How to open agps on x7510 - Advantage X7510 General

Do we have the advance config as daimond to open agps on x7510?

Does it need aGPS?
It has full GPS.

ponder said:
does it need agps?
It has full gps.
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it could make your device to get the satelite faster
as my diamond

The X7510 is definitely compatible with HTC QuickGPS as it is in some of the cooked ROMs.
Whether it would make much difference is a moot point!
I find I get a 3D lock in about 2 minutes if stationary, but it can be 10-12 minutes if actually moving. QuickGPS would not alter the lock time when mobile, as this is dependent on current signal strength, rather than the Ephemeris data. When static, QGPS may give you a few seconds advantage.
There are a number of 'definitions' of AGPS however, and no true right or wrong answer. The full implementation of A-GPS uses the GPS satellite receiver, in conjunction with a chipset feature AND mobile operator compliance to operate fully. This uses your location as sensed by your cell connection to boost the local GPS signal and supplant it if needed with a sort of triangulation algorithm to give your rough location, leaving the GPS receiver less work to do.
The original iPhone used the cell triangulation method in the absence of a true GPS receiver, and some people refer to this as A-GPS.
QuickGPS is an in-between- it simply populates the receiver's cache with Emphemeris data based on your gross location (Northern/Southern hemisphere and East/West).
Some configuration programs (eg Schaps Advanced Config) have an 'A-GPS' enable/disable setting. This should only be used in cases where the cell tower is sending GPS data. This does not currently happen at all in UK, though O2 are dabbling with it. Users who have this enabled without the supporting infrastructure are finding that their GPS signals are very unreliable, especially with TomTom. The GPS loses connection every few seconds then remakes it.
Confused? So am I

NeilM said:
The X7510 is definitely compatible with HTC QuickGPS as it is in some of the cooked ROMs.
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I bought my x7510 in Kuwait and we get all our HTC devices straight from HTC with their default loads. The reason I say this is to tell you that HTC includes QuickGPS in the x7510 from the factory.
Whether it would make much difference is a moot point!
I find I get a 3D lock in about 2 minutes if stationary, but it can be 10-12 minutes if actually moving. QuickGPS would not alter the lock time when mobile, as this is dependent on current signal strength, rather than the Ephemeris data. When static, QGPS may give you a few seconds advantage.
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When stationary I have never waited more than about 45 seconds unless I am inside and have no view of the sky. When mobile I have never had to wait more than 1 - 2 minutes. Sorry to hear of your reduced performance of the GPS. I actually find it to be really fast and accurate. I wish it polled more than once per second, but I can live with that.

Kasush said:
I bought my x7510 in Kuwait and we get all our HTC devices straight from HTC with their default loads. The reason I say this is to tell you that HTC includes QuickGPS in the x7510 from the factory.
When stationary I have never waited more than about 45 seconds unless I am inside and have no view of the sky. When mobile I have never had to wait more than 1 - 2 minutes. Sorry to hear of your reduced performance of the GPS. I actually find it to be really fast and accurate. I wish it polled more than once per second, but I can live with that.
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i always use the GPS fuction in my car,the glass is covered by the window film,the brand name is 3M made by Japan.
it maybe block the GPS signal...
if i used the GPS outdoor,it is normal as my other phone -diamond

Is it a heated front windscreen?
My last car had one and it's like a brick wall to GPS. I had to get a repeater to get it working.

ponder said:
is it a heated front windscreen?
My last car had one and it's like a brick wall to gps. I had to get a repeater to get it working.
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me too.
Now,i spent 30 seconds to get the gps signal outside,then get in the car


GPS receiver upgrade or to buy Tytn II

Dear All,
before to buy a Tytn II, I'd like to understand if the GPS comes upgraded by the future's ROMs (I think yes) or is necessary a future hardware change ???
I have a Tytn with the GPS Fortuna ClipOn BT, and I don't know is better to change the GPS receiver or buy the new one with GPS included.
Thanks a lot
Ciao ...
ritmia said:
Dear All,
before to buy a Tytn II, I'd like to understand if the GPS comes upgraded by the future's ROMs (I think yes) or is necessary a future hardware change ???
I have a Tytn with the GPS Fortuna ClipOn BT, and I don't know is better to change the GPS receiver or buy the new one with GPS included.
Thanks a lot
Ciao ...
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Buy the new phone - its worth it. The GPS works fine & the phone has a lot more oomph (CPU memory etc)
Seconded, get the Kaiser and off load your BT gps. My Wizard is now relegated to my wifes car with my old BT gps and that is her SatNav solution. I am well happy just having the Kaiser as the gps works as well if not better, and I only have to carry one device around.
Had a bluetooth GPS unit connected to my AXIM as my GPS system before I bought this phone.
My AXIM crashed, battery died flat dead, so I had to use my phone as backup. Used the built-in GPS with TOMTOM on my Kaiser and it was AWESOME- worked perfectly!
Get this phone you won't need anything to supplement it what-so-ever...
No. The Kaiser built-in GPS chipset can't compare to BT-359 SIRF III. It sees less Satellite; also, many of them are invalid signal, that means these satellites were grey. With the ones are blue, the signal keeps going up and down. Sometimes, for somewhat reasons, Kaiser loose the GPS fix (you see the map turn around) even in the clear view sky, then you loose your current position.
If you're driving in the crowed sky area (e.g NYC), stick with bluetooth GPS SIRF III chipset receiver.
Read more here: I had used the BT-338 then upgraded to BT -359 which is slimmer, sleeker but lack of external antenna connector and less of batt. time life.
i have tomtom - works faster.
tilt gps - far worse. but it works at 95%.
ritmia said:
Dear All,
before to buy a Tytn II, I'd like to understand if the GPS comes upgraded by the future's ROMs (I think yes) or is necessary a future hardware change ???
I have a Tytn with the GPS Fortuna ClipOn BT, and I don't know is better to change the GPS receiver or buy the new one with GPS included.
Thanks a lot
Ciao ...
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Frankly I doubt the inbuilt GPS is going to be as good as an external one. (I reserve my judgement till my Tytn II arrives. However, your decision should be based on expense too. Do you mind spending out the extra for inbuilt GPS by buying a whole new Smartphone?
If yes then no problem because you can still use an external gps. If you want to keep the cost down get an external one. I bought an i-blue 737. The device cost me 30UKP and it's never ceased to amaze me how good it is. This will pick up 7 satelites anywhere in my home regardless of where I am. No need to go near a window, the acuracy is astounding with WAAS + EGNOs enabled and 115000 baud coms.
As I say I doubt the inbuilt one is going to match this but it probably will be fairly decent.
Disclaimer: this is just my opinion.
Nghiem said:
No. The Kaiser built-in GPS chipset can't compare to BT-359 SIRF III. It sees less Satellite; also, many of them are invalid signal, that means these satellites were grey.
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True for the reception quality, but not for the TTFF which is much shorter with the QualCOMM chipset than with a Sirf III (less than 5 seconds in most cases).
The degradation of the signal due to obstruction (when inside a car for example) is virtually identical to a Sirf III chipset.
The only real weakness with the QualCOMM chipset for the time being is that it has major problems getting a fix when moving quickly. I tried several times to get a fix while moving with ~450mph with a clear view to almost all satellites and the QualCOMM has a very hard time to find more than 2-3 useable satellites. Even after 5-10 minutes no useable position can be determined. Moving quickly to get a fix should not be a problem at all for any GPS chipset.
But I have high hopes that those "quirks" will get fixed with a future firmware update.
The Kaiser has an antenna port specifically for the GPS undeneath the battery cover. I don't know if a battery cover can be found that exposed it more gracefully but I imagine with a small antenna would augment the signal nicely.
That being said, without using an external antenna, I'm actually quite impressed with the accuracy. I wouldn't have anything to compare against it but it's always been dead on for me.
I use TomTom 6 but I've played with google maps and Windows Live Search.
I have noticed it can take a long time to get the first lock on occasion, and especially so when driving at speed. Not really a problem for me, as you usually plan where I'm going while the car is stopped.
Since GPS works with as little as 3 sats, and 4 for 3D positioning, why does everyone worry about getting 7 tuned in? Seems a bit anal to me.
The Kaiser GPS IMHO is a tad slow to init, but other than that, it's worth every penny to not have 2 devices to handle at times. I've never had a problem loosing connectivity, so I'm 100% satisfied with the Kaiser. YMMV of course.
Now if HTC would use a decent CMOS sensor in the camera, then I'd call the phone perfect. But that's another thread...
Dear All,
thanks to everybody about the answers ... I think I'll upgrade my GPS receiver (is more cheap). In this moment, I wait other tests about the GPS of Tytn II.
Ciao, ...
scottwilkins said:
Since GPS works with as little as 3 sats, and 4 for 3D positioning, why does everyone worry about getting 7 tuned in?
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Because the more satellites you are evaluating, the more precise the position gets and in case you lose track of one of the satellites, you will still be shown a valid position.
Adding to that, the RAIM functionality of GPS receivers for an even more precise position while getting rid of most common GPS erros only works with 5 satellites or more.
So, while it's true that you only need 3 satellites for an 2D position, this fix will not be very precise (due to lack of crosschecking with other satellites and typical GPS calculation errors which happen all the time) and you will lose your position as soon as one satellite disappears from your view.
However GPS receivers which can track more than 12 satellites at any given times are useless because there will never more than 12 satellites visible at any specific point of the earth, most of time you can only track and use a maximum of 8 satellites simultaneously.
vacsed said:
I tried several times to get a fix while moving with ~450mph with a clear view to almost all satellites and the QualCOMM has a very hard time to find more than 2-3 useable satellites.
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Doesn't your F15 eagle have built in sat nav?

Whats the point??? GPS and the Tilt

What the hell is the point to have GPS on the tilt when it has the worst reception in the world? I have to have the phone either touching the window or on the dash to even get a signal in my car. And if I am in a wooded area, dont even think about getting a there any way to boost the signal? seems just like a waist of battery life when it dosent work half the time.
Damn i cannot wait until there is a manual on off switch for GPS, then my battery will last a little longer
Um, what? Not sure how to say this nicely, but you need to read some on the GPS in the Tilt. GPS isn't on unless you are using a program that accesses it directly. And, other than being a tad slow to initialize, it's been rated as a rather good GPS device. At least I have zero problems with it. You might try using the QuickGPS program next time before you try the GPS out on anything. What program are you using for the GPS?
GPS isn't running unless you're running a program using it, so there goes the battery savings. Obviously you're not going to get the performance of a $500 GPS unit in a $300 phone with GPS. Agreed though, I couldn't even pick up a signal until I came to a stop today and held the phone out the window! I pretty much just plan on using it on the golf course...
You guys are nuts, it's working beautifully for me, even out in the mountains... It tracks perfectly via Live Search (although it was disconcerting to have it a bit off while driving over a bridge! )
I actually get pretty good signal, i keep the phone in the center console under the stereo and still get almost full reception. Question i had about quickGPS is when you update it do you have to keep it on to get the benefits of using it? or can you just update and then close it?
You can update it and you are good for 6 days. I too have to say that my Kaiser's GPS works really well, even gets a few birds indoors.
I'm using TomTom 6. I've never owned any kind of GPS but I can often get a signal inside my home if I'm close to a window. As I understand it it, this is actually quite a sensitive GPS.
Add me to the list of satisfied owners.
My GPS works great also... something else you may want to realize is that with anything that utilizes a signal from a satellite then it needs to be line of sight... It is possible for the signal to penetrate some structures but its going to be best used when it has a clear view of the sky.
Am also very satisfied with the GPS-reception although my old E-ten Glofiish X500 was a little better at this (but worse on all other stuff... ;-)
Also be aware of the fact that GPS-units in cars with embedded sun-protection in the windscreen (not sure how you call this in English, it is basically this blue-ish thin layer of foil over the whole windscreen) get much worse reception than in cars without this. Usually French cars have this by default.
The QuickGPS (assisted GPS) tool usually does not improve things for me btw.
I think its quite likely the people complaining has anti-frost layers on their screens.
surur said:
I think its quite likely the people complaining has anti-frost layers on their screens.
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Didn't think about it before, but my Land Rover has the heated windshield with wires running throughout. Probably doesn't help. I'm thoroughly satisfied with it overall though.
Many cars now have a vaporized metal layer in the glass for whole window defrosting, it makes a great shield for blocking satellite signals...
Can't complain about the GPS, its not as good as a dedicated device (Garmin Nuvi). But nice to have with Live Search if traveling without the nuvi.
Performance is not bad in the car. It helps if you're stationary to acquire sats. Anyone know if there is an app to check the sat tracking?
Actually I find it better than a Nuvi (assuming you load a good Nav app on the phone) because you get nav and things like Live Search and Google Maps which together, are pretty awesome.
You can search for GPS viewers but here's one...
I don't have a problem with using any GPS app TT, Copilot, iGo etc and the reception on my unit seems to be peachy, i get sats in my house as well as in cars with front demisters and sun shielding foil (i must just be lucky).
Not had it cut out on me except in tunnels that are too long to keep the signal (although through the Alps I kept full signal for 17 km in a tunnel through a mountain thanks to their internal antenna).
Very happy with the GPS built in its worth the money for the phone on its own for me.
I have been using it in my car via Google Maps "Track Location" command from the menu and it has worked like a charm for me. I agree with initiallizing it while stopped, it takes about 30 sec - 1 min to initialize then works great. My car is old and doesn't have any new advances that may interfere.
I was showing it to a friend indoors after using the QuickGPS program (Start -> Programs -> Tools -> QuickGPS) and he suggested that it uses a combination of cell towers vs it's GPS info it downloaded. Don't know if you can use this info to help you out but it may explain a bit.
The GPS works great on the Kaiser. That you don't have to mess with it, i.e. it turns itself on and off completely on its own only when needed is awesome. If you think its onl all the time, you are either running a GPS prog constantly or just confused.
It picks up a signal very very well. The onyl thing I will say is it is n't the most accurate. I mean it isn't quite as accurate as a true Sirf III chipset unit. So, it isn't the best for using for golf (i.e. it can still be a few yards off, enough to matter). But for driving, directions, routing, etc. it works nearly perfectly.
RemE said:
Actually I find it better than a Nuvi (assuming you load a good Nav app on the phone) because you get nav and things like Live Search and Google Maps which together, are pretty awesome.
You can search for GPS viewers but here's one...
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Thanks for the cab I'll give it a try. I like to keep things lean on the phone... still trying to make it a phone first, before anything else... So I try to keep apps to a minimum.
In a pinch, MS Live is great! I do prefer the larger screen on my Nuvi for driving... and it seems to do a better job tracking when I'm speeding down the highway.
I am surprised how well it works, I have a Garmin 2610 (yes its old, about 4to 5 years old) I put the Kaiser with TomTom 6 side by side on the car dash and they both perform great, the garmin a bit faster in aquaring Sat signal, but as I drive acuracy and speed its about the same. I still prefer the Garmin due to larger screen but its a dedicated GPS unit the kaiser is a Phone with GPS, but over all I think the GPS on the kaiser is great.
My $0.02 cents (Canadian)
GPS and Tilt
Actually I have a Dell bluetooth GPS receiver and I can confirm that the Tilt GPS works way better than Dell. It takes only few seconds to lock onto the satellites. I am more than satisfied.

Raphael Antenna Hard Mod

Hi, I am seriously considering making a wifi/GPS antenna hard mod to increase reception for these services. My raphael has about 3x lower reception for both wifi and satelites than my older buddy HTC Artemis and I am really getting pissed, because enhancing the signal through software has its limits.
I wanted to ask if anyone has experiences with this procedure or wifi/gps antennas in general. I don't know which metal to use or whether should I focus on extending the antenna length or make the surface larger.
Here is the disassembly procedure
Here is directly the antenna
Any input is appreciated, I want to gather as much information as I can before I make the mod. I would not prefer trial and error on this one
before you embark on this ambitious journey, have you tried everything you can do?
1) different Radios/Roms
2) using certain materials to boost the reception? (like those wifi usb external mod/dish aka this
your friend's Artemis uses SiRF III chip, which is one of the best GPS chips... but this chip is separate from other stuff, draws a lot of power
the HTC Touch Pro uses the Qualcomm MSM7201A which integrates GPS, Wifi, GSM, obviously less power sucking and one less chip, and hence gives a little less performance than the SiRF III chip
how about an external BT GPS unit? i have one for my Dell Axim x51v PDA, the BT SiRF III unit has it's own 1300mAh battery that lasts at least 8 hours
can't help you on the WiFi side though... up to you to try to up the antenna, but you are risking your $200+ device, and i don't think there is any place inside the device to place a better antenna (unless you hang it outside, or get the extended battery cover)
I tried everything, radios, hours of registry tweaking and field testing.
Best I can get is cold GPS lock in 2-3 minutes and wifi is stable when I set lower beacon interval in routers. But my artemis can do both much much better without any hacks, don't tell me this is purely Qualcomm issue. I get zero wifi signal on raphael and about half on artemis under same conditions so I believe this is problem with poor antenna rather than chipset/drivers.
External GPS module is not an option and it doesn't solve the wifi signal issues in areas where I don't have admin access to the router/AP.
I am really willing to go through with it once I gather enough info but I will TRY not to do anything destructive to the antenna so that the mod is reversable if it has no effect.
I would not want to try modifying the antenna myself. At these frequencies and antenna size it is more art than science. A seemingly innocent change could render it completely useless and could be irreversible.
ok its not that hard to get a gps lock in 15 secs or so .
first flash NRG's latest rom (mercury 7/29)
second flash this radio
DO NOT CHANGE RILPHONE.DLL'S the one provided in the rom works best with this radio .
once the rom is up and running do the following:
go to start>gps>quickgps>and click download . it really helps and lasts for a week . if you travel or drastically change in loacation (a couple hundred miles ) where the gps isn't active during that time i reccomend redownloading in the new location .
and finnaly go to start>settings>system>AGPS Settings > and click in the box to enable it . then click ok to exit and try google maps (which is installed in the rom already).
you can find google maps in start>gps if you don't get a lock withing 20 seconds then you should search for either
t-back's agps settings
atomang's agps settings
and download the respective cabs .
to add to my previous post i flashed his most recent rom yesterday and just followed my own instructions and got a lock in about 12 to 13 seconds .
note this was a cold start and the first time to use gps on the rom .
the best part is ... im inside my house . so i can't belive how fast it would be outside !
Guess you're lucky to get one of the few working pieces
I don't have data plan so no AGPS for me (I'm in Europe we have wifi everywhere).
Actually I get cold fix in about 3-10s from 5 satellites but the fix is extremely unstable and HDOP is 25-600, tooks 2 minutes to settle down and get stable reading with HDOP < 5. This is all because the satellite signals are very weak, I get like 20-35% of the signal bars most of the time. Artemis rarely drops any satellite below 60%. I get the feeling that raph needs much more satellites to get a precise fix to compensate the poor signal, while artemis can get a stable lock with 4 or 5 sats.
And yeah I have Energy ROM with my own GPS tweaks which get faster lock than NRG's defaults.
wow , you should try the austrailian radio . ive heard it works good outside of the usa
i never hve less then 7 satelites in my area and i also have unlimited data so agps (tbh i didn't even know it used data thx for tellin me lol)
sorry man i can't help you other than what i have said lol .
Well after much consideration I gave up the hard mod and started more research to software approach and I have to say it was a success!
I am getting cold GPS lock in under 30s, warm lock is virtually instant.
Using this setup:
Energy ROM 2.0 b41609
Xperia Radio (needs security unlock first) Rilphone DLL
Took my time with trial and error and made a registry tweak for the GPS driver as well.

Nexus S GPS Issues?

I was reading SlashGear's Nexus S Review and found something interesting.
Similarly frustrating can be GPS performance; we haven’t observed the dire positioning problems originally found on the Galaxy S, but at times the Nexus S proved simply incapable of getting a GPS lock: we drove for around 30 minutes of open, clear freeway and the handset continued to show “Searching for GPS.” The issue is intermittent, however, with the phone not liking it if you try to get a fix while moving.
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Now they probably have a preproduction unit, but what are the chances of GPS behaving similarly to the GPS in the Galaxy S/Captivate/Vibrant (all have the same standalone GPS chip as the Nexus S -- BCM 4751). Doesn't appear as severe, but somewhat problematic (from the review) nonetheless.
I'm interested to see how the GPS performs while the Nexus S is in user's hands
big suprise, the GPS dosn't get a fix while moving. this is a common issue on tons of phones.
Me and my girlfriend were driving around once and it took my phone almost 40 minutes to get a GPS lock, CM5 on a Nexus One.
Yet later that same day, standing still, it worked in under a minute.
Every phone can have GPS issues for a massive amount of reasons.
The Galaxy S issue was a software issue where it worked under 5% of the time, even if you were standing still ontop of a building.
Other ones sometimes randomly have the issue while moving, this is usually because the phone has issues connecting to the satelite. You gotta remember the GPS chips in these phones are not that great.
my mytouch4g gets a gps lock while driving, a bit longer then standing still but id say still under a few minutes
neok44 said:
big suprise, the GPS dosn't get a fix while moving. this is a common issue on tons of phones.
Me and my girlfriend were driving around once and it took my phone almost 40 minutes to get a GPS lock, CM5 on a Nexus One.
Yet later that same day, standing still, it worked in under a minute.
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This is also how my dedicated TomTom and Garmin GPS work. Stand still, lock in less than a minute. On the move, I usually give up after 10-15 minutes and stop for a minute.
Oh ok cool.
shrivelfig said:
This is also how my dedicated TomTom and Garmin GPS work. Stand still, lock in less than a minute. On the move, I usually give up after 10-15 minutes and stop for a minute.
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This is not correct TomTom devices do get a lock while moving and so does Nexus one and iphone 4. If this review is correct that means that Samsung has no fixed the GPS in Nexus S and that it may be suffering from the same problem as Galaxy S
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
darkoroje said:
This is not correct TomTom devices do get a lock while moving and so does Nexus one and iphone 4. If this review is correct that means that Samsung has no fixed the GPS in Nexus S and that it may be suffering from the same problem as Galaxy S
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
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were not saying that they can't, it's that it CAN take longer. in some places you can be going 60MPH and get a lock within a minute, but in another place you can be walking at 5MPH and it'll take 20 minutes.
Sorry but our phones don't get priority on any gps satellite lol
darkoroje said:
This is not correct TomTom devices do get a lock while moving and so does Nexus one and iphone 4.
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Yes, TomTom devices get a lock while moving. They get a lock much, much faster standing still, though.
For any GPS to work, it needs to download the complete almanac from at least 3 different satellites. The almanac is sent every 30 seconds, so the GPS must have an uninterrupted view of each satellite for at least 30 seconds, possibly up to 60 seconds.
A-GPS can get the almanac data faster, and TomTom has something called QuickGPSfix that pre-downloads almanac data a week in advance.
But what if you don't have A-GPS or QuickGPSfix, and the GPS hasn't been used in a week, so all the almanac data is outdated?
If you are moving so much around that the GPS antenna never sees any satellites uninterrupted for the necessary 30-60 seconds, then the GPS will never get a lock. Never.
neok44 said:
Sorry but our phones don't get priority on any gps satellite lol
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There is no priority because there is no "connection". GPS receivers (sic!) don't send anything.
umbrella42 said:
There is no priority because there is no "connection". GPS receivers (sic!) don't send anything.
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lol true, was just trying to emphases the point that our phones aren't going to connect as fast as pure GPS devices.
neok44 said:
lol true, was just trying to emphases the point that our phones aren't going to connect as fast as pure GPS devices.
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Actually, with A-GPS the phones have an advantage to get first lock quicker. But the pure GPS devices have better antennas, so should give more accurate navigation.
I wander if they ever restarted the navigation app, because you know, sometimes restarting the app works. From my experience anyways.
shrivelfig said:
Actually, with A-GPS the phones have an advantage to get first lock quicker. But the pure GPS devices have better antennas, so should give more accurate navigation.
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yeah thats when the A-GPS works. both mine and my dads phone's A-GPS has been just terrible. usually showing us 20+ miles away from where we actually are
neok44 said:
yeah thats when the A-GPS works. both mine and my dads phone's A-GPS has been just terrible. usually showing us 20+ miles away from where we actually are
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Are you sure that was actually GPS, and not location by cell tower or WiFi hotspot? A smartphone without GPS lock will try to find your location by other means.
All A-GPS does is to jumpstart the GPS, and when GPS has a lock, then the error should be way below 100 meters.
my GPS is working fine right now,but it does act up randomly with no reason :/
GPS work flawless
Rounding out this section is a note that the Nexus S suffers from none of the GPS issues that plague the Galaxy S. I tested thoroughly - fixes are fast and accurate over GPS and work like they should using Google location services with WiFi trilateration.
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The BB Bold I'm using right now has quick and accurate GPS fixes, usually within 0.2-0.3 meters.
shrivelfig said:
Are you sure that was actually GPS, and not location by cell tower or WiFi hotspot? A smartphone without GPS lock will try to find your location by other means.
All A-GPS does is to jumpstart the GPS, and when GPS has a lock, then the error should be way below 100 meters.
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yeah once i get an actual GPS lock it's perfect, but until then it's been terrible. Cell tower only has been really bad as well.
This, for me, was on CM6, haven't tested it on CM6.1. ANd for my dad on a stock vibrant, so i'm just gonna chock it up to the crappy gps in it (happened before fix)
It's apparently plagued by the same GPS bug as other Galaxy S phones; it took forever to get a GPS lock
So if we want to be scientific I believe thats more sources claiming there is an issue than not
Anandtech says there is no GPS issues:

[Q] GPS issues is this normal?

I took a trip with the tf101 this weekend. Tethered to my phone got consistent wifi for email, but the only problem we noticed was that GPS was very difficult to get correct. I was in southern Illinois and it thought I was in map maps. So I rebooted and then I said I was in England. It seems to take a long time to sync to a GPS location regardless if it is correct or not. I downloaded an app called GPS status. On my atrix phone it syncs almost immediately. On the tf101, it will not sync even if I an outside with a clear sky. It takes a couple minutes if it does sync.odds this normal? My guess is that it has a marginal GPS antenna our mine is defective. Thoughts?
I've had exceptional reception on the GPS. Frankly, it the best GPS I've ever used. You may have a lemon or something screwed up.
Get "GPS Status" from the market. In addition to having a really cool display, it has the ablity to reset your AGPS data.
keithspg said:
I took a trip with the tf101 this weekend. Tethered to my phone got consistent wifi for email, but the only problem we noticed was that GPS was very difficult to get correct. I was in southern Illinois and it thought I was in map maps. So I rebooted and then I said I was in England. It seems to take a long time to sync to a GPS location regardless if it is correct or not. I downloaded an app called GPS status. On my atrix phone it syncs almost immediately. On the tf101, it will not sync even if I an outside with a clear sky. It takes a couple minutes if it does sync.odds this normal? My guess is that it has a marginal GPS antenna our mine is defective. Thoughts?
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Your phone can use the cellular network to help fix it position. 3g tablets can do the same.
Your Wifi TF has no such aid and needs several minutes of clear sky to get the ephemeris. Once it has the ephemeris it will be quicker to get lock provide it is outside and it has not been more than a few days since the GPS last saw the sky and you have not moved too far since the GPS was last active.
Sent from my Transformer TF101
Go into settings then Location and security then under My Locations, uncheck Use wireless networks. If you have that checked, it will use the known location of the router ( in this case your phone) that is stored in an online database. In a fixed location ( ie home or office) this is usually correct. In a mobile location, this is almost always wrong as it is not a regularly updated parameter. With this unchecked, the location of the TF is determined by the TF GPS and not the stored location of the router( tethered phone) . For more information, see
dburckh said:
Get "GPS Status" from the market. In addition to having a really cool display, it has the ablity to reset your AGPS data.
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This; launch GPS Status, go to settings and tap on Update AGPS. I always do this before I launch any navigation app on TF.
GwynBleidd said:
This; launch GPS Status, go to settings and tap on Update AGPS. I always do this before I launch any navigation app on TF.
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There doesn't seem to be a "settings>update AGPS" setting.
I couldn't find anything like that.
Thanks for the posts. I will try these this evening. One thing I did note was that my Atrix has higher signal levels when running GPS Status than the TF101 as well as syncing faster. It also syncs much faster. I will attempt another test this evening with wifi turned off on both devices. I will put the phone in Airplane mode or pull the SIM card and reboot it to make it 'even'.
keithspg said:
Thanks for the posts. I will try these this evening. One thing I did note was that my Atrix has higher signal levels when running GPS Status than the TF101 as well as syncing faster. It also syncs much faster. I will attempt another test this evening with wifi turned off on both devices. I will put the phone in Airplane mode or pull the SIM card and reboot it to make it 'even'.
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you dont need to turn wifi off just uncheck use router to set location
Well, it looks like it is pretty poor, at least as compared to my atrix. The atrix is sitting right next to me and is showing 7 of 7 sat / fix. It will get a fix in less than 30 seconds. On the tf,it is just spinning. I really don't like this. It should be decent. It was tough to try to use it to navigate because it kept losing sync. I posted a message to Asus as well. It may be sent back for repair. I have a B60 version, a I hope I don't lose the ability to root it.
Another response... If I load GPS Test, it shows the satellite number and each S/N ratio. On the Atrix sitting right next to it, there is a 20-40% increase in S/N on the Atrix compared to the TF. On the TF, they are all 15-25 and on the Atrix the same satellites are 22-40 (data from inside a building). If I were to guess, this appears to be an antenna problem more than anything software related. From the TF teardown pictures, the GPS antenna looks to be a very simple part and I wonder if it is optimized.
Older phones also had problems with GPS antennas (Nokia for example) so much so that there are hacks to increase its sensitivity by soldering a wire to it. I am wondering if we could appropriate an antenna for a phone and solder it in instead of the one already in the TF...
Still waiting for ASUS to respond to my query.
still nothing back from ASUS. This is a pic of the 2 devices side by side. I do not know if I am just noticing it now or not, but it is not very 'solid' of a lock ever with GPS. I recently turned off WiFi location, so it is now completely dependent on GPS and seldom knows where it is. Am I the only one with a weak GPS performance? Notice that my phone shows 0ft and the TF shows 45ft precision on location.
This is with the latest OTA update of
keithspg said:
still nothing back from ASUS. This is a pic of the 2 devices side by side. I do not know if I am just noticing it now or not, but it is not very 'solid' of a lock ever with GPS. I recently turned off WiFi location, so it is now completely dependent on GPS and seldom knows where it is. Am I the only one with a weak GPS performance? Notice that my phone shows 0ft and the TF shows 45ft precision on location.
This is with the latest OTA update of
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I seem to have the same GPS issues as you do. The GPS reception is so weak that it is pretty much impossible to use Google Maps for navigation. I've tried it with and without the wireless option and it has made no difference. It takes about 15 minutes to get a lock with a view of the open sky, then 2 minutes later it is again searching for GPS. Yet GPS Status sees all the satellites quite quickly. When I did travel with it, it usually showed (on Google Maps) a GPS location hundreds of kilometers from where I was located in an area I had never been to. I had to give up trying to use it and use my phone instead.
I'll add to the list of problems when I once again send my tablet in on RMA (after a month without it, Asus repair broke it much worse than it was before I sent it).
Note that the percision number is a calculation done by an algorithm. Different algorithms result in different results but they are somewhat subjective. I do not believe any commercial gps will yield 0 error so it sounds like your phone is a little optomistic.
keithspg said:
still nothing back from ASUS. This is a pic of the 2 devices side by side. I do not know if I am just noticing it now or not, but it is not very 'solid' of a lock ever with GPS. I recently turned off WiFi location, so it is now completely dependent on GPS and seldom knows where it is. Am I the only one with a weak GPS performance? Notice that my phone shows 0ft and the TF shows 45ft precision on location.
This is with the latest OTA update of
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* Taking the third-party case off. No idea what the construction is, but it's conceivable it could contain materials that are shielding the tablet
* Performing the test outdoors with a clear view of the sky (as much of it as possible), and the devices a couple of feet apart, not sitting on top of each other
* Giving the tablet several minutes to download ephemeris data from the satellites before performing the test. Phones can pick up info from their cell towers that gives them a huge head start in determining a fix. Your tablet can't.
* Reenable the network detection. That's the next best thing to what your phone has, and it's not likely that you're going to see a single router with the same details (it looks at more than just the network SSID) in multiple locations. Unless you've intentionally set your routers that way, anyway.
AGPS is a red herring. There's no such thing as AGPS in the Transformer, and so there's nothing to "clear". The A stands for Assisted, and that's Assisted by the cell connectivity in a phone or connected tablet. The Transformer -- unless you have the 3G version -- doesn't have cell connectivity, so it doesn't (and can't) have AGPS either.
I get the same results with our without the case. It is leather over cardboard.
outdoors I get better numbers on both devices, but the TF is always lower in value than the atrix.
I have the wifi location turned off on both devices. (trying to make it a fair comparison.) Does the phone still use the cell tower data to get location even if I have "Use wireless data" turned off on the"location" setting on the phone.
As it is, my TF is useless for maps or navigation. I am curious as to what Asus will say. I have a feeling that the antenna is just not very good. I don't know if it is just mine our if it is on all of them.
keithspg said:
Does the phone still use the cell tower data to get location even if I have "Use wireless data" turned off on the"location" setting on the phone?
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I would imagine so, yes. Wireless data isn't the same thing as AGPS data.
As it is, my TF is useless for maps or navigation. I am curious as to what Asus will say. I have a feeling that the antenna is just not very good. I don't know if it is just mine our if it is on all of them.
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Mine is accurate enough to correctly show which corner of my two-bedroom house I'm standing in.
Just to give a reference, I'm 12 feet from the nearest windows and my Transformer locked on to 6/8 satelites in about 2 seconds. My Vibrant takes about 2-10 minutes to do the same with a clear line of sight. B50.
dburckh said:
Just to give a reference, I'm 12 feet from the nearest windows and my Transformer locked on to 6/8 satelites in about 2 seconds. My Vibrant takes about 2-10 minutes to do the same with a clear line of sight. B50.
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If yours is more typical, it may be that I have a defective one. From the replies, it also seems that I an not alone. Mine is a B60 serial number if that is relevant.
What serial number is yours?
I really do like this tablet, but would like a functional GPS.
I took the plunge and popped it open. The WiFi and GPS share the same ultra simple antenna. I did a bit of google-ing on GPS antennas and it may be a decent idea to buy a GPS antenna, but I will try making a more appropriate antenna with a piece of wire, first.

