Have down graded to RC7 successfully
but cannot run telnetd
have restarted G1 and pressed enter key twice typed telnetd and pressed enter but it does not run a contact search !?
sorted needed to unmount sd card before running commands in telnet
I have searched and searched the site for this issue but was unable to find anything about my issue and here it is..........I have followed every step by step guide to the T about downgrading to RC29 which I have done successfully but when i try to update to the RC 30 JFv1.41 I am unable to do it I boot my phone using home+power and it takes me to the screen where I do
1. Power off your phone.
2. Start up in recovery mode by holding home and pressing power.
3. You will now enter recovery mode. You should see an exclamation.
4. If you do not see a menu on screen, press Alt-L to show the menu.
5. Press Alt-S to apply the update from the SD card.
6. After the update is complete, hold Home and press Back to restart.
But there are no changes to my phone i dunno if this is supposed to change but when I go to about it has the same RC29 on there.....also in the terminal emulator when I do su I always get "permission denied"
did you do the part where you go to your home screen and type 'telnetd' and then open the terminal and telnet to localhost?
Yes I did and that went through successfully as well
Did you update your recovery.img again?
No I didn't I will try that and see if that works
Ok so I downgraded from rc30 to rc29, downloaded the necessary recovery.img, and jfv.1.42_rc33. I got root using telnet after typing enter "telnetd" enter. I also downloaded busybox from my phones browser.But now why do I get " cannot access files from directory/no such directory" message when I enter in "dd if=/sdcard/download/busybox.asc of=/system/bin/busybox"?
I'm suppose to enter this into telnet correct? Or is it through my computers command line?
Am I suppose to have the usb mounted or unplugged when I type this in?
Can someone please walk me thru the android wiki for rooting and keeping root from: android-dls.com/wiki/index.php?title=keeping_root
ps: if i.m. is easier let me know. please help!
you don't need to install busybox if you don't want to(it comes installed for later use in the jf builds you are going to install later). You can just download a terminal program and run the commands that contain the flash_image for the recovery.img. Then once that is done you will have moved the recovery.img to the /system folder and then you have the jf file renamed to update.zip on your fat32 formatted sd card. Once you do that you will then reboot holding home and power. A screen should come up prompting you to hit alt+s to update your system. WAIT for it to finish before you press home and back key to exit.
I think that's it... I suggest rereading the wiki a few times to get familiar but also reading the sticky posts that have this same info as they have the same steps and make it just as easy as the wiki.
Easier Tutorial
There is a real easy tutorial over at our site AllShadow.com that explains everything step by step. No need to run the telnet anything. Just go here: http://www.allshadow.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=5052 Those are the steps I followed to get root and Ive done it several times with no problem
Hi all,
I'm trying hard to bypass the 'no sim card' locked screen that I am currently getting on my G1 Android Dev Phone 1 RC29 that I recently installed DREAIMG.nbh on. Ideally, I would like to run the android scripting environment on my phone with wireless access.
So far, my primary document that I've used to consult this matter has been this one from JesusFreke: forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=452316.
The first thing the document suggests is, "to connect to your phone with adb shell and get root access, and then type the following command:
sqlite3 /data/data/com.android.providers.settings/databases/settings.db "INSERT INTO system (name, value) VALUES ('device_provisioned', 1);"
When I run this command, I get a 'sqlite3: permission denied' error (see below).
I recognize now that the assumption with this command is that your phone is running on RC30, as the article notes. Mine is running on RC29. In order to make this command functional, it appears as though I need to ADB push the busybox binary.
As you can see in the image above, I was able to successfully adb push the busybox binary to the /data/local of the G1.
Furthermore, I ran the wireless command in step two of the above tutorial just to see what would happen and I get this message:
With all of this being said, however, I still can't seem to bypass my original screen that says 'No Sim Card'
If someone out there knows that is going on that I should change, please let me know, because I am really running into a dead end here.
Thank you very much!
I don't remember if RC29 has this, but in the initial setup wizard you should be able to press the menu key and access a wireless setup utility to connect to wifi.
Also, after you wipe and flash (or turn the phone on the first time), and if you get the "touch the android to begin" screen you can touch each of the 4 corners of the black background in a clockwise pattern starting in the upper left to go to the home screen.
That sqlite3 command needs to be run in a root shell. Make sure you're root. The $ prompt is the regular phone user. The root prompt will be # instead. Try running "su" after connecting with "adb shell" to become root. Is the rom you're using rooted?
i have the root files on my sd card
i have visionary r11 and r14
i have terminal emulator
these are the steps i used
open visionary, check "Set system r/w after root" on
run temproot
open terminal and entered
su - got super user
cd / sdcard/root
sh root.sh
wait til its done and tells me to turn off phone.
holding volume down+power to get into the hboot.. it still says s-on... ive done this many times... still not working..
i dont have root manager, so it seems i cant use the other methods like gfree
anyone knows/sees what im doing wrong?
Here are the steps I used (MyTouch 4g with bootloader version 0.86.0000)
1. Turn USB Debugging mode ON, turn Fastboot OFF (settings-> applications -> development)
2. Install & open Visionary r14, check "set system r/w"
3. Click "temproot now", wait for it to do its thing.
4. Make sure the temproot was successful (download root explorer or something that requires root privileges and make sure it pops up saying "such and such was granted superuser permission")
5. Get Android SDK for your PC, install all the add-ons.
6. Connect phone to PC, making sure debugging mode is still enabled (you don't have to switch it to Disk Drive mode, just connect)
7. Allow ALL drivers to install (in Windows, it'll pop up saying "Device is ready to use" when it's done)
8. Get gfree, put it in the root directory of your phone's SD card (switch Disk Drive mode on temporarily for this, obviously).
9. On your PC, navigate to the folder where Android SDK is (in Windows, it's C:/Program Files/Android/android-sdk)
10. Hold down Shift, right-click the folder called "platform-tools", click "Open command window here"
11. In command window, type "adb devices" to make sure everything's working fine so far. If so, you'll see your device listed.
12. Still in the command window, type "adb push gfree /data/local"
13. Back on the phone, install terminal emulator
14. In terminal emulator, type "su" and hit enter
15. After it says "Terminal Emulator has been granted superuser permissions", type the following: "cd /data/local" and hit enter
16. Type "chmod 777 gfree" and hit enter
17. Type "./gfree -f" and hit enter - It'll runs something and immediately reboot here. Now you can check your hboot and you should have S-Off
18. Once the phone boots back up, run Visionary again to get temproot.
19. Now that you have root privileges, run Visionary yet again, but click "Attempt Permroot Now"
20. Let Visionary do its thing and you should be permrooted with S-Off!
AWESOME thanx..
i did this and the first time it worked.. i avoided this before coz it took soo long to download all the drivers... i just let it download overnight..
now have perma root and the engineering bootloader.. haha...
Root Files
what root files did you use and where did you get them?? sorry im really new to the phone modding
Recently I've got a cheap Motorola Backflip for Telus, then I start exploring and find a solution to upgrade to 2.3.7. I've spent 2 whole days facing the computer but eventually got the solution.
I don't know is there anyone still using this ancient phone but I wish this thread can help the one who needs this and also update some of the out-dated processes.
Origin: Android 1.5
Let's start:
(The following are tested on a telus backflip)
First Root
1) Go setting>Application> Development>USB debugging. check the debugging box
Put a at least 1GB memory card in your phone
2)Connect your phone to computer. USB connecting type: "charge only"
3)Download pdanet so that they can install the driver you need, run it after you downloaded it with your phone connected to the computer
4)Download adb and extract all the files to the root of (C: )
5)Download the rageagainstthecage file, create a file called "Moto_MSM_Root" in (C: ), then extract all the files into "Moto_MSM_Root" in (C: )
6)Download “Terminal Emulator” and "Rootchecker" and put them in the root of (C: )
7)Computer: Enter (C: )drive and then hold "shift" on your keyboard and right click, choose to open the command prompt
8a)Verify the connection by typing the following code, if it shows your devices serial and "device" side by side, you are good to go
adb devices
8b)start rooting
adb install RootCheckPro.apk
adb install Android_Terminal_Emulator_v1.0.32.apk
adb push c:\Moto_MSM_Root\Superuser.apk /sdcard/Superuser.apk
adb push c:\Moto_MSM_Root\su /sdcard/su
adb push c:\Moto_MSM_Root\rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin /data/local/tmp/rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin
adb push c:\Moto_MSM_Root\install-root.sh /data/local/tmp/install-root.sh
adb shell
cd /data/local/tmp
chmod 0755 rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin
chmod 0755 install-root.sh
Keep your phone connecting to the computer
9)Backflip: open the terminal emulator in your Backflip
10)type the following in the terminal emulator on Backflip
cd /data/local/tmp
11)Wait for a while until you see this message
[+] Forked xxxx childs.
12)Close the " terminal emulator"
13)Open " terminal emulator" and type the following (!My " terminal emulator" failed to open after closing it, so I force close it by this method: Setting>Application>Manage Applications>terminal emulator>Force close! Open terminal emulator again and type the code):
14)If the script doesn't show nothing, then your backflip is rooted!
15)Open "RootChecker" in your phone to verify "root"
Second Flashing ROM (CM7.2)
1)Download the ROM and other things we needed to run CM7 perfectly, DO NOT extract them, put them in (C: )Drive
CM7.2: http://get.cm/get/jenkins/2849/cm-7.2.0-motus.zip
(For non-AT&T Backflip ONLY) : signed-IT_radio.zip:http://www.mediafire.com/?pco663926xf2ccm
2)Download recovery.img and EXTRACT it to (C: )drive
3)Computer: Enter (C: )drive and then hold "shift" on your keyboard and right click, choose to open the command prompt
4) Verify your device first ,if it shows your devices serial and "device"side by side, you are good to go
adb start-server
adb devices
5)Plug in your phone via USB and in "charge only" mode, check usb debugging
6)Code in the command prompt
adb push c:\cm-7.2.0-motus.zip /sdcard/cm-7.2.0-motus.zip
adb push c:\gapps-gb-20110828-signed.zip /sdcard/gapps-gb-20110828-signed.zip
adb push c:\signed-IT_radio.zip /sdcard/signed-IT_radio.zip
adb push c:\recovery.img /sdcard/recovery.img
adb shell
flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery.img
7) Reboot the phone in recovery mode. First, power off the phone>hold camera button –> Press power button while keep holding the camera button> hold until your see the screen with green letter. Then, press volume down key immediately. Don't concern what it says in this stage.
8)You should have enter the recovery mode with a green Android background
9)Use Volume Keys to navigate, home button for enter and Back button for back.
10)Select Wipe>wipe all and then confirmed by clicking the home button
10.1) (For non-AT&T Backflip ONLY) Click back and then select “Flash zip from SD”, select "signed-IT_radio.zip" and hit home button twice
After finish flashing this, reboot the phone to recovery.
11) Back to the main menu, select “Flash zip from SD”, then select "cm-7.2.0-motus.zip" hit home button twice
After finish flashing this, click back once
12)select "gapps-gb-20110828-signed.zip" and hit home button twice
13) select "Reboot system now"
14) It would take about 15-20 mins for the first boot-up
15) Done and Enjoying using CM7.2 Android 2.3.7
ATTENTION: I won't be held accountable for any damage to your phone, you take your own risk.
All the resources in the guide are from different website and developer, all the effort belongs to them. Please visit their own website/forum and support them.
ATTENTION: After flashed to Italian radiio, I can't detect telus network on my phone but it becomes usable for Rogers/Bell/Virgin/chatr/
Take your own risk
ADB http://www.mediafire.com/?occn7zlez9qkk2x
dead link
unable to dwnld gapps-gb-20110828-signed.zip
link seems to b dead
need an alternate link..
pls help !
edit : found it here
goo.im/gapps/gapps-gb-20110828-signed.zip add http @ beginning..!
Root is done and i can't access to write recovery
i download SuperOneClickv1.6.5-ShortFuse and do root then i open super user
then i do restart to phone and write
flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery.img
Lot Of time
recovery is done write :good:
Your Post Helpful Bro
Br Ahmed Zitoon
---------- Post added at 07:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:53 PM ----------
And This is Perfectly Work