have an external Bluetooth GPS device, but it was the lack of a keyboard that I did not like. Being always online, thanks to a flat rate, is inviting me to write text. Forget T9 for that... Plus, I don't care for WLAN anymore.
The Universal is of course the best phone and can be bought at good prices on eBay, but not always do I want to walk around with a brick.
So this phone does:
- look pretty good
- is slim and small
- has built in GPS
- has a usable keyboard
- is cheap
- no WLAN (don't need it anyway thanks to the flatrate)
- QWERTZ keyboard (not QWERTY!!!): basically the Y and the Z keys are exchanged, one gets used to it pretty fast
- not the fastest CPU, but that does not matter much, because:
- WM6 Smartphone Edition has no touch screen functionality (logical) and because of that, won't run most programs designed for WM6
- many programs for WM6 Smartphone Edition have been designed for mobiles with the smaller screen resultions (276x200 (not sure if that is right) instead of 320x200) and won't run, either
So the last two points mean you won't have that many programs and games. Still I found all I need.
Hope this helps.
I got a G710 from my job and I found that the GPS was a little difficult to work. But I also found a small utility from Microsoft that helped a lot: "GPSID Settings".
This tool is easyly found on any freeware site, so I think it won't be a problem if i join it here, and allows to fine-tune on which port the GPS will be found.
Hope it helps.
Anolnx said:
I got a G710 from my job and I found that the GPS was a little difficult to work. But I also found a small utility from Microsoft that helped a lot: "GPSID Settings".
This tool is easyly found on any freeware site, so I think it won't be a problem if i join it here, and allows to fine-tune on which port the GPS will be found.
Hope it helps.
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Best thanks, but which parameters are right for gps?
program port: ? (com3)
hardware port: ? (com3)
hardware baud rate: 9600
Thanks for answer
I have been using this device almost every day and I love it.
It is an excellent purchase for the money!
Regarding GPS: I have Route66 and Google Maps running without issues.
Just assign COM3 and 9600 Baud. No tools are needed. These tools are for devices where GPS has to be turned on first. No need to use it on this phone.
Beware that getting a link can take up to 5 minutes! And I am speaking of real 5 minutes... Plus you need a good sight to the sky. For your first trials, just turn on Google Maps activate the GPS, set it to COM3 and 9600 baud and leave the device outside for a few minutes (take care it is not stolen).
Regarding GPS: I have Route66 and Google Maps running without issues.
Google Maps runs, but it is not so good for navigation.
Which version do you use for Route66? I can't find a version for windows mobile, only versions for Symbian.
Can you send me your version number or a link?
Many Thanks
I learned that some of you have updated to WM 6.1 already.
From where to get the firmware update? Any link or download file is appreciated...
I have never seen any WM6.1 upgrade for this device.
And by the way: it is not polite to ask the same question in all threads...
Toshiba are notorious for not supplying firmware upgrades. They buy cheap crap from cheap ODMs like Techfaith and Amoi and support is non existant. Ask anyone who has a G900 or G910.
Sorry, for having posted in several threads. I should learn the board structure first
Somewhere in the VDA GPS threads I saw a vodafone accouncement, which read like there will be an update to WM 6.1 via vodafone available soon.
Also, there is somebody who claimed having the update already on the device. That's the reason for all my questions. If there really exist an update to WM 6.1, I would like to try it out, as well.
Regarding the simlock: yes it can be simlocked, at last the G710 version. The one I got is simlocked to Orange and refuses any other sims.
Well, if anybody knows how to make it free...
Anolnx said:
Well, if anybody knows how to make it free...
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It only can bee unlocked by the operator by payment of an unlocking fee or by a firmware update with unlocked firmware, which currently is nonexistent but planned by vodafone for instance. The vodafone ROM is unlocked.
tuo_kaerf said:
It only can bee unlocked by the operator by payment of an unlocking fee or by a firmware update with unlocked firmware, which currently is nonexistent but planned by vodafone for instance. The vodafone ROM is unlocked.
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In France the law makes mandatory for an operator to unlock a phone for free after 6 mounth of ownership. But I'm not that patient.
Too bad, seems I have to be patient...
vma said:
- GPS works with COM3 / 9600 baud
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I have tried with Google Maps and Windows Live but none seem to be not working.
Do you have GPSID.dll in Windows? I guess it is MS driver for GPS.
I love this phone, but this missing GPS is driving me crazy
slolam said:
I have tried with Google Maps and Windows Live but none seem to be not working.
Do you have GPSID.dll in Windows? I guess it is MS driver for GPS.
I love this phone, but this missing GPS is driving me crazy
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The Phone's GPS is handled by the OS, as far as I learned. It should work instantly when an application requests positioning.
In Google Maps you should enable the GPS feature first and do proper setting of port and speed manually. This is COM PORT 3 @ 9600 baud.
It works after a few seconds under goog conditions...
Thanks for your response.
I have done the required settings
COM3 & 9600 baud but google maps says "Seeking GPS Satellites (0)..." and nothing happens :-(
I understand that GPS requires GPSID.dll in the windows directory which is missing in my device. if you have the dll in your windows directory then that means this is the culprit.
If you have it can you please send it to me.
Thanks in advance

HTC Helpdesk and GPS Issues

After a weekend in an unfamiliar city trying to navigate using my Touch Pro and CoPilot Live for HTC Diamond edition, and with the device failing to update the route or updating the route 30 seconds after passing a junction rendering it completely unusable I decided to go the official HTC route.
Monday was an email from the HTC site.
I had two responses, one telling me that my English email query was in a foreign language and technical queries could only be submitted in English . . .
The second providing me with a link to the HTC Contact numbers page from their website telling me to call in as the problem requires further diagnoses.
Without boring you with a very long story and 3 days making various phone calls to HTC, the outcome is pretty much as follows;
- There are no known issues with the Touch Pro GPS within the HTC Wiki, FAQ or Knowledgebase tool used by the Helpdesk.
- I had 3 different suggestions on setting up the GPS manually - using different COM ports and baud rates.
- I was told that CoPilot Live for HTC Diamond won't work on a Touch Pro
- I was advised to setup the GPS using Tom Tom 7, and then use the satnav software of my choice.
- I could if I wanted to, update the ROM with an official HTC ROM update released recently for Dutch Voda and T-Mob customers. This apparently fixes poor signal on the radio of these devices but does not impact the GPS functionality.
So the upshot is, I appear to be stuck ! I cannot purchase an official copy of TT7 as my device wasn't shipped with the TT7 "trial version". I have already tried using a TT7 cab file from this forum but it would not allow me to connect to TT Home and download offically purchased version 7 maps (I got a refund from TT), so I purchased CoPilot Live for HTC Diamond.
It has worked once successfully two months ago, but I have experienced issues ever since. No additional software or changes have been made on the device during this time.
Not quite sure what to do next really. . . . .

